# Copyright 2010 Sean Cribbs, Sonian Inc., and Basho Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe Riak::RObject do before :each do @client = Riak::Client.new @bucket = Riak::Bucket.new(@client, "foo") end describe "initialization" do it "should set the bucket" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket) @object.bucket.should == @bucket end it "should set the key" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.key.should == "bar" end it "should initialize the links to an empty set" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.links.should == Set.new end it "should initialize the meta to an empty hash" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.meta.should == {} end it "should yield itself to a given block" do Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") do |r| r.key.should == "bar" end end end describe "serialization" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") end it "should change the data into a string by default when serializing" do @object.serialize("foo").should == "foo" @object.serialize(2).should == "2" end it "should not change the data when it is an IO" do file = File.open("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/cat.jpg", "r") file.should_not_receive(:to_s) @object.serialize(file).should == file end it "should not modify the data by default when deserializing" do @object.deserialize("foo").should == "foo" end describe "when the content type is YAML" do before :each do @object.content_type = "text/x-yaml" end it "should serialize into a YAML stream" do @object.serialize({"foo" => "bar"}).should == "--- \nfoo: bar\n" end it "should deserialize a YAML stream" do @object.deserialize("--- \nfoo: bar\n").should == {"foo" => "bar"} end end describe "when the content type is JSON" do before :each do @object.content_type = "application/json" end it "should serialize into a JSON blob" do @object.serialize({"foo" => "bar"}).should == '{"foo":"bar"}' @object.serialize(2).should == "2" @object.serialize("Some text").should == '"Some text"' @object.serialize([1,2,3]).should == "[1,2,3]" end it "should deserialize a JSON blob" do @object.deserialize('{"foo":"bar"}').should == {"foo" => "bar"} @object.deserialize("2").should == 2 @object.deserialize('"Some text"').should == "Some text" @object.deserialize('[1,2,3]').should == [1,2,3] end end describe "when the content type is application/x-ruby-marshal" do before :each do @object.content_type = "application/x-ruby-marshal" @payload = Marshal.dump({"foo" => "bar"}) end it "should dump via Marshal" do @object.serialize({"foo" => "bar"}).should == @payload end it "should load from Marshal" do @object.deserialize(@payload).should == {"foo" => "bar"} end end end describe "data access methods" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.content_type = "application/json" end describe "for raw data" do describe "when unserialized data was already provided" do before do @object.data = { :some => :data } end it "should reset unserialized forms when stored" do @object.raw_data = value = '{ "raw": "json" }' @object.raw_data.should == value @object.data.should == { "raw" => "json" } end it "should lazily serialize when read" do @object.raw_data.should == '{"some":"data"}' end end it "should not unnecessarily marshal/demarshal" do @object.should_not_receive(:serialize) @object.should_not_receive(:deserialize) @object.raw_data = value = "{not even valid json!}}" @object.raw_data.should == value end end describe "for unserialized data" do describe "when raw data was already provided" do before do @object.raw_data = '{"some":"data"}' end it "should reset previously stored raw data" do @object.data = value = { "new" => "data" } @object.raw_data.should == '{"new":"data"}' @object.data.should == value end it "should lazily deserialize when read" do @object.data.should == { "some" => "data" } end end it "should not unnecessarily marshal/demarshal" do @object.should_not_receive(:serialize) @object.should_not_receive(:deserialize) @object.data = value = { "some" => "data" } @object.data.should == value end end end describe "loading data from the response" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") end it "should load the content type" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}}) @object.content_type.should == "application/json" end it "should load the body data" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"foo":"bar"}'}) @object.raw_data.should be_present @object.data.should be_present end it "should handle raw data properly" do @object.should_not_receive(:deserialize) # optimize for the raw_data case, don't penalize people for using raw_data @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => body = '{"foo":"bar"}'}) @object.raw_data.should == body end it "should deserialize the body data" do @object.should_receive(:deserialize).with("{}").and_return({}) @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => "{}"}) @object.data.should == {} end it "should leave the object data unchanged if the response body is blank" do @object.data = "Original data" @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => ""}) @object.data.should == "Original data" end it "should load the vclock from the headers" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], 'x-riak-vclock' => ["somereallylongbase64string=="]}, :body => "{}"}) @object.vclock.should == "somereallylongbase64string==" end it "should load links from the headers" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "link" => ['; rel="up"']}, :body => "{}"}) @object.links.should have(1).item @object.links.first.url.should == "/riak/bar" @object.links.first.rel.should == "up" end it "should load the ETag from the