case config['guard'] when 'no' recipes.delete('guard') say_wizard "Guard recipe skipped." when 'standard' # do nothing when 'LiveReload' recipes << 'guard-LiveReload' else recipes.delete('guard') say_wizard "Guard recipe skipped." end if recipes.include? 'guard' gem 'guard', '>= 0.6.2', :group => :development prepend_file 'Gemfile' do <<-RUBY require 'rbconfig' HOST_OS = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] RUBY end append_file 'Gemfile' do <<-RUBY # need newline here! case HOST_OS when /darwin/i gem 'rb-fsevent', :group => :development gem 'growl', :group => :development when /linux/i gem 'libnotify', :group => :development gem 'rb-inotify', :group => :development when /mswin|windows/i gem 'rb-fchange', :group => :development gem 'win32console', :group => :development gem 'rb-notifu', :group => :development end RUBY end def guard(name, version = nil) args = [] if version args << version end args << { :group => :development } gem "guard-#{name}", *args end guard 'bundler', '>= 0.1.3' guard 'rails', '>= 0.0.3' if recipes.include? 'guard-LiveReload' guard 'livereload', '>= 0.3.0' end if recipes.include? 'rspec' guard 'rspec', '>= 0.4.3' end if recipes.include? 'cucumber' guard 'cucumber', '>= 0.6.1' end after_bundler do run 'guard init' end else recipes.delete 'guard' end __END__ name: guard description: "Automate your workflow with Guard" author: ashley_woodard run_after: [rspec, cucumber] category: other tags: [dev] config: - guard: type: multiple_choice prompt: Would you like to use Guard to automate your workflow? choices: [["No", no], ["Guard default configuration", standard], ["Guard with LiveReload", LiveReload]]