Changes are below categorized as follows:
- Breaking Changes
- Features
- Fixes
- Performance
- Misc
- Documentation

Each change should fall into categories that would affect whether the release is major (breaking changes), minor (new behavior), or patch (bug fix). See [semver]( and [pessimistic versioning](

As such, _Breaking Changes_ are major. _Features_ would map to either major or minor. _Fixes_, _Performance_, and _Misc_ are either minor or patch, the difference being kind of fuzzy for the purposes of history. Adding _Documentation_ (including tests) would be patch level.

### [v8.0.0) / 2021-06-07](
* Features
  * [@lunaru Support tenants for taggings](
* Fixes
  * [@gr-eg Use none? instead of](
### [v7.0.0) / 2020-12-31](
* Features
  * [@kvokka Rails 6.1 support](
* Fixes
  * [@nbulaj Add support for Ruby 2.7 and it's kwargs](  
  * [@Andythurlow @endorfin case sensitivity fix for tagged_with](  

### [6.5.0 / 2019-11-07](

* Features
  * [@mizukami234 @junmoka Make table names configurable](
  * [@damianlegawiec Rails 6.0.0.beta1 support](
* Fixes
  * [@tonyta Avoid overriding user-defined columns cache methods](
  * [@hengwoon tags_count only need to join on the taggable's table if using STI](
  * [@bduran82 Avoid unnecessary queries when finding or creating tags](
  * [@iiwo simplify relation options syntax](
* Misc
  * [@gssbzn Remove legacy code for an empty query and replace it with ` ActiveRecord::none`](
  * [@iiwo remove unneeded spec case](
* Documentation
  * [@tonyta Cleanup formatting and references](

### [6.0.0 / 2018-06-19](

* Breaking Changes
  * [@Fodoj Drop support for Rails 4.2](

* Features
  * [@CalvertYang Add support for uuid primary keys](
  * [@Fodoj Support Rails 5.2](

* Fixes
  * [@tekniklr matches_attribute was not being used in tag_match_type](

### [5.0.0 / 2017-05-18](

* Breaking Changes
  * [@seuros Drop support for old version of ActiveRecord and Ruby and prepare rel](

* Features
  * [@rbritom Tagged with rewrite](
  * [@fearenales Due to database collisions, retry finding or creating a tag](
  * [@brilyuhns Add owner_tags method to taggable](
  * [@brilyuhns upport array of contexts in owner_tags_on method](
  * [@brilyuhns Add specs for owner_tags_on and owner_tags methods](

* Fixes
  * [@rbritom bump ruby versions for travis](
  * [@mnrk Fixed Rails 5.1 deprecation message, has_many needs String value for](
  * [@ProGM ProGM Adding a test to demonstrate the bug](
  * [@ProGM ProGM Ensure that `caching_tag_list_on?` is injected before using it](
  * [@ProGM ProGM Fix insert query for postgresql. Move schema definition in schema.rb](
  * [@amatsuda assigned but unused variable - any](
  * [@gmcnaughton Fix incorrect call of 'self.class' on methods which are already class](
  * [@gmcnaughton Fixed #712 (incompatibility with ActiveRecord::Sanitization#quoted_id)](
  * [@arpitchauhan Guard against indexes already existing](
  * [@arpitchauhan Rename migration to avoid conflicts](
  * [@lukeasrodgers "Bugfix `TagList#concat` with non-duplicates."](
  * [@fabn Revert "Added missed indexes."](

* Documentation
  * [@logicminds Adds a table of contents to the readme and contributing files](
  * [@ashishg-qburst Fix typo in README](
  * [@praveenangyan Update](
  * [@colemerrick update finding tagged objects in readme](
  * [@jaredbeck Help people upgrade to 4.0.0](
  * [@vasinov Update](

### [4.0.0 / 2016-08-08](

* Breaking Changes
  * [@krzysiek1507 drop support for Ruby < 2](
  * [@krzysiek1507 drop support for Rails < 4](

