# frozen_string_literal: true require 'mnogootex/log' require 'mnogootex/log/line' require 'colorize' module Mnogootex module Log # This class exposes methods to # {Processor.strings_to_lines! convert} strings into {Line}s that can be # {Processor.tag_lines! tagged}, # {Processor.filter_lines! filtered}, # {Processor.colorize_lines! colored} (using {Level}s and {Matcher}s to define how) # and finally # {Processor.render_lines! rendered} into printable content. # # It can also be {Processor.initialize instantiated} with a specific configuration # to {#run} the whole process repeatably on multiple inputs. class Processor # Converts strings into {Line}s. # # @param strings [Array<String>] # @return [Array<Line>] def self.strings_to_lines!(strings) strings.map! do |line| Line.new line.chomp end end # Updates {Line#level}s of the given {Line}s using the {Matcher}s. # # @param lines [Array<Line>] # @param matchers [Array<Matcher>] # @return [Array<Line>] def self.tag_lines!(lines, matchers:) tail_length, matcher = 0 # , nil lines.each do |line| if tail_length.zero? matcher = matchers.detect { |m| m.regexp === line.text } tail_length = matcher&.length&.-(1) || 0 else # still on the tail of the previous match tail_length -= 1 end line.level = matcher&.level end end # Discards {Line}s having {Line.level}s with {Level#priority} # lower than the minimum, according the {Level}s hash. # # @param lines [Array<Line>] # @param levels [Hash<Symbol, Level>] # @param min_level [Symbol] # @return [Array<Line>] def self.filter_lines!(lines, levels:, min_level:) lines.select! do |line| levels.fetch(line.level).priority >= levels.fetch(min_level).priority end end # Applies {Level#color}s to the {Line}s, according the {Level}s hash. # # @param lines [Array<Line>] # @param levels [Array<Level>] # @return [Array<Line>] def self.colorize_lines!(lines, levels:) lines.each do |line| line.text = line.text.colorize(levels.fetch(line.level).color) end end # Renders {Line}s to space-indented strings terminated by a newline. # # @param lines [Array<Line>] # @param indent_width [Fixnum] # @return [Array<String>] def self.render_lines!(lines, indent_width:) lines.map! { |line| "#{' ' * indent_width}#{line.text}\n" } end # @param matchers [Array<Matcher>] # @param levels [Array<Level>] # @param indent_width [Fixnum] # @param min_level [Symbol] def initialize(matchers:, levels:, min_level:, colorize:, indent_width:) @matchers = matchers @levels = levels @min_level = min_level @colorize = colorize @indent_width = indent_width end # Runs the {Processor Processor} on the given strings to # {Processor.strings_to_lines! convert}, # {Processor.tag_lines! tag}, # {Processor.filter_lines! filter}, # {Processor.colorize_lines! color} and # {Processor.render_lines! render} them # using its {Processor.initialize initialization} parameters. # # @param lines [Array<String>] # @return [Array<String>] def run(lines) @lines = lines.dup Processor.strings_to_lines! @lines Processor.tag_lines! @lines, matchers: @matchers Processor.filter_lines! @lines, levels: @levels, min_level: @min_level Processor.colorize_lines! @lines, levels: @levels if @colorize Processor.render_lines! @lines, indent_width: @indent_width @lines end end end end