(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
// v8 likes predictible objects
function Item(fun, array) {
this.fun = fun;
this.array = array;
Item.prototype.run = function () {
this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
process.versions = {};
function noop() {}
process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop;
process.off = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.binding = function (name) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
process.umask = function() { return 0; };
(function (process,global){
* @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
* @license Licensed under MIT license
* See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakearchibald/es6-promise/master/LICENSE
* @version 3.1.2
(function(){"use strict";function t(t){return"function"==typeof t||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t}function e(t){return"function"==typeof t}function n(t){W=t}function r(t){H=t}function o(){return function(){process.nextTick(a)}}function i(){return function(){U(a)}}function s(){var t=0,e=new Q(a),n=document.createTextNode("");return e.observe(n,{characterData:!0}),function(){n.data=t=++t%2}}function u(){var t=new MessageChannel;return t.port1.onmessage=a,function(){t.port2.postMessage(0)}}function c(){return function(){setTimeout(a,1)}}function a(){for(var t=0;G>t;t+=2){var e=X[t],n=X[t+1];e(n),X[t]=void 0,X[t+1]=void 0}G=0}function f(){try{var t=_dereq_,e=t("vertx");return U=e.runOnLoop||e.runOnContext,i()}catch(n){return c()}}function l(t,e){var n=this,r=n._state;if(r===et&&!t||r===nt&&!e)return this;var o=new this.constructor(p),i=n._result;if(r){var s=arguments[r-1];H(function(){C(r,o,s,i)})}else j(n,o,t,e);return o}function h(t){var e=this;if(t&&"object"==typeof t&&t.constructor===e)return t;var n=new e(p);return g(n,t),n}function p(){}function _(){return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself")}function v(){return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.")}function d(t){try{return t.then}catch(e){return rt.error=e,rt}}function y(t,e,n,r){try{t.call(e,n,r)}catch(o){return o}}function m(t,e,n){H(function(t){var r=!1,o=y(n,e,function(n){r||(r=!0,e!==n?g(t,n):E(t,n))},function(e){r||(r=!0,S(t,e))},"Settle: "+(t._label||" unknown promise"));!r&&o&&(r=!0,S(t,o))},t)}function w(t,e){e._state===et?E(t,e._result):e._state===nt?S(t,e._result):j(e,void 0,function(e){g(t,e)},function(e){S(t,e)})}function b(t,n,r){n.constructor===t.constructor&&r===Z&&constructor.resolve===$?w(t,n):r===rt?S(t,rt.error):void 0===r?E(t,n):e(r)?m(t,n,r):E(t,n)}function g(e,n){e===n?S(e,_()):t(n)?b(e,n,d(n)):E(e,n)}function A(t){t._onerror&&t._onerror(t._result),T(t)}function E(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._result=e,t._state=et,0!==t._subscribers.length&&H(T,t))}function S(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._state=nt,t._result=e,H(A,t))}function j(t,e,n,r){var o=t._subscribers,i=o.length;t._onerror=null,o[i]=e,o[i+et]=n,o[i+nt]=r,0===i&&t._state&&H(T,t)}function T(t){var e=t._subscribers,n=t._state;if(0!==e.length){for(var r,o,i=t._result,s=0;ss;s++)j(r.resolve(t[s]),void 0,e,n);return o}function Y(t){var e=this,n=new e(p);return S(n,t),n}function q(){throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor")}function F(){throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.")}function D(t){this._id=ct++,this._state=void 0,this._result=void 0,this._subscribers=[],p!==t&&("function"!=typeof t&&q(),this instanceof D?M(this,t):F())}function K(t,e){this._instanceConstructor=t,this.promise=new t(p),Array.isArray(e)?(this._input=e,this.length=e.length,this._remaining=e.length,this._result=new Array(this.length),0===this.length?E(this.promise,this._result):(this.length=this.length||0,this._enumerate(),0===this._remaining&&E(this.promise,this._result))):S(this.promise,this._validationError())}function L(){var t;if("undefined"!=typeof global)t=global;else if("undefined"!=typeof self)t=self;else try{t=Function("return this")()}catch(e){throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment")}var n=t.Promise;(!n||"[object Promise]"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(n.resolve())||n.cast)&&(t.Promise=at)}var N;N=Array.isArray?Array.isArray:function(t){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)};var U,W,z,B=N,G=0,H=function(t,e){X[G]=t,X[G+1]=e,G+=2,2===G&&(W?W(a):z())},I="undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0,J=I||{},Q=J.MutationObserver||J.WebKitMutationObserver,R="undefined"!=typeof process&&"[object process]"==={}.toString.call(process),V="undefined"!=typeof Uint8ClampedArray&&"undefined"!=typeof importScripts&&"undefined"!=typeof MessageChannel,X=new Array(1e3);z=R?o():Q?s():V?u():void 0===I&&"function"==typeof _dereq_?f():c();var Z=l,$=h,tt=void 0,et=1,nt=2,rt=new P,ot=new P,it=O,st=k,ut=Y,ct=0,at=D;D.all=it,D.race=st,D.resolve=$,D.reject=ut,D._setScheduler=n,D._setAsap=r,D._asap=H,D.prototype={constructor:D,then:Z,"catch":function(t){return this.then(null,t)}};var ft=K;K.prototype._validationError=function(){return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array")},K.prototype._enumerate=function(){for(var t=this.length,e=this._input,n=0;this._state===tt&&t>n;n++)this._eachEntry(e[n],n)},K.prototype._eachEntry=function(t,e){var n=this._instanceConstructor,r=n.resolve;if(r===$){var o=d(t);if(o===Z&&t._state!==tt)this._settledAt(t._state,e,t._result);else if("function"!=typeof o)this._remaining--,this._result[e]=t;else if(n===at){var i=new n(p);b(i,t,o),this._willSettleAt(i,e)}else this._willSettleAt(new n(function(e){e(t)}),e)}else this._willSettleAt(r(t),e)},K.prototype._settledAt=function(t,e,n){var r=this.promise;r._state===tt&&(this._remaining--,t===nt?S(r,n):this._result[e]=n),0===this._remaining&&E(r,this._result)},K.prototype._willSettleAt=function(t,e){var n=this;j(t,void 0,function(t){n._settledAt(et,e,t)},function(t){n._settledAt(nt,e,t)})};var lt=L,ht={Promise:at,polyfill:lt};"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return ht}):"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=ht:"undefined"!=typeof this&&(this.ES6Promise=ht),lt()}).call(this);
}).call(this,_dereq_('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
// stats.js - http://github.com/mrdoob/stats.js
var Stats=function(){var l=Date.now(),m=l,g=0,n=Infinity,o=0,h=0,p=Infinity,q=0,r=0,s=0,f=document.createElement("div");f.id="stats";f.addEventListener("mousedown",function(b){b.preventDefault();t(++s%2)},!1);f.style.cssText="width:80px;opacity:0.9;cursor:pointer";var a=document.createElement("div");a.id="fps";a.style.cssText="padding:0 0 3px 3px;text-align:left;background-color:#002";f.appendChild(a);var i=document.createElement("div");i.id="fpsText";i.style.cssText="color:#0ff;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:9px;font-weight:bold;line-height:15px";
i.innerHTML="FPS";a.appendChild(i);var c=document.createElement("div");c.id="fpsGraph";c.style.cssText="position:relative;width:74px;height:30px;background-color:#0ff";for(a.appendChild(c);74>c.children.length;){var j=document.createElement("span");j.style.cssText="width:1px;height:30px;float:left;background-color:#113";c.appendChild(j)}var d=document.createElement("div");d.id="ms";d.style.cssText="padding:0 0 3px 3px;text-align:left;background-color:#020;display:none";f.appendChild(d);var k=document.createElement("div");
k.id="msText";k.style.cssText="color:#0f0;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:9px;font-weight:bold;line-height:15px";k.innerHTML="MS";d.appendChild(k);var e=document.createElement("div");e.id="msGraph";e.style.cssText="position:relative;width:74px;height:30px;background-color:#0f0";for(d.appendChild(e);74>e.children.length;)j=document.createElement("span"),j.style.cssText="width:1px;height:30px;float:left;background-color:#131",e.appendChild(j);var t=function(b){s=b;switch(s){case 0:a.style.display=
"block";d.style.display="none";break;case 1:a.style.display="none",d.style.display="block"}};return{REVISION:12,domElement:f,setMode:t,begin:function(){l=Date.now()},end:function(){var b=Date.now();g=b-l;n=Math.min(n,g);o=Math.max(o,g);k.textContent=g+" MS ("+n+"-"+o+")";var a=Math.min(30,30-30*(g/200));e.appendChild(e.firstChild).style.height=a+"px";r++;b>m+1E3&&(h=Math.round(1E3*r/(b-m)),p=Math.min(p,h),q=Math.max(q,h),i.textContent=h+" FPS ("+p+"-"+q+")",a=Math.min(30,30-30*(h/100)),c.appendChild(c.firstChild).style.height=
a+"px",m=b,r=0);return b},update:function(){l=this.end()}}};"object"===typeof module&&(module.exports=Stats);
* @author dmarcos / https://github.com/dmarcos
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com
var VRControls = function ( object, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var vrInputs = [];
function filterInvalidDevices( devices ) {
// Exclude Cardboard position sensor if Oculus exists.
var oculusDevices = devices.filter( function ( device ) {
return device.deviceName.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'oculus' ) !== - 1;
} );
if ( oculusDevices.length >= 1 ) {
return devices.filter( function ( device ) {
return device.deviceName.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'cardboard' ) === - 1;
} );
} else {
return devices;
function gotVRDevices( devices ) {
devices = filterInvalidDevices( devices );
for ( var i = 0; i < devices.length; i ++ ) {
if ( devices[ i ] instanceof PositionSensorVRDevice ) {
vrInputs.push( devices[ i ] );
if ( onError ) onError( 'HMD not available' );
if ( navigator.getVRDevices ) {
navigator.getVRDevices().then( gotVRDevices );
// the Rift SDK returns the position in meters
// this scale factor allows the user to define how meters
// are converted to scene units.
this.scale = 1;
this.update = function () {
for ( var i = 0; i < vrInputs.length; i ++ ) {
var vrInput = vrInputs[ i ];
var state = vrInput.getState();
if ( state.orientation !== null ) {
object.quaternion.copy( state.orientation );
if ( state.position !== null ) {
object.position.copy( state.position ).multiplyScalar( scope.scale );
this.resetSensor = function () {
for ( var i = 0; i < vrInputs.length; i ++ ) {
var vrInput = vrInputs[ i ];
if ( vrInput.resetSensor !== undefined ) {
} else if ( vrInput.zeroSensor !== undefined ) {
this.zeroSensor = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.VRControls: .zeroSensor() is now .resetSensor().' );
this.dispose = function () {
vrInputs = [];
try {
module.exports = VRControls;
} catch (e) {
THREE.VRControls = VRControls;
* @author dmarcos / https://github.com/dmarcos
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com
* WebVR Spec: http://mozvr.github.io/webvr-spec/webvr.html
* Firefox: http://mozvr.com/downloads/
* Chromium: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzudLt22BqGRbW9WTHMtOWMzNjQ&usp=sharing#list
var VREffect = function ( renderer, onError ) {
var vrHMD;
var eyeTranslationL, eyeFOVL, rectL;
var eyeTranslationR, eyeFOVR, rectR;
function gotVRDevices( devices ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < devices.length; i ++ ) {
if ( devices[ i ] instanceof HMDVRDevice ) {
vrHMD = devices[ i ];
break; // We keep the first we encounter
if ( vrHMD === undefined ) {
if ( onError ) onError( 'HMD not available' );
if ( navigator.getVRDevices ) {
navigator.getVRDevices().then( gotVRDevices );
this.scale = 1;
this.setSize = function( width, height ) {
renderer.setSize( width, height );
// fullscreen
var isFullscreen = false;
var canvas = renderer.domElement;
var fullscreenchange = canvas.mozRequestFullScreen ? 'mozfullscreenchange' : 'webkitfullscreenchange';
document.addEventListener( fullscreenchange, function ( event ) {
isFullscreen = document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement;
}, false );
this.setFullScreen = function ( boolean ) {
if ( vrHMD === undefined ) return;
if ( isFullscreen === boolean ) return;
if ( canvas.mozRequestFullScreen ) {
canvas.mozRequestFullScreen( { vrDisplay: vrHMD } );
} else if ( canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen ) {
canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen( { vrDisplay: vrHMD } );
// render
var cameraL = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();
var cameraR = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
if ( vrHMD ) {
var eyeParamsL = vrHMD.getEyeParameters( 'left' );
var eyeParamsR = vrHMD.getEyeParameters( 'right' );
eyeTranslationL = eyeParamsL.eyeTranslation;
eyeTranslationR = eyeParamsR.eyeTranslation;
eyeFOVL = eyeParamsL.recommendedFieldOfView;
eyeFOVR = eyeParamsR.recommendedFieldOfView;
rectL = eyeParamsL.renderRect;
rectR = eyeParamsR.renderRect;
var sceneL, sceneR;
if ( Array.isArray( scene ) ) {
sceneL = scene[ 0 ];
sceneR = scene[ 1 ];
} else {
sceneL = scene;
sceneR = scene;
var size = renderer.getSize();
size.width /= 2;
renderer.enableScissorTest( true );
if ( camera.parent === null ) camera.updateMatrixWorld();
cameraL.projectionMatrix = fovToProjection( eyeFOVL, true, camera.near, camera.far );
cameraR.projectionMatrix = fovToProjection( eyeFOVR, true, camera.near, camera.far );
camera.matrixWorld.decompose( cameraL.position, cameraL.quaternion, cameraL.scale );
camera.matrixWorld.decompose( cameraR.position, cameraR.quaternion, cameraR.scale );
cameraL.translateX( eyeTranslationL.x * this.scale );
cameraR.translateX( eyeTranslationR.x * this.scale );
// render left eye
if ( rectL ) {
renderer.setViewport( rectL.x, rectL.y, rectL.width, rectL.height );
renderer.setScissor( rectL.x, rectL.y, rectL.width, rectL.height );
} else {
renderer.setViewport( 0, 0, size.width, size.height );
renderer.setScissor( 0, 0, size.width, size.height );
renderer.render( sceneL, cameraL );
// render right eye
if ( rectR ) {
renderer.setViewport( rectR.x, rectR.y, rectR.width, rectR.height );
renderer.setScissor( rectR.x, rectR.y, rectR.width, rectR.height );
} else {
renderer.setViewport( size.width, 0, size.width, size.height );
renderer.setScissor( size.width, 0, size.width, size.height );
renderer.render( sceneR, cameraR );
renderer.enableScissorTest( false );
// Regular render mode if not HMD
if ( Array.isArray( scene ) ) scene = scene[ 0 ];
renderer.render( scene, camera );
function fovToNDCScaleOffset( fov ) {
var pxscale = 2.0 / ( fov.leftTan + fov.rightTan );
var pxoffset = ( fov.leftTan - fov.rightTan ) * pxscale * 0.5;
var pyscale = 2.0 / ( fov.upTan + fov.downTan );
var pyoffset = ( fov.upTan - fov.downTan ) * pyscale * 0.5;
return { scale: [ pxscale, pyscale ], offset: [ pxoffset, pyoffset ] };
function fovPortToProjection( fov, rightHanded, zNear, zFar ) {
rightHanded = rightHanded === undefined ? true : rightHanded;
zNear = zNear === undefined ? 0.01 : zNear;
zFar = zFar === undefined ? 10000.0 : zFar;
var handednessScale = rightHanded ? - 1.0 : 1.0;
// start with an identity matrix
var mobj = new THREE.Matrix4();
var m = mobj.elements;
// and with scale/offset info for normalized device coords
var scaleAndOffset = fovToNDCScaleOffset( fov );
// X result, map clip edges to [-w,+w]
m[ 0 * 4 + 0 ] = scaleAndOffset.scale[ 0 ];
m[ 0 * 4 + 1 ] = 0.0;
m[ 0 * 4 + 2 ] = scaleAndOffset.offset[ 0 ] * handednessScale;
m[ 0 * 4 + 3 ] = 0.0;
// Y result, map clip edges to [-w,+w]
// Y offset is negated because this proj matrix transforms from world coords with Y=up,
// but the NDC scaling has Y=down (thanks D3D?)
m[ 1 * 4 + 0 ] = 0.0;
m[ 1 * 4 + 1 ] = scaleAndOffset.scale[ 1 ];
m[ 1 * 4 + 2 ] = - scaleAndOffset.offset[ 1 ] * handednessScale;
m[ 1 * 4 + 3 ] = 0.0;
// Z result (up to the app)
m[ 2 * 4 + 0 ] = 0.0;
m[ 2 * 4 + 1 ] = 0.0;
m[ 2 * 4 + 2 ] = zFar / ( zNear - zFar ) * - handednessScale;
m[ 2 * 4 + 3 ] = ( zFar * zNear ) / ( zNear - zFar );
// W result (= Z in)
m[ 3 * 4 + 0 ] = 0.0;
m[ 3 * 4 + 1 ] = 0.0;
m[ 3 * 4 + 2 ] = handednessScale;
m[ 3 * 4 + 3 ] = 0.0;
return mobj;
function fovToProjection( fov, rightHanded, zNear, zFar ) {
var DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180.0;
var fovPort = {
upTan: Math.tan( fov.upDegrees * DEG2RAD ),
downTan: Math.tan( fov.downDegrees * DEG2RAD ),
leftTan: Math.tan( fov.leftDegrees * DEG2RAD ),
rightTan: Math.tan( fov.rightDegrees * DEG2RAD )
return fovPortToProjection( fovPort, rightHanded, zNear, zFar );
try {
module.exports = VREffect;
} catch (e) {
THREE.VREffect = VREffect;
var self = self || {};// File:src/Three.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
var THREE = { REVISION: '73' };
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( 'three', THREE );
} else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof exports && 'undefined' !== typeof module ) {
module.exports = THREE;
// polyfills
if ( self.requestAnimationFrame === undefined || self.cancelAnimationFrame === undefined ) {
// Missing in Android stock browser.
( function () {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = [ 'ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o' ];
for ( var x = 0; x < vendors.length && ! self.requestAnimationFrame; ++ x ) {
self.requestAnimationFrame = self[ vendors[ x ] + 'RequestAnimationFrame' ];
self.cancelAnimationFrame = self[ vendors[ x ] + 'CancelAnimationFrame' ] || self[ vendors[ x ] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame' ];
if ( self.requestAnimationFrame === undefined && self.setTimeout !== undefined ) {
self.requestAnimationFrame = function ( callback ) {
var currTime = Date.now(), timeToCall = Math.max( 0, 16 - ( currTime - lastTime ) );
var id = self.setTimeout( function () {
callback( currTime + timeToCall );
}, timeToCall );
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if ( self.cancelAnimationFrame === undefined && self.clearTimeout !== undefined ) {
self.cancelAnimationFrame = function ( id ) {
self.clearTimeout( id );
} )();
if ( self.performance === undefined ) {
self.performance = {};
if ( self.performance.now === undefined ) {
( function () {
var start = Date.now();
self.performance.now = function () {
return Date.now() - start;
} )();
if ( Number.EPSILON === undefined ) {
Number.EPSILON = Math.pow( 2, -52 );
if ( Math.sign === undefined ) {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/sign
Math.sign = function ( x ) {
return ( x < 0 ) ? - 1 : ( x > 0 ) ? 1 : + x;
if ( Function.prototype.name === undefined && Object.defineProperty !== undefined ) {
// Missing in IE9-11.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/name
Object.defineProperty( Function.prototype, 'name', {
get: function () {
return this.toString().match( /^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/ )[ 1 ];
} );
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent.button
THREE.CullFaceNone = 0;
THREE.CullFaceBack = 1;
THREE.CullFaceFront = 2;
THREE.CullFaceFrontBack = 3;
THREE.FrontFaceDirectionCW = 0;
THREE.FrontFaceDirectionCCW = 1;
THREE.BasicShadowMap = 0;
THREE.PCFShadowMap = 1;
THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap = 2;
// side
THREE.FrontSide = 0;
THREE.BackSide = 1;
THREE.DoubleSide = 2;
// shading
THREE.FlatShading = 1;
THREE.SmoothShading = 2;
// colors
THREE.NoColors = 0;
THREE.FaceColors = 1;
THREE.VertexColors = 2;
// blending modes
THREE.NoBlending = 0;
THREE.NormalBlending = 1;
THREE.AdditiveBlending = 2;
THREE.SubtractiveBlending = 3;
THREE.MultiplyBlending = 4;
THREE.CustomBlending = 5;
// custom blending equations
// (numbers start from 100 not to clash with other
// mappings to OpenGL constants defined in Texture.js)
THREE.AddEquation = 100;
THREE.SubtractEquation = 101;
THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation = 102;
THREE.MinEquation = 103;
THREE.MaxEquation = 104;
// custom blending destination factors
THREE.ZeroFactor = 200;
THREE.OneFactor = 201;
THREE.SrcColorFactor = 202;
THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor = 203;
THREE.SrcAlphaFactor = 204;
THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor = 205;
THREE.DstAlphaFactor = 206;
THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor = 207;
// custom blending source factors
//THREE.ZeroFactor = 200;
//THREE.OneFactor = 201;
//THREE.SrcAlphaFactor = 204;
//THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor = 205;
//THREE.DstAlphaFactor = 206;
//THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor = 207;
THREE.DstColorFactor = 208;
THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor = 209;
THREE.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor = 210;
// depth modes
THREE.NeverDepth = 0;
THREE.AlwaysDepth = 1;
THREE.LessDepth = 2;
THREE.LessEqualDepth = 3;
THREE.EqualDepth = 4;
THREE.GreaterEqualDepth = 5;
THREE.GreaterDepth = 6;
THREE.NotEqualDepth = 7;
THREE.MultiplyOperation = 0;
THREE.MixOperation = 1;
THREE.AddOperation = 2;
// Mapping modes
THREE.UVMapping = 300;
THREE.CubeReflectionMapping = 301;
THREE.CubeRefractionMapping = 302;
THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping = 303;
THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping = 304;
THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping = 305;
// Wrapping modes
THREE.RepeatWrapping = 1000;
THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping = 1001;
THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping = 1002;
// Filters
THREE.NearestFilter = 1003;
THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter = 1004;
THREE.NearestMipMapLinearFilter = 1005;
THREE.LinearFilter = 1006;
THREE.LinearMipMapNearestFilter = 1007;
THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter = 1008;
// Data types
THREE.UnsignedByteType = 1009;
THREE.ByteType = 1010;
THREE.ShortType = 1011;
THREE.UnsignedShortType = 1012;
THREE.IntType = 1013;
THREE.UnsignedIntType = 1014;
THREE.FloatType = 1015;
THREE.HalfFloatType = 1025;
// Pixel types
//THREE.UnsignedByteType = 1009;
THREE.UnsignedShort4444Type = 1016;
THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type = 1017;
THREE.UnsignedShort565Type = 1018;
// Pixel formats
THREE.AlphaFormat = 1019;
THREE.RGBFormat = 1020;
THREE.RGBAFormat = 1021;
THREE.LuminanceFormat = 1022;
THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat = 1023;
// THREE.RGBEFormat handled as THREE.RGBAFormat in shaders
THREE.RGBEFormat = THREE.RGBAFormat; //1024;
// DDS / ST3C Compressed texture formats
THREE.RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format = 2001;
THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format = 2002;
THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format = 2003;
THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format = 2004;
// PVRTC compressed texture formats
THREE.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format = 2100;
THREE.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format = 2101;
THREE.RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format = 2102;
THREE.RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format = 2103;
// Loop styles for AnimationAction
THREE.LoopOnce = 2200;
THREE.LoopRepeat = 2201;
THREE.LoopPingPong = 2202;
THREE.Projector = function () {
console.error( 'THREE.Projector has been moved to /examples/js/renderers/Projector.js.' );
this.projectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .projectVector() is now vector.project().' );
vector.project( camera );
this.unprojectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .unprojectVector() is now vector.unproject().' );
vector.unproject( camera );
this.pickingRay = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Projector: .pickingRay() is now raycaster.setFromCamera().' );
THREE.CanvasRenderer = function () {
console.error( 'THREE.CanvasRenderer has been moved to /examples/js/renderers/CanvasRenderer.js' );
this.domElement = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
this.clear = function () {};
this.render = function () {};
this.setClearColor = function () {};
this.setSize = function () {};
// File:src/math/Color.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Color = function ( color ) {
if ( arguments.length === 3 ) {
return this.fromArray( arguments );
return this.set( color );
THREE.Color.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Color,
r: 1, g: 1, b: 1,
set: function ( value ) {
if ( value instanceof THREE.Color ) {
this.copy( value );
} else if ( typeof value === 'number' ) {
this.setHex( value );
} else if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {
this.setStyle( value );
return this;
setHex: function ( hex ) {
hex = Math.floor( hex );
this.r = ( hex >> 16 & 255 ) / 255;
this.g = ( hex >> 8 & 255 ) / 255;
this.b = ( hex & 255 ) / 255;
return this;
setRGB: function ( r, g, b ) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
return this;
setHSL: function () {
function hue2rgb( p, q, t ) {
if ( t < 0 ) t += 1;
if ( t > 1 ) t -= 1;
if ( t < 1 / 6 ) return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * t;
if ( t < 1 / 2 ) return q;
if ( t < 2 / 3 ) return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * ( 2 / 3 - t );
return p;
return function ( h, s, l ) {
// h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0
h = THREE.Math.euclideanModulo( h, 1 );
s = THREE.Math.clamp( s, 0, 1 );
l = THREE.Math.clamp( l, 0, 1 );
if ( s === 0 ) {
this.r = this.g = this.b = l;
} else {
var p = l <= 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - ( l * s );
var q = ( 2 * l ) - p;
this.r = hue2rgb( q, p, h + 1 / 3 );
this.g = hue2rgb( q, p, h );
this.b = hue2rgb( q, p, h - 1 / 3 );
return this;
setStyle: function ( style ) {
function handleAlpha( string ) {
if ( string === undefined ) return;
if ( parseFloat( string ) < 1 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Color: Alpha component of ' + style + ' will be ignored.' );
var m;
if ( m = /^((?:rgb|hsl)a?)\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/.exec( style ) ) {
// rgb / hsl
var color;
var name = m[ 1 ];
var components = m[ 2 ];
switch ( name ) {
case 'rgb':
case 'rgba':
if ( color = /^(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {
// rgb(255,0,0) rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
this.r = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 1 ], 10 ) ) / 255;
this.g = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) ) / 255;
this.b = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) ) / 255;
handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );
return this;
if ( color = /^(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {
// rgb(100%,0%,0%) rgba(100%,0%,0%,0.5)
this.r = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 1 ], 10 ) ) / 100;
this.g = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) ) / 100;
this.b = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) ) / 100;
handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );
return this;
case 'hsl':
case 'hsla':
if ( color = /^([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {
// hsl(120,50%,50%) hsla(120,50%,50%,0.5)
var h = parseFloat( color[ 1 ] ) / 360;
var s = parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) / 100;
var l = parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) / 100;
handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );
return this.setHSL( h, s, l );
} else if ( m = /^\#([A-Fa-f0-9]+)$/.exec( style ) ) {
// hex color
var hex = m[ 1 ];
var size = hex.length;
if ( size === 3 ) {
// #ff0
this.r = parseInt( hex.charAt( 0 ) + hex.charAt( 0 ), 16 ) / 255;
this.g = parseInt( hex.charAt( 1 ) + hex.charAt( 1 ), 16 ) / 255;
this.b = parseInt( hex.charAt( 2 ) + hex.charAt( 2 ), 16 ) / 255;
return this;
} else if ( size === 6 ) {
// #ff0000
this.r = parseInt( hex.charAt( 0 ) + hex.charAt( 1 ), 16 ) / 255;
this.g = parseInt( hex.charAt( 2 ) + hex.charAt( 3 ), 16 ) / 255;
this.b = parseInt( hex.charAt( 4 ) + hex.charAt( 5 ), 16 ) / 255;
return this;
if ( style && style.length > 0 ) {
// color keywords
var hex = THREE.ColorKeywords[ style ];
if ( hex !== undefined ) {
// red
this.setHex( hex );
} else {
// unknown color
console.warn( 'THREE.Color: Unknown color ' + style );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this.r, this.g, this.b );
copy: function ( color ) {
this.r = color.r;
this.g = color.g;
this.b = color.b;
return this;
copyGammaToLinear: function ( color, gammaFactor ) {
if ( gammaFactor === undefined ) gammaFactor = 2.0;
this.r = Math.pow( color.r, gammaFactor );
this.g = Math.pow( color.g, gammaFactor );
this.b = Math.pow( color.b, gammaFactor );
return this;
copyLinearToGamma: function ( color, gammaFactor ) {
if ( gammaFactor === undefined ) gammaFactor = 2.0;
var safeInverse = ( gammaFactor > 0 ) ? ( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) : 1.0;
this.r = Math.pow( color.r, safeInverse );
this.g = Math.pow( color.g, safeInverse );
this.b = Math.pow( color.b, safeInverse );
return this;
convertGammaToLinear: function () {
var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b;
this.r = r * r;
this.g = g * g;
this.b = b * b;
return this;
convertLinearToGamma: function () {
this.r = Math.sqrt( this.r );
this.g = Math.sqrt( this.g );
this.b = Math.sqrt( this.b );
return this;
getHex: function () {
return ( this.r * 255 ) << 16 ^ ( this.g * 255 ) << 8 ^ ( this.b * 255 ) << 0;
getHexString: function () {
return ( '000000' + this.getHex().toString( 16 ) ).slice( - 6 );
getHSL: function ( optionalTarget ) {
// h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0
var hsl = optionalTarget || { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0 };
var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b;
var max = Math.max( r, g, b );
var min = Math.min( r, g, b );
var hue, saturation;
var lightness = ( min + max ) / 2.0;
if ( min === max ) {
hue = 0;
saturation = 0;
} else {
var delta = max - min;
saturation = lightness <= 0.5 ? delta / ( max + min ) : delta / ( 2 - max - min );
switch ( max ) {
case r: hue = ( g - b ) / delta + ( g < b ? 6 : 0 ); break;
case g: hue = ( b - r ) / delta + 2; break;
case b: hue = ( r - g ) / delta + 4; break;
hue /= 6;
hsl.h = hue;
hsl.s = saturation;
hsl.l = lightness;
return hsl;
getStyle: function () {
return 'rgb(' + ( ( this.r * 255 ) | 0 ) + ',' + ( ( this.g * 255 ) | 0 ) + ',' + ( ( this.b * 255 ) | 0 ) + ')';
offsetHSL: function ( h, s, l ) {
var hsl = this.getHSL();
hsl.h += h; hsl.s += s; hsl.l += l;
this.setHSL( hsl.h, hsl.s, hsl.l );
return this;
add: function ( color ) {
this.r += color.r;
this.g += color.g;
this.b += color.b;
return this;
addColors: function ( color1, color2 ) {
this.r = color1.r + color2.r;
this.g = color1.g + color2.g;
this.b = color1.b + color2.b;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.r += s;
this.g += s;
this.b += s;
return this;
multiply: function ( color ) {
this.r *= color.r;
this.g *= color.g;
this.b *= color.b;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {
this.r *= s;
this.g *= s;
this.b *= s;
return this;
lerp: function ( color, alpha ) {
this.r += ( color.r - this.r ) * alpha;
this.g += ( color.g - this.g ) * alpha;
this.b += ( color.b - this.b ) * alpha;
return this;
equals: function ( c ) {
return ( c.r === this.r ) && ( c.g === this.g ) && ( c.b === this.b );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.r = array[ offset ];
this.g = array[ offset + 1 ];
this.b = array[ offset + 2 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.r;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.g;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this.b;
return array;
THREE.ColorKeywords = { 'aliceblue': 0xF0F8FF, 'antiquewhite': 0xFAEBD7, 'aqua': 0x00FFFF, 'aquamarine': 0x7FFFD4, 'azure': 0xF0FFFF,
'beige': 0xF5F5DC, 'bisque': 0xFFE4C4, 'black': 0x000000, 'blanchedalmond': 0xFFEBCD, 'blue': 0x0000FF, 'blueviolet': 0x8A2BE2,
'brown': 0xA52A2A, 'burlywood': 0xDEB887, 'cadetblue': 0x5F9EA0, 'chartreuse': 0x7FFF00, 'chocolate': 0xD2691E, 'coral': 0xFF7F50,
'cornflowerblue': 0x6495ED, 'cornsilk': 0xFFF8DC, 'crimson': 0xDC143C, 'cyan': 0x00FFFF, 'darkblue': 0x00008B, 'darkcyan': 0x008B8B,
'darkgoldenrod': 0xB8860B, 'darkgray': 0xA9A9A9, 'darkgreen': 0x006400, 'darkgrey': 0xA9A9A9, 'darkkhaki': 0xBDB76B, 'darkmagenta': 0x8B008B,
'darkolivegreen': 0x556B2F, 'darkorange': 0xFF8C00, 'darkorchid': 0x9932CC, 'darkred': 0x8B0000, 'darksalmon': 0xE9967A, 'darkseagreen': 0x8FBC8F,
'darkslateblue': 0x483D8B, 'darkslategray': 0x2F4F4F, 'darkslategrey': 0x2F4F4F, 'darkturquoise': 0x00CED1, 'darkviolet': 0x9400D3,
'deeppink': 0xFF1493, 'deepskyblue': 0x00BFFF, 'dimgray': 0x696969, 'dimgrey': 0x696969, 'dodgerblue': 0x1E90FF, 'firebrick': 0xB22222,
'floralwhite': 0xFFFAF0, 'forestgreen': 0x228B22, 'fuchsia': 0xFF00FF, 'gainsboro': 0xDCDCDC, 'ghostwhite': 0xF8F8FF, 'gold': 0xFFD700,
'goldenrod': 0xDAA520, 'gray': 0x808080, 'green': 0x008000, 'greenyellow': 0xADFF2F, 'grey': 0x808080, 'honeydew': 0xF0FFF0, 'hotpink': 0xFF69B4,
'indianred': 0xCD5C5C, 'indigo': 0x4B0082, 'ivory': 0xFFFFF0, 'khaki': 0xF0E68C, 'lavender': 0xE6E6FA, 'lavenderblush': 0xFFF0F5, 'lawngreen': 0x7CFC00,
'lemonchiffon': 0xFFFACD, 'lightblue': 0xADD8E6, 'lightcoral': 0xF08080, 'lightcyan': 0xE0FFFF, 'lightgoldenrodyellow': 0xFAFAD2, 'lightgray': 0xD3D3D3,
'lightgreen': 0x90EE90, 'lightgrey': 0xD3D3D3, 'lightpink': 0xFFB6C1, 'lightsalmon': 0xFFA07A, 'lightseagreen': 0x20B2AA, 'lightskyblue': 0x87CEFA,
'lightslategray': 0x778899, 'lightslategrey': 0x778899, 'lightsteelblue': 0xB0C4DE, 'lightyellow': 0xFFFFE0, 'lime': 0x00FF00, 'limegreen': 0x32CD32,
'linen': 0xFAF0E6, 'magenta': 0xFF00FF, 'maroon': 0x800000, 'mediumaquamarine': 0x66CDAA, 'mediumblue': 0x0000CD, 'mediumorchid': 0xBA55D3,
'mediumpurple': 0x9370DB, 'mediumseagreen': 0x3CB371, 'mediumslateblue': 0x7B68EE, 'mediumspringgreen': 0x00FA9A, 'mediumturquoise': 0x48D1CC,
'mediumvioletred': 0xC71585, 'midnightblue': 0x191970, 'mintcream': 0xF5FFFA, 'mistyrose': 0xFFE4E1, 'moccasin': 0xFFE4B5, 'navajowhite': 0xFFDEAD,
'navy': 0x000080, 'oldlace': 0xFDF5E6, 'olive': 0x808000, 'olivedrab': 0x6B8E23, 'orange': 0xFFA500, 'orangered': 0xFF4500, 'orchid': 0xDA70D6,
'palegoldenrod': 0xEEE8AA, 'palegreen': 0x98FB98, 'paleturquoise': 0xAFEEEE, 'palevioletred': 0xDB7093, 'papayawhip': 0xFFEFD5, 'peachpuff': 0xFFDAB9,
'peru': 0xCD853F, 'pink': 0xFFC0CB, 'plum': 0xDDA0DD, 'powderblue': 0xB0E0E6, 'purple': 0x800080, 'red': 0xFF0000, 'rosybrown': 0xBC8F8F,
'royalblue': 0x4169E1, 'saddlebrown': 0x8B4513, 'salmon': 0xFA8072, 'sandybrown': 0xF4A460, 'seagreen': 0x2E8B57, 'seashell': 0xFFF5EE,
'sienna': 0xA0522D, 'silver': 0xC0C0C0, 'skyblue': 0x87CEEB, 'slateblue': 0x6A5ACD, 'slategray': 0x708090, 'slategrey': 0x708090, 'snow': 0xFFFAFA,
'springgreen': 0x00FF7F, 'steelblue': 0x4682B4, 'tan': 0xD2B48C, 'teal': 0x008080, 'thistle': 0xD8BFD8, 'tomato': 0xFF6347, 'turquoise': 0x40E0D0,
'violet': 0xEE82EE, 'wheat': 0xF5DEB3, 'white': 0xFFFFFF, 'whitesmoke': 0xF5F5F5, 'yellow': 0xFFFF00, 'yellowgreen': 0x9ACD32 };
// File:src/math/Quaternion.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Quaternion = function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this._x = x || 0;
this._y = y || 0;
this._z = z || 0;
this._w = ( w !== undefined ) ? w : 1;
THREE.Quaternion.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Quaternion,
get x () {
return this._x;
set x ( value ) {
this._x = value;
get y () {
return this._y;
set y ( value ) {
this._y = value;
get z () {
return this._z;
set z ( value ) {
this._z = value;
get w () {
return this._w;
set w ( value ) {
this._w = value;
set: function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
this._w = w;
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._w );
copy: function ( quaternion ) {
this._x = quaternion.x;
this._y = quaternion.y;
this._z = quaternion.z;
this._w = quaternion.w;
return this;
setFromEuler: function ( euler, update ) {
if ( euler instanceof THREE.Euler === false ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.Quaternion: .setFromEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );
// http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/
// 20696-function-to-convert-between-dcm-euler-angles-quaternions-and-euler-vectors/
// content/SpinCalc.m
var c1 = Math.cos( euler._x / 2 );
var c2 = Math.cos( euler._y / 2 );
var c3 = Math.cos( euler._z / 2 );
var s1 = Math.sin( euler._x / 2 );
var s2 = Math.sin( euler._y / 2 );
var s3 = Math.sin( euler._z / 2 );
var order = euler.order;
if ( order === 'XYZ' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( order === 'YXZ' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( order === 'ZXY' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( order === 'ZYX' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( order === 'YZX' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( order === 'XZY' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();
return this;
setFromAxisAngle: function ( axis, angle ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToQuaternion/index.htm
// assumes axis is normalized
var halfAngle = angle / 2, s = Math.sin( halfAngle );
this._x = axis.x * s;
this._y = axis.y * s;
this._z = axis.z * s;
this._w = Math.cos( halfAngle );
return this;
setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/index.htm
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
var te = m.elements,
m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ],
m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ],
m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ],
trace = m11 + m22 + m33,
if ( trace > 0 ) {
s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 );
this._w = 0.25 / s;
this._x = ( m32 - m23 ) * s;
this._y = ( m13 - m31 ) * s;
this._z = ( m21 - m12 ) * s;
} else if ( m11 > m22 && m11 > m33 ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m11 - m22 - m33 );
this._w = ( m32 - m23 ) / s;
this._x = 0.25 * s;
this._y = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
this._z = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;
} else if ( m22 > m33 ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m22 - m11 - m33 );
this._w = ( m13 - m31 ) / s;
this._x = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
this._y = 0.25 * s;
this._z = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;
} else {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m33 - m11 - m22 );
this._w = ( m21 - m12 ) / s;
this._x = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;
this._y = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;
this._z = 0.25 * s;
return this;
setFromUnitVectors: function () {
// http://lolengine.net/blog/2014/02/24/quaternion-from-two-vectors-final
// assumes direction vectors vFrom and vTo are normalized
var v1, r;
var EPS = 0.000001;
return function ( vFrom, vTo ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
r = vFrom.dot( vTo ) + 1;
if ( r < EPS ) {
r = 0;
if ( Math.abs( vFrom.x ) > Math.abs( vFrom.z ) ) {
v1.set( - vFrom.y, vFrom.x, 0 );
} else {
v1.set( 0, - vFrom.z, vFrom.y );
} else {
v1.crossVectors( vFrom, vTo );
this._x = v1.x;
this._y = v1.y;
this._z = v1.z;
this._w = r;
return this;
inverse: function () {
return this;
conjugate: function () {
this._x *= - 1;
this._y *= - 1;
this._z *= - 1;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this._x * v._x + this._y * v._y + this._z * v._z + this._w * v._w;
lengthSq: function () {
return this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w );
normalize: function () {
var l = this.length();
if ( l === 0 ) {
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this._z = 0;
this._w = 1;
} else {
l = 1 / l;
this._x = this._x * l;
this._y = this._y * l;
this._z = this._z * l;
this._w = this._w * l;
return this;
multiply: function ( q, p ) {
if ( p !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyQuaternions( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.multiplyQuaternions( q, p );
return this.multiplyQuaternions( this, q );
multiplyQuaternions: function ( a, b ) {
// from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/code/index.htm
var qax = a._x, qay = a._y, qaz = a._z, qaw = a._w;
var qbx = b._x, qby = b._y, qbz = b._z, qbw = b._w;
this._x = qax * qbw + qaw * qbx + qay * qbz - qaz * qby;
this._y = qay * qbw + qaw * qby + qaz * qbx - qax * qbz;
this._z = qaz * qbw + qaw * qbz + qax * qby - qay * qbx;
this._w = qaw * qbw - qax * qbx - qay * qby - qaz * qbz;
return this;
multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use is now vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion ) instead.' );
return vector.applyQuaternion( this );
slerp: function ( qb, t ) {
if ( t === 0 ) return this;
if ( t === 1 ) return this.copy( qb );
var x = this._x, y = this._y, z = this._z, w = this._w;
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/slerp/
var cosHalfTheta = w * qb._w + x * qb._x + y * qb._y + z * qb._z;
if ( cosHalfTheta < 0 ) {
this._w = - qb._w;
this._x = - qb._x;
this._y = - qb._y;
this._z = - qb._z;
cosHalfTheta = - cosHalfTheta;
} else {
this.copy( qb );
if ( cosHalfTheta >= 1.0 ) {
this._w = w;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
return this;
var halfTheta = Math.acos( cosHalfTheta );
var sinHalfTheta = Math.sqrt( 1.0 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta );
if ( Math.abs( sinHalfTheta ) < 0.001 ) {
this._w = 0.5 * ( w + this._w );
this._x = 0.5 * ( x + this._x );
this._y = 0.5 * ( y + this._y );
this._z = 0.5 * ( z + this._z );
return this;
var ratioA = Math.sin( ( 1 - t ) * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta,
ratioB = Math.sin( t * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta;
this._w = ( w * ratioA + this._w * ratioB );
this._x = ( x * ratioA + this._x * ratioB );
this._y = ( y * ratioA + this._y * ratioB );
this._z = ( z * ratioA + this._z * ratioB );
return this;
equals: function ( quaternion ) {
return ( quaternion._x === this._x ) && ( quaternion._y === this._y ) && ( quaternion._z === this._z ) && ( quaternion._w === this._w );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this._x = array[ offset ];
this._y = array[ offset + 1 ];
this._z = array[ offset + 2 ];
this._w = array[ offset + 3 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this._x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this._y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this._z;
array[ offset + 3 ] = this._w;
return array;
onChange: function ( callback ) {
this.onChangeCallback = callback;
return this;
onChangeCallback: function () {}
THREE.Quaternion.slerp = function ( qa, qb, qm, t ) {
return qm.copy( qa ).slerp( qb, t );
// File:src/math/Vector2.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
THREE.Vector2 = function ( x, y ) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
THREE.Vector2.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Vector2,
get width() { return this.x },
set width( value ) { this.x = value },
get height() { return this.y },
set height( value ) { this.y = value },
set: function ( x, y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
setX: function ( x ) {
this.x = x;
return this;
setY: function ( y ) {
this.y = y;
return this;
setComponent: function ( index, value ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: this.x = value; break;
case 1: this.y = value; break;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
getComponent: function ( index ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: return this.x;
case 1: return this.y;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y );
copy: function ( v ) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
return this;
add: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.addVectors( v, w );
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x += s;
this.y += s;
return this;
addVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x + b.x;
this.y = a.y + b.y;
return this;
addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {
this.x += v.x * s;
this.y += v.y * s;
return this;
sub: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.subVectors( v, w );
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
return this;
subScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x -= s;
this.y -= s;
return this;
subVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x - b.x;
this.y = a.y - b.y;
return this;
multiply: function ( v ) {
this.x *= v.x;
this.y *= v.y;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {
if ( isFinite( scalar ) ) {
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
} else {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
return this;
divide: function ( v ) {
this.x /= v.x;
this.y /= v.y;
return this;
divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );
min: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );
return this;
max: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );
return this;
clamp: function ( min, max ) {
// This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly
this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );
return this;
clampScalar: function () {
var min, max;
return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {
if ( min === undefined ) {
min = new THREE.Vector2();
max = new THREE.Vector2();
min.set( minVal, minVal );
max.set( maxVal, maxVal );
return this.clamp( min, max );
clampLength: function ( min, max ) {
var length = this.length();
this.multiplyScalar( Math.max( min, Math.min( max, length ) ) / length );
return this;
floor: function () {
this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
return this;
ceil: function () {
this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
return this;
round: function () {
this.x = Math.round( this.x );
this.y = Math.round( this.y );
return this;
roundToZero: function () {
this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
return this;
negate: function () {
this.x = - this.x;
this.y = - this.y;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;
lengthSq: function () {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y );
lengthManhattan: function() {
return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y );
normalize: function () {
return this.divideScalar( this.length() );
distanceTo: function ( v ) {
return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );
distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {
var dx = this.x - v.x, dy = this.y - v.y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
setLength: function ( length ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( length / this.length() );
lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {
this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
return this;
lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {
this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );
return this;
equals: function ( v ) {
return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.x = array[ offset ];
this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
return array;
fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset;
this.x = attribute.array[ index ];
this.y = attribute.array[ index + 1 ];
return this;
rotateAround: function ( center, angle ) {
var c = Math.cos( angle ), s = Math.sin( angle );
var x = this.x - center.x;
var y = this.y - center.y;
this.x = x * c - y * s + center.x;
this.y = x * s + y * c + center.y;
return this;
// File:src/math/Vector3.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author *kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Vector3 = function ( x, y, z ) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
this.z = z || 0;
THREE.Vector3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Vector3,
set: function ( x, y, z ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
return this;
setX: function ( x ) {
this.x = x;
return this;
setY: function ( y ) {
this.y = y;
return this;
setZ: function ( z ) {
this.z = z;
return this;
setComponent: function ( index, value ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: this.x = value; break;
case 1: this.y = value; break;
case 2: this.z = value; break;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
getComponent: function ( index ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: return this.x;
case 1: return this.y;
case 2: return this.z;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y, this.z );
copy: function ( v ) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
this.z = v.z;
return this;
add: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.addVectors( v, w );
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x += s;
this.y += s;
this.z += s;
return this;
addVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x + b.x;
this.y = a.y + b.y;
this.z = a.z + b.z;
return this;
addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {
this.x += v.x * s;
this.y += v.y * s;
this.z += v.z * s;
return this;
sub: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.subVectors( v, w );
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
this.z -= v.z;
return this;
subScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x -= s;
this.y -= s;
this.z -= s;
return this;
subVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x - b.x;
this.y = a.y - b.y;
this.z = a.z - b.z;
return this;
multiply: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.multiplyVectors( v, w );
this.x *= v.x;
this.y *= v.y;
this.z *= v.z;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {
if ( isFinite( scalar ) ) {
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
this.z *= scalar;
} else {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
return this;
multiplyVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x * b.x;
this.y = a.y * b.y;
this.z = a.z * b.z;
return this;
applyEuler: function () {
var quaternion;
return function applyEuler( euler ) {
if ( euler instanceof THREE.Euler === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .applyEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );
if ( quaternion === undefined ) quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromEuler( euler ) );
return this;
applyAxisAngle: function () {
var quaternion;
return function applyAxisAngle( axis, angle ) {
if ( quaternion === undefined ) quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle ) );
return this;
applyMatrix3: function ( m ) {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 3 ] * y + e[ 6 ] * z;
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 7 ] * z;
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;
return this;
applyMatrix4: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ];
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ];
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ];
return this;
applyProjection: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 projection matrix
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
var d = 1 / ( e[ 3 ] * x + e[ 7 ] * y + e[ 11 ] * z + e[ 15 ] ); // perspective divide
this.x = ( e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ] ) * d;
this.y = ( e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ] ) * d;
this.z = ( e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ] ) * d;
return this;
applyQuaternion: function ( q ) {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var z = this.z;
var qx = q.x;
var qy = q.y;
var qz = q.z;
var qw = q.w;
// calculate quat * vector
var ix = qw * x + qy * z - qz * y;
var iy = qw * y + qz * x - qx * z;
var iz = qw * z + qx * y - qy * x;
var iw = - qx * x - qy * y - qz * z;
// calculate result * inverse quat
this.x = ix * qw + iw * - qx + iy * - qz - iz * - qy;
this.y = iy * qw + iw * - qy + iz * - qx - ix * - qz;
this.z = iz * qw + iw * - qz + ix * - qy - iy * - qx;
return this;
project: function () {
var matrix;
return function project( camera ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ) );
return this.applyProjection( matrix );
unproject: function () {
var matrix;
return function unproject( camera ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorld, matrix.getInverse( camera.projectionMatrix ) );
return this.applyProjection( matrix );
transformDirection: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
// vector interpreted as a direction
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z;
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z;
return this;
divide: function ( v ) {
this.x /= v.x;
this.y /= v.y;
this.z /= v.z;
return this;
divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );
min: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );
this.z = Math.min( this.z, v.z );
return this;
max: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );
this.z = Math.max( this.z, v.z );
return this;
clamp: function ( min, max ) {
// This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly
this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );
this.z = Math.max( min.z, Math.min( max.z, this.z ) );
return this;
clampScalar: function () {
var min, max;
return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {
if ( min === undefined ) {
min = new THREE.Vector3();
max = new THREE.Vector3();
min.set( minVal, minVal, minVal );
max.set( maxVal, maxVal, maxVal );
return this.clamp( min, max );
clampLength: function ( min, max ) {
var length = this.length();
this.multiplyScalar( Math.max( min, Math.min( max, length ) ) / length );
return this;
floor: function () {
this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = Math.floor( this.z );
return this;
ceil: function () {
this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
this.z = Math.ceil( this.z );
return this;
round: function () {
this.x = Math.round( this.x );
this.y = Math.round( this.y );
this.z = Math.round( this.z );
return this;
roundToZero: function () {
this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = ( this.z < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.z ) : Math.floor( this.z );
return this;
negate: function () {
this.x = - this.x;
this.y = - this.y;
this.z = - this.z;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z;
lengthSq: function () {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z );
lengthManhattan: function () {
return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y ) + Math.abs( this.z );
normalize: function () {
return this.divideScalar( this.length() );
setLength: function ( length ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( length / this.length() );
lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {
this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
this.z += ( v.z - this.z ) * alpha;
return this;
lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {
this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );
return this;
cross: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .cross() now only accepts one argument. Use .crossVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.crossVectors( v, w );
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
this.x = y * v.z - z * v.y;
this.y = z * v.x - x * v.z;
this.z = x * v.y - y * v.x;
return this;
crossVectors: function ( a, b ) {
var ax = a.x, ay = a.y, az = a.z;
var bx = b.x, by = b.y, bz = b.z;
this.x = ay * bz - az * by;
this.y = az * bx - ax * bz;
this.z = ax * by - ay * bx;
return this;
projectOnVector: function () {
var v1, dot;
return function projectOnVector( vector ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
v1.copy( vector ).normalize();
dot = this.dot( v1 );
return this.copy( v1 ).multiplyScalar( dot );
projectOnPlane: function () {
var v1;
return function projectOnPlane( planeNormal ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
v1.copy( this ).projectOnVector( planeNormal );
return this.sub( v1 );
reflect: function () {
// reflect incident vector off plane orthogonal to normal
// normal is assumed to have unit length
var v1;
return function reflect( normal ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return this.sub( v1.copy( normal ).multiplyScalar( 2 * this.dot( normal ) ) );
angleTo: function ( v ) {
var theta = this.dot( v ) / ( this.length() * v.length() );
// clamp, to handle numerical problems
return Math.acos( THREE.Math.clamp( theta, - 1, 1 ) );
distanceTo: function ( v ) {
return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );
distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {
var dx = this.x - v.x;
var dy = this.y - v.y;
var dz = this.z - v.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
setEulerFromRotationMatrix: function ( m, order ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromRotationMatrix() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromRotationMatrix() instead.' );
setEulerFromQuaternion: function ( q, order ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromQuaternion() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromQuaternion() instead.' );
getPositionFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getPositionFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixPosition().' );
return this.setFromMatrixPosition( m );
getScaleFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getScaleFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixScale().' );
return this.setFromMatrixScale( m );
getColumnFromMatrix: function ( index, matrix ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getColumnFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixColumn().' );
return this.setFromMatrixColumn( index, matrix );
setFromMatrixPosition: function ( m ) {
this.x = m.elements[ 12 ];
this.y = m.elements[ 13 ];
this.z = m.elements[ 14 ];
return this;
setFromMatrixScale: function ( m ) {
var sx = this.set( m.elements[ 0 ], m.elements[ 1 ], m.elements[ 2 ] ).length();
var sy = this.set( m.elements[ 4 ], m.elements[ 5 ], m.elements[ 6 ] ).length();
var sz = this.set( m.elements[ 8 ], m.elements[ 9 ], m.elements[ 10 ] ).length();
this.x = sx;
this.y = sy;
this.z = sz;
return this;
setFromMatrixColumn: function ( index, matrix ) {
var offset = index * 4;
var me = matrix.elements;
this.x = me[ offset ];
this.y = me[ offset + 1 ];
this.z = me[ offset + 2 ];
return this;
equals: function ( v ) {
return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) && ( v.z === this.z ) );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.x = array[ offset ];
this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
this.z = array[ offset + 2 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this.z;
return array;
fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset;
this.x = attribute.array[ index ];
this.y = attribute.array[ index + 1 ];
this.z = attribute.array[ index + 2 ];
return this;
// File:src/math/Vector4.js
* @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Vector4 = function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
this.z = z || 0;
this.w = ( w !== undefined ) ? w : 1;
THREE.Vector4.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Vector4,
set: function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.w = w;
return this;
setX: function ( x ) {
this.x = x;
return this;
setY: function ( y ) {
this.y = y;
return this;
setZ: function ( z ) {
this.z = z;
return this;
setW: function ( w ) {
this.w = w;
return this;
setComponent: function ( index, value ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: this.x = value; break;
case 1: this.y = value; break;
case 2: this.z = value; break;
case 3: this.w = value; break;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
getComponent: function ( index ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: return this.x;
case 1: return this.y;
case 2: return this.z;
case 3: return this.w;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w );
copy: function ( v ) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
this.z = v.z;
this.w = ( v.w !== undefined ) ? v.w : 1;
return this;
add: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.addVectors( v, w );
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
this.w += v.w;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x += s;
this.y += s;
this.z += s;
this.w += s;
return this;
addVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x + b.x;
this.y = a.y + b.y;
this.z = a.z + b.z;
this.w = a.w + b.w;
return this;
addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {
this.x += v.x * s;
this.y += v.y * s;
this.z += v.z * s;
this.w += v.w * s;
return this;
sub: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.subVectors( v, w );
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
this.z -= v.z;
this.w -= v.w;
return this;
subScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x -= s;
this.y -= s;
this.z -= s;
this.w -= s;
return this;
subVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x - b.x;
this.y = a.y - b.y;
this.z = a.z - b.z;
this.w = a.w - b.w;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {
if ( isFinite( scalar ) ) {
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
this.z *= scalar;
this.w *= scalar;
} else {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
this.w = 0;
return this;
applyMatrix4: function ( m ) {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var z = this.z;
var w = this.w;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ] * w;
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ] * w;
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ] * w;
this.w = e[ 3 ] * x + e[ 7 ] * y + e[ 11 ] * z + e[ 15 ] * w;
return this;
divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );
setAxisAngleFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/quaternionToAngle/index.htm
// q is assumed to be normalized
this.w = 2 * Math.acos( q.w );
var s = Math.sqrt( 1 - q.w * q.w );
if ( s < 0.0001 ) {
this.x = 1;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
} else {
this.x = q.x / s;
this.y = q.y / s;
this.z = q.z / s;
return this;
setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix: function ( m ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToAngle/index.htm
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
var angle, x, y, z, // variables for result
epsilon = 0.01, // margin to allow for rounding errors
epsilon2 = 0.1, // margin to distinguish between 0 and 180 degrees
te = m.elements,
m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ],
m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ],
m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ];
if ( ( Math.abs( m12 - m21 ) < epsilon )
&& ( Math.abs( m13 - m31 ) < epsilon )
&& ( Math.abs( m23 - m32 ) < epsilon ) ) {
// singularity found
// first check for identity matrix which must have +1 for all terms
// in leading diagonal and zero in other terms
if ( ( Math.abs( m12 + m21 ) < epsilon2 )
&& ( Math.abs( m13 + m31 ) < epsilon2 )
&& ( Math.abs( m23 + m32 ) < epsilon2 )
&& ( Math.abs( m11 + m22 + m33 - 3 ) < epsilon2 ) ) {
// this singularity is identity matrix so angle = 0
this.set( 1, 0, 0, 0 );
return this; // zero angle, arbitrary axis
// otherwise this singularity is angle = 180
angle = Math.PI;
var xx = ( m11 + 1 ) / 2;
var yy = ( m22 + 1 ) / 2;
var zz = ( m33 + 1 ) / 2;
var xy = ( m12 + m21 ) / 4;
var xz = ( m13 + m31 ) / 4;
var yz = ( m23 + m32 ) / 4;
if ( ( xx > yy ) && ( xx > zz ) ) {
// m11 is the largest diagonal term
if ( xx < epsilon ) {
x = 0;
y = 0.707106781;
z = 0.707106781;
} else {
x = Math.sqrt( xx );
y = xy / x;
z = xz / x;
} else if ( yy > zz ) {
// m22 is the largest diagonal term
if ( yy < epsilon ) {
x = 0.707106781;
y = 0;
z = 0.707106781;
} else {
y = Math.sqrt( yy );
x = xy / y;
z = yz / y;
} else {
// m33 is the largest diagonal term so base result on this
if ( zz < epsilon ) {
x = 0.707106781;
y = 0.707106781;
z = 0;
} else {
z = Math.sqrt( zz );
x = xz / z;
y = yz / z;
this.set( x, y, z, angle );
return this; // return 180 deg rotation
// as we have reached here there are no singularities so we can handle normally
var s = Math.sqrt( ( m32 - m23 ) * ( m32 - m23 )
+ ( m13 - m31 ) * ( m13 - m31 )
+ ( m21 - m12 ) * ( m21 - m12 ) ); // used to normalize
if ( Math.abs( s ) < 0.001 ) s = 1;
// prevent divide by zero, should not happen if matrix is orthogonal and should be
// caught by singularity test above, but I've left it in just in case
this.x = ( m32 - m23 ) / s;
this.y = ( m13 - m31 ) / s;
this.z = ( m21 - m12 ) / s;
this.w = Math.acos( ( m11 + m22 + m33 - 1 ) / 2 );
return this;
min: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );
this.z = Math.min( this.z, v.z );
this.w = Math.min( this.w, v.w );
return this;
max: function ( v ) {
this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );
this.z = Math.max( this.z, v.z );
this.w = Math.max( this.w, v.w );
return this;
clamp: function ( min, max ) {
// This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly
this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );
this.z = Math.max( min.z, Math.min( max.z, this.z ) );
this.w = Math.max( min.w, Math.min( max.w, this.w ) );
return this;
clampScalar: function () {
var min, max;
return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {
if ( min === undefined ) {
min = new THREE.Vector4();
max = new THREE.Vector4();
min.set( minVal, minVal, minVal, minVal );
max.set( maxVal, maxVal, maxVal, maxVal );
return this.clamp( min, max );
floor: function () {
this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = Math.floor( this.z );
this.w = Math.floor( this.w );
return this;
ceil: function () {
this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
this.z = Math.ceil( this.z );
this.w = Math.ceil( this.w );
return this;
round: function () {
this.x = Math.round( this.x );
this.y = Math.round( this.y );
this.z = Math.round( this.z );
this.w = Math.round( this.w );
return this;
roundToZero: function () {
this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = ( this.z < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.z ) : Math.floor( this.z );
this.w = ( this.w < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.w ) : Math.floor( this.w );
return this;
negate: function () {
this.x = - this.x;
this.y = - this.y;
this.z = - this.z;
this.w = - this.w;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z + this.w * v.w;
lengthSq: function () {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w );
lengthManhattan: function () {
return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y ) + Math.abs( this.z ) + Math.abs( this.w );
normalize: function () {
return this.divideScalar( this.length() );
setLength: function ( length ) {
return this.multiplyScalar( length / this.length() );
lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {
this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
this.z += ( v.z - this.z ) * alpha;
this.w += ( v.w - this.w ) * alpha;
return this;
lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {
this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );
return this;
equals: function ( v ) {
return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) && ( v.z === this.z ) && ( v.w === this.w ) );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.x = array[ offset ];
this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
this.z = array[ offset + 2 ];
this.w = array[ offset + 3 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this.z;
array[ offset + 3 ] = this.w;
return array;
fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset;
this.x = attribute.array[ index ];
this.y = attribute.array[ index + 1 ];
this.z = attribute.array[ index + 2 ];
this.w = attribute.array[ index + 3 ];
return this;
// File:src/math/Euler.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Euler = function ( x, y, z, order ) {
this._x = x || 0;
this._y = y || 0;
this._z = z || 0;
this._order = order || THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder;
THREE.Euler.RotationOrders = [ 'XYZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'ZYX' ];
THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder = 'XYZ';
THREE.Euler.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Euler,
get x () {
return this._x;
set x ( value ) {
this._x = value;
get y () {
return this._y;
set y ( value ) {
this._y = value;
get z () {
return this._z;
set z ( value ) {
this._z = value;
get order () {
return this._order;
set order ( value ) {
this._order = value;
set: function ( x, y, z, order ) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
this._order = order || this._order;
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._order);
copy: function ( euler ) {
this._x = euler._x;
this._y = euler._y;
this._z = euler._z;
this._order = euler._order;
return this;
setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m, order, update ) {
var clamp = THREE.Math.clamp;
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
var te = m.elements;
var m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ];
var m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ];
var m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ];
order = order || this._order;
if ( order === 'XYZ' ) {
this._y = Math.asin( clamp( m13, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m13 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m11 );
} else {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
this._z = 0;
} else if ( order === 'YXZ' ) {
this._x = Math.asin( - clamp( m23, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m23 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m22 );
} else {
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );
this._z = 0;
} else if ( order === 'ZXY' ) {
this._x = Math.asin( clamp( m32, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m32 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );
} else {
this._y = 0;
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );
} else if ( order === 'ZYX' ) {
this._y = Math.asin( - clamp( m31, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m31 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );
} else {
this._x = 0;
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );
} else if ( order === 'YZX' ) {
this._z = Math.asin( clamp( m21, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m21 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m22 );
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );
} else {
this._x = 0;
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );
} else if ( order === 'XZY' ) {
this._z = Math.asin( - clamp( m12, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m12 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m11 );
} else {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
this._y = 0;
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.Euler: .setFromRotationMatrix() given unsupported order: ' + order )
this._order = order;
if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();
return this;
setFromQuaternion: function () {
var matrix;
return function ( q, order, update ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.makeRotationFromQuaternion( q );
this.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix, order, update );
return this;
setFromVector3: function ( v, order ) {
return this.set( v.x, v.y, v.z, order || this._order );
reorder: function () {
// WARNING: this discards revolution information -bhouston
var q = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( newOrder ) {
q.setFromEuler( this );
this.setFromQuaternion( q, newOrder );
equals: function ( euler ) {
return ( euler._x === this._x ) && ( euler._y === this._y ) && ( euler._z === this._z ) && ( euler._order === this._order );
fromArray: function ( array ) {
this._x = array[ 0 ];
this._y = array[ 1 ];
this._z = array[ 2 ];
if ( array[ 3 ] !== undefined ) this._order = array[ 3 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this._x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this._y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this._z;
array[ offset + 3 ] = this._order;
return array;
toVector3: function ( optionalResult ) {
if ( optionalResult ) {
return optionalResult.set( this._x, this._y, this._z );
} else {
return new THREE.Vector3( this._x, this._y, this._z );
onChange: function ( callback ) {
this.onChangeCallback = callback;
return this;
onChangeCallback: function () {}
// File:src/math/Line3.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Line3 = function ( start, end ) {
this.start = ( start !== undefined ) ? start : new THREE.Vector3();
this.end = ( end !== undefined ) ? end : new THREE.Vector3();
THREE.Line3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Line3,
set: function ( start, end ) {
this.start.copy( start );
this.end.copy( end );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( line ) {
this.start.copy( line.start );
this.end.copy( line.end );
return this;
center: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.addVectors( this.start, this.end ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
delta: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.subVectors( this.end, this.start );
distanceSq: function () {
return this.start.distanceToSquared( this.end );
distance: function () {
return this.start.distanceTo( this.end );
at: function ( t, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return this.delta( result ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.start );
closestPointToPointParameter: function () {
var startP = new THREE.Vector3();
var startEnd = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( point, clampToLine ) {
startP.subVectors( point, this.start );
startEnd.subVectors( this.end, this.start );
var startEnd2 = startEnd.dot( startEnd );
var startEnd_startP = startEnd.dot( startP );
var t = startEnd_startP / startEnd2;
if ( clampToLine ) {
t = THREE.Math.clamp( t, 0, 1 );
return t;
closestPointToPoint: function ( point, clampToLine, optionalTarget ) {
var t = this.closestPointToPointParameter( point, clampToLine );
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return this.delta( result ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.start );
applyMatrix4: function ( matrix ) {
this.start.applyMatrix4( matrix );
this.end.applyMatrix4( matrix );
return this;
equals: function ( line ) {
return line.start.equals( this.start ) && line.end.equals( this.end );
// File:src/math/Box2.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Box2 = function ( min, max ) {
this.min = ( min !== undefined ) ? min : new THREE.Vector2( Infinity, Infinity );
this.max = ( max !== undefined ) ? max : new THREE.Vector2( - Infinity, - Infinity );
THREE.Box2.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Box2,
set: function ( min, max ) {
this.min.copy( min );
this.max.copy( max );
return this;
setFromPoints: function ( points ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.expandByPoint( points[ i ] )
return this;
setFromCenterAndSize: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector2();
return function ( center, size ) {
var halfSize = v1.copy( size ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
this.min.copy( center ).sub( halfSize );
this.max.copy( center ).add( halfSize );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( box ) {
this.min.copy( box.min );
this.max.copy( box.max );
return this;
makeEmpty: function () {
this.min.x = this.min.y = Infinity;
this.max.x = this.max.y = - Infinity;
return this;
empty: function () {
// this is a more robust check for empty than ( volume <= 0 ) because volume can get positive with two negative axes
return ( this.max.x < this.min.x ) || ( this.max.y < this.min.y );
center: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector2();
return result.addVectors( this.min, this.max ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
size: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector2();
return result.subVectors( this.max, this.min );
expandByPoint: function ( point ) {
this.min.min( point );
this.max.max( point );
return this;
expandByVector: function ( vector ) {
this.min.sub( vector );
this.max.add( vector );
return this;
expandByScalar: function ( scalar ) {
this.min.addScalar( - scalar );
this.max.addScalar( scalar );
return this;
containsPoint: function ( point ) {
if ( point.x < this.min.x || point.x > this.max.x ||
point.y < this.min.y || point.y > this.max.y ) {
return false;
return true;
containsBox: function ( box ) {
if ( ( this.min.x <= box.min.x ) && ( box.max.x <= this.max.x ) &&
( this.min.y <= box.min.y ) && ( box.max.y <= this.max.y ) ) {
return true;
return false;
getParameter: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
// This can potentially have a divide by zero if the box
// has a size dimension of 0.
