# Questioning Authority [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/projecthydra-labs/questioning_authority.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/projecthydra-labs/questioning_authority) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/qa.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/qa) You should question your authorities. ## What does this do? Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of authority terms. Results are returned in JSON and can be used within the context of a Rails application or any other Ruby environment. Primary examples would include providing auto-complete functionality via Javascript or populating a dropdown menu with a set of terms. ## How does it work? Authorities are defined as classes, each implementing a set of methods allowing a controller to return results from a given vocabulary in the JSON format. The controller does three things: * provide a list of all terms (if allowed by the class) * return a set of terms matching a given query * return the complete information for a specific term given its identifier Depending on the kind of authority or its API, the controller may not do all of these things such as return a complete list of terms. ### Sub-Authorities Some authorities, such as Library of Congress, allow sub-authorities which is an additional parameter that further defines the kind of authority to use with the context of a larger one. ## How do I use this? Add the gem to your Gemfile gem 'qa' Run bundler bundle install Install the gem to your application rails generate qa:install This will copy over some additional config files and add the engine's routes to your `config/route.rb`. Start questioning your authorities! ### Examples Return a complete list of terms: /qa/terms/:vocab /qa/terms/:vocab/:subauthority Return a set of terms matching a given query /qa/search/:vocab?q=search_term /qa/search/:vocab/:subauthority?q=search_term Return the complete information for a specific term given its identifier /qa/show/:vocab/:id /qa/show/:vocab/:subauthority/:id ### JSON Results Results are returned in JSON in this format: [ {"id" : "subject_id_1", "label" : "First labels"}, {"id" : "subject_id_2", "label" : "Printing labels"}, {"id" : "", "label" : "This term has no id number"}, {"id" : "", "label" : "Neither does this"} ] Results for specific terms may vary according to the term. For example: /qa/show/mesh/D000001 Might return: { "id" : "D000001", "label" : "Calcimycin", "tree_numbers" : ["D03.438.221.173"], "synonyms" : ["A-23187", "A23187", "Antibiotic A23187", "A 23187", "A23187, Antibiotic"] } This is due to the varying nature of each authority source. However, results for multiple terms, such as a search, we should always use the above id and label structure to ensure interoperability at the GUI level. # Authority Sources information ### Library of Congress LOC already provides a REST API to query their headings. QA provides a wrapper around this to augment its functionality and refine it so that it is congruent with the other authorities in QA. For example, searching subject headings from LOC uses the subjects sub-authority. Using QA, we'd construct the URL as: /qa/search/loc/subjects?q=History-- In turn, this URL is passed to LOC as: http://id.loc.gov/search/?format=json&q=History--&q=cs:http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects QA then presents this data to you in JSON format: [ {"id":"info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2008121753","label":"History--Philosophy--History--20th century"}, {"id":"info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2008121752","label":"History--Philosophy--History--19th century"}, etc... ] ### FAST In the same manner, QA provides a wrapper around OCLC's FAST autocomplete service. The following subauthorities are available: * all * personal * corporate * event * uniform * topical * geographic * form_genre Example qa URL: /qa/search/assign_fast/all?q=periodic+table The result includes both 'label' and 'value' to help users select the correct heading, e.g.: [ { "id":"fst01789629", "label":"Periodic table", "value":"Periodic table" }, { "id":"fst01789629", "label":"Periodic table (Saunders, N.) USE Periodic table", "value":"Periodic table" },... ] Make sure you handle these correctly in your form. For more details on this OCLC API, see http://www.oclc.org/developer/develop/web-services/fast-api/assign-fast.en.html ### Geonames Make sure you register an account and enable it to see search results. Ensure you can run a query like this: ``` http://api.geonames.org/searchJSON?q=port&&maxRows=10&username=MY_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` Then you can set your username like this: ```ruby Qa::Authorities::Geonames.username = 'myAccountName' ``` ### Local Authorities #### In YAML files For simple use cases when you have a few terms that don't change very often. Run the generator to install configuration files and an example authority. rails generate qa:local:files This will install a sample states authority file that lists all the states in the U.S. To query it, /qa/search/local/states?q=Nor Results are in JSON. [{"id":"NC","label":"North