* Features
  * [@jessieay Rails 5](

* Fixes
  * [@rikettsie #623 collation parameter is ignored if it generates an exception](
  * [@bwvoss References working parser in deprectation warning](
  * [@jh125486 Updated tagging_contexts to include dynamic contexts](
  * [@jh125486 Fixed wildcard test (postgres returning rows with unexpected order)](
  * [@FlowerWrong Add rails 5.0.0 alpha support, not hack rails <5](
  * [@ryanfox1985 Added missed indexes.](
  * [@zapnap scope tags to specific tagging](
  * [@amatsuda method redefined](
  * [@klacointe Rails 5: Tagger is optional in Tagging relation](
  * [@mark-jacobs Update clean! method to use case insensitive uniq! when strict_case_match false](
  * [@lukeasrodgers BugFix flackey time test](
  * [@pcupueran Add rspec tests for context scopes for tagging_spec](
  * [@emerson-h Remove existing selects from relation](
  * [@keerthisiv fix issue with custom delimiter](
  * [@priyank-gupta specify tag table name for mysql collation query](
  * [@seuros Remove warning messages](
  * [@rbritom Fix migration, #references already adds index](
  * [@rbritom Fix deprecation warning](
  * [@rbritom fix scope array arguments](
  * [@seuros Remove more deprecations](
  * [@lukeasrodgers Bugfix `TagList#concat` with non-duplicates.](
  * [@seuros clean! should return self.](
  * [@rbritom renable appraisals](
  * [@rbritom remove index conditionally on up method.](
  * [@rbritom add index on down method . ](
  * [@rbritom remove index conditionally on up method](

* Documentation
  * [@logicminds Adds table of contents using doctoc utility](
  * [@jamesprior Changing ActsAsTaggable to ActsAsTaggableOn](
  * [@markgandolfo Update](
  * [@snowblink Update release date for 3.5.0](
  * [@AlexVPopov Update](
  * [@schnmudgal, Improve documentation for Tag Ownership](

### [3.5.0 / 2015-03-03](

* Fixes
  * [@rikettsie Fixed collation for MySql via rake rule or config parameter](

* Misc
  * [@pcupueran Add rspec test for tagging_spec completeness]()

### [3.4.4 / 2015-02-11](

* Fixes
  * [@d4rky-pl Add context constraint to find_related_* methods](

### [3.4.3 / 2014-09-26](

* Fixes
  * [@warp clears column cache on reset_column_information resolves](

### [3.4.2 / 2014-09-26](

* Fixes
  * [@stiff fixed tagged_with :any in postgresql](
  * [@jerefrer fixed encoding in mysql](
  * [@markedmondson Ensure taggings context aliases are maintained when joining multiple taggables](

### [3.4.1 / 2014-09-01](

* Fixes
  * [@konukhov fix owned ordered taggable bug](

### [3.4.0 / 2014-08-29](

* Features
  * [@ProGM Support for custom parsers for tags](
  * [@lolaodelola #577 Popular feature](

* Fixes
  * [@twalpole Update for rails edge (4.2)](

* Performance
  * [@ashanbrown #584 Use pluck instead of select](

### [3.3.0 / 2014-07-08](

* Features
  * [@felipeclopes #488 Support for `start_at` and `end_at` restrictions when selecting tags](

* Fixes
  * [@tonytonyjan #560 Fix for `ActsAsTaggableOn.remove_unused_tags` doesn't work](
  * [@TheLarkInn #555 Fix for `tag_cloud` helper to generate correct css tags](

* Performance
  * [@pcai #556 Add back taggables index in the taggins table](

### [3.2.6 / 2014-05-28](

* Fixes
  * [@seuros #548 Fix dirty marking when tags are not ordered](

* Misc
  * [@seuros Remove actionpack dependency](
  * [@seuros #547 Add tests for update_attributes](

### [3.2.5 / 2014-05-25](

* Fixes
  * [@seuros #546 Fix autoload bug. Now require engine file instead of autoloading it](

### [3.2.4 / 2014-05-24](

* Fixes
  * [@seuros #544 Fix incorrect query generation related to `GROUP BY` SQL statement](

* Misc
  * [@seuros #545 Remove `ammeter` development dependency](
  * [@seuros #545 Deprecate `TagList.from` in favor of `TagListParser.parse`](
  * [@seuros #543 Introduce lazy loading](
  * [@seuros #541 Deprecate ActsAsTaggableOn::Utils](

### [3.2.3 / 2014-05-16](

* Fixes
  * [@seuros #540 Fix for tags removal (it was affecting all records with the same tag)](
  * [@akicho8 #535 Fix for `options` Hash passed to methods from being deleted by those methods](