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector2();
return result.set(
( point.x - this.min.x ) / ( this.max.x - this.min.x ),
( point.y - this.min.y ) / ( this.max.y - this.min.y )
isIntersectionBox: function ( box ) {
// using 6 splitting planes to rule out intersections.
if ( box.max.x < this.min.x || box.min.x > this.max.x ||
box.max.y < this.min.y || box.min.y > this.max.y ) {
return false;
return true;
clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector2();
return result.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
distanceToPoint: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector2();
return function ( point ) {
var clampedPoint = v1.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
return clampedPoint.sub( point ).length();
intersect: function ( box ) {
this.min.max( box.min );
this.max.min( box.max );
return this;
union: function ( box ) {
this.min.min( box.min );
this.max.max( box.max );
return this;
translate: function ( offset ) {
this.min.add( offset );
this.max.add( offset );
return this;
equals: function ( box ) {
return box.min.equals( this.min ) && box.max.equals( this.max );
// File:src/math/Box3.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Box3 = function ( min, max ) {
this.min = ( min !== undefined ) ? min : new THREE.Vector3( Infinity, Infinity, Infinity );
this.max = ( max !== undefined ) ? max : new THREE.Vector3( - Infinity, - Infinity, - Infinity );
THREE.Box3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Box3,
set: function ( min, max ) {
this.min.copy( min );
this.max.copy( max );
return this;
setFromPoints: function ( points ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.expandByPoint( points[ i ] );
return this;
setFromCenterAndSize: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( center, size ) {
var halfSize = v1.copy( size ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
this.min.copy( center ).sub( halfSize );
this.max.copy( center ).add( halfSize );
return this;
setFromObject: function () {
// Computes the world-axis-aligned bounding box of an object (including its children),
// accounting for both the object's, and children's, world transforms
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( object ) {
var scope = this;
object.updateMatrixWorld( true );
object.traverse( function ( node ) {
var geometry = node.geometry;
if ( geometry !== undefined ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
for ( var i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
v1.copy( vertices[ i ] );
v1.applyMatrix4( node.matrixWorld );
scope.expandByPoint( v1 );
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry && geometry.attributes[ 'position' ] !== undefined ) {
var positions = geometry.attributes[ 'position' ].array;
for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 3 ) {
v1.set( positions[ i ], positions[ i + 1 ], positions[ i + 2 ] );
v1.applyMatrix4( node.matrixWorld );
scope.expandByPoint( v1 );
} );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( box ) {
this.min.copy( box.min );
this.max.copy( box.max );
return this;
makeEmpty: function () {
this.min.x = this.min.y = this.min.z = Infinity;
this.max.x = this.max.y = this.max.z = - Infinity;
return this;
empty: function () {
// this is a more robust check for empty than ( volume <= 0 ) because volume can get positive with two negative axes
return ( this.max.x < this.min.x ) || ( this.max.y < this.min.y ) || ( this.max.z < this.min.z );
center: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.addVectors( this.min, this.max ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
size: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.subVectors( this.max, this.min );
expandByPoint: function ( point ) {
this.min.min( point );
this.max.max( point );
return this;
expandByVector: function ( vector ) {
this.min.sub( vector );
this.max.add( vector );
return this;
expandByScalar: function ( scalar ) {
this.min.addScalar( - scalar );
this.max.addScalar( scalar );
return this;
containsPoint: function ( point ) {
if ( point.x < this.min.x || point.x > this.max.x ||
point.y < this.min.y || point.y > this.max.y ||
point.z < this.min.z || point.z > this.max.z ) {
return false;
return true;
containsBox: function ( box ) {
if ( ( this.min.x <= box.min.x ) && ( box.max.x <= this.max.x ) &&
( this.min.y <= box.min.y ) && ( box.max.y <= this.max.y ) &&
( this.min.z <= box.min.z ) && ( box.max.z <= this.max.z ) ) {
return true;
return false;
getParameter: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
// This can potentially have a divide by zero if the box
// has a size dimension of 0.
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.set(
( point.x - this.min.x ) / ( this.max.x - this.min.x ),
( point.y - this.min.y ) / ( this.max.y - this.min.y ),
( point.z - this.min.z ) / ( this.max.z - this.min.z )
isIntersectionBox: function ( box ) {
// using 6 splitting planes to rule out intersections.
if ( box.max.x < this.min.x || box.min.x > this.max.x ||
box.max.y < this.min.y || box.min.y > this.max.y ||
box.max.z < this.min.z || box.min.z > this.max.z ) {
return false;
return true;
clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
distanceToPoint: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( point ) {
var clampedPoint = v1.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
return clampedPoint.sub( point ).length();
getBoundingSphere: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Sphere();
result.center = this.center();
result.radius = this.size( v1 ).length() * 0.5;
return result;
intersect: function ( box ) {
this.min.max( box.min );
this.max.min( box.max );
return this;
union: function ( box ) {
this.min.min( box.min );
this.max.max( box.max );
return this;
applyMatrix4: function () {
var points = [
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3(),
new THREE.Vector3()
return function ( matrix ) {
// NOTE: I am using a binary pattern to specify all 2^3 combinations below
points[ 0 ].set( this.min.x, this.min.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 000
points[ 1 ].set( this.min.x, this.min.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 001
points[ 2 ].set( this.min.x, this.max.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 010
points[ 3 ].set( this.min.x, this.max.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 011
points[ 4 ].set( this.max.x, this.min.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 100
points[ 5 ].set( this.max.x, this.min.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 101
points[ 6 ].set( this.max.x, this.max.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 110
points[ 7 ].set( this.max.x, this.max.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 111
this.setFromPoints( points );
return this;
translate: function ( offset ) {
this.min.add( offset );
this.max.add( offset );
return this;
equals: function ( box ) {
return box.min.equals( this.min ) && box.max.equals( this.max );
// File:src/math/Matrix3.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Matrix3 = function () {
this.elements = new Float32Array( [
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1
] );
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix3: the constructor no longer reads arguments. use .set() instead.' );
THREE.Matrix3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Matrix3,
set: function ( n11, n12, n13, n21, n22, n23, n31, n32, n33 ) {
var te = this.elements;
te[ 0 ] = n11; te[ 3 ] = n12; te[ 6 ] = n13;
te[ 1 ] = n21; te[ 4 ] = n22; te[ 7 ] = n23;
te[ 2 ] = n31; te[ 5 ] = n32; te[ 8 ] = n33;
return this;
identity: function () {
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().fromArray( this.elements );
copy: function ( m ) {
var me = m.elements;
me[ 0 ], me[ 3 ], me[ 6 ],
me[ 1 ], me[ 4 ], me[ 7 ],
me[ 2 ], me[ 5 ], me[ 8 ]
return this;
multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix3: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix3( matrix ) instead.' );
return vector.applyMatrix3( this );
multiplyVector3Array: function ( a ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix3: .multiplyVector3Array() has been renamed. Use matrix.applyToVector3Array( array ) instead.' );
return this.applyToVector3Array( a );
applyToVector3Array: function () {
var v1;
return function ( array, offset, length ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
if ( length === undefined ) length = array.length;
for ( var i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i += 3, j += 3 ) {
v1.fromArray( array, j );
v1.applyMatrix3( this );
v1.toArray( array, j );
return array;
applyToBuffer: function () {
var v1;
return function applyToBuffer( buffer, offset, length ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
if ( length === undefined ) length = buffer.length / buffer.itemSize;
for ( var i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i ++, j ++ ) {
v1.x = buffer.getX( j );
v1.y = buffer.getY( j );
v1.z = buffer.getZ( j );
v1.applyMatrix3( this );
buffer.setXYZ( v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );
return buffer;
multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {
var te = this.elements;
te[ 0 ] *= s; te[ 3 ] *= s; te[ 6 ] *= s;
te[ 1 ] *= s; te[ 4 ] *= s; te[ 7 ] *= s;
te[ 2 ] *= s; te[ 5 ] *= s; te[ 8 ] *= s;
return this;
determinant: function () {
var te = this.elements;
var a = te[ 0 ], b = te[ 1 ], c = te[ 2 ],
d = te[ 3 ], e = te[ 4 ], f = te[ 5 ],
g = te[ 6 ], h = te[ 7 ], i = te[ 8 ];
return a * e * i - a * f * h - b * d * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - c * e * g;
getInverse: function ( matrix, throwOnInvertible ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4
// ( based on http://code.google.com/p/webgl-mjs/ )
var me = matrix.elements;
var te = this.elements;
te[ 0 ] = me[ 10 ] * me[ 5 ] - me[ 6 ] * me[ 9 ];
te[ 1 ] = - me[ 10 ] * me[ 1 ] + me[ 2 ] * me[ 9 ];
te[ 2 ] = me[ 6 ] * me[ 1 ] - me[ 2 ] * me[ 5 ];
te[ 3 ] = - me[ 10 ] * me[ 4 ] + me[ 6 ] * me[ 8 ];
te[ 4 ] = me[ 10 ] * me[ 0 ] - me[ 2 ] * me[ 8 ];
te[ 5 ] = - me[ 6 ] * me[ 0 ] + me[ 2 ] * me[ 4 ];
te[ 6 ] = me[ 9 ] * me[ 4 ] - me[ 5 ] * me[ 8 ];
te[ 7 ] = - me[ 9 ] * me[ 0 ] + me[ 1 ] * me[ 8 ];
te[ 8 ] = me[ 5 ] * me[ 0 ] - me[ 1 ] * me[ 4 ];
var det = me[ 0 ] * te[ 0 ] + me[ 1 ] * te[ 3 ] + me[ 2 ] * te[ 6 ];
// no inverse
if ( det === 0 ) {
var msg = "Matrix3.getInverse(): can't invert matrix, determinant is 0";
if ( throwOnInvertible || false ) {
throw new Error( msg );
} else {
console.warn( msg );
return this;
this.multiplyScalar( 1.0 / det );
return this;
transpose: function () {
var tmp, m = this.elements;
tmp = m[ 1 ]; m[ 1 ] = m[ 3 ]; m[ 3 ] = tmp;
tmp = m[ 2 ]; m[ 2 ] = m[ 6 ]; m[ 6 ] = tmp;
tmp = m[ 5 ]; m[ 5 ] = m[ 7 ]; m[ 7 ] = tmp;
return this;
flattenToArrayOffset: function ( array, offset ) {
var te = this.elements;
array[ offset ] = te[ 0 ];
array[ offset + 1 ] = te[ 1 ];
array[ offset + 2 ] = te[ 2 ];
array[ offset + 3 ] = te[ 3 ];
array[ offset + 4 ] = te[ 4 ];
array[ offset + 5 ] = te[ 5 ];
array[ offset + 6 ] = te[ 6 ];
array[ offset + 7 ] = te[ 7 ];
array[ offset + 8 ] = te[ 8 ];
return array;
getNormalMatrix: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4
this.getInverse( m ).transpose();
return this;
transposeIntoArray: function ( r ) {
var m = this.elements;
r[ 0 ] = m[ 0 ];
r[ 1 ] = m[ 3 ];
r[ 2 ] = m[ 6 ];
r[ 3 ] = m[ 1 ];
r[ 4 ] = m[ 4 ];
r[ 5 ] = m[ 7 ];
r[ 6 ] = m[ 2 ];
r[ 7 ] = m[ 5 ];
r[ 8 ] = m[ 8 ];
return this;
fromArray: function ( array ) {
this.elements.set( array );
return this;
toArray: function () {
var te = this.elements;
return [
te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ],
te[ 3 ], te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ],
te[ 6 ], te[ 7 ], te[ 8 ]
// File:src/math/Matrix4.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author jordi_ros / http://plattsoft.com
* @author D1plo1d / http://github.com/D1plo1d
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author timknip / http://www.floorplanner.com/
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Matrix4 = function () {
this.elements = new Float32Array( [
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
] );
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: the constructor no longer reads arguments. use .set() instead.' );
THREE.Matrix4.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Matrix4,
set: function ( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 ) {
var te = this.elements;
te[ 0 ] = n11; te[ 4 ] = n12; te[ 8 ] = n13; te[ 12 ] = n14;
te[ 1 ] = n21; te[ 5 ] = n22; te[ 9 ] = n23; te[ 13 ] = n24;
te[ 2 ] = n31; te[ 6 ] = n32; te[ 10 ] = n33; te[ 14 ] = n34;
te[ 3 ] = n41; te[ 7 ] = n42; te[ 11 ] = n43; te[ 15 ] = n44;
return this;
identity: function () {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
clone: function () {
return new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( this.elements );
copy: function ( m ) {
this.elements.set( m.elements );
return this;
extractPosition: function ( m ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .extractPosition() has been renamed to .copyPosition().' );
return this.copyPosition( m );
copyPosition: function ( m ) {
var te = this.elements;
var me = m.elements;
te[ 12 ] = me[ 12 ];
te[ 13 ] = me[ 13 ];
te[ 14 ] = me[ 14 ];
return this;
extractBasis: function ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis ) {
var te = this.elements;
xAxis.set( te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ] );
yAxis.set( te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ] );
zAxis.set( te[ 8 ], te[ 9 ], te[ 10 ] );
return this;
makeBasis: function ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis ) {
xAxis.x, yAxis.x, zAxis.x, 0,
xAxis.y, yAxis.y, zAxis.y, 0,
xAxis.z, yAxis.z, zAxis.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
extractRotation: function () {
var v1;
return function ( m ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var te = this.elements;
var me = m.elements;
var scaleX = 1 / v1.set( me[ 0 ], me[ 1 ], me[ 2 ] ).length();
var scaleY = 1 / v1.set( me[ 4 ], me[ 5 ], me[ 6 ] ).length();
var scaleZ = 1 / v1.set( me[ 8 ], me[ 9 ], me[ 10 ] ).length();
te[ 0 ] = me[ 0 ] * scaleX;
te[ 1 ] = me[ 1 ] * scaleX;
te[ 2 ] = me[ 2 ] * scaleX;
te[ 4 ] = me[ 4 ] * scaleY;
te[ 5 ] = me[ 5 ] * scaleY;
te[ 6 ] = me[ 6 ] * scaleY;
te[ 8 ] = me[ 8 ] * scaleZ;
te[ 9 ] = me[ 9 ] * scaleZ;
te[ 10 ] = me[ 10 ] * scaleZ;
return this;
makeRotationFromEuler: function ( euler ) {
if ( euler instanceof THREE.Euler === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix: .makeRotationFromEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );
var te = this.elements;
var x = euler.x, y = euler.y, z = euler.z;
var a = Math.cos( x ), b = Math.sin( x );
var c = Math.cos( y ), d = Math.sin( y );
var e = Math.cos( z ), f = Math.sin( z );
if ( euler.order === 'XYZ' ) {
var ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f;
te[ 0 ] = c * e;
te[ 4 ] = - c * f;
te[ 8 ] = d;
te[ 1 ] = af + be * d;
te[ 5 ] = ae - bf * d;
te[ 9 ] = - b * c;
te[ 2 ] = bf - ae * d;
te[ 6 ] = be + af * d;
te[ 10 ] = a * c;
} else if ( euler.order === 'YXZ' ) {
var ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f;
te[ 0 ] = ce + df * b;
te[ 4 ] = de * b - cf;
te[ 8 ] = a * d;
te[ 1 ] = a * f;
te[ 5 ] = a * e;
te[ 9 ] = - b;
te[ 2 ] = cf * b - de;
te[ 6 ] = df + ce * b;
te[ 10 ] = a * c;
} else if ( euler.order === 'ZXY' ) {
var ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f;
te[ 0 ] = ce - df * b;
te[ 4 ] = - a * f;
te[ 8 ] = de + cf * b;
te[ 1 ] = cf + de * b;
te[ 5 ] = a * e;
te[ 9 ] = df - ce * b;
te[ 2 ] = - a * d;
te[ 6 ] = b;
te[ 10 ] = a * c;
} else if ( euler.order === 'ZYX' ) {
var ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f;
te[ 0 ] = c * e;
te[ 4 ] = be * d - af;
te[ 8 ] = ae * d + bf;
te[ 1 ] = c * f;
te[ 5 ] = bf * d + ae;
te[ 9 ] = af * d - be;
te[ 2 ] = - d;
te[ 6 ] = b * c;
te[ 10 ] = a * c;
} else if ( euler.order === 'YZX' ) {
var ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d;
te[ 0 ] = c * e;
te[ 4 ] = bd - ac * f;
te[ 8 ] = bc * f + ad;
te[ 1 ] = f;
te[ 5 ] = a * e;
te[ 9 ] = - b * e;
te[ 2 ] = - d * e;
te[ 6 ] = ad * f + bc;
te[ 10 ] = ac - bd * f;
} else if ( euler.order === 'XZY' ) {
var ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d;
te[ 0 ] = c * e;
te[ 4 ] = - f;
te[ 8 ] = d * e;
te[ 1 ] = ac * f + bd;
te[ 5 ] = a * e;
te[ 9 ] = ad * f - bc;
te[ 2 ] = bc * f - ad;
te[ 6 ] = b * e;
te[ 10 ] = bd * f + ac;
// last column
te[ 3 ] = 0;
te[ 7 ] = 0;
te[ 11 ] = 0;
// bottom row
te[ 12 ] = 0;
te[ 13 ] = 0;
te[ 14 ] = 0;
te[ 15 ] = 1;
return this;
setRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .setRotationFromQuaternion() has been renamed to .makeRotationFromQuaternion().' );
return this.makeRotationFromQuaternion( q );
makeRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {
var te = this.elements;
var x = q.x, y = q.y, z = q.z, w = q.w;
var x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z;
var xx = x * x2, xy = x * y2, xz = x * z2;
var yy = y * y2, yz = y * z2, zz = z * z2;
var wx = w * x2, wy = w * y2, wz = w * z2;
te[ 0 ] = 1 - ( yy + zz );
te[ 4 ] = xy - wz;
te[ 8 ] = xz + wy;
te[ 1 ] = xy + wz;
te[ 5 ] = 1 - ( xx + zz );
te[ 9 ] = yz - wx;
te[ 2 ] = xz - wy;
te[ 6 ] = yz + wx;
te[ 10 ] = 1 - ( xx + yy );
// last column
te[ 3 ] = 0;
te[ 7 ] = 0;
te[ 11 ] = 0;
// bottom row
te[ 12 ] = 0;
te[ 13 ] = 0;
te[ 14 ] = 0;
te[ 15 ] = 1;
return this;
lookAt: function () {
var x, y, z;
return function ( eye, target, up ) {
if ( x === undefined ) x = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( y === undefined ) y = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( z === undefined ) z = new THREE.Vector3();
var te = this.elements;
z.subVectors( eye, target ).normalize();
if ( z.lengthSq() === 0 ) {
z.z = 1;
x.crossVectors( up, z ).normalize();
if ( x.lengthSq() === 0 ) {
z.x += 0.0001;
x.crossVectors( up, z ).normalize();
y.crossVectors( z, x );
te[ 0 ] = x.x; te[ 4 ] = y.x; te[ 8 ] = z.x;
te[ 1 ] = x.y; te[ 5 ] = y.y; te[ 9 ] = z.y;
te[ 2 ] = x.z; te[ 6 ] = y.z; te[ 10 ] = z.z;
return this;
multiply: function ( m, n ) {
if ( n !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyMatrices( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.multiplyMatrices( m, n );
return this.multiplyMatrices( this, m );
multiplyMatrices: function ( a, b ) {
var ae = a.elements;
var be = b.elements;
var te = this.elements;
var a11 = ae[ 0 ], a12 = ae[ 4 ], a13 = ae[ 8 ], a14 = ae[ 12 ];
var a21 = ae[ 1 ], a22 = ae[ 5 ], a23 = ae[ 9 ], a24 = ae[ 13 ];
var a31 = ae[ 2 ], a32 = ae[ 6 ], a33 = ae[ 10 ], a34 = ae[ 14 ];
var a41 = ae[ 3 ], a42 = ae[ 7 ], a43 = ae[ 11 ], a44 = ae[ 15 ];
var b11 = be[ 0 ], b12 = be[ 4 ], b13 = be[ 8 ], b14 = be[ 12 ];
var b21 = be[ 1 ], b22 = be[ 5 ], b23 = be[ 9 ], b24 = be[ 13 ];
var b31 = be[ 2 ], b32 = be[ 6 ], b33 = be[ 10 ], b34 = be[ 14 ];
var b41 = be[ 3 ], b42 = be[ 7 ], b43 = be[ 11 ], b44 = be[ 15 ];
te[ 0 ] = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31 + a14 * b41;
te[ 4 ] = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32 + a14 * b42;
te[ 8 ] = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33 + a14 * b43;
te[ 12 ] = a11 * b14 + a12 * b24 + a13 * b34 + a14 * b44;
te[ 1 ] = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31 + a24 * b41;
te[ 5 ] = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32 + a24 * b42;
te[ 9 ] = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33 + a24 * b43;
te[ 13 ] = a21 * b14 + a22 * b24 + a23 * b34 + a24 * b44;
te[ 2 ] = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31 + a34 * b41;
te[ 6 ] = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32 + a34 * b42;
te[ 10 ] = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33 + a34 * b43;
te[ 14 ] = a31 * b14 + a32 * b24 + a33 * b34 + a34 * b44;
te[ 3 ] = a41 * b11 + a42 * b21 + a43 * b31 + a44 * b41;
te[ 7 ] = a41 * b12 + a42 * b22 + a43 * b32 + a44 * b42;
te[ 11 ] = a41 * b13 + a42 * b23 + a43 * b33 + a44 * b43;
te[ 15 ] = a41 * b14 + a42 * b24 + a43 * b34 + a44 * b44;
return this;
multiplyToArray: function ( a, b, r ) {
var te = this.elements;
this.multiplyMatrices( a, b );
r[ 0 ] = te[ 0 ]; r[ 1 ] = te[ 1 ]; r[ 2 ] = te[ 2 ]; r[ 3 ] = te[ 3 ];
r[ 4 ] = te[ 4 ]; r[ 5 ] = te[ 5 ]; r[ 6 ] = te[ 6 ]; r[ 7 ] = te[ 7 ];
r[ 8 ] = te[ 8 ]; r[ 9 ] = te[ 9 ]; r[ 10 ] = te[ 10 ]; r[ 11 ] = te[ 11 ];
r[ 12 ] = te[ 12 ]; r[ 13 ] = te[ 13 ]; r[ 14 ] = te[ 14 ]; r[ 15 ] = te[ 15 ];
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {
var te = this.elements;
te[ 0 ] *= s; te[ 4 ] *= s; te[ 8 ] *= s; te[ 12 ] *= s;
te[ 1 ] *= s; te[ 5 ] *= s; te[ 9 ] *= s; te[ 13 ] *= s;
te[ 2 ] *= s; te[ 6 ] *= s; te[ 10 ] *= s; te[ 14 ] *= s;
te[ 3 ] *= s; te[ 7 ] *= s; te[ 11 ] *= s; te[ 15 ] *= s;
return this;
multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) or vector.applyProjection( matrix ) instead.' );
return vector.applyProjection( this );
multiplyVector4: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector4() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) instead.' );
return vector.applyMatrix4( this );
multiplyVector3Array: function ( a ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector3Array() has been renamed. Use matrix.applyToVector3Array( array ) instead.' );
return this.applyToVector3Array( a );
applyToVector3Array: function () {
var v1;
return function ( array, offset, length ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
if ( length === undefined ) length = array.length;
for ( var i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i += 3, j += 3 ) {
v1.fromArray( array, j );
v1.applyMatrix4( this );
v1.toArray( array, j );
return array;
applyToBuffer: function () {
var v1;
return function applyToBuffer( buffer, offset, length ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
if ( length === undefined ) length = buffer.length / buffer.itemSize;
for ( var i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i ++, j ++ ) {
v1.x = buffer.getX( j );
v1.y = buffer.getY( j );
v1.z = buffer.getZ( j );
v1.applyMatrix4( this );
buffer.setXYZ( v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );
return buffer;
rotateAxis: function ( v ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateAxis() has been removed. Use Vector3.transformDirection( matrix ) instead.' );
v.transformDirection( this );
crossVector: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .crossVector() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) instead.' );
return vector.applyMatrix4( this );
determinant: function () {
var te = this.elements;
var n11 = te[ 0 ], n12 = te[ 4 ], n13 = te[ 8 ], n14 = te[ 12 ];
var n21 = te[ 1 ], n22 = te[ 5 ], n23 = te[ 9 ], n24 = te[ 13 ];
var n31 = te[ 2 ], n32 = te[ 6 ], n33 = te[ 10 ], n34 = te[ 14 ];
var n41 = te[ 3 ], n42 = te[ 7 ], n43 = te[ 11 ], n44 = te[ 15 ];
//TODO: make this more efficient
//( based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm )
return (
n41 * (
+ n14 * n23 * n32
- n13 * n24 * n32
- n14 * n22 * n33
+ n12 * n24 * n33
+ n13 * n22 * n34
- n12 * n23 * n34
) +
n42 * (
+ n11 * n23 * n34
- n11 * n24 * n33
+ n14 * n21 * n33
- n13 * n21 * n34
+ n13 * n24 * n31
- n14 * n23 * n31
) +
n43 * (
+ n11 * n24 * n32
- n11 * n22 * n34
- n14 * n21 * n32
+ n12 * n21 * n34
+ n14 * n22 * n31
- n12 * n24 * n31
) +
n44 * (
- n13 * n22 * n31
- n11 * n23 * n32
+ n11 * n22 * n33
+ n13 * n21 * n32
- n12 * n21 * n33
+ n12 * n23 * n31
transpose: function () {
var te = this.elements;
var tmp;
tmp = te[ 1 ]; te[ 1 ] = te[ 4 ]; te[ 4 ] = tmp;
tmp = te[ 2 ]; te[ 2 ] = te[ 8 ]; te[ 8 ] = tmp;
tmp = te[ 6 ]; te[ 6 ] = te[ 9 ]; te[ 9 ] = tmp;
tmp = te[ 3 ]; te[ 3 ] = te[ 12 ]; te[ 12 ] = tmp;
tmp = te[ 7 ]; te[ 7 ] = te[ 13 ]; te[ 13 ] = tmp;
tmp = te[ 11 ]; te[ 11 ] = te[ 14 ]; te[ 14 ] = tmp;
return this;
flattenToArrayOffset: function ( array, offset ) {
var te = this.elements;
array[ offset ] = te[ 0 ];
array[ offset + 1 ] = te[ 1 ];
array[ offset + 2 ] = te[ 2 ];
array[ offset + 3 ] = te[ 3 ];
array[ offset + 4 ] = te[ 4 ];
array[ offset + 5 ] = te[ 5 ];
array[ offset + 6 ] = te[ 6 ];
array[ offset + 7 ] = te[ 7 ];
array[ offset + 8 ] = te[ 8 ];
array[ offset + 9 ] = te[ 9 ];
array[ offset + 10 ] = te[ 10 ];
array[ offset + 11 ] = te[ 11 ];
array[ offset + 12 ] = te[ 12 ];
array[ offset + 13 ] = te[ 13 ];
array[ offset + 14 ] = te[ 14 ];
array[ offset + 15 ] = te[ 15 ];
return array;
getPosition: function () {
var v1;
return function () {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .getPosition() has been removed. Use Vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( matrix ) instead.' );
var te = this.elements;
return v1.set( te[ 12 ], te[ 13 ], te[ 14 ] );
setPosition: function ( v ) {
var te = this.elements;
te[ 12 ] = v.x;
te[ 13 ] = v.y;
te[ 14 ] = v.z;
return this;
getInverse: function ( m, throwOnInvertible ) {
// based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm
var te = this.elements;
var me = m.elements;
var n11 = me[ 0 ], n12 = me[ 4 ], n13 = me[ 8 ], n14 = me[ 12 ];
var n21 = me[ 1 ], n22 = me[ 5 ], n23 = me[ 9 ], n24 = me[ 13 ];
var n31 = me[ 2 ], n32 = me[ 6 ], n33 = me[ 10 ], n34 = me[ 14 ];
var n41 = me[ 3 ], n42 = me[ 7 ], n43 = me[ 11 ], n44 = me[ 15 ];
te[ 0 ] = n23 * n34 * n42 - n24 * n33 * n42 + n24 * n32 * n43 - n22 * n34 * n43 - n23 * n32 * n44 + n22 * n33 * n44;
te[ 4 ] = n14 * n33 * n42 - n13 * n34 * n42 - n14 * n32 * n43 + n12 * n34 * n43 + n13 * n32 * n44 - n12 * n33 * n44;
te[ 8 ] = n13 * n24 * n42 - n14 * n23 * n42 + n14 * n22 * n43 - n12 * n24 * n43 - n13 * n22 * n44 + n12 * n23 * n44;
te[ 12 ] = n14 * n23 * n32 - n13 * n24 * n32 - n14 * n22 * n33 + n12 * n24 * n33 + n13 * n22 * n34 - n12 * n23 * n34;
te[ 1 ] = n24 * n33 * n41 - n23 * n34 * n41 - n24 * n31 * n43 + n21 * n34 * n43 + n23 * n31 * n44 - n21 * n33 * n44;
te[ 5 ] = n13 * n34 * n41 - n14 * n33 * n41 + n14 * n31 * n43 - n11 * n34 * n43 - n13 * n31 * n44 + n11 * n33 * n44;
te[ 9 ] = n14 * n23 * n41 - n13 * n24 * n41 - n14 * n21 * n43 + n11 * n24 * n43 + n13 * n21 * n44 - n11 * n23 * n44;
te[ 13 ] = n13 * n24 * n31 - n14 * n23 * n31 + n14 * n21 * n33 - n11 * n24 * n33 - n13 * n21 * n34 + n11 * n23 * n34;
te[ 2 ] = n22 * n34 * n41 - n24 * n32 * n41 + n24 * n31 * n42 - n21 * n34 * n42 - n22 * n31 * n44 + n21 * n32 * n44;
te[ 6 ] = n14 * n32 * n41 - n12 * n34 * n41 - n14 * n31 * n42 + n11 * n34 * n42 + n12 * n31 * n44 - n11 * n32 * n44;
te[ 10 ] = n12 * n24 * n41 - n14 * n22 * n41 + n14 * n21 * n42 - n11 * n24 * n42 - n12 * n21 * n44 + n11 * n22 * n44;
te[ 14 ] = n14 * n22 * n31 - n12 * n24 * n31 - n14 * n21 * n32 + n11 * n24 * n32 + n12 * n21 * n34 - n11 * n22 * n34;
te[ 3 ] = n23 * n32 * n41 - n22 * n33 * n41 - n23 * n31 * n42 + n21 * n33 * n42 + n22 * n31 * n43 - n21 * n32 * n43;
te[ 7 ] = n12 * n33 * n41 - n13 * n32 * n41 + n13 * n31 * n42 - n11 * n33 * n42 - n12 * n31 * n43 + n11 * n32 * n43;
te[ 11 ] = n13 * n22 * n41 - n12 * n23 * n41 - n13 * n21 * n42 + n11 * n23 * n42 + n12 * n21 * n43 - n11 * n22 * n43;
te[ 15 ] = n12 * n23 * n31 - n13 * n22 * n31 + n13 * n21 * n32 - n11 * n23 * n32 - n12 * n21 * n33 + n11 * n22 * n33;
var det = n11 * te[ 0 ] + n21 * te[ 4 ] + n31 * te[ 8 ] + n41 * te[ 12 ];
if ( det === 0 ) {
var msg = "THREE.Matrix4.getInverse(): can't invert matrix, determinant is 0";
if ( throwOnInvertible || false ) {
throw new Error( msg );
} else {
console.warn( msg );
return this;
this.multiplyScalar( 1 / det );
return this;
translate: function ( v ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .translate() has been removed.' );
rotateX: function ( angle ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateX() has been removed.' );
rotateY: function ( angle ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateY() has been removed.' );
rotateZ: function ( angle ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateZ() has been removed.' );
rotateByAxis: function ( axis, angle ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateByAxis() has been removed.' );
scale: function ( v ) {
var te = this.elements;
var x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z;
te[ 0 ] *= x; te[ 4 ] *= y; te[ 8 ] *= z;
te[ 1 ] *= x; te[ 5 ] *= y; te[ 9 ] *= z;
te[ 2 ] *= x; te[ 6 ] *= y; te[ 10 ] *= z;
te[ 3 ] *= x; te[ 7 ] *= y; te[ 11 ] *= z;
return this;
getMaxScaleOnAxis: function () {
var te = this.elements;
var scaleXSq = te[ 0 ] * te[ 0 ] + te[ 1 ] * te[ 1 ] + te[ 2 ] * te[ 2 ];
var scaleYSq = te[ 4 ] * te[ 4 ] + te[ 5 ] * te[ 5 ] + te[ 6 ] * te[ 6 ];
var scaleZSq = te[ 8 ] * te[ 8 ] + te[ 9 ] * te[ 9 ] + te[ 10 ] * te[ 10 ];
return Math.sqrt( Math.max( scaleXSq, scaleYSq, scaleZSq ) );
makeTranslation: function ( x, y, z ) {
1, 0, 0, x,
0, 1, 0, y,
0, 0, 1, z,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
makeRotationX: function ( theta ) {
var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, - s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
makeRotationY: function ( theta ) {
var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );
c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
makeRotationZ: function ( theta ) {
var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );
c, - s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
makeRotationAxis: function ( axis, angle ) {
// Based on http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1199.asp
var c = Math.cos( angle );
var s = Math.sin( angle );
var t = 1 - c;
var x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z;
var tx = t * x, ty = t * y;
tx * x + c, tx * y - s * z, tx * z + s * y, 0,
tx * y + s * z, ty * y + c, ty * z - s * x, 0,
tx * z - s * y, ty * z + s * x, t * z * z + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
makeScale: function ( x, y, z ) {
x, 0, 0, 0,
0, y, 0, 0,
0, 0, z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return this;
compose: function ( position, quaternion, scale ) {
this.makeRotationFromQuaternion( quaternion );
this.scale( scale );
this.setPosition( position );
return this;
decompose: function () {
var vector, matrix;
return function ( position, quaternion, scale ) {
if ( vector === undefined ) vector = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var te = this.elements;
var sx = vector.set( te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ] ).length();
var sy = vector.set( te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ] ).length();
var sz = vector.set( te[ 8 ], te[ 9 ], te[ 10 ] ).length();
// if determine is negative, we need to invert one scale
var det = this.determinant();
if ( det < 0 ) {
sx = - sx;
position.x = te[ 12 ];
position.y = te[ 13 ];
position.z = te[ 14 ];
// scale the rotation part
matrix.elements.set( this.elements ); // at this point matrix is incomplete so we can't use .copy()
var invSX = 1 / sx;
var invSY = 1 / sy;
var invSZ = 1 / sz;
matrix.elements[ 0 ] *= invSX;
matrix.elements[ 1 ] *= invSX;
matrix.elements[ 2 ] *= invSX;
matrix.elements[ 4 ] *= invSY;
matrix.elements[ 5 ] *= invSY;
matrix.elements[ 6 ] *= invSY;
matrix.elements[ 8 ] *= invSZ;
matrix.elements[ 9 ] *= invSZ;
matrix.elements[ 10 ] *= invSZ;
quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix );
scale.x = sx;
scale.y = sy;
scale.z = sz;
return this;
makeFrustum: function ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) {
var te = this.elements;
var x = 2 * near / ( right - left );
var y = 2 * near / ( top - bottom );
var a = ( right + left ) / ( right - left );
var b = ( top + bottom ) / ( top - bottom );
var c = - ( far + near ) / ( far - near );
var d = - 2 * far * near / ( far - near );
te[ 0 ] = x; te[ 4 ] = 0; te[ 8 ] = a; te[ 12 ] = 0;
te[ 1 ] = 0; te[ 5 ] = y; te[ 9 ] = b; te[ 13 ] = 0;
te[ 2 ] = 0; te[ 6 ] = 0; te[ 10 ] = c; te[ 14 ] = d;
te[ 3 ] = 0; te[ 7 ] = 0; te[ 11 ] = - 1; te[ 15 ] = 0;
return this;
makePerspective: function ( fov, aspect, near, far ) {
var ymax = near * Math.tan( THREE.Math.degToRad( fov * 0.5 ) );
var ymin = - ymax;
var xmin = ymin * aspect;
var xmax = ymax * aspect;
return this.makeFrustum( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far );
makeOrthographic: function ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) {
var te = this.elements;
var w = right - left;
var h = top - bottom;
var p = far - near;
var x = ( right + left ) / w;
var y = ( top + bottom ) / h;
var z = ( far + near ) / p;
te[ 0 ] = 2 / w; te[ 4 ] = 0; te[ 8 ] = 0; te[ 12 ] = - x;
te[ 1 ] = 0; te[ 5 ] = 2 / h; te[ 9 ] = 0; te[ 13 ] = - y;
te[ 2 ] = 0; te[ 6 ] = 0; te[ 10 ] = - 2 / p; te[ 14 ] = - z;
te[ 3 ] = 0; te[ 7 ] = 0; te[ 11 ] = 0; te[ 15 ] = 1;
return this;
equals: function ( matrix ) {
var te = this.elements;
var me = matrix.elements;
for ( var i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) {
if ( te[ i ] !== me[ i ] ) return false;
return true;
fromArray: function ( array ) {
this.elements.set( array );
return this;
toArray: function () {
var te = this.elements;
return [
te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ], te[ 3 ],
te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ], te[ 7 ],
te[ 8 ], te[ 9 ], te[ 10 ], te[ 11 ],
te[ 12 ], te[ 13 ], te[ 14 ], te[ 15 ]
// File:src/math/Ray.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Ray = function ( origin, direction ) {
this.origin = ( origin !== undefined ) ? origin : new THREE.Vector3();
this.direction = ( direction !== undefined ) ? direction : new THREE.Vector3();
THREE.Ray.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Ray,
set: function ( origin, direction ) {
this.origin.copy( origin );
this.direction.copy( direction );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( ray ) {
this.origin.copy( ray.origin );
this.direction.copy( ray.direction );
return this;
at: function ( t, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.origin );
recast: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( t ) {
this.origin.copy( this.at( t, v1 ) );
return this;
closestPointToPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
result.subVectors( point, this.origin );
var directionDistance = result.dot( this.direction );
if ( directionDistance < 0 ) {
return result.copy( this.origin );
return result.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( directionDistance ).add( this.origin );
distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {
return Math.sqrt( this.distanceSqToPoint( point ) );
distanceSqToPoint: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( point ) {
var directionDistance = v1.subVectors( point, this.origin ).dot( this.direction );
// point behind the ray
if ( directionDistance < 0 ) {
return this.origin.distanceToSquared( point );
v1.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( directionDistance ).add( this.origin );
return v1.distanceToSquared( point );
distanceSqToSegment: function () {
var segCenter = new THREE.Vector3();
var segDir = new THREE.Vector3();
var diff = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( v0, v1, optionalPointOnRay, optionalPointOnSegment ) {
// from http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Distance/Wm5DistRay3Segment3.cpp
// It returns the min distance between the ray and the segment
// defined by v0 and v1
// It can also set two optional targets :
// - The closest point on the ray
// - The closest point on the segment
segCenter.copy( v0 ).add( v1 ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
segDir.copy( v1 ).sub( v0 ).normalize();
diff.copy( this.origin ).sub( segCenter );
var segExtent = v0.distanceTo( v1 ) * 0.5;
var a01 = - this.direction.dot( segDir );
var b0 = diff.dot( this.direction );
var b1 = - diff.dot( segDir );
var c = diff.lengthSq();
var det = Math.abs( 1 - a01 * a01 );
var s0, s1, sqrDist, extDet;
if ( det > 0 ) {
// The ray and segment are not parallel.
s0 = a01 * b1 - b0;
s1 = a01 * b0 - b1;
extDet = segExtent * det;
if ( s0 >= 0 ) {
if ( s1 >= - extDet ) {
if ( s1 <= extDet ) {
// region 0
// Minimum at interior points of ray and segment.
var invDet = 1 / det;
s0 *= invDet;
s1 *= invDet;
sqrDist = s0 * ( s0 + a01 * s1 + 2 * b0 ) + s1 * ( a01 * s0 + s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else {
// region 1
s1 = segExtent;
s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else {
// region 5
s1 = - segExtent;
s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else {
if ( s1 <= - extDet ) {
// region 4
s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( - a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else if ( s1 <= extDet ) {
// region 3
s0 = 0;
s1 = Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
sqrDist = s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else {
// region 2
s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? segExtent : Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
} else {
// Ray and segment are parallel.
s1 = ( a01 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : segExtent;
s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;
if ( optionalPointOnRay ) {
optionalPointOnRay.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( s0 ).add( this.origin );
if ( optionalPointOnSegment ) {
optionalPointOnSegment.copy( segDir ).multiplyScalar( s1 ).add( segCenter );
return sqrDist;
isIntersectionSphere: function ( sphere ) {
return this.distanceToPoint( sphere.center ) <= sphere.radius;
intersectSphere: function () {
// from http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-7-intersecting-simple-shapes/ray-sphere-intersection/
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( sphere, optionalTarget ) {
v1.subVectors( sphere.center, this.origin );
var tca = v1.dot( this.direction );
var d2 = v1.dot( v1 ) - tca * tca;
var radius2 = sphere.radius * sphere.radius;
if ( d2 > radius2 ) return null;
var thc = Math.sqrt( radius2 - d2 );
// t0 = first intersect point - entrance on front of sphere
var t0 = tca - thc;
// t1 = second intersect point - exit point on back of sphere
var t1 = tca + thc;
// test to see if both t0 and t1 are behind the ray - if so, return null
if ( t0 < 0 && t1 < 0 ) return null;
// test to see if t0 is behind the ray:
// if it is, the ray is inside the sphere, so return the second exit point scaled by t1,
// in order to always return an intersect point that is in front of the ray.
if ( t0 < 0 ) return this.at( t1, optionalTarget );
// else t0 is in front of the ray, so return the first collision point scaled by t0
return this.at( t0, optionalTarget );
isIntersectionPlane: function ( plane ) {
// check if the ray lies on the plane first
var distToPoint = plane.distanceToPoint( this.origin );
if ( distToPoint === 0 ) {
return true;
var denominator = plane.normal.dot( this.direction );
if ( denominator * distToPoint < 0 ) {
return true;
// ray origin is behind the plane (and is pointing behind it)
return false;
distanceToPlane: function ( plane ) {
var denominator = plane.normal.dot( this.direction );
if ( denominator === 0 ) {
// line is coplanar, return origin
if ( plane.distanceToPoint( this.origin ) === 0 ) {
return 0;
// Null is preferable to undefined since undefined means.... it is undefined
return null;
var t = - ( this.origin.dot( plane.normal ) + plane.constant ) / denominator;
// Return if the ray never intersects the plane
return t >= 0 ? t : null;
intersectPlane: function ( plane, optionalTarget ) {
var t = this.distanceToPlane( plane );
if ( t === null ) {
return null;
return this.at( t, optionalTarget );
isIntersectionBox: function () {
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( box ) {
return this.intersectBox( box, v ) !== null;
intersectBox: function ( box, optionalTarget ) {
// http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-7-intersecting-simple-shapes/ray-box-intersection/
var tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;
var invdirx = 1 / this.direction.x,
invdiry = 1 / this.direction.y,
invdirz = 1 / this.direction.z;
var origin = this.origin;
if ( invdirx >= 0 ) {
tmin = ( box.min.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
tmax = ( box.max.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
} else {
tmin = ( box.max.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
tmax = ( box.min.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
if ( invdiry >= 0 ) {
tymin = ( box.min.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
tymax = ( box.max.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
} else {
tymin = ( box.max.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
tymax = ( box.min.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
if ( ( tmin > tymax ) || ( tymin > tmax ) ) return null;
// These lines also handle the case where tmin or tmax is NaN
// (result of 0 * Infinity). x !== x returns true if x is NaN
if ( tymin > tmin || tmin !== tmin ) tmin = tymin;
if ( tymax < tmax || tmax !== tmax ) tmax = tymax;
if ( invdirz >= 0 ) {
tzmin = ( box.min.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
tzmax = ( box.max.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
} else {
tzmin = ( box.max.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
tzmax = ( box.min.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
if ( ( tmin > tzmax ) || ( tzmin > tmax ) ) return null;
if ( tzmin > tmin || tmin !== tmin ) tmin = tzmin;
if ( tzmax < tmax || tmax !== tmax ) tmax = tzmax;
//return point closest to the ray (positive side)
if ( tmax < 0 ) return null;
return this.at( tmin >= 0 ? tmin : tmax, optionalTarget );
intersectTriangle: function () {
// Compute the offset origin, edges, and normal.
var diff = new THREE.Vector3();
var edge1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var edge2 = new THREE.Vector3();
var normal = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( a, b, c, backfaceCulling, optionalTarget ) {
// from http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Intersection/Wm5IntrRay3Triangle3.cpp
edge1.subVectors( b, a );
edge2.subVectors( c, a );
normal.crossVectors( edge1, edge2 );
// Solve Q + t*D = b1*E1 + b2*E2 (Q = kDiff, D = ray direction,
// E1 = kEdge1, E2 = kEdge2, N = Cross(E1,E2)) by
// |Dot(D,N)|*b1 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(Q,E2))
// |Dot(D,N)|*b2 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(E1,Q))
// |Dot(D,N)|*t = -sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(Q,N)
var DdN = this.direction.dot( normal );
var sign;
if ( DdN > 0 ) {
if ( backfaceCulling ) return null;
sign = 1;
} else if ( DdN < 0 ) {
sign = - 1;
DdN = - DdN;
} else {
return null;
diff.subVectors( this.origin, a );
var DdQxE2 = sign * this.direction.dot( edge2.crossVectors( diff, edge2 ) );
// b1 < 0, no intersection
if ( DdQxE2 < 0 ) {
return null;
var DdE1xQ = sign * this.direction.dot( edge1.cross( diff ) );
// b2 < 0, no intersection
if ( DdE1xQ < 0 ) {
return null;
// b1+b2 > 1, no intersection
if ( DdQxE2 + DdE1xQ > DdN ) {
return null;
// Line intersects triangle, check if ray does.
var QdN = - sign * diff.dot( normal );
// t < 0, no intersection
if ( QdN < 0 ) {
return null;
// Ray intersects triangle.
return this.at( QdN / DdN, optionalTarget );
applyMatrix4: function ( matrix4 ) {
this.direction.add( this.origin ).applyMatrix4( matrix4 );
this.origin.applyMatrix4( matrix4 );
this.direction.sub( this.origin );
return this;
equals: function ( ray ) {
return ray.origin.equals( this.origin ) && ray.direction.equals( this.direction );
// File:src/math/Sphere.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Sphere = function ( center, radius ) {
this.center = ( center !== undefined ) ? center : new THREE.Vector3();
this.radius = ( radius !== undefined ) ? radius : 0;
THREE.Sphere.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Sphere,
set: function ( center, radius ) {
this.center.copy( center );
this.radius = radius;
return this;
setFromPoints: function () {
var box = new THREE.Box3();
return function ( points, optionalCenter ) {
var center = this.center;
if ( optionalCenter !== undefined ) {
center.copy( optionalCenter );
} else {
box.setFromPoints( points ).center( center );
var maxRadiusSq = 0;
for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
maxRadiusSq = Math.max( maxRadiusSq, center.distanceToSquared( points[ i ] ) );
this.radius = Math.sqrt( maxRadiusSq );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( sphere ) {
this.center.copy( sphere.center );
this.radius = sphere.radius;
return this;
empty: function () {
return ( this.radius <= 0 );
containsPoint: function ( point ) {
return ( point.distanceToSquared( this.center ) <= ( this.radius * this.radius ) );
distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {
return ( point.distanceTo( this.center ) - this.radius );
intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {
var radiusSum = this.radius + sphere.radius;
return sphere.center.distanceToSquared( this.center ) <= ( radiusSum * radiusSum );
clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
var deltaLengthSq = this.center.distanceToSquared( point );
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
result.copy( point );
if ( deltaLengthSq > ( this.radius * this.radius ) ) {
result.sub( this.center ).normalize();
result.multiplyScalar( this.radius ).add( this.center );
return result;
getBoundingBox: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var box = optionalTarget || new THREE.Box3();
box.set( this.center, this.center );
box.expandByScalar( this.radius );
return box;
applyMatrix4: function ( matrix ) {
this.center.applyMatrix4( matrix );
this.radius = this.radius * matrix.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
return this;
translate: function ( offset ) {
this.center.add( offset );
return this;
equals: function ( sphere ) {
return sphere.center.equals( this.center ) && ( sphere.radius === this.radius );
// File:src/math/Frustum.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Frustum = function ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ) {
this.planes = [
( p0 !== undefined ) ? p0 : new THREE.Plane(),
( p1 !== undefined ) ? p1 : new THREE.Plane(),
( p2 !== undefined ) ? p2 : new THREE.Plane(),
( p3 !== undefined ) ? p3 : new THREE.Plane(),
( p4 !== undefined ) ? p4 : new THREE.Plane(),
( p5 !== undefined ) ? p5 : new THREE.Plane()
THREE.Frustum.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Frustum,
set: function ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ) {
var planes = this.planes;
planes[ 0 ].copy( p0 );
planes[ 1 ].copy( p1 );
planes[ 2 ].copy( p2 );
planes[ 3 ].copy( p3 );
planes[ 4 ].copy( p4 );
planes[ 5 ].copy( p5 );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( frustum ) {
var planes = this.planes;
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
planes[ i ].copy( frustum.planes[ i ] );
return this;
setFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
var planes = this.planes;
var me = m.elements;
var me0 = me[ 0 ], me1 = me[ 1 ], me2 = me[ 2 ], me3 = me[ 3 ];
var me4 = me[ 4 ], me5 = me[ 5 ], me6 = me[ 6 ], me7 = me[ 7 ];
var me8 = me[ 8 ], me9 = me[ 9 ], me10 = me[ 10 ], me11 = me[ 11 ];
var me12 = me[ 12 ], me13 = me[ 13 ], me14 = me[ 14 ], me15 = me[ 15 ];
planes[ 0 ].setComponents( me3 - me0, me7 - me4, me11 - me8, me15 - me12 ).normalize();
planes[ 1 ].setComponents( me3 + me0, me7 + me4, me11 + me8, me15 + me12 ).normalize();
planes[ 2 ].setComponents( me3 + me1, me7 + me5, me11 + me9, me15 + me13 ).normalize();
planes[ 3 ].setComponents( me3 - me1, me7 - me5, me11 - me9, me15 - me13 ).normalize();
planes[ 4 ].setComponents( me3 - me2, me7 - me6, me11 - me10, me15 - me14 ).normalize();
planes[ 5 ].setComponents( me3 + me2, me7 + me6, me11 + me10, me15 + me14 ).normalize();
return this;
intersectsObject: function () {
var sphere = new THREE.Sphere();
return function ( object ) {
var geometry = object.geometry;
if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();
sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
sphere.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );
return this.intersectsSphere( sphere );
intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {
var planes = this.planes;
var center = sphere.center;
var negRadius = - sphere.radius;
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
var distance = planes[ i ].distanceToPoint( center );
if ( distance < negRadius ) {
return false;
return true;
intersectsBox: function () {
var p1 = new THREE.Vector3(),
p2 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( box ) {
var planes = this.planes;
for ( var i = 0; i < 6 ; i ++ ) {
var plane = planes[ i ];
p1.x = plane.normal.x > 0 ? box.min.x : box.max.x;
p2.x = plane.normal.x > 0 ? box.max.x : box.min.x;
p1.y = plane.normal.y > 0 ? box.min.y : box.max.y;
p2.y = plane.normal.y > 0 ? box.max.y : box.min.y;
p1.z = plane.normal.z > 0 ? box.min.z : box.max.z;
p2.z = plane.normal.z > 0 ? box.max.z : box.min.z;
var d1 = plane.distanceToPoint( p1 );
var d2 = plane.distanceToPoint( p2 );
// if both outside plane, no intersection
if ( d1 < 0 && d2 < 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
containsPoint: function ( point ) {
var planes = this.planes;
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
if ( planes[ i ].distanceToPoint( point ) < 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
// File:src/math/Plane.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Plane = function ( normal, constant ) {
this.normal = ( normal !== undefined ) ? normal : new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
this.constant = ( constant !== undefined ) ? constant : 0;
THREE.Plane.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Plane,
set: function ( normal, constant ) {
this.normal.copy( normal );
this.constant = constant;
return this;
setComponents: function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this.normal.set( x, y, z );
this.constant = w;
return this;
setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint: function ( normal, point ) {
this.normal.copy( normal );
this.constant = - point.dot( this.normal ); // must be this.normal, not normal, as this.normal is normalized
return this;
setFromCoplanarPoints: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v2 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( a, b, c ) {
var normal = v1.subVectors( c, b ).cross( v2.subVectors( a, b ) ).normalize();
// Q: should an error be thrown if normal is zero (e.g. degenerate plane)?
