# TODO: Workaround, since hockeyapp.rb from shenzhen includes the code for commander def command(_param) end module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK = :HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION = :HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION # contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier end class HockeyAction < Action def self.run(params) # Available options: http://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-versions#upload-version options = { notes: 'No changelog given', status: 2, notify: 1 }.merge(params.first) options[:ipa] ||= Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] options[:dsym] ||= Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] require 'shenzhen' require 'shenzhen/plugins/hockeyapp' raise "No API Token for Hockey given, pass using `api_token: 'token'`. Open https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/auth_tokens to get one".red unless options[:api_token].to_s.length > 0 raise "No IPA file given or found, pass using `ipa: 'path.ipa'`".red unless options[:ipa] raise "IPA file on path '#{File.expand_path(options[:ipa])}' not found".red unless File.exist?(options[:ipa]) if options[:dsym] options[:dsym_filename] = options[:dsym] else dsym_path = options[:ipa].gsub('ipa', 'app.dSYM.zip') if File.exist?(dsym_path) options[:dsym_filename] = dsym_path else Helper.log.info "Symbols not found on path #{File.expand_path(dsym_path)}. Crashes won't be symbolicated properly".yellow end end raise "Symbols on path '#{File.expand_path(options[:dsym_filename])}' not found".red if (options[:dsym_filename] && !File.exist?(options[:dsym_filename])) Helper.log.info 'Starting with ipa upload to HockeyApp... this could take some time.'.green client = Shenzhen::Plugins::HockeyApp::Client.new(options[:api_token]) return if Helper.test? response = client.upload_build(options[:ipa], options) case response.status when 200...300 url = response.body['public_url'] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK] = url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION] = response.body Helper.log.info "Public Download URL: #{url}" if url Helper.log.info 'Build successfully uploaded to HockeyApp!'.green else Helper.log.fatal "Error uploading to HockeyApp: #{response.body}" raise 'Error when trying to upload ipa to HockeyApp'.red end end def self.description "Upload a new build to HockeyApp" end def self.available_options [ ['api_token', 'API Token for Hockey Access'], ['ipa', 'Path to the ipa file. Optional if you use the `ipa` or `xcodebuild` action'], ['notes', 'The changelog for this build'], ['dsym', 'Path to the dsym file. Optional if you use the `ipa` or `xcodebuild` action'], ['status', 'Download status: 1 = No user can download; 2 = Available for download'], ['notify', 'Notify testers? 1 for yes'], ] end def self.output [ ['HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK', 'The newly generated download link for this build'], ['HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION', 'contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier'] ] end def self.author "KrauseFx" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end end end end