Carolina"},{"id":"ND","label":"North Dakota"}] The entire list can also be returned using: /qa/terms/local/states/ Local authorities are stored as YAML files, one for each sub-authority. By default, local authority YAML files are located in `config/authorities/`. This location can be changed by editing the `:local_path` entry in `config/authorities.yml`. Relative paths are assumed to be relative to `Rails.root`. Local authority YAML files are named for the sub-authority they represent. The included example "states" sub-authority is named states.yml. To create your own local authority, create a .yml file, place it in the configured directory and query it using the file's name as the sub-authority. For example, if I create `foo.yml`, I would then search it using: /qa/search/local/foo?q=search_term #### Supported formats ##### List of terms terms: - Term 1 - Term 2 ##### List of id and term keys and, optionally, active key terms: - id: id1 term: Term 1 active: true - id: id2 term: Term 2 active: false #### Adding your own local authorities If you'd like to add your own local authority that isn't necessarily backed by yaml, create an initializer and tell the local authority about your custom sub-authority: ```ruby Qa::Authorities::Local.register_subauthority('names', 'LocalNames') ``` The second argument is a name of a class that represents your local authority. Then when you go to: /qa/search/local/names?q=Zoia You'll be searching with an instance of `LocalNames` ### In database tables Run the generator to install configuration files and an example authority. rails generate qa:local:tables rake db:migrate **Note: If you are using MYSQL as your database use the MSQL database generator instead** rails generate qa:local:tables:mysql rake db:migrate This will create two tables/models Qa::LocalAuthority and Qa::LocalAuthorityEntry. You can then add terms to each: language_auth = Qa::LocalAuthority.find_or_create_by(name: 'language') Qa::LocalAuthorityEntry.create(local_authority: language_auth, label: 'French', uri: 'http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/fre') Qa::LocalAuthorityEntry.create(local_authority: language_auth, label: 'Uighur', uri: 'http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/uig') Unfortunately, Rails doesn't have a mechnism for adding functional indexes to tables, so if you have a lot of rows, you'll want to add an index: CREATE INDEX "index_qa_local_authority_entries_on_lower_label" ON "qa_local_authority_entries" (local_authority_id, lower(label)) **Note: If you are using MYSQL as your database and used the MSQL database gerator we tried to execute the correct SQL to create the virtual fields and indexes for you** Finall you want register your authority in an initializer: Qa::Authorities::Local.register_subauthority('languages', 'Qa::Authorities::Local::TableBasedAuthority') **Note: If you are using MYSQL as your database and used the MSQL database gerator register the MysqlTableBasedAuthority instead of the TableBasedAuthority** Then you can search for /qa/search/local/languages?q=Fre Results are in JSON. [{"id":"http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/fre","label":"French"}] The entire list (up to the first 1000 terms) can also be returned using: /qa/terms/local/languages/ ### Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Provides autocompletion of [MeSH terms](http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/introduction.html). This implementation is simple, and only provides *descriptors* and does not implement *qualifiers* (in the technical MeSH sense of these terms). The terms are stored in a local database, which is then queried to provide the suggestions. To use, run the included rake task to copy over the relevant database migrations into your application: rake qa:install:migrations Then, create the tables in your database rake db:migrate Now that you've setup your application to use MeSH terms, you'll now need to load the tems into your database so you can query them locally. To import the mesh terms into the local database, first download the MeSH descriptor dump in ASCII format. You can read about doing this [here](http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/filelist.html). Once you have this file, use the following rake task to load the terms into your database: MESH_FILE=path/to/mesh.txt rake mesh:import This may take a few minutes to finish. **Note:** Updating the tables with new terms is currently not supported. # Developer Notes [How to Contribute](./CONTRIBUTING.md) To develop this gem, clone the repository, then run: bundle install rake ci This will install the gems, create a dummy application under spec/internal and run the tests. After you've made changes, make sure you've included tests and run the test suite with a new sample application: rake engine_cart:clean rake ci Commit your features into a new branch and submit a pull request. ## Compatibility Currently, it is compatible with Rails 4.0 and 4.1 under both Ruby 2.0 and 2.1. # Help For help with Questioning Authority, contact . ### Special thanks to... [Jeremy Friesen](https://github.com/jeremyf) who gave us the name for our gem.