headers" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "etag" => ["32748nvas83572934"]}, :body => "{}"}) @object.etag.should == "32748nvas83572934" end it "should load the modified date from the headers" do time = Time.now @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "last-modified" => [time.httpdate]}, :body => "{}"}) @object.last_modified.to_s.should == time.to_s # bah, times are not equivalent unless equal end it "should load meta information from the headers" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "x-riak-meta-some-kind-of-robot" => ["for AWESOME"]}, :body => "{}"}) @object.meta["some-kind-of-robot"].should == ["for AWESOME"] end it "should parse the location header into the key when present" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/baz"]}}) @object.key.should == "baz" end it "should parse and escape the location header into the key when present" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/%5Bbaz%5D"]}}) @object.key.should == "[baz]" end it "should be in conflict when the response code is 300 and the content-type is multipart/mixed" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=foo"]}, :code => 300 }) @object.should be_conflict end it "should unescape the key given in the location header" do @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/baz%20"]}}) @object.key.should == "baz " end end describe "instantiating new object from a map reduce operation" do before :each do @client.stub!(:[]).and_return(@bucket) @sample_response = [ {"bucket"=>"users", "key"=>"A2IbUQ2KEMbe4WGtdL97LoTi1DN%5B%28%5C%2F%29%5D", "vclock"=> "a85hYGBgzmDKBVIsCfs+fc9gSN9wlA8q/hKosDpIOAsA", "values"=> [ {"metadata"=> {"Links"=>[["addresses", "A2cbUQ2KEMbeyWGtdz97LoTi1DN", "home_address"]], "X-Riak-VTag"=>"5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB", "content-type"=>"application/json", "X-Riak-Last-Modified"=>"Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:37:43 GMT", "X-Riak-Meta"=>{"X-Riak-Meta-King-Of-Robots"=>"I"}}, "data"=> "{\"email\":\"mail@test.com\",\"_type\":\"User\"}" } ] } ] @object = Riak::RObject.load_from_mapreduce(@client,@sample_response).first @object.should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject) end it "should load the content type" do @object.content_type.should == "application/json" end it "should load the body data" do @object.data.should be_present end it "should deserialize the body data" do @object.data.should == {"email" => "mail@test.com", "_type" => "User"} end it "should set the vclock" do @object.vclock.should == "a85hYGBgzmDKBVIsCfs+fc9gSN9wlA8q/hKosDpIOAsA" end it "should load and parse links" do @object.links.should have(1).item @object.links.first.url.should == "/riak/addresses/A2cbUQ2KEMbeyWGtdz97LoTi1DN" @object.links.first.rel.should == "home_address" end it "should set the ETag" do @object.etag.should == "5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB" end it "should set modified date" do @object.last_modified.to_i.should == Time.httpdate("Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:37:43 GMT").to_i end it "should load meta information" do @object.meta["King-Of-Robots"].should == ["I"] end it "should set the key" do @object.key.should == "A2IbUQ2KEMbe4WGtdL97LoTi1DN[(\\/)]" end it "should not set conflict when there is none" do @object.conflict?.should be_false end describe "when there are multiple values in an object" do before :each do response = @sample_response.dup response[0]['values'] << { "metadata"=> { "Links"=>[], "X-Riak-VTag"=>"7jDZLdu0fIj2iRsjGD8qq8", "content-type"=>"application/json", "X-Riak-Last-Modified"=>"Mon, 14 Jul 2010 19:28:27 GMT", "X-Riak-Meta"=>[] }, "data"=> "{\"email\":\"mail@domain.com\",\"_type\":\"User\"}" } @object = Riak::RObject.load_from_mapreduce( @client, response ).first end it "should expose siblings" do @object.should have(2).siblings @object.siblings[0].etag.should == "5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB" @object.siblings[1].etag.should == "7jDZLdu0fIj2iRsjGD8qq8" end it "should be in conflict" do @object.data.should_not be_present @object.should be_conflict end it "should assign the same vclock to all the siblings" do @object.siblings.should be_all {|s| s.vclock == @object.vclock } end end end describe "extracting siblings" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar").load({:headers => {"x-riak-vclock" => ["merged"], "content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=foo"]}, :code => 300, :body => "\n--foo\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nbar\n--foo\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nbaz\n--foo--\n"}) end it "should extract the siblings" do @object.should have(2).siblings siblings = @object.siblings siblings[0].data.should == "bar" siblings[1].data.should == "baz" end it "should set the key on both siblings" do @object.siblings.should be_all {|s| s.key == "bar" } end it "should set the vclock on both siblings to the merged vclock" do @object.siblings.should be_all {|s| s.vclock == "merged" } end end describe "headers used for storing the object" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") end it "should include the content type" do @object.content_type = "application/json" @object.store_headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" end it "should include the vclock when present" do @object.vclock = "123445678990" @object.store_headers["X-Riak-Vclock"].should == "123445678990" end it "should exclude the vclock when nil" do @object.vclock = nil @object.store_headers.should_not have_key("X-Riak-Vclock") end describe "when conditional PUTs are requested" do before :each do @object.prevent_stale_writes = true end it "should include an If-None-Match: * header" do @object.store_headers.should have_key("If-None-Match") @object.store_headers["If-None-Match"].should == "*" end it "should include an If-Match header with the etag when an etag is present" do @object.etag = "foobar" @object.store_headers.should have_key("If-Match") @object.store_headers["If-Match"].should == @object.etag end end describe "when links are defined" do before :each do @object.links << Riak::Link.new("/riak/foo/baz", "next") end it "should include a Link header with references to other objects" do @object.store_headers.should have_key("Link") @object.store_headers["Link"].should include('; riaktag="next"') end it "should exclude the 'up' link to the bucket from the header" do @object.links << Riak::Link.new("/riak/foo", "up") @object.store_headers.should have_key("Link") @object.store_headers["Link"].should_not include('riaktag="up"') end it "should not allow duplicate links" do @object.links << Riak::Link.new("/riak/foo/baz", "next") @object.links.length.should == 1 end end it "should exclude the Link header when no links are present" do @object.links = Set.new @object.store_headers.should_not have_key("Link") end describe "when meta fields are present" do before :each do @object.meta = {"some-kind-of-robot" => true, "powers" => "for awesome", "cold-ones" => 10} end it "should include X-Riak-Meta-* headers for each meta key" do @object.store_headers.should have_key("X-Riak-Meta-some-kind-of-robot") @object.store_headers.should have_key("X-Riak-Meta-cold-ones") @object.store_headers.should have_key("X-Riak-Meta-powers") end it "should turn non-string meta values into strings" do @object.store_headers["X-Riak-Meta-some-kind-of-robot"].should == "true" @object.store_headers["X-Riak-Meta-cold-ones"].should == "10" end it "should leave string meta values unchanged in the header" do @object.store_headers["X-Riak-Meta-powers"].should == "for awesome" end end end describe "headers used for reloading the object" do before :each do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") end it "should be blank when the etag and last_modified properties are blank" do @object.etag.should be_blank @object.last_modified.should be_blank @object.reload_headers.should be_blank end it "should include the If-None-Match key when the etag is present" do @object.etag = "etag!" @object.reload_headers['If-None-Match'].should == "etag!" end it "should include the If-Modified-Since header when the last_modified time is present" do time = Time.now @object.last_modified = time @object.reload_headers['If-Modified-Since'].should == time.httpdate end end describe "when storing the object normally" do before :each do @http = mock("HTTPBackend") @client.stub!(:http).and_return(@http) @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket) @object.content_type = "text/plain" @object.data = "This is some text." @headers = @object.store_headers end it "should raise an error when the content_type is blank" do lambda { @object.content_type = nil; @object.store }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @object.content_type = " "; @object.store }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "when the object has no key" do it "should issue a POST request to the bucket, and update the object properties (returning the body by default)" do @http.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201}) @object.store @object.key.should == "somereallylongstring" @object.vclock.should == "areallylonghashvalue" end it "should include persistence-tuning parameters in the query string" do @http.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo", {:dw => 2, :returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201}) @object.store(:dw => 2) end it "should escape the bucket name" do @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("foo ") @http.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo%20", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201}) @object.store end end describe "when the object has a key" do before :each do @object.key = "bar" end describe "when the content is of a known serializable type" do before :each do @object.content_type = "application/json" @headers = @object.store_headers end it "should not serialize content if #raw_data is used" do storing = @object.raw_data = "{this is probably invalid json}}" @http.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo/bar", {:returnbody => true}, storing, @headers).and_return({:headers => {"x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204}) @object.should_not_receive(:serialize) @object.should_not_receive(:deserialize) @object.store @object.raw_data.should == storing end end it "should issue a PUT request to the bucket, and update the object properties (returning the body by default)" do @http.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo/bar", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204}) @object.store @object.key.should == "somereallylongstring" @object.vclock.should == "areallylonghashvalue" end it "should include persistence-tuning parameters in the query string" do @http.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo/bar", {:dw => 2, :returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204}) @object.store(:dw => 2) end it "should escape the bucket and key names" do @http.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo%20/bar%2Fbaz", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204}) @bucket.instance_variable_set(:@name, "foo ") @object.key = "bar/baz" @object.store end end end describe "when reloading the object" do before :each do @http = mock("HTTPBackend") @client.stub!(:http).and_return(@http) @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.vclock = "somereallylongstring" @object.stub!