this.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( normal, a );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( plane ) {
this.normal.copy( plane.normal );
this.constant = plane.constant;
return this;
normalize: function () {
// Note: will lead to a divide by zero if the plane is invalid.
var inverseNormalLength = 1.0 / this.normal.length();
this.normal.multiplyScalar( inverseNormalLength );
this.constant *= inverseNormalLength;
return this;
negate: function () {
this.constant *= - 1;
return this;
distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {
return this.normal.dot( point ) + this.constant;
distanceToSphere: function ( sphere ) {
return this.distanceToPoint( sphere.center ) - sphere.radius;
projectPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
return this.orthoPoint( point, optionalTarget ).sub( point ).negate();
orthoPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
var perpendicularMagnitude = this.distanceToPoint( point );
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.copy( this.normal ).multiplyScalar( perpendicularMagnitude );
isIntersectionLine: function ( line ) {
// Note: this tests if a line intersects the plane, not whether it (or its end-points) are coplanar with it.
var startSign = this.distanceToPoint( line.start );
var endSign = this.distanceToPoint( line.end );
return ( startSign < 0 && endSign > 0 ) || ( endSign < 0 && startSign > 0 );
intersectLine: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( line, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
var direction = line.delta( v1 );
var denominator = this.normal.dot( direction );
if ( denominator === 0 ) {
// line is coplanar, return origin
if ( this.distanceToPoint( line.start ) === 0 ) {
return result.copy( line.start );
// Unsure if this is the correct method to handle this case.
return undefined;
var t = - ( line.start.dot( this.normal ) + this.constant ) / denominator;
if ( t < 0 || t > 1 ) {
return undefined;
return result.copy( direction ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( line.start );
coplanarPoint: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.copy( this.normal ).multiplyScalar( - this.constant );
applyMatrix4: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v2 = new THREE.Vector3();
var m1 = new THREE.Matrix3();
return function ( matrix, optionalNormalMatrix ) {
// compute new normal based on theory here:
// http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_normaltransform.html
var normalMatrix = optionalNormalMatrix || m1.getNormalMatrix( matrix );
var newNormal = v1.copy( this.normal ).applyMatrix3( normalMatrix );
var newCoplanarPoint = this.coplanarPoint( v2 );
newCoplanarPoint.applyMatrix4( matrix );
this.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( newNormal, newCoplanarPoint );
return this;
translate: function ( offset ) {
this.constant = this.constant - offset.dot( this.normal );
return this;
equals: function ( plane ) {
return plane.normal.equals( this.normal ) && ( plane.constant === this.constant );
// File:src/math/Math.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Math = {
generateUUID: function () {
// http://www.broofa.com/Tools/Math.uuid.htm
var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split( '' );
var uuid = new Array( 36 );
var rnd = 0, r;
return function () {
for ( var i = 0; i < 36; i ++ ) {
if ( i === 8 || i === 13 || i === 18 || i === 23 ) {
uuid[ i ] = '-';
} else if ( i === 14 ) {
uuid[ i ] = '4';
} else {
if ( rnd <= 0x02 ) rnd = 0x2000000 + ( Math.random() * 0x1000000 ) | 0;
r = rnd & 0xf;
rnd = rnd >> 4;
uuid[ i ] = chars[ ( i === 19 ) ? ( r & 0x3 ) | 0x8 : r ];
return uuid.join( '' );
clamp: function ( value, min, max ) {
return Math.max( min, Math.min( max, value ) );
// compute euclidian modulo of m % n
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation
euclideanModulo: function ( n, m ) {
return ( ( n % m ) + m ) % m;
// Linear mapping from range to range
mapLinear: function ( x, a1, a2, b1, b2 ) {
return b1 + ( x - a1 ) * ( b2 - b1 ) / ( a2 - a1 );
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothstep
smoothstep: function ( x, min, max ) {
if ( x <= min ) return 0;
if ( x >= max ) return 1;
x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );
return x * x * ( 3 - 2 * x );
smootherstep: function ( x, min, max ) {
if ( x <= min ) return 0;
if ( x >= max ) return 1;
x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );
return x * x * x * ( x * ( x * 6 - 15 ) + 10 );
// Random float from <0, 1> with 16 bits of randomness
// (standard Math.random() creates repetitive patterns when applied over larger space)
random16: function () {
return ( 65280 * Math.random() + 255 * Math.random() ) / 65535;
// Random integer from interval
randInt: function ( low, high ) {
return low + Math.floor( Math.random() * ( high - low + 1 ) );
// Random float from interval
randFloat: function ( low, high ) {
return low + Math.random() * ( high - low );
// Random float from <-range/2, range/2> interval
randFloatSpread: function ( range ) {
return range * ( 0.5 - Math.random() );
degToRad: function () {
var degreeToRadiansFactor = Math.PI / 180;
return function ( degrees ) {
return degrees * degreeToRadiansFactor;
radToDeg: function () {
var radianToDegreesFactor = 180 / Math.PI;
return function ( radians ) {
return radians * radianToDegreesFactor;
isPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {
return ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) === 0 && value !== 0;
nearestPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {
return Math.pow( 2, Math.round( Math.log( value ) / Math.LN2 ) );
nextPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {
value --;
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
value ++;
return value;
// File:src/math/Spline.js
* Spline from Tween.js, slightly optimized (and trashed)
* http://sole.github.com/tween.js/examples/05_spline.html
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Spline = function ( points ) {
this.points = points;
var c = [], v3 = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
point, intPoint, weight, w2, w3,
pa, pb, pc, pd;
this.initFromArray = function ( a ) {
this.points = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i ++ ) {
this.points[ i ] = { x: a[ i ][ 0 ], y: a[ i ][ 1 ], z: a[ i ][ 2 ] };
this.getPoint = function ( k ) {
point = ( this.points.length - 1 ) * k;
intPoint = Math.floor( point );
weight = point - intPoint;
c[ 0 ] = intPoint === 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1;
c[ 1 ] = intPoint;
c[ 2 ] = intPoint > this.points.length - 2 ? this.points.length - 1 : intPoint + 1;
c[ 3 ] = intPoint > this.points.length - 3 ? this.points.length - 1 : intPoint + 2;
pa = this.points[ c[ 0 ] ];
pb = this.points[ c[ 1 ] ];
pc = this.points[ c[ 2 ] ];
pd = this.points[ c[ 3 ] ];
w2 = weight * weight;
w3 = weight * w2;
v3.x = interpolate( pa.x, pb.x, pc.x, pd.x, weight, w2, w3 );
v3.y = interpolate( pa.y, pb.y, pc.y, pd.y, weight, w2, w3 );
v3.z = interpolate( pa.z, pb.z, pc.z, pd.z, weight, w2, w3 );
return v3;
this.getControlPointsArray = function () {
var i, p, l = this.points.length,
coords = [];
for ( i = 0; i < l; i ++ ) {
p = this.points[ i ];
coords[ i ] = [ p.x, p.y, p.z ];
return coords;
// approximate length by summing linear segments
this.getLength = function ( nSubDivisions ) {
var i, index, nSamples, position,
point = 0, intPoint = 0, oldIntPoint = 0,
oldPosition = new THREE.Vector3(),
tmpVec = new THREE.Vector3(),
chunkLengths = [],
totalLength = 0;
// first point has 0 length
chunkLengths[ 0 ] = 0;
if ( ! nSubDivisions ) nSubDivisions = 100;
nSamples = this.points.length * nSubDivisions;
oldPosition.copy( this.points[ 0 ] );
for ( i = 1; i < nSamples; i ++ ) {
index = i / nSamples;
position = this.getPoint( index );
tmpVec.copy( position );
totalLength += tmpVec.distanceTo( oldPosition );
oldPosition.copy( position );
point = ( this.points.length - 1 ) * index;
intPoint = Math.floor( point );
if ( intPoint !== oldIntPoint ) {
chunkLengths[ intPoint ] = totalLength;
oldIntPoint = intPoint;
// last point ends with total length
chunkLengths[ chunkLengths.length ] = totalLength;
return { chunks: chunkLengths, total: totalLength };
this.reparametrizeByArcLength = function ( samplingCoef ) {
var i, j,
index, indexCurrent, indexNext,
sampling, position,
newpoints = [],
tmpVec = new THREE.Vector3(),
sl = this.getLength();
newpoints.push( tmpVec.copy( this.points[ 0 ] ).clone() );
for ( i = 1; i < this.points.length; i ++ ) {
//tmpVec.copy( this.points[ i - 1 ] );
//linearDistance = tmpVec.distanceTo( this.points[ i ] );
realDistance = sl.chunks[ i ] - sl.chunks[ i - 1 ];
sampling = Math.ceil( samplingCoef * realDistance / sl.total );
indexCurrent = ( i - 1 ) / ( this.points.length - 1 );
indexNext = i / ( this.points.length - 1 );
for ( j = 1; j < sampling - 1; j ++ ) {
index = indexCurrent + j * ( 1 / sampling ) * ( indexNext - indexCurrent );
position = this.getPoint( index );
newpoints.push( tmpVec.copy( position ).clone() );
newpoints.push( tmpVec.copy( this.points[ i ] ).clone() );
this.points = newpoints;
// Catmull-Rom
function interpolate( p0, p1, p2, p3, t, t2, t3 ) {
var v0 = ( p2 - p0 ) * 0.5,
v1 = ( p3 - p1 ) * 0.5;
return ( 2 * ( p1 - p2 ) + v0 + v1 ) * t3 + ( - 3 * ( p1 - p2 ) - 2 * v0 - v1 ) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;
// File:src/math/Triangle.js
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Triangle = function ( a, b, c ) {
this.a = ( a !== undefined ) ? a : new THREE.Vector3();
this.b = ( b !== undefined ) ? b : new THREE.Vector3();
this.c = ( c !== undefined ) ? c : new THREE.Vector3();
THREE.Triangle.normal = function () {
var v0 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( a, b, c, optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
result.subVectors( c, b );
v0.subVectors( a, b );
result.cross( v0 );
var resultLengthSq = result.lengthSq();
if ( resultLengthSq > 0 ) {
return result.multiplyScalar( 1 / Math.sqrt( resultLengthSq ) );
return result.set( 0, 0, 0 );
// static/instance method to calculate barycentric coordinates
// based on: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html
THREE.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint = function () {
var v0 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v2 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( point, a, b, c, optionalTarget ) {
v0.subVectors( c, a );
v1.subVectors( b, a );
v2.subVectors( point, a );
var dot00 = v0.dot( v0 );
var dot01 = v0.dot( v1 );
var dot02 = v0.dot( v2 );
var dot11 = v1.dot( v1 );
var dot12 = v1.dot( v2 );
var denom = ( dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01 );
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
// collinear or singular triangle
if ( denom === 0 ) {
// arbitrary location outside of triangle?
// not sure if this is the best idea, maybe should be returning undefined
return result.set( - 2, - 1, - 1 );
var invDenom = 1 / denom;
var u = ( dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12 ) * invDenom;
var v = ( dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02 ) * invDenom;
// barycentric coordinates must always sum to 1
return result.set( 1 - u - v, v, u );
THREE.Triangle.containsPoint = function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( point, a, b, c ) {
var result = THREE.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, a, b, c, v1 );
return ( result.x >= 0 ) && ( result.y >= 0 ) && ( ( result.x + result.y ) <= 1 );
THREE.Triangle.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Triangle,
set: function ( a, b, c ) {
this.a.copy( a );
this.b.copy( b );
this.c.copy( c );
return this;
setFromPointsAndIndices: function ( points, i0, i1, i2 ) {
this.a.copy( points[ i0 ] );
this.b.copy( points[ i1 ] );
this.c.copy( points[ i2 ] );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( triangle ) {
this.a.copy( triangle.a );
this.b.copy( triangle.b );
this.c.copy( triangle.c );
return this;
area: function () {
var v0 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function () {
v0.subVectors( this.c, this.b );
v1.subVectors( this.a, this.b );
return v0.cross( v1 ).length() * 0.5;
midpoint: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
return result.addVectors( this.a, this.b ).add( this.c ).multiplyScalar( 1 / 3 );
normal: function ( optionalTarget ) {
return THREE.Triangle.normal( this.a, this.b, this.c, optionalTarget );
plane: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Plane();
return result.setFromCoplanarPoints( this.a, this.b, this.c );
barycoordFromPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {
return THREE.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, this.a, this.b, this.c, optionalTarget );
containsPoint: function ( point ) {
return THREE.Triangle.containsPoint( point, this.a, this.b, this.c );
equals: function ( triangle ) {
return triangle.a.equals( this.a ) && triangle.b.equals( this.b ) && triangle.c.equals( this.c );
// File:src/core/Channels.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Channels = function () {
this.mask = 1;
THREE.Channels.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Channels,
set: function ( channel ) {
this.mask = 1 << channel;
enable: function ( channel ) {
this.mask |= 1 << channel;
toggle: function ( channel ) {
this.mask ^= 1 << channel;
disable: function ( channel ) {
this.mask &= ~ ( 1 << channel );
// File:src/core/Clock.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Clock = function ( autoStart ) {
this.autoStart = ( autoStart !== undefined ) ? autoStart : true;
this.startTime = 0;
this.oldTime = 0;
this.elapsedTime = 0;
this.running = false;
THREE.Clock.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Clock,
start: function () {
this.startTime = self.performance.now();
this.oldTime = this.startTime;
this.running = true;
stop: function () {
this.running = false;
getElapsedTime: function () {
return this.elapsedTime;
getDelta: function () {
var diff = 0;
if ( this.autoStart && ! this.running ) {
if ( this.running ) {
var newTime = self.performance.now();
diff = 0.001 * ( newTime - this.oldTime );
this.oldTime = newTime;
this.elapsedTime += diff;
return diff;
// File:src/core/EventDispatcher.js
* https://github.com/mrdoob/eventdispatcher.js/
THREE.EventDispatcher = function () {};
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.EventDispatcher,
apply: function ( object ) {
object.addEventListener = THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener;
object.hasEventListener = THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.hasEventListener;
object.removeEventListener = THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener;
object.dispatchEvent = THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent;
addEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {
if ( this._listeners === undefined ) this._listeners = {};
var listeners = this._listeners;
if ( listeners[ type ] === undefined ) {
listeners[ type ] = [];
if ( listeners[ type ].indexOf( listener ) === - 1 ) {
listeners[ type ].push( listener );
hasEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {
if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return false;
var listeners = this._listeners;
if ( listeners[ type ] !== undefined && listeners[ type ].indexOf( listener ) !== - 1 ) {
return true;
return false;
removeEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {
if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return;
var listeners = this._listeners;
var listenerArray = listeners[ type ];
if ( listenerArray !== undefined ) {
var index = listenerArray.indexOf( listener );
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
listenerArray.splice( index, 1 );
dispatchEvent: function ( event ) {
if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return;
var listeners = this._listeners;
var listenerArray = listeners[ event.type ];
if ( listenerArray !== undefined ) {
event.target = this;
var array = [];
var length = listenerArray.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
array[ i ] = listenerArray[ i ];
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
array[ i ].call( this, event );
// File:src/core/Raycaster.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io/
* @author stephomi / http://stephaneginier.com/
( function ( THREE ) {
THREE.Raycaster = function ( origin, direction, near, far ) {
this.ray = new THREE.Ray( origin, direction );
// direction is assumed to be normalized (for accurate distance calculations)
this.near = near || 0;
this.far = far || Infinity;
this.params = {
Mesh: {},
Line: {},
LOD: {},
Points: { threshold: 1 },
Sprite: {}
Object.defineProperties( this.params, {
PointCloud: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.Raycaster: params.PointCloud has been renamed to params.Points.' );
return this.Points;
} );
function descSort( a, b ) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
function intersectObject( object, raycaster, intersects, recursive ) {
if ( object.visible === false ) return;
object.raycast( raycaster, intersects );
if ( recursive === true ) {
var children = object.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
intersectObject( children[ i ], raycaster, intersects, true );
THREE.Raycaster.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Raycaster,
linePrecision: 1,
set: function ( origin, direction ) {
// direction is assumed to be normalized (for accurate distance calculations)
this.ray.set( origin, direction );
setFromCamera: function ( coords, camera ) {
if ( camera instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
this.ray.origin.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
this.ray.direction.set( coords.x, coords.y, 0.5 ).unproject( camera ).sub( this.ray.origin ).normalize();
} else if ( camera instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
this.ray.origin.set( coords.x, coords.y, - 1 ).unproject( camera );
this.ray.direction.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).transformDirection( camera.matrixWorld );
} else {
console.error( 'THREE.Raycaster: Unsupported camera type.' );
intersectObject: function ( object, recursive ) {
var intersects = [];
intersectObject( object, this, intersects, recursive );
intersects.sort( descSort );
return intersects;
intersectObjects: function ( objects, recursive ) {
var intersects = [];
if ( Array.isArray( objects ) === false ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Raycaster.intersectObjects: objects is not an Array.' );
return intersects;
for ( var i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
intersectObject( objects[ i ], this, intersects, recursive );
intersects.sort( descSort );
return intersects;
}( THREE ) );
// File:src/core/Object3D.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author elephantatwork / www.elephantatwork.ch
THREE.Object3D = function () {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.Object3DIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.type = 'Object3D';
this.parent = null;
this.channels = new THREE.Channels();
this.children = [];
this.up = THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone();
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
var rotation = new THREE.Euler();
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
var scale = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );
function onRotationChange() {
quaternion.setFromEuler( rotation, false );
function onQuaternionChange() {
rotation.setFromQuaternion( quaternion, undefined, false );
rotation.onChange( onRotationChange );
quaternion.onChange( onQuaternionChange );
Object.defineProperties( this, {
position: {
enumerable: true,
value: position
rotation: {
enumerable: true,
value: rotation
quaternion: {
enumerable: true,
value: quaternion
scale: {
enumerable: true,
value: scale
modelViewMatrix: {
value: new THREE.Matrix4()
normalMatrix: {
value: new THREE.Matrix3()
} );
this.rotationAutoUpdate = true;
this.matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.matrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.matrixAutoUpdate = THREE.Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate;
this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false;
this.visible = true;
this.castShadow = false;
this.receiveShadow = false;
this.frustumCulled = true;
this.renderOrder = 0;
this.userData = {};
THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
THREE.Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate = true;
THREE.Object3D.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Object3D,
get eulerOrder () {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order.' );
return this.rotation.order;
set eulerOrder ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order.' );
this.rotation.order = value;
get useQuaternion () {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .useQuaternion has been removed. The library now uses quaternions by default.' );
set useQuaternion ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .useQuaternion has been removed. The library now uses quaternions by default.' );
set renderDepth ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .renderDepth has been removed. Use .renderOrder, instead.' );
applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {
this.matrix.multiplyMatrices( matrix, this.matrix );
this.matrix.decompose( this.position, this.quaternion, this.scale );
setRotationFromAxisAngle: function ( axis, angle ) {
// assumes axis is normalized
this.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );
setRotationFromEuler: function ( euler ) {
this.quaternion.setFromEuler( euler, true );
setRotationFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( m );
setRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {
// assumes q is normalized
this.quaternion.copy( q );
rotateOnAxis: function () {
// rotate object on axis in object space
// axis is assumed to be normalized
var q1 = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( axis, angle ) {
q1.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );
this.quaternion.multiply( q1 );
return this;
rotateX: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
return function ( angle ) {
return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );
rotateY: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
return function ( angle ) {
return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );
rotateZ: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
return function ( angle ) {
return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );
translateOnAxis: function () {
// translate object by distance along axis in object space
// axis is assumed to be normalized
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( axis, distance ) {
v1.copy( axis ).applyQuaternion( this.quaternion );
this.position.add( v1.multiplyScalar( distance ) );
return this;
translate: function ( distance, axis ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .translate() has been removed. Use .translateOnAxis( axis, distance ) instead.' );
return this.translateOnAxis( axis, distance );
translateX: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
return function ( distance ) {
return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );
translateY: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
return function ( distance ) {
return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );
translateZ: function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
return function ( distance ) {
return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );
localToWorld: function ( vector ) {
return vector.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld );
worldToLocal: function () {
var m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
return function ( vector ) {
return vector.applyMatrix4( m1.getInverse( this.matrixWorld ) );
lookAt: function () {
// This routine does not support objects with rotated and/or translated parent(s)
var m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
return function ( vector ) {
m1.lookAt( vector, this.position, this.up );
this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( m1 );
add: function ( object ) {
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
this.add( arguments[ i ] );
return this;
if ( object === this ) {
console.error( "THREE.Object3D.add: object can't be added as a child of itself.", object );
return this;
if ( object instanceof THREE.Object3D ) {
if ( object.parent !== null ) {
object.parent.remove( object );
object.parent = this;
object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'added' } );
this.children.push( object );
} else {
console.error( "THREE.Object3D.add: object not an instance of THREE.Object3D.", object );
return this;
remove: function ( object ) {
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
this.remove( arguments[ i ] );
var index = this.children.indexOf( object );
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
object.parent = null;
object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'removed' } );
this.children.splice( index, 1 );
getChildByName: function ( name ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .getChildByName() has been renamed to .getObjectByName().' );
return this.getObjectByName( name );
getObjectById: function ( id ) {
return this.getObjectByProperty( 'id', id );
getObjectByName: function ( name ) {
return this.getObjectByProperty( 'name', name );
getObjectByProperty: function ( name, value ) {
if ( this[ name ] === value ) return this;
for ( var i = 0, l = this.children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var child = this.children[ i ];
var object = child.getObjectByProperty( name, value );
if ( object !== undefined ) {
return object;
return undefined;
getWorldPosition: function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
return result.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
getWorldQuaternion: function () {
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
var scale = new THREE.Vector3();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Quaternion();
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, result, scale );
return result;
getWorldRotation: function () {
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Euler();
this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );
return result.setFromQuaternion( quaternion, this.rotation.order, false );
getWorldScale: function () {
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, quaternion, result );
return result;
getWorldDirection: function () {
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );
return result.set( 0, 0, 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );
raycast: function () {},
traverse: function ( callback ) {
callback( this );
var children = this.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
children[ i ].traverse( callback );
traverseVisible: function ( callback ) {
if ( this.visible === false ) return;
callback( this );
var children = this.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
children[ i ].traverseVisible( callback );
traverseAncestors: function ( callback ) {
var parent = this.parent;
if ( parent !== null ) {
callback( parent );
parent.traverseAncestors( callback );
updateMatrix: function () {
this.matrix.compose( this.position, this.quaternion, this.scale );
this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
updateMatrixWorld: function ( force ) {
if ( this.matrixAutoUpdate === true ) this.updateMatrix();
if ( this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate === true || force === true ) {
if ( this.parent === null ) {
this.matrixWorld.copy( this.matrix );
} else {
this.matrixWorld.multiplyMatrices( this.parent.matrixWorld, this.matrix );
this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false;
force = true;
// update children
for ( var i = 0, l = this.children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
this.children[ i ].updateMatrixWorld( force );
toJSON: function ( meta ) {
var isRootObject = ( meta === undefined );
var output = {};
// meta is a hash used to collect geometries, materials.
// not providing it implies that this is the root object
// being serialized.
if ( isRootObject ) {
// initialize meta obj
meta = {
geometries: {},
materials: {},
textures: {},
images: {}
output.metadata = {
version: 4.4,
type: 'Object',
generator: 'Object3D.toJSON'
// standard Object3D serialization
var object = {};
object.uuid = this.uuid;
object.type = this.type;
if ( this.name !== '' ) object.name = this.name;
if ( JSON.stringify( this.userData ) !== '{}' ) object.userData = this.userData;
if ( this.castShadow === true ) object.castShadow = true;
if ( this.receiveShadow === true ) object.receiveShadow = true;
if ( this.visible === false ) object.visible = false;
object.matrix = this.matrix.toArray();
if ( this.geometry !== undefined ) {
if ( meta.geometries[ this.geometry.uuid ] === undefined ) {
meta.geometries[ this.geometry.uuid ] = this.geometry.toJSON( meta );
object.geometry = this.geometry.uuid;
if ( this.material !== undefined ) {
if ( meta.materials[ this.material.uuid ] === undefined ) {
meta.materials[ this.material.uuid ] = this.material.toJSON( meta );
object.material = this.material.uuid;
if ( this.children.length > 0 ) {
object.children = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i ++ ) {
object.children.push( this.children[ i ].toJSON( meta ).object );
if ( isRootObject ) {
var geometries = extractFromCache( meta.geometries );
var materials = extractFromCache( meta.materials );
var textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures );
var images = extractFromCache( meta.images );
if ( geometries.length > 0 ) output.geometries = geometries;
if ( materials.length > 0 ) output.materials = materials;
if ( textures.length > 0 ) output.textures = textures;
if ( images.length > 0 ) output.images = images;
output.object = object;
return output;
// extract data from the cache hash
// remove metadata on each item
// and return as array
function extractFromCache ( cache ) {
var values = [];
for ( var key in cache ) {
var data = cache[ key ];
delete data.metadata;
values.push( data );
return values;
clone: function ( recursive ) {
return new this.constructor().copy( this, recursive );
copy: function ( source, recursive ) {
if ( recursive === undefined ) recursive = true;
this.name = source.name;
this.up.copy( source.up );
this.position.copy( source.position );
this.quaternion.copy( source.quaternion );
this.scale.copy( source.scale );
this.rotationAutoUpdate = source.rotationAutoUpdate;
this.matrix.copy( source.matrix );
this.matrixWorld.copy( source.matrixWorld );
this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;
this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = source.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate;
this.visible = source.visible;
this.castShadow = source.castShadow;
this.receiveShadow = source.receiveShadow;
this.frustumCulled = source.frustumCulled;
this.renderOrder = source.renderOrder;
this.userData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( source.userData ) );
if ( recursive === true ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < source.children.length; i ++ ) {
var child = source.children[ i ];
this.add( child.clone() );
return this;
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Object3DIdCount = 0;
// File:src/core/Face3.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Face3 = function ( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex ) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.normal = normal instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? normal : new THREE.Vector3();
this.vertexNormals = Array.isArray( normal ) ? normal : [];
this.color = color instanceof THREE.Color ? color : new THREE.Color();
this.vertexColors = Array.isArray( color ) ? color : [];
this.materialIndex = materialIndex !== undefined ? materialIndex : 0;
THREE.Face3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Face3,
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
this.a = source.a;
this.b = source.b;
this.c = source.c;
this.normal.copy( source.normal );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.materialIndex = source.materialIndex;
for ( var i = 0, il = source.vertexNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.vertexNormals[ i ] = source.vertexNormals[ i ].clone();
for ( var i = 0, il = source.vertexColors.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.vertexColors[ i ] = source.vertexColors[ i ].clone();
return this;
// File:src/core/Face4.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Face4 = function ( a, b, c, d, normal, color, materialIndex ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Face4 has been removed. A THREE.Face3 will be created instead.' );
return new THREE.Face3( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex );
// File:src/core/BufferAttribute.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.BufferAttribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.array = array;
this.itemSize = itemSize;
this.dynamic = false;
this.updateRange = { offset: 0, count: - 1 };
this.version = 0;
THREE.BufferAttribute.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.BufferAttribute,
get length() {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: .length has been deprecated. Please use .count.' );
return this.array.length;
get count() {
return this.array.length / this.itemSize;
set needsUpdate( value ) {
if ( value === true ) this.version ++;
setDynamic: function ( value ) {
this.dynamic = value;
return this;
copy: function ( source ) {
this.array = new source.array.constructor( source.array );
this.itemSize = source.itemSize;
this.dynamic = source.dynamic;
return this;
copyAt: function ( index1, attribute, index2 ) {
index1 *= this.itemSize;
index2 *= attribute.itemSize;
for ( var i = 0, l = this.itemSize; i < l; i ++ ) {
this.array[ index1 + i ] = attribute.array[ index2 + i ];
return this;
copyArray: function ( array ) {
this.array.set( array );
return this;
copyColorsArray: function ( colors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = colors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var color = colors[ i ];
if ( color === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyColorsArray(): color is undefined', i );
color = new THREE.Color();
array[ offset ++ ] = color.r;
array[ offset ++ ] = color.g;
array[ offset ++ ] = color.b;
return this;
copyIndicesArray: function ( indices ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var index = indices[ i ];
array[ offset ++ ] = index.a;
array[ offset ++ ] = index.b;
array[ offset ++ ] = index.c;
return this;
copyVector2sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector2sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new THREE.Vector2();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
return this;
copyVector3sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector3sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new THREE.Vector3();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;
return this;
copyVector4sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector4sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new THREE.Vector4();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.w;
return this;
set: function ( value, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.array.set( value, offset );
return this;
getX: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize ];
setX: function ( index, x ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize ] = x;
return this;
getY: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ];
setY: function ( index, y ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ] = y;
return this;
getZ: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ];
setZ: function ( index, z ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ] = z;
return this;
getW: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ];
setW: function ( index, w ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ] = w;
return this;
setXY: function ( index, x, y ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
return this;
setXYZ: function ( index, x, y, z ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
return this;
setXYZW: function ( index, x, y, z, w ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
this.array[ index + 3 ] = w;
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
THREE.Int8Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Int8Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Uint8Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint8Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Uint8ClampedAttribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint8ClampedArray( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Int16Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Int16Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Uint16Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint16Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Int32Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Int32Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Uint32Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint32Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Float32Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( array ), itemSize );
THREE.Float64Attribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float64Array( array ), itemSize );
// Deprecated
THREE.DynamicBufferAttribute = function ( array, itemSize ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.DynamicBufferAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.BufferAttribute().setDynamic( true ) instead.' );
return new THREE.BufferAttribute( array, itemSize ).setDynamic( true );
// File:src/core/InstancedBufferAttribute.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute = function ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute ) {
THREE.BufferAttribute.call( this, array, itemSize );
this.meshPerAttribute = meshPerAttribute || 1;
THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferAttribute.prototype );
THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute;
THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.BufferAttribute.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.meshPerAttribute = source.meshPerAttribute;
return this;
// File:src/core/InterleavedBuffer.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.InterleavedBuffer = function ( array, stride ) {
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.array = array;
this.stride = stride;
this.dynamic = false;
this.updateRange = { offset: 0, count: - 1 };
this.version = 0;
THREE.InterleavedBuffer.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.InterleavedBuffer,
get length () {
return this.array.length;
get count () {
return this.array.length / this.stride;
set needsUpdate( value ) {
if ( value === true ) this.version ++;
setDynamic: function ( value ) {
this.dynamic = value;
return this;
copy: function ( source ) {
this.array = new source.array.constructor( source.array );
this.stride = source.stride;
this.dynamic = source.dynamic;
copyAt: function ( index1, attribute, index2 ) {
index1 *= this.stride;
index2 *= attribute.stride;
for ( var i = 0, l = this.stride; i < l; i ++ ) {
this.array[ index1 + i ] = attribute.array[ index2 + i ];
return this;
set: function ( value, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.array.set( value, offset );
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
// File:src/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer = function ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute ) {
THREE.InterleavedBuffer.call( this, array, stride );
this.meshPerAttribute = meshPerAttribute || 1;
THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype = Object.create( THREE.InterleavedBuffer.prototype );
THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.constructor = THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer;
THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.meshPerAttribute = source.meshPerAttribute;
return this;
// File:src/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute = function ( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset ) {
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.data = interleavedBuffer;
this.itemSize = itemSize;
this.offset = offset;
THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute,
get length() {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: .length has been deprecated. Please use .count.' );
return this.array.length;
get count() {
return this.data.array.length / this.data.stride;
setX: function ( index, x ) {
this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset ] = x;
return this;
setY: function ( index, y ) {
this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 1 ] = y;
return this;
setZ: function ( index, z ) {
this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 2 ] = z;
return this;
setW: function ( index, w ) {
this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 3 ] = w;
return this;
getX: function ( index ) {
return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset ];
getY: function ( index ) {
return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 1 ];
getZ: function ( index ) {
return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 2 ];
getW: function ( index ) {
return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 3 ];
setXY: function ( index, x, y ) {
index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;
this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
return this;
setXYZ: function ( index, x, y, z ) {
index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;
this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.data.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
return this;
setXYZW: function ( index, x, y, z, w ) {
index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;
this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.data.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
this.data.array[ index + 3 ] = w;
return this;
// File:src/core/Geometry.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
THREE.Geometry = function () {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.GeometryIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.type = 'Geometry';
this.vertices = [];
this.colors = [];
this.faces = [];
this.faceVertexUvs = [ [] ];
this.morphTargets = [];
this.morphNormals = [];
this.skinWeights = [];
this.skinIndices = [];
this.lineDistances = [];
this.boundingBox = null;
this.boundingSphere = null;
// update flags
this.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
this.elementsNeedUpdate = false;
this.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
this.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
this.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
this.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = false;
this.groupsNeedUpdate = false;
THREE.Geometry.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Geometry,
applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );
for ( var i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var vertex = this.vertices[ i ];
vertex.applyMatrix4( matrix );
for ( var i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var face = this.faces[ i ];
face.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
for ( var j = 0, jl = face.vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
face.vertexNormals[ j ].applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
if ( this.boundingBox !== null ) {
if ( this.boundingSphere !== null ) {
this.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
this.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
rotateX: function () {
// rotate geometry around world x-axis
var m1;
return function rotateX( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationX( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
rotateY: function () {
// rotate geometry around world y-axis
var m1;
return function rotateY( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationY( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
rotateZ: function () {
// rotate geometry around world z-axis
var m1;
return function rotateZ( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationZ( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
translate: function () {
// translate geometry
var m1;
return function translate( x, y, z ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeTranslation( x, y, z );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
scale: function () {
// scale geometry
var m1;
return function scale( x, y, z ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeScale( x, y, z );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
lookAt: function () {
var obj;
return function lookAt( vector ) {
if ( obj === undefined ) obj = new THREE.Object3D();
obj.lookAt( vector );
this.applyMatrix( obj.matrix );
fromBufferGeometry: function ( geometry ) {
var scope = this;
var indices = geometry.index !== null ? geometry.index.array : undefined;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
var vertices = attributes.position.array;
var normals = attributes.normal !== undefined ? attributes.normal.array : undefined;
var colors = attributes.color !== undefined ? attributes.color.array : undefined;
var uvs = attributes.uv !== undefined ? attributes.uv.array : undefined;
var uvs2 = attributes.uv2 !== undefined ? attributes.uv2.array : undefined;
if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] = [];
var tempNormals = [];
var tempUVs = [];
var tempUVs2 = [];
for ( var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < vertices.length; i += 3, j += 2, k += 4 ) {
scope.vertices.push( new THREE.Vector3( vertices[ i ], vertices[ i + 1 ], vertices[ i + 2 ] ) );
if ( normals !== undefined ) {
tempNormals.push( new THREE.Vector3( normals[ i ], normals[ i + 1 ], normals[ i + 2 ] ) );
if ( colors !== undefined ) {
scope.colors.push( new THREE.Color( colors[ i ], colors[ i + 1 ], colors[ i + 2 ] ) );
if ( uvs !== undefined ) {
tempUVs.push( new THREE.Vector2( uvs[ j ], uvs[ j + 1 ] ) );
if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) {
tempUVs2.push( new THREE.Vector2( uvs2[ j ], uvs2[ j + 1 ] ) );
function addFace( a, b, c ) {
var vertexNormals = normals !== undefined ? [ tempNormals[ a ].clone(), tempNormals[ b ].clone(), tempNormals[ c ].clone() ] : [];
var vertexColors = colors !== undefined ? [ scope.colors[ a ].clone(), scope.colors[ b ].clone(), scope.colors[ c ].clone() ] : [];
var face = new THREE.Face3( a, b, c, vertexNormals, vertexColors );
scope.faces.push( face );
if ( uvs !== undefined ) {
scope.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ tempUVs[ a ].clone(), tempUVs[ b ].clone(), tempUVs[ c ].clone() ] );
if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) {
scope.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ].push( [ tempUVs2[ a ].clone(), tempUVs2[ b ].clone(), tempUVs2[ c ].clone() ] );
if ( indices !== undefined ) {
var groups = geometry.groups;
if ( groups.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++ ) {
var group = groups[ i ];
var start = group.start;
var count = group.count;
for ( var j = start, jl = start + count; j < jl; j += 3 ) {
addFace( indices[ j ], indices[ j + 1 ], indices[ j + 2 ] );
} else {
for ( var i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3 ) {
addFace( indices[ i ], indices[ i + 1 ], indices[ i + 2 ] );
} else {
for ( var i = 0; i < vertices.length / 3; i += 3 ) {
addFace( i, i + 1, i + 2 );
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {
this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
return this;
center: function () {
var offset = this.boundingBox.center().negate();
this.translate( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z );
return offset;
normalize: function () {
var center = this.boundingSphere.center;
var radius = this.boundingSphere.radius;
var s = radius === 0 ? 1 : 1.0 / radius;
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
s, 0, 0, - s * center.x,
0, s, 0, - s * center.y,
0, 0, s, - s * center.z,
0, 0, 0, 1
this.applyMatrix( matrix );
return this;
computeFaceNormals: function () {
var cb = new THREE.Vector3(), ab = new THREE.Vector3();
for ( var f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
var face = this.faces[ f ];
var vA = this.vertices[ face.a ];
var vB = this.vertices[ face.b ];
var vC = this.vertices[ face.c ];
cb.subVectors( vC, vB );
ab.subVectors( vA, vB );
cb.cross( ab );
face.normal.copy( cb );
computeVertexNormals: function ( areaWeighted ) {
var v, vl, f, fl, face, vertices;
vertices = new Array( this.vertices.length );
for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {
vertices[ v ] = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( areaWeighted ) {
// vertex normals weighted by triangle areas
// http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/normals/normals.htm
var vA, vB, vC;
var cb = new THREE.Vector3(), ab = new THREE.Vector3();
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
vA = this.vertices[ face.a ];
vB = this.vertices[ face.b ];
vC = this.vertices[ face.c ];
cb.subVectors( vC, vB );
ab.subVectors( vA, vB );
cb.cross( ab );
vertices[ face.a ].add( cb );
vertices[ face.b ].add( cb );
vertices[ face.c ].add( cb );
} else {
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
vertices[ face.a ].add( face.normal );
vertices[ face.b ].add( face.normal );
vertices[ face.c ].add( face.normal );
for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {
vertices[ v ].normalize();
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;
if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {
vertexNormals[ 0 ].copy( vertices[ face.a ] );
vertexNormals[ 1 ].copy( vertices[ face.b ] );
vertexNormals[ 2 ].copy( vertices[ face.c ] );
} else {
vertexNormals[ 0 ] = vertices[ face.a ].clone();
vertexNormals[ 1 ] = vertices[ face.b ].clone();
vertexNormals[ 2 ] = vertices[ face.c ].clone();
computeMorphNormals: function () {
var i, il, f, fl, face;
// save original normals
// - create temp variables on first access
// otherwise just copy (for faster repeated calls)
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
if ( ! face.__originalFaceNormal ) {
face.__originalFaceNormal = face.normal.clone();
} else {
face.__originalFaceNormal.copy( face.normal );
if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals ) face.__originalVertexNormals = [];
for ( i = 0, il = face.vertexNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] ) {
face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] = face.vertexNormals[ i ].clone();
} else {
face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ].copy( face.vertexNormals[ i ] );
// use temp geometry to compute face and vertex normals for each morph
var tmpGeo = new THREE.Geometry();
tmpGeo.faces = this.faces;
for ( i = 0, il = this.morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
// create on first access
if ( ! this.morphNormals[ i ] ) {
this.morphNormals[ i ] = {};
this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals = [];
this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals = [];
var dstNormalsFace = this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals;
var dstNormalsVertex = this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals;
var faceNormal, vertexNormals;
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
faceNormal = new THREE.Vector3();
vertexNormals = { a: new THREE.Vector3(), b: new THREE.Vector3(), c: new THREE.Vector3() };
dstNormalsFace.push( faceNormal );
dstNormalsVertex.push( vertexNormals );
var morphNormals = this.morphNormals[ i ];
// set vertices to morph target
tmpGeo.vertices = this.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;
// compute morph normals
// store morph normals
var faceNormal, vertexNormals;
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
faceNormal = morphNormals.faceNormals[ f ];
vertexNormals = morphNormals.vertexNormals[ f ];
faceNormal.copy( face.normal );
vertexNormals.a.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 0 ] );
vertexNormals.b.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 1 ] );
vertexNormals.c.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 2 ] );
// restore original normals
for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ f ];
face.normal = face.__originalFaceNormal;
face.vertexNormals = face.__originalVertexNormals;
computeTangents: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.Geometry: .computeTangents() has been removed.' );
computeLineDistances: function () {
var d = 0;
var vertices = this.vertices;
for ( var i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
if ( i > 0 ) {
d += vertices[ i ].distanceTo( vertices[ i - 1 ] );
this.lineDistances[ i ] = d;
computeBoundingBox: function () {
if ( this.boundingBox === null ) {
this.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
this.boundingBox.setFromPoints( this.vertices );
computeBoundingSphere: function () {
if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) {
this.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere();
this.boundingSphere.setFromPoints( this.vertices );
merge: function ( geometry, matrix, materialIndexOffset ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Geometry.merge(): geometry not an instance of THREE.Geometry.', geometry );
var normalMatrix,
vertexOffset = this.vertices.length,
vertices1 = this.vertices,
vertices2 = geometry.vertices,
faces1 = this.faces,
faces2 = geometry.faces,
uvs1 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ],
uvs2 = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
if ( materialIndexOffset === undefined ) materialIndexOffset = 0;
if ( matrix !== undefined ) {
normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );
// vertices
for ( var i = 0, il = vertices2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var vertex = vertices2[ i ];
var vertexCopy = vertex.clone();
if ( matrix !== undefined ) vertexCopy.applyMatrix4( matrix );
vertices1.push( vertexCopy );
// faces
for ( i = 0, il = faces2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var face = faces2[ i ], faceCopy, normal, color,
faceVertexNormals = face.vertexNormals,
faceVertexColors = face.vertexColors;
faceCopy = new THREE.Face3( face.a + vertexOffset, face.b + vertexOffset, face.c + vertexOffset );
faceCopy.normal.copy( face.normal );
if ( normalMatrix !== undefined ) {
faceCopy.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
for ( var j = 0, jl = faceVertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
normal = faceVertexNormals[ j ].clone();
if ( normalMatrix !== undefined ) {
normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
faceCopy.vertexNormals.push( normal );
faceCopy.color.copy( face.color );
for ( var j = 0, jl = faceVertexColors.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
color = faceVertexColors[ j ];
faceCopy.vertexColors.push( color.clone() );
faceCopy.materialIndex = face.materialIndex + materialIndexOffset;
faces1.push( faceCopy );
// uvs
for ( i = 0, il = uvs2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var uv = uvs2[ i ], uvCopy = [];
if ( uv === undefined ) {
for ( var j = 0, jl = uv.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
uvCopy.push( uv[ j ].clone() );
uvs1.push( uvCopy );
mergeMesh: function ( mesh ) {
if ( mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Geometry.mergeMesh(): mesh not an instance of THREE.Mesh.', mesh );
mesh.matrixAutoUpdate && mesh.updateMatrix();
this.merge( mesh.geometry, mesh.matrix );
* Checks for duplicate vertices with hashmap.
* Duplicated vertices are removed
* and faces' vertices are updated.
mergeVertices: function () {
var verticesMap = {}; // Hashmap for looking up vertices by position coordinates (and making sure they are unique)
var unique = [], changes = [];
var v, key;
var precisionPoints = 4; // number of decimal points, e.g. 4 for epsilon of 0.0001
var precision = Math.pow( 10, precisionPoints );
var i, il, face;
var indices, j, jl;
for ( i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
v = this.vertices[ i ];
key = Math.round( v.x * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.y * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.z * precision );
if ( verticesMap[ key ] === undefined ) {
verticesMap[ key ] = i;
unique.push( this.vertices[ i ] );
changes[ i ] = unique.length - 1;
} else {
//console.log('Duplicate vertex found. ', i, ' could be using ', verticesMap[key]);
changes[ i ] = changes[ verticesMap[ key ] ];
// if faces are completely degenerate after merging vertices, we
// have to remove them from the geometry.
var faceIndicesToRemove = [];
for ( i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
face = this.faces[ i ];
face.a = changes[ face.a ];
face.b = changes[ face.b ];
face.c = changes[ face.c ];
indices = [ face.a, face.b, face.c ];
var dupIndex = - 1;
// if any duplicate vertices are found in a Face3
// we have to remove the face as nothing can be saved
for ( var n = 0; n < 3; n ++ ) {
if ( indices[ n ] === indices[ ( n + 1 ) % 3 ] ) {
dupIndex = n;
faceIndicesToRemove.push( i );
for ( i = faceIndicesToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {
var idx = faceIndicesToRemove[ i ];
this.faces.splice( idx, 1 );
for ( j = 0, jl = this.faceVertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
this.faceVertexUvs[ j ].splice( idx, 1 );
// Use unique set of vertices
var diff = this.vertices.length - unique.length;
this.vertices = unique;
return diff;
sortFacesByMaterialIndex: function () {
var faces = this.faces;
var length = faces.length;
// tag faces
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
faces[ i ]._id = i;
// sort faces
function materialIndexSort( a, b ) {
return a.materialIndex - b.materialIndex;
faces.sort( materialIndexSort );
// sort uvs
var uvs1 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
var uvs2 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ];
var newUvs1, newUvs2;
if ( uvs1 && uvs1.length === length ) newUvs1 = [];
if ( uvs2 && uvs2.length === length ) newUvs2 = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
var id = faces[ i ]._id;
if ( newUvs1 ) newUvs1.push( uvs1[ id ] );
if ( newUvs2 ) newUvs2.push( uvs2[ id ] );
if ( newUvs1 ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] = newUvs1;
if ( newUvs2 ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] = newUvs2;
toJSON: function () {
var data = {
metadata: {
version: 4.4,
type: 'Geometry',
generator: 'Geometry.toJSON'
// standard Geometry serialization
data.uuid = this.uuid;
data.type = this.type;
if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;
if ( this.parameters !== undefined ) {
var parameters = this.parameters;
for ( var key in parameters ) {
if ( parameters[ key ] !== undefined ) data[ key ] = parameters[ key ];
return data;
var vertices = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i ++ ) {
var vertex = this.vertices[ i ];
vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );
var faces = [];
var normals = [];
var normalsHash = {};
var colors = [];
var colorsHash = {};
var uvs = [];
var uvsHash = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < this.faces.length; i ++ ) {
var face = this.faces[ i ];
var hasMaterial = false; // face.materialIndex !== undefined;
var hasFaceUv = false; // deprecated
var hasFaceVertexUv = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ] !== undefined;
var hasFaceNormal = face.normal.length() > 0;
var hasFaceVertexNormal = face.vertexNormals.length > 0;
var hasFaceColor = face.color.r !== 1 || face.color.g !== 1 || face.color.b !== 1;
var hasFaceVertexColor = face.vertexColors.length > 0;
var faceType = 0;
faceType = setBit( faceType, 0, 0 );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 1, hasMaterial );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 2, hasFaceUv );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 3, hasFaceVertexUv );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 4, hasFaceNormal );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 5, hasFaceVertexNormal );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 6, hasFaceColor );
faceType = setBit( faceType, 7, hasFaceVertexColor );
faces.push( faceType );
faces.push( face.a, face.b, face.c );
if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {
var faceVertexUvs = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ];
getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] ),
getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] ),
getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 2 ] )
if ( hasFaceNormal ) {
faces.push( getNormalIndex( face.normal ) );
if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {
var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;
getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 0 ] ),
getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 1 ] ),
getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 2 ] )
if ( hasFaceColor ) {
faces.push( getColorIndex( face.color ) );
if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {
var vertexColors = face.vertexColors;
getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 0 ] ),
getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 1 ] ),
getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 2 ] )
function setBit( value, position, enabled ) {
return enabled ? value | ( 1 << position ) : value & ( ~ ( 1 << position ) );
function getNormalIndex( normal ) {
var hash = normal.x.toString() + normal.y.toString() + normal.z.toString();
if ( normalsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {
return normalsHash[ hash ];
normalsHash[ hash ] = normals.length / 3;
normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );
return normalsHash[ hash ];
function getColorIndex( color ) {
var hash = color.r.toString() + color.g.toString() + color.b.toString();
if ( colorsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {
return colorsHash[ hash ];
colorsHash[ hash ] = colors.length;
colors.push( color.getHex() );
return colorsHash[ hash ];
function getUvIndex( uv ) {
var hash = uv.x.toString() + uv.y.toString();
if ( uvsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {
return uvsHash[ hash ];
uvsHash[ hash ] = uvs.length / 2;
uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );
return uvsHash[ hash ];
data.data = {};
data.data.vertices = vertices;
data.data.normals = normals;
if ( colors.length > 0 ) data.data.colors = colors;
if ( uvs.length > 0 ) data.data.uvs = [ uvs ]; // temporal backward compatibility
data.data.faces = faces;
return data;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
this.vertices = [];
this.faces = [];
this.faceVertexUvs = [ [] ];
var vertices = source.vertices;
for ( var i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.vertices.push( vertices[ i ].clone() );
var faces = source.faces;
for ( var i = 0, il = faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
this.faces.push( faces[ i ].clone() );
for ( var i = 0, il = source.faceVertexUvs.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var faceVertexUvs = source.faceVertexUvs[ i ];
if ( this.faceVertexUvs[ i ] === undefined ) {
this.faceVertexUvs[ i ] = [];
for ( var j = 0, jl = faceVertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var uvs = faceVertexUvs[ j ], uvsCopy = [];
for ( var k = 0, kl = uvs.length; k < kl; k ++ ) {
var uv = uvs[ k ];
uvsCopy.push( uv.clone() );
this.faceVertexUvs[ i ].push( uvsCopy );
return this;
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.Geometry.prototype );
THREE.GeometryIdCount = 0;
// File:src/core/DirectGeometry.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.DirectGeometry = function () {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.GeometryIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.type = 'DirectGeometry';
this.indices = [];
this.vertices = [];
this.normals = [];
this.colors = [];
this.uvs = [];
this.uvs2 = [];
this.groups = [];
this.morphTargets = {};
this.skinWeights = [];
this.skinIndices = [];
// this.lineDistances = [];
this.boundingBox = null;
this.boundingSphere = null;
// update flags
this.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
this.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
this.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
this.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
this.groupsNeedUpdate = false;
THREE.DirectGeometry.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.DirectGeometry,
computeBoundingBox: THREE.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingBox,
computeBoundingSphere: THREE.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingSphere,
computeFaceNormals: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry: computeFaceNormals() is not a method of this type of geometry.' );
computeVertexNormals: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry: computeVertexNormals() is not a method of this type of geometry.' );
computeGroups: function ( geometry ) {
var group;
var groups = [];
var materialIndex;
var faces = geometry.faces;
for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; i ++ ) {
var face = faces[ i ];
// materials
if ( face.materialIndex !== materialIndex ) {
materialIndex = face.materialIndex;
if ( group !== undefined ) {
group.count = ( i * 3 ) - group.start;
groups.push( group );
group = {
start: i * 3,
materialIndex: materialIndex
if ( group !== undefined ) {
group.count = ( i * 3 ) - group.start;
groups.push( group );
this.groups = groups;
fromGeometry: function ( geometry ) {
var faces = geometry.faces;
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs;
var hasFaceVertexUv = faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] && faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].length > 0;
var hasFaceVertexUv2 = faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] && faceVertexUvs[ 1 ].length > 0;
// morphs
var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;
var morphTargetsLength = morphTargets.length;
if ( morphTargetsLength > 0 ) {
var morphTargetsPosition = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < morphTargetsLength; i ++ ) {
morphTargetsPosition[ i ] = [];
this.morphTargets.position = morphTargetsPosition;
var morphNormals = geometry.morphNormals;
var morphNormalsLength = morphNormals.length;
if ( morphNormalsLength > 0 ) {
var morphTargetsNormal = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < morphNormalsLength; i ++ ) {
morphTargetsNormal[ i ] = [];
this.morphTargets.normal = morphTargetsNormal;
// skins
var skinIndices = geometry.skinIndices;
var skinWeights = geometry.skinWeights;
var hasSkinIndices = skinIndices.length === vertices.length;
var hasSkinWeights = skinWeights.length === vertices.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; i ++ ) {
var face = faces[ i ];
this.vertices.push( vertices[ face.a ], vertices[ face.b ], vertices[ face.c ] );
var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;
if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {
this.normals.push( vertexNormals[ 0 ], vertexNormals[ 1 ], vertexNormals[ 2 ] );
} else {
var normal = face.normal;
this.normals.push( normal, normal, normal );
var vertexColors = face.vertexColors;
if ( vertexColors.length === 3 ) {
this.colors.push( vertexColors[ 0 ], vertexColors[ 1 ], vertexColors[ 2 ] );
} else {
var color = face.color;
this.colors.push( color, color, color );
if ( hasFaceVertexUv === true ) {
var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ];
if ( vertexUvs !== undefined ) {
this.uvs.push( vertexUvs[ 0 ], vertexUvs[ 1 ], vertexUvs[ 2 ] );
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry.fromGeometry(): Undefined vertexUv ', i );
this.uvs.push( new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2() );
if ( hasFaceVertexUv2 === true ) {
var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ 1 ][ i ];
if ( vertexUvs !== undefined ) {
this.uvs2.push( vertexUvs[ 0 ], vertexUvs[ 1 ], vertexUvs[ 2 ] );
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry.fromGeometry(): Undefined vertexUv2 ', i );
this.uvs2.push( new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2() );
// morphs
for ( var j = 0; j < morphTargetsLength; j ++ ) {
var morphTarget = morphTargets[ j ].vertices;
morphTargetsPosition[ j ].push( morphTarget[ face.a ], morphTarget[ face.b ], morphTarget[ face.c ] );
for ( var j = 0; j < morphNormalsLength; j ++ ) {
var morphNormal = morphNormals[ j ].vertexNormals[ i ];
morphTargetsNormal[ j ].push( morphNormal.a, morphNormal.b, morphNormal.c );
// skins
if ( hasSkinIndices ) {
this.skinIndices.push( skinIndices[ face.a ], skinIndices[ face.b ], skinIndices[ face.c ] );
if ( hasSkinWeights ) {
this.skinWeights.push( skinWeights[ face.a ], skinWeights[ face.b ], skinWeights[ face.c ] );
this.computeGroups( geometry );
this.verticesNeedUpdate = geometry.verticesNeedUpdate;
this.normalsNeedUpdate = geometry.normalsNeedUpdate;
this.colorsNeedUpdate = geometry.colorsNeedUpdate;
this.uvsNeedUpdate = geometry.uvsNeedUpdate;
this.groupsNeedUpdate = geometry.groupsNeedUpdate;
return this;
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.DirectGeometry.prototype );
// File:src/core/BufferGeometry.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.BufferGeometry = function () {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.GeometryIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.type = 'BufferGeometry';
this.index = null;
this.attributes = {};
this.morphAttributes = {};
this.groups = [];
this.boundingBox = null;
this.boundingSphere = null;
this.drawRange = { start: 0, count: Infinity };
THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.BufferGeometry,
addIndex: function ( index ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addIndex() has been renamed to .setIndex().' );
this.setIndex( index );
getIndex: function () {
return this.index;
setIndex: function ( index ) {
this.index = index;
addAttribute: function ( name, attribute ) {
if ( attribute instanceof THREE.BufferAttribute === false && attribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute === false ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addAttribute() now expects ( name, attribute ).' );
this.addAttribute( name, new THREE.BufferAttribute( arguments[ 1 ], arguments[ 2 ] ) );
if ( name === 'index' ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.addAttribute: Use .setIndex() for index attribute.' );
this.setIndex( attribute );
this.attributes[ name ] = attribute;
getAttribute: function ( name ) {
return this.attributes[ name ];
removeAttribute: function ( name ) {
delete this.attributes[ name ];
get drawcalls() {
console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .drawcalls has been renamed to .groups.' );
return this.groups;
get offsets() {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .offsets has been renamed to .groups.' );
return this.groups;
addDrawCall: function ( start, count, indexOffset ) {
if ( indexOffset !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addDrawCall() no longer supports indexOffset.' );
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addDrawCall() is now .addGroup().' );
this.addGroup( start, count );
clearDrawCalls: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .clearDrawCalls() is now .clearGroups().' );
addGroup: function ( start, count, materialIndex ) {
this.groups.push( {
start: start,
count: count,
materialIndex: materialIndex !== undefined ? materialIndex : 0
} );
clearGroups: function () {
this.groups = [];
setDrawRange: function ( start, count ) {
this.drawRange.start = start;
this.drawRange.count = count;
applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {
var position = this.attributes.position;
if ( position !== undefined ) {
matrix.applyToVector3Array( position.array );
position.needsUpdate = true;
var normal = this.attributes.normal;
if ( normal !== undefined ) {
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );
normalMatrix.applyToVector3Array( normal.array );
normal.needsUpdate = true;
if ( this.boundingBox !== null ) {
if ( this.boundingSphere !== null ) {
rotateX: function () {
// rotate geometry around world x-axis
var m1;
return function rotateX( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationX( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
rotateY: function () {
// rotate geometry around world y-axis
var m1;
return function rotateY( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationY( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
rotateZ: function () {
// rotate geometry around world z-axis
var m1;
return function rotateZ( angle ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeRotationZ( angle );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
translate: function () {
// translate geometry
var m1;
return function translate( x, y, z ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeTranslation( x, y, z );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
scale: function () {
// scale geometry
var m1;
return function scale( x, y, z ) {
if ( m1 === undefined ) m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
m1.makeScale( x, y, z );
this.applyMatrix( m1 );
return this;
lookAt: function () {
var obj;
return function lookAt( vector ) {
if ( obj === undefined ) obj = new THREE.Object3D();
obj.lookAt( vector );
this.applyMatrix( obj.matrix );
center: function () {
var offset = this.boundingBox.center().negate();
this.translate( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z );
return offset;
setFromObject: function ( object ) {
// console.log( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.setFromObject(). Converting', object, this );
var geometry = object.geometry;
if ( object instanceof THREE.Points || object instanceof THREE.Line ) {
var positions = new THREE.Float32Attribute( geometry.vertices.length * 3, 3 );
var colors = new THREE.Float32Attribute( geometry.colors.length * 3, 3 );
this.addAttribute( 'position', positions.copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices ) );
this.addAttribute( 'color', colors.copyColorsArray( geometry.colors ) );
if ( geometry.lineDistances && geometry.lineDistances.length === geometry.vertices.length ) {
var lineDistances = new THREE.Float32Attribute( geometry.lineDistances.length, 1 );
this.addAttribute( 'lineDistance', lineDistances.copyArray( geometry.lineDistances ) );
if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {
this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
this.fromGeometry( geometry );
return this;
updateFromObject: function ( object ) {
var geometry = object.geometry;
if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
var direct = geometry.__directGeometry;
if ( direct === undefined ) {
return this.fromGeometry( geometry );
direct.verticesNeedUpdate = geometry.verticesNeedUpdate;
direct.normalsNeedUpdate = geometry.normalsNeedUpdate;
direct.colorsNeedUpdate = geometry.colorsNeedUpdate;
direct.uvsNeedUpdate = geometry.uvsNeedUpdate;
direct.groupsNeedUpdate = geometry.groupsNeedUpdate;
geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
geometry.groupsNeedUpdate = false;
geometry = direct;
if ( geometry.verticesNeedUpdate === true ) {
var attribute = this.attributes.position;
if ( attribute !== undefined ) {
attribute.copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices );
attribute.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
if ( geometry.normalsNeedUpdate === true ) {
var attribute = this.attributes.normal;
if ( attribute !== undefined ) {
attribute.copyVector3sArray( geometry.normals );
attribute.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
if ( geometry.colorsNeedUpdate === true ) {
var attribute = this.attributes.color;
if ( attribute !== undefined ) {
attribute.copyColorsArray( geometry.colors );
attribute.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
if ( geometry.uvsNeedUpdate ) {
var attribute = this.attributes.uv;
if ( attribute !== undefined ) {
attribute.copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs );
attribute.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
if ( geometry.lineDistancesNeedUpdate ) {
var attribute = this.attributes.lineDistance;
if ( attribute !== undefined ) {
attribute.copyArray( geometry.lineDistances );
attribute.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = false;
if ( geometry.groupsNeedUpdate ) {
geometry.computeGroups( object.geometry );
this.groups = geometry.groups;
geometry.groupsNeedUpdate = false;
return this;
fromGeometry: function ( geometry ) {
geometry.__directGeometry = new THREE.DirectGeometry().fromGeometry( geometry );
return this.fromDirectGeometry( geometry.__directGeometry );
fromDirectGeometry: function ( geometry ) {
var positions = new Float32Array( geometry.vertices.length * 3 );
this.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ).copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices ) );
if ( geometry.normals.length > 0 ) {
var normals = new Float32Array( geometry.normals.length * 3 );
this.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ).copyVector3sArray( geometry.normals ) );
if ( geometry.colors.length > 0 ) {
var colors = new Float32Array( geometry.colors.length * 3 );
this.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ).copyColorsArray( geometry.colors ) );
if ( geometry.uvs.length > 0 ) {
var uvs = new Float32Array( geometry.uvs.length * 2 );
this.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ).copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs ) );
if ( geometry.uvs2.length > 0 ) {
var uvs2 = new Float32Array( geometry.uvs2.length * 2 );
this.addAttribute( 'uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs2, 2 ).copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs2 ) );
if ( geometry.indices.length > 0 ) {
var TypeArray = geometry.vertices.length > 65535 ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array;
var indices = new TypeArray( geometry.indices.length * 3 );
this.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ).copyIndicesArray( geometry.indices ) );
// groups
this.groups = geometry.groups;
// morphs
for ( var name in geometry.morphTargets ) {
var array = [];
var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets[ name ];
for ( var i = 0, l = morphTargets.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var morphTarget = morphTargets[ i ];
var attribute = new THREE.Float32Attribute( morphTarget.length * 3, 3 );
array.push( attribute.copyVector3sArray( morphTarget ) );
this.morphAttributes[ name ] = array;
// skinning
if ( geometry.skinIndices.length > 0 ) {
var skinIndices = new THREE.Float32Attribute( geometry.skinIndices.length * 4, 4 );
this.addAttribute( 'skinIndex', skinIndices.copyVector4sArray( geometry.skinIndices ) );
if ( geometry.skinWeights.length > 0 ) {
var skinWeights = new THREE.Float32Attribute( geometry.skinWeights.length * 4, 4 );
this.addAttribute( 'skinWeight', skinWeights.copyVector4sArray( geometry.skinWeights ) );
if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {
this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
return this;
computeBoundingBox: function () {
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
return function () {
if ( this.boundingBox === null ) {
this.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
var positions = this.attributes.position.array;
if ( positions ) {
var bb = this.boundingBox;
for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 3 ) {
vector.fromArray( positions, i );
bb.expandByPoint( vector );
if ( positions === undefined || positions.length === 0 ) {
this.boundingBox.min.set( 0, 0, 0 );
this.boundingBox.max.set( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.x ) || isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.y ) || isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.z ) ) {
console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingBox: Computed min/max have NaN values. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.', this );
computeBoundingSphere: function () {
var box = new THREE.Box3();
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
return function () {
if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) {
this.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere();
var positions = this.attributes.position.array;
if ( positions ) {
var center = this.boundingSphere.center;
for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 3 ) {
vector.fromArray( positions, i );
box.expandByPoint( vector );
box.center( center );
// hoping to find a boundingSphere with a radius smaller than the
// boundingSphere of the boundingBox: sqrt(3) smaller in the best case
var maxRadiusSq = 0;
for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 3 ) {
vector.fromArray( positions, i );
maxRadiusSq = Math.max( maxRadiusSq, center.distanceToSquared( vector ) );
this.boundingSphere.radius = Math.sqrt( maxRadiusSq );
if ( isNaN( this.boundingSphere.radius ) ) {
console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere(): Computed radius is NaN. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.', this );
computeFaceNormals: function () {
// backwards compatibility
computeVertexNormals: function () {
var index = this.index;
var attributes = this.attributes;
var groups = this.groups;
if ( attributes.position ) {
var positions = attributes.position.array;
if ( attributes.normal === undefined ) {
this.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( positions.length ), 3 ) );
} else {
// reset existing normals to zero
var normals = attributes.normal.array;
for ( var i = 0, il = normals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
normals[ i ] = 0;
var normals = attributes.normal.array;
var vA, vB, vC,
pA = new THREE.Vector3(),
pB = new THREE.Vector3(),
pC = new THREE.Vector3(),
cb = new THREE.Vector3(),
ab = new THREE.Vector3();
// indexed elements
if ( index ) {
var indices = index.array;
if ( groups.length === 0 ) {
this.addGroup( 0, indices.length );
for ( var j = 0, jl = groups.length; j < jl; ++ j ) {
var group = groups[ j ];
var start = group.start;
var count = group.count;
for ( var i = start, il = start + count; i < il; i += 3 ) {
vA = indices[ i + 0 ] * 3;
vB = indices[ i + 1 ] * 3;
vC = indices[ i + 2 ] * 3;
pA.fromArray( positions, vA );
pB.fromArray( positions, vB );
pC.fromArray( positions, vC );
cb.subVectors( pC, pB );
ab.subVectors( pA, pB );
cb.cross( ab );
normals[ vA ] += cb.x;
normals[ vA + 1 ] += cb.y;
normals[ vA + 2 ] += cb.z;
normals[ vB ] += cb.x;
normals[ vB + 1 ] += cb.y;
normals[ vB + 2 ] += cb.z;
normals[ vC ] += cb.x;
normals[ vC + 1 ] += cb.y;
normals[ vC + 2 ] += cb.z;
} else {
// non-indexed elements (unconnected triangle soup)
for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 9 ) {
pA.fromArray( positions, i );
pB.fromArray( positions, i + 3 );
pC.fromArray( positions, i + 6 );
cb.subVectors( pC, pB );
ab.subVectors( pA, pB );
cb.cross( ab );
normals[ i ] = cb.x;
normals[ i + 1 ] = cb.y;
normals[ i + 2 ] = cb.z;
normals[ i + 3 ] = cb.x;
normals[ i + 4 ] = cb.y;
normals[ i + 5 ] = cb.z;
normals[ i + 6 ] = cb.x;
normals[ i + 7 ] = cb.y;
normals[ i + 8 ] = cb.z;
attributes.normal.needsUpdate = true;
computeTangents: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .computeTangents() has been removed.' );
computeOffsets: function ( size ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .computeOffsets() has been removed.')
