% def add_tip(text, help_text) return "
General stats about the patient cohort
<%= table(id: :summary_stats, header: true, styled: 'bs', cell_align: %w(left center ), attrib: {'class' => 'table table-striped'}) do |data| data.unshift(['Stat', 'Value']) end %>HPOs more frequent in the cohort
<%= table(id: :hpo_stats, header: true, styled: 'dt', cell_align: %w(left center ), attrib: {'class' => 'table table-striped'}) do |data| data.unshift(['HPO', ' Patient percentage']) end %>Distribution of the genome coverage of all mutations characterized in the cohort. Second figure shows the same results for SORs.
<%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'coverage_plot.pdf') if File.exists?(plot) embed_pdf(File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'coverage_plot.pdf'), 'width="800" height="800"') else "No genomic data was specified for this cohort
" end %> <%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'sor_coverage_plot.pdf') if File.exists?(plot) embed_pdf(File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'sor_coverage_plot.pdf'), 'width="800" height="800"') else "No genomic data was specified for this cohort
" end %>Analysis of the HPO terms within the HPO ontology and the cohort of patients. Left: distribution of terms within the ontology and the cohort. Right: percentage of terms distribution within the ontology and the cohort.
HPOs frequency distribution. Colour based on the HPO frequency.
Invalid file specified.
" end %>All patients are clustered using their HPO profiles. First figure shows the information coefficient distribution for the top clusters. Second figure shows which chromosomes are affected in the patients for each top cluster.
<%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'scatterplot.pdf') if File.exists?(plot) embed_pdf(plot, 'width="800" height="800"') else "Genomic data was not specified
" end %> <%= embed_pdf(File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'boxplot.pdf'), 'width="800" height="800"') %>For each patient profile size (number of phenotypes, x-axis) it is shown the number of HPO phenotypes that are parent of other terms within the profile (number of parent terms, y-axis).
<%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'parents_per_term.pdf') if File.exists?(plot) embed_pdf(plot, 'width="800" height="800"') else "Unable to find parents_per_term.pdf file.
" end %>First figure shows the ICs distribution in terms of the HP ontology (x-axis) and for each single HPO term, its frequency in the cohort according to the HP ontology structure (y-axis) and the second figure shows the same distributions considering the profiles analyzed.
<%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'hpo_ics.pdf') if File.exists?(plot) embed_pdf(plot, 'width="600" height="600"') else "Unable to find hpo_ics.pdf file.
" end %> <%= embed_pdf(File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'hpo_profile_ics.pdf'), 'width="600" height="600"') %>For each patient, their HPO profile similarity coefficient is calculated according to the different methods specified in the analysis and represented in these heatmaps.
<% @hash_vars[:clustering_methods].each do |clust_method| plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder], "#{clust_method}_heatmap.png") if File.exists?(plot) %> <%= embed_img(plot, 'width="800" height="800"') %> <% else puts 'File not found or method not specified.' end end %> <%= plot = File.join(@hash_vars[:temp_folder],'sim_boxplot.png') if File.exists?(plot) embed_img(plot, 'width="800" height="800"') end %>