# For any heredoc JS:
# 1. The white spacing in this file matters!
# 2. Keep all #{some_var} fully to the left so that all indentation is done evenly in that var
module ReactOnRailsHelper
# react_component_name: can be a React component, created using a ES6 class, or
# React.createClass, or a
# `generator function` that returns a React component
# using ES6
# let MyReactComponentApp = (props) => ;
# or using ES5
# var MyReactComponentApp = function(props) { return ; }
# Exposing the react_component_name is necessary to both a plain ReactComponent as well as
# a generator:
# For client rendering, expose the react_component_name on window:
# window.MyReactComponentApp = MyReactComponentApp;
# For server rendering, export the react_component_name on global:
# global.MyReactComponentApp = MyReactComponentApp;
# See spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx and
# spec/dummy/client/app/startup/ClientApp.jsx for examples of this
# props: Ruby Hash which contains the properties to pass to the react object
# options:
# generator_function: default is false, set to true if you want to use a
# generator function rather than a React Component.
# prerender: set to false when debugging!
# trace: set to true to print additional debugging information in the browser
# default is true for development, off otherwise
# replay_console: Default is true. False will disable echoing server rendering
# logs to browser. While this can make troubleshooting server rendering difficult,
# so long as you have the default configuration of logging_on_server set to
# true, you'll still see the errors on the server.
# Any other options are passed to the content tag, including the id.
def react_component(component_name, props = {}, options = {})
# Create the JavaScript and HTML to allow either client or server rendering of the
# react_component.
# Create the JavaScript setup of the global to initialize the client rendering
# (re-hydrate the data). This enables react rendered on the client to see that the
# server has already rendered the HTML.
# We use this react_component_index in case we have the same component multiple times on the page.
react_component_index = next_react_component_index
react_component_name = component_name.camelize # Not sure if we should be doing this (JG)
if options[:id].nil?
dom_id = "#{component_name}-react-component-#{react_component_index}"
dom_id = options[:id]
# Setup the page_loaded_js, which is the same regardless of prerendering or not!
# The reason is that React is smart about not doing extra work if the server rendering did its job.
data_variable_name = "__#{component_name.camelize(:lower)}Data#{react_component_index}__"
turbolinks_loaded = Object.const_defined?(:Turbolinks)
# NOTE: props might include closing script tag that might cause XSS
props_string = props.is_a?(String) ? props : props.to_json
page_loaded_js = <<-JS
(function() {
window.#{data_variable_name} = #{props_string};
componentName: '#{react_component_name}',
domId: '#{dom_id}',
propsVarName: '#{data_variable_name}',
props: window.#{data_variable_name},
trace: #{trace(options)},
generatorFunction: #{generator_function(options)},
expectTurboLinks: #{turbolinks_loaded}
data_from_server_script_tag = javascript_tag(page_loaded_js)
# Create the HTML rendering part
server_rendered_html, console_script =
server_rendered_react_component_html(options, props_string, react_component_name,
data_variable_name, dom_id)
content_tag_options = options.except(:generator_function, :prerender, :trace,
:replay_console, :id, :react_component_name,
content_tag_options[:id] = dom_id
rendered_output = content_tag(:div,
# IMPORTANT: Ensure that we mark string as html_safe to avoid escaping.
#{replay_console(options) ? console_script : ""}
# Helper method to take javascript expression and returns the output from evaluating it.
# If you have more than one line that needs to be executed, wrap it in an IIFE.
# JS exceptions are caught and console messages are handled properly.
def server_render_js(js_expression, options = {})
wrapper_js = <<-JS
(function() {
var htmlResult = '';
var consoleReplay = '';
try {
htmlResult =
(function() {
return #{js_expression};
} catch(e) {
htmlResult = handleError(e, null, '#{escape_javascript(js_expression)}');
consoleReplay = ReactOnRails.buildConsoleReplay();
return JSON.stringify([htmlResult, consoleReplay]);
result = ReactOnRails::ServerRenderingPool.server_render_js_with_console_logging(wrapper_js)
def next_react_component_index
@react_component_index ||= -1
@react_component_index += 1
# Returns Array [0]: html, [1]: script to console log
# NOTE, these are NOT html_safe!
def server_rendered_react_component_html(options, props_string, react_component_name, data_variable_name, dom_id)
return ["", ""] unless prerender(options)
wrapper_js = <<-JS
(function() {
var props = #{props_string};
return ReactOnRails.serverRenderReactComponent({
componentName: '#{react_component_name}',
domId: '#{dom_id}',
propsVarName: '#{data_variable_name}',
props: props,
trace: #{trace(options)},
generatorFunction: #{generator_function(options)}
rescue ExecJS::ProgramError => err
raise ReactOnRails::ServerRenderingPool::PrerenderError.new(react_component_name, props_string, err)
def trace(options)
options.fetch(:trace) { ReactOnRails.configuration.trace }
def generator_function(options)
options.fetch(:generator_function) { ReactOnRails.configuration.generator_function }
def prerender(options)
options.fetch(:prerender) { ReactOnRails.configuration.prerender }
def replay_console(options)
options.fetch(:replay_console) { ReactOnRails.configuration.replay_console }