require "ecpay_invoice/error" # require "../../../gem/lib/ecpay_invoice/error" require "nokogiri" require 'date' module ECpayInvoice class InvoiceVerifyBase include ECpayErrorDefinition @@param_xml = Nokogiri::XML(, 'ECpayInvoice.xml'))) def get_svc_url(apiname, mode) url = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/ServiceAddress/url[@type=\"#{mode}\"]").text return url end def get_special_encode_param(apiname) ret = [] node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@urlencode=\"1\"]") node.each {|elem| ret.push(elem.attributes['name'].value)} return ret end def get_basic_params(apiname) basic_param = [] @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters/param[@require=\"1\"]").each do |elem| basic_param.push(elem.attributes['name'].value) end return basic_param end def get_cond_param(apiname) aio_sw_param = [] conditional_param = {} @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Config/switchparam/n").each do |elem| aio_sw_param.push(elem.text) end aio_sw_param.each do |pname| opt_param = {} node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@name=\"#{pname}\"]") node.xpath('./condparam').each do |elem| opt = elem.attributes['owner'].value params = [] elem.xpath('./param[@require="1"]').each do |pa| params.push(pa.attributes['name'].value) end opt_param[opt] = params end conditional_param[pname] = opt_param end return conditional_param end def get_param_type(apiname) param_type = {} @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param").each do |elem| param_type[elem.attributes['name'].value] = elem.attributes['type'].value end return param_type end def get_opt_param_pattern(apiname) pattern = {} node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@type=\"Opt\"]") node.each do |param_elem| opt_elems = param_elem.xpath('./option') opt = [] opt_elems.each{|oe|opt.push(oe.text)} pattern[param_elem.attributes['name'].value] = opt end return pattern end def get_int_param_pattern(apiname) pattern = {} node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@type=\"Int\"]") node.each do |param_elem| mode = param_elem.xpath('./mode').text mx = param_elem.xpath('./maximum').text mn = param_elem.xpath('./minimal').text a = [] [mode, mx, mn].each{|f|a.push(f)} pattern[param_elem.attributes['name'].value] = a end return pattern end def get_str_param_pattern(apiname) pattern = {} node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@type=\"String\"]") node.each do |param_elem| p_name = param_elem.attributes['name'].value pat_elems = param_elem.xpath('./pattern') # if pat_elems.length > 1 # raise "Only 1 pattern tag is allowed for each parameter (#{p_name}) " # elsif pat_elems.length = 0 # raise "No pattern tag found for parameter (#{p_name}) " # end pat = pat_elems.text pattern[p_name] = pat end return pattern end def get_depopt_param_pattern(apiname) pattern = {} node = @@param_xml.xpath("/ecpayInvoice/#{apiname}/Parameters//param[@type=\"DepOpt\"]") node.each do |param_elem| parent_n_opts = {} sub_opts = {} p_name = param_elem.attributes['name'].value parent_name = param_elem.attributes['main'].value param_elem.xpath('./mainoption').each do |elem| k = elem.attributes['name'].value opt = [] elem.element_children.each{|c|opt.push(c.text)} sub_opts[k] = opt end parent_n_opts[parent_name] = sub_opts pattern[p_name] = parent_n_opts end return pattern end def get_all_pattern(apiname) res = {} res['Type_idx'] = self.get_param_type(apiname) res['Int'] = self.get_int_param_pattern(apiname) res['String'] = self.get_str_param_pattern(apiname) res['Opt'] = self.get_opt_param_pattern(apiname) res['DepOpt'] = self.get_depopt_param_pattern(apiname) return res end def verify_param_by_pattern(params, pattern) type_index = pattern['Type_idx'] params.keys.each do |p_name| p_type = type_index[p_name] patt_container = pattern[p_type] case when p_type == 'String' regex_patt = patt_container[p_name] mat = /#{regex_patt}/.match(params[p_name]) if mat.nil? raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Wrong format of param #{p_name} or length exceeded." end when p_type == 'Opt' aval_opt = patt_container[p_name] mat = aval_opt.include?