# # This file is part of ruby-ffi. # For licensing, see LICENSE.SPECS # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) describe "Function with variadic arguments" do module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH enum :enum_type1, [:c1, :c2] enum :enum_type2, [:c3, 42, :c4] attach_function :pack_varargs, [ :buffer_out, :string, :varargs ], :void attach_function :pack_varargs2, [ :buffer_out, :enum_type1, :string, :varargs ], :enum_type1 attach_function :testBlockingOpen, [ ], :pointer attach_function :testBlockingRWva, [ :pointer, :char, :varargs ], :char, :blocking => true attach_function :testBlockingWRva, [ :pointer, :char, :varargs ], :char, :blocking => true attach_function :testBlockingClose, [ :pointer ], :void end it "takes enum arguments" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long, 2 LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, "ii", :int, :c3, :int, :c4) expect(buf.get_int64(0)).to eq(42) expect(buf.get_int64(8)).to eq(43) end it "returns symbols for enums" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long, 2 expect(LibTest.pack_varargs2(buf, :c1, "ii", :int, :c3, :int, :c4)).to eq(:c2) end it 'can wrap a blocking function with varargs' do pending("not supported in 1.8") if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\..*/ handle = LibTest.testBlockingOpen expect(handle).not_to be_null begin thWR = Thread.new { LibTest.testBlockingWRva(handle, 63, :int, 40, :int, 23, :int, 0) } thRW = Thread.new { LibTest.testBlockingRWva(handle, 64, :int, 40, :int, 24, :int, 0) } expect(thWR.value).to eq(64) expect(thRW.value).to eq(63) ensure LibTest.testBlockingClose(handle) end end [ 0, 127, -128, -1 ].each do |i| it "call variadic with (:char (#{i})) argument" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, "c", :char, i) expect(buf.get_int64(0)).to eq(i) end end [ 0, 0x7f, 0x80, 0xff ].each do |i| it "call variadic with (:uchar (#{i})) argument" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, "C", :uchar, i) expect(buf.get_int64(0)).to eq(i) end end [ 0, 1.234567, 9.87654321 ].each do |v| it "call variadic with (:float (#{v})) argument" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, "f", :float, v.to_f) expect(buf.get_float64(0)).to eq(v) end end [ 0, 1.234567, 9.87654321 ].each do |v| it "call variadic with (:double (#{v})) argument" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, "f", :double, v.to_f) expect(buf.get_float64(0)).to eq(v) end end module Varargs PACK_VALUES = { 'c' => [ 0x12 ], 'C' => [ 0x34 ], 's' => [ 0x5678 ], 'S' => [ 0x9abc ], 'i' => [ 0x7654321f ], 'I' => [ 0xfee1babe ], 'l' => [ 0x1f2e3d4c ], 'L' => [ 0xf7e8d9ca ], 'j' => [ 0x1eafdeadbeefa1b2 ], 'f' => [ 1.23456789 ], 'd' => [ 9.87654321 ] } TYPE_MAP = { 'c' => :char, 'C' => :uchar, 's' => :short, 'S' => :ushort, 'i' => :int, 'I' => :uint, 'j' => :long_long, 'J' => :ulong_long, 'l' => :long, 'L' => :ulong, 'f' => :float, 'd' => :double } end def verify(p, off, v) if v.kind_of?(Float) expect(p.get_float64(off)).to eq(v) else expect(p.get_int64(off)).to eq(v) end end Varargs::PACK_VALUES.keys.each do |t1| Varargs::PACK_VALUES.keys.each do |t2| Varargs::PACK_VALUES.keys.each do |t3| Varargs::PACK_VALUES[t1].each do |v1| Varargs::PACK_VALUES[t2].each do |v2| Varargs::PACK_VALUES[t3].each do |v3| fmt = "#{t1}#{t2}#{t3}" params = [ Varargs::TYPE_MAP[t1], v1, Varargs::TYPE_MAP[t2], v2, Varargs::TYPE_MAP[t3], v3 ] it "call(#{fmt}, #{params.join(',')})" do buf = FFI::Buffer.new :long_long, 3 LibTest.pack_varargs(buf, fmt, *params) verify(buf, 0, v1) verify(buf, 8, v2) verify(buf, 16, v3) end end end end end end end end