merge: function ( geometry, offset ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.merge(): geometry not an instance of THREE.BufferGeometry.', geometry );
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
var attributes = this.attributes;
for ( var key in attributes ) {
if ( geometry.attributes[ key ] === undefined ) continue;
var attribute1 = attributes[ key ];
var attributeArray1 = attribute1.array;
var attribute2 = geometry.attributes[ key ];
var attributeArray2 = attribute2.array;
var attributeSize = attribute2.itemSize;
for ( var i = 0, j = attributeSize * offset; i < attributeArray2.length; i ++, j ++ ) {
attributeArray1[ j ] = attributeArray2[ i ];
return this;
normalizeNormals: function () {
var normals = this.attributes.normal.array;
var x, y, z, n;
for ( var i = 0, il = normals.length; i < il; i += 3 ) {
x = normals[ i ];
y = normals[ i + 1 ];
z = normals[ i + 2 ];
n = 1.0 / Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z );
normals[ i ] *= n;
normals[ i + 1 ] *= n;
normals[ i + 2 ] *= n;
toJSON: function () {
var data = {
metadata: {
version: 4.4,
type: 'BufferGeometry',
generator: 'BufferGeometry.toJSON'
// standard BufferGeometry serialization
data.uuid = this.uuid;
data.type = this.type;
if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;
if ( this.parameters !== undefined ) {
var parameters = this.parameters;
for ( var key in parameters ) {
if ( parameters[ key ] !== undefined ) data[ key ] = parameters[ key ];
return data;
data.data = { attributes: {} };
var index = this.index;
if ( index !== null ) {
var array = Array.prototype.slice.call( index.array );
data.data.index = {
type: index.array.constructor.name,
array: array
var attributes = this.attributes;
for ( var key in attributes ) {
var attribute = attributes[ key ];
var array = Array.prototype.slice.call( attribute.array );
data.data.attributes[ key ] = {
itemSize: attribute.itemSize,
type: attribute.array.constructor.name,
array: array
var groups = this.groups;
if ( groups.length > 0 ) {
data.data.groups = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( groups ) );
var boundingSphere = this.boundingSphere;
if ( boundingSphere !== null ) {
data.data.boundingSphere = {
center: boundingSphere.center.toArray(),
radius: boundingSphere.radius
return data;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
var index = source.index;
if ( index !== null ) {
this.setIndex( index.clone() );
var attributes = source.attributes;
for ( var name in attributes ) {
var attribute = attributes[ name ];
this.addAttribute( name, attribute.clone() );
var groups = source.groups;
for ( var i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var group = groups[ i ];
this.addGroup( group.start, group.count );
return this;
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );
THREE.BufferGeometry.MaxIndex = 65535;
// File:src/core/InstancedBufferGeometry.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry = function () {
THREE.BufferGeometry.call( this );
this.type = 'InstancedBufferGeometry';
this.maxInstancedCount = undefined;
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry;
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.addGroup = function ( start, count, instances ) {
this.groups.push( {
start: start,
count: count,
instances: instances
} );
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
var index = source.index;
if ( index !== null ) {
this.setIndex( index.clone() );
var attributes = source.attributes;
for ( var name in attributes ) {
var attribute = attributes[ name ];
this.addAttribute( name, attribute.clone() );
var groups = source.groups;
for ( var i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var group = groups[ i ];
this.addGroup( group.start, group.count, group.instances );
return this;
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype );
// File:src/animation/AnimationAction.js
* A clip that has been explicitly scheduled.
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.AnimationAction = function ( clip, startTime, timeScale, weight, loop ) {
if ( clip === undefined ) throw new Error( 'clip is null' );
this.clip = clip;
this.localRoot = null;
this.startTime = startTime || 0;
this.timeScale = timeScale || 1;
this.weight = weight || 1;
this.loop = loop || THREE.LoopRepeat;
this.loopCount = 0;
this.enabled = true; // allow for easy disabling of the action.
this.actionTime = - this.startTime;
this.clipTime = 0;
this.propertyBindings = [];
THREE.LoopOnce = 2200;
THREE.LoopRepeat = 2201;
THREE.LoopPingPing = 2202;
THREE.AnimationAction.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.AnimationAction,
setLocalRoot: function( localRoot ) {
this.localRoot = localRoot;
return this;
updateTime: function( clipDeltaTime ) {
var previousClipTime = this.clipTime;
var previousLoopCount = this.loopCount;
var previousActionTime = this.actionTime;
var duration = this.clip.duration;
this.actionTime = this.actionTime + clipDeltaTime;
if ( this.loop === THREE.LoopOnce ) {
this.loopCount = 0;
this.clipTime = Math.min( Math.max( this.actionTime, 0 ), duration );
// if time is changed since last time, see if we have hit a start/end limit
if ( this.clipTime !== previousClipTime ) {
if ( this.clipTime === duration ) {
this.mixer.dispatchEvent( { type: 'finished', action: this, direction: 1 } );
} else if ( this.clipTime === 0 ) {
this.mixer.dispatchEvent( { type: 'finished', action: this, direction: -1 } );
return this.clipTime;
this.loopCount = Math.floor( this.actionTime / duration );
var newClipTime = this.actionTime - this.loopCount * duration;
newClipTime = newClipTime % duration;
// if we are ping pong looping, ensure that we go backwards when appropriate
if ( this.loop == THREE.LoopPingPong ) {
if ( Math.abs( this.loopCount % 2 ) === 1 ) {
newClipTime = duration - newClipTime;
this.clipTime = newClipTime;
if ( this.loopCount !== previousLoopCount ) {
this.mixer.dispatchEvent( { type: 'loop', action: this, loopDelta: ( this.loopCount - this.loopCount ) } );
return this.clipTime;
syncWith: function( action ) {
this.actionTime = action.actionTime;
this.timeScale = action.timeScale;
return this;
warpToDuration: function( duration ) {
this.timeScale = this.clip.duration / duration;
return this;
init: function( time ) {
this.clipTime = time - this.startTime;
return this;
update: function( clipDeltaTime ) {
this.updateTime( clipDeltaTime );
var clipResults = this.clip.getAt( this.clipTime );
return clipResults;
getTimeScaleAt: function( time ) {
if ( this.timeScale.getAt ) {
// pass in time, not clip time, allows for fadein/fadeout across multiple loops of the clip
return this.timeScale.getAt( time );
return this.timeScale;
getWeightAt: function( time ) {
if ( this.weight.getAt ) {
// pass in time, not clip time, allows for fadein/fadeout across multiple loops of the clip
return this.weight.getAt( time );
return this.weight;
// File:src/animation/AnimationClip.js
* Reusable set of Tracks that represent an animation.
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.AnimationClip = function ( name, duration, tracks ) {
this.name = name;
this.tracks = tracks;
this.duration = ( duration !== undefined ) ? duration : -1;
// this means it should figure out its duration by scanning the tracks
if ( this.duration < 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {
var track = this.tracks[i];
this.duration = Math.max( track.keys[ track.keys.length - 1 ].time );
// maybe only do these on demand, as doing them here could potentially slow down loading
// but leaving these here during development as this ensures a lot of testing of these functions
this.results = [];
THREE.AnimationClip.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.AnimationClip,
getAt: function( clipTime ) {
clipTime = Math.max( 0, Math.min( clipTime, this.duration ) );
for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {
var track = this.tracks[ i ];
this.results[ i ] = track.getAt( clipTime );
return this.results;
trim: function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {
this.tracks[ i ].trim( 0, this.duration );
return this;
optimize: function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {
this.tracks[ i ].optimize();
return this;
THREE.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence = function( name, morphTargetSequence, fps ) {
var numMorphTargets = morphTargetSequence.length;
var tracks = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < numMorphTargets; i ++ ) {
var keys = [];
keys.push( { time: ( i + numMorphTargets - 1 ) % numMorphTargets, value: 0 } );
keys.push( { time: i, value: 1 } );
keys.push( { time: ( i + 1 ) % numMorphTargets, value: 0 } );
keys.sort( THREE.KeyframeTrack.keyComparer );
// if there is a key at the first frame, duplicate it as the last frame as well for perfect loop.
if ( keys[0].time === 0 ) {
keys.push( {
time: numMorphTargets,
value: keys[0].value
tracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( '.morphTargetInfluences[' + morphTargetSequence[i].name + ']', keys ).scale( 1.0 / fps ) );
return new THREE.AnimationClip( name, -1, tracks );
THREE.AnimationClip.findByName = function( clipArray, name ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < clipArray.length; i ++ ) {
if ( clipArray[i].name === name ) {
return clipArray[i];
return null;
THREE.AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences = function( morphTargets, fps ) {
var animationToMorphTargets = {};
// tested with https://regex101.com/ on trick sequences such flamingo_flyA_003, flamingo_run1_003, crdeath0059
var pattern = /^([\w-]*?)([\d]+)$/;
// sort morph target names into animation groups based patterns like Walk_001, Walk_002, Run_001, Run_002
for ( var i = 0, il = morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var morphTarget = morphTargets[ i ];
var parts = morphTarget.name.match( pattern );
if ( parts && parts.length > 1 ) {
var name = parts[ 1 ];
var animationMorphTargets = animationToMorphTargets[ name ];
if ( ! animationMorphTargets ) {
animationToMorphTargets[ name ] = animationMorphTargets = [];
animationMorphTargets.push( morphTarget );
var clips = [];
for ( var name in animationToMorphTargets ) {
clips.push( THREE.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence( name, animationToMorphTargets[ name ], fps ) );
return clips;
// parse the standard JSON format for clips
THREE.AnimationClip.parse = function( json ) {
var tracks = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < json.tracks.length; i ++ ) {
tracks.push( THREE.KeyframeTrack.parse( json.tracks[i] ).scale( 1.0 / json.fps ) );
return new THREE.AnimationClip( json.name, json.duration, tracks );
// parse the animation.hierarchy format
THREE.AnimationClip.parseAnimation = function( animation, bones, nodeName ) {
if ( ! animation ) {
console.error( " no animation in JSONLoader data" );
return null;
var convertTrack = function( trackName, animationKeys, propertyName, trackType, animationKeyToValueFunc ) {
var keys = [];
for ( var k = 0; k < animationKeys.length; k ++ ) {
var animationKey = animationKeys[k];
if ( animationKey[propertyName] !== undefined ) {
keys.push( { time: animationKey.time, value: animationKeyToValueFunc( animationKey ) } );
// only return track if there are actually keys.
if ( keys.length > 0 ) {
return new trackType( trackName, keys );
return null;
var tracks = [];
var clipName = animation.name || 'default';
var duration = animation.length || -1; // automatic length determination in AnimationClip.
var fps = animation.fps || 30;
var hierarchyTracks = animation.hierarchy || [];
for ( var h = 0; h < hierarchyTracks.length; h ++ ) {
var animationKeys = hierarchyTracks[ h ].keys;
// skip empty tracks
if ( ! animationKeys || animationKeys.length == 0 ) {
// process morph targets in a way exactly compatible with AnimationHandler.init( animation )
if ( animationKeys[0].morphTargets ) {
// figure out all morph targets used in this track
var morphTargetNames = {};
for ( var k = 0; k < animationKeys.length; k ++ ) {
if ( animationKeys[k].morphTargets ) {
for ( var m = 0; m < animationKeys[k].morphTargets.length; m ++ ) {
morphTargetNames[ animationKeys[k].morphTargets[m] ] = -1;
// create a track for each morph target with all zero morphTargetInfluences except for the keys in which the morphTarget is named.
for ( var morphTargetName in morphTargetNames ) {
var keys = [];
for ( var m = 0; m < animationKeys[k].morphTargets.length; m ++ ) {
var animationKey = animationKeys[k];
keys.push( {
time: animationKey.time,
value: (( animationKey.morphTarget === morphTargetName ) ? 1 : 0 )
tracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( nodeName + '.morphTargetInfluence[' + morphTargetName + ']', keys ) );
duration = morphTargetNames.length * ( fps || 1.0 );
} else {
var boneName = nodeName + '.bones[' + bones[ h ].name + ']';
// track contains positions...
var positionTrack = convertTrack( boneName + '.position', animationKeys, 'pos', THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack, function( animationKey ) {
return new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( animationKey.pos )
} );
if ( positionTrack ) tracks.push( positionTrack );
// track contains quaternions...
var quaternionTrack = convertTrack( boneName + '.quaternion', animationKeys, 'rot', THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack, function( animationKey ) {
if ( animationKey.rot.slerp ) {
return animationKey.rot.clone();
} else {
return new THREE.Quaternion().fromArray( animationKey.rot );
} );
if ( quaternionTrack ) tracks.push( quaternionTrack );
// track contains quaternions...
var scaleTrack = convertTrack( boneName + '.scale', animationKeys, 'scl', THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack, function( animationKey ) {
return new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( animationKey.scl )
} );
if ( scaleTrack ) tracks.push( scaleTrack );
if ( tracks.length === 0 ) {
return null;
var clip = new THREE.AnimationClip( clipName, duration, tracks );
return clip;
// File:src/animation/AnimationMixer.js
* Mixes together the AnimationClips scheduled by AnimationActions and applies them to the root and subtree
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.AnimationMixer = function( root ) {
this.root = root;
this.time = 0;
this.timeScale = 1.0;
this.actions = [];
this.propertyBindingMap = {};
THREE.AnimationMixer.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.AnimationMixer,
addAction: function( action ) {
// TODO: check for duplicate action names? Or provide each action with a UUID?
this.actions.push( action );
action.init( this.time );
action.mixer = this;
var tracks = action.clip.tracks;
var root = action.localRoot || this.root;
for ( var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i ++ ) {
var track = tracks[ i ];
var propertyBindingKey = root.uuid + '-' + track.name;
var propertyBinding = this.propertyBindingMap[ propertyBindingKey ];
if ( propertyBinding === undefined ) {
propertyBinding = new THREE.PropertyBinding( root, track.name );
this.propertyBindingMap[ propertyBindingKey ] = propertyBinding;
// push in the same order as the tracks.
action.propertyBindings.push( propertyBinding );
// track usages of shared property bindings, because if we leave too many around, the mixer can get slow
propertyBinding.referenceCount += 1;
removeAllActions: function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i ++ ) {
this.actions[i].mixer = null;
// unbind all property bindings
for ( var properyBindingKey in this.propertyBindingMap ) {
this.propertyBindingMap[ properyBindingKey ].unbind();
this.actions = [];
this.propertyBindingMap = {};
return this;
removeAction: function( action ) {
var index = this.actions.indexOf( action );
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
this.actions.splice( index, 1 );
action.mixer = null;
// remove unused property bindings because if we leave them around the mixer can get slow
var root = action.localRoot || this.root;
var tracks = action.clip.tracks;
for ( var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i ++ ) {
var track = tracks[ i ];
var propertyBindingKey = root.uuid + '-' + track.name;
var propertyBinding = this.propertyBindingMap[ propertyBindingKey ];
propertyBinding.referenceCount -= 1;
if ( propertyBinding.referenceCount <= 0 ) {
delete this.propertyBindingMap[ propertyBindingKey ];
return this;
// can be optimized if needed
findActionByName: function( name ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i ++ ) {
if ( this.actions[i].name === name ) return this.actions[i];
return null;
play: function( action, optionalFadeInDuration ) {
action.startTime = this.time;
this.addAction( action );
return this;
fadeOut: function( action, duration ) {
var keys = [];
keys.push( { time: this.time, value: 1 } );
keys.push( { time: this.time + duration, value: 0 } );
action.weight = new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( "weight", keys );
return this;
fadeIn: function( action, duration ) {
var keys = [];
keys.push( { time: this.time, value: 0 } );
keys.push( { time: this.time + duration, value: 1 } );
action.weight = new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( "weight", keys );
return this;
warp: function( action, startTimeScale, endTimeScale, duration ) {
var keys = [];
keys.push( { time: this.time, value: startTimeScale } );
keys.push( { time: this.time + duration, value: endTimeScale } );
action.timeScale = new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( "timeScale", keys );
return this;
crossFade: function( fadeOutAction, fadeInAction, duration, warp ) {
this.fadeOut( fadeOutAction, duration );
this.fadeIn( fadeInAction, duration );
if ( warp ) {
var startEndRatio = fadeOutAction.clip.duration / fadeInAction.clip.duration;
var endStartRatio = 1.0 / startEndRatio;
this.warp( fadeOutAction, 1.0, startEndRatio, duration );
this.warp( fadeInAction, endStartRatio, 1.0, duration );
return this;
update: function( deltaTime ) {
var mixerDeltaTime = deltaTime * this.timeScale;
this.time += mixerDeltaTime;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i ++ ) {
var action = this.actions[i];
var weight = action.getWeightAt( this.time );
var actionTimeScale = action.getTimeScaleAt( this.time );
var actionDeltaTime = mixerDeltaTime * actionTimeScale;
var actionResults = action.update( actionDeltaTime );
if ( action.weight <= 0 || ! action.enabled ) continue;
for ( var j = 0; j < actionResults.length; j ++ ) {
var name = action.clip.tracks[j].name;
action.propertyBindings[ j ].accumulate( actionResults[j], weight );
// apply to nodes
for ( var propertyBindingKey in this.propertyBindingMap ) {
this.propertyBindingMap[ propertyBindingKey ].apply();
return this;
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.AnimationMixer.prototype );
// File:src/animation/AnimationUtils.js
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.AnimationUtils = {
getEqualsFunc: function( exemplarValue ) {
if ( exemplarValue.equals ) {
return function equals_object( a, b ) {
return a.equals( b );
return function equals_primitive( a, b ) {
return ( a === b );
clone: function( exemplarValue ) {
var typeName = typeof exemplarValue;
if ( typeName === "object" ) {
if ( exemplarValue.clone ) {
return exemplarValue.clone();
console.error( "can not figure out how to copy exemplarValue", exemplarValue );
return exemplarValue;
lerp: function( a, b, alpha, interTrack ) {
var lerpFunc = THREE.AnimationUtils.getLerpFunc( a, interTrack );
return lerpFunc( a, b, alpha );
lerp_object: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return a.lerp( b, alpha );
slerp_object: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return a.slerp( b, alpha );
lerp_number: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return a * ( 1 - alpha ) + b * alpha;
lerp_boolean: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return ( alpha < 0.5 ) ? a : b;
lerp_boolean_immediate: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return a;
lerp_string: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return ( alpha < 0.5 ) ? a : b;
lerp_string_immediate: function( a, b, alpha ) {
return a;
// NOTE: this is an accumulator function that modifies the first argument (e.g. a). This is to minimize memory alocations.
getLerpFunc: function( exemplarValue, interTrack ) {
if ( exemplarValue === undefined || exemplarValue === null ) throw new Error( "examplarValue is null" );
var typeName = typeof exemplarValue;
switch( typeName ) {
case "object":
if ( exemplarValue.lerp ) {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_object;
if ( exemplarValue.slerp ) {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.slerp_object;
case "number":
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_number;
case "boolean":
if ( interTrack ) {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_boolean;
} else {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_boolean_immediate;
case "string":
if ( interTrack ) {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_string;
} else {
return THREE.AnimationUtils.lerp_string_immediate;
// File:src/animation/KeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that returns a keyframe interpolated value, currently linearly interpolated
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.KeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
if ( name === undefined ) throw new Error( "track name is undefined" );
if ( keys === undefined || keys.length === 0 ) throw new Error( "no keys in track named " + name );
this.name = name;
this.keys = keys; // time in seconds, value as value
// the index of the last result, used as a starting point for local search.
this.lastIndex = 0;
THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.KeyframeTrack,
getAt: function( time ) {
// this can not go higher than this.keys.length.
while( ( this.lastIndex < this.keys.length ) && ( time >= this.keys[this.lastIndex].time ) ) {
this.lastIndex ++;
// this can not go lower than 0.
while( ( this.lastIndex > 0 ) && ( time < this.keys[this.lastIndex - 1].time ) ) {
this.lastIndex --;
if ( this.lastIndex >= this.keys.length ) {
this.setResult( this.keys[ this.keys.length - 1 ].value );
return this.result;
if ( this.lastIndex === 0 ) {
this.setResult( this.keys[ 0 ].value );
return this.result;
var prevKey = this.keys[ this.lastIndex - 1 ];
this.setResult( prevKey.value );
// if true, means that prev/current keys are identical, thus no interpolation required.
if ( prevKey.constantToNext ) {
return this.result;
// linear interpolation to start with
var currentKey = this.keys[ this.lastIndex ];
var alpha = ( time - prevKey.time ) / ( currentKey.time - prevKey.time );
this.result = this.lerpValues( this.result, currentKey.value, alpha );
return this.result;
// move all keyframes either forwards or backwards in time
shift: function( timeOffset ) {
if ( timeOffset !== 0.0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
this.keys[i].time += timeOffset;
return this;
// scale all keyframe times by a factor (useful for frame <-> seconds conversions)
scale: function( timeScale ) {
if ( timeScale !== 1.0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
this.keys[i].time *= timeScale;
return this;
// removes keyframes before and after animation without changing any values within the range [startTime, endTime].
// IMPORTANT: We do not shift around keys to the start of the track time, because for interpolated keys this will change their values
trim: function( startTime, endTime ) {
var firstKeysToRemove = 0;
for ( var i = 1; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
if ( this.keys[i] <= startTime ) {
firstKeysToRemove ++;
var lastKeysToRemove = 0;
for ( var i = this.keys.length - 2; i > 0; i ++ ) {
if ( this.keys[i] >= endTime ) {
lastKeysToRemove ++;
} else {
// remove last keys first because it doesn't affect the position of the first keys (the otherway around doesn't work as easily)
if ( ( firstKeysToRemove + lastKeysToRemove ) > 0 ) {
this.keys = this.keys.splice( firstKeysToRemove, this.keys.length - lastKeysToRemove - firstKeysToRemove );;
return this;
/* NOTE: This is commented out because we really shouldn't have to handle unsorted key lists
Tracks with out of order keys should be considered to be invalid. - bhouston
sort: function() {
this.keys.sort( THREE.KeyframeTrack.keyComparer );
return this;
// ensure we do not get a GarbageInGarbageOut situation, make sure tracks are at least minimally viable
// One could eventually ensure that all key.values in a track are all of the same type (otherwise interpolation makes no sense.)
validate: function() {
var prevKey = null;
if ( this.keys.length === 0 ) {
console.error( " track is empty, no keys", this );
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var currKey = this.keys[i];
if ( ! currKey ) {
console.error( " key is null in track", this, i );
if ( ( typeof currKey.time ) !== 'number' || isNaN( currKey.time ) ) {
console.error( " key.time is not a valid number", this, i, currKey );
if ( currKey.value === undefined || currKey.value === null) {
console.error( " key.value is null in track", this, i, currKey );
if ( prevKey && prevKey.time > currKey.time ) {
console.error( " key.time is less than previous key time, out of order keys", this, i, currKey, prevKey );
prevKey = currKey;
return this;
// currently only removes equivalent sequential keys (0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) --> (0,0,1,1,0,0), which are common in morph target animations
optimize: function() {
var newKeys = [];
var prevKey = this.keys[0];
newKeys.push( prevKey );
var equalsFunc = THREE.AnimationUtils.getEqualsFunc( prevKey.value );
for ( var i = 1; i < this.keys.length - 1; i ++ ) {
var currKey = this.keys[i];
var nextKey = this.keys[i+1];
// if prevKey & currKey are the same time, remove currKey. If you want immediate adjacent keys, use an epsilon offset
// it is not possible to have two keys at the same time as we sort them. The sort is not stable on keys with the same time.
if ( ( prevKey.time === currKey.time ) ) {
// remove completely unnecessary keyframes that are the same as their prev and next keys
if ( this.compareValues( prevKey.value, currKey.value ) && this.compareValues( currKey.value, nextKey.value ) ) {
// determine if interpolation is required
prevKey.constantToNext = this.compareValues( prevKey.value, currKey.value );
newKeys.push( currKey );
prevKey = currKey;
newKeys.push( this.keys[ this.keys.length - 1 ] );
this.keys = newKeys;
return this;
THREE.KeyframeTrack.keyComparer = function keyComparator(key0, key1) {
return key0.time - key1.time;
THREE.KeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
if ( json.type === undefined ) throw new Error( "track type undefined, can not parse" );
var trackType = THREE.KeyframeTrack.GetTrackTypeForTypeName( json.type );
return trackType.parse( json );
THREE.KeyframeTrack.GetTrackTypeForTypeName = function( typeName ) {
switch( typeName.toLowerCase() ) {
case "vector":
case "vector2":
case "vector3":
case "vector4":
return THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack;
case "quaternion":
return THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack;
case "integer":
case "scalar":
case "double":
case "float":
case "number":
return THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack;
case "bool":
case "boolean":
return THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack;
case "string":
return THREE.StringKeyframeTrack;
throw new Error( "Unsupported typeName: " + typeName );
// File:src/animation/PropertyBinding.js
* A track bound to a real value in the scene graph.
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.PropertyBinding = function ( rootNode, trackName ) {
this.rootNode = rootNode;
this.trackName = trackName;
this.referenceCount = 0;
this.originalValue = null; // the value of the property before it was controlled by this binding
var parseResults = THREE.PropertyBinding.parseTrackName( trackName );
this.directoryName = parseResults.directoryName;
this.nodeName = parseResults.nodeName;
this.objectName = parseResults.objectName;
this.objectIndex = parseResults.objectIndex;
this.propertyName = parseResults.propertyName;
this.propertyIndex = parseResults.propertyIndex;
this.node = THREE.PropertyBinding.findNode( rootNode, this.nodeName ) || rootNode;
this.cumulativeValue = null;
this.cumulativeWeight = 0;
THREE.PropertyBinding.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.PropertyBinding,
reset: function() {
this.cumulativeValue = null;
this.cumulativeWeight = 0;
accumulate: function( value, weight ) {
if ( ! this.isBound ) this.bind();
if ( this.cumulativeWeight === 0 ) {
if ( weight > 0 ) {
if ( this.cumulativeValue === null ) {
this.cumulativeValue = THREE.AnimationUtils.clone( value );
this.cumulativeWeight = weight;
} else {
var lerpAlpha = weight / ( this.cumulativeWeight + weight );
this.cumulativeValue = this.lerpValue( this.cumulativeValue, value, lerpAlpha );
this.cumulativeWeight += weight;
unbind: function() {
if ( ! this.isBound ) return;
this.setValue( this.originalValue );
this.setValue = null;
this.getValue = null;
this.lerpValue = null;
this.equalsValue = null;
this.triggerDirty = null;
this.isBound = false;
// bind to the real property in the scene graph, remember original value, memorize various accessors for speed/inefficiency
bind: function() {
if ( this.isBound ) return;
var targetObject = this.node;
// ensure there is a value node
if ( ! targetObject ) {
console.error( " trying to update node for track: " + this.trackName + " but it wasn't found." );
if ( this.objectName ) {
// special case were we need to reach deeper into the hierarchy to get the face materials....
if ( this.objectName === "materials" ) {
if ( ! targetObject.material ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to material as node does not have a material', this );
if ( ! targetObject.material.materials ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to material.materials as node.material does not have a materials array', this );
targetObject = targetObject.material.materials;
} else if ( this.objectName === "bones" ) {
if ( ! targetObject.skeleton ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to bones as node does not have a skeleton', this );
// potential future optimization: skip this if propertyIndex is already an integer, and convert the integer string to a true integer.
targetObject = targetObject.skeleton.bones;
// support resolving morphTarget names into indices.
for ( var i = 0; i < targetObject.length; i ++ ) {
if ( targetObject[i].name === this.objectIndex ) {
this.objectIndex = i;
} else {
if ( targetObject[ this.objectName ] === undefined ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to objectName of node, undefined', this );
targetObject = targetObject[ this.objectName ];
if ( this.objectIndex !== undefined ) {
if ( targetObject[ this.objectIndex ] === undefined ) {
console.error( " trying to bind to objectIndex of objectName, but is undefined:", this, targetObject );
targetObject = targetObject[ this.objectIndex ];
// special case mappings
var nodeProperty = targetObject[ this.propertyName ];
if ( ! nodeProperty ) {
console.error( " trying to update property for track: " + this.nodeName + '.' + this.propertyName + " but it wasn't found.", targetObject );
// access a sub element of the property array (only primitives are supported right now)
if ( this.propertyIndex !== undefined ) {
if ( this.propertyName === "morphTargetInfluences" ) {
// potential optimization, skip this if propertyIndex is already an integer, and convert the integer string to a true integer.
// support resolving morphTarget names into indices.
if ( ! targetObject.geometry ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to morphTargetInfluences becasuse node does not have a geometry', this );
if ( ! targetObject.geometry.morphTargets ) {
console.error( ' can not bind to morphTargetInfluences becasuse node does not have a geometry.morphTargets', this );
for ( var i = 0; i < this.node.geometry.morphTargets.length; i ++ ) {
if ( targetObject.geometry.morphTargets[i].name === this.propertyIndex ) {
this.propertyIndex = i;
this.setValue = function setValue_propertyIndexed( value ) {
if ( ! this.equalsValue( nodeProperty[ this.propertyIndex ], value ) ) {
nodeProperty[ this.propertyIndex ] = value;
return true;
return false;
this.getValue = function getValue_propertyIndexed() {
return nodeProperty[ this.propertyIndex ];
// must use copy for Object3D.Euler/Quaternion
else if ( nodeProperty.copy ) {
this.setValue = function setValue_propertyObject( value ) {
if ( ! this.equalsValue( nodeProperty, value ) ) {
nodeProperty.copy( value );
return true;
return false;
this.getValue = function getValue_propertyObject() {
return nodeProperty;
// otherwise just set the property directly on the node (do not use nodeProperty as it may not be a reference object)
else {
this.setValue = function setValue_property( value ) {
if ( ! this.equalsValue( targetObject[ this.propertyName ], value ) ) {
targetObject[ this.propertyName ] = value;
return true;
return false;
this.getValue = function getValue_property() {
return targetObject[ this.propertyName ];
// trigger node dirty
if ( targetObject.needsUpdate !== undefined ) { // material
this.triggerDirty = function triggerDirty_needsUpdate() {
this.node.needsUpdate = true;
} else if ( targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate !== undefined ) { // node transform
this.triggerDirty = function triggerDirty_matrixWorldNeedsUpdate() {
targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
this.originalValue = this.getValue();
this.equalsValue = THREE.AnimationUtils.getEqualsFunc( this.originalValue );
this.lerpValue = THREE.AnimationUtils.getLerpFunc( this.originalValue, true );
this.isBound = true;
apply: function() {
// for speed capture the setter pattern as a closure (sort of a memoization pattern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization)
if ( ! this.isBound ) this.bind();
// early exit if there is nothing to apply.
if ( this.cumulativeWeight > 0 ) {
// blend with original value
if ( this.cumulativeWeight < 1 ) {
var remainingWeight = 1 - this.cumulativeWeight;
var lerpAlpha = remainingWeight / ( this.cumulativeWeight + remainingWeight );
this.cumulativeValue = this.lerpValue( this.cumulativeValue, this.originalValue, lerpAlpha );
var valueChanged = this.setValue( this.cumulativeValue );
if ( valueChanged && this.triggerDirty ) {
// reset accumulator
this.cumulativeValue = null;
this.cumulativeWeight = 0;
THREE.PropertyBinding.parseTrackName = function( trackName ) {
// matches strings in the form of:
// nodeName.property
// nodeName.property[accessor]
// nodeName.material.property[accessor]
// uuid.property[accessor]
// uuid.objectName[objectIndex].propertyName[propertyIndex]
// parentName/nodeName.property
// parentName/parentName/nodeName.property[index]
// .bone[Armature.DEF_cog].position
// created and tested via https://regex101.com/#javascript
var re = /^(([\w]+\/)*)([\w-\d]+)?(\.([\w]+)(\[([\w\d\[\]\_. ]+)\])?)?(\.([\w.]+)(\[([\w\d\[\]\_. ]+)\])?)$/;
var matches = re.exec(trackName);
if ( ! matches ) {
throw new Error( "cannot parse trackName at all: " + trackName );
if (matches.index === re.lastIndex) {
var results = {
directoryName: matches[1],
nodeName: matches[3], // allowed to be null, specified root node.
objectName: matches[5],
objectIndex: matches[7],
propertyName: matches[9],
propertyIndex: matches[11] // allowed to be null, specifies that the whole property is set.
if ( results.propertyName === null || results.propertyName.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error( "can not parse propertyName from trackName: " + trackName );
return results;
THREE.PropertyBinding.findNode = function( root, nodeName ) {
function searchSkeleton( skeleton ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < skeleton.bones.length; i ++ ) {
var bone = skeleton.bones[i];
if ( bone.name === nodeName ) {
return bone;
return null;
function searchNodeSubtree( children ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i ++ ) {
var childNode = children[i];
if ( childNode.name === nodeName || childNode.uuid === nodeName ) {
return childNode;
var result = searchNodeSubtree( childNode.children );
if ( result ) return result;
return null;
if ( ! nodeName || nodeName === "" || nodeName === "root" || nodeName === "." || nodeName === -1 || nodeName === root.name || nodeName === root.uuid ) {
return root;
// search into skeleton bones.
if ( root.skeleton ) {
var bone = searchSkeleton( root.skeleton );
if ( bone ) {
return bone;
// search into node subtree.
if ( root.children ) {
var subTreeNode = searchNodeSubtree( root.children );
if ( subTreeNode ) {
return subTreeNode;
return null;
// File:src/animation/tracks/VectorKeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that interpolates Vectors
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
THREE.KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, keys );
// local cache of value type to avoid allocations during runtime.
this.result = this.keys[0].value.clone();
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.create( THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype );
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor = THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack;
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.setResult = function( value ) {
this.result.copy( value );
// memoization of the lerp function for speed.
// NOTE: Do not optimize as a prototype initialization closure, as value0 will be different on a per class basis.
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.lerpValues = function( value0, value1, alpha ) {
return value0.lerp( value1, alpha );
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.compareValues = function( value0, value1 ) {
return value0.equals( value1 );
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedKeys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = this.keys[i];
clonedKeys.push( {
time: key.time,
value: key.value.clone()
} );
return new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( this.name, clonedKeys );
THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
var elementCount = json.keys[0].value.length;
var valueType = THREE[ 'Vector' + elementCount ];
var keys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < json.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var jsonKey = json.keys[i];
keys.push( {
value: new valueType().fromArray( jsonKey.value ),
time: jsonKey.time
} );
return new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( json.name, keys );
// File:src/animation/tracks/QuaternionKeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that interpolates Quaternion
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
THREE.KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, keys );
// local cache of value type to avoid allocations during runtime.
this.result = this.keys[0].value.clone();
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.create( THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype );
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor = THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack;
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.setResult = function( value ) {
this.result.copy( value );
// memoization of the lerp function for speed.
// NOTE: Do not optimize as a prototype initialization closure, as value0 will be different on a per class basis.
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.lerpValues = function( value0, value1, alpha ) {
return value0.slerp( value1, alpha );
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.compareValues = function( value0, value1 ) {
return value0.equals( value1 );
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.multiply = function( quat ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
this.keys[i].value.multiply( quat );
return this;
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedKeys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = this.keys[i];
clonedKeys.push( {
time: key.time,
value: key.value.clone()
} );
return new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( this.name, clonedKeys );
THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
var keys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < json.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var jsonKey = json.keys[i];
keys.push( {
value: new THREE.Quaternion().fromArray( jsonKey.value ),
time: jsonKey.time
} );
return new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( json.name, keys );
// File:src/animation/tracks/StringKeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that interpolates Strings
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
THREE.KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, keys );
// local cache of value type to avoid allocations during runtime.
this.result = this.keys[0].value;
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.create( THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype );
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor = THREE.StringKeyframeTrack;
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.setResult = function( value ) {
this.result = value;
// memoization of the lerp function for speed.
// NOTE: Do not optimize as a prototype initialization closure, as value0 will be different on a per class basis.
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.lerpValues = function( value0, value1, alpha ) {
return ( alpha < 1.0 ) ? value0 : value1;
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.compareValues = function( value0, value1 ) {
return ( value0 === value1 );
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedKeys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = this.keys[i];
clonedKeys.push( {
time: key.time,
value: key.value
} );
return new THREE.StringKeyframeTrack( this.name, clonedKeys );
THREE.StringKeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
return new THREE.StringKeyframeTrack( json.name, json.keys );
// File:src/animation/tracks/BooleanKeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that interpolates Boolean
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
THREE.KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, keys );
// local cache of value type to avoid allocations during runtime.
this.result = this.keys[0].value;
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.create( THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype );
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor = THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack;
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.setResult = function( value ) {
this.result = value;
// memoization of the lerp function for speed.
// NOTE: Do not optimize as a prototype initialization closure, as value0 will be different on a per class basis.
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.lerpValues = function( value0, value1, alpha ) {
return ( alpha < 1.0 ) ? value0 : value1;
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.compareValues = function( value0, value1 ) {
return ( value0 === value1 );
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedKeys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = this.keys[i];
clonedKeys.push( {
time: key.time,
value: key.value
} );
return new THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack( this.name, clonedKeys );
THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
return new THREE.BooleanKeyframeTrack( json.name, json.keys );
// File:src/animation/tracks/NumberKeyframeTrack.js
* A Track that interpolates Numbers
* @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
* @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack = function ( name, keys ) {
THREE.KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, keys );
// local cache of value type to avoid allocations during runtime.
this.result = this.keys[0].value;
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.create( THREE.KeyframeTrack.prototype );
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor = THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack;
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.setResult = function( value ) {
this.result = value;
// memoization of the lerp function for speed.
// NOTE: Do not optimize as a prototype initialization closure, as value0 will be different on a per class basis.
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.lerpValues = function( value0, value1, alpha ) {
return value0 * ( 1 - alpha ) + value1 * alpha;
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.compareValues = function( value0, value1 ) {
return ( value0 === value1 );
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedKeys = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = this.keys[i];
clonedKeys.push( {
time: key.time,
value: key.value
} );
return new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( this.name, clonedKeys );
THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.parse = function( json ) {
return new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( json.name, json.keys );
// File:src/cameras/Camera.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Camera = function () {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Camera';
this.matrixWorldInverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.projectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
THREE.Camera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Camera.prototype.constructor = THREE.Camera;
THREE.Camera.prototype.getWorldDirection = function () {
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( optionalTarget ) {
var result = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );
return result.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );
THREE.Camera.prototype.lookAt = function () {
// This routine does not support cameras with rotated and/or translated parent(s)
var m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
return function ( vector ) {
m1.lookAt( this.position, vector, this.up );
this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( m1 );
THREE.Camera.prototype.clone = function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
THREE.Camera.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.matrixWorldInverse.copy( source.matrixWorldInverse );
this.projectionMatrix.copy( source.projectionMatrix );
return this;
// File:src/cameras/CubeCamera.js
* Camera for rendering cube maps
* - renders scene into axis-aligned cube
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.CubeCamera = function ( near, far, cubeResolution ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'CubeCamera';
var fov = 90, aspect = 1;
var cameraPX = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraPX.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
cameraPX.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ) );
this.add( cameraPX );
var cameraNX = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraNX.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
cameraNX.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( - 1, 0, 0 ) );
this.add( cameraNX );
var cameraPY = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraPY.up.set( 0, 0, 1 );
cameraPY.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
this.add( cameraPY );
var cameraNY = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraNY.up.set( 0, 0, - 1 );
cameraNY.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 ) );
this.add( cameraNY );
var cameraPZ = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraPZ.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
cameraPZ.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
this.add( cameraPZ );
var cameraNZ = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
cameraNZ.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
cameraNZ.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ) );
this.add( cameraNZ );
this.renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube( cubeResolution, cubeResolution, { format: THREE.RGBFormat, magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter, minFilter: THREE.LinearFilter } );
this.updateCubeMap = function ( renderer, scene ) {
if ( this.parent === null ) this.updateMatrixWorld();
var renderTarget = this.renderTarget;
var generateMipmaps = renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps;
renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 0;
renderer.render( scene, cameraPX, renderTarget );
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 1;
renderer.render( scene, cameraNX, renderTarget );
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 2;
renderer.render( scene, cameraPY, renderTarget );
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 3;
renderer.render( scene, cameraNY, renderTarget );
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 4;
renderer.render( scene, cameraPZ, renderTarget );
renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = generateMipmaps;
renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 5;
renderer.render( scene, cameraNZ, renderTarget );
renderer.setRenderTarget( null );
THREE.CubeCamera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.CubeCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.CubeCamera;
// File:src/cameras/OrthographicCamera.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.OrthographicCamera = function ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) {
THREE.Camera.call( this );
this.type = 'OrthographicCamera';
this.zoom = 1;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.top = top;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.near = ( near !== undefined ) ? near : 0.1;
this.far = ( far !== undefined ) ? far : 2000;
THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Camera.prototype );
THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.OrthographicCamera;
THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function () {
var dx = ( this.right - this.left ) / ( 2 * this.zoom );
var dy = ( this.top - this.bottom ) / ( 2 * this.zoom );
var cx = ( this.right + this.left ) / 2;
var cy = ( this.top + this.bottom ) / 2;
this.projectionMatrix.makeOrthographic( cx - dx, cx + dx, cy + dy, cy - dy, this.near, this.far );
THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Camera.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.left = source.left;
this.right = source.right;
this.top = source.top;
this.bottom = source.bottom;
this.near = source.near;
this.far = source.far;
this.zoom = source.zoom;
return this;
THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {
var data = THREE.Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );
data.object.zoom = this.zoom;
data.object.left = this.left;
data.object.right = this.right;
data.object.top = this.top;
data.object.bottom = this.bottom;
data.object.near = this.near;
data.object.far = this.far;
return data;
// File:src/cameras/PerspectiveCamera.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author greggman / http://games.greggman.com/
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
THREE.PerspectiveCamera = function ( fov, aspect, near, far ) {
THREE.Camera.call( this );
this.type = 'PerspectiveCamera';
this.zoom = 1;
this.fov = fov !== undefined ? fov : 50;
this.aspect = aspect !== undefined ? aspect : 1;
this.near = near !== undefined ? near : 0.1;
this.far = far !== undefined ? far : 2000;
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Camera.prototype );
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.PerspectiveCamera;
* Uses Focal Length (in mm) to estimate and set FOV
* 35mm (full-frame) camera is used if frame size is not specified;
* Formula based on http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/technical/field_of_view.html
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setLens = function ( focalLength, frameHeight ) {
if ( frameHeight === undefined ) frameHeight = 24;
this.fov = 2 * THREE.Math.radToDeg( Math.atan( frameHeight / ( focalLength * 2 ) ) );
* Sets an offset in a larger frustum. This is useful for multi-window or
* multi-monitor/multi-machine setups.
* For example, if you have 3x2 monitors and each monitor is 1920x1080 and
* the monitors are in grid like this
* +---+---+---+
* | A | B | C |
* +---+---+---+
* | D | E | F |
* +---+---+---+
* then for each monitor you would call it like this
* var w = 1920;
* var h = 1080;
* var fullWidth = w * 3;
* var fullHeight = h * 2;
* --A--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 0, w, h );
* --B--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 0, w, h );
* --C--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 0, w, h );
* --D--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 1, w, h );
* --E--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 1, w, h );
* --F--
* camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h );
* Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setViewOffset = function ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height ) {
this.fullWidth = fullWidth;
this.fullHeight = fullHeight;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function () {
var fov = THREE.Math.radToDeg( 2 * Math.atan( Math.tan( THREE.Math.degToRad( this.fov ) * 0.5 ) / this.zoom ) );
if ( this.fullWidth ) {
var aspect = this.fullWidth / this.fullHeight;
var top = Math.tan( THREE.Math.degToRad( fov * 0.5 ) ) * this.near;
var bottom = - top;
var left = aspect * bottom;
var right = aspect * top;
var width = Math.abs( right - left );
var height = Math.abs( top - bottom );
left + this.x * width / this.fullWidth,
left + ( this.x + this.width ) * width / this.fullWidth,
top - ( this.y + this.height ) * height / this.fullHeight,
top - this.y * height / this.fullHeight,
} else {
this.projectionMatrix.makePerspective( fov, this.aspect, this.near, this.far );
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Camera.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.fov = source.fov;
this.aspect = source.aspect;
this.near = source.near;
this.far = source.far;
this.zoom = source.zoom;
return this;
THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {
var data = THREE.Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );
data.object.zoom = this.zoom;
data.object.fov = this.fov;
data.object.aspect = this.aspect;
data.object.near = this.near;
data.object.far = this.far;
return data;
// File:src/lights/Light.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Light = function ( color ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Light';
this.color = new THREE.Color( color );
this.receiveShadow = undefined;
THREE.Light.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Light.prototype.constructor = THREE.Light;
Object.defineProperties( THREE.Light.prototype, {
onlyShadow: {
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .onlyShadow has been removed.' );
shadowCameraFov: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.fov = value;
shadowCameraLeft: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.left = value;
shadowCameraRight: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.right = value;
shadowCameraTop: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.top = value;
shadowCameraBottom: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.bottom = value;
shadowCameraNear: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.near = value;
shadowCameraFar: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.camera.far = value;
shadowCameraVisible: {
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraVisible has been removed. Use new THREE.CameraHelper( light.shadow ) instead.' );
shadowBias: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.bias = value;
shadowDarkness: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.darkness = value;
shadowMapWidth: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.mapSize.width = value;
shadowMapHeight: {
set: function ( value ) {
this.shadow.mapSize.height = value;
} );
THREE.Light.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
return this;
THREE.Light.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {
var data = THREE.Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );
data.object.color = this.color.getHex();
if ( this.groundColor !== undefined ) data.object.groundColor = this.groundColor.getHex();
if ( this.intensity !== undefined ) data.object.intensity = this.intensity;
if ( this.distance !== undefined ) data.object.distance = this.distance;
if ( this.angle !== undefined ) data.object.angle = this.angle;
if ( this.decay !== undefined ) data.object.decay = this.decay;
if ( this.exponent !== undefined ) data.object.exponent = this.exponent;
return data;
// File:src/lights/LightShadow.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.LightShadow = function ( camera ) {
this.camera = camera;
this.bias = 0;
this.darkness = 1;
this.mapSize = new THREE.Vector2( 512, 512 );
this.map = null;
this.matrix = null;
THREE.LightShadow.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LightShadow,
copy: function ( source ) {
this.camera = source.camera.clone();
this.bias = source.bias;
this.darkness = source.darkness;
this.mapSize.copy( source.mapSize );
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
// File:src/lights/AmbientLight.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.AmbientLight = function ( color ) {
THREE.Light.call( this, color );
this.type = 'AmbientLight';
this.castShadow = undefined;
THREE.AmbientLight.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Light.prototype );
THREE.AmbientLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.AmbientLight;
// File:src/lights/DirectionalLight.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.DirectionalLight = function ( color, intensity ) {
THREE.Light.call( this, color );
this.type = 'DirectionalLight';
this.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
this.target = new THREE.Object3D();
this.intensity = ( intensity !== undefined ) ? intensity : 1;
this.shadow = new THREE.LightShadow( new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - 500, 500, 500, - 500, 50, 5000 ) );
THREE.DirectionalLight.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Light.prototype );
THREE.DirectionalLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.DirectionalLight;
THREE.DirectionalLight.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.intensity = source.intensity;
this.target = source.target.clone();
this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();
return this;
// File:src/lights/HemisphereLight.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.HemisphereLight = function ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity ) {
THREE.Light.call( this, skyColor );
this.type = 'HemisphereLight';
this.castShadow = undefined;
this.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
this.groundColor = new THREE.Color( groundColor );
this.intensity = ( intensity !== undefined ) ? intensity : 1;
THREE.HemisphereLight.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Light.prototype );
THREE.HemisphereLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.HemisphereLight;
THREE.HemisphereLight.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.groundColor.copy( source.groundColor );
this.intensity = source.intensity;
return this;
// File:src/lights/PointLight.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.PointLight = function ( color, intensity, distance, decay ) {
THREE.Light.call( this, color );
this.type = 'PointLight';
this.intensity = ( intensity !== undefined ) ? intensity : 1;
this.distance = ( distance !== undefined ) ? distance : 0;
this.decay = ( decay !== undefined ) ? decay : 1; // for physically correct lights, should be 2.
this.shadow = new THREE.LightShadow( new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 90, 1, 1, 500 ) );
THREE.PointLight.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Light.prototype );
THREE.PointLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.PointLight;
THREE.PointLight.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.intensity = source.intensity;
this.distance = source.distance;
this.decay = source.decay;
this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();
return this;
// File:src/lights/SpotLight.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.SpotLight = function ( color, intensity, distance, angle, exponent, decay ) {
THREE.Light.call( this, color );
this.type = 'SpotLight';
this.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
this.target = new THREE.Object3D();
this.intensity = ( intensity !== undefined ) ? intensity : 1;
this.distance = ( distance !== undefined ) ? distance : 0;
this.angle = ( angle !== undefined ) ? angle : Math.PI / 3;
this.exponent = ( exponent !== undefined ) ? exponent : 10;
this.decay = ( decay !== undefined ) ? decay : 1; // for physically correct lights, should be 2.