### [3.2.2 / 2014-05-07](

* Breaking Changes
  * [@seuros #526 Taggable models are not extended with ActsAsTaggableOn::Utils anymore](

* Fixes
  * [@seuros #536 Add explicit conversion of tags to strings (when assigning tags)](

* Misc
  * [@seuros #526 Delete outdated benchmark script](
  * [@seuros #525 Fix tests so that they pass with MySQL](

### [3.2.1 / 2014-05-06](

* Misc
  * [@seuros #523 Run tests loading only ActiveRecord (without the full Rails stack)](
  * [@seuros #523 Remove activesupport dependency](
  * [@seuros #523 Introduce database_cleaner in specs](
  * [@seuros #520 Tag_list cleanup](

### [3.2.0 / 2014-05-01](

* Breaking Changes
  * ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag is not extend with ActsAsTaggableOn::Utils anymore

* Features
  * [@ches #413 Hook to support STI subclasses of Tag in save_tags](

* Fixes
  * [@jdelStrother #515 Rename Compatibility methods to reduce chance of conflicts](
  * [@seuros #512 fix for << method](
  * [@sonots #510 fix IN subquery error for mysql](
  * [@jonseaberg #499 fix for race condition when multiple processes try to add the same tag](
  * [@leklund #496 Fix for distinct and postgresql json columns errors](
  * [@thatbettina & @plexus #394 Multiple quoted tags](

* Performance

* Misc
  * [@seuros #511 Rspec 3](

### [3.1.0 / 2014-03-31](

* Fixes
  * [@mikehale #487 Match_all respects context](

* Performance
  * [@dgilperez #390 Add taggings counter cache](

* Misc
  * [@jonseaberg Add missing indexes to schema used in specs #474](
  * [@seuros Specify Ruby >= 1.9.3 required in gemspec](
  * [@kiasaki Add missing quotes to code example](

### [3.1.0.rc1 / 2014-02-26](

* Features
  * [@Burkazoid #467 Add :order_by_matching_tag_count option](

* Fixes
  * [@rafael #406 Dirty attributes not correctly derived](
  * [@BenZhang #440 Did not respect strict_case_match](
  * [@znz #456 Fix breaking encoding of tag](
  * [@rgould #417 Let '.count' work when tagged_with is accompanied by a group clause](
  * [@developer88 #461 Move 'Distinct' out of select string and use .uniq instead](
  * [@gerard-leijdekkers #473 Fixed down migration index name](
  * [@leo-souza #498 Use database's lower function for case-insensitive match](

* Misc
  * [@billychan #463 Thread safe support](
  * [@billychan #386 Add parse:true instructions to README](
  * [@seuros #449 Improve README/UPGRADING/post install docs](
  * [@seuros #452 Remove I18n deprecation warning in specs](
  * [@seuros #453 Test against Ruby 2.1 on Travis CI](
  * [@takashi #454 Clarify example in docs](

### [3.0.1 / 2014-01-08](

* Fixes
  * [@rafael #406 Dirty attributes not correctly derived](
  * [@BenZhang #440 Did not respect strict_case_match](
  * [@znz #456 Fix breaking encoding of tag](

* Misc
  * [@billychan #386 Add parse:true instructions to README](
  * [@seuros #449 Improve README/UPGRADING/post install docs](
  * [@seuros #452 Remove I18n deprecation warning in specs](
  * [@seuros #453 Test against Ruby 2.1 on Travis CI](
  * [@takashi #454 Clarify example in docs](

### [3.0.0 / 2014-01-01](

* Breaking Changes
  * No longer supports Ruby 1.8.

* Features
  * Supports Rails 4.1.

* Misc (TODO: expand)
  * [@zquestz #359](
  * [@rsl #367](
  * [@ktdreyer #383](
  * [@cwoodcox #346](
  * [@mrb #421](
  * [@bf4 #430](
  * [@sanemat #368](
  * [@bf4 #343](
  * [@marclennox #429](
  * [@shekibobo #403](
  * [@ches @ktdreyer #410](
  * [@makaroni4 #371](
  * [kenzai @davidstosik @awt #431](
  * [@bf4 @joelcogen @shekibobo @aaronchi #438](
  * [@seuros #442](
  * [@bf4 #445](
  * [@eagletmt #446](

### 3.0.0.rc2 [changes](

### 3.0.0.rc1 [changes](

### [2.4.1 / 2013-05-07](

* Features

* Fixes

* Misc