# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Thrift::CompactProtocol do TESTS = { :byte => (-127..127).to_a, :i16 => (0..14).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort, :i32 => (0..30).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort, :i64 => (0..62).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort, :string => ["", "1", "short", "fourteen123456", "fifteen12345678", "1" * 127, "1" * 3000], :binary => ["", "\001", "\001" * 5, "\001" * 14, "\001" * 15, "\001" * 127, "\001" * 3000], :double => [0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.1, -1.1, 10000000.1, 1.0/0.0, -1.0/0.0], :bool => [true, false] } it "should encode and decode naked primitives correctly" do TESTS.each_pair do |primitive_type, test_values| test_values.each do |value| # puts "testing #{value}" if primitive_type == :i64 trans = Thrift::MemoryBufferTransport.new proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(trans) proto.send(writer(primitive_type), value) # puts "buf: #{trans.inspect_buffer}" if primitive_type == :i64 read_back = proto.send(reader(primitive_type)) read_back.should == value end end end it "should encode and decode primitives in fields correctly" do TESTS.each_pair do |primitive_type, test_values| final_primitive_type = primitive_type == :binary ? :string : primitive_type thrift_type = Thrift::Types.const_get(final_primitive_type.to_s.upcase) # puts primitive_type test_values.each do |value| trans = Thrift::MemoryBufferTransport.new proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(trans) proto.write_field_begin(nil, thrift_type, 15) proto.send(writer(primitive_type), value) proto.write_field_end proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(trans) name, type, id = proto.read_field_begin type.should == thrift_type id.should == 15 read_back = proto.send(reader(primitive_type)) read_back.should == value proto.read_field_end end end end it "should encode and decode a monster struct correctly" do trans = Thrift::MemoryBufferTransport.new proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(trans) struct = CompactProtoTestStruct.new # sets and maps don't hash well... not sure what to do here. struct.write(proto) struct2 = CompactProtoTestStruct.new struct2.read(proto) struct2.should == struct end it "should make method calls correctly" do client_out_trans = Thrift::MemoryBufferTransport.new client_out_proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(client_out_trans) client_in_trans = Thrift::MemoryBufferTransport.new client_in_proto = Thrift::CompactProtocol.new(client_in_trans) processor = Srv::Processor.new(JankyHandler.new) client = Srv::Client.new(client_in_proto, client_out_proto) client.send_Janky(1) # puts client_out_trans.inspect_buffer processor.process(client_out_proto, client_in_proto) client.recv_Janky.should == 2 end class JankyHandler def Janky(i32arg) i32arg * 2 end end def writer(sym) sym = sym == :binary ? :string : sym "write_#{sym.to_s}" end def reader(sym) sym = sym == :binary ? :string : sym "read_#{sym.to_s}" end end