module Rack # # A Rack middleware for automatically adding a format token at the end of the request path # when there is none. It can detect formats passed in the HTTP_ACCEPT header to populate this token. # # e.g.: # GET /some/resource HTTP/1.1 # Accept: application/json # -> # GET /some/resource.json HTTP/1.1 # Accept: application/json # # You can add custom types with this kind of function (taken from sinatra): # def mime(ext, type) # ext = ".#{ext}" unless ext.to_s[0] == ?. # Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES[ext.to_s] = type # end # and then: # mime :json, 'application/json' # # Note: it does not take into account multiple media types in the Accept header. # The first media type takes precedence over all the others. # # MIT-License - Cyril Rohr # class AcceptFormat def initialize(app, default_extention = '.html') @ext = default_extention.to_s.strip @ext = ".#{@ext}" unless @ext[0] == ?. @app = app end def call(env) req = if ::File.extname(req.path_info).empty? accept = env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s.scan(/[^;,\s]*\/[^;,\s]*/)[0].to_s extension = Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.invert[accept] || @ext req.path_info = req.path_info+"#{extension}" end end end end