require 'trollop' require 'pathname' # support for appliance_console methods unless defined?(say) def say(arg) puts(arg) end end module ManageIQ module ApplianceConsole class Cli attr_accessor :options # machine host def host options[:host] || end # database hostname def hostname options[:internal] ? "localhost" : options[:hostname] end def local?(name = hostname)["localhost", "", nil]) end def set_host? options[:host] end def key? options[:key] || options[:fetch_key] || (local_database? && !key_configuration.key_exist?) end def database? options[:standalone] || hostname end def local_database? database? && (local?(hostname) || options[:standalone]) end def certs? options[:postgres_client_cert] || options[:postgres_server_cert] || options[:http_cert] end def uninstall_ipa? options[:uninstall_ipa] end def install_ipa? options[:ipaserver] end def tmp_disk? options[:tmpdisk] end def log_disk? options[:logdisk] end def time_zone? options[:timezone] end def date_time? options[:datetime] end def extauth_opts? options[:extauth_opts] end def set_server_state? options[:server] end def set_replication? options[:cluster_node_number] && options[:password] && replication_params? end def replication_params? options[:replication] == "primary" || (options[:replication] == "standby" && options[:primary_host]) end def initialize(options = {}) self.options = options end def disk_from_string(path) return if path.blank? path == "auto" ? disk : disk_by_path(path) end def disk LinuxAdmin::Disk.local.detect { |d| d.partitions.empty? } end def disk_by_path(path) LinuxAdmin::Disk.local.detect { |d| d.path == path } end def parse(args) args.shift if args.first == "--" # Handle when called through script/runner self.options = Trollop.options(args) do banner "Usage: appliance_console_cli [options]" opt :host, "/etc/hosts name", :type => :string, :short => 'H' opt :region, "Region Number", :type => :integer, :short => "r" opt :internal, "Internal Database", :short => 'i' opt :hostname, "Database Hostname", :type => :string, :short => 'h' opt :port, "Database Port", :type => :integer, :default => 5432 opt :username, "Database Username", :type => :string, :short => 'U', :default => "root" opt :password, "Database Password", :type => :string, :short => "p" opt :dbname, "Database Name", :type => :string, :short => "d", :default => "vmdb_production" opt :standalone, "Run this server as a standalone database server", :type => :bool, :short => 'S' opt :key, "Create encryption key", :type => :boolean, :short => "k" opt :fetch_key, "SSH host with encryption key", :type => :string, :short => "K" opt :force_key, "Forcefully create encryption key", :type => :boolean, :short => "f" opt :sshlogin, "SSH login", :type => :string, :default => "root" opt :sshpassword, "SSH password", :type => :string opt :replication, "Configure database replication as primary or standby", :type => :string, :short => :none opt :primary_host, "Primary database host IP address", :type => :string, :short => :none opt :standby_host, "Standby database host IP address", :type => :string, :short => :none opt :auto_failover, "Configure Replication Manager (repmgrd) for automatic failover", :type => :bool, :short => :none opt :cluster_node_number, "Database unique cluster node number", :type => :integer, :short => :none opt :verbose, "Verbose", :type => :boolean, :short => "v" opt :dbdisk, "Database Disk Path", :type => :string opt :logdisk, "Log Disk Path", :type => :string opt :tmpdisk, "Temp storage Disk Path", :type => :string opt :uninstall_ipa, "Uninstall IPA Client", :type => :boolean, :default => false opt :ipaserver, "IPA Server FQDN", :type => :string opt :ipaprincipal, "IPA Server principal", :type => :string, :default => "admin" opt :ipapassword, "IPA Server password", :type => :string opt :ipadomain, "IPA Server domain (optional)", :type => :string opt :iparealm, "IPA Server realm (optional)", :type => :string opt :ca, "CA name used for certmonger", :type => :string, :default => "ipa" opt :timezone, "Time zone", :type => :string opt :datetime, "Date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (ISO8601) format", :type => :string opt :postgres_client_cert, "install certs for postgres client", :type => :boolean opt :postgres_server_cert, "install certs for postgres server", :type => :boolean opt :http_cert, "install certs for http server", :type => :boolean opt :extauth_opts, "External Authentication Options", :type => :string opt :server, "{start|stop|restart} actions on evmserverd Server", :type => :string end Trollop.die :region, "needed when setting up a local database" if region_number_required? && options[:region].nil? self end def region_number_required? !options[:standalone] && local_database? end def run Trollop.educate unless set_host? || key? || database? || tmp_disk? || log_disk? || uninstall_ipa? || install_ipa? || certs? || extauth_opts? || time_zone? || date_time? || set_server_state? || set_replication? if set_host? system_hosts = system_hosts.hostname = options[:host] system_hosts.set_loopback_hostname(options[:host])"network").restart end create_key if key? set_db if database? set_replication if set_replication? set_time_zone if time_zone? set_date_time if date_time? config_tmp_disk if tmp_disk? config_log_disk if log_disk? uninstall_ipa if uninstall_ipa? install_ipa if install_ipa? install_certs if certs? extauth_opts if extauth_opts? set_server_state if set_server_state? rescue AwesomeSpawn::CommandResultError => e say e.result.output say e.result.error say "" raise end def set_db raise "No encryption key (v2_key) present" unless key_configuration.key_exist? raise "A password