this.shadow = new THREE.LightShadow( new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 50, 1, 50, 5000 ) );
THREE.SpotLight.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Light.prototype );
THREE.SpotLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.SpotLight;
THREE.SpotLight.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.intensity = source.intensity;
this.distance = source.distance;
this.angle = source.angle;
this.exponent = source.exponent;
this.decay = source.decay;
this.target = source.target.clone();
this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();
return this;
// File:src/loaders/Cache.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Cache = {
enabled: false,
files: {},
add: function ( key, file ) {
if ( this.enabled === false ) return;
// console.log( 'THREE.Cache', 'Adding key:', key );
this.files[ key ] = file;
get: function ( key ) {
if ( this.enabled === false ) return;
// console.log( 'THREE.Cache', 'Checking key:', key );
return this.files[ key ];
remove: function ( key ) {
delete this.files[ key ];
clear: function () {
this.files = {};
// File:src/loaders/Loader.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Loader = function () {
this.onLoadStart = function () {};
this.onLoadProgress = function () {};
this.onLoadComplete = function () {};
THREE.Loader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Loader,
crossOrigin: undefined,
extractUrlBase: function ( url ) {
var parts = url.split( '/' );
if ( parts.length === 1 ) return './';
return parts.join( '/' ) + '/';
initMaterials: function ( materials, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {
var array = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++ i ) {
array[ i ] = this.createMaterial( materials[ i ], texturePath, crossOrigin );
return array;
createMaterial: ( function () {
var color, textureLoader, materialLoader;
return function ( m, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {
if ( color === undefined ) color = new THREE.Color();
if ( textureLoader === undefined ) textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
if ( materialLoader === undefined ) materialLoader = new THREE.MaterialLoader();
// convert from old material format
var textures = {};
function loadTexture( path, repeat, offset, wrap, anisotropy ) {
var fullPath = texturePath + path;
var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( fullPath );
var texture;
if ( loader !== null ) {
texture = loader.load( fullPath );
} else {
textureLoader.setCrossOrigin( crossOrigin );
texture = textureLoader.load( fullPath );
if ( repeat !== undefined ) {
texture.repeat.fromArray( repeat );
if ( repeat[ 0 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( repeat[ 1 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( offset !== undefined ) {
texture.offset.fromArray( offset );
if ( wrap !== undefined ) {
if ( wrap[ 0 ] === 'repeat' ) texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( wrap[ 0 ] === 'mirror' ) texture.wrapS = THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping;
if ( wrap[ 1 ] === 'repeat' ) texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( wrap[ 1 ] === 'mirror' ) texture.wrapT = THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping;
if ( anisotropy !== undefined ) {
texture.anisotropy = anisotropy;
var uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
textures[ uuid ] = texture;
return uuid;
var json = {
uuid: THREE.Math.generateUUID(),
type: 'MeshLambertMaterial'
for ( var name in m ) {
var value = m[ name ];
switch ( name ) {
case 'DbgColor':
json.color = value;
case 'DbgIndex':
case 'opticalDensity':
case 'illumination':
// These were never supported
case 'DbgName':
json.name = value;
case 'blending':
json.blending = THREE[ value ];
case 'colorDiffuse':
json.color = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
case 'colorSpecular':
json.specular = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
case 'colorEmissive':
json.emissive = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
case 'specularCoef':
json.shininess = value;
case 'shading':
if ( value.toLowerCase() === 'basic' ) json.type = 'MeshBasicMaterial';
if ( value.toLowerCase() === 'phong' ) json.type = 'MeshPhongMaterial';
case 'mapDiffuse':
json.map = loadTexture( value, m.mapDiffuseRepeat, m.mapDiffuseOffset, m.mapDiffuseWrap, m.mapDiffuseAnisotropy );
case 'mapDiffuseRepeat':
case 'mapDiffuseOffset':
case 'mapDiffuseWrap':
case 'mapDiffuseAnisotropy':
case 'mapLight':
json.lightMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapLightRepeat, m.mapLightOffset, m.mapLightWrap, m.mapLightAnisotropy );
case 'mapLightRepeat':
case 'mapLightOffset':
case 'mapLightWrap':
case 'mapLightAnisotropy':
case 'mapAO':
json.aoMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapAORepeat, m.mapAOOffset, m.mapAOWrap, m.mapAOAnisotropy );
case 'mapAORepeat':
case 'mapAOOffset':
case 'mapAOWrap':
case 'mapAOAnisotropy':
case 'mapBump':
json.bumpMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapBumpRepeat, m.mapBumpOffset, m.mapBumpWrap, m.mapBumpAnisotropy );
case 'mapBumpScale':
json.bumpScale = value;
case 'mapBumpRepeat':
case 'mapBumpOffset':
case 'mapBumpWrap':
case 'mapBumpAnisotropy':
case 'mapNormal':
json.normalMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapNormalRepeat, m.mapNormalOffset, m.mapNormalWrap, m.mapNormalAnisotropy );
case 'mapNormalFactor':
json.normalScale = [ value, value ];
case 'mapNormalRepeat':
case 'mapNormalOffset':
case 'mapNormalWrap':
case 'mapNormalAnisotropy':
case 'mapSpecular':
json.specularMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapSpecularRepeat, m.mapSpecularOffset, m.mapSpecularWrap, m.mapSpecularAnisotropy );
case 'mapSpecularRepeat':
case 'mapSpecularOffset':
case 'mapSpecularWrap':
case 'mapSpecularAnisotropy':
case 'mapAlpha':
json.alphaMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapAlphaRepeat, m.mapAlphaOffset, m.mapAlphaWrap, m.mapAlphaAnisotropy );
case 'mapAlphaRepeat':
case 'mapAlphaOffset':
case 'mapAlphaWrap':
case 'mapAlphaAnisotropy':
case 'flipSided':
json.side = THREE.BackSide;
case 'doubleSided':
json.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
case 'transparency':
console.warn( 'THREE.Loader: transparency has been renamed to opacity' );
json.opacity = value;
case 'opacity':
case 'transparent':
case 'depthTest':
case 'depthWrite':
case 'transparent':
case 'visible':
case 'wireframe':
json[ name ] = value;
case 'vertexColors':
if ( value === true ) json.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors;
if ( value === 'face' ) json.vertexColors = THREE.FaceColors;
console.error( 'Loader.createMaterial: Unsupported', name, value );
if ( json.type !== 'MeshPhongMaterial' ) delete json.specular;
if ( json.opacity < 1 ) json.transparent = true;
materialLoader.setTextures( textures );
return materialLoader.parse( json );
} )()
THREE.Loader.Handlers = {
handlers: [],
add: function ( regex, loader ) {
this.handlers.push( regex, loader );
get: function ( file ) {
var handlers = this.handlers;
for ( var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {
var regex = handlers[ i ];
var loader = handlers[ i + 1 ];
if ( regex.test( file ) ) {
return loader;
return null;
// File:src/loaders/XHRLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.XHRLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.XHRLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.XHRLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var cached = THREE.Cache.get( url );
if ( cached !== undefined ) {
if ( onLoad ) {
setTimeout( function () {
onLoad( cached );
}, 0 );
return cached;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open( 'GET', url, true );
request.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {
var response = event.target.response;
THREE.Cache.add( url, response );
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( response );
scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
}, false );
if ( onProgress !== undefined ) {
request.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( event ) {
onProgress( event );
}, false );
request.addEventListener( 'error', function ( event ) {
if ( onError ) onError( event );
scope.manager.itemError( url );
}, false );
if ( this.crossOrigin !== undefined ) request.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin;
if ( this.responseType !== undefined ) request.responseType = this.responseType;
if ( this.withCredentials !== undefined ) request.withCredentials = this.withCredentials;
request.send( null );
scope.manager.itemStart( url );
return request;
setResponseType: function ( value ) {
this.responseType = value;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
setWithCredentials: function ( value ) {
this.withCredentials = value;
// File:src/loaders/ImageLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.ImageLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.ImageLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.ImageLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var cached = THREE.Cache.get( url );
if ( cached !== undefined ) {
scope.manager.itemStart( url );
if ( onLoad ) {
setTimeout( function () {
onLoad( cached );
scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
}, 0 );
} else {
scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
return cached;
var image = document.createElement( 'img' );
image.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {
THREE.Cache.add( url, this );
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( this );
scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
}, false );
if ( onProgress !== undefined ) {
image.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( event ) {
onProgress( event );
}, false );
image.addEventListener( 'error', function ( event ) {
if ( onError ) onError( event );
scope.manager.itemError( url );
}, false );
if ( this.crossOrigin !== undefined ) image.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin;
scope.manager.itemStart( url );
image.src = url;
return image;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
// File:src/loaders/JSONLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.JSONLoader = function ( manager ) {
if ( typeof manager === 'boolean' ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.JSONLoader: showStatus parameter has been removed from constructor.' );
manager = undefined;
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
this.withCredentials = false;
THREE.JSONLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.JSONLoader,
// Deprecated
get statusDomElement () {
if ( this._statusDomElement === undefined ) {
this._statusDomElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
console.warn( 'THREE.JSONLoader: .statusDomElement has been removed.' );
return this._statusDomElement;
load: function( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var texturePath = this.texturePath && ( typeof this.texturePath === "string" ) ? this.texturePath : THREE.Loader.prototype.extractUrlBase( url );
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( this.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
var json = JSON.parse( text );
var metadata = json.metadata;
if ( metadata !== undefined ) {
if ( metadata.type === 'object' ) {
console.error( 'THREE.JSONLoader: ' + url + ' should be loaded with THREE.ObjectLoader instead.' );
if ( metadata.type === 'scene' ) {
console.error( 'THREE.JSONLoader: ' + url + ' should be loaded with THREE.SceneLoader instead.' );
var object = scope.parse( json, texturePath );
onLoad( object.geometry, object.materials );
} );
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
setTexturePath: function ( value ) {
this.texturePath = value;
parse: function ( json, texturePath ) {
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(),
scale = ( json.scale !== undefined ) ? 1.0 / json.scale : 1.0;
parseModel( scale );
parseMorphing( scale );
function parseModel( scale ) {
function isBitSet( value, position ) {
return value & ( 1 << position );
var i, j, fi,
offset, zLength,
colorIndex, normalIndex, uvIndex, materialIndex,
hasFaceNormal, hasFaceVertexNormal,
hasFaceColor, hasFaceVertexColor,
vertex, face, faceA, faceB, hex, normal,
uvLayer, uv, u, v,
faces = json.faces,
vertices = json.vertices,
normals = json.normals,
colors = json.colors,
nUvLayers = 0;
if ( json.uvs !== undefined ) {
// disregard empty arrays
for ( i = 0; i < json.uvs.length; i ++ ) {
if ( json.uvs[ i ].length ) nUvLayers ++;
for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ] = [];
offset = 0;
zLength = vertices.length;
while ( offset < zLength ) {
vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
vertex.x = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;
vertex.y = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;
vertex.z = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;
geometry.vertices.push( vertex );
offset = 0;
zLength = faces.length;
while ( offset < zLength ) {
type = faces[ offset ++ ];
isQuad = isBitSet( type, 0 );
hasMaterial = isBitSet( type, 1 );
hasFaceVertexUv = isBitSet( type, 3 );
hasFaceNormal = isBitSet( type, 4 );
hasFaceVertexNormal = isBitSet( type, 5 );
hasFaceColor = isBitSet( type, 6 );
hasFaceVertexColor = isBitSet( type, 7 );
// console.log("type", type, "bits", isQuad, hasMaterial, hasFaceVertexUv, hasFaceNormal, hasFaceVertexNormal, hasFaceColor, hasFaceVertexColor);
if ( isQuad ) {
faceA = new THREE.Face3();
faceA.a = faces[ offset ];
faceA.b = faces[ offset + 1 ];
faceA.c = faces[ offset + 3 ];
faceB = new THREE.Face3();
faceB.a = faces[ offset + 1 ];
faceB.b = faces[ offset + 2 ];
faceB.c = faces[ offset + 3 ];
offset += 4;
if ( hasMaterial ) {
materialIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
faceA.materialIndex = materialIndex;
faceB.materialIndex = materialIndex;
// to get face <=> uv index correspondence
fi = geometry.faces.length;
if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {
for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {
uvLayer = json.uvs[ i ];
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ] = [];
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi + 1 ] = [];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) {
uvIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
u = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 ];
v = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 + 1 ];
uv = new THREE.Vector2( u, v );
if ( j !== 2 ) geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ].push( uv );
if ( j !== 0 ) geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi + 1 ].push( uv );
if ( hasFaceNormal ) {
normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ]
faceB.normal.copy( faceA.normal );
if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {
normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;
normal = new THREE.Vector3(
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ]
if ( i !== 2 ) faceA.vertexNormals.push( normal );
if ( i !== 0 ) faceB.vertexNormals.push( normal );
if ( hasFaceColor ) {
colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
hex = colors[ colorIndex ];
faceA.color.setHex( hex );
faceB.color.setHex( hex );
if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {
colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
hex = colors[ colorIndex ];
if ( i !== 2 ) faceA.vertexColors.push( new THREE.Color( hex ) );
if ( i !== 0 ) faceB.vertexColors.push( new THREE.Color( hex ) );
geometry.faces.push( faceA );
geometry.faces.push( faceB );
} else {
face = new THREE.Face3();
face.a = faces[ offset ++ ];
face.b = faces[ offset ++ ];
face.c = faces[ offset ++ ];
if ( hasMaterial ) {
materialIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
face.materialIndex = materialIndex;
// to get face <=> uv index correspondence
fi = geometry.faces.length;
if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {
for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {
uvLayer = json.uvs[ i ];
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ] = [];
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {
uvIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
u = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 ];
v = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 + 1 ];
uv = new THREE.Vector2( u, v );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ].push( uv );
if ( hasFaceNormal ) {
normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ]
if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {
normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;
normal = new THREE.Vector3(
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
normals[ normalIndex ]
face.vertexNormals.push( normal );
if ( hasFaceColor ) {
colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
face.color.setHex( colors[ colorIndex ] );
if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {
colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
face.vertexColors.push( new THREE.Color( colors[ colorIndex ] ) );
geometry.faces.push( face );
function parseSkin() {
var influencesPerVertex = ( json.influencesPerVertex !== undefined ) ? json.influencesPerVertex : 2;
if ( json.skinWeights ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = json.skinWeights.length; i < l; i += influencesPerVertex ) {
var x = json.skinWeights[ i ];
var y = ( influencesPerVertex > 1 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 1 ] : 0;
var z = ( influencesPerVertex > 2 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 2 ] : 0;
var w = ( influencesPerVertex > 3 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 3 ] : 0;
geometry.skinWeights.push( new THREE.Vector4( x, y, z, w ) );
if ( json.skinIndices ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = json.skinIndices.length; i < l; i += influencesPerVertex ) {
var a = json.skinIndices[ i ];
var b = ( influencesPerVertex > 1 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 1 ] : 0;
var c = ( influencesPerVertex > 2 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 2 ] : 0;
var d = ( influencesPerVertex > 3 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 3 ] : 0;
geometry.skinIndices.push( new THREE.Vector4( a, b, c, d ) );
geometry.bones = json.bones;
if ( geometry.bones && geometry.bones.length > 0 && ( geometry.skinWeights.length !== geometry.skinIndices.length || geometry.skinIndices.length !== geometry.vertices.length ) ) {
console.warn( 'When skinning, number of vertices (' + geometry.vertices.length + '), skinIndices (' +
geometry.skinIndices.length + '), and skinWeights (' + geometry.skinWeights.length + ') should match.' );
function parseMorphing( scale ) {
if ( json.morphTargets !== undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = json.morphTargets.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
geometry.morphTargets[ i ] = {};
geometry.morphTargets[ i ].name = json.morphTargets[ i ].name;
geometry.morphTargets[ i ].vertices = [];
var dstVertices = geometry.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;
var srcVertices = json.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;
for ( var v = 0, vl = srcVertices.length; v < vl; v += 3 ) {
var vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
vertex.x = srcVertices[ v ] * scale;
vertex.y = srcVertices[ v + 1 ] * scale;
vertex.z = srcVertices[ v + 2 ] * scale;
dstVertices.push( vertex );
if ( json.morphColors !== undefined && json.morphColors.length > 0 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.JSONLoader: "morphColors" no longer supported. Using them as face colors.' );
var faces = geometry.faces;
var morphColors = json.morphColors[ 0 ].colors;
for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
faces[ i ].color.fromArray( morphColors, i * 3 );
function parseAnimations() {
var outputAnimations = [];
// parse old style Bone/Hierarchy animations
var animations = [];
if ( json.animation !== undefined ) {
animations.push( json.animation );
if ( json.animations !== undefined ) {
if ( json.animations.length ) {
animations = animations.concat( json.animations );
} else {
animations.push( json.animations );
for ( var i = 0; i < animations.length; i ++ ) {
var clip = THREE.AnimationClip.parseAnimation( animations[i], geometry.bones );
if ( clip ) outputAnimations.push( clip );
// parse implicit morph animations
if ( geometry.morphTargets ) {
// TODO: Figure out what an appropraite FPS is for morph target animations -- defaulting to 10, but really it is completely arbitrary.
var morphAnimationClips = THREE.AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences( geometry.morphTargets, 10 );
outputAnimations = outputAnimations.concat( morphAnimationClips );
if ( outputAnimations.length > 0 ) geometry.animations = outputAnimations;
if ( json.materials === undefined || json.materials.length === 0 ) {
return { geometry: geometry };
} else {
var materials = THREE.Loader.prototype.initMaterials( json.materials, texturePath, this.crossOrigin );
return { geometry: geometry, materials: materials };
// File:src/loaders/LoadingManager.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.LoadingManager = function ( onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var isLoading = false, itemsLoaded = 0, itemsTotal = 0;
this.onStart = undefined;
this.onLoad = onLoad;
this.onProgress = onProgress;
this.onError = onError;
this.itemStart = function ( url ) {
itemsTotal ++;
if ( isLoading === false ) {
if ( scope.onStart !== undefined ) {
scope.onStart( url, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal );
isLoading = true;
this.itemEnd = function ( url ) {
itemsLoaded ++;
if ( scope.onProgress !== undefined ) {
scope.onProgress( url, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal );
if ( itemsLoaded === itemsTotal ) {
isLoading = false;
if ( scope.onLoad !== undefined ) {
this.itemError = function ( url ) {
if ( scope.onError !== undefined ) {
scope.onError( url );
THREE.DefaultLoadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
// File:src/loaders/BufferGeometryLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.BufferGeometryLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.BufferGeometryLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
onLoad( scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) );
}, onProgress, onError );
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
parse: function ( json ) {
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
var index = json.data.index;
if ( index !== undefined ) {
var typedArray = new self[ index.type ]( index.array );
geometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( typedArray, 1 ) );
var attributes = json.data.attributes;
for ( var key in attributes ) {
var attribute = attributes[ key ];
var typedArray = new self[ attribute.type ]( attribute.array );
geometry.addAttribute( key, new THREE.BufferAttribute( typedArray, attribute.itemSize ) );
var groups = json.data.groups || json.data.drawcalls || json.data.offsets;
if ( groups !== undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0, n = groups.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {
var group = groups[ i ];
geometry.addGroup( group.start, group.count );
var boundingSphere = json.data.boundingSphere;
if ( boundingSphere !== undefined ) {
var center = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( boundingSphere.center !== undefined ) {
center.fromArray( boundingSphere.center );
geometry.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere( center, boundingSphere.radius );
return geometry;
// File:src/loaders/MaterialLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.MaterialLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
this.textures = {};
THREE.MaterialLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.MaterialLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
onLoad( scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) );
}, onProgress, onError );
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
setTextures: function ( value ) {
this.textures = value;
getTexture: function ( name ) {
var textures = this.textures;
if ( textures[ name ] === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.MaterialLoader: Undefined texture', name );
return textures[ name ];
parse: function ( json ) {
var material = new THREE[ json.type ];
material.uuid = json.uuid;
if ( json.name !== undefined ) material.name = json.name;
if ( json.color !== undefined ) material.color.setHex( json.color );
if ( json.emissive !== undefined ) material.emissive.setHex( json.emissive );
if ( json.specular !== undefined ) material.specular.setHex( json.specular );
if ( json.shininess !== undefined ) material.shininess = json.shininess;
if ( json.uniforms !== undefined ) material.uniforms = json.uniforms;
if ( json.vertexShader !== undefined ) material.vertexShader = json.vertexShader;
if ( json.fragmentShader !== undefined ) material.fragmentShader = json.fragmentShader;
if ( json.vertexColors !== undefined ) material.vertexColors = json.vertexColors;
if ( json.shading !== undefined ) material.shading = json.shading;
if ( json.blending !== undefined ) material.blending = json.blending;
if ( json.side !== undefined ) material.side = json.side;
if ( json.opacity !== undefined ) material.opacity = json.opacity;
if ( json.transparent !== undefined ) material.transparent = json.transparent;
if ( json.alphaTest !== undefined ) material.alphaTest = json.alphaTest;
if ( json.depthTest !== undefined ) material.depthTest = json.depthTest;
if ( json.depthWrite !== undefined ) material.depthWrite = json.depthWrite;
if ( json.wireframe !== undefined ) material.wireframe = json.wireframe;
if ( json.wireframeLinewidth !== undefined ) material.wireframeLinewidth = json.wireframeLinewidth;
// for PointsMaterial
if ( json.size !== undefined ) material.size = json.size;
if ( json.sizeAttenuation !== undefined ) material.sizeAttenuation = json.sizeAttenuation;
// maps
if ( json.map !== undefined ) material.map = this.getTexture( json.map );
if ( json.alphaMap !== undefined ) {
material.alphaMap = this.getTexture( json.alphaMap );
material.transparent = true;
if ( json.bumpMap !== undefined ) material.bumpMap = this.getTexture( json.bumpMap );
if ( json.bumpScale !== undefined ) material.bumpScale = json.bumpScale;
if ( json.normalMap !== undefined ) material.normalMap = this.getTexture( json.normalMap );
if ( json.normalScale ) material.normalScale = new THREE.Vector2( json.normalScale, json.normalScale );
if ( json.displacementMap !== undefined ) material.displacementMap = this.getTexture( json.displacementMap );
if ( json.displacementScale !== undefined ) material.displacementScale = json.displacementScale;
if ( json.displacementBias !== undefined ) material.displacementBias = json.displacementBias;
if ( json.specularMap !== undefined ) material.specularMap = this.getTexture( json.specularMap );
if ( json.envMap !== undefined ) {
material.envMap = this.getTexture( json.envMap );
material.combine = THREE.MultiplyOperation;
if ( json.reflectivity ) material.reflectivity = json.reflectivity;
if ( json.lightMap !== undefined ) material.lightMap = this.getTexture( json.lightMap );
if ( json.lightMapIntensity !== undefined ) material.lightMapIntensity = json.lightMapIntensity;
if ( json.aoMap !== undefined ) material.aoMap = this.getTexture( json.aoMap );
if ( json.aoMapIntensity !== undefined ) material.aoMapIntensity = json.aoMapIntensity;
// MeshFaceMaterial
if ( json.materials !== undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = json.materials.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
material.materials.push( this.parse( json.materials[ i ] ) );
return material;
// File:src/loaders/ObjectLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.ObjectLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
this.texturePath = '';
THREE.ObjectLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.ObjectLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
if ( this.texturePath === '' ) {
this.texturePath = url.substring( 0, url.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ), onLoad );
}, onProgress, onError );
setTexturePath: function ( value ) {
this.texturePath = value;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
parse: function ( json, onLoad ) {
var geometries = this.parseGeometries( json.geometries );
var images = this.parseImages( json.images, function () {
if ( onLoad !== undefined ) onLoad( object );
} );
var textures = this.parseTextures( json.textures, images );
var materials = this.parseMaterials( json.materials, textures );
var object = this.parseObject( json.object, geometries, materials );
if ( json.animations ) {
object.animations = this.parseAnimations( json.animations );
if ( json.images === undefined || json.images.length === 0 ) {
if ( onLoad !== undefined ) onLoad( object );
return object;
parseGeometries: function ( json ) {
var geometries = {};
if ( json !== undefined ) {
var geometryLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
var bufferGeometryLoader = new THREE.BufferGeometryLoader();
for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var geometry;
var data = json[ i ];
switch ( data.type ) {
case 'PlaneGeometry':
case 'PlaneBufferGeometry':
geometry = new THREE[ data.type ](
case 'BoxGeometry':
case 'CubeGeometry': // backwards compatible
geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(
case 'CircleBufferGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.CircleBufferGeometry(
case 'CircleGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry(
case 'CylinderGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(
case 'SphereGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(
case 'SphereBufferGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(
case 'DodecahedronGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.DodecahedronGeometry(
case 'IcosahedronGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(
case 'OctahedronGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.OctahedronGeometry(
case 'TetrahedronGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.TetrahedronGeometry(
case 'RingGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.RingGeometry(
case 'TorusGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.TorusGeometry(
case 'TorusKnotGeometry':
geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry(
case 'BufferGeometry':
geometry = bufferGeometryLoader.parse( data );
case 'Geometry':
geometry = geometryLoader.parse( data.data, this.texturePath ).geometry;
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Unsupported geometry type "' + data.type + '"' );
geometry.uuid = data.uuid;
if ( data.name !== undefined ) geometry.name = data.name;
geometries[ data.uuid ] = geometry;
return geometries;
parseMaterials: function ( json, textures ) {
var materials = {};
if ( json !== undefined ) {
var loader = new THREE.MaterialLoader();
loader.setTextures( textures );
for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var material = loader.parse( json[ i ] );
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
return materials;
parseAnimations: function ( json ) {
var animations = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < json.length; i ++ ) {
var clip = THREE.AnimationClip.parse( json[i] );
animations.push( clip );
return animations;
parseImages: function ( json, onLoad ) {
var scope = this;
var images = {};
function loadImage( url ) {
scope.manager.itemStart( url );
return loader.load( url, function () {
scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
} );
if ( json !== undefined && json.length > 0 ) {
var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager( onLoad );
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader( manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var image = json[ i ];
var path = /^(\/\/)|([a-z]+:(\/\/)?)/i.test( image.url ) ? image.url : scope.texturePath + image.url;
images[ image.uuid ] = loadImage( path );
return images;
parseTextures: function ( json, images ) {
function parseConstant( value ) {
if ( typeof( value ) === 'number' ) return value;
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader.parseTexture: Constant should be in numeric form.', value );
return THREE[ value ];
var textures = {};
if ( json !== undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var data = json[ i ];
if ( data.image === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: No "image" specified for', data.uuid );
if ( images[ data.image ] === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined image', data.image );
var texture = new THREE.Texture( images[ data.image ] );
texture.needsUpdate = true;
texture.uuid = data.uuid;
if ( data.name !== undefined ) texture.name = data.name;
if ( data.mapping !== undefined ) texture.mapping = parseConstant( data.mapping );
if ( data.offset !== undefined ) texture.offset = new THREE.Vector2( data.offset[ 0 ], data.offset[ 1 ] );
if ( data.repeat !== undefined ) texture.repeat = new THREE.Vector2( data.repeat[ 0 ], data.repeat[ 1 ] );
if ( data.minFilter !== undefined ) texture.minFilter = parseConstant( data.minFilter );
if ( data.magFilter !== undefined ) texture.magFilter = parseConstant( data.magFilter );
if ( data.anisotropy !== undefined ) texture.anisotropy = data.anisotropy;
if ( Array.isArray( data.wrap ) ) {
texture.wrapS = parseConstant( data.wrap[ 0 ] );
texture.wrapT = parseConstant( data.wrap[ 1 ] );
textures[ data.uuid ] = texture;
return textures;
parseObject: function () {
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
return function ( data, geometries, materials ) {
var object;
function getGeometry( name ) {
if ( geometries[ name ] === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined geometry', name );
return geometries[ name ];
function getMaterial( name ) {
if ( name === undefined ) return undefined;
if ( materials[ name ] === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined material', name );
return materials[ name ];
switch ( data.type ) {
case 'Scene':
object = new THREE.Scene();
case 'PerspectiveCamera':
object = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( data.fov, data.aspect, data.near, data.far );
case 'OrthographicCamera':
object = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( data.left, data.right, data.top, data.bottom, data.near, data.far );
case 'AmbientLight':
object = new THREE.AmbientLight( data.color );
case 'DirectionalLight':
object = new THREE.DirectionalLight( data.color, data.intensity );
case 'PointLight':
object = new THREE.PointLight( data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.decay );
case 'SpotLight':
object = new THREE.SpotLight( data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.angle, data.exponent, data.decay );
case 'HemisphereLight':
object = new THREE.HemisphereLight( data.color, data.groundColor, data.intensity );
case 'Mesh':
object = new THREE.Mesh( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ) );
case 'LOD':
object = new THREE.LOD();
case 'Line':
object = new THREE.Line( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ), data.mode );
case 'PointCloud':
case 'Points':
object = new THREE.Points( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ) );
case 'Sprite':
object = new THREE.Sprite( getMaterial( data.material ) );
case 'Group':
object = new THREE.Group();
object = new THREE.Object3D();
object.uuid = data.uuid;
if ( data.name !== undefined ) object.name = data.name;
if ( data.matrix !== undefined ) {
matrix.fromArray( data.matrix );
matrix.decompose( object.position, object.quaternion, object.scale );
} else {
if ( data.position !== undefined ) object.position.fromArray( data.position );
if ( data.rotation !== undefined ) object.rotation.fromArray( data.rotation );
if ( data.scale !== undefined ) object.scale.fromArray( data.scale );
if ( data.castShadow !== undefined ) object.castShadow = data.castShadow;
if ( data.receiveShadow !== undefined ) object.receiveShadow = data.receiveShadow;
if ( data.visible !== undefined ) object.visible = data.visible;
if ( data.userData !== undefined ) object.userData = data.userData;
if ( data.children !== undefined ) {
for ( var child in data.children ) {
object.add( this.parseObject( data.children[ child ], geometries, materials ) );
if ( data.type === 'LOD' ) {
var levels = data.levels;
for ( var l = 0; l < levels.length; l ++ ) {
var level = levels[ l ];
var child = object.getObjectByProperty( 'uuid', level.object );
if ( child !== undefined ) {
object.addLevel( child, level.distance );
return object;
// File:src/loaders/TextureLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.TextureLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.TextureLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.TextureLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var texture = new THREE.Texture();
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader( this.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.load( url, function ( image ) {
texture.image = image;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if ( onLoad !== undefined ) {
onLoad( texture );
}, onProgress, onError );
return texture;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
// File:src/loaders/CubeTextureLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.CubeTextureLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.CubeTextureLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.CubeTextureLoader,
load: function ( urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var texture = new THREE.CubeTexture( [] );
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
var loaded = 0;
function loadTexture( i ) {
loader.load( urls[ i ], function ( image ) {
texture.images[ i ] = image;
loaded ++;
if ( loaded === 6 ) {
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );
}, undefined, onError );
for ( var i = 0; i < urls.length; ++ i ) {
loadTexture( i );
return texture;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
// File:src/loaders/BinaryTextureLoader.js
* @author Nikos M. / https://github.com/foo123/
* Abstract Base class to load generic binary textures formats (rgbe, hdr, ...)
THREE.DataTextureLoader = THREE.BinaryTextureLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
// override in sub classes
this._parser = null;
THREE.BinaryTextureLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.BinaryTextureLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var texture = new THREE.DataTexture();
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( this.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {
var texData = scope._parser( buffer );
if ( ! texData ) return;
if ( undefined !== texData.image ) {
texture.image = texData.image;
} else if ( undefined !== texData.data ) {
texture.image.width = texData.width;
texture.image.height = texData.height;
texture.image.data = texData.data;
texture.wrapS = undefined !== texData.wrapS ? texData.wrapS : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.wrapT = undefined !== texData.wrapT ? texData.wrapT : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.magFilter = undefined !== texData.magFilter ? texData.magFilter : THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.minFilter = undefined !== texData.minFilter ? texData.minFilter : THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
texture.anisotropy = undefined !== texData.anisotropy ? texData.anisotropy : 1;
if ( undefined !== texData.format ) {
texture.format = texData.format;
if ( undefined !== texData.type ) {
texture.type = texData.type;
if ( undefined !== texData.mipmaps ) {
texture.mipmaps = texData.mipmaps;
if ( 1 === texData.mipmapCount ) {
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture, texData );
}, onProgress, onError );
return texture;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
// File:src/loaders/CompressedTextureLoader.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* Abstract Base class to block based textures loader (dds, pvr, ...)
THREE.CompressedTextureLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
// override in sub classes
this._parser = null;
THREE.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.CompressedTextureLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var images = [];
var texture = new THREE.CompressedTexture();
texture.image = images;
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( this.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
if ( Array.isArray( url ) ) {
var loaded = 0;
var loadTexture = function ( i ) {
loader.load( url[ i ], function ( buffer ) {
var texDatas = scope._parser( buffer, true );
images[ i ] = {
width: texDatas.width,
height: texDatas.height,
format: texDatas.format,
mipmaps: texDatas.mipmaps
loaded += 1;
if ( loaded === 6 ) {
if ( texDatas.mipmapCount === 1 )
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.format = texDatas.format;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );
}, onProgress, onError );
for ( var i = 0, il = url.length; i < il; ++ i ) {
loadTexture( i );
} else {
// compressed cubemap texture stored in a single DDS file
loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {
var texDatas = scope._parser( buffer, true );
if ( texDatas.isCubemap ) {
var faces = texDatas.mipmaps.length / texDatas.mipmapCount;
for ( var f = 0; f < faces; f ++ ) {
images[ f ] = { mipmaps : [] };
for ( var i = 0; i < texDatas.mipmapCount; i ++ ) {
images[ f ].mipmaps.push( texDatas.mipmaps[ f * texDatas.mipmapCount + i ] );
images[ f ].format = texDatas.format;
images[ f ].width = texDatas.width;
images[ f ].height = texDatas.height;
} else {
texture.image.width = texDatas.width;
texture.image.height = texDatas.height;
texture.mipmaps = texDatas.mipmaps;
if ( texDatas.mipmapCount === 1 ) {
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.format = texDatas.format;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );
}, onProgress, onError );
return texture;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
// File:src/materials/Material.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Material = function () {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.MaterialIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.type = 'Material';
this.side = THREE.FrontSide;
this.opacity = 1;
this.transparent = false;
this.blending = THREE.NormalBlending;
this.blendSrc = THREE.SrcAlphaFactor;
this.blendDst = THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor;
this.blendEquation = THREE.AddEquation;
this.blendSrcAlpha = null;
this.blendDstAlpha = null;
this.blendEquationAlpha = null;
this.depthFunc = THREE.LessEqualDepth;
this.depthTest = true;
this.depthWrite = true;
this.colorWrite = true;
this.precision = null; // override the renderer's default precision for this material
this.polygonOffset = false;
this.polygonOffsetFactor = 0;
this.polygonOffsetUnits = 0;
this.alphaTest = 0;
this.overdraw = 0; // Overdrawn pixels (typically between 0 and 1) for fixing antialiasing gaps in CanvasRenderer
this.visible = true;
this._needsUpdate = true;
THREE.Material.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Material,
get needsUpdate () {
return this._needsUpdate;
set needsUpdate ( value ) {
if ( value === true ) this.update();
this._needsUpdate = value;
setValues: function ( values ) {
if ( values === undefined ) return;
for ( var key in values ) {
var newValue = values[ key ];
if ( newValue === undefined ) {
console.warn( "THREE.Material: '" + key + "' parameter is undefined." );
var currentValue = this[ key ];
if ( currentValue === undefined ) {
console.warn( "THREE." + this.type + ": '" + key + "' is not a property of this material." );
if ( currentValue instanceof THREE.Color ) {
currentValue.set( newValue );
} else if ( currentValue instanceof THREE.Vector3 && newValue instanceof THREE.Vector3 ) {
currentValue.copy( newValue );
} else if ( key === 'overdraw' ) {
// ensure overdraw is backwards-compatible with legacy boolean type
this[ key ] = Number( newValue );
} else {
this[ key ] = newValue;
toJSON: function ( meta ) {
var data = {
metadata: {
version: 4.4,
type: 'Material',
generator: 'Material.toJSON'
// standard Material serialization
data.uuid = this.uuid;
data.type = this.type;
if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;
if ( this.color instanceof THREE.Color ) data.color = this.color.getHex();
if ( this.emissive instanceof THREE.Color ) data.emissive = this.emissive.getHex();
if ( this.specular instanceof THREE.Color ) data.specular = this.specular.getHex();
if ( this.shininess !== undefined ) data.shininess = this.shininess;
if ( this.map instanceof THREE.Texture ) data.map = this.map.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
if ( this.alphaMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) data.alphaMap = this.alphaMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
if ( this.lightMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) data.lightMap = this.lightMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
if ( this.bumpMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) {
data.bumpMap = this.bumpMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.bumpScale = this.bumpScale;
if ( this.normalMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) {
data.normalMap = this.normalMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.normalScale = this.normalScale; // Removed for now, causes issue in editor ui.js
if ( this.displacementMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) {
data.displacementMap = this.displacementMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.displacementScale = this.displacementScale;
data.displacementBias = this.displacementBias;
if ( this.specularMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) data.specularMap = this.specularMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
if ( this.envMap instanceof THREE.Texture ) {
data.envMap = this.envMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.reflectivity = this.reflectivity; // Scale behind envMap
if ( this.size !== undefined ) data.size = this.size;
if ( this.sizeAttenuation !== undefined ) data.sizeAttenuation = this.sizeAttenuation;
if ( this.vertexColors !== undefined && this.vertexColors !== THREE.NoColors ) data.vertexColors = this.vertexColors;
if ( this.shading !== undefined && this.shading !== THREE.SmoothShading ) data.shading = this.shading;
if ( this.blending !== undefined && this.blending !== THREE.NormalBlending ) data.blending = this.blending;
if ( this.side !== undefined && this.side !== THREE.FrontSide ) data.side = this.side;
if ( this.opacity < 1 ) data.opacity = this.opacity;
if ( this.transparent === true ) data.transparent = this.transparent;
if ( this.alphaTest > 0 ) data.alphaTest = this.alphaTest;
if ( this.wireframe === true ) data.wireframe = this.wireframe;
if ( this.wireframeLinewidth > 1 ) data.wireframeLinewidth = this.wireframeLinewidth;
return data;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
this.name = source.name;
this.side = source.side;
this.opacity = source.opacity;
this.transparent = source.transparent;
this.blending = source.blending;
this.blendSrc = source.blendSrc;
this.blendDst = source.blendDst;
this.blendEquation = source.blendEquation;
this.blendSrcAlpha = source.blendSrcAlpha;
this.blendDstAlpha = source.blendDstAlpha;
this.blendEquationAlpha = source.blendEquationAlpha;
this.depthFunc = source.depthFunc;
this.depthTest = source.depthTest;
this.depthWrite = source.depthWrite;
this.precision = source.precision;
this.polygonOffset = source.polygonOffset;
this.polygonOffsetFactor = source.polygonOffsetFactor;
this.polygonOffsetUnits = source.polygonOffsetUnits;
this.alphaTest = source.alphaTest;
this.overdraw = source.overdraw;
this.visible = source.visible;
return this;
update: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'update' } );
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
// Deprecated
get wrapAround () {
console.warn( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .wrapAround has been removed.' );
set wrapAround ( boolean ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .wrapAround has been removed.' );
get wrapRGB () {
console.warn( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .wrapRGB has been removed.' );
return new THREE.Color();
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MaterialIdCount = 0;
// File:src/materials/LineBasicMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* linewidth: ,
* linecap: "round",
* linejoin: "round",
* vertexColors:
* fog:
* }
THREE.LineBasicMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'LineBasicMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
this.linewidth = 1;
this.linecap = 'round';
this.linejoin = 'round';
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors;
this.fog = true;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.LineBasicMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.LineBasicMaterial;
THREE.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.linewidth = source.linewidth;
this.linecap = source.linecap;
this.linejoin = source.linejoin;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.fog = source.fog;
return this;
// File:src/materials/LineDashedMaterial.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* linewidth: ,
* scale: ,
* dashSize: ,
* gapSize: ,
* vertexColors:
* fog:
* }
THREE.LineDashedMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'LineDashedMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
this.linewidth = 1;
this.scale = 1;
this.dashSize = 3;
this.gapSize = 1;
this.vertexColors = false;
this.fog = true;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.LineDashedMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.LineDashedMaterial;
THREE.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.linewidth = source.linewidth;
this.scale = source.scale;
this.dashSize = source.dashSize;
this.gapSize = source.gapSize;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.fog = source.fog;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MeshBasicMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* aoMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* aoMapIntensity:
* specularMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
* combine: THREE.Multiply,
* reflectivity: ,
* refractionRatio: ,
* shading: THREE.SmoothShading,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth: ,
* vertexColors: THREE.NoColors / THREE.VertexColors / THREE.FaceColors,
* skinning: ,
* morphTargets: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'MeshBasicMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ); // emissive
this.map = null;
this.aoMap = null;
this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;
this.specularMap = null;
this.alphaMap = null;
this.envMap = null;
this.combine = THREE.MultiplyOperation;
this.reflectivity = 1;
this.refractionRatio = 0.98;
this.fog = true;
this.shading = THREE.SmoothShading;
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors;
this.skinning = false;
this.morphTargets = false;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshBasicMaterial;
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.map = source.map;
this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;
this.specularMap = source.specularMap;
this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;
this.envMap = source.envMap;
this.combine = source.combine;
this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;
this.fog = source.fog;
this.shading = source.shading;
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.skinning = source.skinning;
this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MeshLambertMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* emissive: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* specularMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
* combine: THREE.Multiply,
* reflectivity: ,
* refractionRatio: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth: ,
* vertexColors: THREE.NoColors / THREE.VertexColors / THREE.FaceColors,
* skinning: ,
* morphTargets: ,
* morphNormals: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'MeshLambertMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ); // diffuse
this.emissive = new THREE.Color( 0x000000 );
this.map = null;
this.specularMap = null;
this.alphaMap = null;
this.envMap = null;
this.combine = THREE.MultiplyOperation;
this.reflectivity = 1;
this.refractionRatio = 0.98;
this.fog = true;
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors;
this.skinning = false;
this.morphTargets = false;
this.morphNormals = false;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshLambertMaterial;
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.emissive.copy( source.emissive );
this.map = source.map;
this.specularMap = source.specularMap;
this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;
this.envMap = source.envMap;
this.combine = source.combine;
this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;
this.fog = source.fog;
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.skinning = source.skinning;
this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MeshPhongMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* emissive: ,
* specular: ,
* shininess: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* lightMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* lightMapIntensity:
* aoMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* aoMapIntensity:
* emissiveMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* bumpMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* bumpScale: ,
* normalMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* normalScale: ,
* displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* displacementScale: ,
* displacementBias: ,
* specularMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( ),
* envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
* combine: THREE.Multiply,
* reflectivity: ,
* refractionRatio: ,
* shading: THREE.SmoothShading,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth: ,
* vertexColors: THREE.NoColors / THREE.VertexColors / THREE.FaceColors,
* skinning: ,
* morphTargets: ,
* morphNormals: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'MeshPhongMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ); // diffuse
this.emissive = new THREE.Color( 0x000000 );
this.specular = new THREE.Color( 0x111111 );
this.shininess = 30;
this.metal = false;
this.map = null;
this.lightMap = null;
this.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;
this.aoMap = null;
this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;
this.emissiveMap = null;
this.bumpMap = null;
this.bumpScale = 1;
this.normalMap = null;
this.normalScale = new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 );
this.displacementMap = null;
this.displacementScale = 1;
this.displacementBias = 0;
this.specularMap = null;
this.alphaMap = null;
this.envMap = null;
this.combine = THREE.MultiplyOperation;
this.reflectivity = 1;
this.refractionRatio = 0.98;
this.fog = true;
this.shading = THREE.SmoothShading;
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors;
this.skinning = false;
this.morphTargets = false;
this.morphNormals = false;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshPhongMaterial;
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.emissive.copy( source.emissive );
this.specular.copy( source.specular );
this.shininess = source.shininess;
this.metal = source.metal;
this.map = source.map;
this.lightMap = source.lightMap;
this.lightMapIntensity = source.lightMapIntensity;
this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;
this.emissiveMap = source.emissiveMap;
this.bumpMap = source.bumpMap;
this.bumpScale = source.bumpScale;
this.normalMap = source.normalMap;
this.normalScale.copy( source.normalScale );
this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;
this.specularMap = source.specularMap;
this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;
this.envMap = source.envMap;
this.combine = source.combine;
this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;
this.fog = source.fog;
this.shading = source.shading;
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.skinning = source.skinning;
this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MeshDepthMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* opacity: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth:
* }
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'MeshDepthMaterial';
this.morphTargets = false;
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshDepthMaterial;
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MeshNormalMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* parameters = {
* opacity: ,
* shading: THREE.FlatShading,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth:
* }
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this, parameters );
this.type = 'MeshNormalMaterial';
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.morphTargets = false;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshNormalMaterial;
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
return this;
// File:src/materials/MultiMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.MultiMaterial = function ( materials ) {
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.type = 'MultiMaterial';
this.materials = materials instanceof Array ? materials : [];
this.visible = true;
THREE.MultiMaterial.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.MultiMaterial,
toJSON: function () {
var output = {
metadata: {
version: 4.2,
type: 'material',
generator: 'MaterialExporter'
uuid: this.uuid,
type: this.type,
materials: []
for ( var i = 0, l = this.materials.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
output.materials.push( this.materials[ i ].toJSON() );
output.visible = this.visible;
return output;
clone: function () {
var material = new this.constructor();
for ( var i = 0; i < this.materials.length; i ++ ) {
material.materials.push( this.materials[ i ].clone() );
material.visible = this.visible;
return material;
// backwards compatibility
THREE.MeshFaceMaterial = THREE.MultiMaterial;
// File:src/materials/PointsMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* size: ,
* sizeAttenuation: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* vertexColors: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.PointsMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'PointsMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
this.map = null;
this.size = 1;
this.sizeAttenuation = true;
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors;
this.fog = true;
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.PointsMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.PointsMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.PointsMaterial;
THREE.PointsMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.map = source.map;
this.size = source.size;
this.sizeAttenuation = source.sizeAttenuation;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.fog = source.fog;
return this;
// backwards compatibility
THREE.PointCloudMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.PointCloudMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
return new THREE.PointsMaterial( parameters );
THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
return new THREE.PointsMaterial( parameters );
THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
return new THREE.PointsMaterial( parameters );
// File:src/materials/ShaderMaterial.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* defines: { "label" : "value" },
* uniforms: { "parameter1": { type: "f", value: 1.0 }, "parameter2": { type: "i" value2: 2 } },
* fragmentShader: ,
* vertexShader: ,
* shading: THREE.SmoothShading,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* wireframe: ,
* wireframeLinewidth: ,
* lights: ,
* vertexColors: THREE.NoColors / THREE.VertexColors / THREE.FaceColors,
* skinning: ,
* morphTargets: ,
* morphNormals: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.ShaderMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'ShaderMaterial';
this.defines = {};
this.uniforms = {};
this.vertexShader = 'void main() {\n\tgl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );\n}';
this.fragmentShader = 'void main() {\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );\n}';
this.shading = THREE.SmoothShading;
this.linewidth = 1;
this.wireframe = false;
this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
this.fog = false; // set to use scene fog
this.lights = false; // set to use scene lights
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors; // set to use "color" attribute stream
this.skinning = false; // set to use skinning attribute streams
this.morphTargets = false; // set to use morph targets
this.morphNormals = false; // set to use morph normals
this.derivatives = false; // set to use derivatives
// When rendered geometry doesn't include these attributes but the material does,
// use these default values in WebGL. This avoids errors when buffer data is missing.
this.defaultAttributeValues = {
'color': [ 1, 1, 1 ],
'uv': [ 0, 0 ],
'uv2': [ 0, 0 ]
this.index0AttributeName = undefined;
if ( parameters !== undefined ) {
if ( parameters.attributes !== undefined ) {
console.error( 'THREE.ShaderMaterial: attributes should now be defined in THREE.BufferGeometry instead.' );
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.ShaderMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.ShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.ShaderMaterial;
THREE.ShaderMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.fragmentShader = source.fragmentShader;
this.vertexShader = source.vertexShader;
this.uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( source.uniforms );
this.attributes = source.attributes;
this.defines = source.defines;
this.shading = source.shading;
this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
this.fog = source.fog;
this.lights = source.lights;
this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;
this.skinning = source.skinning;
this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;
this.derivatives = source.derivatives;
return this;
THREE.ShaderMaterial.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {
var data = THREE.Material.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );
data.uniforms = this.uniforms;
data.attributes = this.attributes;
data.vertexShader = this.vertexShader;
data.fragmentShader = this.fragmentShader;
return data;
// File:src/materials/RawShaderMaterial.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.RawShaderMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.ShaderMaterial.call( this, parameters );
this.type = 'RawShaderMaterial';
THREE.RawShaderMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.ShaderMaterial.prototype );
THREE.RawShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.RawShaderMaterial;
// File:src/materials/SpriteMaterial.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* uvOffset: new THREE.Vector2(),
* uvScale: new THREE.Vector2(),
* fog:
* }
THREE.SpriteMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this );
this.type = 'SpriteMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
this.map = null;
this.rotation = 0;
this.fog = false;
// set parameters
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.SpriteMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.SpriteMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.SpriteMaterial;
THREE.SpriteMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.color.copy( source.color );
this.map = source.map;
this.rotation = source.rotation;
this.fog = source.fog;
return this;
// File:src/textures/Texture.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/
THREE.Texture = function ( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: THREE.TextureIdCount ++ } );
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.name = '';
this.sourceFile = '';
this.image = image !== undefined ? image : THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE;
this.mipmaps = [];
this.mapping = mapping !== undefined ? mapping : THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING;
this.wrapS = wrapS !== undefined ? wrapS : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
this.wrapT = wrapT !== undefined ? wrapT : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
this.magFilter = magFilter !== undefined ? magFilter : THREE.LinearFilter;
this.minFilter = minFilter !== undefined ? minFilter : THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
this.anisotropy = anisotropy !== undefined ? anisotropy : 1;
this.format = format !== undefined ? format : THREE.RGBAFormat;
this.type = type !== undefined ? type : THREE.UnsignedByteType;
this.offset = new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 );
this.repeat = new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 );
this.generateMipmaps = true;
this.premultiplyAlpha = false;
this.flipY = true;
this.unpackAlignment = 4; // valid values: 1, 2, 4, 8 (see http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glPixelStorei.xml)
this.version = 0;
this.onUpdate = null;
THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE = undefined;
THREE.Texture.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Texture,
set needsUpdate ( value ) {
if ( value === true ) this.version ++;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
this.image = source.image;
this.mipmaps = source.mipmaps.slice( 0 );
this.mapping = source.mapping;
this.wrapS = source.wrapS;
this.wrapT = source.wrapT;
this.magFilter = source.magFilter;
this.minFilter = source.minFilter;
this.anisotropy = source.anisotropy;
this.format = source.format;
this.type = source.type;
this.offset.copy( source.offset );
this.repeat.copy( source.repeat );
this.generateMipmaps = source.generateMipmaps;
this.premultiplyAlpha = source.premultiplyAlpha;
this.flipY = source.flipY;
this.unpackAlignment = source.unpackAlignment;
return this;
toJSON: function ( meta ) {
if ( meta.textures[ this.uuid ] !== undefined ) {
return meta.textures[ this.uuid ];
function getDataURL( image ) {
var canvas;
if ( image.toDataURL !== undefined ) {
canvas = image;
} else {
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.getContext( '2d' ).drawImage( image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height );
if ( canvas.width > 2048 || canvas.height > 2048 ) {
return canvas.toDataURL( 'image/jpeg', 0.6 );
} else {
return canvas.toDataURL( 'image/png' );
var output = {
metadata: {
version: 4.4,
type: 'Texture',
generator: 'Texture.toJSON'
uuid: this.uuid,
name: this.name,
mapping: this.mapping,
repeat: [ this.repeat.x, this.repeat.y ],
offset: [ this.offset.x, this.offset.y ],
wrap: [ this.wrapS, this.wrapT ],
minFilter: this.minFilter,
magFilter: this.magFilter,
anisotropy: this.anisotropy
if ( this.image !== undefined ) {
// TODO: Move to THREE.Image
var image = this.image;
if ( image.uuid === undefined ) {
image.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID(); // UGH
if ( meta.images[ image.uuid ] === undefined ) {
meta.images[ image.uuid ] = {
uuid: image.uuid,
url: getDataURL( image )
output.image = image.uuid;
meta.textures[ this.uuid ] = output;
return output;
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
transformUv: function ( uv ) {
if ( this.mapping !== THREE.UVMapping ) return;
uv.multiply( this.repeat );
uv.add( this.offset );
if ( uv.x < 0 || uv.x > 1 ) {
switch ( this.wrapS ) {
case THREE.RepeatWrapping:
uv.x = uv.x - Math.floor( uv.x );
case THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping:
uv.x = uv.x < 0 ? 0 : 1;
case THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping:
if ( Math.abs( Math.floor( uv.x ) % 2 ) === 1 ) {
uv.x = Math.ceil( uv.x ) - uv.x;
} else {
uv.x = uv.x - Math.floor( uv.x );
if ( uv.y < 0 || uv.y > 1 ) {
switch ( this.wrapT ) {
case THREE.RepeatWrapping:
uv.y = uv.y - Math.floor( uv.y );
case THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping:
uv.y = uv.y < 0 ? 0 : 1;
case THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping:
if ( Math.abs( Math.floor( uv.y ) % 2 ) === 1 ) {
uv.y = Math.ceil( uv.y ) - uv.y;
} else {
uv.y = uv.y - Math.floor( uv.y );
if ( this.flipY ) {
uv.y = 1 - uv.y;
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.TextureIdCount = 0;
// File:src/textures/CanvasTexture.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.CanvasTexture = function ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {
THREE.Texture.call( this, canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );
this.needsUpdate = true;
THREE.CanvasTexture.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.CanvasTexture.prototype.constructor = THREE.CanvasTexture;
// File:src/textures/CubeTexture.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.CubeTexture = function ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {
mapping = mapping !== undefined ? mapping : THREE.CubeReflectionMapping;
THREE.Texture.call( this, images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );
this.images = images;
this.flipY = false;
THREE.CubeTexture.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.CubeTexture.prototype.constructor = THREE.CubeTexture;
THREE.CubeTexture.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Texture.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.images = source.images;
return this;
// File:src/textures/CompressedTexture.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.CompressedTexture = function ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy ) {
THREE.Texture.call( this, null, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );
this.image = { width: width, height: height };
this.mipmaps = mipmaps;
// no flipping for cube textures
// (also flipping doesn't work for compressed textures )
this.flipY = false;
// can't generate mipmaps for compressed textures
// mips must be embedded in DDS files
this.generateMipmaps = false;
THREE.CompressedTexture.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.CompressedTexture.prototype.constructor = THREE.CompressedTexture;
// File:src/textures/DataTexture.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.DataTexture = function ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy ) {
THREE.Texture.call( this, null, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );
this.image = { data: data, width: width, height: height };
this.magFilter = magFilter !== undefined ? magFilter : THREE.NearestFilter;
this.minFilter = minFilter !== undefined ? minFilter : THREE.NearestFilter;
this.flipY = false;
this.generateMipmaps = false;
THREE.DataTexture.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.DataTexture.prototype.constructor = THREE.DataTexture;
// File:src/textures/VideoTexture.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.VideoTexture = function ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {
THREE.Texture.call( this, video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );
this.generateMipmaps = false;
var scope = this;
function update() {
requestAnimationFrame( update );
if ( video.readyState === video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA ) {
scope.needsUpdate = true;
THREE.VideoTexture.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Texture.prototype );
THREE.VideoTexture.prototype.constructor = THREE.VideoTexture;
// File:src/objects/Group.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Group = function () {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Group';
THREE.Group.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Group.prototype.constructor = THREE.Group;
// File:src/objects/Points.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Points = function ( geometry, material ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Points';
this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new THREE.Geometry();
this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new THREE.PointsMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );
THREE.Points.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Points.prototype.constructor = THREE.Points;
THREE.Points.prototype.raycast = ( function () {
var inverseMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var ray = new THREE.Ray();
return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
var object = this;
var geometry = object.geometry;
var threshold = raycaster.params.Points.threshold;
inverseMatrix.getInverse( this.matrixWorld );
ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
if ( ray.isIntersectionBox( geometry.boundingBox ) === false ) {
var localThreshold = threshold / ( ( this.scale.x + this.scale.y + this.scale.z ) / 3 );
var localThresholdSq = localThreshold * localThreshold;
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
function testPoint( point, index ) {
var rayPointDistanceSq = ray.distanceSqToPoint( point );
if ( rayPointDistanceSq < localThresholdSq ) {
var intersectPoint = ray.closestPointToPoint( point );
intersectPoint.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( intersectPoint );
if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) return;
intersects.push( {
distance: distance,
distanceToRay: Math.sqrt( rayPointDistanceSq ),
point: intersectPoint.clone(),
index: index,
face: null,
object: object
} );
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var index = geometry.index;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
var positions = attributes.position.array;
if ( index !== null ) {
var indices = index.array;
for ( var i = 0, il = indices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var a = indices[ i ];
position.fromArray( positions, a * 3 );
testPoint( position, a );
} else {
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length / 3; i < l; i ++ ) {
position.fromArray( positions, i * 3 );
testPoint( position, i );
} else {
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
for ( var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
testPoint( vertices[ i ], i );
}() );
THREE.Points.prototype.clone = function () {
return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );
// Backwards compatibility
THREE.PointCloud = function ( geometry, material ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.PointCloud has been renamed to THREE.Points.' );
return new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
THREE.ParticleSystem = function ( geometry, material ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleSystem has been renamed to THREE.Points.' );
return new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
// File:src/objects/Line.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Line = function ( geometry, material, mode ) {
if ( mode === 1 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Line: parameter THREE.LinePieces no longer supported. Created THREE.LineSegments instead.' );
return new THREE.LineSegments( geometry, material );
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Line';
this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new THREE.Geometry();
this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );
THREE.Line.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Line.prototype.constructor = THREE.Line;
THREE.Line.prototype.raycast = ( function () {
var inverseMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var ray = new THREE.Ray();
var sphere = new THREE.Sphere();
return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
var precision = raycaster.linePrecision;
var precisionSq = precision * precision;
var geometry = this.geometry;
if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();
// Checking boundingSphere distance to ray
sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
sphere.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld );
if ( raycaster.ray.isIntersectionSphere( sphere ) === false ) {
inverseMatrix.getInverse( this.matrixWorld );
ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );
var vStart = new THREE.Vector3();
var vEnd = new THREE.Vector3();
var interSegment = new THREE.Vector3();
var interRay = new THREE.Vector3();
var step = this instanceof THREE.LineSegments ? 2 : 1;
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var index = geometry.index;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
if ( index !== null ) {
var indices = index.array;
var positions = attributes.position.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length - 1; i < l; i += step ) {
var a = indices[ i ];
var b = indices[ i + 1 ];
vStart.fromArray( positions, a * 3 );
vEnd.fromArray( positions, b * 3 );
var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vStart, vEnd, interRay, interSegment );
if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;
interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );
if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;
intersects.push( {
distance: distance,
// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
index: i,
face: null,
faceIndex: null,
object: this
} );
} else {
var positions = attributes.position.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length / 3 - 1; i < l; i += step ) {
vStart.fromArray( positions, 3 * i );
vEnd.fromArray( positions, 3 * i + 3 );
var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vStart, vEnd, interRay, interSegment );
if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;
interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );
if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;
intersects.push( {
distance: distance,
// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
index: i,
face: null,
faceIndex: null,
object: this
} );
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
var nbVertices = vertices.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < nbVertices - 1; i += step ) {
var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vertices[ i ], vertices[ i + 1 ], interRay, interSegment );
if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;
interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );
if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;
intersects.push( {
distance: distance,
// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
index: i,
face: null,
faceIndex: null,
object: this
} );
}() );
THREE.Line.prototype.clone = function () {
return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );
THREE.LineStrip = 0;
THREE.LinePieces = 1;
// File:src/objects/LineSegments.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.LineSegments = function ( geometry, material ) {
THREE.Line.call( this, geometry, material );
this.type = 'LineSegments';
THREE.LineSegments.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Line.prototype );
THREE.LineSegments.prototype.constructor = THREE.LineSegments;
// File:src/objects/Mesh.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author jonobr1 / http://jonobr1.com/
THREE.Mesh = function ( geometry, material ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Mesh';
this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new THREE.Geometry();
this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );
THREE.Mesh.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Mesh.prototype.constructor = THREE.Mesh;
THREE.Mesh.prototype.updateMorphTargets = function () {
if ( this.geometry.morphTargets !== undefined && this.geometry.morphTargets.length > 0 ) {
this.morphTargetBase = - 1;
this.morphTargetInfluences = [];
this.morphTargetDictionary = {};
for ( var m = 0, ml = this.geometry.morphTargets.length; m < ml; m ++ ) {
this.morphTargetInfluences.push( 0 );
this.morphTargetDictionary[ this.geometry.morphTargets[ m ].name ] = m;
THREE.Mesh.prototype.getMorphTargetIndexByName = function ( name ) {
if ( this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ] !== undefined ) {
return this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ];
console.warn( 'THREE.Mesh.getMorphTargetIndexByName: morph target ' + name + ' does not exist. Returning 0.' );
return 0;
THREE.Mesh.prototype.raycast = ( function () {
var inverseMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var ray = new THREE.Ray();
var sphere = new THREE.Sphere();
var vA = new THREE.Vector3();
var vB = new THREE.Vector3();
var vC = new THREE.Vector3();
var tempA = new THREE.Vector3();
var tempB = new THREE.Vector3();
var tempC = new THREE.Vector3();
var uvA = new THREE.Vector2();
var uvB = new THREE.Vector2();
var uvC = new THREE.Vector2();
var barycoord = new THREE.Vector3();
var intersectionPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
var intersectionPointWorld = new THREE.Vector3();
function uvIntersection( point, p1, p2, p3, uv1, uv2, uv3 ) {
THREE.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, p1, p2, p3, barycoord );
uv1.multiplyScalar( barycoord.x );
uv2.multiplyScalar( barycoord.y );
uv3.multiplyScalar( barycoord.z );
uv1.add( uv2 ).add( uv3 );
return uv1.clone();
function checkIntersection( object, raycaster, ray, pA, pB, pC, point ){
var intersect;
var material = object.material;
if ( material.side === THREE.BackSide ) {
intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pC, pB, pA, true, point );
} else {
intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pA, pB, pC, material.side !== THREE.DoubleSide, point );
if ( intersect === null ) return null;
intersectionPointWorld.copy( point );
intersectionPointWorld.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( intersectionPointWorld );
if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) return null;
return {
distance: distance,
point: intersectionPointWorld.clone(),
object: object
function checkBufferGeometryIntersection( object, raycaster, ray, positions, uvs, a, b, c ) {
vA.fromArray( positions, a * 3 );
vB.fromArray( positions, b * 3 );
vC.fromArray( positions, c * 3 );
var intersection = checkIntersection( object, raycaster, ray, vA, vB, vC, intersectionPoint );
if ( intersection ) {
if ( uvs ) {
uvA.fromArray( uvs, a * 2 );
uvB.fromArray( uvs, b * 2 );
uvC.fromArray( uvs, c * 2 );
intersection.uv = uvIntersection( intersectionPoint, vA, vB, vC, uvA, uvB, uvC );
intersection.face = new THREE.Face3( a, b, c, THREE.Triangle.normal( vA, vB, vC ) );
intersection.faceIndex = a;
return intersection;
return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
var geometry = this.geometry;
var material = this.material;
if ( material === undefined ) return;
// Checking boundingSphere distance to ray
if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();
var matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;
sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
sphere.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );
if ( raycaster.ray.isIntersectionSphere( sphere ) === false ) return;
// Check boundingBox before continuing
inverseMatrix.getInverse( matrixWorld );
ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
if ( ray.isIntersectionBox( geometry.boundingBox ) === false ) return;
var uvs, intersection;
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var a, b, c;
var index = geometry.index;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
var positions = attributes.position.array;
if ( attributes.uv !== undefined ){
uvs = attributes.uv.array;
if ( index !== null ) {
var indices = index.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
a = indices[ i ];
b = indices[ i + 1 ];
c = indices[ i + 2 ];
intersection = checkBufferGeometryIntersection( this, raycaster, ray, positions, uvs, a, b, c );
if ( intersection ) {
intersection.faceIndex = Math.floor( i / 3 ); // triangle number in indices buffer semantics
intersects.push( intersection );
} else {
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length; i < l; i += 9 ) {
a = i / 3;
b = a + 1;
c = a + 2;
intersection = checkBufferGeometryIntersection( this, raycaster, ray, positions, uvs, a, b, c );
if ( intersection ) {
intersection.index = a; // triangle number in positions buffer semantics
intersects.push( intersection );
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
var fvA, fvB, fvC;
var isFaceMaterial = material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial;
var materials = isFaceMaterial === true ? material.materials : null;
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
var faces = geometry.faces;
var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
if ( faceVertexUvs.length > 0 ) uvs = faceVertexUvs;
for ( var f = 0, fl = faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
var face = faces[ f ];
var faceMaterial = isFaceMaterial === true ? materials[ face.materialIndex ] : material;
if ( faceMaterial === undefined ) continue;
fvA = vertices[ face.a ];
fvB = vertices[ face.b ];
fvC = vertices[ face.c ];
if ( faceMaterial.morphTargets === true ) {
var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;
var morphInfluences = this.morphTargetInfluences;
vA.set( 0, 0, 0 );
vB.set( 0, 0, 0 );
vC.set( 0, 0, 0 );
for ( var t = 0, tl = morphTargets.length; t < tl; t ++ ) {
var influence = morphInfluences[ t ];
if ( influence === 0 ) continue;
var targets = morphTargets[ t ].vertices;
vA.addScaledVector( tempA.subVectors( targets[ face.a ], fvA ), influence );
vB.addScaledVector( tempB.subVectors( targets[ face.b ], fvB ), influence );
vC.addScaledVector( tempC.subVectors( targets[ face.c ], fvC ), influence );
vA.add( fvA );
vB.add( fvB );
vC.add( fvC );
fvA = vA;
fvB = vB;
fvC = vC;
intersection = checkIntersection( this, raycaster, ray, fvA, fvB, fvC, intersectionPoint );
if ( intersection ) {
if ( uvs ) {
var uvs_f = uvs[ f ];
uvA.copy( uvs_f[ 0 ] );
uvB.copy( uvs_f[ 1 ] );
uvC.copy( uvs_f[ 2 ] );
intersection.uv = uvIntersection( intersectionPoint, fvA, fvB, fvC, uvA, uvB, uvC );
intersection.face = face;
intersection.faceIndex = f;
intersects.push( intersection );
}() );
THREE.Mesh.prototype.clone = function () {
return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );
// File:src/objects/Bone.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author ikerr / http://verold.com
THREE.Bone = function ( skin ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Bone';
this.skin = skin;
THREE.Bone.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Bone.prototype.constructor = THREE.Bone;
THREE.Bone.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.skin = source.skin;
return this;
// File:src/objects/Skeleton.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author michael guerrero / http://realitymeltdown.com
* @author ikerr / http://verold.com
THREE.Skeleton = function ( bones, boneInverses, useVertexTexture ) {
this.useVertexTexture = useVertexTexture !== undefined ? useVertexTexture : true;
this.identityMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
// copy the bone array
bones = bones || [];
this.bones = bones.slice( 0 );
// create a bone texture or an array of floats
if ( this.useVertexTexture ) {
// layout (1 matrix = 4 pixels)
// RGBA RGBA RGBA RGBA (=> column1, column2, column3, column4)
// with 8x8 pixel texture max 16 bones * 4 pixels = (8 * 8)
// 16x16 pixel texture max 64 bones * 4 pixels = (16 * 16)
// 32x32 pixel texture max 256 bones * 4 pixels = (32 * 32)
// 64x64 pixel texture max 1024 bones * 4 pixels = (64 * 64)
var size = Math.sqrt( this.bones.length * 4 ); // 4 pixels needed for 1 matrix
size = THREE.Math.nextPowerOfTwo( Math.ceil( size ) );
size = Math.max( size, 4 );
this.boneTextureWidth = size;
this.boneTextureHeight = size;
this.boneMatrices = new Float32Array( this.boneTextureWidth * this.boneTextureHeight * 4 ); // 4 floats per RGBA pixel
this.boneTexture = new THREE.DataTexture( this.boneMatrices, this.boneTextureWidth, this.boneTextureHeight, THREE.RGBAFormat, THREE.FloatType );
} else {
this.boneMatrices = new Float32Array( 16 * this.bones.length );
// use the supplied bone inverses or calculate the inverses
if ( boneInverses === undefined ) {
} else {
if ( this.bones.length === boneInverses.length ) {
this.boneInverses = boneInverses.slice( 0 );
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.Skeleton bonInverses is the wrong length.' );
this.boneInverses = [];
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.bones.length; b < bl; b ++ ) {
this.boneInverses.push( new THREE.Matrix4() );
THREE.Skeleton.prototype.calculateInverses = function () {
this.boneInverses = [];
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.bones.length; b < bl; b ++ ) {
var inverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
if ( this.bones[ b ] ) {
inverse.getInverse( this.bones[ b ].matrixWorld );
this.boneInverses.push( inverse );
THREE.Skeleton.prototype.pose = function () {
var bone;
// recover the bind-time world matrices
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.bones.length; b < bl; b ++ ) {
bone = this.bones[ b ];
if ( bone ) {
bone.matrixWorld.getInverse( this.boneInverses[ b ] );
// compute the local matrices, positions, rotations and scales
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.bones.length; b < bl; b ++ ) {
bone = this.bones[ b ];
if ( bone ) {
if ( bone.parent ) {
bone.matrix.getInverse( bone.parent.matrixWorld );
bone.matrix.multiply( bone.matrixWorld );
} else {
bone.matrix.copy( bone.matrixWorld );
bone.matrix.decompose( bone.position, bone.quaternion, bone.scale );
THREE.Skeleton.prototype.update = ( function () {
var offsetMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
return function update() {
// flatten bone matrices to array
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.bones.length; b < bl; b ++ ) {
// compute the offset between the current and the original transform
var matrix = this.bones[ b ] ? this.bones[ b ].matrixWorld : this.identityMatrix;
offsetMatrix.multiplyMatrices( matrix, this.boneInverses[ b ] );
offsetMatrix.flattenToArrayOffset( this.boneMatrices, b * 16 );
if ( this.useVertexTexture ) {
this.boneTexture.needsUpdate = true;
} )();
THREE.Skeleton.prototype.clone = function () {
return new THREE.Skeleton( this.bones, this.boneInverses, this.useVertexTexture );
// File:src/objects/SkinnedMesh.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author ikerr / http://verold.com
THREE.SkinnedMesh = function ( geometry, material, useVertexTexture ) {
THREE.Mesh.call( this, geometry, material );
this.type = 'SkinnedMesh';
this.bindMode = "attached";
this.bindMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.bindMatrixInverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
// init bones
// TODO: remove bone creation as there is no reason (other than
// convenience) for THREE.SkinnedMesh to do this.
