# Portions of this code were copied and modified from Ruby on Rails, released # under the MIT license, copyright (c) 2005-2009 David Heinemeier Hansson module Braintree module Xml module Libxml LIB_XML_LIMIT = 30000000 def self.parse(xml_string) old_keep_blanks_setting = ::LibXML::XML.default_keep_blanks ::LibXML::XML.default_keep_blanks = false root_node = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(xml_string.strip).parse.root _node_to_hash(root_node) ensure ::LibXML::XML.default_keep_blanks = old_keep_blanks_setting end def self._node_to_hash(node, hash = {}) if node.text? raise ::LibXML::XML::Error if node.content.length >= LIB_XML_LIMIT hash[CONTENT_ROOT] = node.content else sub_hash = _build_sub_hash(hash, node.name) _attributes_to_hash(node, sub_hash) if _array?(node) _children_array_to_hash(node, sub_hash) else _children_to_hash(node, sub_hash) end end hash end def self._build_sub_hash(hash, name) sub_hash = {} if hash[name] if !hash[name].kind_of? Array hash[name] = [hash[name]] end hash[name] << sub_hash else hash[name] = sub_hash end sub_hash end def self._children_to_hash(node, hash={}) node.each { |child| _node_to_hash(child, hash) } _attributes_to_hash(node, hash) hash end def self._attributes_to_hash(node, hash={}) node.each_attr { |attr| hash[attr.name] = attr.value } hash end def self._children_array_to_hash(node, hash={}) hash[node.child.name] = node.map do |child| _children_to_hash(child, {}) end hash end def self._array?(node) node.child? && node.child.next? && node.child.name == node.child.next.name end end end end