(params[p_name]) if mat == false raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Unexpected option of param #{p_name} (#{params[p_name]}). Avaliable option: (#{aval_opt})." end when p_type == 'Int' criteria = patt_container[p_name] mode = criteria[0] max = criteria[1].to_i min = criteria[2].to_i val = params[p_name].to_i case when mode == 'BETWEEN' if val < min or val > max raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Value of #{p_name} should be between #{min} and #{max} ." end when mode == 'GE' if val < min raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Value of #{p_name} should be greater than or equal to #{min}." end when mode == 'LE' if val > max raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Value of #{p_name} should be less than or equal to #{max}." end when mode == 'EXCLUDE' if val >= min and val <= max raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Value of #{p_name} can NOT be between #{min} and #{max} .." end else raise "Unexpected integer verification mode for parameter #{p_name}: #{mode}. " end when p_type == 'DepOpt' dep_opt = patt_container[p_name] parent_param = dep_opt.keys()[0] all_dep_opt = dep_opt[parent_param] parent_val = params[parent_param] aval_opt = all_dep_opt[parent_val] if aval_opt.nil? and pattern['Opt'][parent_param].include?(parent_val) == false raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Cannot find avaliable option of [#{p_name}] by related param [#{parent_param}](Value: #{parent_val})." elsif aval_opt.is_a?(Array) unless aval_opt.include?(params[p_name]) raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Unexpected option of param #{p_name} (#{params[p_name]}). Avaliable option: (#{aval_opt})." end end else raise "Unexpected type (#{p_type}) for parameter #{p_name}. " end end end end class InvoiceParamVerify < InvoiceVerifyBase include ECpayErrorDefinition def initialize(apiname) @inv_basic_param = self.get_basic_params(apiname).freeze @inv_conditional_param = self.get_cond_param(apiname).freeze @all_param_pattern = self.get_all_pattern(apiname).freeze end def verify_inv_issue_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) #發票所有參數預設要全帶 if params.has_value?(nil) raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Parameter value cannot be nil} end #1. 比對欄位是否缺乏 param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys() unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Lack required invoice param #{param_diff}} end #2. 比對特殊欄位值相依需求 #a [CarruerType]為 1 => CustomerID 不能為空 if params['CarruerType'].to_s == '1' if params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] can not be empty when [CarruerType] is 1." end # [CustomerID]不為空 => CarruerType 不能為空 elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerType] can not be empty when [CustomerID] is not empty." end end #b 列印註記[Print]為 1 => CustomerName, CustomerAddr if params['Print'].to_s == '1' if params['CustomerName'].to_s.empty? or params['CustomerAddr'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerName] and [CustomerAddr] can not be empty when [Print] is 1." end unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CustomerID] is not empty." end unless params['CarruerType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CarruerType] is not empty." end unless params['CarruerNum'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CarruerNum] is not empty." end end #c CustomerPhone和CustomerEmail至少一個有值 if params['CustomerPhone'].to_s.empty? and params['CustomerEmail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerPhone] and [CustomerEmail] can not both be empty." end #d [TaxType]為 2 => ClearanceMark = 必須為 1 or 2,ItemTaxType 必須為空 if params['TaxType'].to_s == '2' if !params['ItemRemark'].to_s.empty? @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemRemark'] else @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] end @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless ['1', '2'].include?(params['ClearanceMark'].to_s) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] has to be 1 or 2 when [TaxType] is 2." end unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 2." end # 當[TaxType]為2時為零稅率,vat為0時商品單價為免稅,不須再加稅 # 若vat為1時商品單價為含稅,須再退稅 if params['vat'].to_s == '0' @tax_fee = 1 elsif params['vat'].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1.05 end #d.1 [TaxType]為 1 => ItemTaxType, ClearanceMark 必須為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '1' if !params['ItemRemark'].to_s.empty? @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemRemark'] else @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] end @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 1." end unless params['ClearanceMark'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] must be empty when [TaxType] is 1." end # 當[TaxType]為1時為應稅,vat為0時商品單價為免稅,須再加稅 # 若vat為1時商品單價為含稅,不須再加稅 if params['vat'].to_s == '0' @tax_fee = 1.05 elsif params['vat'].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1 end #d.2 [TaxType]為 3 => ItemTaxType, ClearanceMark 必須為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '3' if !params['ItemRemark'].to_s.empty? @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemRemark'] else @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] end @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 3." end unless params['ClearanceMark'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] must be empty when [TaxType] is 3." end # 當[TaxType]為3時為免稅,vat為0時商品單價為免稅,不須再加稅 # 若vat為1時商品單價為含稅,須再退稅 if params['vat'].to_s == '0' @tax_fee = 1 elsif params['vat'].