require 'yaml' class Hash def deep_merge(other) # deep_merge by Stefan Rusterholz, see merger = proc { |key, v1, v2| (Hash === v1 && Hash === v2) ? v1.merge(v2, &merger) : v2 } merge(other, &merger) end def set(keys, value) key = keys.shift if keys.empty? self[key] = value else self[key] ||= {} self[key].set keys, value end end if ENV['SORT'] # copy of ruby's to_yaml method, prepending sort. # before each so we get an ordered yaml file def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out| taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map| sort.each do |k, v| #<- Adding sort. map.add( k, v ) end end end end end end namespace :translate do def find_missing_translations(locale) keys = [] result = [] locale_hash = {} puts "Searching for missing translations for the locale: #{locale}" default_locale_files = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('vendor', 'plugins', '*', 'config', 'locales', "#{locale}.yml").to_s) default_locale_files += Dir.glob(Refinery.root.join('vendor', 'plugins', '*', 'config', 'locales', "#{locale}.yml").to_s) default_locale_files += Dir.glob(Refinery.root.join('vendor', 'refinerycms', '*', 'config', 'locales', "#{locale}.yml").to_s) default_locale_files += Dir.glob(File.join(Translate.locales_dir, "**","#{locale}.yml").to_s) default_locale_files.uniq.each do |locale_file_name| yaml = YAML::load( locale_hash = locale_hash.deep_merge(yaml[locale.to_s]) end lookup_pattern = /\b(?:I18n\.t|I18n\.translate|t)(?:\s|\():?'([a-z0-9_]*.[a-z0-9_.]+)'\)?/ templates = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('app', '**', '*.{erb,rb}').to_s) templates += Dir.glob(Rails.root.join.join('vendor', 'plugins', '**', 'app', '**', '*.{erb,rb}').to_s) templates += Dir.glob(Refinery.root.join('vendor', 'plugins', '**', 'app', '**', '*.{erb,rb}').to_s) templates += Dir.glob(Refinery.root.join('vendor', 'refinerycms', '**', 'app', '**', '*.{erb,rb}').to_s) templates.reject{|t| t =~ /\/lib\/generators\/.+?\/templates\//}.uniq.each do |file_name|, "r+").each do |line| line.scan(lookup_pattern) do |key_string| # qualify the namespace if beginning with . like t('.log_out') if key_string.first =~ /^\./ namespace = file_name.split("app/").last.split(/^.+?\//).last.split('/') namespace = namespace | [namespace.pop.gsub(/^\_/, '').split('.').first] key_string = ["#{namespace.join('.')}#{key_string.first}"] end unless key_exist?(key_string.first.split("."), locale_hash) result << "#{key_string} in \t #{file_name} \t is not in any #{locale} locale file" end end end unless file_name =~ /translate\/spec/ end puts result.empty? ? "No missing translations for locale: #{locale}" : "#{result.join("\n\n")}\n\nNumber of missing translations for #{locale}: #{result.length}" end desc "Show I18n keys that are missing in the specified locale YAML file. Defaults to I18n.default_locale, unless LOCALE env is specified" task :lost_in_translation => :environment do locale = ENV['LOCALE'] || I18n.default_locale find_missing_translations(locale) end desc "Show I18n keys that are missing in all locale YAML files." task :lost_in_translation_all => :environment do ::Refinery::I18n.locales.keys.each do |locale| find_missing_translations(locale) puts "--" end end def key_exist?(key_arr, locale_hash) key = key_arr.slice!(0) if key key_exist?(key_arr, locale_hash[key]) if locale_hash && locale_hash.include?(key) elsif locale_hash true else false end end desc "Merge I18n keys from log/translations.yml into config/locales/*.yml (for use with the Rails I18n TextMate bundle)" task :merge_keys => :environment do I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) new_translations = YAML::load(, "log", "translations.yml"))) raise("Can only merge in translations in single locale") if new_translations.keys.size > 1 locale = new_translations.keys.first overwrites = false, new_translations[locale]).each do |key| new_text = key.split(".").inject(new_translations[locale]) { |hash, sub_key| hash[sub_key] } existing_text = I18n.backend.send(:lookup, locale.to_sym, key) if existing_text && new_text != existing_text puts "ERROR: key #{key} already exists with text '#{existing_text.inspect}' and would be overwritten by new text '#{new_text}'. " + "Set environment variable OVERWRITE=1 if you really want to do this." overwrites = true end end if !overwrites || ENV['OVERWRITE'] I18n.backend.store_translations(locale, new_translations[locale]) end end desc "Apply Google translate to auto translate all texts in locale ENV['FROM'] to locale ENV['TO']" task :google => :environment do raise "Please specify FROM and TO locales as environment variables" if ENV['FROM'].blank? || ENV['TO'].blank? # Depends on httparty gem # class GoogleApi include HTTParty base_uri '' def self.translate(string, to, from) tries = 0 begin get("/ajax/services/language/translate", :query => {:langpair => "#{from}|#{to}", :q => string, :v => 1.0}, :format => :json) rescue tries += 1 puts("SLEEPING - retrying in 5...") sleep(5) retry if tries < 10 end end end I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) start_at = translations = {}['FROM']).each do |key| from_text = I18n.backend.send(:lookup, ENV['FROM'], key).to_s to_text = I18n.backend.send(:lookup, ENV['TO'], key) if !from_text.blank? && to_text.blank? print "#{key}: '#{from_text[0, 40]}' => " if !translations[from_text] response = GoogleApi.translate(from_text, ENV['TO'], ENV['FROM']) translations[from_text] = response["responseData"] && response["responseData"]["translatedText"] end if !(translation = translations[from_text]).blank? translation.gsub!(/\(\(([a-z_.]+)\)\)/i, '{{\1}}') # Google translate sometimes replaces %{foobar} with (()) foobar. We skip these if translation !~ /\(\(\)\)/ puts "'#{translation[0, 40]}'" I18n.backend.store_translations(ENV['TO'].to_sym, Translate::Keys.to_deep_hash({key => translation})) else puts "SKIPPING since interpolations were messed up: '#{translation[0,40]}'" end else puts "NO TRANSLATION - #{response.inspect}" end end end puts "\nTime elapsed: #{((( - start_at) / 60) * 10).to_i / 10.to_f} minutes"['TO'].to_sym).write_to_file end desc "List keys that have changed I18n texts between YAML file ENV['FROM_FILE'] and YAML file ENV['TO_FILE']. Set ENV['VERBOSE'] to see changes" task :changed => :environment do from_hash = Translate::Keys.to_shallow_hash(['FROM_FILE']).read) to_hash = Translate::Keys.to_shallow_hash(['TO_FILE']).read) from_hash.each do |key, from_value| if (to_value = to_hash[key]) && to_value != from_value key_without_locale = key[/^[^.]+\.(.+)$/, 1] if ENV['VERBOSE'] puts "KEY: #{key_without_locale}" puts "FROM VALUE: '#{from_value}'" puts "TO VALUE: '#{to_value}'" else puts key_without_locale end end end end end