module Voltron module Encryptable def has_encrypted_id? false end def encrypted_id extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods has_one :encryptable, as: :resource, class_name: "Voltron::Id" before_create do self.build_encryptable id: find_id end default_scope { joins(:encryptable).includes(:encryptable) } after_initialize do self.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).each do |belongs| # Override the attribute setter method, intercept any value and try and find it by # it's encrypted id. We're assuming the ids passed in the params are encrypted since # our model is using an encrypted id self.class.send(:define_method, "#{}_id=") do |val| begin klass = (belongs.options[:class_name] || return super(val) unless klass.has_encrypted_id? record = klass.find(val) super( rescue NameError, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound super(val) end end end end end module ClassMethods def has_encrypted_id? true end def find(*args) scope = args.slice!(0) options = args.slice!(0) || {} if !options[:bypass] && ![:first, :last, :all].include?(scope.try(:to_sym)) scope = decoded_ids(scope) end super(scope) end def exists?(conditions = :none) if conditions.is_a?(String) # If conditions is a string, assume it's an encoded id super(decoded_ids(conditions)) else # Otherwise do what exists? normally does super end end def destroy(id) super(decoded_ids(id)) end def delete(id) super(decoded_ids(id)) end private def decoded_ids(*ids) crypt = ids.flatten!! { |id| crypt.decode(id).to_i } ids.reject! { |id| id > 9223372036854775807 } # Remove id if given decoded value is greater than max PostgreSQL value ids = Voltron::Id.where(id: ids).pluck(:resource_id) ids = ids.first if ids.length == 1 ids end end module InstanceMethods def to_param return super if encryptable.nil? crypt = crypt.encode( end def find_id # Helps determine the min/max value. For example if amount is 1100, min will be 1024, if amount is 947, min will be 1 amount = Voltron::Id.count.to_f # The range of ids from which we try to find an unused id, i.e. - (1..1024), (1025..2048), (2049..3073) factor = 1024.to_f # Get the min and max value of the range segment min = (((amount/factor).floor*factor) + 1).to_i max = (((amount+1)/factor).ceil*factor).to_i # Get all ids in the determined range segment, these are the ids we cannot choose from used = Voltron::Id.where(id: min..max).pluck(:id) # Get the candidates, an array of values from min to max, subtracting the used values from above candidates = ((min..max).to_a - used).shuffle # Get the first candidate, the first value off the shuffled array candidate = candidates.shift # Check for blacklisted words given the candidate id while crypt.blacklisted?(candidate) do # If id chosen is a blacklisted word, insert it as a placeholder record and try again Voltron::Id.create(id: candidate, resource_id: 0, resource_type: :blacklist) # If no more candidates to choose from, re-run find_id, it will get a new set of candidates from the next segment return find_id if candidates.empty? # Pick the next candidate candidate = candidates.shift end # The id chosen is good, not a blacklisted word. Use it candidate end def reload(options = nil) clear_aggregation_cache clear_association_cache self.class.connection.clear_query_cache fresh_object = if options && options[:lock] self.class.unscoped { self.class.lock(options[:lock]).find_by(id: encryptable.resource_id) } else self.class.unscoped { self.class.find(encryptable.resource_id, bypass: true) } end @attributes = fresh_object.instance_variable_get("@attributes") @new_record = false self end private def crypt @crypt ||= end end end end