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1.05 end #d.3 [TaxType]為 9 => ItemTaxType 必須為兩項商品(含)以上,且不可為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '9' if !params['ItemRemark'].to_s.empty? @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemRemark', 'ItemTaxType'] else @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemTaxType'] end @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemTaxType'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].include?('|') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must contain at lease one '|'." end if params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] can not be empty when [TaxType] is 9." end # 當[ItmeTaxType]含2選項的話[ClearanceMark]須為1或2 if params['ItemTaxType'].include?('2') unless ['1', '2'].include?(params['ClearanceMark'].to_s) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] has to be 1 or 2 when [ItemTaxType] has 2." end end end #e 統一編號[CustomerIdentifier]有值時 => CarruerType != 1, 2 or 3, *Donation = 2, print = 1 unless params['CustomerIdentifier'].to_s.empty? if ['1', '2', '3'].include?(params['CarruerType'].to_s) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerType] Cannot be 1, 2 or 3 when [CustomerIdentifier] is given." end unless params['Donation'].to_s == '2' and params['Print'].to_s == '1' raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] must be 1 and [Donation] must be 2 when [CustomerIdentifier] is given." end end # [CarruerType]為'' or 1 時 => CarruerNum = '', [CarruerType]為 2, CarruerNum = 固定長度為 16 且格式為 2 碼大小寫字母加上 14 碼數字。 [CarruerType]為 3 ,帶固定長度為 8 且格式為 1 碼斜線「/」加上由 7 碼數字及大小寫字母組成 if ['', '1'].include?(params['CarruerType'].to_s) unless params['CarruerNum'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must be empty when [CarruerType] is empty or 1." end elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '2' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] must be empty when [CarruerType] is 2." end if /[A-Za-z]{2}[0-9]{14}/.match(params['CarruerNum']).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must be 2 alphabets and 14 numbers when [CarruerType] is 2." end elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '3' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] must be empty when [CarruerType] is 3." end if /^\/[A-Za-z0-9\s+-]{7}$/.match(params['CarruerNum']).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must start with '/' followed by 7 alphabet and number characters when [CarruerType] is 3." end else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Unexpected value in [CarruerType]." end # Donation = 1 => LoveCode不能為空, print = 0 if params['Donation'].to_s == '1' if params['LoveCode'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[LoveCode] cannot be empty when [Donation] is 1." end unless params['Print'].to_s == '0' raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] must be 0 when [Donation] is 1." end # Donation = 2 => LoveCode不能有值 elsif params['Donation'].to_s == '2' unless params['LoveCode'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[LoveCode] must be empty when [Donation] is 2." end end # [vat]為0時 => ItemPrice = 未稅, ItemAmount = (ItemPrice * ItemCount) + (ItemPrice * ItemCount * tax(5%)) # 未稅加稅單一商品時直接四捨五入帶入ItemAmount,且ItemAmount等於SalesAmount # 未稅加稅多樣商品時先算稅金加總帶入ItemAmount,且ItemAmount全部金額加總後帶入SalesAmount後四捨五入 vat_params = @vat_params_list # 商品價錢含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemCount , *ItemPrice , *ItemAmount 逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 if params['vat'].to_s == '0' if !params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') unless params['ItemAmount'].to_i == (params['ItemPrice'].to_i * params['ItemCount'].to_i * @tax_fee).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{params['ItemPrice'].to_i}) times [ItemCount] (#{params['ItemCount'].to_i}) '*' tax (#{@tax_fee}) subtotal not equal [ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i})} end # 驗證單筆商品合計是否等於發票金額 unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == params['ItemAmount'].to_i raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i}) not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end elsif params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') vat_cnt = params['ItemPrice'].split('|').length vat_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless vat_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{vat_cnt})} end end vat_amount_arr = params['ItemAmount'].split('|') vat_price_arr = params['ItemPrice'].split('|') vat_count_arr = params['ItemCount'].split('|') (1..vat_cnt).each do |index| if @vat_params_list.length == 3 vat_tax_arr = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') if vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1.05 elsif vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '2' or vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '3' @tax_fee = 1 else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] can not be (#{vat_tax_arr[index - 1]}). Avaliable option: (1, 2, 3)." end end unless vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_f == (vat_price_arr[index - 1].to_i * vat_count_arr[index - 1].to_i * @tax_fee) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{vat_price_arr[index - 1].to_i}) times [ItemCount] (#{vat_count_arr[index - 1].to_i}) '*' tax(#{@tax_fee}) not match [ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_f})} end #Verify ItemAmount subtotal equal SalesAmount chk_amount_subtotal = 0 vat_amount_arr.each do |val| chk_amount_subtotal += val.to_f end unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == chk_amount_subtotal.round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr}) subtotal not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end end end end # [vat]為1時 => ItemPrice = 含稅, ItemAmount = ItemPrice * ItemCount # 商品價錢含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemCount , *ItemPrice , *ItemAmount 逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 # 含稅扣稅單一商品時直接四捨五入帶入ItemAmount,且ItemAmount等於SalesAmount # 含稅扣稅多樣商品時先算稅金加總四捨五入後帶入ItemAmount,且ItemAmount全部金額加總後等於SalesAmount if params['vat'].to_s == '1' if !params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') unless params['ItemAmount'].to_i == (params['ItemPrice'].to_i * params['ItemCount'].to_i / @tax_fee).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{params['ItemPrice'].to_i}) times [ItemCount] (#{params['ItemCount'].to_i}) '/' tax (#{@tax_fee}) subtotal not equal [ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i})} end # 驗證單筆商品合計是否等於發票金額 unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == params['ItemAmount'].to_i raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i}) not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end elsif params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') vat_cnt = params['ItemPrice'].split('|').length vat_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless vat_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{vat_cnt})} end end vat_amount_arr = params['ItemAmount'].split('|') vat_price_arr = params['ItemPrice'].split('|') vat_count_arr = params['ItemCount'].split('|') (1..vat_cnt).each do |index| if @vat_params_list.length == 3 vat_tax_arr = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') if vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1 elsif vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '2' or vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '3' @tax_fee = 1.05 else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] can not be (#{vat_tax_arr[index - 1]}). Avaliable option: (1, 2, 3)." end end unless vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i == (vat_price_arr[index - 1].to_i * vat_count_arr[index - 1].to_i / @tax_fee).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{vat_price_arr[index - 1]}) times [ItemCount] (#{vat_count_arr[index - 1]}) '/' tax(#{@tax_fee}) not match [ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i})} end #Verify ItemAmount subtotal equal SalesAmount chk_amount_subtotal = 0 vat_amount_arr.each do |val| chk_amount_subtotal += val.to_i end unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == chk_amount_subtotal raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr}) subtotal not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end end end end #3. 比對商品名稱,數量,單位,價格,tax,合計,備註項目數量是否一致,欄位是否為空 if params['ItemName'].to_s.empty? or params['ItemWord'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemName] or [ItemWord] cannot be empty" end # ItemTaxType and ItemRemark會因為TaxType and ItemRemark is not empty 新增至@item_params_list item_params = @item_params_list #商品名稱含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemName, *ItemCount ,*ItemWord, *ItemPrice, *ItemAmount, *ItemTaxType, *ItemRemark逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 if params['ItemName'].include?('|') item_cnt = params['ItemName'].split('|').length item_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless item_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{item_cnt})} end end # 課稅類別[TaxType] = 9 時 => ItemTaxType 能含有1,2 3(and at least contains one 1 and other) if params['TaxType'].to_s == '9' item_tax = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') p item_tax aval_tax_type = ['1', '2', '3'] vio_tax_t = (item_tax - aval_tax_type) unless vio_tax_t == [] raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Ilegal [ItemTaxType]: #{vio_tax_t}" end unless item_tax.include?