Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:brightbox] | image requests', ['brightbox']) do tests('success') do ## Difficult to test without having uploaded an Image to your account to register # creation_options = { # "arch" => "i686", # "source" => "fnord" # } # tests("#create_image(#{creation_options.inspect})") # result = Fog::Compute[:brightbox].create_image(creation_options) # @image_id = result["id"] # formats(Brightbox::Compute::Formats::Full::IMAGE) { result } # end # Fog::Compute[:brightbox].images.get(@image_id).wait_for { ready? } tests("#list_images") do pending if Fog.mocking? result = Fog::Compute[:brightbox].list_images @image_id = result.first["id"] data_matches_schema(Brightbox::Compute::Formats::Collection::IMAGES, {:allow_extra_keys => true}) { result } end tests("#get_image('#{@image_id}')") do pending if Fog.mocking? result = Fog::Compute[:brightbox].get_image(@image_id) data_matches_schema(Brightbox::Compute::Formats::Full::IMAGE, {:allow_extra_keys => true}) { result } end ## Until Image creation can be automated, we shouldn't be updating Images randomly # update_options = {} # tests("#update_image('#{@image_id}', #{update_options.inspect})") do # result = Fog::Compute[:brightbox].update_image(@image_id, :name => "New name from Fog test") # formats(Brightbox::Compute::Formats::Full::IMAGE) { result } # end ## Same as other tests - can't be deleting them unless part of the test run # tests("#destroy_server('#{@image_id}')") do # result = Fog::Compute[:brightbox].destroy_image(@image_id) # formats(Brightbox::Compute::Formats::Full::IMAGE) { result } # end end tests('failure') do tests("#get_image('img-00000')").raises(Excon::Errors::NotFound) do pending if Fog.mocking? Fog::Compute[:brightbox].get_image('img-00000') end tests("#get_image").raises(ArgumentError) do pending if Fog.mocking? Fog::Compute[:brightbox].get_image end end end