# lib/gemwarrior/entities/items/pedestal.rb # Item::Pedestal require_relative '../item' module Gemwarrior class Pedestal < Item attr_accessor :switches def initialize self.name = 'pedestal' self.description = 'A pedestal about 4 feet in height rises up from the ground, with six switches arranged vertically above a large gem affixed to the top. The switches each have a word next to them in some language that looks familiar yet strange. Each letter is made of some kind of ink crudely splashed on stone, and each can be moved to arrange them in a different fashion than they are now. The large gem glitters with utter brilliance.' self.atk_lo = nil self.atk_hi = nil self.takeable = false self.useable = true self.equippable = false self.equipped = false self.switches = init_switches end def init_switches self.switches = [ ['iolita', jumble('iolita'), nil], ['rockney', jumble('rockney'), nil], ['emerald', jumble('emerald'), nil], ['ruby', jumble('ruby'), nil], ['amberoo', jumble('amberoo'), nil], ['alexandrat', jumble('alexandrat'), nil] ] self.switches = self.switches.sort_by { rand } end def use(player = nil) puts 'You look at the pedestal and its switches. The raised gem beckons you to push it and, deductively, you believe that pressing it will do something. However, those switches probably have something to do with the result.' loop do print_switches(self.switches) puts puts 'You can change the words themselves and you can push the large gem. What do you do?' puts puts '>> 1 Rearrange the letters in switch 1\'s word' puts '>> 2 Rearrange the letters in switch 2\'s word' puts '>> 3 Rearrange the letters in switch 3\'s word' puts '>> 4 Rearrange the letters in switch 4\'s word' puts '>> 5 Rearrange the letters in switch 5\'s word' puts '>> 6 Rearrange the letters in switch 6\'s word' puts '>> 7 Push the large gem into the pedestal' puts '>> 8 Stop this nonsense' puts print '> ' choice = gets.chomp! case choice when '1' switch1 = switches[0][2].nil? ? switches[0][1] : switches[0][2] puts "Switch 1: #{switch1}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[0][2] = new_word when '2' switch2 = switches[1][2].nil? ? switches[1][1] : switches[1][2] puts "Switch 2: #{switch2}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[1][2] = new_word when '3' switch3 = switches[2][2].nil? ? switches[2][1] : switches[2][2] puts "Switch 3: #{switch3}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[2][2] = new_word when '4' switch4 = switches[3][2].nil? ? switches[3][1] : switches[3][2] puts "Switch 4: #{switch4}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[3][2] = new_word when '5' switch5 = switches[4][2].nil? ? switches[4][1] : switches[4][2] puts "Switch 5: #{switch5}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[4][2] = new_word when '6' switch6 = switches[5][2].nil? ? switches[5][1] : switches[5][2] puts "Switch 6: #{switch6}" puts 'What should the switch\'s word be set to?' new_word = gets.chomp! switches[5][2] = new_word when '7' pedestal_configured = true for i in 0..switches.length-1 do pedestal_configured = false unless switches[i][0].eql? switches[i][2] end if pedestal_configured puts 'You push the large gem into the pedestal and it descends without a hitch, almost as if it were meant to be. The pedestal begins to violently shake and a strong gust of wind picks you up off the ground. You feel completely taken aback and unsettled, but you have no choice: you are being whisked away somewhere into the sky, destination unknown.'.colorize(:yellow) # stats player.movements_made += 1 Animation::run({ :phrase => '*** WHOOOOOSH ***' }) return {:type => 'move', :data => 'Sky Tower (Entryway)'} else puts 'You attempt to push the large gem, but it puts up quite the resistance, and nothing much else happens. Your attention once again returns to the pedestal and its switches.'.colorize(:red) end when '8' puts 'You step away from the mysterious pedestal.' return {:type => nil, :data => nil} else next end end end private def print_switches(switches) puts switch1 = switches[0][2].nil? ? switches[0][1] : switches[0][2] puts "Switch 1: #{switch1}" switch2 = switches[1][2].nil? ? switches[1][1] : switches[1][2] puts "Switch 2: #{switch2}" switch3 = switches[2][2].nil? ? switches[2][1] : switches[2][2] puts "Switch 3: #{switch3}" switch4 = switches[3][2].nil? ? switches[3][1] : switches[3][2] puts "Switch 4: #{switch4}" switch5 = switches[4][2].nil? ? switches[4][1] : switches[4][2] puts "Switch 5: #{switch5}" switch6 = switches[5][2].nil? ? switches[5][1] : switches[5][2] puts "Switch 6: #{switch6}" end def jumble(word) word.split(//).sort_by { rand }.join('') end end end