ACD: status: Approved for CD stage: '20.99' ACDV: status: Approved for CDV stage: '30.99' ADISSB: status: Preparation of text subcontracted to CO stage: '40.95' ADTR: status: Approved for DTR stage: '40.99' ADTS: status: Approved for DTS stage: '40.99' AFDIS: status: Approved for FDIS stage: '40.99' AMW: status: Document under revision stage: '92.20' ANW: status: Registration of new project stage: '20.00' APUB: status: Approved for publication stage: '50.99' APUBSB: status: Preparation of text subcontracted to CO stage: '50.95' BPUB: status: Being published stage: '60.00' BWG: status: Return to drafting phase or redefine project stage: '30.92' CAN: status: Draft cancelled stage: '20.98' CCDV: status: Draft circulated as CDV stage: '40.00' CD: status: Draft circulated as CD stage: '30.00' CDISH: status: Draft circulated as DISH stage: '50.20' CDM: status: CD to be discussed at meeting stage: '30.20' CDPAS: status: Draft circulated as DPAS stage: '50.20' CDTR: status: Draft circulated as DTR stage: '50.20' CDTS: status: Draft circulated as DTS stage: '50.20' CDVM: status: Rejected CDV to be discussed at a meeting stage: '40.93' CFDIS: status: Draft circulated as FDIS stage: '50.20' DECDISH: status: DISH at editing check stage: '40.99' DECFDIS: status: FDIS at editing check stage: '50.60' DECPUB: status: Publication at editing check stage: '60.00' DEL: status: Deleted/abandoned stage: '00.99' DELPUB: status: Deleted publication stage: '90.99' DREJ: status: Abandon stage: '30.98' DTRM: status: Rejected DTR to be discussed at meeting stage: '50.92' DTSM: status: Rejected DTS to be discussed at meeting stage: '50.92' MERGED: status: Fragment merged stage: '30.97' NADIS: status: Repeat enquiry stage: '40.93' NCDV: status: CDV rejected stage: '40.98' NDTR: status: DTR rejected stage: '50.98' NDTS: status: DTS rejected stage: '50.98' NFDIS: status: FDIS rejected stage: '50.98' PCC: status: Preparation of CC stage: '30.92' PNW: status: New work item proposal stage: '10.00' PPUB: status: Publication issued stage: '60.60' PRVC: status: Preparation of RVC stage: '40.92' PRVD: status: Preparation of RVD stage: '40.92' PRVDISH: status: Preparation of RVDISH stage: '40.92' # ? PRVDPAS: status: Preparation of RVDPAS stage: '40.92' PRVDTR: status: Preparation of RVDTR stage: '40.92' PRVDTS: status: Preparation of RVDTS stage: '40.92' PRVN: status: Preparation of RVN stage: '40.92' PWI: status: Preliminary work item stage: '00.00' RDIS: status: Registration for formal approval stage: '50.00' RDISH: status: DISH received and registered stage: '50.00' RFDIS: status: FDIS received and registered stage: '50.00' RPUB: status: Publication received and registered stage: '60.60' SPE: stage: SPE # ? SPLIT: status: Project Fragmented stage: SPLIT # ? SRP: stage: SRP SUSPENDED: status: Project Suspended stage: SUSPENDED # ? TCDV: status: Translation of CDV stage: '50.00' TDISH: status: Translation of DISH stage: '50.00' # ? TDTR: status: Translation of DTR stage: '50.00' TDTS: status: Translation of DTS stage: '50.00' TFDIS: status: Translation of FDIS stage: '50.00' TPUB: status: Translation of publication stage: '60.00' WPUB: status: Publication withdrawn stage: '95.99' preCD: status: Preparation of CD document stage: preCD preCDPAS: status: Preparation of DPAS stage: preCDPAS preDISH: status: Preparation of DISH stage: preDISH preDTR: status: Preparation of DTR document stage: preDTR prePNW: status: Preparation of NP document stage: prePNW