class BeIdenticalWith def initialize(expected) @expected = expected end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual FileUtils.identical?(@actual, @expected) end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to be identical with #{@expected.inspect}" end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to not be identical with #{@expected.inspect}" end end def be_identical_with(expected) end class ExistsPredicate def matches?(actual) actual.exists? end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to exist, it doesn't." end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to not exist, yet it does." end end def be_in_existence end class MatchPath def initialize(*expected) if(expected.size < 2) @expected = File.expand_path(expected.first) else @expected = {|e| e.is_a?(Regexp) ? e.to_s : Regexp.escape(e)} @expected = File.expand_path(File.join(*@expected), RAILS_ROOT) @expected = %r(^#{@expected}$) end end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual if @expected.is_a?(Regexp) File.expand_path(actual) =~ @expected else File.expand_path(actual) == @expected end end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to match #{@expected}." end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to not match #{@expected}, yet it does." end end # Match a path without bothering whether they are formatted the same way. # can also take several parameters, any number of which may be regexes def match_path(*expected)*expected) end class HavePermissions def initialize(expected) @expected = expected end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual # Satisfy expectation here. Return false or raise an error if it's not met. (File.stat(@actual.path).mode & 0777) == @expected end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to have permissions #{@expected.to_s(8)}, but they were #{(File.stat(@actual.path).mode & 0777).to_s(8)}" end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} not to have permissions #{@expected.to_s(8)}, but it did" end end def have_permissions(expected) end class BeNoLargerThan def initialize(width, height) @width, @height = width, height end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual # Satisfy expectation here. Return false or raise an error if it's not met. require 'RMagick' img = @actual_width = img.columns @actual_height = img.rows @actual_width <= @width && @actual_height <= @height end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to be no larger than #{@width} by #{@height}, but it was #{@actual_height} by #{@actual_width}." end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to be larger than #{@width} by #{@height}, but it wasn't." end end def be_no_larger_than(width, height), height) end class HaveTheExactDimensionsOf def initialize(width, height) @width, @height = width, height end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual # Satisfy expectation here. Return false or raise an error if it's not met. require 'RMagick' img = @actual_width = img.columns @actual_height = img.rows @actual_width == @width && @actual_height == @height end def failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} to have an exact size of #{@width} by #{@height}, but it was #{@actual_height} by #{@actual_width}." end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@actual.inspect} not to have an exact size of #{@width} by #{@height}, but it did." end end def have_the_exact_dimensions_of(width, height), height) end