Feature: Search In order to value As a role I want feature @javascript Scenario: Search via Search window Given the following roles exist: | id | name | | 1 | admin | | 2 | superadmin | | 3 | user | And the following users exist: | first_name | last_name | role_id | | Paul | Bley | 1 | | Dalai | Lama | 3 | | Taisha | Abelar | 2 | | Florinda | Donner | 1 | When I go to the UserGrid test page Then the grid should show 4 records When I press "Search" And I wait 1 second And I expand combobox "undefined_attr" And I select "First name" from combobox "undefined_attr" And I wait 1 second And I fill in "first_name_value" with "ai" And I press "Search" within "#user_grid__search_form" And I sleep 1 second Then the grid should show 2 records # When I press "Search" # And I follow "+" # And I expand combobox "undefined_attr" # And I select "First name" from combobox "undefined_attr" # And I fill in "first_name_value" with "in" # And I press "Search" within "#user_grid__search_form" # And I sleep 1 second # Then the grid should show 3 records # Search on association column not supported yet # When I press "Search" # And I fill in "Role name like:" with "adm" # And I fill in "First name like:" with "" # And I press "Search" within "#user_grid__search_form" # And I sleep 1 second # Then the grid should show 3 records