var bones = [];
if ( this.geometry && this.geometry.bones !== undefined ) {
var bone, gbone;
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.geometry.bones.length; b < bl; ++ b ) {
gbone = this.geometry.bones[ b ];
bone = new THREE.Bone( this );
bones.push( bone );
bone.name = gbone.name;
bone.position.fromArray( gbone.pos );
bone.quaternion.fromArray( gbone.rotq );
if ( gbone.scl !== undefined ) bone.scale.fromArray( gbone.scl );
for ( var b = 0, bl = this.geometry.bones.length; b < bl; ++ b ) {
gbone = this.geometry.bones[ b ];
if ( gbone.parent !== - 1 && gbone.parent !== null) {
bones[ gbone.parent ].add( bones[ b ] );
} else {
this.add( bones[ b ] );
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
this.bind( new THREE.Skeleton( bones, undefined, useVertexTexture ), this.matrixWorld );
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype );
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.constructor = THREE.SkinnedMesh;
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.bind = function( skeleton, bindMatrix ) {
this.skeleton = skeleton;
if ( bindMatrix === undefined ) {
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
bindMatrix = this.matrixWorld;
this.bindMatrix.copy( bindMatrix );
this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( bindMatrix );
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.pose = function () {
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.normalizeSkinWeights = function () {
if ( this.geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.geometry.skinIndices.length; i ++ ) {
var sw = this.geometry.skinWeights[ i ];
var scale = 1.0 / sw.lengthManhattan();
if ( scale !== Infinity ) {
sw.multiplyScalar( scale );
} else {
sw.set( 1 ); // this will be normalized by the shader anyway
} else {
// skinning weights assumed to be normalized for THREE.BufferGeometry
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = function( force ) {
THREE.Mesh.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, true );
if ( this.bindMode === "attached" ) {
this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( this.matrixWorld );
} else if ( this.bindMode === "detached" ) {
this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( this.bindMatrix );
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.SkinnedMesh unrecognized bindMode: ' + this.bindMode );
THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.clone = function() {
return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material, this.useVertexTexture ).copy( this );
// File:src/objects/LOD.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.LOD = function () {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'LOD';
Object.defineProperties( this, {
levels: {
enumerable: true,
value: []
objects: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.LOD: .objects has been renamed to .levels.' );
return this.levels;
} );
THREE.LOD.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.LOD.prototype.constructor = THREE.LOD;
THREE.LOD.prototype.addLevel = function ( object, distance ) {
if ( distance === undefined ) distance = 0;
distance = Math.abs( distance );
var levels = this.levels;
for ( var l = 0; l < levels.length; l ++ ) {
if ( distance < levels[ l ].distance ) {
levels.splice( l, 0, { distance: distance, object: object } );
this.add( object );
THREE.LOD.prototype.getObjectForDistance = function ( distance ) {
var levels = this.levels;
for ( var i = 1, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( distance < levels[ i ].distance ) {
return levels[ i - 1 ].object;
THREE.LOD.prototype.raycast = ( function () {
var matrixPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
matrixPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( matrixPosition );
this.getObjectForDistance( distance ).raycast( raycaster, intersects );
}() );
THREE.LOD.prototype.update = function () {
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
var v2 = new THREE.Vector3();
return function update( camera ) {
var levels = this.levels;
if ( levels.length > 1 ) {
v1.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
v2.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
var distance = v1.distanceTo( v2 );
levels[ 0 ].object.visible = true;
for ( var i = 1, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( distance >= levels[ i ].distance ) {
levels[ i - 1 ].object.visible = false;
levels[ i ].object.visible = true;
} else {
for ( ; i < l; i ++ ) {
levels[ i ].object.visible = false;
THREE.LOD.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source, false );
var levels = source.levels;
for ( var i = 0, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var level = levels[ i ];
this.addLevel( level.object.clone(), level.distance );
return this;
THREE.LOD.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {
var data = THREE.Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );
data.object.levels = [];
var levels = this.levels;
for ( var i = 0, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var level = levels[ i ];
data.object.levels.push( {
object: level.object.uuid,
distance: level.distance
} );
return data;
// File:src/objects/Sprite.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Sprite = ( function () {
var indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 ] );
var vertices = new Float32Array( [ - 0.5, - 0.5, 0, 0.5, - 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, - 0.5, 0.5, 0 ] );
var uvs = new Float32Array( [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ] );
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) );
geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
geometry.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
return function Sprite( material ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Sprite';
this.geometry = geometry;
this.material = ( material !== undefined ) ? material : new THREE.SpriteMaterial();
} )();
THREE.Sprite.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Sprite.prototype.constructor = THREE.Sprite;
THREE.Sprite.prototype.raycast = ( function () {
var matrixPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
matrixPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
var distanceSq = raycaster.ray.distanceSqToPoint( matrixPosition );
var guessSizeSq = this.scale.x * this.scale.y;
if ( distanceSq > guessSizeSq ) {
intersects.push( {
distance: Math.sqrt( distanceSq ),
point: this.position,
face: null,
object: this
} );
}() );
THREE.Sprite.prototype.clone = function () {
return new this.constructor( this.material ).copy( this );
// Backwards compatibility
THREE.Particle = THREE.Sprite;
// File:src/objects/LensFlare.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.LensFlare = function ( texture, size, distance, blending, color ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.lensFlares = [];
this.positionScreen = new THREE.Vector3();
this.customUpdateCallback = undefined;
if ( texture !== undefined ) {
this.add( texture, size, distance, blending, color );
THREE.LensFlare.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.LensFlare.prototype.constructor = THREE.LensFlare;
* Add: adds another flare
THREE.LensFlare.prototype.add = function ( texture, size, distance, blending, color, opacity ) {
if ( size === undefined ) size = - 1;
if ( distance === undefined ) distance = 0;
if ( opacity === undefined ) opacity = 1;
if ( color === undefined ) color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
if ( blending === undefined ) blending = THREE.NormalBlending;
distance = Math.min( distance, Math.max( 0, distance ) );
this.lensFlares.push( {
texture: texture, // THREE.Texture
size: size, // size in pixels (-1 = use texture.width)
distance: distance, // distance (0-1) from light source (0=at light source)
x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, // screen position (-1 => 1) z = 0 is in front z = 1 is back
scale: 1, // scale
rotation: 0, // rotation
opacity: opacity, // opacity
color: color, // color
blending: blending // blending
} );
* Update lens flares update positions on all flares based on the screen position
* Set myLensFlare.customUpdateCallback to alter the flares in your project specific way.
THREE.LensFlare.prototype.updateLensFlares = function () {
var f, fl = this.lensFlares.length;
var flare;
var vecX = - this.positionScreen.x * 2;
var vecY = - this.positionScreen.y * 2;
for ( f = 0; f < fl; f ++ ) {
flare = this.lensFlares[ f ];
flare.x = this.positionScreen.x + vecX * flare.distance;
flare.y = this.positionScreen.y + vecY * flare.distance;
flare.wantedRotation = flare.x * Math.PI * 0.25;
flare.rotation += ( flare.wantedRotation - flare.rotation ) * 0.25;
THREE.LensFlare.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
this.positionScreen.copy( source.positionScreen );
this.customUpdateCallback = source.customUpdateCallback;
for ( var i = 0, l = source.lensFlares.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
this.lensFlares.push( source.lensFlares[ i ] );
return this;
// File:src/scenes/Scene.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Scene = function () {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Scene';
this.fog = null;
this.overrideMaterial = null;
this.autoUpdate = true; // checked by the renderer
THREE.Scene.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Scene.prototype.constructor = THREE.Scene;
THREE.Scene.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );
if ( source.fog !== null ) this.fog = source.fog.clone();
if ( source.overrideMaterial !== null ) this.overrideMaterial = source.overrideMaterial.clone();
this.autoUpdate = source.autoUpdate;
this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;
return this;
// File:src/scenes/Fog.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Fog = function ( color, near, far ) {
this.name = '';
this.color = new THREE.Color( color );
this.near = ( near !== undefined ) ? near : 1;
this.far = ( far !== undefined ) ? far : 1000;
THREE.Fog.prototype.clone = function () {
return new THREE.Fog( this.color.getHex(), this.near, this.far );
// File:src/scenes/FogExp2.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.FogExp2 = function ( color, density ) {
this.name = '';
this.color = new THREE.Color( color );
this.density = ( density !== undefined ) ? density : 0.00025;
THREE.FogExp2.prototype.clone = function () {
return new THREE.FogExp2( this.color.getHex(), this.density );
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk.js
THREE.ShaderChunk = {};
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/alphamap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'alphamap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP\n\n diffuseColor.a *= texture2D( alphaMap, vUv ).g;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/alphamap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'alphamap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D alphaMap;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/alphatest_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'alphatest_fragment'] = "#ifdef ALPHATEST\n\n if ( diffuseColor.a < ALPHATEST ) discard;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/aomap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'aomap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_AOMAP\n\n totalAmbientLight *= ( texture2D( aoMap, vUv2 ).r - 1.0 ) * aoMapIntensity + 1.0;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/aomap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'aomap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_AOMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D aoMap;\n uniform float aoMapIntensity;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/begin_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'begin_vertex'] = "\nvec3 transformed = vec3( position );\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/beginnormal_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'beginnormal_vertex'] = "\nvec3 objectNormal = vec3( normal );\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/bumpmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'bumpmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_BUMPMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D bumpMap;\n uniform float bumpScale;\n\n\n\n vec2 dHdxy_fwd() {\n\n vec2 dSTdx = dFdx( vUv );\n vec2 dSTdy = dFdy( vUv );\n\n float Hll = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv ).x;\n float dBx = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdx ).x - Hll;\n float dBy = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdy ).x - Hll;\n\n return vec2( dBx, dBy );\n\n }\n\n vec3 perturbNormalArb( vec3 surf_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec2 dHdxy ) {\n\n vec3 vSigmaX = dFdx( surf_pos );\n vec3 vSigmaY = dFdy( surf_pos );\n vec3 vN = surf_norm;\n vec3 R1 = cross( vSigmaY, vN );\n vec3 R2 = cross( vN, vSigmaX );\n\n float fDet = dot( vSigmaX, R1 );\n\n vec3 vGrad = sign( fDet ) * ( dHdxy.x * R1 + dHdxy.y * R2 );\n return normalize( abs( fDet ) * surf_norm - vGrad );\n\n }\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/color_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'color_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\n diffuseColor.rgb *= vColor;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/color_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'color_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\n varying vec3 vColor;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/color_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'color_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\n varying vec3 vColor;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/color_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'color_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\n vColor.xyz = color.xyz;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/common.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'common'] = "#define PI 3.14159\n#define PI2 6.28318\n#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494\n#define LOG2 1.442695\n#define EPSILON 1e-6\n\n#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )\n#define whiteCompliment(a) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) )\n\nvec3 transformDirection( in vec3 normal, in mat4 matrix ) {\n\n return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( normal, 0.0 ) ).xyz );\n\n}\n\nvec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 normal, in mat4 matrix ) {\n\n return normalize( ( vec4( normal, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );\n\n}\n\nvec3 projectOnPlane(in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\n float distance = dot( planeNormal, point - pointOnPlane );\n\n return - distance * planeNormal + point;\n\n}\n\nfloat sideOfPlane( in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\n return sign( dot( point - pointOnPlane, planeNormal ) );\n\n}\n\nvec3 linePlaneIntersect( in vec3 pointOnLine, in vec3 lineDirection, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\n return lineDirection * ( dot( planeNormal, pointOnPlane - pointOnLine ) / dot( planeNormal, lineDirection ) ) + pointOnLine;\n\n}\n\nfloat calcLightAttenuation( float lightDistance, float cutoffDistance, float decayExponent ) {\n\n if ( decayExponent > 0.0 ) {\n\n return pow( saturate( -lightDistance / cutoffDistance + 1.0 ), decayExponent );\n\n }\n\n return 1.0;\n\n}\n\nvec3 F_Schlick( in vec3 specularColor, in float dotLH ) {\n\n\n float fresnel = exp2( ( -5.55437 * dotLH - 6.98316 ) * dotLH );\n\n return ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * fresnel + specularColor;\n\n}\n\nfloat G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( /* in float dotNL, in float dotNV */ ) {\n\n\n return 0.25;\n\n}\n\nfloat D_BlinnPhong( in float shininess, in float dotNH ) {\n\n\n return ( shininess * 0.5 + 1.0 ) * pow( dotNH, shininess );\n\n}\n\nvec3 BRDF_BlinnPhong( in vec3 specularColor, in float shininess, in vec3 normal, in vec3 lightDir, in vec3 viewDir ) {\n\n vec3 halfDir = normalize( lightDir + viewDir );\n\n float dotNH = saturate( dot( normal, halfDir ) );\n float dotLH = saturate( dot( lightDir, halfDir ) );\n\n vec3 F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );\n\n float G = G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( /* dotNL, dotNV */ );\n\n float D = D_BlinnPhong( shininess, dotNH );\n\n return F * G * D;\n\n}\n\nvec3 inputToLinear( in vec3 a ) {\n\n #ifdef GAMMA_INPUT\n\n return pow( a, vec3( float( GAMMA_FACTOR ) ) );\n\n #else\n\n return a;\n\n #endif\n\n}\n\nvec3 linearToOutput( in vec3 a ) {\n\n #ifdef GAMMA_OUTPUT\n\n return pow( a, vec3( 1.0 / float( GAMMA_FACTOR ) ) );\n\n #else\n\n return a;\n\n #endif\n\n}\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/defaultnormal_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'defaultnormal_vertex'] = "#ifdef FLIP_SIDED\n\n objectNormal = -objectNormal;\n\n#endif\n\nvec3 transformedNormal = normalMatrix * objectNormal;\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/displacementmap_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'displacementmap_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\n transformed += normal * ( texture2D( displacementMap, uv ).x * displacementScale + displacementBias );\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/displacementmap_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'displacementmap_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D displacementMap;\n uniform float displacementScale;\n uniform float displacementBias;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/emissivemap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'emissivemap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP\n\n vec4 emissiveColor = texture2D( emissiveMap, vUv );\n\n emissiveColor.rgb = inputToLinear( emissiveColor.rgb );\n\n totalEmissiveLight *= emissiveColor.rgb;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/emissivemap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'emissivemap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D emissiveMap;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/envmap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'envmap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\n #if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )\n\n vec3 cameraToVertex = normalize( vWorldPosition - cameraPosition );\n\n vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix );\n\n #ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION\n\n vec3 reflectVec = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal );\n\n #else\n\n vec3 reflectVec = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio );\n\n #endif\n\n #else\n\n vec3 reflectVec = vReflect;\n\n #endif\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n float flipNormal = ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );\n #else\n float flipNormal = 1.0;\n #endif\n\n #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n vec4 envColor = textureCube( envMap, flipNormal * vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz ) );\n\n #elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_EQUIREC )\n vec2 sampleUV;\n sampleUV.y = saturate( flipNormal * reflectVec.y * 0.5 + 0.5 );\n sampleUV.x = atan( flipNormal * reflectVec.z, flipNormal * reflectVec.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;\n vec4 envColor = texture2D( envMap, sampleUV );\n\n #elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_SPHERE )\n vec3 reflectView = flipNormal * normalize((viewMatrix * vec4( reflectVec, 0.0 )).xyz + vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0));\n vec4 envColor = texture2D( envMap, reflectView.xy * 0.5 + 0.5 );\n #endif\n\n envColor.xyz = inputToLinear( envColor.xyz );\n\n #ifdef ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY\n\n outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, outgoingLight * envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity );\n\n #elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX )\n\n outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity );\n\n #elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD )\n\n outgoingLight += envColor.xyz * specularStrength * reflectivity;\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/envmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'envmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\n uniform float reflectivity;\n #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n uniform samplerCube envMap;\n #else\n uniform sampler2D envMap;\n #endif\n uniform float flipEnvMap;\n\n #if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )\n\n uniform float refractionRatio;\n\n #else\n\n varying vec3 vReflect;\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/envmap_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'envmap_pars_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && ! defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) && ! defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) && ! defined( PHONG )\n\n varying vec3 vReflect;\n\n uniform float refractionRatio;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/envmap_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'envmap_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && ! defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) && ! defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) && ! defined( PHONG )\n\n vec3 cameraToVertex = normalize( worldPosition.xyz - cameraPosition );\n\n vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix );\n\n #ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION\n\n vReflect = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal );\n\n #else\n\n vReflect = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio );\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/fog_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'fog_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_FOG\n\n #ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\n float depth = gl_FragDepthEXT / gl_FragCoord.w;\n\n #else\n\n float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n\n #endif\n\n #ifdef FOG_EXP2\n\n float fogFactor = whiteCompliment( exp2( - fogDensity * fogDensity * depth * depth * LOG2 ) );\n\n #else\n\n float fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, depth );\n\n #endif\n \n outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, fogColor, fogFactor );\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/fog_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'fog_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_FOG\n\n uniform vec3 fogColor;\n\n #ifdef FOG_EXP2\n\n uniform float fogDensity;\n\n #else\n\n uniform float fogNear;\n uniform float fogFar;\n #endif\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/hemilight_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'hemilight_fragment'] = "#if MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightDir = hemisphereLightDirection[ i ];\n\n float dotProduct = dot( normal, lightDir );\n\n float hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotProduct + 0.5;\n\n vec3 lightColor = mix( hemisphereLightGroundColor[ i ], hemisphereLightSkyColor[ i ], hemiDiffuseWeight );\n\n totalAmbientLight += lightColor;\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lightmap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lightmap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\n totalAmbientLight += texture2D( lightMap, vUv2 ).xyz * lightMapIntensity;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lightmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lightmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D lightMap;\n uniform float lightMapIntensity;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_lambert_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_lambert_pars_vertex'] = "#if MAX_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 directionalLightColor[ MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 directionalLightDirection[ MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightSkyColor[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightGroundColor[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightDirection[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 pointLightColor[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float pointLightDistance[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float pointLightDecay[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 spotLightColor[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 spotLightPosition[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 spotLightDirection[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightDistance[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightAngleCos[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightExponent[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightDecay[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_lambert_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_lambert_vertex'] = "vLightFront = vec3( 0.0 );\n\n#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n vLightBack = vec3( 0.0 );\n\n#endif\n\nvec3 normal = normalize( transformedNormal );\n\n#if MAX_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = pointLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lVector = pointLightPosition[ i ] - mvPosition.xyz;\n vec3 lightDir = normalize( lVector );\n\n\n float attenuation = calcLightAttenuation( length( lVector ), pointLightDistance[ i ], pointLightDecay[ i ] );\n\n\n float dotProduct = dot( normal, lightDir );\n\n vLightFront += lightColor * attenuation * saturate( dotProduct );\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n vLightBack += lightColor * attenuation * saturate( - dotProduct );\n\n #endif\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = spotLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lightPosition = spotLightPosition[ i ];\n vec3 lVector = lightPosition - mvPosition.xyz;\n vec3 lightDir = normalize( lVector );\n\n float spotEffect = dot( spotLightDirection[ i ], lightDir );\n\n if ( spotEffect > spotLightAngleCos[ i ] ) {\n\n spotEffect = saturate( pow( saturate( spotEffect ), spotLightExponent[ i ] ) );\n\n\n float attenuation = calcLightAttenuation( length( lVector ), spotLightDistance[ i ], spotLightDecay[ i ] );\n\n attenuation *= spotEffect;\n\n\n float dotProduct = dot( normal, lightDir );\n\n vLightFront += lightColor * attenuation * saturate( dotProduct );\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n vLightBack += lightColor * attenuation * saturate( - dotProduct );\n\n #endif\n\n }\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = directionalLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lightDir = directionalLightDirection[ i ];\n\n\n float dotProduct = dot( normal, lightDir );\n\n vLightFront += lightColor * saturate( dotProduct );\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n vLightBack += lightColor * saturate( - dotProduct );\n\n #endif\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightDir = hemisphereLightDirection[ i ];\n\n\n float dotProduct = dot( normal, lightDir );\n\n float hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotProduct + 0.5;\n\n vLightFront += mix( hemisphereLightGroundColor[ i ], hemisphereLightSkyColor[ i ], hemiDiffuseWeight );\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n float hemiDiffuseWeightBack = - 0.5 * dotProduct + 0.5;\n\n vLightBack += mix( hemisphereLightGroundColor[ i ], hemisphereLightSkyColor[ i ], hemiDiffuseWeightBack );\n\n #endif\n\n }\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_phong_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_phong_fragment'] = "vec3 viewDir = normalize( vViewPosition );\n\nvec3 totalDiffuseLight = vec3( 0.0 );\nvec3 totalSpecularLight = vec3( 0.0 );\n\n#if MAX_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = pointLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lightPosition = pointLightPosition[ i ];\n vec3 lVector = lightPosition + vViewPosition.xyz;\n vec3 lightDir = normalize( lVector );\n\n\n float attenuation = calcLightAttenuation( length( lVector ), pointLightDistance[ i ], pointLightDecay[ i ] );\n\n\n float cosineTerm = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) );\n\n totalDiffuseLight += lightColor * attenuation * cosineTerm;\n\n\n vec3 brdf = BRDF_BlinnPhong( specular, shininess, normal, lightDir, viewDir );\n\n totalSpecularLight += brdf * specularStrength * lightColor * attenuation * cosineTerm;\n\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = spotLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lightPosition = spotLightPosition[ i ];\n vec3 lVector = lightPosition + vViewPosition.xyz;\n vec3 lightDir = normalize( lVector );\n\n float spotEffect = dot( spotLightDirection[ i ], lightDir );\n\n if ( spotEffect > spotLightAngleCos[ i ] ) {\n\n spotEffect = saturate( pow( saturate( spotEffect ), spotLightExponent[ i ] ) );\n\n\n float attenuation = calcLightAttenuation( length( lVector ), spotLightDistance[ i ], spotLightDecay[ i ] );\n\n attenuation *= spotEffect;\n\n\n float cosineTerm = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) );\n\n totalDiffuseLight += lightColor * attenuation * cosineTerm;\n\n\n vec3 brdf = BRDF_BlinnPhong( specular, shininess, normal, lightDir, viewDir );\n\n totalSpecularLight += brdf * specularStrength * lightColor * attenuation * cosineTerm;\n\n }\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\n vec3 lightColor = directionalLightColor[ i ];\n\n vec3 lightDir = directionalLightDirection[ i ];\n\n\n float cosineTerm = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) );\n\n totalDiffuseLight += lightColor * cosineTerm;\n\n\n vec3 brdf = BRDF_BlinnPhong( specular, shininess, normal, lightDir, viewDir );\n\n totalSpecularLight += brdf * specularStrength * lightColor * cosineTerm;\n\n }\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_phong_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_phong_pars_fragment'] = "uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;\n\n#if MAX_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 directionalLightColor[ MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 directionalLightDirection[ MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightSkyColor[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightGroundColor[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 hemisphereLightDirection[ MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 pointLightColor[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\n uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float pointLightDistance[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float pointLightDecay[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 spotLightColor[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 spotLightPosition[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform vec3 spotLightDirection[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightAngleCos[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightExponent[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightDistance[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n uniform float spotLightDecay[ MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 || defined( USE_ENVMAP )\n\n varying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n\n#endif\n\nvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\n varying vec3 vNormal;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_phong_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_phong_pars_vertex'] = "#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 || defined( USE_ENVMAP )\n\n varying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n\n#endif\n\n#if MAX_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\n uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[ MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/lights_phong_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'lights_phong_vertex'] = "#if MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 || defined( USE_ENVMAP )\n\n vWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/linear_to_gamma_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'linear_to_gamma_fragment'] = "\n outgoingLight = linearToOutput( outgoingLight );\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/logdepthbuf_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'logdepthbuf_fragment'] = "#if defined(USE_LOGDEPTHBUF) && defined(USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT)\n\n gl_FragDepthEXT = log2(vFragDepth) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/logdepthbuf_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'logdepthbuf_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\n uniform float logDepthBufFC;\n\n #ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\n varying float vFragDepth;\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/logdepthbuf_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'logdepthbuf_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\n #ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\n varying float vFragDepth;\n\n #endif\n\n uniform float logDepthBufFC;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/logdepthbuf_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'logdepthbuf_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\n gl_Position.z = log2(max( EPSILON, gl_Position.w + 1.0 )) * logDepthBufFC;\n\n #ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\n vFragDepth = 1.0 + gl_Position.w;\n\n#else\n\n gl_Position.z = (gl_Position.z - 1.0) * gl_Position.w;\n\n #endif\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/map_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'map_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\n vec4 texelColor = texture2D( map, vUv );\n\n texelColor.xyz = inputToLinear( texelColor.xyz );\n\n diffuseColor *= texelColor;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/map_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'map_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\n uniform sampler2D map;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/map_particle_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'map_particle_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\n diffuseColor *= texture2D( map, vec2( gl_PointCoord.x, 1.0 - gl_PointCoord.y ) * offsetRepeat.zw + offsetRepeat.xy );\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/map_particle_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'map_particle_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\n uniform vec4 offsetRepeat;\n uniform sampler2D map;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/morphnormal_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'morphnormal_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\n objectNormal += ( morphNormal0 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];\n objectNormal += ( morphNormal1 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];\n objectNormal += ( morphNormal2 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];\n objectNormal += ( morphNormal3 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/morphtarget_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'morphtarget_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS\n\n #ifndef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\n uniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 8 ];\n\n #else\n\n uniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];\n\n #endif\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/morphtarget_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'morphtarget_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS\n\n transformed += ( morphTarget0 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget1 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget2 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget3 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];\n\n #ifndef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\n transformed += ( morphTarget4 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget5 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 5 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget6 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 6 ];\n transformed += ( morphTarget7 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 7 ];\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/normal_phong_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'normal_phong_fragment'] = "#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\n vec3 normal = normalize( vNormal );\n\n #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\n normal = normal * ( -1.0 + 2.0 * float( gl_FrontFacing ) );\n\n #endif\n\n#else\n\n vec3 fdx = dFdx( vViewPosition );\n vec3 fdy = dFdy( vViewPosition );\n vec3 normal = normalize( cross( fdx, fdy ) );\n\n#endif\n\n#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP\n\n normal = perturbNormal2Arb( -vViewPosition, normal );\n\n#elif defined( USE_BUMPMAP )\n\n normal = perturbNormalArb( -vViewPosition, normal, dHdxy_fwd() );\n\n#endif\n\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/normalmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'normalmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D normalMap;\n uniform vec2 normalScale;\n\n\n vec3 perturbNormal2Arb( vec3 eye_pos, vec3 surf_norm ) {\n\n vec3 q0 = dFdx( eye_pos.xyz );\n vec3 q1 = dFdy( eye_pos.xyz );\n vec2 st0 = dFdx( vUv.st );\n vec2 st1 = dFdy( vUv.st );\n\n vec3 S = normalize( q0 * st1.t - q1 * st0.t );\n vec3 T = normalize( -q0 * st1.s + q1 * st0.s );\n vec3 N = normalize( surf_norm );\n\n vec3 mapN = texture2D( normalMap, vUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;\n mapN.xy = normalScale * mapN.xy;\n mat3 tsn = mat3( S, T, N );\n return normalize( tsn * mapN );\n\n }\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/project_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'project_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * skinned;\n\n#else\n\n vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\n\n#endif\n\ngl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/shadowmap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'shadowmap_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHADOWS; i ++ ) {\n\n float texelSizeY = 1.0 / shadowMapSize[ i ].y;\n\n float shadow = 0.0;\n\n#if defined( POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS )\n\n bool isPointLight = shadowDarkness[ i ] < 0.0;\n\n if ( isPointLight ) {\n\n float realShadowDarkness = abs( shadowDarkness[ i ] );\n\n vec3 lightToPosition = vShadowCoord[ i ].xyz;\n\n #if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )\n\n vec3 bd3D = normalize( lightToPosition );\n float dp = length( lightToPosition );\n\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n\n\n #if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF )\n const float Dr = 1.25;\n #elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )\n const float Dr = 2.25;\n #endif\n\n float os = Dr * 2.0 * texelSizeY;\n\n const vec3 Gsd = vec3( - 1, 0, 1 );\n\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zzz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zxz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xxz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xzz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zzx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zxx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xxx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xzx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zzy * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zxy * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xxy * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xzy * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zyz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xyz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.zyx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.xyx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.yzz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.yxz * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.yxx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D + Gsd.yzx * os, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n\n shadow *= realShadowDarkness * ( 1.0 / 21.0 );\n\n #else \n vec3 bd3D = normalize( lightToPosition );\n float dp = length( lightToPosition );\n\n adjustShadowValue1K( dp, texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSizeY ) ), shadowBias[ i ], shadow );\n\n shadow *= realShadowDarkness;\n\n #endif\n\n } else {\n\n#endif \n float texelSizeX = 1.0 / shadowMapSize[ i ].x;\n\n vec3 shadowCoord = vShadowCoord[ i ].xyz / vShadowCoord[ i ].w;\n\n\n bvec4 inFrustumVec = bvec4 ( shadowCoord.x >= 0.0, shadowCoord.x <= 1.0, shadowCoord.y >= 0.0, shadowCoord.y <= 1.0 );\n bool inFrustum = all( inFrustumVec );\n\n bvec2 frustumTestVec = bvec2( inFrustum, shadowCoord.z <= 1.0 );\n\n bool frustumTest = all( frustumTestVec );\n\n if ( frustumTest ) {\n\n #if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF )\n\n\n /*\n for ( float y = -1.25; y <= 1.25; y += 1.25 )\n for ( float x = -1.25; x <= 1.25; x += 1.25 ) {\n vec4 rgbaDepth = texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], vec2( x * xPixelOffset, y * yPixelOffset ) + shadowCoord.xy );\n float fDepth = unpackDepth( rgbaDepth );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z )\n shadow += 1.0;\n }\n shadow /= 9.0;\n */\n\n shadowCoord.z += shadowBias[ i ];\n\n const float ShadowDelta = 1.0 / 9.0;\n\n float xPixelOffset = texelSizeX;\n float yPixelOffset = texelSizeY;\n\n float dx0 = - 1.25 * xPixelOffset;\n float dy0 = - 1.25 * yPixelOffset;\n float dx1 = 1.25 * xPixelOffset;\n float dy1 = 1.25 * yPixelOffset;\n\n float fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n fDepth = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ) ) );\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z ) shadow += ShadowDelta;\n\n shadow *= shadowDarkness[ i ];\n\n #elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )\n\n\n shadowCoord.z += shadowBias[ i ];\n\n float xPixelOffset = texelSizeX;\n float yPixelOffset = texelSizeY;\n\n float dx0 = - 1.0 * xPixelOffset;\n float dy0 = - 1.0 * yPixelOffset;\n float dx1 = 1.0 * xPixelOffset;\n float dy1 = 1.0 * yPixelOffset;\n\n mat3 shadowKernel;\n mat3 depthKernel;\n\n depthKernel[ 0 ][ 0 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 0 ][ 1 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 0 ][ 2 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 1 ][ 0 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 1 ][ 1 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy ) );\n depthKernel[ 1 ][ 2 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 2 ][ 0 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 2 ][ 1 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ) ) );\n depthKernel[ 2 ][ 2 ] = unpackDepth( texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ) ) );\n\n vec3 shadowZ = vec3( shadowCoord.z );\n shadowKernel[ 0 ] = vec3( lessThan( depthKernel[ 0 ], shadowZ ) );\n shadowKernel[ 0 ] *= vec3( 0.25 );\n\n shadowKernel[ 1 ] = vec3( lessThan( depthKernel[ 1 ], shadowZ ) );\n shadowKernel[ 1 ] *= vec3( 0.25 );\n\n shadowKernel[ 2 ] = vec3( lessThan( depthKernel[ 2 ], shadowZ ) );\n shadowKernel[ 2 ] *= vec3( 0.25 );\n\n vec2 fractionalCoord = 1.0 - fract( shadowCoord.xy * shadowMapSize[ i ].xy );\n\n shadowKernel[ 0 ] = mix( shadowKernel[ 1 ], shadowKernel[ 0 ], fractionalCoord.x );\n shadowKernel[ 1 ] = mix( shadowKernel[ 2 ], shadowKernel[ 1 ], fractionalCoord.x );\n\n vec4 shadowValues;\n shadowValues.x = mix( shadowKernel[ 0 ][ 1 ], shadowKernel[ 0 ][ 0 ], fractionalCoord.y );\n shadowValues.y = mix( shadowKernel[ 0 ][ 2 ], shadowKernel[ 0 ][ 1 ], fractionalCoord.y );\n shadowValues.z = mix( shadowKernel[ 1 ][ 1 ], shadowKernel[ 1 ][ 0 ], fractionalCoord.y );\n shadowValues.w = mix( shadowKernel[ 1 ][ 2 ], shadowKernel[ 1 ][ 1 ], fractionalCoord.y );\n\n shadow = dot( shadowValues, vec4( 1.0 ) ) * shadowDarkness[ i ];\n\n #else \n shadowCoord.z += shadowBias[ i ];\n\n vec4 rgbaDepth = texture2D( shadowMap[ i ], shadowCoord.xy );\n float fDepth = unpackDepth( rgbaDepth );\n\n if ( fDepth < shadowCoord.z )\n shadow = shadowDarkness[ i ];\n\n #endif\n\n }\n\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_DEBUG\n\n if ( inFrustum ) {\n\n if ( i == 0 ) {\n\n outgoingLight *= vec3( 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 );\n\n } else if ( i == 1 ) {\n\n outgoingLight *= vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.8 );\n\n } else {\n\n outgoingLight *= vec3( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 );\n\n }\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n#if defined( POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS )\n\n }\n\n#endif\n\n shadowMask = shadowMask * vec3( 1.0 - shadow );\n\n }\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/shadowmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'shadowmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D shadowMap[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n uniform vec2 shadowMapSize[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n\n uniform float shadowDarkness[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n uniform float shadowBias[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n\n varying vec4 vShadowCoord[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n\n float unpackDepth( const in vec4 rgba_depth ) {\n\n const vec4 bit_shift = vec4( 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 );\n float depth = dot( rgba_depth, bit_shift );\n return depth;\n\n }\n\n #if defined(POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS)\n\n\n void adjustShadowValue1K( const float testDepth, const vec4 textureData, const float bias, inout float shadowValue ) {\n\n const vec4 bitSh = vec4( 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 );\n if ( testDepth >= dot( textureData, bitSh ) * 1000.0 + bias )\n shadowValue += 1.0;\n\n }\n\n\n vec2 cubeToUV( vec3 v, float texelSizeY ) {\n\n\n vec3 absV = abs( v );\n\n\n float scaleToCube = 1.0 / max( absV.x, max( absV.y, absV.z ) );\n absV *= scaleToCube;\n\n\n v *= scaleToCube * ( 1.0 - 2.0 * texelSizeY );\n\n\n\n vec2 planar = v.xy;\n\n float almostATexel = 1.5 * texelSizeY;\n float almostOne = 1.0 - almostATexel;\n\n if ( absV.z >= almostOne ) {\n\n if ( v.z > 0.0 )\n planar.x = 4.0 - v.x;\n\n } else if ( absV.x >= almostOne ) {\n\n float signX = sign( v.x );\n planar.x = v.z * signX + 2.0 * signX;\n\n } else if ( absV.y >= almostOne ) {\n\n float signY = sign( v.y );\n planar.x = v.x + 2.0 * signY + 2.0;\n planar.y = v.z * signY - 2.0;\n\n }\n\n\n return vec2( 0.125, 0.25 ) * planar + vec2( 0.375, 0.75 );\n\n }\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/shadowmap_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'shadowmap_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\n uniform float shadowDarkness[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n uniform mat4 shadowMatrix[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n varying vec4 vShadowCoord[ MAX_SHADOWS ];\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/shadowmap_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'shadowmap_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\n for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHADOWS; i ++ ) {\n\n vShadowCoord[ i ] = shadowMatrix[ i ] * worldPosition;\n\n }\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/skinbase_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'skinbase_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n mat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.x );\n mat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.y );\n mat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.z );\n mat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.w );\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/skinning_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'skinning_pars_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n uniform mat4 bindMatrix;\n uniform mat4 bindMatrixInverse;\n\n #ifdef BONE_TEXTURE\n\n uniform sampler2D boneTexture;\n uniform int boneTextureWidth;\n uniform int boneTextureHeight;\n\n mat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {\n\n float j = i * 4.0;\n float x = mod( j, float( boneTextureWidth ) );\n float y = floor( j / float( boneTextureWidth ) );\n\n float dx = 1.0 / float( boneTextureWidth );\n float dy = 1.0 / float( boneTextureHeight );\n\n y = dy * ( y + 0.5 );\n\n vec4 v1 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 0.5 ), y ) );\n vec4 v2 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 1.5 ), y ) );\n vec4 v3 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 2.5 ), y ) );\n vec4 v4 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 3.5 ), y ) );\n\n mat4 bone = mat4( v1, v2, v3, v4 );\n\n return bone;\n\n }\n\n #else\n\n uniform mat4 boneGlobalMatrices[ MAX_BONES ];\n\n mat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {\n\n mat4 bone = boneGlobalMatrices[ int(i) ];\n return bone;\n\n }\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/skinning_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'skinning_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\n\n vec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 );\n skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x;\n skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y;\n skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z;\n skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w;\n skinned = bindMatrixInverse * skinned;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/skinnormal_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'skinnormal_vertex'] = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n mat4 skinMatrix = mat4( 0.0 );\n skinMatrix += skinWeight.x * boneMatX;\n skinMatrix += skinWeight.y * boneMatY;\n skinMatrix += skinWeight.z * boneMatZ;\n skinMatrix += skinWeight.w * boneMatW;\n skinMatrix = bindMatrixInverse * skinMatrix * bindMatrix;\n\n objectNormal = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectNormal, 0.0 ) ).xyz;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/specularmap_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'specularmap_fragment'] = "float specularStrength;\n\n#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP\n\n vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );\n specularStrength = texelSpecular.r;\n\n#else\n\n specularStrength = 1.0;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/specularmap_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'specularmap_pars_fragment'] = "#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP\n\n uniform sampler2D specularMap;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv2_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv2_pars_fragment'] = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\n varying vec2 vUv2;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv2_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv2_pars_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\n attribute vec2 uv2;\n varying vec2 vUv2;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv2_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv2_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\n vUv2 = uv2;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv_pars_fragment.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv_pars_fragment'] = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP )\n\n varying vec2 vUv;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv_pars_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv_pars_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP )\n\n varying vec2 vUv;\n uniform vec4 offsetRepeat;\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/uv_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'uv_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP )\n\n vUv = uv * offsetRepeat.zw + offsetRepeat.xy;\n\n#endif";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk/worldpos_vertex.glsl
THREE.ShaderChunk[ 'worldpos_vertex'] = "#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined( PHONG ) || defined( LAMBERT ) || defined ( USE_SHADOWMAP )\n\n #ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\n vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * skinned;\n\n #else\n\n vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\n\n #endif\n\n#endif\n";
// File:src/renderers/shaders/UniformsUtils.js
* Uniform Utilities
THREE.UniformsUtils = {
merge: function ( uniforms ) {
var merged = {};
for ( var u = 0; u < uniforms.length; u ++ ) {
var tmp = this.clone( uniforms[ u ] );
for ( var p in tmp ) {
merged[ p ] = tmp[ p ];
return merged;
clone: function ( uniforms_src ) {
var uniforms_dst = {};
for ( var u in uniforms_src ) {
uniforms_dst[ u ] = {};
for ( var p in uniforms_src[ u ] ) {
var parameter_src = uniforms_src[ u ][ p ];
if ( parameter_src instanceof THREE.Color ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Vector2 ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Vector3 ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Vector4 ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Matrix3 ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Matrix4 ||
parameter_src instanceof THREE.Texture ) {
uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src.clone();
} else if ( Array.isArray( parameter_src ) ) {
uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src.slice();
} else {
uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src;
return uniforms_dst;
// File:src/renderers/shaders/UniformsLib.js
* Uniforms library for shared webgl shaders
THREE.UniformsLib = {
common: {
"diffuse" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0xeeeeee ) },
"opacity" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"map" : { type: "t", value: null },
"offsetRepeat" : { type: "v4", value: new THREE.Vector4( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) },
"specularMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"alphaMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"envMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"flipEnvMap" : { type: "f", value: - 1 },
"reflectivity" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"refractionRatio" : { type: "f", value: 0.98 }
aomap: {
"aoMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"aoMapIntensity" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
lightmap: {
"lightMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"lightMapIntensity" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
emissivemap: {
"emissiveMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
bumpmap: {
"bumpMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"bumpScale" : { type: "f", value: 1 }
normalmap: {
"normalMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"normalScale" : { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 ) }
displacementmap: {
"displacementMap" : { type: "t", value: null },
"displacementScale" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
"displacementBias" : { type: "f", value: 0 }
fog : {
"fogDensity" : { type: "f", value: 0.00025 },
"fogNear" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
"fogFar" : { type: "f", value: 2000 },
"fogColor" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ) }
lights: {
"ambientLightColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"directionalLightDirection" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"directionalLightColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"hemisphereLightDirection" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"hemisphereLightSkyColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"hemisphereLightGroundColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"pointLightColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"pointLightPosition" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"pointLightDistance" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"pointLightDecay" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"spotLightColor" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"spotLightPosition" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"spotLightDirection" : { type: "fv", value: [] },
"spotLightDistance" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"spotLightAngleCos" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"spotLightExponent" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"spotLightDecay" : { type: "fv1", value: [] }
points: {
"psColor" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0xeeeeee ) },
"opacity" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"size" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"scale" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"map" : { type: "t", value: null },
"offsetRepeat" : { type: "v4", value: new THREE.Vector4( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) },
"fogDensity" : { type: "f", value: 0.00025 },
"fogNear" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
"fogFar" : { type: "f", value: 2000 },
"fogColor" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ) }
shadowmap: {
"shadowMap": { type: "tv", value: [] },
"shadowMapSize": { type: "v2v", value: [] },
"shadowBias" : { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"shadowDarkness": { type: "fv1", value: [] },
"shadowMatrix" : { type: "m4v", value: [] }
// File:src/renderers/shaders/ShaderLib.js
* Webgl Shader Library for three.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
THREE.ShaderLib = {
'basic': {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [
THREE.UniformsLib[ "common" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "aomap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "fog" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "shadowmap" ]
] ),
vertexShader: [
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ],
" #ifdef USE_ENVMAP",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "beginnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "defaultnormal_vertex" ],
" #endif",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "worldpos_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 diffuse;",
"uniform float opacity;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "aomap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );",
" vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );",
" vec3 totalAmbientLight = vec3( 1.0 );", // hardwired
" vec3 shadowMask = vec3( 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphatest_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "aomap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_fragment" ],
" outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb * totalAmbientLight * shadowMask;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "linear_to_gamma_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_fragment" ],
" gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );",
].join( "\n" )
'lambert': {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [
THREE.UniformsLib[ "common" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "fog" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "lights" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "shadowmap" ],
"emissive" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ) }
] ),
vertexShader: [
"#define LAMBERT",
"varying vec3 vLightFront;",
"#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED",
" varying vec3 vLightBack;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_lambert_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "beginnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "defaultnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "worldpos_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_lambert_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 diffuse;",
"uniform vec3 emissive;",
"uniform float opacity;",
"uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;",
"varying vec3 vLightFront;",
"#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED",
" varying vec3 vLightBack;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );", // outgoing light does not have an alpha, the surface does
" vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );",
" vec3 totalAmbientLight = ambientLightColor;",
" vec3 shadowMask = vec3( 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphatest_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_fragment" ],
" #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED",
" if ( gl_FrontFacing )",
" outgoingLight += diffuseColor.rgb * ( vLightFront * shadowMask + totalAmbientLight ) + emissive;",
" else",
" outgoingLight += diffuseColor.rgb * ( vLightBack * shadowMask + totalAmbientLight ) + emissive;",
" #else",
" outgoingLight += diffuseColor.rgb * ( vLightFront * shadowMask + totalAmbientLight ) + emissive;",
" #endif",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "linear_to_gamma_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_fragment" ],
" gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );",
].join( "\n" )
'phong': {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [
THREE.UniformsLib[ "common" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "aomap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "lightmap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "emissivemap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "bumpmap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "normalmap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "displacementmap" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "fog" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "lights" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "shadowmap" ],
"emissive" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ) },
"specular" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x111111 ) },
"shininess": { type: "f", value: 30 }
] ),
vertexShader: [
"#define PHONG",
"varying vec3 vViewPosition;",
"#ifndef FLAT_SHADED",
" varying vec3 vNormal;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "displacementmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_phong_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "beginnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinnormal_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "defaultnormal_vertex" ],
"#ifndef FLAT_SHADED", // Normal computed with derivatives when FLAT_SHADED
" vNormal = normalize( transformedNormal );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "displacementmap_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
" vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "worldpos_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_phong_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"#define PHONG",
"uniform vec3 diffuse;",
"uniform vec3 emissive;",
"uniform vec3 specular;",
"uniform float shininess;",
"uniform float opacity;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "uv2_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "aomap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lightmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "emissivemap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_phong_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "bumpmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "normalmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );",
" vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );",
" vec3 totalAmbientLight = ambientLightColor;",
" vec3 totalEmissiveLight = emissive;",
" vec3 shadowMask = vec3( 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphatest_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "specularmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "normal_phong_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lightmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "hemilight_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "aomap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "emissivemap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_phong_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_fragment" ],
"totalDiffuseLight *= shadowMask;",
"totalSpecularLight *= shadowMask;",
"#ifdef METAL",
" outgoingLight += diffuseColor.rgb * ( totalDiffuseLight + totalAmbientLight ) * specular + totalSpecularLight + totalEmissiveLight;",
" outgoingLight += diffuseColor.rgb * ( totalDiffuseLight + totalAmbientLight ) + totalSpecularLight + totalEmissiveLight;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "linear_to_gamma_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_fragment" ],
" gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );",
].join( "\n" )
'points': {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [
THREE.UniformsLib[ "points" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "shadowmap" ]
] ),
vertexShader: [
"uniform float size;",
"uniform float scale;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ],
" vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
" gl_PointSize = size * ( scale / length( mvPosition.xyz ) );",
" #else",
" gl_PointSize = size;",
" #endif",
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "worldpos_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 psColor;",
"uniform float opacity;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_particle_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );",
" vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( psColor, opacity );",
" vec3 shadowMask = vec3( 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_particle_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphatest_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_fragment" ],
" outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb * shadowMask;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_fragment" ],
" gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );",
].join( "\n" )
'dashed': {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [
THREE.UniformsLib[ "common" ],
THREE.UniformsLib[ "fog" ],
"scale" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
"dashSize" : { type: "f", value: 1 },
"totalSize": { type: "f", value: 2 }
] ),
vertexShader: [
"uniform float scale;",
"attribute float lineDistance;",
"varying float vLineDistance;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ],
" vLineDistance = scale * lineDistance;",
" vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 diffuse;",
"uniform float opacity;",
"uniform float dashSize;",
"uniform float totalSize;",
"varying float vLineDistance;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_pars_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" if ( mod( vLineDistance, totalSize ) > dashSize ) {",
" discard;",
" }",
" vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );",
" vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_fragment" ],
" outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb;", // simple shader
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "fog_fragment" ],
" gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );",
].join( "\n" )
'depth': {
uniforms: {
"mNear": { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
"mFar" : { type: "f", value: 2000.0 },
"opacity" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 }
vertexShader: [
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform float mNear;",
"uniform float mFar;",
"uniform float opacity;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
" float depth = gl_FragDepthEXT / gl_FragCoord.w;",
" #else",
" float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;",
" #endif",
" float color = 1.0 - smoothstep( mNear, mFar, depth );",
" gl_FragColor = vec4( vec3( color ), opacity );",
].join( "\n" )
'normal': {
uniforms: {
"opacity" : { type: "f", value: 1.0 }
vertexShader: [
"varying vec3 vNormal;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
" vNormal = normalize( normalMatrix * normal );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform float opacity;",
"varying vec3 vNormal;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.5 * normalize( vNormal ) + 0.5, opacity );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
].join( "\n" )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cube map shader
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
