AllCops: Include: - Rakefile Exclude: - spec/fixtures/** #- CocoaPods -----------------------------------------------------------------# # We adopted raise instead of fail. SignalException: EnforcedStyle: only_raise # They are idiomatic AssignmentInCondition: Enabled: false # Allow backticks AsciiComments: Enabled: false # Indentation clarifies logic branches in implementations IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false # No enforced convention here. SingleLineBlockParams: Enabled: false # We only add the comment when needed. Encoding: Enabled: false #- CocoaPods support for Ruby 1.8.7 ------------------------------------------# HashSyntax: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets Lambda: Enabled: false #- CocoaPods specs -----------------------------------------------------------# # Allow for `should.match /regexp/`. AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: Exclude: - spec/**/* # Allow `object.should == object` syntax. Void: Exclude: - spec/**/* ClassAndModuleChildren: Exclude: - spec/**/* UselessComparison: Exclude: - spec/**/*