# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- module CSD module Application module Minisip module Component module Gnome class << self DESKTOP_ENTRY = %{ [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=MiniSIP Client GenericName=Video conferencing client Comment=Have a video conference in high-definition Exec=minisip_gtkgui Icon=minisip_gnome Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=Application;Internet;Network;Chat;AudioVideo} def compile UI.debug "#{self}.compile was called" return unless Gem::Platform.local.debian? # TODO: Actually, Ubuntu only, not Debian. But I'm not so sure. if Options.this_user # This command opens the bin directory in Debian/Ubuntu as to show where the executables are located in a single-user mode installation. UI.info "Revealing user-specific MiniSIP exectutables" Cmd.run "nautilus #{Path.build_bin}" else create_desktop_entry update_gnome_menu_cache end send_notification end def create_desktop_entry # In fact, we would like to update the desktop entry it each time the AI (re-)compiles minisip # So we do not return here now # return if Path.minisip_gnome_pixmap.file? and Path.minisip_desktop_entry.file? UI.info "Installing Gnome menu item".green.bold Cmd.run("sudo cp #{Path.minisip_gnome_png} #{Path.minisip_gnome_pixmap}", :announce_pwd => false) Path.new_desktop_entry = Pathname.new File.join(Path.work, 'minisip.desktop') Cmd.touch_and_replace_content Path.new_desktop_entry, DESKTOP_ENTRY, :internal => true Cmd.run "sudo mv #{Path.new_desktop_entry} #{Path.minisip_desktop_entry}", :announce_pwd => false end # Every desktop entry file not created via dpkg will not update the gnome menus cache. We need to # do this manually here. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/581838 # If this step would not be done, the MiniSIP menu item would disappear after restarting Ubuntu. # def update_gnome_menu_cache return unless Gem::Platform.local.ubuntu_10? Cmd.run %{sudo sh -c "/usr/share/gnome-menus/update-gnome-menus-cache /usr/share/applications/ > /usr/share/applications/desktop.${LANG}.cache"}, :announce_pwd => false end # Sends an OSD notification. # def send_notification Cmd.run %{notify-send --icon=minisip_gnome "MiniSIP installation complete" "Please have a look in your Applications menu -> Internet." }, :internal => true, :die_on_failure => false end end end end end end end