require 'cxxproject/ext/stdout' require 'cxxproject/utils/exit_helper' require 'cxxproject/errorparser/error_parser' require 'rake' require 'stringio' require 'thread' require 'cxxproject/utils/printer' module Cxxproject class SystemCommandFailed < Exception end end module Rake class Application attr_writer :max_parallel_tasks attr_writer :check_unnecessary_includes attr_writer :deriveIncludes attr_writer :preproFlags attr_writer :consoleOutput_fullnames attr_writer :addEmptyLine def max_parallel_tasks @max_parallel_tasks ||= 8 end def addEmptyLine @addEmptyLine ||= false end def check_unnecessary_includes @check_unnecessary_includes ||= false end def idei @idei ||= end def idei=(value) @idei = value end def command_line_number @command_line_number ||= 1 res = @command_line_number @command_line_number += 1 res end def makefile_number @makefile_number ||= 1 res = @makefile_number @makefile_number += 1 res end def deriveIncludes @deriveIncludes ||= false end def preproFlags @preproFlags ||= false end def consoleOutput_fullnames @consoleOutput_fullnames ||= false end end class Jobs def initialize(jobs, max, &block) nr_of_threads = [max, jobs.length].min @jobs = jobs @threads = [] nr_of_threads.times do @threads << do end end end def get_next_or_nil the_next = nil mutex.synchronize { the_next = @jobs.shift } the_next end def join @threads.each{|t| while not t.join(2) do end} end def mutex @mutex ||= end end ############# # - Limit parallel tasks ############# class MultiTask < Task def set_building_block(bb) @bb = bb end def invoke_prerequisites(args, invocation_chain) super(args, invocation_chain) return if @failure # pre step has failed Dir.chdir(@bb.project_dir) do if Dir.pwd != @bb.project_dir and File.dirname(Dir.pwd) != File.dirname(@bb.project_dir) isSym = false begin isSym = File.symlink?(@bb.project_dir) rescue end if isSym message = "Symlinks only allowed with the same parent dir as the target: #{@bb.project_dir} --> #{Dir.pwd}" res = res.file_name = @bb.project_dir res.line_number = 0 res.severity = Cxxproject::ErrorParser::SEVERITY_ERROR res.message = message Rake.application.idei.set_errors([res]) Cxxproject::Printer.printError message set_failed return end end file_tasks = @bb.create_object_file_tasks if file_tasks == nil # = error set_failed return end enhance(file_tasks) return if file_tasks.length == 0 @error_strings = {}, application.max_parallel_tasks) do |jobs| handle_jobs(jobs, args, invocation_chain) end.join # can only happen in case of bail_on_first_error. # if not sorted, it may be confusing when builing more than once and the order of the error appearances changes from build to build # (it is not deterministic which file compilation finishes first) @error_strings.sort.each {|es| puts es[1]} if Rake.application.check_unnecessary_includes if not @failure # otherwise the dependency files might be incorrect or not complete @bb.incArray.each do |i| next if i=="." if not @bb.deps_in_depFiles.any? { |d| d.index(i) == 0 } msg = "Info: Include to #{i} seems to be unnecessary" Cxxproject::Printer.printInfo msg res = res.file_name = @project_dir res.line_number = 0 res.severity = Cxxproject::ErrorParser::SEVERITY_INFO res.message = msg Rake.application.idei.set_errors([res]) end end end end end end def handle_jobs(jobs, args, invocation_chain) while true do job = jobs.get_next_or_nil break unless job prereq = application[job] prereq.output_after_execute = false prereq.invoke_with_call_chain(args, invocation_chain) set_failed if prereq.failure output(prereq, prereq.output_string) end end def output(prereq, to_output) return if Rake::Task.output_disabled return unless output_after_execute mutex.synchronize do if to_output and to_output.length > 0 if Rake::Task.bail_on_first_error and prereq and prereq.failure @error_strings[] = to_output else puts to_output end end end end def mutex @mutex ||= end end class Task class << self attr_accessor :bail_on_first_error attr_accessor :output_disabled end attr_accessor :failure # specified if that task has failed attr_accessor :deps # used to store deps by depfile task for the apply task (no re-read of depsfile) attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :transparent_timestamp