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|&||'E|E|||E|.E|1.9E|2.4|E|warn_on_old_ruby_versionE|#GOOGLE_CLOUD_SUPPRESS_RUBY_WARNINGSE|"rescue in warn_on_old_ruby_versionE|)Unable to determine current Ruby version.|E|warn_unsupported_rubyE|WARNING: You are running Ruby E|, which has reachedE|6 end-of-life and is no longer supported by Ruby Core. E|*Signet works best on supported versions ofE|: Ruby. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to RubyE| E| or later. E|=See https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/ for moreE|( info on the Ruby maintenance schedule. E|!To suppress this message, set theE|: GOOGLE_CLOUD_SUPPRESS_RUBY_WARNINGS environment variable.| E|warn_nonrecommended_rubyE|, which is nearingE| end-of-life. E|" Ruby. Consider upgrading to Ruby E| or later. E|defined guard in