@search Feature: Search In order find content more quickly As an administrator I want to use search Background: Given I am a logged in refinery user @search-existing Scenario Outline: Search Existing Item Given I have a titled "" When I go to the list of <location> And I fill in "search" with "<title>" And I press "Search" Then I should see "<title>" Examples: | item | title | location | |page |testitem|pages | |inquiry |testitem|inquiries | |inquiry |testitem|spam inquiries| # This will only run when resources engine is installed. @search-file Scenario: Search File When I upload the file at "refinery_is_awesome.txt" And I go to the list of files And I fill in "search" with "Refinery Is Awesome" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Refinery Is Awesome" # This will only run when images engine is installed. @search-image Scenario: Search Image When I upload the image at "beach.jpeg" And I go to the list of images And I fill in "search" with "Beach" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Beach" @search-nonexisting Scenario Outline: Search Nonexisting Item Given I have no <item> When I go to the list of <location> And I fill in "search" with "nonexisting" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Sorry, no results found" Examples: | item | location | |pages |pages | |images |images | |files |files | |inquiries|inquiries | |inquiries|spam inquiries|