attr_accessor :progress_count attr_accessor :output_string attr_accessor :output_after_execute attr_accessor :immediate_output attr_accessor :prerequisites UNKNOWN = 0x0000 # OBJECT = 0x0001 # SOURCEMULTI = 0x0002 # x DEPFILE = 0x0004 # LIBRARY = 0x0008 # x EXECUTABLE = 0x0010 # x CONFIG = 0x0020 # APPLY = 0x0040 # UTIL = 0x0080 # BINARY = 0x0100 # x MODULE = 0x0200 # x MAKE = 0x0400 # x RUN = 0x0800 # CUSTOM = 0x1000 # x COMMANDLINE = 0x2000 # x STANDARD = 0x371A # x above means included in STANDARD attr_reader :ignore execute_org = self.instance_method(:execute) initialize_org = self.instance_method(:initialize) timestamp_org = self.instance_method(:timestamp) invoke_prerequisites_org = self.instance_method(:invoke_prerequisites) invoke_org = self.instance_method(:invoke) define_method(:initialize) do |task_name, app| initialize_org.bind(self).call(task_name, app) @type = UNKNOWN @deps = nil @transparent_timestamp = false @progress_count = 0 @ignore = false @failure = false @output_after_execute = true @immediate_output = false end define_method(:invoke) do |*args| Cxxproject::ExitHelper.set_exit_code(0) invoke_org.bind(self).call(*args) if @failure or Rake.application.idei.get_abort Cxxproject::ExitHelper.set_exit_code(1) end end define_method(:invoke_prerequisites) do |task_args, invocation_chain| new_invoke_prerequisites(task_args, invocation_chain) end def new_invoke_prerequisites(task_args, invocation_chain) orgLength = 0 while @prerequisites.length > orgLength do orgLength = @prerequisites.length @prerequisites.dup.each do |n| # dup needed when apply tasks changes that array break if Rake.application.idei.get_abort #break if @failure prereq = nil begin prereq = application[n, @scope] prereq_args = task_args.new_scope(prereq.arg_names) prereq.invoke_with_call_chain(prereq_args, invocation_chain) set_failed if prereq.failure rescue Cxxproject::ExitHelperException raise rescue Exception => e if prereq and Rake::Task[n].ignore @prerequisites.delete(n) def self.needed? true end return end Cxxproject::Printer.printError "Error #{name}: #{e.message}" if RakeFileUtils.verbose puts e.backtrace end set_failed if e.message.include?('Circular dependency detected') Rake.application.idei.set_abort(true) end end end end end def set_failed() @failure = true if Rake::Task.bail_on_first_error Rake.application.idei.set_abort(true) end end define_method(:execute) do |arg| if Rake::application.preproFlags if self.type == SOURCEMULTI @failure = true break end end break if @failure # check if a prereq has failed break if Rake.application.idei.get_abort new_execute(execute_org, arg) end def new_execute(execute_org, arg) if not @immediate_output s = name == 'console' ? nil : tmp = Thread.current[:stdout] Thread.current[:stdout] = s unless tmp end begin execute_org.bind(self).call(arg) rescue Cxxproject::ExitHelperException raise rescue Cxxproject::SystemCommandFailed => scf handle_error(scf, true) rescue SystemExit => exSys Rake.application.idei.set_abort(true) rescue Exception => ex1 handle_error(ex1, false) end if not @immediate_output self.output_string = s.string Thread.current[:stdout] = tmp output(nil, self.output_string) end end def handle_error(ex1, isSysCmd) if not Rake.application.idei.get_abort() if not isSysCmd Cxxproject::Printer.printError "Error for task #{@name}: #{ex1.message}" end end begin FileUtils.rm(@name) if File.exists?(@name) rescue Exception => ex2 Cxxproject::Printer.printError "Error: Could not delete #{@name}: #{ex2.message}" end set_failed end def output(name, to_output) return if Rake::Task.output_disabled return unless output_after_execute if to_output and to_output.length > 0 puts to_output end end reenable_org = self.instance_method(:reenable) define_method(:reenable) do reenable_org.bind(self).call @failure = false end define_method(:timestamp) do if @transparent_timestamp ts = Rake::EARLY @prerequisites.each do |pre| prereq_timestamp = Rake.application[pre].timestamp ts = prereq_timestamp if prereq_timestamp > ts end else ts = timestamp_org.bind(self).call() end ts end def ignore_missing_file @ignore = true end def visit(&block) if prerequisite_tasks.each do |t| t.visit(&block) end end end end end