README.TXT March 2003 This README names the modules delivered as Version 1.0 of the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD and Version 1.0 of the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite. The rest of this README contains notes concerning: 1.0 File Names 2.0 Modules Specific to the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD 3.0 Modules Forming the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite 3.1 Element Class Modules 3.2 Math Modules 3.3 Table Modules 3.4 Notations and Special Characters 4.0 Sample files for testing 5.0 Statement of Intent ------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 File Names catalog.ent - OASIS SOCAT catalog of the formal public identifier (fpi) and file names for each DTD and module. Not part of the DTD or the Suite proper, but used to implement a system using the suite. ------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Modules Specific to the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD archivearticle.dtd - The DTD file for the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD. The DOCTYPE covers a journal article as well as various non-article journal content such as book and product reviews. This DTD invokes almost all the modules in the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite. archivecustomize.ent - Customization module for the DTD. This secondary module forms the second part of the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD. The modules defines the classes, mixes, and Parameter Entities for this specific archival and interchange DTD. (Every DTD made from the full Suite will need to make its own customization module. This module should be called as the second module in a DTD, after the module that names the modules, modules.ent.) ------------------------------------------------------ 3.0 Modules Forming the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite modules.ent - Names all the modules in the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite. (Must be called as the first module by any DTD) NOTE: May name modules (such as the OASIS-Exchange module) that are not called by a particular DTD. common.ent - Defines all elements, attributes, entities, attribute values that are used by more than one module in the Suite. (Typically called as the third module in a DTD.) These modules need to be invoked before all other modules in a DTD. Other modules can usually be invoked in any order, and are typically invoked alphabetically. ------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Element Class Modules (define elements, attributes for a single element class) articlemeta.ent - Article-level metadata elements backmatter.ent - Article-level back matter elements display.ent - Display elements such as Table, Figure, Graphic format.ent - Format-related elements such as Bold journalmeta.ent - Journal-level metadata elements link.ent - Linking elements such as X(Cross)-Reference list.ent - List elements math.ent - Suite-defined math elements such as Display Equation para.ent - Paragraph-level elements such as Paragraph and Display Quote phrase.ent - Phrase-level content-related elements references.ent - Bibliographic reference list and the elements that can be used inside a citation section.ent - Section-level elements ------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 Math Modules (Define MathML tagging, used in math.ent) These modules are defined in the suite and should be invoked from the DTD if MathML tagging is desired. The Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD calls these modules. mathml2.dtd mathmlsetup.ent And inside the mathml subdirectory: mathml2-qname-1.mod mmlalias.ent mmlextra.ent ------------------------------------------------------ 3.3 Table Modules (Define XHTML and OASIS Exchange Table Models)) These modules are defined in the suite and should be invoked from the DTD if table tagging is desired. The Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD calls the modules for the XHTML table model but not those for the OASIS Exchange Table Model. Using either table model requires two modules: one to set up the Parameter Entities necessary to use the model, and the second to define the model itself (as defined publicly). Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite version (no namespaces) of the XHTML Table Model (called in the DTD) XHTMLtablesetup.ent (setup module) htmltable.dtd (PUBLIC module) Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite version (with namespaces) of the OASIS Exchange Table Model (not called in the DTD) oasis-tablesetup.ent (setup module) oasis-exchange.ent (Suite version of the PUBLIC module) ------------------------------------------------------ 3.4 Notations and Special Characters notat.ent - Names all notations used xmlspecchars.ent - Names all the standard special character entity sets to be used by the DTD. The MathML characters sets were used, unchanged chars.ent - Definitions of DTD-specific and custom special characters (as general entities defined as hexadecimal or decimal character entities - Unicode numbers or using the element.) All the MathML special character entity sets (inside the xmlchars directory) isoamsa.ent isoamsb.ent isoamsc.ent isoamsn.ent isoamso.ent isoamsr.ent isobox.ent isocyr1.ent isocyr2.ent isodia.ent isogrk1.ent isogrk2.ent isogrk3.ent isogrk4.ent isolat1.ent isolat2.ent isomfrk.ent isomopf.ent isomscr.ent isonum.ent isopub.ent isotech.ent ------------------------------------------------------ 4.0 Sample files for testing sampleminimal.xml - Stub file for simple parsing samplesmall.xml - Incomplete sample journal article provided to test the DTD, and in specific to test table models (Currently calls one table model but has been tested with three distinct table models.) ------------------------------------------------------ 5.0 Statement of Intent The Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite was created for digital archives and publishers who wish to create a custom XML DTD for original markup of journal literature, books, and related material, or for archiving and transferring such material between archives. The Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD is a repository and interchange DTD for journal articles and some non-article journal material, made using the modules of the suite. This DTD and the full Suite are in the public domain. An organization that wishes to create its own DTD from the suite may do so without permission from NLM. The suite has been set up to be extended using a new DTD file and a new DTD-specific Customization Module to redefine the many Parameter Entities. Do not modify the suite directly or redistribute modified versions of the suite. In the interest of maintaining consistency and clarity for potential users, NLM requests: a. If you create a DTD from the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite and intend to stay compatible with the suite, then please include the following statement as a comment in all of your DTD modules: "Created from, and fully compatible with, the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite." b. If you alter one or more modules of the suite, then please rename your version and all its modules to avoid any confusion with the original suite. Also, please include the following statement as a comment in all your DTD modules: "Based in part on, but not fully compatible with, the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite." Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to the DTD suite should be sent in email to: ------------ document end ----------------------------