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      <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><h1>CryptIdent Version History</h1>

<h2>0.2.3 (28 February 2019)</h2>

<p>Beginning with this release, you do not need to (and ordinarily should not) assign to <code>config.repository</code> in order for <code>config.guest_user</code> to work (or vice versa). This eliminates a noisome bit of ceremony from using the config. See Issue  <a href="https://github.com/jdickey/crypt_ident/issues/29">#29</a>.</p>

<h2>0.2.2 (21 February 2019)</h2>

<p>First off, note that all 2019 releases are actually <em>marked</em> as 2019 releases now.</p>

<p>This release closes Issue <a href="https://github.com/jdickey/crypt_ident/issues/28">#28</a>, wherein we note that Version 0.2.1 and prior would have catastrophic breakage in <code>#update_session_expiry</code> when called with a <code>session_data</code> parameter that was &quot;insufficiently Hash-like&quot;; i.e., it did not support the <code>#merge</code> method. Examples of such not-quite-Hashes include <code>Hanami::Action::Session</code> which, rather obviously, is Important. 😞</p>

<h2>0.2.1 (16 February 2019)</h2>

<p>To commemorate The Valentine&#39;s Day Massacre, we&#39;ve just re-discovered that Rack (the server protocol underlying all reasonably-modern Ruby Web frameworks) doesn&#39;t deal nicely with objects stored in <code>session</code> data (which is, by default, persisted in a cookie). If you assign, say, a <code>Hanami::Entity</code>-subclass instance to <code>session[:current_user]</code> (where <code>session</code> is Hanami&#39;s access to <code>Rack::Session</code>), when you later read from <code>session[:current_user]</code>, you&#39;ll be handed back a <code>Hash</code> of the Entity&#39;s attributes. Entity semantics specify that any two instances of the same Entity class with the sasme attribute values refer to <em>the same value</em> of the Entity, not merely equal values, so converting back to an Entity is harmless. You just need to remember to do it and, as of 0.2.0, we didn&#39;t. That is fixed here, throughout the published API.</p>

<h2>0.2.0 (2 February 2019)</h2>

<p>Initial <em>confident</em> public (pre-)release.</p>

<p>Many bug-fixes; vastly improved documentation; better configuration; and integration tests (<code>test/integration/*_test.rb</code>) as the authoritative reference for usage, largely in conjunction with the API Documentation.</p>

<p>Beat on it as you will; feel free to <a href="https://github.com/jdickey/crypt_ident/issues/new">open issues</a> or join the discussion on <a href="https://gitter.im/crypt_ident">Gitter</a>.</p>

<p>This is <em>far</em> more likely to become 1.0.0.</p>

<h2>0.1.0 (18 December 2018)</h2>

<p>Initial public (pre-)release.</p>

<p>&quot;Why isn&#39;t this 1.0.0?&quot;, you ask. Because nobody, including me, has yet put code using <code>CryptIdent</code> into production (internal or otherwise). Therefore, any problems encountered in doing so can be resolved prior to an official 1.0.0 release. After 1.0.0, <a href="https://semver.org/">semantic-versioning</a> rules apply.</p>

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