('1') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must contain at lease one '1'." end if item_cnt >= 2 if !item_tax.include?('2') and !item_tax.include?('3') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] cannot be all 1 when [TaxType] is 9." end end if item_tax.include?('2') and item_tax.include?('3') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] cannot contain 2 and 3 at the same time." end end else #沒有管線 => 逐一檢查@item_params_list的欄位有無管線 item_params.each do |param_name| if params[param_name].include?('|') raise "Item info [#{param_name}] contains pipeline delimiter but there's only one item in param [ItemName]" end end end #4 比對所有欄位Pattern self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end def verify_inv_delay_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) #發票所有參數預設要全帶 if params.has_value?(nil) raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Parameter value cannot be nil} end #1. 比對欄位是否缺乏 param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys() unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Lack required invoice param #{param_diff}} end #2. 比對特殊欄位值相依需求 #a [CarruerType]為 1 => CustomerID 不能為空 if params['CarruerType'].to_s == '1' if params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] can not be empty when [CarruerType] is 1." end # [CustomerID]不為空 => CarruerType 不能為空 elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerType] can not be empty when [CustomerID] is not empty." end end #b 列印註記[Print]為 1 => CustomerName, CustomerAddr if params['Print'].to_s == '1' if params['CustomerName'].to_s.empty? or params['CustomerAddr'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerName] and [CustomerAddr] can not be empty when [Print] is 1." end unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CustomerID] is not empty." end unless params['CarruerType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CarruerType] is not empty." end unless params['CarruerNum'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] can not be '1' when [CarruerNum] is not empty." end end #c CustomerPhone和CustomerEmail至少一個有值 if params['CustomerPhone'].to_s.empty? and params['CustomerEmail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerPhone] and [CustomerEmail] can not both be empty." end #d [TaxType]為 2 => ClearanceMark = 必須為 1 or 2,ItemTaxType 必須為空 if params['TaxType'].to_s == '2' @tax_fee = 1.05 @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless ['1', '2'].include?(params['ClearanceMark'].to_s) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] has to be 1 or 2 when [TaxType] is 2." end unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 2." end #d.1 [TaxType]為 1 => ItemTaxType, ClearanceMark 必須為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1 @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 1." end unless params['ClearanceMark'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] must be empty when [TaxType] is 1." end #d.2 [TaxType]為 3 => ItemTaxType, ClearanceMark 必須為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '3' @tax_fee = 1.05 @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must be empty when [TaxType] is 3." end unless params['ClearanceMark'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ClearanceMark] must be empty when [TaxType] is 3." end #d.3 [TaxType]為 9 => ItemTaxType 必須為兩項商品(含)以上,且不可為空 elsif params['TaxType'].to_s == '9' @item_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemTaxType'] @vat_params_list = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount', 'ItemTaxType'] unless params['ItemTaxType'].include?('|') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must contain at lease one '|'." end if params['ItemTaxType'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] can not be empty when [TaxType] is 9." end end #e 統一編號[CustomerIdentifier]有值時 => CarruerType != 1, 2 or 3, *Donation = 2, print = 1 unless params['CustomerIdentifier'].to_s.empty? if ['1', '2', '3'].include?(params['CarruerType'].to_s) raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerType] Cannot be 1, 2 or 3 when [CustomerIdentifier] is given." end unless params['Donation'].to_s == '2' and params['Print'].to_s == '1' raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] must be 1 and [Donation] must be 2 when [CustomerIdentifier] is given." end end # DelayFlag Rules When [DelayFlag] is '1' the [DelayDay] range be between 1 and 15 # When [DelayFlag] is '2' the [DelayDay] range be between 0 and 15 if params['DelayFlag'].to_s == '1' if params['DelayDay'].to_i > 15 or params['DelayDay'].to_i < 1 raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[DelayDay] must be between 1 and 15 when [DelayFlag] is '1'." end elsif params['DelayFlag'].to_s == '2' if params['DelayDay'].to_i > 15 or params['DelayDay'].to_i < 0 raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[DelayDay] must be between 0 and 15 when [DelayFlag] is '2'." end end # [CarruerType]為'' or 1 時 => CarruerNum = '', [CarruerType]為 2, CarruerNum = 固定長度為 16 且格式為 2 碼大小寫字母加上 14 碼數字。 [CarruerType]為 3 ,帶固定長度為 8 且格式為 1 碼斜線「/」加上由 7 碼數字及大小寫字母組成 if ['', '1'].include?(params['CarruerType'].to_s) unless params['CarruerNum'].to_s == '' raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must be empty when [CarruerType] is empty or 1." end elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '2' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] must be empty when [CarruerType] is 3." end if /[A-Za-z]{2}[0-9]{14}/.match(params['CarruerNum']).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must be 2 alphabets and 14 numbers when [CarruerType] is 2." end elsif params['CarruerType'].to_s == '3' unless params['CustomerID'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CustomerID] must be empty when [CarruerType] is 3." end if /^\/[A-Za-z0-9\s+-]{7}$/.match(params['CarruerNum']).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[CarruerNum] must start with '/' followed by 7 alphabet and number characters when [CarruerType] is 3." end else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Unexpected value in [CarruerType]." end # Donation = 1 => LoveCode不能為空, print = 0 if params['Donation'].to_s == '1' if params['LoveCode'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[LoveCode] cannot be empty when [Donation] is 1." end unless params['Print'].to_s == '0' raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Print] must be 0 when [Donation] is 1." end # Donation = 2 => LoveCode不能有值 elsif params['Donation'].to_s == '2' unless params['LoveCode'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[LoveCode] must be empty when [Donation] is 2." end end vat_params = @vat_params_list # 商品價錢含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemCount , *ItemPrice , *ItemAmount 逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 if !params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') unless params['ItemAmount'].to_i == (params['ItemPrice'].to_i * params['ItemCount'].to_i / @tax_fee).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{params['ItemPrice'].to_i}) times [ItemCount] (#{params['ItemCount'].to_i}) '/' tax (#{@tax_fee}) subtotal not equal [ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i})} end # 驗證單筆商品合計是否等於發票金額 unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == params['ItemAmount'].to_i raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i}) not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end elsif params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') vat_cnt = params['ItemPrice'].split('|').length vat_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless vat_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{vat_cnt})} end end vat_amount_arr = params['ItemAmount'].split('|') vat_price_arr = params['ItemPrice'].split('|') vat_count_arr = params['ItemCount'].split('|') (1..vat_cnt).each do |index| if @vat_params_list.length == 3 vat_tax_arr = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') if vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '1' @tax_fee = 1 elsif vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '2' or vat_tax_arr[index - 1].to_s == '3' @tax_fee = 1.05 else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] can not be (#{vat_tax_arr[index - 1]}). Avaliable option: (1, 2, 3)." end end unless vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i == (vat_price_arr[index - 1].to_i * vat_count_arr[index - 1].to_i / @tax_fee).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{vat_price_arr[index - 1]}) times [ItemCount] (#{vat_count_arr[index - 1]}) '/' tax(#{@tax_fee}) not match [ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i})} end #Verify ItemAmount subtotal equal SalesAmount chk_amount_subtotal = 0 vat_amount_arr.each do |val| chk_amount_subtotal += val.to_i end unless params['SalesAmount'].to_i == chk_amount_subtotal raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr}) subtotal not equal [SalesAmount] (#{params['SalesAmount'].to_i})} end end end #3. 比對商品名稱,數量,單位,價格,tax,合計,備註項目數量是否一致,欄位是否為空 if params['ItemName'].to_s.empty? or params['ItemWord'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemName] or [ItemWord] cannot be empty" end item_params = @item_params_list #商品名稱含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemName, *ItemCount ,*ItemWord, *ItemPrice, *ItemAmount逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 if params['ItemName'].include?