%li.highlight[contact] = avatar_for(contact, :size => "30x30") %ul.tools = hook(:contact_tools_before, self, :contact => contact {} - if can?(:update, contact) %li= link_to_edit(contact) - if shown_on_landing_page? %li= link_to_discard(contact) - if can?(:destroy, contact) %li= link_to_delete(contact) .indentslim = link_to_if can?(:read, contact), contact.full_name(@current_user.preference[:contacts_naming]), contact %tt - if contact.title? && contact.department? == #{contact.title}, #{contact.department} - else = contact.title if contact.title? - if (account = contact.account) and account.name? == #{t :at} #{link_to_if can?(:read, account), account.name, account_path(account)} - if (lead = contact.lead) and lead.referred_by? – == #{t :referred_by_small} #{lead.referred_by} %dt{ :style => "padding: 2px 0px 0px 0px" } - if can?(:read, contact) - if contact.email.present? = link_to_email(contact.email) | - if contact.phone.present? == #{t :phone_small}: %b= contact.phone | - if contact.mobile.present? == #{t :mobile_small}: %b= contact.mobile | = t(:added_ago, value: timeago(contact.created_at)).html_safe - if contact.tag_list.present? %dt .tags= tags_for_index(contact) = hook(:contact_bottom, self, :contact => contact) {} %dt{ :style => "padding: 2px 0px 0px 0px" } - if can?(:read, contact) = render "contacts/section_general", :contact => contact = render "contacts/section_extra", :contact => contact = render "entities/section_custom_fields", :entity => contact = render "comments/new", :commentable => contact = render :partial => "shared/timeline", :collection => (contact.comments + contact.emails).sort { |x, y| y.created_at <=> x.created_at }