# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL module Language module Nodes # {AbstractNode} is the base class for all nodes in a GraphQL AST. # # It provides some APIs for working with ASTs: # - `children` returns all AST nodes attached to this one. Used for tree traversal. # - `scalars` returns all scalar (Ruby) values attached to this one. Used for comparing nodes. # - `to_query_string` turns an AST node into a GraphQL string class AbstractNode attr_accessor :line, :col # Initialize a node by extracting its position, # then calling the class's `initialize_node` method. # @param options [Hash] Initial attributes for this node def initialize(options={}) if options.key?(:position_source) position_source = options.delete(:position_source) @line, @col = position_source.line_and_column end initialize_node(options) end # This is called with node-specific options def initialize_node(options={}) raise NotImplementedError end # Value equality # @return [Boolean] True if `self` is equivalent to `other` def eql?(other) return true if equal?(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && other.scalars.eql?(self.scalars) && other.children.eql?(self.children) end # @return [Array] all nodes in the tree below this one def children self.class.child_attributes .map { |attr_name| public_send(attr_name) } .flatten end # @return [Array] Scalar values attached to this node def scalars self.class.scalar_attributes .map { |attr_name| public_send(attr_name) } end class << self # A node subclass inherits `scalar_attributes` # and `child_attributes` from its parent def inherited(subclass) subclass.scalar_attributes(*@scalar_attributes) subclass.child_attributes(*@child_attributes) end # define `attr_names` as places where scalars may be attached to this node def scalar_attributes(*attr_names) @scalar_attributes ||= [] @scalar_attributes += attr_names end # define `attr_names` as places where child nodes may be attached to this node def child_attributes(*attr_names) @child_attributes ||= [] @child_attributes += attr_names end end def position [line, col] end def to_query_string Generation.generate(self) end end # Base class for non-null type names and list type names class WrapperType < AbstractNode attr_accessor :of_type scalar_attributes :of_type def initialize_node(of_type: nil) @of_type = of_type end def children [].freeze end end # Base class for nodes whose only value is a name (no child nodes or other scalars) class NameOnlyNode < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name scalar_attributes :name def initialize_node(name: nil) @name = name end def children [].freeze end end # A key-value pair for a field's inputs class Argument < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :value scalar_attributes :name, :value # @!attribute name # @return [String] the key for this argument # @!attribute value # @return [String, Float, Integer, Boolean, Array, InputObject] The value passed for this key def initialize_node(name: nil, value: nil) @name = name @value = value end def children [value].flatten.select { |v| v.is_a?(AbstractNode) } end end class Directive < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :arguments scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :arguments def initialize_node(name: nil, arguments: []) @name = name @arguments = arguments end end class DirectiveDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :arguments, :locations, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :arguments, :locations def initialize_node(name: nil, arguments: [], locations: [], description: nil) @name = name @arguments = arguments @locations = locations @description = description end end # This is the AST root for normal queries # # @example Deriving a document by parsing a string # document = GraphQL.parse(query_string) # # @example Creating a string from a document # document.to_query_string # # { ... } # class Document < AbstractNode attr_accessor :definitions child_attributes :definitions # @!attribute definitions # @return [Array] top-level GraphQL units: operations or fragments def initialize_node(definitions: []) @definitions = definitions end def slice_definition(name) GraphQL::Language::DefinitionSlice.slice(self, name) end end # An enum value. The string is available as {#name}. class Enum < NameOnlyNode; end # A null value literal. class NullValue < NameOnlyNode; end # A single selection in a GraphQL query. class Field < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :alias, :arguments, :directives, :selections scalar_attributes :name, :alias child_attributes :arguments, :directives, :selections # @!attribute selections # @return [Array] Selections on this object (or empty array if this is a scalar field) def initialize_node(name: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], selections: [], **kwargs) @name = name # oops, alias is a keyword: @alias = kwargs.fetch(:alias, nil) @arguments = arguments @directives = directives @selections = selections end end # A reusable fragment, defined at document-level. class FragmentDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :type, :directives, :selections scalar_attributes :name, :type child_attributes :directives, :selections # @!attribute name # @return [String] the identifier for this fragment, which may be applied with `...