(:reload_headers).and_return({}) end it "should return without requesting if the key is blank" do @object.key = nil @http.should_not_receive(:get) @object.reload end it "should return without requesting if the vclock is blank" do @object.vclock = nil @http.should_not_receive(:get) @object.reload end it "should make the request if the key is present and the :force option is given" do @http.should_receive(:get).and_return({:headers => {}, :code => 304}) @object.reload :force => true end it "should pass along the reload_headers" do @headers = {"If-None-Match" => "etag"} @object.should_receive(:reload_headers).and_return(@headers) @http.should_receive(:get).with([200,304], "/riak/", "foo", "bar", {}, @headers).and_return({:code => 304}) @object.reload end it "should return without modifying the object if the response is 304 Not Modified" do @http.should_receive(:get).and_return({:code => 304}) @object.should_not_receive(:load) @object.reload end it "should raise an exception when the response code is not 200 or 304" do @http.should_receive(:get).and_raise(Riak::FailedRequest.new(:get, 200, 500, {}, '')) @object.should_not_receive(:load) lambda { @object.reload }.should raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest) end it "should include 300 in valid responses if the bucket has allow_mult set" do @object.bucket.should_receive(:allow_mult).and_return(true) @http.should_receive(:get).with([200,300,304], "/riak/", "foo", "bar", {}, {}).and_return({:code => 304}) @object.reload end it "should escape the bucket and key names" do @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("some/deep/path") @object.key = "another/deep/path" @http.should_receive(:get).with([200,304], "/riak/", "some%2Fdeep%2Fpath", "another%2Fdeep%2Fpath", {}, {}).and_return({:code => 304}) @object.reload end end describe "walking from the object to linked objects" do before :each do @http = mock("HTTPBackend") @client.stub!(:http).and_return(@http) @client.stub!(:bucket).and_return(@bucket) @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @body = File.read(File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/multipart-with-body.txt")) end it "should issue a GET request to the given walk spec" do @http.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", "foo", "bar", "_,next,1").and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=12345"]}, :body => "\n--12345\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=09876\n\n--09876--\n\n--12345--\n") @object.walk(nil,"next",true) end it "should parse the results into arrays of objects" do @http.stub!(:get).and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=5EiMOjuGavQ2IbXAqsJPLLfJNlA"]}, :body => @body) results = @object.walk(nil,"next",true) results.should be_kind_of(Array) results.first.should be_kind_of(Array) obj = results.first.first obj.should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject) obj.content_type.should == "text/plain" obj.key.should == "baz" obj.bucket.should == @bucket end it "should assign the bucket for newly parsed objects" do @http.stub!(:get).and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=5EiMOjuGavQ2IbXAqsJPLLfJNlA"]}, :body => @body) @client.should_receive(:bucket).with("foo", :keys => false).and_return(@bucket) @object.walk(nil,"next",true) end it "should escape the bucket, key and link specs" do @object.key = "bar/baz" @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("quin/quux") @http.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", "quin%2Fquux", "bar%2Fbaz", "_,next%2F2,1").and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=12345"]}, :body => "\n--12345\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=09876\n\n--09876--\n\n--12345--\n") @object.walk(:tag => "next/2", :keep => true) end end describe "when deleting" do before :each do @http = mock("HTTPBackend") @client.stub!(:http).and_return(@http) @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") end it "should make a DELETE request to the Riak server and freeze the object" do @http.should_receive(:delete).with([204,404], "/riak/", "foo", "bar", {},{}).and_return({:code => 204, :headers => {}}) @object.delete @object.should be_frozen end it "should do nothing when the key is blank" do @http.should_not_receive(:delete) @object.key = nil @object.delete end it "should pass through a failed request exception" do @http.should_receive(:delete).and_raise(Riak::FailedRequest.new(:delete, [204,404], 500, {}, "")) lambda { @object.delete }.should raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest) end it "should escape the bucket and key names" do @object.key = "deep/path" @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("bucket spaces") @http.should_receive(:delete).with([204,404], "/riak/", "bucket%20spaces", "deep%2Fpath",{},{}).and_return({:code => 204, :headers => {}}) @object.delete end end it "should not convert to link without a tag" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") lambda { @object.to_link }.should raise_error end it "should convert to a link having the same url and a supplied tag" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar") @object.to_link("next").should == Riak::Link.new("/riak/foo/bar", "next") end it "should escape the bucket and key when converting to a link" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "deep/path") @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("bucket spaces") @object.to_link("bar").url.should == "/riak/bucket%20spaces/deep%2Fpath" end it "should provide a useful inspect output even when the key is nil" do @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket) lambda { @object.inspect }.should_not raise_error @object.inspect.should be_kind_of(String) end end