class @Mercury.Snippet
@all: []
@displayOptionsFor: (name) ->
Mercury.modal Mercury.config.snippets.optionsUrl.replace(':name', name), {
title: 'Snippet Options'
handler: 'insertSnippet'
snippetName: name
Mercury.snippet = null
@create: (name, options) ->
identity = "snippet_#{@all.length}"
instance = new Mercury.Snippet(name, identity, options)
return instance
@find: (identity) ->
for snippet in @all
return snippet if snippet.identity == identity
return null
@load: (snippets) ->
for own identity, details of snippets
instance = new Mercury.Snippet(, identity, details.options)
constructor: (@name, @identity, options = {}) ->
@version = 0
@data = ''
@history = new Mercury.HistoryBuffer()
getHTML: (context, callback = null) ->
element = jQuery('
', context)
element.attr({'data-snippet': @identity})
element.attr({'data-version': @version})
@loadPreview(element, callback)
return element
getText: (callback) ->
return "[--#{@identity}--]"
loadPreview: (element, callback = null) ->
jQuery.ajax Mercury.config.snippets.previewUrl.replace(':name', @name), {
type: Mercury.config.snippets.method
data: @options
success: (data) =>
@data = data
callback() if callback
error: =>
alert("Error loading the preview for the #{@name} snippet.")
displayOptions: ->
Mercury.snippet = @
Mercury.modal Mercury.config.snippets.optionsUrl.replace(':name', @name), {
title: 'Snippet Options',
handler: 'insertSnippet',
loadType: Mercury.config.snippets.method,
loadData: @options
setOptions: (@options) ->
@version += 1
setVersion: (version = null) ->
version = parseInt(version)
if version && @history.stack[version - 1]
@version = version - 1
@options = @history.stack[@version]
return true
return false
serialize: ->
return {
name: @name
options: @options