describe "services", -> beforeEach module("") describe "alerts", -> it "is defined", inject (alerts) -> expect(alerts).toBeDefined() describe "#nextId", -> it "return the next id for the new flash message", inject (alerts) -> expect(alerts.nextId()).toEqual(1) _(4).times -> alerts.nextId() expect(alerts.nextId()).toEqual(6) describe "#push", -> beforeEach inject (alerts) -> spyOn(alerts, "delayedDispose") it "returns an id for the new flash message", inject (alerts) -> expect(alerts.push("info", "Test..")).toEqual(1) expect(alerts.delayedDispose).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) expect(alerts.push("error", "Test error..")).toEqual(2) expect(alerts.delayedDispose).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2) describe "#info", -> it "pushesh the given message", inject (alerts) -> # Given testMessage = "This is a test message!" otherTestMessage = "This is a second test message!" # When expect(alerts.delayedDispose).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) expect(alerts.delayedDispose).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2) # Then expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 1, type: "info", text: testMessage) expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 2, type: "info", text: otherTestMessage) describe "#error", -> it "pushesh the given message", inject (alerts) -> # Given testMessage = "This is a test message!" # When alerts.error(testMessage) expect(alerts.delayedDispose).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) # Then expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 1, type: "error", text: testMessage) describe "#dispose", -> it "removes a message with the given id", inject (alerts) -> # Given"First message")"Second message")"Third message") alerts.error("Error message") # When alerts.dispose(2) # Then expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 1, type: "info", text: "First message") expect(alerts.messages).not.toContain(id: 2, type: "info", text: "Second message") expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 3, type: "info", text: "Third message") expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 4, type: "error", text: "Error message") describe "#delayedDispose", -> it "removes a message after the given time", inject (alerts, $timeout) -> # Given"First message") # When alerts.delayedDispose(1) expect(alerts.messages).toContain(id: 1, type: "info", text: "First message") $timeout.flush() # Then expect(alerts.messages).toEqual([])