('|') item_cnt = params['ItemName'].split('|').length item_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless item_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{item_cnt})} end end # 課稅類別[TaxType] = 9 時 => ItemTaxType 能含有1,2 3(and at least contains one 1 and other) if params['TaxType'].to_s == '9' item_tax = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') p item_tax aval_tax_type = ['1', '2', '3'] vio_tax_t = (item_tax - aval_tax_type) unless vio_tax_t == [] raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Ilegal [ItemTaxType]: #{vio_tax_t}" end unless item_tax.include?('1') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] must contain at lease one '1'." end if !item_tax.include?('2') and !item_tax.include?('3') raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemTaxType] cannot be all 1 when [TaxType] is 9." end end else #沒有管線 => 逐一檢查後6項有無管線 item_params.each do |param_name| if params[param_name].include?('|') raise "Item info [#{param_name}] contains pipeline delimiter but there's only one item in param [ItemName]" end end end #4 比對所有欄位Pattern self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end def verify_inv_trigger_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Lack required param #{param_diff}" end #Verify Value pattern of each param self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end def verify_inv_allowance_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) #發票所有參數預設要全帶 if params.has_value?(nil) raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Parameter value cannot be nil} end #1. 比對欄位是否缺乏 param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys() unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Lack required invoice param #{param_diff}} end #2. 比對特殊欄位值相依需求 #NotifyPhone和NotifyMail至少一個有值 if params['AllowanceNotify'].to_s == 'S' if params['NotifyPhone'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[NotifyPhone] cannot be empty." end elsif params['AllowanceNotify'].to_s == 'E' if params['NotifyMail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[NotifyMail] cannot be empty." end elsif params['AllowanceNotify'].to_s == 'A' if params['NotifyPhone'].to_s.empty? or params['NotifyMail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[NotifyPhone] and [NotifyMail] can not be empty." end end vat_params = ['ItemCount', 'ItemAmount'] # 商品價錢含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemCount , *ItemPrice , *ItemAmount 逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 # 驗證單筆ItemAmount = (ItemPrice * ItemCount) if !params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') unless params['ItemAmount'].to_i == (params['ItemPrice'].to_i * params['ItemCount'].to_i).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{params['ItemPrice'].to_i}) times [ItemCount] (#{params['ItemCount'].to_i}) subtotal not equal [ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i})} end # 驗證單筆商品合計是否等於發票金額 unless params['AllowanceAmount'].to_i == params['ItemAmount'].to_i raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{params['ItemAmount'].to_i}) not equal [AllowanceAmount] (#{params['AllowanceAmount'].to_i})} end elsif params['ItemPrice'].include?('|') vat_cnt = params['ItemPrice'].split('|').length vat_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless vat_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{vat_cnt})} end end vat_amount_arr = params['ItemAmount'].split('|') vat_price_arr = params['ItemPrice'].split('|') vat_count_arr = params['ItemCount'].split('|') (1..vat_cnt).each do |index| unless vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i == (vat_price_arr[index - 1].to_i * vat_count_arr[index - 1].to_i).round raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemPrice] (#{vat_price_arr[index - 1]}) times [ItemCount] (#{vat_count_arr[index - 1]}) not match [ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr[index - 1].to_i})} end #Verify ItemAmount subtotal equal SalesAmount chk_amount_subtotal = 0 vat_amount_arr.each do |val| chk_amount_subtotal += val.to_i end unless params['AllowanceAmount'].to_i == chk_amount_subtotal raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{[ItemAmount] (#{vat_amount_arr}) subtotal not equal [AllowanceAmount] (#{params['AllowanceAmount'].to_i})} end end end #3. 比對商品名稱,數量,單位,價格,tax,合計,備註項目數量是否一致,欄位是否為空 if params['ItemName'].to_s.empty? or params['ItemWord'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[ItemName] or [ItemWord] cannot be empty" end item_params = ['ItemCount', 'ItemWord', 'ItemPrice', 'ItemAmount'] #商品名稱含有管線 => 認為是多樣商品 *ItemName, *ItemCount ,*ItemWord, *ItemPrice, *ItemAmount逐一用管線分割,計算數量後與第一個比對 if params['ItemName'].include?('|') item_cnt = params['ItemName'].split('|').length item_params.each do |param_name| # Check if there's empty value. unless /(\|\||^\||\|$)/.match(params[param_name]).