#!/usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'rainbow' require 'peach' require 'json' require 'clamp' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/scp' module Gaptool class InitCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Resource name to initilize", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-z", "--zone"], "ZONE", "AWS availability zone to put node in", :required => true option ["-t", "--type"], "TYPE", "Type of instance, e.g. m1.large", :required => true option ["-m", "--mirror"], "GIGABYTES", "Gigs for raid mirror, must be set up on each node", :required => false def execute $api.addnode(zone, type, role, environment, mirror) end end class TerminateCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-z", "--zone"], "ZONE", "AWS availability zone to put node in", :required => true option ["-i", "--instance"], "INSTANCE", "Instance ID, e.g. i-12345678", :required => true def execute $api.terminatenode(instance, zone) end end class SshCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name to ssh to", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-i", "--instance"], "INSTANCE", "Node instance, leave blank to query avilable nodes", :require => false option ["-f", "--first"], :flag, "Just connect to first available instance" def execute if instance @ssh = $api.ssh(role, environment, instance) else nodes = $api.getenvroles(role, environment) if first? || nodes.size == 1 puts "No instnace specified, but only one instance in cluster or first forced" @ssh = $api.ssh(role, environment, nodes.first['instance']) else puts "No instance specified, querying list." nodes.each_index do |i| puts "#{i}: #{nodes[i]['instance']}" end print "Select a node: ".color(:cyan) @ssh = $api.ssh(role, environment, nodes[$stdin.gets.chomp.to_i]['instance']) end end File.open('/tmp/gtkey', 'w') {|f| f.write(@ssh['key'])} File.chmod(0600, '/tmp/gtkey') system "SSH_AUTH_SOCK='' ssh -i /tmp/gtkey admin@#{@ssh['hostname']}" end end class InfoCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name, e.g. frontend", :required => false option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => false option ["-i", "--instance"], "INSTANCE", "Node instance, leave blank to query avilable nodes", :required => false option ["-p", "--parseable"], :flag, "Display in non-pretty parseable JSON" option ["-g", "--grepable"], :flag, "Display in non-pretty grep-friendly text" def execute @nodes = Array.new if instance @nodes = [$api.getonenode(instance)] elsif role && environment @nodes = $api.getenvroles(role, environment) elsif role && !environment @nodes = $api.getrolenodes(role) else @nodes = $api.getallnodes() end infohelper(@nodes, parseable?, grepable?) end end def infohelper(nodes, parseable, grepable) if parseable puts nodes.to_json else nodes.each do |node| @host = "#{node['role']}:#{node['environment']}:#{node['instance']}" unless grepable puts @host.color(:green) end node.keys.each do |key| if grepable puts "#{@host}|#{key}|#{node[key]}" else unless key == node.keys.last puts " ┠ #{key.color(:cyan)}: #{node[key]}" else puts " ┖ #{key.color(:cyan)}: #{node[key]}\n\n" end end end end end end def sshcmd(node, commands) Net::SSH.start( node['hostname'], 'admin', :key_data => [$api.ssh(node['role'], node['environment'], node['instance'])['key']], :config => false, :keys_only => true, :paranoid => false ) do |ssh| commands.each do |command| command.color(:cyan) ssh.exec! command do |ch, stream, line| puts "#{node['role'].color(:yellow)}:#{node['environment'].color(:yellow)}:#{node['instance'].color(:yellow)}> #{line}" end end end end class ChefrunCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name to ssh to", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-i", "--instance"], "INSTANCE", "Instance ID, e.g. i-12345678", :required => false def execute if !instance.nil? nodes = [$api.getonenode(instance)] else nodes = $api.getenvroles(role, environment) end nodes.peach do |node| json = { 'this_server' => "#{role}-#{environment}-#{node['instance']}", 'role' => role, 'environment' => environment, 'app_user' => node['appuser'], 'run_list' => [ "recipe[main]" ], 'hostname' => node['hostname'], 'instance' => node['instance'], 'zone' => node['zone'], 'itype' => node['itype'], 'apps' => eval(node['apps']) }.to_json commands = [ "cd ~admin/ops; git pull", "echo '#{json}' > ~admin/solo.json", "sudo chef-solo -c ~admin/ops/cookbooks/solo.rb -j ~admin/solo.json" ] sshcmd(node, commands) end end end class DeployCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-a", "--app"], "APP", "Application