is required to configure a database" unless password? if local? set_internal_db else set_external_db end end def password? options[:password] && !options[:password].strip.empty? end def set_internal_db say "configuring internal database" config ={ :database => options[:dbname], :region => options[:region], :username => options[:username], :password => options[:password], :interactive => false, :disk => disk_from_string(options[:dbdisk]), :run_as_evm_server => !options[:standalone] }.delete_if { |_n, v| v.nil? }) config.check_disk_is_mount_point # create partition, pv, vg, lv, ext4, update fstab, mount disk # initdb, relabel log directory for selinux, update configs, # start pg, create user, create db update the rails configuration, # verify, set up the database with region. activate does it all! unless config.activate say "Failed to configure internal database" return end # enable/start related services config.post_activation rescue RuntimeError => e say e.message say "Failed to configure internal database" end def set_external_db say "configuring external database" config ={ :host => options[:hostname], :port => options[:port], :database => options[:dbname], :region => options[:region], :username => options[:username], :password => options[:password], :interactive => false, }.delete_if { |_n, v| v.nil? }) # call create_or_join_region (depends on region value) unless config.activate say "Failed to configure external database" return end # enable/start related services config.post_activation end def set_replication if options[:replication] == "primary" db_replication = say("Configuring Server as Primary") else db_replication = say("Configuring Server as Standby") db_replication.disk = disk_from_string(options[:dbdisk]) db_replication.primary_host = options[:primary_host] db_replication.standby_host = options[:standby_host] if options[:standby_host] db_replication.run_repmgrd_configuration = options[:auto_failover] ? true : false end db_replication.database_name = options[:dbname] if options[:dbname] db_replication.database_user = options[:username] if options[:username] db_replication.node_number = options[:cluster_node_number] db_replication.database_password = options[:password] db_replication.activate end def set_time_zone timezone_config =[:timezone]) timezone_config.new_timezone = options[:timezone] if timezone_config.activate say("Timezone configured") else say("Timezone not configured") end end def set_date_time date_time_config = unless options[:datetime] == "auto" date_time_config.manual_time_sync = true date_time_config.new_date, date_time_config.new_time = options[:datetime].split("T") return unless date_time_valid?(date_time_config) end date_time_config.activate end def date_time_valid?(date_time_config) unless ManageIQ::ApplianceConsole::DateTimeConfiguration::DATE_REGEXP =~ date_time_config.new_date && ManageIQ::ApplianceConsole::DateTimeConfiguration::TIME_REGEXP =~ date_time_config.new_time say("Datetime should be given in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format") say("Datetime not configured") return false end true end def key_configuration @key_configuration ||= :action => options[:fetch_key] ? :fetch : :create, :force => options[:fetch_key] ? true : options[:force_key], :host => options[:fetch_key], :login => options[:sshlogin], :password => options[:sshpassword], ) end def create_key say "#{key_configuration.action} encryption key" unless key_configuration.activate say("Could not create encryption key (v2_key)") exit(1) end end def install_certs say "creating ssl certificates" config = :hostname => host, :realm => options[:iparealm], :ca_name => options[:ca], :pgclient => options[:postgres_client_cert], :pgserver => options[:postgres_server_cert], :http => options[:http_cert], :verbose => options[:verbose], ) config.activate say "\ncertificate result: #{config.status_string}" unless config.complete? say "After the certificates are retrieved, rerun to update service configuration files" end end def install_ipa raise "please uninstall ipa before reinstalling" if ExternalHttpdAuthentication.ipa_client_configured? config = host, :ipaserver => options[:ipaserver], :domain => options[:ipadomain], :realm => options[:iparealm], :principal => options[:ipaprincipal], :password => options[:ipapassword], ) config.post_activation if config.activate end def uninstall_ipa say "Uninstalling IPA-client" config = config.deactivate if config.ipa_client_configured? end def config_tmp_disk if (tmp_disk = disk_from_string(options[:tmpdisk])) say "creating temp disk" config = => tmp_disk) config.activate else report_disk_error(options[:tmpdisk]) end end def config_log_disk if (log_disk = disk_from_string(options[:logdisk])) say "creating log disk" config = => log_disk) config.activate else report_disk_error(options[:logdisk]) end end def report_disk_error(missing_disk) choose_disk = disk.try(:path) if choose_disk say "could not find disk #{missing_disk}" say "if you pass auto, it will choose: #{choose_disk}" else say "no disks with a free partition" end end def extauth_opts extauthopts = extauthopts_hash = extauthopts.parse(options[:extauth_opts]) raise "Must specify at least one external authentication option to set" unless extauthopts_hash.present? extauthopts.update_configuration(extauthopts_hash) end def set_server_state service ="evmserverd") service_running = service.running? case options[:server] when "start" service.start unless service_running when "stop" service.stop if service_running when "restart" service.restart else raise "Invalid server action" end end def self.parse(args) new.parse(args).run end end end end