require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' module ProductSpecHelper def valid_product_attributes { :name => "A Product", :master_price => 10, :description => "Just a test product." } end def valid_variant_attributes { :on_hand => 45, :sku => "un" } end end describe Product do include ProductSpecHelper before(:each) do @product = end it "should not be valid when empty" do @product.should_not be_valid end ['name', 'master_price', 'description'].each do |field| it "should require #{field}" do @product.should_not be_valid @product.errors.full_messages.should include("#{field.intern.l(field).humanize} #{:error_message_blank.l}") end end it "should be valid when having correct information" do @product.attributes = valid_product_attributes @product.should be_valid end describe "#variants?" do it "should be false when variants is empty" do @product.variants.should be_empty @product.variants?.should be_false end it "should be false when none of the variants have option values" do variant = mock_model(Variant) variant.should_receive(:option_values).and_return([]) @product.variants << variant @product.variants?.should be_false end it "should be true when at least one variant has option values" do option_value = mock_model(OptionValue) variant = mock_model(Variant) variant.should_receive(:option_values).and_return([option_value]) @product.variants << variant @product.variants?.should be_true end end describe "#variant" do it "should return the emtpy variant if there are only empty variant" do variant = mock_model(Variant) variant.stub!(:option_values).and_return([]) @product.stub!(:variants).and_return([variant]) @product.variant.should == variant end it "should return nil if there are any non-empty variants" do variant1 = mock_model(Variant) variant1.stub!(:option_values).and_return([]) option_value = mock_model(OptionValue) variant2 = mock_model(Variant) variant2.stub!(:option_values).and_return([option_value]) @product.stub!(:variants).and_return([variant1, variant2]) @product.variant.should be_nil end end describe "permalinks" do before(:each) do = "Air force ones" end it "should not have a nil permalink with a saved name" do @product.permalink.should_not be_nil end it "should save the correct permalink" do @product.permalink.should eql('air-force-ones') end end describe "availability" do before(:each) do @product = Product.create(valid_product_attributes.with(:available_on => ( - @not_available_product = Product.create(valid_product_attributes.with(:available_on => ( + 2.weeks))) end it "should only find available products using the available class method" do Product.available.all.size.should eql(1) end it "should include available products" do Product.available.should include(@product) end end describe 'inventory' do before(:each) do @variant = Variant.create(valid_variant_attributes) @product.attributes = valid_product_attributes end describe 'on_hand' do it "should return the number of items available for the first variant" do @product.stub!(:variant).and_return(@variant) @variant.stub!(:on_hand).and_return(45) @product.on_hand.should == 45 end it "should update the inventory unit records of the corresponding variant when added" do @variant = Variant.create!({"price" => "10", "product" => @product}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 0 @product.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "1"}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 1 end it "should update the inventory unit records of the corresponding variant when removed" do @variant = Variant.create!({"price" => "10", "product" => @product}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 0 @product.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "2"}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 2 @product.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "1"}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 1 @product.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "0"}) @product.variant.inventory_units.size.should == 0 end end describe 'sku' do it "should return the stock keeping unit for the first variant" do @product.stub!(:variant).and_return(@variant) @product.sku.should == "un" end it "should update the stock keeping unit of the corresponding variant when changed" do @product.stub!(:variant).and_return(@variant) @product.sku = "mt" @variant.sku.should == "mt" end end describe 'has_stock?' do it "should be true if any variants are in stock" do @variant.stub!(:in_stock).and_return(true) @product.stub!(:variants).and_return([@variant]) @product.has_stock?.should be_true end it "should be false if all variants are out of stock" do @variant.stub!(:in_stock).and_return(false) @product.stub!(:variants).and_return([@variant]) @product.has_stock?.should be_false end end end it "should update the inventory unit records of the corresponding variant with an initial value when created" do if @product.variants.empty? @product.available_on = @product.variants << => @product) end @product.update_attributes!(valid_product_attributes.with("on_hand" => "2")) first_size = @product.variant.inventory_units.size first_size.should == 2 end it "should update the empty variant if the 'master_price' attribute is changed" do @variant = Variant.create(valid_variant_attributes) @product.update_attributes!(valid_product_attributes) @product.variants.stub!(:first).and_return(@variant) @variant.should_receive(:price=).with(20) @product.update_attributes!({"master_price" => "20"}) end end