'cube': {
uniforms: { "tCube": { type: "t", value: null },
"tFlip": { type: "f", value: - 1 } },
vertexShader: [
"varying vec3 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
" vWorldPosition = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix );",
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform samplerCube tCube;",
"uniform float tFlip;",
"varying vec3 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
" gl_FragColor = textureCube( tCube, vec3( tFlip * vWorldPosition.x, vWorldPosition.yz ) );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
].join( "\n" )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cube map shader
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
'equirect': {
uniforms: { "tEquirect": { type: "t", value: null },
"tFlip": { type: "f", value: - 1 } },
vertexShader: [
"varying vec3 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
" vWorldPosition = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix );",
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform sampler2D tEquirect;",
"uniform float tFlip;",
"varying vec3 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"void main() {",
// " gl_FragColor = textureCube( tCube, vec3( tFlip * vWorldPosition.x, vWorldPosition.yz ) );",
"vec3 direction = normalize( vWorldPosition );",
"vec2 sampleUV;",
"sampleUV.y = saturate( tFlip * direction.y * -0.5 + 0.5 );",
"sampleUV.x = atan( direction.z, direction.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;",
"gl_FragColor = texture2D( tEquirect, sampleUV );",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
].join( "\n" )
/* Depth encoding into RGBA texture
* based on SpiderGL shadow map example
* http://spidergl.org/example.php?id=6
* originally from
* http://www.gamedev.net/topic/442138-packing-a-float-into-a-a8r8g8b8-texture-shader/page__whichpage__1%25EF%25BF%25BD
* see also
* http://aras-p.info/blog/2009/07/30/encoding-floats-to-rgba-the-final/
'depthRGBA': {
uniforms: {},
vertexShader: [
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_vertex" ],
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_fragment" ],
"vec4 pack_depth( const in float depth ) {",
" const vec4 bit_shift = vec4( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0, 1.0 );",
" const vec4 bit_mask = vec4( 0.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0 );",
" vec4 res = mod( depth * bit_shift * vec4( 255 ), vec4( 256 ) ) / vec4( 255 );", // " vec4 res = fract( depth * bit_shift );",
" res -= res.xxyz * bit_mask;",
" return res;",
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_fragment" ],
" gl_FragData[ 0 ] = pack_depth( gl_FragDepthEXT );",
" #else",
" gl_FragData[ 0 ] = pack_depth( gl_FragCoord.z );",
" #endif",
//"gl_FragData[ 0 ] = pack_depth( gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w );",
//"float z = ( ( gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w ) - 3.0 ) / ( 4000.0 - 3.0 );",
//"gl_FragData[ 0 ] = pack_depth( z );",
//"gl_FragData[ 0 ] = vec4( z, z, z, 1.0 );",
].join( "\n" )
'distanceRGBA': {
uniforms: {
"lightPos": { type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ) }
vertexShader: [
"varying vec4 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ],
"void main() {",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "begin_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "project_vertex" ],
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "worldpos_vertex" ],
"vWorldPosition = worldPosition;",
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 lightPos;",
"varying vec4 vWorldPosition;",
THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ],
"vec4 pack1K ( float depth ) {",
" depth /= 1000.0;",
" const vec4 bitSh = vec4( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0, 1.0 );",
" const vec4 bitMsk = vec4( 0.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0 );",
" vec4 res = fract( depth * bitSh );",
" res -= res.xxyz * bitMsk;",
" return res; ",
"float unpack1K ( vec4 color ) {",
" const vec4 bitSh = vec4( 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 );",
" return dot( color, bitSh ) * 1000.0;",
"void main () {",
" gl_FragColor = pack1K( length( vWorldPosition.xyz - lightPos.xyz ) );",
].join( "\n" )
// File:src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js
* @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/
THREE.WebGLRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
console.log( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer', THREE.REVISION );
parameters = parameters || {};
var _canvas = parameters.canvas !== undefined ? parameters.canvas : document.createElement( 'canvas' ),
_context = parameters.context !== undefined ? parameters.context : null,
_width = _canvas.width,
_height = _canvas.height,
pixelRatio = 1,
_alpha = parameters.alpha !== undefined ? parameters.alpha : false,
_depth = parameters.depth !== undefined ? parameters.depth : true,
_stencil = parameters.stencil !== undefined ? parameters.stencil : true,
_antialias = parameters.antialias !== undefined ? parameters.antialias : false,
_premultipliedAlpha = parameters.premultipliedAlpha !== undefined ? parameters.premultipliedAlpha : true,
_preserveDrawingBuffer = parameters.preserveDrawingBuffer !== undefined ? parameters.preserveDrawingBuffer : false,
_clearColor = new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ),
_clearAlpha = 0;
var lights = [];
var opaqueObjects = [];
var opaqueObjectsLastIndex = - 1;
var transparentObjects = [];
var transparentObjectsLastIndex = - 1;
var morphInfluences = new Float32Array( 8 );
var sprites = [];
var lensFlares = [];
// public properties
this.domElement = _canvas;
this.context = null;
// clearing
this.autoClear = true;
this.autoClearColor = true;
this.autoClearDepth = true;
this.autoClearStencil = true;
// scene graph
this.sortObjects = true;
// physically based shading
this.gammaFactor = 2.0; // for backwards compatibility
this.gammaInput = false;
this.gammaOutput = false;
// morphs
this.maxMorphTargets = 8;
this.maxMorphNormals = 4;
// flags
this.autoScaleCubemaps = true;
// internal properties
var _this = this,
// internal state cache
_currentProgram = null,
_currentFramebuffer = null,
_currentMaterialId = - 1,
_currentGeometryProgram = '',
_currentCamera = null,
_usedTextureUnits = 0,
_viewportX = 0,
_viewportY = 0,
_viewportWidth = _canvas.width,
_viewportHeight = _canvas.height,
_currentWidth = 0,
_currentHeight = 0,
// frustum
_frustum = new THREE.Frustum(),
// camera matrices cache
_projScreenMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(),
_vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(),
// light arrays cache
_direction = new THREE.Vector3(),
_lightsNeedUpdate = true,
_lights = {
ambient: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
directional: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [] },
point: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [], distances: [], decays: [] },
spot: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [], distances: [], directions: [], anglesCos: [], exponents: [], decays: [] },
hemi: { length: 0, skyColors: [], groundColors: [], positions: [] }
// info
_infoMemory = {
geometries: 0,
textures: 0
_infoRender = {
calls: 0,
vertices: 0,
faces: 0,
points: 0
this.info = {
render: _infoRender,
memory: _infoMemory,
programs: null
// initialize
var _gl;
try {
var attributes = {
alpha: _alpha,
depth: _depth,
stencil: _stencil,
antialias: _antialias,
premultipliedAlpha: _premultipliedAlpha,
preserveDrawingBuffer: _preserveDrawingBuffer
_gl = _context || _canvas.getContext( 'webgl', attributes ) || _canvas.getContext( 'experimental-webgl', attributes );
if ( _gl === null ) {
if ( _canvas.getContext( 'webgl' ) !== null ) {
throw 'Error creating WebGL context with your selected attributes.';
} else {
throw 'Error creating WebGL context.';
_canvas.addEventListener( 'webglcontextlost', onContextLost, false );
} catch ( error ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: ' + error );
var extensions = new THREE.WebGLExtensions( _gl );
extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );
extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float_linear' );
extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );
extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float_linear' );
extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' );
extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
if ( extensions.get( 'OES_element_index_uint' ) ) {
THREE.BufferGeometry.MaxIndex = 4294967296;
var capabilities = new THREE.WebGLCapabilities( _gl, extensions, parameters );
var state = new THREE.WebGLState( _gl, extensions, paramThreeToGL );
var properties = new THREE.WebGLProperties();
var objects = new THREE.WebGLObjects( _gl, properties, this.info );
var programCache = new THREE.WebGLPrograms( this, capabilities );
this.info.programs = programCache.programs;
var bufferRenderer = new THREE.WebGLBufferRenderer( _gl, extensions, _infoRender );
var indexedBufferRenderer = new THREE.WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer( _gl, extensions, _infoRender );
function glClearColor( r, g, b, a ) {
if ( _premultipliedAlpha === true ) {
r *= a; g *= a; b *= a;
_gl.clearColor( r, g, b, a );
function setDefaultGLState() {
_gl.viewport( _viewportX, _viewportY, _viewportWidth, _viewportHeight );
glClearColor( _clearColor.r, _clearColor.g, _clearColor.b, _clearAlpha );
function resetGLState() {
_currentProgram = null;
_currentCamera = null;
_currentGeometryProgram = '';
_currentMaterialId = - 1;
_lightsNeedUpdate = true;
this.context = _gl;
this.capabilities = capabilities;
this.extensions = extensions;
this.state = state;
// shadow map
var shadowMap = new THREE.WebGLShadowMap( this, lights, objects );
this.shadowMap = shadowMap;
// Plugins
var spritePlugin = new THREE.SpritePlugin( this, sprites );
var lensFlarePlugin = new THREE.LensFlarePlugin( this, lensFlares );
// API
this.getContext = function () {
return _gl;
this.getContextAttributes = function () {
return _gl.getContextAttributes();
this.forceContextLoss = function () {
extensions.get( 'WEBGL_lose_context' ).loseContext();
this.getMaxAnisotropy = ( function () {
var value;
return function getMaxAnisotropy() {
if ( value !== undefined ) return value;
var extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );
if ( extension !== null ) {
value = _gl.getParameter( extension.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT );
} else {
value = 0;
return value;
} )();
this.getPrecision = function () {
return capabilities.precision;
this.getPixelRatio = function () {
return pixelRatio;
this.setPixelRatio = function ( value ) {
if ( value !== undefined ) pixelRatio = value;
this.getSize = function () {
return {
width: _width,
height: _height
this.setSize = function ( width, height, updateStyle ) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
_canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
_canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;
if ( updateStyle !== false ) {
_canvas.style.width = width + 'px';
_canvas.style.height = height + 'px';
this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
this.setViewport = function ( x, y, width, height ) {
_viewportX = x * pixelRatio;
_viewportY = y * pixelRatio;
_viewportWidth = width * pixelRatio;
_viewportHeight = height * pixelRatio;
_gl.viewport( _viewportX, _viewportY, _viewportWidth, _viewportHeight );
this.getViewport = function ( dimensions ) {
dimensions.x = _viewportX / pixelRatio;
dimensions.y = _viewportY / pixelRatio;
dimensions.z = _viewportWidth / pixelRatio;
dimensions.w = _viewportHeight / pixelRatio;
this.setScissor = function ( x, y, width, height ) {
x * pixelRatio,
y * pixelRatio,
width * pixelRatio,
height * pixelRatio
this.enableScissorTest = function ( boolean ) {
state.setScissorTest( boolean );
// Clearing
this.getClearColor = function () {
return _clearColor;
this.setClearColor = function ( color, alpha ) {
_clearColor.set( color );
_clearAlpha = alpha !== undefined ? alpha : 1;
glClearColor( _clearColor.r, _clearColor.g, _clearColor.b, _clearAlpha );
this.getClearAlpha = function () {
return _clearAlpha;
this.setClearAlpha = function ( alpha ) {
_clearAlpha = alpha;
glClearColor( _clearColor.r, _clearColor.g, _clearColor.b, _clearAlpha );
this.clear = function ( color, depth, stencil ) {
var bits = 0;
if ( color === undefined || color ) bits |= _gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
if ( depth === undefined || depth ) bits |= _gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
if ( stencil === undefined || stencil ) bits |= _gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;
_gl.clear( bits );
this.clearColor = function () {
_gl.clear( _gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
this.clearDepth = function () {
_gl.clear( _gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
this.clearStencil = function () {
_gl.clear( _gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT );
this.clearTarget = function ( renderTarget, color, depth, stencil ) {
this.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );
this.clear( color, depth, stencil );
// Reset
this.resetGLState = resetGLState;
this.dispose = function() {
_canvas.removeEventListener( 'webglcontextlost', onContextLost, false );
// Events
function onContextLost( event ) {
function onTextureDispose( event ) {
var texture = event.target;
texture.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );
deallocateTexture( texture );
_infoMemory.textures --;
function onRenderTargetDispose( event ) {
var renderTarget = event.target;
renderTarget.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onRenderTargetDispose );
deallocateRenderTarget( renderTarget );
_infoMemory.textures --;
function onMaterialDispose( event ) {
var material = event.target;
material.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );
deallocateMaterial( material );
// Buffer deallocation
function deallocateTexture( texture ) {
var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );
if ( texture.image && textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube ) {
// cube texture
_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );
} else {
// 2D texture
if ( textureProperties.__webglInit === undefined ) return;
_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__webglTexture );
// remove all webgl properties
properties.delete( texture );
function deallocateRenderTarget( renderTarget ) {
var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );
var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );
if ( ! renderTarget || textureProperties.__webglTexture === undefined ) return;
_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__webglTexture );
if ( renderTarget instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
_gl.deleteFramebuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ] );
_gl.deleteRenderbuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer[ i ] );
} else {
_gl.deleteFramebuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer );
_gl.deleteRenderbuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer );
properties.delete( renderTarget.texture );
properties.delete( renderTarget );
function deallocateMaterial( material ) {
releaseMaterialProgramReference( material );
properties.delete( material );
function releaseMaterialProgramReference( material ) {
var programInfo = properties.get( material ).program;
material.program = undefined;
if ( programInfo !== undefined ) {
programCache.releaseProgram( programInfo );
// Buffer rendering
this.renderBufferImmediate = function ( object, program, material ) {
var buffers = properties.get( object );
if ( object.hasPositions && ! buffers.position ) buffers.position = _gl.createBuffer();
if ( object.hasNormals && ! buffers.normal ) buffers.normal = _gl.createBuffer();
if ( object.hasUvs && ! buffers.uv ) buffers.uv = _gl.createBuffer();
if ( object.hasColors && ! buffers.color ) buffers.color = _gl.createBuffer();
var attributes = program.getAttributes();
if ( object.hasPositions ) {
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.position );
_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.positionArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.position );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.position, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
if ( object.hasNormals ) {
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.normal );
if ( material.type !== 'MeshPhongMaterial' && material.shading === THREE.FlatShading ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = object.count * 3; i < l; i += 9 ) {
var array = object.normalArray;
var nx = ( array[ i + 0 ] + array[ i + 3 ] + array[ i + 6 ] ) / 3;
var ny = ( array[ i + 1 ] + array[ i + 4 ] + array[ i + 7 ] ) / 3;
var nz = ( array[ i + 2 ] + array[ i + 5 ] + array[ i + 8 ] ) / 3;
array[ i + 0 ] = nx;
array[ i + 1 ] = ny;
array[ i + 2 ] = nz;
array[ i + 3 ] = nx;
array[ i + 4 ] = ny;
array[ i + 5 ] = nz;
array[ i + 6 ] = nx;
array[ i + 7 ] = ny;
array[ i + 8 ] = nz;
_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.normalArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.normal );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.normal, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
if ( object.hasUvs && material.map ) {
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.uv );
_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.uvArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.uv );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.uv, 2, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
if ( object.hasColors && material.vertexColors !== THREE.NoColors ) {
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.color );
_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.colorArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.color );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.color, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
_gl.drawArrays( _gl.TRIANGLES, 0, object.count );
object.count = 0;
this.renderBufferDirect = function ( camera, lights, fog, geometry, material, object, group ) {
setMaterial( material );
var program = setProgram( camera, lights, fog, material, object );
var updateBuffers = false;
var geometryProgram = geometry.id + '_' + program.id + '_' + material.wireframe;
if ( geometryProgram !== _currentGeometryProgram ) {
_currentGeometryProgram = geometryProgram;
updateBuffers = true;
// morph targets
var morphTargetInfluences = object.morphTargetInfluences;
if ( morphTargetInfluences !== undefined ) {
var activeInfluences = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = morphTargetInfluences.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var influence = morphTargetInfluences[ i ];
activeInfluences.push( [ influence, i ] );
activeInfluences.sort( numericalSort );
if ( activeInfluences.length > 8 ) {
activeInfluences.length = 8;
var morphAttributes = geometry.morphAttributes;
for ( var i = 0, l = activeInfluences.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var influence = activeInfluences[ i ];
morphInfluences[ i ] = influence[ 0 ];
if ( influence[ 0 ] !== 0 ) {
var index = influence[ 1 ];
if ( material.morphTargets === true && morphAttributes.position ) geometry.addAttribute( 'morphTarget' + i, morphAttributes.position[ index ] );
if ( material.morphNormals === true && morphAttributes.normal ) geometry.addAttribute( 'morphNormal' + i, morphAttributes.normal[ index ] );
} else {
if ( material.morphTargets === true ) geometry.removeAttribute( 'morphTarget' + i );
if ( material.morphNormals === true ) geometry.removeAttribute( 'morphNormal' + i );
var uniforms = program.getUniforms();
if ( uniforms.morphTargetInfluences !== null ) {
_gl.uniform1fv( uniforms.morphTargetInfluences, morphInfluences );
updateBuffers = true;
var index = geometry.index;
var position = geometry.attributes.position;
if ( material.wireframe === true ) {
index = objects.getWireframeAttribute( geometry );
var renderer;
if ( index !== null ) {
renderer = indexedBufferRenderer;
renderer.setIndex( index );
} else {
renderer = bufferRenderer;
if ( updateBuffers ) {
setupVertexAttributes( material, program, geometry );
if ( index !== null ) {
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, objects.getAttributeBuffer( index ) );
var dataStart = 0;
var dataCount = Infinity;
if ( index !== null ) {
dataCount = index.count
} else if ( position !== undefined ) {
dataCount = position.count;
var rangeStart = geometry.drawRange.start;
var rangeCount = geometry.drawRange.count;
var groupStart = group !== null ? group.start : 0;
var groupCount = group !== null ? group.count : Infinity;
var drawStart = Math.max( dataStart, rangeStart, groupStart );
var drawEnd = Math.min( dataStart + dataCount, rangeStart + rangeCount, groupStart + groupCount ) - 1;
var drawCount = Math.max( 0, drawEnd - drawStart + 1 );
if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
if ( material.wireframe === true ) {
state.setLineWidth( material.wireframeLinewidth * pixelRatio );
renderer.setMode( _gl.LINES );
} else {
renderer.setMode( _gl.TRIANGLES );
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry && geometry.maxInstancedCount > 0 ) {
renderer.renderInstances( geometry );
} else {
renderer.render( drawStart, drawCount );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Line ) {
var lineWidth = material.linewidth;
if ( lineWidth === undefined ) lineWidth = 1; // Not using Line*Material
state.setLineWidth( lineWidth * pixelRatio );
if ( object instanceof THREE.LineSegments ) {
renderer.setMode( _gl.LINES );
} else {
renderer.setMode( _gl.LINE_STRIP );
renderer.render( drawStart, drawCount );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Points ) {
renderer.setMode( _gl.POINTS );
renderer.render( drawStart, drawCount );
function setupVertexAttributes( material, program, geometry, startIndex ) {
var extension;
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry ) {
extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
if ( extension === null ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.setupVertexAttributes: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );
if ( startIndex === undefined ) startIndex = 0;
var geometryAttributes = geometry.attributes;
var programAttributes = program.getAttributes();
var materialDefaultAttributeValues = material.defaultAttributeValues;
for ( var name in programAttributes ) {
var programAttribute = programAttributes[ name ];
if ( programAttribute >= 0 ) {
var geometryAttribute = geometryAttributes[ name ];
if ( geometryAttribute !== undefined ) {
var size = geometryAttribute.itemSize;
var buffer = objects.getAttributeBuffer( geometryAttribute );
if ( geometryAttribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
var data = geometryAttribute.data;
var stride = data.stride;
var offset = geometryAttribute.offset;
if ( data instanceof THREE.InstancedInterleavedBuffer ) {
state.enableAttributeAndDivisor( programAttribute, data.meshPerAttribute, extension );
if ( geometry.maxInstancedCount === undefined ) {
geometry.maxInstancedCount = data.meshPerAttribute * data.count;
} else {
state.enableAttribute( programAttribute );
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttribute, size, _gl.FLOAT, false, stride * data.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, ( startIndex * stride + offset ) * data.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT );
} else {
if ( geometryAttribute instanceof THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute ) {
state.enableAttributeAndDivisor( programAttribute, geometryAttribute.meshPerAttribute, extension );
if ( geometry.maxInstancedCount === undefined ) {
geometry.maxInstancedCount = geometryAttribute.meshPerAttribute * geometryAttribute.count;
} else {
state.enableAttribute( programAttribute );
_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer );
_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttribute, size, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, startIndex * size * 4 ); // 4 bytes per Float32
} else if ( materialDefaultAttributeValues !== undefined ) {
var value = materialDefaultAttributeValues[ name ];
if ( value !== undefined ) {
switch ( value.length ) {
case 2:
_gl.vertexAttrib2fv( programAttribute, value );
case 3:
_gl.vertexAttrib3fv( programAttribute, value );
case 4:
_gl.vertexAttrib4fv( programAttribute, value );
_gl.vertexAttrib1fv( programAttribute, value );
// Sorting
function numericalSort ( a, b ) {
return b[ 0 ] - a[ 0 ];
function painterSortStable ( a, b ) {
if ( a.object.renderOrder !== b.object.renderOrder ) {
return a.object.renderOrder - b.object.renderOrder;
} else if ( a.material.id !== b.material.id ) {
return a.material.id - b.material.id;
} else if ( a.z !== b.z ) {
return a.z - b.z;
} else {
return a.id - b.id;
function reversePainterSortStable ( a, b ) {
if ( a.object.renderOrder !== b.object.renderOrder ) {
return a.object.renderOrder - b.object.renderOrder;
} if ( a.z !== b.z ) {
return b.z - a.z;
} else {
return a.id - b.id;
// Rendering
this.render = function ( scene, camera, renderTarget, forceClear ) {
if ( camera instanceof THREE.Camera === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of THREE.Camera.' );
var fog = scene.fog;
// reset caching for this frame
_currentGeometryProgram = '';
_currentMaterialId = - 1;
_currentCamera = null;
_lightsNeedUpdate = true;
// update scene graph
if ( scene.autoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld();
// update camera matrices and frustum
if ( camera.parent === null ) camera.updateMatrixWorld();
camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld );
_projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse );
_frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix );
lights.length = 0;
opaqueObjectsLastIndex = - 1;
transparentObjectsLastIndex = - 1;
sprites.length = 0;
lensFlares.length = 0;
projectObject( scene, camera );
opaqueObjects.length = opaqueObjectsLastIndex + 1;
transparentObjects.length = transparentObjectsLastIndex + 1;
if ( _this.sortObjects === true ) {
opaqueObjects.sort( painterSortStable );
transparentObjects.sort( reversePainterSortStable );
shadowMap.render( scene );
_infoRender.calls = 0;
_infoRender.vertices = 0;
_infoRender.faces = 0;
_infoRender.points = 0;
this.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );
if ( this.autoClear || forceClear ) {
this.clear( this.autoClearColor, this.autoClearDepth, this.autoClearStencil );
if ( scene.overrideMaterial ) {
var overrideMaterial = scene.overrideMaterial;
renderObjects( opaqueObjects, camera, lights, fog, overrideMaterial );
renderObjects( transparentObjects, camera, lights, fog, overrideMaterial );
} else {
// opaque pass (front-to-back order)
state.setBlending( THREE.NoBlending );
renderObjects( opaqueObjects, camera, lights, fog );
// transparent pass (back-to-front order)
renderObjects( transparentObjects, camera, lights, fog );
// custom render plugins (post pass)
spritePlugin.render( scene, camera );
lensFlarePlugin.render( scene, camera, _currentWidth, _currentHeight );
// Generate mipmap if we're using any kind of mipmap filtering
if ( renderTarget ) {
var texture = renderTarget.texture;
var isTargetPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( renderTarget );
if ( texture.generateMipmaps && isTargetPowerOfTwo && texture.minFilter !== THREE.NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== THREE.LinearFilter ) {
updateRenderTargetMipmap( renderTarget );
// Ensure depth buffer writing is enabled so it can be cleared on next render
state.setDepthTest( true );
state.setDepthWrite( true );
state.setColorWrite( true );
// _gl.finish();
function pushRenderItem( object, geometry, material, z, group ) {
var array, index;
// allocate the next position in the appropriate array
if ( material.transparent ) {
array = transparentObjects;
index = ++ transparentObjectsLastIndex;
} else {
array = opaqueObjects;
index = ++ opaqueObjectsLastIndex;
// recycle existing render item or grow the array
var renderItem = array[ index ];
if ( renderItem !== undefined ) {
renderItem.id = object.id;
renderItem.object = object;
renderItem.geometry = geometry;
renderItem.material = material;
renderItem.z = _vector3.z;
renderItem.group = group;
} else {
renderItem = {
id: object.id,
object: object,
geometry: geometry,
material: material,
z: _vector3.z,
group: group
// assert( index === array.length );
array.push( renderItem );
function projectObject( object, camera ) {
if ( object.visible === false ) return;
if ( ( object.channels.mask & camera.channels.mask ) !== 0 ) {
if ( object instanceof THREE.Light ) {
lights.push( object );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Sprite ) {
sprites.push( object );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.LensFlare ) {
lensFlares.push( object );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.ImmediateRenderObject ) {
if ( _this.sortObjects === true ) {
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
_vector3.applyProjection( _projScreenMatrix );
pushRenderItem( object, null, object.material, _vector3.z, null );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh || object instanceof THREE.Line || object instanceof THREE.Points ) {
if ( object instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh ) {
if ( object.frustumCulled === false || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) === true ) {
var material = object.material;
if ( material.visible === true ) {
if ( _this.sortObjects === true ) {
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
_vector3.applyProjection( _projScreenMatrix );
var geometry = objects.update( object );
if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) {
var groups = geometry.groups;
var materials = material.materials;
for ( var i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var group = groups[ i ];
var groupMaterial = materials[ group.materialIndex ];
if ( groupMaterial.visible === true ) {
pushRenderItem( object, geometry, groupMaterial, _vector3.z, group );
} else {
pushRenderItem( object, geometry, material, _vector3.z, null );
var children = object.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
projectObject( children[ i ], camera );
function renderObjects( renderList, camera, lights, fog, overrideMaterial ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = renderList.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var renderItem = renderList[ i ];
var object = renderItem.object;
var geometry = renderItem.geometry;
var material = overrideMaterial === undefined ? renderItem.material : overrideMaterial;
var group = renderItem.group;
object.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld );
object.normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( object.modelViewMatrix );
if ( object instanceof THREE.ImmediateRenderObject ) {
setMaterial( material );
var program = setProgram( camera, lights, fog, material, object );
_currentGeometryProgram = '';
object.render( function ( object ) {
_this.renderBufferImmediate( object, program, material );
} );
} else {
_this.renderBufferDirect( camera, lights, fog, geometry, material, object, group );
function initMaterial( material, lights, fog, object ) {
var materialProperties = properties.get( material );
var parameters = programCache.getParameters( material, lights, fog, object );
var code = programCache.getProgramCode( material, parameters );
var program = materialProperties.program;
var programChange = true;
if ( program === undefined ) {
// new material
material.addEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );
} else if ( program.code !== code ) {
// changed glsl or parameters
releaseMaterialProgramReference( material );
} else if ( parameters.shaderID !== undefined ) {
// same glsl and uniform list
} else {
// only rebuild uniform list
programChange = false;
if ( programChange ) {
if ( parameters.shaderID ) {
var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ parameters.shaderID ];
materialProperties.__webglShader = {
name: material.type,
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ),
vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader
} else {
materialProperties.__webglShader = {
name: material.type,
uniforms: material.uniforms,
vertexShader: material.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: material.fragmentShader
material.__webglShader = materialProperties.__webglShader;
program = programCache.acquireProgram( material, parameters, code );
materialProperties.program = program;
material.program = program;
var attributes = program.getAttributes();
if ( material.morphTargets ) {
material.numSupportedMorphTargets = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < _this.maxMorphTargets; i ++ ) {
if ( attributes[ 'morphTarget' + i ] >= 0 ) {
material.numSupportedMorphTargets ++;
if ( material.morphNormals ) {
material.numSupportedMorphNormals = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < _this.maxMorphNormals; i ++ ) {
if ( attributes[ 'morphNormal' + i ] >= 0 ) {
material.numSupportedMorphNormals ++;
materialProperties.uniformsList = [];
var uniformLocations = materialProperties.program.getUniforms();
for ( var u in materialProperties.__webglShader.uniforms ) {
var location = uniformLocations[ u ];
if ( location ) {
materialProperties.uniformsList.push( [ materialProperties.__webglShader.uniforms[ u ], location ] );
function setMaterial( material ) {
setMaterialFaces( material );
if ( material.transparent === true ) {
state.setBlending( material.blending, material.blendEquation, material.blendSrc, material.blendDst, material.blendEquationAlpha, material.blendSrcAlpha, material.blendDstAlpha );
} else {
state.setBlending( THREE.NoBlending );
state.setDepthFunc( material.depthFunc );
state.setDepthTest( material.depthTest );
state.setDepthWrite( material.depthWrite );
state.setColorWrite( material.colorWrite );
state.setPolygonOffset( material.polygonOffset, material.polygonOffsetFactor, material.polygonOffsetUnits );
function setMaterialFaces( material ) {
material.side !== THREE.DoubleSide ? state.enable( _gl.CULL_FACE ) : state.disable( _gl.CULL_FACE );
state.setFlipSided( material.side === THREE.BackSide );
function setProgram( camera, lights, fog, material, object ) {
_usedTextureUnits = 0;
var materialProperties = properties.get( material );
if ( material.needsUpdate || ! materialProperties.program ) {
initMaterial( material, lights, fog, object );
material.needsUpdate = false;
var refreshProgram = false;
var refreshMaterial = false;
var refreshLights = false;
var program = materialProperties.program,
p_uniforms = program.getUniforms(),
m_uniforms = materialProperties.__webglShader.uniforms;
if ( program.id !== _currentProgram ) {
_gl.useProgram( program.program );
_currentProgram = program.id;
refreshProgram = true;
refreshMaterial = true;
refreshLights = true;
if ( material.id !== _currentMaterialId ) {
if ( _currentMaterialId === - 1 ) refreshLights = true;
_currentMaterialId = material.id;
refreshMaterial = true;
if ( refreshProgram || camera !== _currentCamera ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.projectionMatrix, false, camera.projectionMatrix.elements );
if ( capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer ) {
_gl.uniform1f( p_uniforms.logDepthBufFC, 2.0 / ( Math.log( camera.far + 1.0 ) / Math.LN2 ) );
if ( camera !== _currentCamera ) _currentCamera = camera;
// load material specific uniforms
// (shader material also gets them for the sake of genericity)
if ( material instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ||
material.envMap ) {
if ( p_uniforms.cameraPosition !== undefined ) {
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
_gl.uniform3f( p_uniforms.cameraPosition, _vector3.x, _vector3.y, _vector3.z );
if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial ||
material.skinning ) {
if ( p_uniforms.viewMatrix !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.viewMatrix, false, camera.matrixWorldInverse.elements );
// skinning uniforms must be set even if material didn't change
// auto-setting of texture unit for bone texture must go before other textures
// not sure why, but otherwise weird things happen
if ( material.skinning ) {
if ( object.bindMatrix && p_uniforms.bindMatrix !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.bindMatrix, false, object.bindMatrix.elements );
if ( object.bindMatrixInverse && p_uniforms.bindMatrixInverse !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.bindMatrixInverse, false, object.bindMatrixInverse.elements );
if ( capabilities.floatVertexTextures && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.useVertexTexture ) {
if ( p_uniforms.boneTexture !== undefined ) {
var textureUnit = getTextureUnit();
_gl.uniform1i( p_uniforms.boneTexture, textureUnit );
_this.setTexture( object.skeleton.boneTexture, textureUnit );
if ( p_uniforms.boneTextureWidth !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniform1i( p_uniforms.boneTextureWidth, object.skeleton.boneTextureWidth );
if ( p_uniforms.boneTextureHeight !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniform1i( p_uniforms.boneTextureHeight, object.skeleton.boneTextureHeight );
} else if ( object.skeleton && object.skeleton.boneMatrices ) {
if ( p_uniforms.boneGlobalMatrices !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.boneGlobalMatrices, false, object.skeleton.boneMatrices );
if ( refreshMaterial ) {
// refresh uniforms common to several materials
if ( fog && material.fog ) {
refreshUniformsFog( m_uniforms, fog );
if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ||
material.lights ) {
if ( _lightsNeedUpdate ) {
refreshLights = true;
setupLights( lights, camera );
_lightsNeedUpdate = false;
if ( refreshLights ) {
refreshUniformsLights( m_uniforms, _lights );
markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate( m_uniforms, true );
} else {
markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate( m_uniforms, false );
if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ) {
refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );
// refresh single material specific uniforms
if ( material instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial ) {
refreshUniformsLine( m_uniforms, material );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.LineDashedMaterial ) {
refreshUniformsLine( m_uniforms, material );
refreshUniformsDash( m_uniforms, material );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.PointsMaterial ) {
refreshUniformsParticle( m_uniforms, material );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ) {
refreshUniformsPhong( m_uniforms, material );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshDepthMaterial ) {
m_uniforms.mNear.value = camera.near;
m_uniforms.mFar.value = camera.far;
m_uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshNormalMaterial ) {
m_uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
if ( object.receiveShadow && ! material._shadowPass ) {
refreshUniformsShadow( m_uniforms, lights, camera );
// load common uniforms
loadUniformsGeneric( materialProperties.uniformsList );
loadUniformsMatrices( p_uniforms, object );
if ( p_uniforms.modelMatrix !== undefined ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( p_uniforms.modelMatrix, false, object.matrixWorld.elements );
return program;
// Uniforms (refresh uniforms objects)
function refreshUniformsCommon ( uniforms, material ) {
uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
uniforms.diffuse.value = material.color;
if ( material.emissive ) {
uniforms.emissive.value = material.emissive;
uniforms.map.value = material.map;
uniforms.specularMap.value = material.specularMap;
uniforms.alphaMap.value = material.alphaMap;
if ( material.aoMap ) {
uniforms.aoMap.value = material.aoMap;
uniforms.aoMapIntensity.value = material.aoMapIntensity;
// uv repeat and offset setting priorities
// 1. color map
// 2. specular map
// 3. normal map
// 4. bump map
// 5. alpha map
// 6. emissive map
var uvScaleMap;
if ( material.map ) {
uvScaleMap = material.map;
} else if ( material.specularMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.specularMap;
} else if ( material.displacementMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.displacementMap;
} else if ( material.normalMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.normalMap;
} else if ( material.bumpMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.bumpMap;
} else if ( material.alphaMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.alphaMap;
} else if ( material.emissiveMap ) {
uvScaleMap = material.emissiveMap;
if ( uvScaleMap !== undefined ) {
if ( uvScaleMap instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTarget ) uvScaleMap = uvScaleMap.texture;
var offset = uvScaleMap.offset;
var repeat = uvScaleMap.repeat;
uniforms.offsetRepeat.value.set( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y );
uniforms.envMap.value = material.envMap;
uniforms.flipEnvMap.value = ( material.envMap instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ) ? 1 : - 1;
uniforms.reflectivity.value = material.reflectivity;
uniforms.refractionRatio.value = material.refractionRatio;
function refreshUniformsLine ( uniforms, material ) {
uniforms.diffuse.value = material.color;
uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
function refreshUniformsDash ( uniforms, material ) {
uniforms.dashSize.value = material.dashSize;
uniforms.totalSize.value = material.dashSize + material.gapSize;
uniforms.scale.value = material.scale;
function refreshUniformsParticle ( uniforms, material ) {
uniforms.psColor.value = material.color;
uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
uniforms.size.value = material.size;
uniforms.scale.value = _canvas.height / 2.0; // TODO: Cache this.
uniforms.map.value = material.map;
if ( material.map !== null ) {
var offset = material.map.offset;
var repeat = material.map.repeat;
uniforms.offsetRepeat.value.set( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y );
function refreshUniformsFog ( uniforms, fog ) {
uniforms.fogColor.value = fog.color;
if ( fog instanceof THREE.Fog ) {
uniforms.fogNear.value = fog.near;
uniforms.fogFar.value = fog.far;
} else if ( fog instanceof THREE.FogExp2 ) {
uniforms.fogDensity.value = fog.density;
function refreshUniformsPhong ( uniforms, material ) {
uniforms.specular.value = material.specular;
uniforms.shininess.value = Math.max( material.shininess, 1e-4 ); // to prevent pow( 0.0, 0.0 )
if ( material.lightMap ) {
uniforms.lightMap.value = material.lightMap;
uniforms.lightMapIntensity.value = material.lightMapIntensity;
if ( material.emissiveMap ) {
uniforms.emissiveMap.value = material.emissiveMap;
if ( material.bumpMap ) {
uniforms.bumpMap.value = material.bumpMap;
uniforms.bumpScale.value = material.bumpScale;
if ( material.normalMap ) {
uniforms.normalMap.value = material.normalMap;
uniforms.normalScale.value.copy( material.normalScale );
if ( material.displacementMap ) {
uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;
function refreshUniformsLights ( uniforms, lights ) {
uniforms.ambientLightColor.value = lights.ambient;
uniforms.directionalLightColor.value = lights.directional.colors;
uniforms.directionalLightDirection.value = lights.directional.positions;
uniforms.pointLightColor.value = lights.point.colors;
uniforms.pointLightPosition.value = lights.point.positions;
uniforms.pointLightDistance.value = lights.point.distances;
uniforms.pointLightDecay.value = lights.point.decays;
uniforms.spotLightColor.value = lights.spot.colors;
uniforms.spotLightPosition.value = lights.spot.positions;
uniforms.spotLightDistance.value = lights.spot.distances;
uniforms.spotLightDirection.value = lights.spot.directions;
uniforms.spotLightAngleCos.value = lights.spot.anglesCos;
uniforms.spotLightExponent.value = lights.spot.exponents;
uniforms.spotLightDecay.value = lights.spot.decays;
uniforms.hemisphereLightSkyColor.value = lights.hemi.skyColors;
uniforms.hemisphereLightGroundColor.value = lights.hemi.groundColors;
uniforms.hemisphereLightDirection.value = lights.hemi.positions;
// If uniforms are marked as clean, they don't need to be loaded to the GPU.
function markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate ( uniforms, value ) {
uniforms.ambientLightColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.directionalLightColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.directionalLightDirection.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.pointLightColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.pointLightPosition.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.pointLightDistance.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.pointLightDecay.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightPosition.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightDistance.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightDirection.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightAngleCos.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightExponent.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.spotLightDecay.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.hemisphereLightSkyColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.hemisphereLightGroundColor.needsUpdate = value;
uniforms.hemisphereLightDirection.needsUpdate = value;
function refreshUniformsShadow ( uniforms, lights, camera ) {
if ( uniforms.shadowMatrix ) {
var j = 0;
for ( var i = 0, il = lights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var light = lights[ i ];
if ( light.castShadow === true ) {
if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight || light instanceof THREE.SpotLight || light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
var shadow = light.shadow;
if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
// for point lights we set the shadow matrix to be a translation-only matrix
// equal to inverse of the light's position
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld ).negate();
shadow.matrix.identity().setPosition( _vector3 );
// for point lights we set the sign of the shadowDarkness uniform to be negative
uniforms.shadowDarkness.value[ j ] = - shadow.darkness;
} else {
uniforms.shadowDarkness.value[ j ] = shadow.darkness;
uniforms.shadowMatrix.value[ j ] = shadow.matrix;
uniforms.shadowMap.value[ j ] = shadow.map;
uniforms.shadowMapSize.value[ j ] = shadow.mapSize;
uniforms.shadowBias.value[ j ] = shadow.bias;
j ++;
// Uniforms (load to GPU)
function loadUniformsMatrices ( uniforms, object ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( uniforms.modelViewMatrix, false, object.modelViewMatrix.elements );
if ( uniforms.normalMatrix ) {
_gl.uniformMatrix3fv( uniforms.normalMatrix, false, object.normalMatrix.elements );
function getTextureUnit() {
var textureUnit = _usedTextureUnits;
if ( textureUnit >= capabilities.maxTextures ) {
console.warn( 'WebGLRenderer: trying to use ' + textureUnit + ' texture units while this GPU supports only ' + capabilities.maxTextures );
_usedTextureUnits += 1;
return textureUnit;
function loadUniformsGeneric ( uniforms ) {
var texture, textureUnit;
for ( var j = 0, jl = uniforms.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var uniform = uniforms[ j ][ 0 ];
// needsUpdate property is not added to all uniforms.
if ( uniform.needsUpdate === false ) continue;
var type = uniform.type;
var value = uniform.value;
var location = uniforms[ j ][ 1 ];
switch ( type ) {
case '1i':
_gl.uniform1i( location, value );
case '1f':
_gl.uniform1f( location, value );
case '2f':
_gl.uniform2f( location, value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ] );
case '3f':
_gl.uniform3f( location, value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ], value[ 2 ] );
case '4f':
_gl.uniform4f( location, value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ], value[ 2 ], value[ 3 ] );
case '1iv':
_gl.uniform1iv( location, value );
case '3iv':
_gl.uniform3iv( location, value );
case '1fv':
_gl.uniform1fv( location, value );
case '2fv':
_gl.uniform2fv( location, value );
case '3fv':
_gl.uniform3fv( location, value );
case '4fv':
_gl.uniform4fv( location, value );
case 'Matrix3fv':
_gl.uniformMatrix3fv( location, false, value );
case 'Matrix4fv':
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( location, false, value );
case 'i':
// single integer
_gl.uniform1i( location, value );
case 'f':
// single float
_gl.uniform1f( location, value );
case 'v2':
// single THREE.Vector2
_gl.uniform2f( location, value.x, value.y );
case 'v3':
// single THREE.Vector3
_gl.uniform3f( location, value.x, value.y, value.z );
case 'v4':
// single THREE.Vector4
_gl.uniform4f( location, value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w );
case 'c':
// single THREE.Color
_gl.uniform3f( location, value.r, value.g, value.b );
case 'iv1':
// flat array of integers (JS or typed array)
_gl.uniform1iv( location, value );
case 'iv':
// flat array of integers with 3 x N size (JS or typed array)
_gl.uniform3iv( location, value );
case 'fv1':
// flat array of floats (JS or typed array)
_gl.uniform1fv( location, value );
case 'fv':
// flat array of floats with 3 x N size (JS or typed array)
_gl.uniform3fv( location, value );
case 'v2v':
// array of THREE.Vector2
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = new Float32Array( 2 * value.length );
for ( var i = 0, i2 = 0, il = value.length; i < il; i ++, i2 += 2 ) {
uniform._array[ i2 + 0 ] = value[ i ].x;
uniform._array[ i2 + 1 ] = value[ i ].y;
_gl.uniform2fv( location, uniform._array );
case 'v3v':
// array of THREE.Vector3
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = new Float32Array( 3 * value.length );
for ( var i = 0, i3 = 0, il = value.length; i < il; i ++, i3 += 3 ) {
uniform._array[ i3 + 0 ] = value[ i ].x;
uniform._array[ i3 + 1 ] = value[ i ].y;
uniform._array[ i3 + 2 ] = value[ i ].z;
_gl.uniform3fv( location, uniform._array );
case 'v4v':
// array of THREE.Vector4
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = new Float32Array( 4 * value.length );
for ( var i = 0, i4 = 0, il = value.length; i < il; i ++, i4 += 4 ) {
uniform._array[ i4 + 0 ] = value[ i ].x;
uniform._array[ i4 + 1 ] = value[ i ].y;
uniform._array[ i4 + 2 ] = value[ i ].z;
uniform._array[ i4 + 3 ] = value[ i ].w;
_gl.uniform4fv( location, uniform._array );
case 'm3':
// single THREE.Matrix3
_gl.uniformMatrix3fv( location, false, value.elements );
case 'm3v':
// array of THREE.Matrix3
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = new Float32Array( 9 * value.length );
for ( var i = 0, il = value.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
value[ i ].flattenToArrayOffset( uniform._array, i * 9 );
_gl.uniformMatrix3fv( location, false, uniform._array );
case 'm4':
// single THREE.Matrix4
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( location, false, value.elements );
case 'm4v':
// array of THREE.Matrix4
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = new Float32Array( 16 * value.length );
for ( var i = 0, il = value.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
value[ i ].flattenToArrayOffset( uniform._array, i * 16 );
_gl.uniformMatrix4fv( location, false, uniform._array );
case 't':
// single THREE.Texture (2d or cube)
texture = value;
textureUnit = getTextureUnit();
_gl.uniform1i( location, textureUnit );
if ( ! texture ) continue;
if ( texture instanceof THREE.CubeTexture ||
( Array.isArray( texture.image ) && texture.image.length === 6 ) ) {
// CompressedTexture can have Array in image :/
setCubeTexture( texture, textureUnit );
} else if ( texture instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ) {
setCubeTextureDynamic( texture.texture, textureUnit );
} else if ( texture instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTarget ) {
_this.setTexture( texture.texture, textureUnit );
} else {
_this.setTexture( texture, textureUnit );
case 'tv':
// array of THREE.Texture (2d or cube)
if ( uniform._array === undefined ) {
uniform._array = [];
for ( var i = 0, il = uniform.value.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
uniform._array[ i ] = getTextureUnit();
_gl.uniform1iv( location, uniform._array );
for ( var i = 0, il = uniform.value.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
texture = uniform.value[ i ];
textureUnit = uniform._array[ i ];
if ( ! texture ) continue;
if ( texture instanceof THREE.CubeTexture ||
( texture.image instanceof Array && texture.image.length === 6 ) ) {
// CompressedTexture can have Array in image :/
setCubeTexture( texture, textureUnit );
} else if ( texture instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTarget ) {
_this.setTexture( texture.texture, textureUnit );
} else if ( texture instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ) {
setCubeTextureDynamic( texture.texture, textureUnit );
} else {
_this.setTexture( texture, textureUnit );
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Unknown uniform type: ' + type );
function setColorLinear( array, offset, color, intensity ) {
array[ offset + 0 ] = color.r * intensity;
array[ offset + 1 ] = color.g * intensity;
array[ offset + 2 ] = color.b * intensity;
function setupLights ( lights, camera ) {
var l, ll, light,
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0,
color, skyColor, groundColor,
zlights = _lights,
viewMatrix = camera.matrixWorldInverse,
dirColors = zlights.directional.colors,
dirPositions = zlights.directional.positions,
pointColors = zlights.point.colors,
pointPositions = zlights.point.positions,
pointDistances = zlights.point.distances,
pointDecays = zlights.point.decays,
spotColors = zlights.spot.colors,
spotPositions = zlights.spot.positions,
spotDistances = zlights.spot.distances,
spotDirections = zlights.spot.directions,
spotAnglesCos = zlights.spot.anglesCos,
spotExponents = zlights.spot.exponents,
spotDecays = zlights.spot.decays,
hemiSkyColors = zlights.hemi.skyColors,
hemiGroundColors = zlights.hemi.groundColors,
hemiPositions = zlights.hemi.positions,
dirLength = 0,
pointLength = 0,
spotLength = 0,
hemiLength = 0,
dirCount = 0,
pointCount = 0,
spotCount = 0,
hemiCount = 0,
dirOffset = 0,
pointOffset = 0,
spotOffset = 0,
hemiOffset = 0;
for ( l = 0, ll = lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {
light = lights[ l ];
color = light.color;
intensity = light.intensity;
distance = light.distance;
if ( light instanceof THREE.AmbientLight ) {
if ( ! light.visible ) continue;
r += color.r;
g += color.g;
b += color.b;
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
dirCount += 1;
if ( ! light.visible ) continue;
_direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
_direction.sub( _vector3 );
_direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
dirOffset = dirLength * 3;
dirPositions[ dirOffset + 0 ] = _direction.x;
dirPositions[ dirOffset + 1 ] = _direction.y;
dirPositions[ dirOffset + 2 ] = _direction.z;
setColorLinear( dirColors, dirOffset, color, intensity );
dirLength += 1;
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
pointCount += 1;
if ( ! light.visible ) continue;
pointOffset = pointLength * 3;
setColorLinear( pointColors, pointOffset, color, intensity );
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
_vector3.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );
pointPositions[ pointOffset + 0 ] = _vector3.x;
pointPositions[ pointOffset + 1 ] = _vector3.y;
pointPositions[ pointOffset + 2 ] = _vector3.z;
// distance is 0 if decay is 0, because there is no attenuation at all.
pointDistances[ pointLength ] = distance;
pointDecays[ pointLength ] = ( light.distance === 0 ) ? 0.0 : light.decay;
pointLength += 1;
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) {
spotCount += 1;
if ( ! light.visible ) continue;
spotOffset = spotLength * 3;
setColorLinear( spotColors, spotOffset, color, intensity );
_direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
_vector3.copy( _direction ).applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );
spotPositions[ spotOffset + 0 ] = _vector3.x;
spotPositions[ spotOffset + 1 ] = _vector3.y;
spotPositions[ spotOffset + 2 ] = _vector3.z;
spotDistances[ spotLength ] = distance;
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
_direction.sub( _vector3 );
_direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
spotDirections[ spotOffset + 0 ] = _direction.x;
spotDirections[ spotOffset + 1 ] = _direction.y;
spotDirections[ spotOffset + 2 ] = _direction.z;
spotAnglesCos[ spotLength ] = Math.cos( light.angle );
spotExponents[ spotLength ] = light.exponent;
spotDecays[ spotLength ] = ( light.distance === 0 ) ? 0.0 : light.decay;
spotLength += 1;
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.HemisphereLight ) {
hemiCount += 1;
if ( ! light.visible ) continue;
_direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
_direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
hemiOffset = hemiLength * 3;
hemiPositions[ hemiOffset + 0 ] = _direction.x;
hemiPositions[ hemiOffset + 1 ] = _direction.y;
hemiPositions[ hemiOffset + 2 ] = _direction.z;
skyColor = light.color;
groundColor = light.groundColor;
setColorLinear( hemiSkyColors, hemiOffset, skyColor, intensity );
setColorLinear( hemiGroundColors, hemiOffset, groundColor, intensity );
hemiLength += 1;
// null eventual remains from removed lights
// (this is to avoid if in shader)
for ( l = dirLength * 3, ll = Math.max( dirColors.length, dirCount * 3 ); l < ll; l ++ ) dirColors[ l ] = 0.0;
for ( l = pointLength * 3, ll = Math.max( pointColors.length, pointCount * 3 ); l < ll; l ++ ) pointColors[ l ] = 0.0;
for ( l = spotLength * 3, ll = Math.max( spotColors.length, spotCount * 3 ); l < ll; l ++ ) spotColors[ l ] = 0.0;
for ( l = hemiLength * 3, ll = Math.max( hemiSkyColors.length, hemiCount * 3 ); l < ll; l ++ ) hemiSkyColors[ l ] = 0.0;
for ( l = hemiLength * 3, ll = Math.max( hemiGroundColors.length, hemiCount * 3 ); l < ll; l ++ ) hemiGroundColors[ l ] = 0.0;
zlights.directional.length = dirLength;
zlights.point.length = pointLength;
zlights.spot.length = spotLength;
zlights.hemi.length = hemiLength;
zlights.ambient[ 0 ] = r;
zlights.ambient[ 1 ] = g;
zlights.ambient[ 2 ] = b;
// GL state setting
this.setFaceCulling = function ( cullFace, frontFaceDirection ) {
if ( cullFace === THREE.CullFaceNone ) {
state.disable( _gl.CULL_FACE );
} else {
if ( frontFaceDirection === THREE.FrontFaceDirectionCW ) {
_gl.frontFace( _gl.CW );
} else {
_gl.frontFace( _gl.CCW );
if ( cullFace === THREE.CullFaceBack ) {
_gl.cullFace( _gl.BACK );
} else if ( cullFace === THREE.CullFaceFront ) {
_gl.cullFace( _gl.FRONT );
} else {
_gl.cullFace( _gl.FRONT_AND_BACK );
state.enable( _gl.CULL_FACE );
// Textures
function setTextureParameters ( textureType, texture, isImagePowerOfTwo ) {
var extension;
if ( isImagePowerOfTwo ) {
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, paramThreeToGL( texture.wrapS ) );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, paramThreeToGL( texture.wrapT ) );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, paramThreeToGL( texture.magFilter ) );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, paramThreeToGL( texture.minFilter ) );
} else {
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, _gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, _gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
if ( texture.wrapS !== THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping || texture.wrapT !== THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture is not power of two. Texture.wrapS and Texture.wrapT should be set to THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping.', texture );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filterFallback( texture.magFilter ) );
_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filterFallback( texture.minFilter ) );
if ( texture.minFilter !== THREE.NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== THREE.LinearFilter ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture is not power of two. Texture.minFilter should be set to THREE.NearestFilter or THREE.LinearFilter.', texture );
extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );
if ( extension ) {
if ( texture.type === THREE.FloatType && extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float_linear' ) === null ) return;
if ( texture.type === THREE.HalfFloatType && extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float_linear' ) === null ) return;
if ( texture.anisotropy > 1 || properties.get( texture ).__currentAnisotropy ) {
_gl.texParameterf( textureType, extension.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, Math.min( texture.anisotropy, _this.getMaxAnisotropy() ) );
properties.get( texture ).__currentAnisotropy = texture.anisotropy;
function uploadTexture( textureProperties, texture, slot ) {
if ( textureProperties.__webglInit === undefined ) {
textureProperties.__webglInit = true;
texture.addEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );
textureProperties.__webglTexture = _gl.createTexture();
_infoMemory.textures ++;
state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flipY );
_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, texture.premultiplyAlpha );
_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, texture.unpackAlignment );
texture.image = clampToMaxSize( texture.image, capabilities.maxTextureSize );
if ( textureNeedsPowerOfTwo( texture ) && isPowerOfTwo( texture.image ) === false ) {
texture.image = makePowerOfTwo( texture.image );
var image = texture.image,
isImagePowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( image ),
glFormat = paramThreeToGL( texture.format ),
glType = paramThreeToGL( texture.type );
setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, isImagePowerOfTwo );
var mipmap, mipmaps = texture.mipmaps;
if ( texture instanceof THREE.DataTexture ) {
// use manually created mipmaps if available
// if there are no manual mipmaps
// set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels
if ( mipmaps.length > 0 && isImagePowerOfTwo ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );
texture.generateMipmaps = false;
} else {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, image.width, image.height, 0, glFormat, glType, image.data );
} else if ( texture instanceof THREE.CompressedTexture ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];
if ( texture.format !== THREE.RGBAFormat && texture.format !== THREE.RGBFormat ) {
if ( state.getCompressedTextureFormats().indexOf( glFormat ) > - 1 ) {
state.compressedTexImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, mipmap.data );
} else {
console.warn( "THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in .uploadTexture()" );
} else {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );
} else {
// regular Texture (image, video, canvas)
// use manually created mipmaps if available
// if there are no manual mipmaps
// set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels
if ( mipmaps.length > 0 && isImagePowerOfTwo ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, glFormat, glType, mipmap );
texture.generateMipmaps = false;
} else {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, glFormat, glType, texture.image );
if ( texture.generateMipmaps && isImagePowerOfTwo ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_2D );
textureProperties.__version = texture.version;
if ( texture.onUpdate ) texture.onUpdate( texture );
this.setTexture = function ( texture, slot ) {
var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );
if ( texture.version > 0 && textureProperties.__version !== texture.version ) {
var image = texture.image;
if ( image === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but image is undefined', texture );
if ( image.complete === false ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but image is incomplete', texture );
uploadTexture( textureProperties, texture, slot );
state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
function clampToMaxSize ( image, maxSize ) {
if ( image.width > maxSize || image.height > maxSize ) {
// Warning: Scaling through the canvas will only work with images that use
// premultiplied alpha.
var scale = maxSize / Math.max( image.width, image.height );
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = Math.floor( image.width * scale );
canvas.height = Math.floor( image.height * scale );
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is too big (' + image.width + 'x' + image.height + '). Resized to ' + canvas.width + 'x' + canvas.height, image );
return canvas;
return image;
function isPowerOfTwo( image ) {
return THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.width ) && THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.height );
function textureNeedsPowerOfTwo( texture ) {
if ( texture.wrapS !== THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping || texture.wrapT !== THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping ) return true;
if ( texture.minFilter !== THREE.NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== THREE.LinearFilter ) return true;
return false;
function makePowerOfTwo( image ) {
if ( image instanceof HTMLImageElement || image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ) {
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = THREE.Math.nearestPowerOfTwo( image.width );
canvas.height = THREE.Math.nearestPowerOfTwo( image.height );
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (' + image.width + 'x' + image.height + '). Resized to ' + canvas.width + 'x' + canvas.height, image );
return canvas;
return image;
function setCubeTexture ( texture, slot ) {
var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );
if ( texture.image.length === 6 ) {
if ( texture.version > 0 && textureProperties.__version !== texture.version ) {
if ( ! textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube ) {
texture.addEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );
textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube = _gl.createTexture();
_infoMemory.textures ++;
state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );
_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flipY );
var isCompressed = texture instanceof THREE.CompressedTexture;
var isDataTexture = texture.image[ 0 ] instanceof THREE.DataTexture;
var cubeImage = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
if ( _this.autoScaleCubemaps && ! isCompressed && ! isDataTexture ) {
cubeImage[ i ] = clampToMaxSize( texture.image[ i ], capabilities.maxCubemapSize );
} else {
cubeImage[ i ] = isDataTexture ? texture.image[ i ].image : texture.image[ i ];
var image = cubeImage[ 0 ],
isImagePowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( image ),
glFormat = paramThreeToGL( texture.format ),
glType = paramThreeToGL( texture.type );
setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture, isImagePowerOfTwo );
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
if ( ! isCompressed ) {
if ( isDataTexture ) {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glFormat, cubeImage[ i ].width, cubeImage[ i ].height, 0, glFormat, glType, cubeImage[ i ].data );
} else {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glFormat, glFormat, glType, cubeImage[ i ] );
} else {
var mipmap, mipmaps = cubeImage[ i ].mipmaps;
for ( var j = 0, jl = mipmaps.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
mipmap = mipmaps[ j ];
if ( texture.format !== THREE.RGBAFormat && texture.format !== THREE.RGBFormat ) {
if ( state.getCompressedTextureFormats().indexOf( glFormat ) > - 1 ) {
state.compressedTexImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, mipmap.data );
} else {
console.warn( "THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in .setCubeTexture()" );
} else {
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );
if ( texture.generateMipmaps && isImagePowerOfTwo ) {
_gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP );
textureProperties.__version = texture.version;
if ( texture.onUpdate ) texture.onUpdate( texture );
} else {
state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );
function setCubeTextureDynamic ( texture, slot ) {
state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, properties.get( texture ).__webglTexture );
// Render targets
function setupFrameBuffer ( framebuffer, renderTarget, textureTarget ) {
_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, textureTarget, properties.get( renderTarget.texture ).__webglTexture, 0 );
function setupRenderBuffer ( renderbuffer, renderTarget ) {
_gl.bindRenderbuffer( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && ! renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {
_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
/* For some reason this is not working. Defaulting to RGBA4.