#{name}` # @!attribute type # @return [String] the type condition for this fragment (name of type which it may apply to) def initialize_node(name: nil, type: nil, directives: [], selections: []) @name = name @type = type @directives = directives @selections = selections end end # Application of a named fragment in a selection class FragmentSpread < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :directives scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :directives # @!attribute name # @return [String] The identifier of the fragment to apply, corresponds with {FragmentDefinition#name} def initialize_node(name: nil, directives: []) @name = name @directives = directives end end # An unnamed fragment, defined directly in the query with `... { }` class InlineFragment < AbstractNode attr_accessor :type, :directives, :selections scalar_attributes :type child_attributes :directives, :selections # @!attribute type # @return [String, nil] Name of the type this fragment applies to, or `nil` if this fragment applies to any type def initialize_node(type: nil, directives: [], selections: []) @type = type @directives = directives @selections = selections end end # A collection of key-value inputs which may be a field argument class InputObject < AbstractNode attr_accessor :arguments child_attributes :arguments # @!attribute arguments # @return [Array] A list of key-value pairs inside this input object def initialize_node(arguments: []) @arguments = arguments end # @return [Hash] Recursively turn this input object into a Ruby Hash def to_h(options={}) arguments.inject({}) do |memo, pair| v = pair.value memo[pair.name] = v.is_a?(InputObject) ? v.to_h : v memo end end end # A list type definition, denoted with `[...]` (used for variable type definitions) class ListType < WrapperType; end # A non-null type definition, denoted with `...!` (used for variable type definitions) class NonNullType < WrapperType; end # A query, mutation or subscription. # May be anonymous or named. # May be explicitly typed (eg `mutation { ... }`) or implicitly a query (eg `{ ... }`). class OperationDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :operation_type, :name, :variables, :directives, :selections scalar_attributes :operation_type, :name child_attributes :variables, :directives, :selections # @!attribute variables # @return [Array] Variable definitions for this operation # @!attribute selections # @return [Array] Root-level fields on this operation # @!attribute operation_type # @return [String, nil] The root type for this operation, or `nil` for implicit `"query"` # @!attribute name # @return [String, nil] The name for this operation, or `nil` if unnamed def initialize_node(operation_type: nil, name: nil, variables: [], directives: [], selections: []) @operation_type = operation_type @name = name @variables = variables @directives = directives @selections = selections end end # A type name, used for variable definitions class TypeName < NameOnlyNode; end # An operation-level query variable class VariableDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :type, :default_value scalar_attributes :name, :type, :default_value # @!attribute default_value # @return [String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Array, NullValue] A Ruby value to use if no other value is provided # @!attribute type # @return [TypeName, NonNullType, ListType] The expected type of this value # @!attribute name # @return [String] The identifier for this variable, _without_ `$` def initialize_node(name: nil, type: nil, default_value: nil) @name = name @type = type @default_value = default_value end end # Usage of a variable in a query. Name does _not_ include `$`. class VariableIdentifier < NameOnlyNode; end class SchemaDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :query, :mutation, :subscription scalar_attributes :query, :mutation, :subscription def initialize_node(query: nil, mutation: nil, subscription: nil) @query = query @mutation = mutation @subscription = subscription end end class ScalarTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :directives def initialize_node(name:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @directives = directives @description = description end end class ObjectTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :interfaces, :fields, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :interfaces, :fields, :directives def initialize_node(name:, interfaces:, fields:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @interfaces = interfaces || [] @directives = directives @fields = fields @description = description end end class InputValueDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :type, :default_value, :directives,:description scalar_attributes :name, :type, :default_value child_attributes :directives def initialize_node(name:, type:, default_value: nil, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @type = type @default_value = default_value @directives = directives @description = description end end class FieldDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :arguments, :type, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name, :type child_attributes :arguments, :directives def initialize_node(name:, arguments:, type:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @arguments = arguments @type = type @directives = directives @description = description end end class InterfaceTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :fields, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :fields, :directives def initialize_node(name:, fields:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @fields = fields @directives = directives @description = description end end class UnionTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :types, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :types, :directives def initialize_node(name:, types:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @types = types @directives = directives @description = description end end class EnumTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :values, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :values, :directives def initialize_node(name:, values:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @values = values @directives = directives @description = description end end class EnumValueDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :directives def initialize_node(name:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @directives = directives @description = description end end class InputObjectTypeDefinition < AbstractNode attr_accessor :name, :fields, :directives, :description scalar_attributes :name child_attributes :fields def initialize_node(name:, fields:, directives: [], description: nil) @name = name @fields = fields @directives = directives @description = description end end end end end