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[#{param_name}] contains empty value." end p_cnt = params[param_name].split('|').length unless item_cnt == p_cnt raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, %Q{Count of item info [#{param_name}] (#{p_cnt}) not match item count from [ItemCount] (#{item_cnt})} end end # ItemTaxType 能含有1,2 3(and at least contains one 1 and other) if params['ItemTaxType'].include?('|') item_tax = params['ItemTaxType'].split('|') aval_tax_type = ['1', '3'] vio_tax_t = (item_tax - aval_tax_type) unless vio_tax_t == [] raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Ilegal [ItemTaxType]: #{vio_tax_t}" end end else #沒有管線 => 逐一檢查後6項有無管線 item_params.each do |param_name| if params[param_name].include?('|') raise "Item info [#{param_name}] contains pipeline delimiter but there's only one item in param [ItemName]" end end end #4 比對所有欄位Pattern self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end def verify_inv_issue_invalid_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Lack required param #{param_diff}" end #Verify Value pattern of each param self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end def verify_inv_allowance_invalid_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Lack required param #{param_diff}" end #Verify Value pattern of each param self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end end class QueryParamVerify < InvoiceVerifyBase include ECpayErrorDefinition def initialize(apiname) @inv_basic_param = self.get_basic_params(apiname).freeze @inv_conditional_param = self.get_cond_param(apiname).freeze @all_param_pattern = self.get_all_pattern(apiname).freeze end def verify_query_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, "Lack required param #{param_diff}" end #Verify Value pattern of each param self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end end class NotifyParamVerify < InvoiceVerifyBase include ECpayErrorDefinition def initialize(apiname) @inv_basic_param = self.get_basic_params(apiname).freeze @inv_conditional_param = self.get_cond_param(apiname).freeze @all_param_pattern = self.get_all_pattern(apiname).freeze end def verify_notify_param(params) if params.is_a?(Hash) #發送發票通知預設參數要全帶 if params.has_value?(nil) raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Parameter value cannot be nil} end #1. 比對欄位是否缺乏 param_diff = @inv_basic_param - params.keys() unless param_diff == [] raise ECpayInvalidParam, %Q{Lack required invoice param #{param_diff}} end #2. 比對特殊欄位值相依需求 #a Phone和NotifyMail至少一個有值 if params['Phone'].to_s.empty? and params['NotifyMail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Phone] and [NotifyMail] can not both be empty." end #b [Notify] is S [Phone] can not be empty or [Notify] is E [NotifyMail] can not be empty # If [Notify] is A [Phone] and [NotifyMail] can not both be empty if params['Notify'].to_s == 'S' if params['Phone'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Phone] can not be empty when [Notify] is 'S'." end elsif params['Notify'].to_s == 'E' if params['NotifyMail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[NotifyMail] can not be empty when [Notify] is 'E'." end elsif params['Notify'].to_s == 'A' if params['Phone'].to_s.empty? or params['NotifyMail'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[Phone] and [NotifyMail] can not be empty when [Notify] is 'A'." end else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Unexpected value in [Notify]." end #c [InvoiceTag] is I,II,A,AI,AW [InvoiceNo] can not be empty or [InvoiceTag] is A,AI [AllowanceNo] can not be empty if params['InvoiceTag'].to_s == 'I' or params['InvoiceTag'].to_s == 'II' or params['InvoiceTag'].to_s == 'AW' if params['InvoiceNo'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[InvoiceNo] can not be empty." end elsif params['InvoiceTag'].to_s == 'A' or params['InvoiceTag'].to_s == 'AI' if /^\d{16}$/.match(params['AllowanceNo']).nil? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[AllowanceNo] must followed by 16 number characters when [InvoiceTag] is 'A' or 'AI'." end if params['InvoiceNo'].to_s.empty? if params['AllowanceNo'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[InvoiceNo] and [AllowanceNo] can not be empty when [Notify] is 'A' or 'AI'." end raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[InvoiceNo] can not be empty." end unless params['InvoiceNo'].to_s.empty? if params['AllowanceNo'].to_s.empty? raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "[AllowanceNo] can not be empty." end end else raise ECpayInvoiceRuleViolate, "Unexpected value in [InvoiceTag]." end #Verify Value pattern of each param self.verify_param_by_pattern(params, @all_param_pattern) else raise TypeError, "Recieved argument is not a hash" end end end end