class RubyXL::OOXMLContainerObject
Parent class for OOXML conainer objects (for example,
that obscures the top-level container, allowing direct access to the
contents as Array
Public Class Methods
new(params = {})
click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 359 def initialize(params = {}) array_content = params.delete(:_) super array_content.each_with_index { |v, i| self[i] = v } if array_content end
Protected Class Methods
click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 391 def define_count_attribute # Count will be inherited from Array. so no need to define it explicitly. define_attribute(:count, :uint, :required => true, :computed => true) end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 380 def before_write_xml true end
click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 384 def inspect vars = [ super ] vars = self.instance_variables.each { |v| vars << "#{v}=#{instance_variable_get(v).inspect}" } "<#{self.class}: #{super} #{vars.join(", ")}>" end
Protected Instance Methods
click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 365 def get_node_object(child_node_params) if child_node_params[:is_array] then self else super end end
click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 372 def init_child_nodes(params) obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_child_nodes).each_value { |v| next if v[:is_array] # Only one collection node allowed per OOXMLContainerObject, and it is contained in itself. instance_variable_set("@#{v[:accessor]}", params[v[:accessor]]) } end