to deploy", :required => true option ["-m", "--migrate"], :flag, "Toggle running migrations" option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-b", "--branch"], "BRANCH", "Git branch to deploy, default is master", :required => false option ["-r", "--rollback"], :flag, "Toggle this to rollback last deploy" def execute nodes = $api.getappnodes(app, environment) nodes.peach do |node| json = { 'this_server' => "#{node['role']}-#{environment}-#{node['instance']}", 'role' => node['role'], 'environment' => environment, 'app_user' => node['appuser'], 'run_list' => [ "recipe[deploy]" ], 'hostname' => node['hostname'], 'instance' => node['instance'], 'zone' => node['zone'], 'itype' => node['itype'], 'apps' => eval(node['apps']), 'app_name' => app, 'app' => app, 'rollback' => rollback?, 'branch' => branch || 'master', 'migrate' => migrate? }.to_json commands = [ "cd ~admin/ops; git pull", "echo '#{json}' > ~admin/solo.json", "sudo chef-solo -c ~admin/ops/cookbooks/solo.rb -j ~admin/solo.json" ] sshcmd(node, commands) end end end class RegenCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-z", "--zone"], "ZONE", "AWS availability zone to put node in", :required => true def execute nodes = $api.regenhosts(zone) end end class BalanceCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name to ssh to", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true def execute puts $api.balanceservices(role, environment) end end class AddserviceCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name to ssh to", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-n", "--name"], "NAME", "Name of the service, e.g. 'twitter'. MUST MATCH UPSTARTD SERVICE NAME.", :required => true option ["-w", "--weight"], "WEIGHT", "Relative service weight, for the balancer to chose run location", :required => true option ["-y", "--enabled"], :flag, "Enable this service in balance run" option ["-k", "--keys"], "KEYS", "Hash of keys that will be written to YAML /tmp/apikeys-.yml. This will be eval()'d, write it like a ruby hash.", :required => true def execute if enabled? en = 1 else en = 0 end puts $api.addservice(role, environment, name, eval(keys), weight, en) end end class DelserviceCommand < Clamp::Command option ["-r", "--role"], "ROLE", "Role name to ssh to", :required => true option ["-e", "--environment"], "ENVIRONMENT", "Which environment, e.g. production", :required => true option ["-n", "--name"], "NAME", "Name of the service, e.g. 'twitter'. MUST MATCH UPSTARTD SERVICE NAME.", :required => true def execute puts $api.deleteservice(role, environment, name) end end class ServicesCommand < Clamp::Command def execute puts $api.getservices() end end class SvcAPIList < Clamp::Command option [ "-s", "--service"], "SERVICE", "Name of the service, omit to show all" def execute if service.nil? puts $api.svcapi_showkeys(:all) else puts $api.svcapi_showkeys(service) end end end class SvcAPIDelete < Clamp::Command option [ "-s", "--service"], "SERVICE", "Name of the service", :required => true option [ "-k", "--key" ], "KEY", "string for storing as a key/deleting", :required => true def execute $api.svcapi_deletekey(service, key) end end class SvcAPIPut < Clamp::Command option [ "-s", "--service"], "SERVICE", "Name of the service", :required => true option [ "-k", "--key" ], "KEY", "string for storing as a key/deleting", :required => true def execute $api.svcapi_putkey(service, key) end end class SvcAPI < Clamp::Command subcommand "list", "List keys for a service or all services", SvcAPIList subcommand "delete", "Delete key from a service", SvcAPIDelete subcommand "put", "Put a new key for a service", SvcAPIPut end class MainCommand < Clamp::Command subcommand "info", "Displays information about nodes", InfoCommand subcommand "init", "Create new application cluster", InitCommand subcommand "terminate", "Terminate instance", TerminateCommand subcommand "ssh", "ssh to cluster host", SshCommand subcommand "chefrun", "chefrun on a resource pool", ChefrunCommand subcommand "deploy", "deploy on an application", DeployCommand subcommand "regen", "regen metadata from aws", RegenCommand subcommand "balance", "balance services across nodes based on weight", BalanceCommand subcommand "addservice", "add new service to service framework", AddserviceCommand subcommand "delservice", "delete last service", DelserviceCommand subcommand "services", "show all services", ServicesCommand subcommand "svcapi", "manipulate service API keys/metadata", SvcAPI end end Gaptool::MainCommand.run