module Architect4r module Core module CypherMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern def execute_cypher(query) query = self.interpolate_node_model_root_references(query) Architect4r.logger.debug("[Architect4r][execute_cypher] QUERY: #{query}") url = prepend_base_url("/cypher") response =, :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, :body => { 'query' => query }.to_json) msg = JSON.parse(response.body) Architect4r.logger.debug("[Architect4r][execute_cypher] CODE: #{response.code} => #{msg.inspect}") # Check if there might be an error with the query if response.code == 400 if msg['exception'].to_s.match /org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException/ nil else raise end elsif response.code == 500 raise elsif response.code == 204 nil else msg end end def cypher_query(query, transform=true) # Get data from server data = execute_cypher(query) Architect4r.logger.debug("[Architect4r][cypher_query] #{data.inspect}") # Create native ruby objects data['data'].map! do |set| { |item| convert_if_possible(item) } end # Transform to hash form if transform transform_cypher_result_to_hash(data) else data end end # Convert the columnized result array to a hashes within an array # # The input would look like: # # { 'data' => [['r1', 'n1'], ['r2', 'n2'], …], 'columns' => ['rel', 'node']} # # And it would be transformed to: # [ { 'rel' => 'r1', 'node' => 'n1' }, { 'rel' => 'r2', 'node' => 'n2' } ] # def transform_cypher_result_to_hash(input) results = [] input['data'].each_with_index do |row, ri| result_row = {} input['columns'].each_with_index do |column, ci| result_row[column] = row[ci] end results << result_row end results end # Parses a cypher query and replaces all placeholders for model roots # with the neo4j ids. It should make development faster, as you can # skip manual id retrieval: # # So instead of writing: # # "start s=node(#{}) match s-->d return d" # # you can write: # # "start s=node(:person_root) match s-->d return d" # def interpolate_node_model_root_references(query) query.scan(/node\((:[^)]*_root)\)/i).flatten.uniq.each do |str| model_name = str.match(/^:(.*)_root$/)[1].to_s.classify if model_name.length > 0 # As const_defined? and const_get to not support namespaces, we have to use eval :( begin query.gsub!(str, eval("#{model_name}")) rescue NoMethodError => ex nil end end end query end end end end