} else if ( ! renderTarget.depthBuffer && renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {
_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.STENCIL_INDEX8, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
} else if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {
_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
} else {
_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.RGBA4, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
this.setRenderTarget = function ( renderTarget ) {
var isCube = ( renderTarget instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube );
if ( renderTarget && properties.get( renderTarget ).__webglFramebuffer === undefined ) {
var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );
var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );
if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer === undefined ) renderTarget.depthBuffer = true;
if ( renderTarget.stencilBuffer === undefined ) renderTarget.stencilBuffer = true;
renderTarget.addEventListener( 'dispose', onRenderTargetDispose );
textureProperties.__webglTexture = _gl.createTexture();
_infoMemory.textures ++;
// Setup texture, create render and frame buffers
var isTargetPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( renderTarget ),
glFormat = paramThreeToGL( renderTarget.texture.format ),
glType = paramThreeToGL( renderTarget.texture.type );
if ( isCube ) {
renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer = [];
renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer = [];
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo );
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {
renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ] = _gl.createFramebuffer();
renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer[ i ] = _gl.createRenderbuffer();
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glFormat, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, 0, glFormat, glType, null );
setupFrameBuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ], renderTarget, _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i );
setupRenderBuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer[ i ], renderTarget );
if ( renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps && isTargetPowerOfTwo ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP );
} else {
renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer = _gl.createFramebuffer();
if ( renderTarget.shareDepthFrom ) {
renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer = renderTarget.shareDepthFrom.__webglRenderbuffer;
} else {
renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer = _gl.createRenderbuffer();
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo );
state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, 0, glFormat, glType, null );
setupFrameBuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer, renderTarget, _gl.TEXTURE_2D );
if ( renderTarget.shareDepthFrom ) {
if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && ! renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {
_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer );
} else if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {
_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer );
} else {
setupRenderBuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglRenderbuffer, renderTarget );
if ( renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps && isTargetPowerOfTwo ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_2D );
// Release everything
if ( isCube ) {
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );
} else {
state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
_gl.bindRenderbuffer( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, null );
_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null );
var framebuffer, width, height, vx, vy;
if ( renderTarget ) {
var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );
if ( isCube ) {
framebuffer = renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ renderTarget.activeCubeFace ];
} else {
framebuffer = renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer;
width = renderTarget.width;
height = renderTarget.height;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
} else {
framebuffer = null;
width = _viewportWidth;
height = _viewportHeight;
vx = _viewportX;
vy = _viewportY;
if ( framebuffer !== _currentFramebuffer ) {
_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
_gl.viewport( vx, vy, width, height );
_currentFramebuffer = framebuffer;
if ( isCube ) {
var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );
_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + renderTarget.activeCubeFace, textureProperties.__webglTexture, 0 );
_currentWidth = width;
_currentHeight = height;
this.readRenderTargetPixels = function ( renderTarget, x, y, width, height, buffer ) {
if ( renderTarget instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTarget === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.' );
var framebuffer = properties.get( renderTarget ).__webglFramebuffer;
if ( framebuffer ) {
var restore = false;
if ( framebuffer !== _currentFramebuffer ) {
_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
restore = true;
try {
var texture = renderTarget.texture;
if ( texture.format !== THREE.RGBAFormat
&& paramThreeToGL( texture.format ) !== _gl.getParameter( _gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT ) ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in RGBA or implementation defined format.' );
if ( texture.type !== THREE.UnsignedByteType
&& paramThreeToGL( texture.type ) !== _gl.getParameter( _gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE )
&& ! ( texture.type === THREE.FloatType && extensions.get( 'WEBGL_color_buffer_float' ) )
&& ! ( texture.type === THREE.HalfFloatType && extensions.get( 'EXT_color_buffer_half_float' ) ) ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in UnsignedByteType or implementation defined type.' );
if ( _gl.checkFramebufferStatus( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER ) === _gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE ) {
_gl.readPixels( x, y, width, height, paramThreeToGL( texture.format ), paramThreeToGL( texture.type ), buffer );
} else {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: readPixels from renderTarget failed. Framebuffer not complete.' );
} finally {
if ( restore ) {
_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _currentFramebuffer );
function updateRenderTargetMipmap( renderTarget ) {
var target = renderTarget instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ? _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : _gl.TEXTURE_2D;
var texture = properties.get( renderTarget.texture ).__webglTexture;
state.bindTexture( target, texture );
_gl.generateMipmap( target );
state.bindTexture( target, null );
// Fallback filters for non-power-of-2 textures
function filterFallback ( f ) {
if ( f === THREE.NearestFilter || f === THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter || f === THREE.NearestMipMapLinearFilter ) {
return _gl.NEAREST;
return _gl.LINEAR;
// Map three.js constants to WebGL constants
function paramThreeToGL ( p ) {
var extension;
if ( p === THREE.RepeatWrapping ) return _gl.REPEAT;
if ( p === THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping ) return _gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
if ( p === THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping ) return _gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT;
if ( p === THREE.NearestFilter ) return _gl.NEAREST;
if ( p === THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter ) return _gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
if ( p === THREE.NearestMipMapLinearFilter ) return _gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
if ( p === THREE.LinearFilter ) return _gl.LINEAR;
if ( p === THREE.LinearMipMapNearestFilter ) return _gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
if ( p === THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter ) return _gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedByteType ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedShort4444Type ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedShort565Type ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
if ( p === THREE.ByteType ) return _gl.BYTE;
if ( p === THREE.ShortType ) return _gl.SHORT;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedShortType ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
if ( p === THREE.IntType ) return _gl.INT;
if ( p === THREE.UnsignedIntType ) return _gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
if ( p === THREE.FloatType ) return _gl.FLOAT;
extension = extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );
if ( extension !== null ) {
if ( p === THREE.HalfFloatType ) return extension.HALF_FLOAT_OES;
if ( p === THREE.AlphaFormat ) return _gl.ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.RGBFormat ) return _gl.RGB;
if ( p === THREE.RGBAFormat ) return _gl.RGBA;
if ( p === THREE.LuminanceFormat ) return _gl.LUMINANCE;
if ( p === THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat ) return _gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.AddEquation ) return _gl.FUNC_ADD;
if ( p === THREE.SubtractEquation ) return _gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT;
if ( p === THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation ) return _gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT;
if ( p === THREE.ZeroFactor ) return _gl.ZERO;
if ( p === THREE.OneFactor ) return _gl.ONE;
if ( p === THREE.SrcColorFactor ) return _gl.SRC_COLOR;
if ( p === THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor ) return _gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
if ( p === THREE.SrcAlphaFactor ) return _gl.SRC_ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor ) return _gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.DstAlphaFactor ) return _gl.DST_ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor ) return _gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
if ( p === THREE.DstColorFactor ) return _gl.DST_COLOR;
if ( p === THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor ) return _gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR;
if ( p === THREE.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor ) return _gl.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE;
extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );
if ( extension !== null ) {
if ( p === THREE.RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
if ( p === THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
if ( p === THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
if ( p === THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );
if ( extension !== null ) {
if ( p === THREE.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;
if ( p === THREE.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG;
if ( p === THREE.RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;
if ( p === THREE.RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG;
extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' );
if ( extension !== null ) {
if ( p === THREE.MinEquation ) return extension.MIN_EXT;
if ( p === THREE.MaxEquation ) return extension.MAX_EXT;
return 0;
this.supportsFloatTextures = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsFloatTextures() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_texture_float\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );
this.supportsHalfFloatTextures = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsHalfFloatTextures() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_texture_half_float\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );
this.supportsStandardDerivatives = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsStandardDerivatives() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_standard_derivatives\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' );
this.supportsCompressedTextureS3TC = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsCompressedTextureS3TC() is now .extensions.get( \'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );
this.supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC() is now .extensions.get( \'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );
this.supportsBlendMinMax = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsBlendMinMax() is now .extensions.get( \'EXT_blend_minmax\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' );
this.supportsVertexTextures = function () {
return capabilities.vertexTextures;
this.supportsInstancedArrays = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsInstancedArrays() is now .extensions.get( \'ANGLE_instanced_arrays\' ).' );
return extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
this.initMaterial = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .initMaterial() has been removed.' );
this.addPrePlugin = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .addPrePlugin() has been removed.' );
this.addPostPlugin = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .addPostPlugin() has been removed.' );
this.updateShadowMap = function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .updateShadowMap() has been removed.' );
Object.defineProperties( this, {
shadowMapEnabled: {
get: function () {
return shadowMap.enabled;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapEnabled is now .shadowMap.enabled.' );
shadowMap.enabled = value;
shadowMapType: {
get: function () {
return shadowMap.type;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapType is now .shadowMap.type.' );
shadowMap.type = value;
shadowMapCullFace: {
get: function () {
return shadowMap.cullFace;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapCullFace is now .shadowMap.cullFace.' );
shadowMap.cullFace = value;
shadowMapDebug: {
get: function () {
return shadowMap.debug;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapDebug is now .shadowMap.debug.' );
shadowMap.debug = value;
} );
// File:src/renderers/WebGLRenderTarget.js
* @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.WebGLRenderTarget = function ( width, height, options ) {
this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID();
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
options = options || {};
if ( options.minFilter === undefined ) options.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
this.texture = new THREE.Texture( undefined, undefined, options.wrapS, options.wrapT, options.magFilter, options.minFilter, options.format, options.type, options.anisotropy );
this.depthBuffer = options.depthBuffer !== undefined ? options.depthBuffer : true;
this.stencilBuffer = options.stencilBuffer !== undefined ? options.stencilBuffer : true;
this.shareDepthFrom = options.shareDepthFrom !== undefined ? options.shareDepthFrom : null;
THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.WebGLRenderTarget,
get wrapS() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapS is now .texture.wrapS.' );
return this.texture.wrapS;
set wrapS( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapS is now .texture.wrapS.' );
this.texture.wrapS = value;
get wrapT() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapT is now .texture.wrapT.' );
return this.texture.wrapT;
set wrapT( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapT is now .texture.wrapT.' );
this.texture.wrapT = value;
get magFilter() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .magFilter is now .texture.magFilter.' );
return this.texture.magFilter;
set magFilter( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .magFilter is now .texture.magFilter.' );
this.texture.magFilter = value;
get minFilter() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .minFilter is now .texture.minFilter.' );
return this.texture.minFilter;
set minFilter( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .minFilter is now .texture.minFilter.' );
this.texture.minFilter = value;
get anisotropy() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .anisotropy is now .texture.anisotropy.' );
return this.texture.anisotropy;
set anisotropy( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .anisotropy is now .texture.anisotropy.' );
this.texture.anisotropy = value;
get offset() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .offset is now .texture.offset.' );
return this.texture.offset;
set offset( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .offset is now .texture.offset.' );
this.texture.offset = value;
get repeat() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .repeat is now .texture.repeat.' );
return this.texture.repeat;
set repeat( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .repeat is now .texture.repeat.' );
this.texture.repeat = value;
get format() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .format is now .texture.format.' );
return this.texture.format;
set format( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .format is now .texture.format.' );
this.texture.format = value;
get type() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .type is now .texture.type.' );
return this.texture.type;
set type( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .type is now .texture.type.' );
this.texture.type = value;
get generateMipmaps() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .generateMipmaps is now .texture.generateMipmaps.' );
return this.texture.generateMipmaps;
set generateMipmaps( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .generateMipmaps is now .texture.generateMipmaps.' );
this.texture.generateMipmaps = value;
setSize: function ( width, height ) {
if ( this.width !== width || this.height !== height ) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor().copy( this );
copy: function ( source ) {
this.width = source.width;
this.height = source.height;
this.texture = source.texture.clone();
this.depthBuffer = source.depthBuffer;
this.stencilBuffer = source.stencilBuffer;
this.shareDepthFrom = source.shareDepthFrom;
return this;
dispose: function () {
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );
THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype );
// File:src/renderers/WebGLRenderTargetCube.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com
THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube = function ( width, height, options ) {
THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.call( this, width, height, options );
this.activeCubeFace = 0; // PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5
THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype = Object.create( THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype );
THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.constructor = THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLBufferRenderer.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLBufferRenderer = function ( _gl, extensions, _infoRender ) {
var mode;
function setMode( value ) {
mode = value;
function render( start, count ) {
_gl.drawArrays( mode, start, count );
_infoRender.calls ++;
_infoRender.vertices += count;
if ( mode === _gl.TRIANGLES ) _infoRender.faces += count / 3;
function renderInstances( geometry ) {
var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
if ( extension === null ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLBufferRenderer: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );
var position = geometry.attributes.position;
if ( position instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
extension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE( mode, 0, position.data.count, geometry.maxInstancedCount );
} else {
extension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE( mode, 0, position.count, geometry.maxInstancedCount );
this.setMode = setMode;
this.render = render;
this.renderInstances = renderInstances;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer = function ( _gl, extensions, _infoRender ) {
var mode;
function setMode( value ) {
mode = value;
var type, size;
function setIndex( index ) {
if ( index.array instanceof Uint32Array && extensions.get( 'OES_element_index_uint' ) ) {
type = _gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
size = 4;
} else {
type = _gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
size = 2;
function render( start, count ) {
_gl.drawElements( mode, count, type, start * size );
_infoRender.calls ++;
_infoRender.vertices += count;
if ( mode === _gl.TRIANGLES ) _infoRender.faces += count / 3;
function renderInstances( geometry ) {
var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
if ( extension === null ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLBufferRenderer: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );
var index = geometry.index;
extension.drawElementsInstancedANGLE( mode, index.array.length, type, 0, geometry.maxInstancedCount );
this.setMode = setMode;
this.setIndex = setIndex;
this.render = render;
this.renderInstances = renderInstances;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLExtensions.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLExtensions = function ( gl ) {
var extensions = {};
this.get = function ( name ) {
if ( extensions[ name ] !== undefined ) {
return extensions[ name ];
var extension;
switch ( name ) {
case 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic':
extension = gl.getExtension( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' ) || gl.getExtension( 'MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );
case 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc':
extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );
case 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc':
extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );
extension = gl.getExtension( name );
if ( extension === null ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: ' + name + ' extension not supported.' );
extensions[ name ] = extension;
return extension;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLCapabilities.js
THREE.WebGLCapabilities = function ( gl, extensions, parameters ) {
function getMaxPrecision( precision ) {
if ( precision === 'highp' ) {
if ( gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.VERTEX_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT ).precision > 0 &&
gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT ).precision > 0 ) {
return 'highp';
precision = 'mediump';
if ( precision === 'mediump' ) {
if ( gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.VERTEX_SHADER, gl.MEDIUM_FLOAT ).precision > 0 &&
gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.MEDIUM_FLOAT ).precision > 0 ) {
return 'mediump';
return 'lowp';
this.getMaxPrecision = getMaxPrecision;
this.precision = parameters.precision !== undefined ? parameters.precision : 'highp',
this.logarithmicDepthBuffer = parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer !== undefined ? parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer : false;
this.maxTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
this.maxVertexTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
this.maxTextureSize = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE );
this.maxCubemapSize = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE );
this.maxAttributes = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS );
this.maxVertexUniforms = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS );
this.maxVaryings = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS );
this.maxFragmentUniforms = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS );
this.vertexTextures = this.maxVertexTextures > 0;
this.floatFragmentTextures = !! extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );
this.floatVertexTextures = this.vertexTextures && this.floatFragmentTextures;
var _maxPrecision = getMaxPrecision( this.precision );
if ( _maxPrecision !== this.precision ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer:', this.precision, 'not supported, using', _maxPrecision, 'instead.' );
this.precision = _maxPrecision;
if ( this.logarithmicDepthBuffer ) {
this.logarithmicDepthBuffer = !! extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' );
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLGeometries.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLGeometries = function ( gl, properties, info ) {
var geometries = {};
function get( object ) {
var geometry = object.geometry;
if ( geometries[ geometry.id ] !== undefined ) {
return geometries[ geometry.id ];
geometry.addEventListener( 'dispose', onGeometryDispose );
var buffergeometry;
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
buffergeometry = geometry;
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
if ( geometry._bufferGeometry === undefined ) {
geometry._bufferGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromObject( object );
buffergeometry = geometry._bufferGeometry;
geometries[ geometry.id ] = buffergeometry;
info.memory.geometries ++;
return buffergeometry;
function onGeometryDispose( event ) {
var geometry = event.target;
var buffergeometry = geometries[ geometry.id ];
deleteAttributes( buffergeometry.attributes );
geometry.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onGeometryDispose );
delete geometries[ geometry.id ];
var property = properties.get( geometry );
if ( property.wireframe ) deleteAttribute( property.wireframe );
info.memory.geometries --;
function getAttributeBuffer( attribute ) {
if ( attribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
return properties.get( attribute.data ).__webglBuffer;
return properties.get( attribute ).__webglBuffer;
function deleteAttribute( attribute ) {
var buffer = getAttributeBuffer( attribute );
if ( buffer !== undefined ) {
gl.deleteBuffer( buffer );
removeAttributeBuffer( attribute );
function deleteAttributes( attributes ) {
for ( var name in attributes ) {
deleteAttribute( attributes[ name ] );
function removeAttributeBuffer( attribute ) {
if ( attribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
properties.delete( attribute.data );
} else {
properties.delete( attribute );
this.get = get;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLObjects.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLObjects = function ( gl, properties, info ) {
var geometries = new THREE.WebGLGeometries( gl, properties, info );
function update( object ) {
// TODO: Avoid updating twice (when using shadowMap). Maybe add frame counter.
var geometry = geometries.get( object );
if ( object.geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
geometry.updateFromObject( object );
var index = geometry.index;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
if ( index !== null ) {
updateAttribute( index, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER );
for ( var name in attributes ) {
updateAttribute( attributes[ name ], gl.ARRAY_BUFFER );
// morph targets
var morphAttributes = geometry.morphAttributes;
for ( var name in morphAttributes ) {
var array = morphAttributes[ name ];
for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
updateAttribute( array[ i ], gl.ARRAY_BUFFER );
return geometry;
function updateAttribute( attribute, bufferType ) {
var data = ( attribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) ? attribute.data : attribute;
var attributeProperties = properties.get( data );
if ( attributeProperties.__webglBuffer === undefined ) {
createBuffer( attributeProperties, data, bufferType );
} else if ( attributeProperties.version !== data.version ) {
updateBuffer( attributeProperties, data, bufferType );
function createBuffer( attributeProperties, data, bufferType ) {
attributeProperties.__webglBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer( bufferType, attributeProperties.__webglBuffer );
var usage = data.dynamic ? gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : gl.STATIC_DRAW;
gl.bufferData( bufferType, data.array, usage );
attributeProperties.version = data.version;
function updateBuffer( attributeProperties, data, bufferType ) {
gl.bindBuffer( bufferType, attributeProperties.__webglBuffer );
if ( data.dynamic === false || data.updateRange.count === - 1 ) {
// Not using update ranges
gl.bufferSubData( bufferType, 0, data.array );
} else if ( data.updateRange.count === 0 ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLObjects.updateBuffer: dynamic THREE.BufferAttribute marked as needsUpdate but updateRange.count is 0, ensure you are using set methods or updating manually.' );
} else {
gl.bufferSubData( bufferType, data.updateRange.offset * data.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
data.array.subarray( data.updateRange.offset, data.updateRange.offset + data.updateRange.count ) );
data.updateRange.count = 0; // reset range
attributeProperties.version = data.version;
function getAttributeBuffer( attribute ) {
if ( attribute instanceof THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
return properties.get( attribute.data ).__webglBuffer;
return properties.get( attribute ).__webglBuffer;
function getWireframeAttribute( geometry ) {
var property = properties.get( geometry );
if ( property.wireframe !== undefined ) {
return property.wireframe;
var indices = [];
var index = geometry.index;
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
var position = attributes.position;
// console.time( 'wireframe' );
if ( index !== null ) {
var edges = {};
var array = index.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
var a = array[ i + 0 ];
var b = array[ i + 1 ];
var c = array[ i + 2 ];
if ( checkEdge( edges, a, b ) ) indices.push( a, b );
if ( checkEdge( edges, b, c ) ) indices.push( b, c );
if ( checkEdge( edges, c, a ) ) indices.push( c, a );
} else {
var array = attributes.position.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = ( array.length / 3 ) - 1; i < l; i += 3 ) {
var a = i + 0;
var b = i + 1;
var c = i + 2;
indices.push( a, b, b, c, c, a );
// console.timeEnd( 'wireframe' );
var TypeArray = position.count > 65535 ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array;
var attribute = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new TypeArray( indices ), 1 );
updateAttribute( attribute, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER );
property.wireframe = attribute;
return attribute;
function checkEdge( edges, a, b ) {
if ( a > b ) {
var tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
var list = edges[ a ];
if ( list === undefined ) {
edges[ a ] = [ b ];
return true;
} else if ( list.indexOf( b ) === -1 ) {
list.push( b );
return true;
return false;
this.getAttributeBuffer = getAttributeBuffer;
this.getWireframeAttribute = getWireframeAttribute;
this.update = update;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLProgram.js
THREE.WebGLProgram = ( function () {
var programIdCount = 0;
function generateDefines( defines ) {
var chunks = [];
for ( var name in defines ) {
var value = defines[ name ];
if ( value === false ) continue;
chunks.push( '#define ' + name + ' ' + value );
return chunks.join( '\n' );
function fetchUniformLocations( gl, program, identifiers ) {
var uniforms = {};
var n = gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS );
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
var info = gl.getActiveUniform( program, i );
var name = info.name;
var location = gl.getUniformLocation( program, name );
// console.log("THREE.WebGLProgram: ACTIVE UNIFORM:", name);
var suffixPos = name.lastIndexOf( '[0]' );
if ( suffixPos !== - 1 && suffixPos === name.length - 3 ) {
uniforms[ name.substr( 0, suffixPos ) ] = location;
uniforms[ name ] = location;
return uniforms;
function fetchAttributeLocations( gl, program, identifiers ) {
var attributes = {};
var n = gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES );
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
var info = gl.getActiveAttrib( program, i );
var name = info.name;
// console.log("THREE.WebGLProgram: ACTIVE VERTEX ATTRIBUTE:", name, i );
attributes[ name ] = gl.getAttribLocation( program, name );
return attributes;
function filterEmptyLine( string ) {
return string !== '';
return function WebGLProgram( renderer, code, material, parameters ) {
var gl = renderer.context;
var defines = material.defines;
var vertexShader = material.__webglShader.vertexShader;
var fragmentShader = material.__webglShader.fragmentShader;
var shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_BASIC';
if ( parameters.shadowMapType === THREE.PCFShadowMap ) {
shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF';
} else if ( parameters.shadowMapType === THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap ) {
shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT';
var envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE';
var envMapModeDefine = 'ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION';
var envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY';
if ( parameters.envMap ) {
switch ( material.envMap.mapping ) {
case THREE.CubeReflectionMapping:
case THREE.CubeRefractionMapping:
envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE';
case THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping:
case THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping:
envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_EQUIREC';
case THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping:
envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_SPHERE';
switch ( material.envMap.mapping ) {
case THREE.CubeRefractionMapping:
case THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping:
switch ( material.combine ) {
case THREE.MultiplyOperation:
envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY';
case THREE.MixOperation:
envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX';
case THREE.AddOperation:
envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD';
var gammaFactorDefine = ( renderer.gammaFactor > 0 ) ? renderer.gammaFactor : 1.0;
// console.log( 'building new program ' );
var customDefines = generateDefines( defines );
var program = gl.createProgram();
var prefixVertex, prefixFragment;
if ( material instanceof THREE.RawShaderMaterial ) {
prefixVertex = '';
prefixFragment = '';
} else {
prefixVertex = [
'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' float;',
'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' int;',
'#define SHADER_NAME ' + material.__webglShader.name,
parameters.supportsVertexTextures ? '#define VERTEX_TEXTURES' : '',
renderer.gammaInput ? '#define GAMMA_INPUT' : '',
renderer.gammaOutput ? '#define GAMMA_OUTPUT' : '',
'#define GAMMA_FACTOR ' + gammaFactorDefine,
'#define MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxDirLights,
'#define MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxPointLights,
'#define MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxSpotLights,
'#define MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxHemiLights,
'#define MAX_SHADOWS ' + parameters.maxShadows,
'#define MAX_BONES ' + parameters.maxBones,
parameters.map ? '#define USE_MAP' : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define USE_ENVMAP' : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapModeDefine : '',
parameters.lightMap ? '#define USE_LIGHTMAP' : '',
parameters.aoMap ? '#define USE_AOMAP' : '',
parameters.emissiveMap ? '#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP' : '',
parameters.bumpMap ? '#define USE_BUMPMAP' : '',
parameters.normalMap ? '#define USE_NORMALMAP' : '',
parameters.displacementMap && parameters.supportsVertexTextures ? '#define USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP' : '',
parameters.specularMap ? '#define USE_SPECULARMAP' : '',
parameters.alphaMap ? '#define USE_ALPHAMAP' : '',
parameters.vertexColors ? '#define USE_COLOR' : '',
parameters.flatShading ? '#define FLAT_SHADED' : '',
parameters.skinning ? '#define USE_SKINNING' : '',
parameters.useVertexTexture ? '#define BONE_TEXTURE' : '',
parameters.morphTargets ? '#define USE_MORPHTARGETS' : '',
parameters.morphNormals && parameters.flatShading === false ? '#define USE_MORPHNORMALS' : '',
parameters.doubleSided ? '#define DOUBLE_SIDED' : '',
parameters.flipSided ? '#define FLIP_SIDED' : '',
parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define USE_SHADOWMAP' : '',
parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define ' + shadowMapTypeDefine : '',
parameters.shadowMapDebug ? '#define SHADOWMAP_DEBUG' : '',
parameters.pointLightShadows > 0 ? '#define POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS' : '',
parameters.sizeAttenuation ? '#define USE_SIZEATTENUATION' : '',
parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF' : '',
parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer && renderer.extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT' : '',
'uniform mat4 modelMatrix;',
'uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;',
'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;',
'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;',
'uniform mat3 normalMatrix;',
'uniform vec3 cameraPosition;',
'attribute vec3 position;',
'attribute vec3 normal;',
'attribute vec2 uv;',
'#ifdef USE_COLOR',
' attribute vec3 color;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget0;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget1;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget2;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget3;',
' attribute vec3 morphNormal0;',
' attribute vec3 morphNormal1;',
' attribute vec3 morphNormal2;',
' attribute vec3 morphNormal3;',
' #else',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget4;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget5;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget6;',
' attribute vec3 morphTarget7;',
' #endif',
'#ifdef USE_SKINNING',
' attribute vec4 skinIndex;',
' attribute vec4 skinWeight;',
].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );
prefixFragment = [
parameters.bumpMap || parameters.normalMap || parameters.flatShading || material.derivatives ? '#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable' : '',
parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer && renderer.extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable' : '',
'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' float;',
'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' int;',
'#define SHADER_NAME ' + material.__webglShader.name,
'#define MAX_DIR_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxDirLights,
'#define MAX_POINT_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxPointLights,
'#define MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxSpotLights,
'#define MAX_HEMI_LIGHTS ' + parameters.maxHemiLights,
'#define MAX_SHADOWS ' + parameters.maxShadows,
parameters.alphaTest ? '#define ALPHATEST ' + parameters.alphaTest : '',
renderer.gammaInput ? '#define GAMMA_INPUT' : '',
renderer.gammaOutput ? '#define GAMMA_OUTPUT' : '',
'#define GAMMA_FACTOR ' + gammaFactorDefine,
( parameters.useFog && parameters.fog ) ? '#define USE_FOG' : '',
( parameters.useFog && parameters.fogExp ) ? '#define FOG_EXP2' : '',
parameters.map ? '#define USE_MAP' : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define USE_ENVMAP' : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapTypeDefine : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapModeDefine : '',
parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapBlendingDefine : '',
parameters.lightMap ? '#define USE_LIGHTMAP' : '',
parameters.aoMap ? '#define USE_AOMAP' : '',
parameters.emissiveMap ? '#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP' : '',
parameters.bumpMap ? '#define USE_BUMPMAP' : '',
parameters.normalMap ? '#define USE_NORMALMAP' : '',
parameters.specularMap ? '#define USE_SPECULARMAP' : '',
parameters.alphaMap ? '#define USE_ALPHAMAP' : '',
parameters.vertexColors ? '#define USE_COLOR' : '',
parameters.flatShading ? '#define FLAT_SHADED' : '',
parameters.metal ? '#define METAL' : '',
parameters.doubleSided ? '#define DOUBLE_SIDED' : '',
parameters.flipSided ? '#define FLIP_SIDED' : '',
parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define USE_SHADOWMAP' : '',
parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define ' + shadowMapTypeDefine : '',
parameters.shadowMapDebug ? '#define SHADOWMAP_DEBUG' : '',
parameters.pointLightShadows > 0 ? '#define POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS' : '',
parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF' : '',
parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer && renderer.extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT' : '',
'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;',
'uniform vec3 cameraPosition;',
].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );
var vertexGlsl = prefixVertex + vertexShader;
var fragmentGlsl = prefixFragment + fragmentShader;
var glVertexShader = THREE.WebGLShader( gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vertexGlsl );
var glFragmentShader = THREE.WebGLShader( gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentGlsl );
gl.attachShader( program, glVertexShader );
gl.attachShader( program, glFragmentShader );
// Force a particular attribute to index 0.
if ( material.index0AttributeName !== undefined ) {
gl.bindAttribLocation( program, 0, material.index0AttributeName );
} else if ( parameters.morphTargets === true ) {
// programs with morphTargets displace position out of attribute 0
gl.bindAttribLocation( program, 0, 'position' );
gl.linkProgram( program );
var programLog = gl.getProgramInfoLog( program );
var vertexLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog( glVertexShader );
var fragmentLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog( glFragmentShader );
var runnable = true;
var haveDiagnostics = true;
if ( gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.LINK_STATUS ) === false ) {
runnable = false;
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error: ', gl.getError(), 'gl.VALIDATE_STATUS', gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.VALIDATE_STATUS ), 'gl.getProgramInfoLog', programLog, vertexLog, fragmentLog );
} else if ( programLog !== '' ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: gl.getProgramInfoLog()', programLog );
} else if ( vertexLog === '' || fragmentLog === '' ) {
haveDiagnostics = false;
if ( haveDiagnostics ) {
this.diagnostics = {
runnable: runnable,
material: material,
programLog: programLog,
vertexShader: {
log: vertexLog,
prefix: prefixVertex
fragmentShader: {
log: fragmentLog,
prefix: prefixFragment
// clean up
gl.deleteShader( glVertexShader );
gl.deleteShader( glFragmentShader );
// set up caching for uniform locations
var cachedUniforms;
this.getUniforms = function() {
if ( cachedUniforms === undefined ) {
cachedUniforms = fetchUniformLocations( gl, program );
return cachedUniforms;
// set up caching for attribute locations
var cachedAttributes;
this.getAttributes = function() {
if ( cachedAttributes === undefined ) {
cachedAttributes = fetchAttributeLocations( gl, program );
return cachedAttributes;
// free resource
this.destroy = function() {
gl.deleteProgram( program );
this.program = undefined;
Object.defineProperties( this, {
uniforms: {
get: function() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: .uniforms is now .getUniforms().' );
return this.getUniforms();
attributes: {
get: function() {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: .attributes is now .getAttributes().' );
return this.getAttributes();
} );
this.id = programIdCount ++;
this.code = code;
this.usedTimes = 1;
this.program = program;
this.vertexShader = glVertexShader;
this.fragmentShader = glFragmentShader;
return this;
} )();
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLPrograms.js
THREE.WebGLPrograms = function ( renderer, capabilities ) {
var programs = [];
var shaderIDs = {
MeshDepthMaterial: 'depth',
MeshNormalMaterial: 'normal',
MeshBasicMaterial: 'basic',
MeshLambertMaterial: 'lambert',
MeshPhongMaterial: 'phong',
LineBasicMaterial: 'basic',
LineDashedMaterial: 'dashed',
PointsMaterial: 'points'
var parameterNames = [
"precision", "supportsVertexTextures", "map", "envMap", "envMapMode",
"lightMap", "aoMap", "emissiveMap", "bumpMap", "normalMap", "displacementMap", "specularMap",
"alphaMap", "combine", "vertexColors", "fog", "useFog", "fogExp",
"flatShading", "sizeAttenuation", "logarithmicDepthBuffer", "skinning",
"maxBones", "useVertexTexture", "morphTargets", "morphNormals",
"maxMorphTargets", "maxMorphNormals", "maxDirLights", "maxPointLights",
"maxSpotLights", "maxHemiLights", "maxShadows", "shadowMapEnabled", "pointLightShadows",
"shadowMapType", "shadowMapDebug", "alphaTest", "metal", "doubleSided",
function allocateBones ( object ) {
if ( capabilities.floatVertexTextures && object && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.useVertexTexture ) {
return 1024;
} else {
// default for when object is not specified
// ( for example when prebuilding shader to be used with multiple objects )
// - leave some extra space for other uniforms
// - limit here is ANGLE's 254 max uniform vectors
// (up to 54 should be safe)
var nVertexUniforms = capabilities.maxVertexUniforms;
var nVertexMatrices = Math.floor( ( nVertexUniforms - 20 ) / 4 );
var maxBones = nVertexMatrices;
if ( object !== undefined && object instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh ) {
maxBones = Math.min( object.skeleton.bones.length, maxBones );
if ( maxBones < object.skeleton.bones.length ) {
console.warn( 'WebGLRenderer: too many bones - ' + object.skeleton.bones.length + ', this GPU supports just ' + maxBones + ' (try OpenGL instead of ANGLE)' );
return maxBones;
function allocateLights( lights ) {
var dirLights = 0;
var pointLights = 0;
var spotLights = 0;
var hemiLights = 0;
for ( var l = 0, ll = lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {
var light = lights[ l ];
if ( light.visible === false ) continue;
if ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) dirLights ++;
if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) pointLights ++;
if ( light instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) spotLights ++;
if ( light instanceof THREE.HemisphereLight ) hemiLights ++;
return { 'directional': dirLights, 'point': pointLights, 'spot': spotLights, 'hemi': hemiLights };
function allocateShadows( lights ) {
var maxShadows = 0;
var pointLightShadows = 0;
for ( var l = 0, ll = lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {
var light = lights[ l ];
if ( ! light.castShadow ) continue;
if ( light instanceof THREE.SpotLight || light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) maxShadows ++;
if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
maxShadows ++;
pointLightShadows ++;
return { 'maxShadows': maxShadows, 'pointLightShadows': pointLightShadows };
this.getParameters = function ( material, lights, fog, object ) {
var shaderID = shaderIDs[ material.type ];
// heuristics to create shader parameters according to lights in the scene
// (not to blow over maxLights budget)
var maxLightCount = allocateLights( lights );
var allocatedShadows = allocateShadows( lights );
var maxBones = allocateBones( object );
var precision = renderer.getPrecision();
if ( material.precision !== null ) {
precision = capabilities.getMaxPrecision( material.precision );
if ( precision !== material.precision ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.initMaterial:', material.precision, 'not supported, using', precision, 'instead.' );
var parameters = {
shaderID: shaderID,
precision: precision,
supportsVertexTextures: capabilities.vertexTextures,
map: !! material.map,
envMap: !! material.envMap,
envMapMode: material.envMap && material.envMap.mapping,
lightMap: !! material.lightMap,
aoMap: !! material.aoMap,
emissiveMap: !! material.emissiveMap,
bumpMap: !! material.bumpMap,
normalMap: !! material.normalMap,
displacementMap: !! material.displacementMap,
specularMap: !! material.specularMap,
alphaMap: !! material.alphaMap,
combine: material.combine,
vertexColors: material.vertexColors,
fog: fog,
useFog: material.fog,
fogExp: fog instanceof THREE.FogExp2,
flatShading: material.shading === THREE.FlatShading,
sizeAttenuation: material.sizeAttenuation,
logarithmicDepthBuffer: capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer,
skinning: material.skinning,
maxBones: maxBones,
useVertexTexture: capabilities.floatVertexTextures && object && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.useVertexTexture,
morphTargets: material.morphTargets,
morphNormals: material.morphNormals,
maxMorphTargets: renderer.maxMorphTargets,
maxMorphNormals: renderer.maxMorphNormals,
maxDirLights: maxLightCount.directional,
maxPointLights: maxLightCount.point,
maxSpotLights: maxLightCount.spot,
maxHemiLights: maxLightCount.hemi,
maxShadows: allocatedShadows.maxShadows,
pointLightShadows: allocatedShadows.pointLightShadows,
shadowMapEnabled: renderer.shadowMap.enabled && object.receiveShadow && allocatedShadows.maxShadows > 0,
shadowMapType: renderer.shadowMap.type,
shadowMapDebug: renderer.shadowMap.debug,
alphaTest: material.alphaTest,
metal: material.metal,
doubleSided: material.side === THREE.DoubleSide,
flipSided: material.side === THREE.BackSide
return parameters;
this.getProgramCode = function ( material, parameters ) {
var chunks = [];
if ( parameters.shaderID ) {
chunks.push( parameters.shaderID );
} else {
chunks.push( material.fragmentShader );
chunks.push( material.vertexShader );
if ( material.defines !== undefined ) {
for ( var name in material.defines ) {
chunks.push( name );
chunks.push( material.defines[ name ] );
for ( var i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i ++ ) {
var parameterName = parameterNames[ i ];
chunks.push( parameterName );
chunks.push( parameters[ parameterName ] );
return chunks.join();
this.acquireProgram = function ( material, parameters, code ) {
var program;
// Check if code has been already compiled
for ( var p = 0, pl = programs.length; p < pl; p ++ ) {
var programInfo = programs[ p ];
if ( programInfo.code === code ) {
program = programInfo;
++ program.usedTimes;
if ( program === undefined ) {
program = new THREE.WebGLProgram( renderer, code, material, parameters );
programs.push( program );
return program;
this.releaseProgram = function( program ) {
if ( -- program.usedTimes === 0 ) {
// Remove from unordered set
var i = programs.indexOf( program );
programs[ i ] = programs[ programs.length - 1 ];
// Free WebGL resources
// Exposed for resource monitoring & error feedback via renderer.info:
this.programs = programs;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLProperties.js
* @author fordacious / fordacious.github.io
THREE.WebGLProperties = function () {
var properties = {};
this.get = function ( object ) {
var uuid = object.uuid;
var map = properties[ uuid ];
if ( map === undefined ) {
map = {};
properties[ uuid ] = map;
return map;
this.delete = function ( object ) {
delete properties[ object.uuid ];
this.clear = function () {
properties = {};
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLShader.js
THREE.WebGLShader = ( function () {
function addLineNumbers( string ) {
var lines = string.split( '\n' );
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) {
lines[ i ] = ( i + 1 ) + ': ' + lines[ i ];
return lines.join( '\n' );
return function WebGLShader( gl, type, string ) {
var shader = gl.createShader( type );
gl.shaderSource( shader, string );
gl.compileShader( shader );
if ( gl.getShaderParameter( shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS ) === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGLShader: Shader couldn\'t compile.' );
if ( gl.getShaderInfoLog( shader ) !== '' ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLShader: gl.getShaderInfoLog()', type === gl.VERTEX_SHADER ? 'vertex' : 'fragment', gl.getShaderInfoLog( shader ), addLineNumbers( string ) );
// --enable-privileged-webgl-extension
// console.log( type, gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_debug_shaders' ).getTranslatedShaderSource( shader ) );
return shader;
} )();
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLShadowMap.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLShadowMap = function ( _renderer, _lights, _objects ) {
var _gl = _renderer.context,
_state = _renderer.state,
_frustum = new THREE.Frustum(),
_projScreenMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(),
_min = new THREE.Vector3(),
_max = new THREE.Vector3(),
_lookTarget = new THREE.Vector3(),
_lightPositionWorld = new THREE.Vector3(),
_renderList = [],
_MorphingFlag = 1,
_SkinningFlag = 2,
_NumberOfMaterialVariants = ( _MorphingFlag | _SkinningFlag ) + 1,
_depthMaterials = new Array( _NumberOfMaterialVariants ),
_distanceMaterials = new Array( _NumberOfMaterialVariants );
var cubeDirections = [
new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( - 1, 0, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 )
var cubeUps = [
new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 )
var cube2DViewPorts = [
new THREE.Vector4(), new THREE.Vector4(), new THREE.Vector4(),
new THREE.Vector4(), new THREE.Vector4(), new THREE.Vector4()
var _vector4 = new THREE.Vector4();
// init
var depthShader = THREE.ShaderLib[ "depthRGBA" ];
var depthUniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( depthShader.uniforms );
var distanceShader = THREE.ShaderLib[ "distanceRGBA" ];
var distanceUniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( distanceShader.uniforms );
for ( var i = 0; i !== _NumberOfMaterialVariants; ++ i ) {
var useMorphing = ( i & _MorphingFlag ) !== 0;
var useSkinning = ( i & _SkinningFlag ) !== 0;
var depthMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: depthUniforms,
vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader,
morphTargets: useMorphing,
skinning: useSkinning
} );
depthMaterial._shadowPass = true;
_depthMaterials[ i ] = depthMaterial;
var distanceMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: distanceUniforms,
vertexShader: distanceShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: distanceShader.fragmentShader,
morphTargets: useMorphing,
skinning: useSkinning
} );
distanceMaterial._shadowPass = true;
_distanceMaterials[ i ] = distanceMaterial;
var scope = this;
this.enabled = false;
this.autoUpdate = true;
this.needsUpdate = false;
this.type = THREE.PCFShadowMap;
this.cullFace = THREE.CullFaceFront;
this.render = function ( scene ) {
var faceCount, isPointLight;
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
if ( scope.autoUpdate === false && scope.needsUpdate === false ) return;
// Set GL state for depth map.
_gl.clearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
_state.disable( _gl.BLEND );
_state.enable( _gl.CULL_FACE );
_gl.frontFace( _gl.CCW );
_gl.cullFace( scope.cullFace === THREE.CullFaceFront ? _gl.FRONT : _gl.BACK );
_state.setDepthTest( true );
// save the existing viewport so it can be restored later
_renderer.getViewport( _vector4 );
// render depth map
for ( var i = 0, il = _lights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var light = _lights[ i ];
if ( light.castShadow === true ) {
var shadow = light.shadow;
var shadowCamera = shadow.camera;
var shadowMapSize = shadow.mapSize;
if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
faceCount = 6;
isPointLight = true;
var vpWidth = shadowMapSize.x / 4.0;
var vpHeight = shadowMapSize.y / 2.0;
// These viewports map a cube-map onto a 2D texture with the
// following orientation:
// xzXZ
// y Y
// X - Positive x direction
// x - Negative x direction
// Y - Positive y direction
// y - Negative y direction
// Z - Positive z direction
// z - Negative z direction
// positive X
cube2DViewPorts[ 0 ].set( vpWidth * 2, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
// negative X
cube2DViewPorts[ 1 ].set( 0, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
// positive Z
cube2DViewPorts[ 2 ].set( vpWidth * 3, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
// negative Z
cube2DViewPorts[ 3 ].set( vpWidth, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
// positive Y
cube2DViewPorts[ 4 ].set( vpWidth * 3, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight );
// negative Y
cube2DViewPorts[ 5 ].set( vpWidth, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight );
} else {
faceCount = 1;
isPointLight = false;
if ( shadow.map === null ) {
var shadowFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
if ( scope.type === THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap ) {
shadowFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
var pars = { minFilter: shadowFilter, magFilter: shadowFilter, format: THREE.RGBAFormat };
shadow.map = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( shadowMapSize.x, shadowMapSize.y, pars );
shadow.matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
if ( light instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) {
shadowCamera.aspect = shadowMapSize.x / shadowMapSize.y;
var shadowMap = shadow.map;
var shadowMatrix = shadow.matrix;
_lightPositionWorld.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
shadowCamera.position.copy( _lightPositionWorld );
_renderer.setRenderTarget( shadowMap );
// render shadow map for each cube face (if omni-directional) or
// run a single pass if not
for ( var face = 0; face < faceCount; face ++ ) {
if ( isPointLight ) {
_lookTarget.copy( shadowCamera.position );
_lookTarget.add( cubeDirections[ face ] );
shadowCamera.up.copy( cubeUps[ face ] );
shadowCamera.lookAt( _lookTarget );
var vpDimensions = cube2DViewPorts[ face ];
_renderer.setViewport( vpDimensions.x, vpDimensions.y, vpDimensions.z, vpDimensions.w );
} else {
_lookTarget.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
shadowCamera.lookAt( _lookTarget );
shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( shadowCamera.matrixWorld );
// compute shadow matrix
0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5,
0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix );
shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
// update camera matrices and frustum
_projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix, shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
_frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix );
// set object matrices & frustum culling
_renderList.length = 0;
projectObject( scene, shadowCamera );
// render shadow map
// render regular objects
for ( var j = 0, jl = _renderList.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var object = _renderList[ j ];
var geometry = _objects.update( object );
var material = object.material;
if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) {
var groups = geometry.groups;
var materials = material.materials;
for ( var k = 0, kl = groups.length; k < kl; k ++ ) {
var group = groups[ k ];
var groupMaterial = materials[ group.materialIndex ];
if ( groupMaterial.visible === true ) {
var depthMaterial = getDepthMaterial( object, groupMaterial, isPointLight, _lightPositionWorld );
_renderer.renderBufferDirect( shadowCamera, _lights, null, geometry, depthMaterial, object, group );
} else {
var depthMaterial = getDepthMaterial( object, material, isPointLight, _lightPositionWorld );
_renderer.renderBufferDirect( shadowCamera, _lights, null, geometry, depthMaterial, object, null );
// We must call _renderer.resetGLState() at the end of each iteration of
// the light loop in order to force material updates for each light.
_renderer.setViewport( _vector4.x, _vector4.y, _vector4.z, _vector4.w );
// Restore GL state.
var clearColor = _renderer.getClearColor(),
clearAlpha = _renderer.getClearAlpha();
_renderer.setClearColor( clearColor, clearAlpha );
_state.enable( _gl.BLEND );
if ( scope.cullFace === THREE.CullFaceFront ) {
_gl.cullFace( _gl.BACK );
scope.needsUpdate = false;
function getDepthMaterial( object, material, isPointLight, lightPositionWorld ) {
var geometry = object.geometry;
var newMaterial = null;
var materialVariants = _depthMaterials;
var customMaterial = object.customDepthMaterial;
if ( isPointLight ) {
materialVariants = _distanceMaterials;
customMaterial = object.customDistanceMaterial;
if ( ! customMaterial ) {
var useMorphing = geometry.morphTargets !== undefined &&
geometry.morphTargets.length > 0 && material.morphTargets;
var useSkinning = object instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh && material.skinning;
var variantIndex = 0;
if ( useMorphing ) variantIndex |= _MorphingFlag;
if ( useSkinning ) variantIndex |= _SkinningFlag;
newMaterial = materialVariants[ variantIndex ];
} else {
newMaterial = customMaterial;
newMaterial.visible = material.visible;
newMaterial.wireframe = material.wireframe;
newMaterial.wireframeLinewidth = material.wireframeLinewidth;
if ( isPointLight && newMaterial.uniforms.lightPos !== undefined ) {
newMaterial.uniforms.lightPos.value.copy( lightPositionWorld );
return newMaterial;
function projectObject( object, camera ) {
if ( object.visible === false ) return;
if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh || object instanceof THREE.Line || object instanceof THREE.Points ) {
if ( object.castShadow && ( object.frustumCulled === false || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) === true ) ) {
var material = object.material;
if ( material.visible === true ) {
object.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld );
_renderList.push( object );
var children = object.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
projectObject( children[ i ], camera );
// File:src/renderers/webgl/WebGLState.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.WebGLState = function ( gl, extensions, paramThreeToGL ) {
var _this = this;
var newAttributes = new Uint8Array( 16 );
var enabledAttributes = new Uint8Array( 16 );
var attributeDivisors = new Uint8Array( 16 );
var capabilities = {};
var compressedTextureFormats = null;
var currentBlending = null;
var currentBlendEquation = null;
var currentBlendSrc = null;
var currentBlendDst = null;
var currentBlendEquationAlpha = null;
var currentBlendSrcAlpha = null;
var currentBlendDstAlpha = null;
var currentDepthFunc = null;
var currentDepthWrite = null;
var currentColorWrite = null;
var currentFlipSided = null;
var currentLineWidth = null;
var currentPolygonOffsetFactor = null;
var currentPolygonOffsetUnits = null;
var maxTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
var currentTextureSlot = undefined;
var currentBoundTextures = {};
this.init = function () {
gl.clearColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
gl.clearDepth( 1 );
gl.clearStencil( 0 );
this.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
gl.frontFace( gl.CCW );
gl.cullFace( gl.BACK );
this.enable( gl.CULL_FACE );
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
gl.blendFunc( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
this.initAttributes = function () {
for ( var i = 0, l = newAttributes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
newAttributes[ i ] = 0;
this.enableAttribute = function ( attribute ) {
newAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;
if ( enabledAttributes[ attribute ] === 0 ) {
gl.enableVertexAttribArray( attribute );
enabledAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;
if ( attributeDivisors[ attribute ] !== 0 ) {
var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );
extension.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE( attribute, 0 );
attributeDivisors[ attribute ] = 0;
this.enableAttributeAndDivisor = function ( attribute, meshPerAttribute, extension ) {
newAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;
if ( enabledAttributes[ attribute ] === 0 ) {
gl.enableVertexAttribArray( attribute );
enabledAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;
if ( attributeDivisors[ attribute ] !== meshPerAttribute ) {
extension.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE( attribute, meshPerAttribute );
attributeDivisors[ attribute ] = meshPerAttribute;
this.disableUnusedAttributes = function () {
for ( var i = 0, l = enabledAttributes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( enabledAttributes[ i ] !== newAttributes[ i ] ) {
gl.disableVertexAttribArray( i );
enabledAttributes[ i ] = 0;
this.enable = function ( id ) {
if ( capabilities[ id ] !== true ) {
gl.enable( id );
capabilities[ id ] = true;
this.disable = function ( id ) {
if ( capabilities[ id ] !== false ) {
gl.disable( id );
capabilities[ id ] = false;
this.getCompressedTextureFormats = function () {
if ( compressedTextureFormats === null ) {
compressedTextureFormats = [];
if ( extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' ) ||
extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) ) {
var formats = gl.getParameter( gl.COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS );
for ( var i = 0; i < formats.length; i ++ ) {
compressedTextureFormats.push( formats[ i ] );
return compressedTextureFormats;
this.setBlending = function ( blending, blendEquation, blendSrc, blendDst, blendEquationAlpha, blendSrcAlpha, blendDstAlpha ) {
if ( blending !== currentBlending ) {
if ( blending === THREE.NoBlending ) {
this.disable( gl.BLEND );
} else if ( blending === THREE.AdditiveBlending ) {
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
gl.blendFunc( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE );
} else if ( blending === THREE.SubtractiveBlending ) {
// TODO: Find blendFuncSeparate() combination
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
gl.blendFunc( gl.ZERO, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR );
} else if ( blending === THREE.MultiplyBlending ) {
// TODO: Find blendFuncSeparate() combination
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
gl.blendFunc( gl.ZERO, gl.SRC_COLOR );
} else if ( blending === THREE.CustomBlending ) {
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
} else {
this.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
currentBlending = blending;
if ( blending === THREE.CustomBlending ) {
blendEquationAlpha = blendEquationAlpha || blendEquation;
blendSrcAlpha = blendSrcAlpha || blendSrc;
blendDstAlpha = blendDstAlpha || blendDst;
if ( blendEquation !== currentBlendEquation || blendEquationAlpha !== currentBlendEquationAlpha ) {
gl.blendEquationSeparate( paramThreeToGL( blendEquation ), paramThreeToGL( blendEquationAlpha ) );
currentBlendEquation = blendEquation;
currentBlendEquationAlpha = blendEquationAlpha;
if ( blendSrc !== currentBlendSrc || blendDst !== currentBlendDst || blendSrcAlpha !== currentBlendSrcAlpha || blendDstAlpha !== currentBlendDstAlpha ) {
gl.blendFuncSeparate( paramThreeToGL( blendSrc ), paramThreeToGL( blendDst ), paramThreeToGL( blendSrcAlpha ), paramThreeToGL( blendDstAlpha ) );
currentBlendSrc = blendSrc;
currentBlendDst = blendDst;
currentBlendSrcAlpha = blendSrcAlpha;
currentBlendDstAlpha = blendDstAlpha;
} else {
currentBlendEquation = null;
currentBlendSrc = null;
currentBlendDst = null;
currentBlendEquationAlpha = null;
currentBlendSrcAlpha = null;
currentBlendDstAlpha = null;
this.setDepthFunc = function ( depthFunc ) {
if ( currentDepthFunc !== depthFunc ) {
if ( depthFunc ) {
switch ( depthFunc ) {
case THREE.NeverDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.NEVER );
case THREE.AlwaysDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.ALWAYS );
case THREE.LessDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.LESS );
case THREE.LessEqualDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
case THREE.EqualDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.EQUAL );
case THREE.GreaterEqualDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.GEQUAL );
case THREE.GreaterDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.GREATER );
case THREE.NotEqualDepth:
gl.depthFunc( gl.NOTEQUAL );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
} else {
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
currentDepthFunc = depthFunc;
this.setDepthTest = function ( depthTest ) {
if ( depthTest ) {
this.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
} else {
this.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
this.setDepthWrite = function ( depthWrite ) {
if ( currentDepthWrite !== depthWrite ) {
gl.depthMask( depthWrite );
currentDepthWrite = depthWrite;
this.setColorWrite = function ( colorWrite ) {
if ( currentColorWrite !== colorWrite ) {
gl.colorMask( colorWrite, colorWrite, colorWrite, colorWrite );
currentColorWrite = colorWrite;
this.setFlipSided = function ( flipSided ) {
if ( currentFlipSided !== flipSided ) {
if ( flipSided ) {
gl.frontFace( gl.CW );
} else {
gl.frontFace( gl.CCW );
currentFlipSided = flipSided;
this.setLineWidth = function ( width ) {
if ( width !== currentLineWidth ) {
gl.lineWidth( width );
currentLineWidth = width;
this.setPolygonOffset = function ( polygonOffset, factor, units ) {
if ( polygonOffset ) {
this.enable( gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );
} else {
this.disable( gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );
if ( polygonOffset && ( currentPolygonOffsetFactor !== factor || currentPolygonOffsetUnits !== units ) ) {
gl.polygonOffset( factor, units );
currentPolygonOffsetFactor = factor;
currentPolygonOffsetUnits = units;
this.setScissorTest = function ( scissorTest ) {
if ( scissorTest ) {
this.enable( gl.SCISSOR_TEST );
} else {
this.disable( gl.SCISSOR_TEST );
// texture
this.activeTexture = function ( webglSlot ) {
if ( webglSlot === undefined ) webglSlot = gl.TEXTURE0 + maxTextures - 1;
if ( currentTextureSlot !== webglSlot ) {
gl.activeTexture( webglSlot );
currentTextureSlot = webglSlot;
this.bindTexture = function ( webglType, webglTexture ) {
if ( currentTextureSlot === undefined ) {
var boundTexture = currentBoundTextures[ currentTextureSlot ];
if ( boundTexture === undefined ) {
boundTexture = { type: undefined, texture: undefined };
currentBoundTextures[ currentTextureSlot ] = boundTexture;
if ( boundTexture.type !== webglType || boundTexture.texture !== webglTexture ) {
gl.bindTexture( webglType, webglTexture );
boundTexture.type = webglType;
boundTexture.texture = webglTexture;
this.compressedTexImage2D = function () {
try {
gl.compressedTexImage2D.apply( gl, arguments );
} catch ( error ) {
console.error( error );
this.texImage2D = function () {
try {
gl.texImage2D.apply( gl, arguments );
} catch ( error ) {
console.error( error );
this.reset = function () {
for ( var i = 0; i < enabledAttributes.length; i ++ ) {
if ( enabledAttributes[ i ] === 1 ) {
gl.disableVertexAttribArray( i );
enabledAttributes[ i ] = 0;
capabilities = {};
compressedTextureFormats = null;
currentBlending = null;
currentDepthWrite = null;
currentColorWrite = null;
currentFlipSided = null;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/plugins/LensFlarePlugin.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.LensFlarePlugin = function ( renderer, flares ) {
var gl = renderer.context;
var state = renderer.state;
var vertexBuffer, elementBuffer;
var program, attributes, uniforms;
var hasVertexTexture;
var tempTexture, occlusionTexture;
function init() {
var vertices = new Float32Array( [
- 1, - 1, 0, 0,
1, - 1, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 0, 1
] );
var faces = new Uint16Array( [
0, 1, 2,
0, 2, 3
] );
// buffers
vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
elementBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );
gl.bufferData( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, faces, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
// textures
tempTexture = gl.createTexture();
occlusionTexture = gl.createTexture();
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, tempTexture );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGB, 16, 16, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, occlusionTexture );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 16, 16, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
hasVertexTexture = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS ) > 0;
var shader;
if ( hasVertexTexture ) {
shader = {
vertexShader: [
"uniform lowp int renderType;",
"uniform vec3 screenPosition;",
"uniform vec2 scale;",
"uniform float rotation;",
"uniform sampler2D occlusionMap;",
"attribute vec2 position;",
"attribute vec2 uv;",
"varying vec2 vUV;",
"varying float vVisibility;",
"void main() {",
"vUV = uv;",
"vec2 pos = position;",
"if ( renderType == 2 ) {",
"vec4 visibility = texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.1, 0.1 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.5, 0.1 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.9, 0.1 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.9, 0.5 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.9, 0.9 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.5, 0.9 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.1, 0.9 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.1, 0.5 ) );",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.5, 0.5 ) );",
"vVisibility = visibility.r / 9.0;",
"vVisibility *= 1.0 - visibility.g / 9.0;",
"vVisibility *= visibility.b / 9.0;",
"vVisibility *= 1.0 - visibility.a / 9.0;",
"pos.x = cos( rotation ) * position.x - sin( rotation ) * position.y;",
"pos.y = sin( rotation ) * position.x + cos( rotation ) * position.y;",
"gl_Position = vec4( ( pos * scale + screenPosition.xy ).xy, screenPosition.z, 1.0 );",
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform lowp int renderType;",
"uniform sampler2D map;",
"uniform float opacity;",
"uniform vec3 color;",
"varying vec2 vUV;",
"varying float vVisibility;",
"void main() {",
// pink square
"if ( renderType == 0 ) {",
"gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );",
// restore
"} else if ( renderType == 1 ) {",
"gl_FragColor = texture2D( map, vUV );",
// flare
"} else {",
"vec4 texture = texture2D( map, vUV );",
"texture.a *= opacity * vVisibility;",
"gl_FragColor = texture;",
"gl_FragColor.rgb *= color;",
].join( "\n" )
} else {
shader = {
vertexShader: [
"uniform lowp int renderType;",
"uniform vec3 screenPosition;",
"uniform vec2 scale;",
"uniform float rotation;",
"attribute vec2 position;",
"attribute vec2 uv;",
"varying vec2 vUV;",
"void main() {",
"vUV = uv;",
"vec2 pos = position;",
"if ( renderType == 2 ) {",
"pos.x = cos( rotation ) * position.x - sin( rotation ) * position.y;",
"pos.y = sin( rotation ) * position.x + cos( rotation ) * position.y;",
"gl_Position = vec4( ( pos * scale + screenPosition.xy ).xy, screenPosition.z, 1.0 );",
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"precision mediump float;",
"uniform lowp int renderType;",
"uniform sampler2D map;",
"uniform sampler2D occlusionMap;",
"uniform float opacity;",
"uniform vec3 color;",
"varying vec2 vUV;",
"void main() {",
// pink square
"if ( renderType == 0 ) {",
"gl_FragColor = vec4( texture2D( map, vUV ).rgb, 0.0 );",
// restore
"} else if ( renderType == 1 ) {",
"gl_FragColor = texture2D( map, vUV );",
// flare
"} else {",
"float visibility = texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.5, 0.1 ) ).a;",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.9, 0.5 ) ).a;",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.5, 0.9 ) ).a;",
"visibility += texture2D( occlusionMap, vec2( 0.1, 0.5 ) ).a;",
"visibility = ( 1.0 - visibility / 4.0 );",
"vec4 texture = texture2D( map, vUV );",
"texture.a *= opacity * visibility;",
"gl_FragColor = texture;",
"gl_FragColor.rgb *= color;",
].join( "\n" )
program = createProgram( shader );
attributes = {
vertex: gl.getAttribLocation ( program, "position" ),
uv: gl.getAttribLocation ( program, "uv" )
uniforms = {
renderType: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "renderType" ),
map: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "map" ),
occlusionMap: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "occlusionMap" ),
opacity: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "opacity" ),
color: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "color" ),
scale: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "scale" ),
rotation: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "rotation" ),
screenPosition: gl.getUniformLocation( program, "screenPosition" )
* Render lens flares
* Method: renders 16x16 0xff00ff-colored points scattered over the light source area,
* reads these back and calculates occlusion.
this.render = function ( scene, camera, viewportWidth, viewportHeight ) {
if ( flares.length === 0 ) return;
var tempPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var invAspect = viewportHeight / viewportWidth,
halfViewportWidth = viewportWidth * 0.5,
halfViewportHeight = viewportHeight * 0.5;
var size = 16 / viewportHeight,
scale = new THREE.Vector2( size * invAspect, size );
var screenPosition = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 0 ),
screenPositionPixels = new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 );
if ( program === undefined ) {
gl.useProgram( program );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.vertex );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.uv );
// loop through all lens flares to update their occlusion and positions
// setup gl and common used attribs/uniforms
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.occlusionMap, 0 );
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.map, 1 );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.vertex, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 0 );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.uv, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 8 );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );
state.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
gl.depthMask( false );
for ( var i = 0, l = flares.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
size = 16 / viewportHeight;
scale.set( size * invAspect, size );
// calc object screen position
var flare = flares[ i ];
tempPosition.set( flare.matrixWorld.elements[ 12 ], flare.matrixWorld.elements[ 13 ], flare.matrixWorld.elements[ 14 ] );
tempPosition.applyMatrix4( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
tempPosition.applyProjection( camera.projectionMatrix );
// setup arrays for gl programs
screenPosition.copy( tempPosition );
screenPositionPixels.x = screenPosition.x * halfViewportWidth + halfViewportWidth;
screenPositionPixels.y = screenPosition.y * halfViewportHeight + halfViewportHeight;
// screen cull
if ( hasVertexTexture || (
screenPositionPixels.x > 0 &&
screenPositionPixels.x < viewportWidth &&
screenPositionPixels.y > 0 &&
screenPositionPixels.y < viewportHeight ) ) {
// save current RGB to temp texture
state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 );
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE1 );
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, tempTexture );
gl.copyTexImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGB, screenPositionPixels.x - 8, screenPositionPixels.y - 8, 16, 16, 0 );
// render pink quad
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.renderType, 0 );
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.scale, scale.x, scale.y );
gl.uniform3f( uniforms.screenPosition, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, screenPosition.z );
state.disable( gl.BLEND );
state.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.drawElements( gl.TRIANGLES, 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );
// copy result to occlusionMap
state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 );
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, occlusionTexture );
gl.copyTexImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, screenPositionPixels.x - 8, screenPositionPixels.y - 8, 16, 16, 0 );
// restore graphics
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.renderType, 1 );
state.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE1 );
state.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, tempTexture );
gl.drawElements( gl.TRIANGLES, 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );
// update object positions
flare.positionScreen.copy( screenPosition );
if ( flare.customUpdateCallback ) {
flare.customUpdateCallback( flare );
} else {
// render flares
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.renderType, 2 );
state.enable( gl.BLEND );
for ( var j = 0, jl = flare.lensFlares.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var sprite = flare.lensFlares[ j ];
if ( sprite.opacity > 0.001 && sprite.scale > 0.001 ) {
screenPosition.x = sprite.x;
screenPosition.y = sprite.y;
screenPosition.z = sprite.z;
size = sprite.size * sprite.scale / viewportHeight;
scale.x = size * invAspect;
scale.y = size;
gl.uniform3f( uniforms.screenPosition, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, screenPosition.z );
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.scale, scale.x, scale.y );
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.rotation, sprite.rotation );
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.opacity, sprite.opacity );
gl.uniform3f( uniforms.color, sprite.color.r, sprite.color.g, sprite.color.b );
state.setBlending( sprite.blending, sprite.blendEquation, sprite.blendSrc, sprite.blendDst );
renderer.setTexture( sprite.texture, 1 );
gl.drawElements( gl.TRIANGLES, 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );
// restore gl
state.enable( gl.CULL_FACE );
state.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.depthMask( true );
function createProgram ( shader ) {
var program = gl.createProgram();
var fragmentShader = gl.createShader( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER );
var vertexShader = gl.createShader( gl.VERTEX_SHADER );
var prefix = "precision " + renderer.getPrecision() + " float;\n";
gl.shaderSource( fragmentShader, prefix + shader.fragmentShader );
gl.shaderSource( vertexShader, prefix + shader.vertexShader );
gl.compileShader( fragmentShader );
gl.compileShader( vertexShader );
gl.attachShader( program, fragmentShader );
gl.attachShader( program, vertexShader );
gl.linkProgram( program );
return program;
// File:src/renderers/webgl/plugins/SpritePlugin.js
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.SpritePlugin = function ( renderer, sprites ) {
var gl = renderer.context;
var state = renderer.state;
var vertexBuffer, elementBuffer;
var program, attributes, uniforms;
var texture;
// decompose matrixWorld
var spritePosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var spriteRotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
var spriteScale = new THREE.Vector3();
function init() {
var vertices = new Float32Array( [
- 0.5, - 0.5, 0, 0,
0.5, - 0.5, 1, 0,
0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,
- 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1
] );
var faces = new Uint16Array( [
0, 1, 2,
0, 2, 3
] );
vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
elementBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );
gl.bufferData( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, faces, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
program = createProgram();
attributes = {
position: gl.getAttribLocation ( program, 'position' ),
uv: gl.getAttribLocation ( program, 'uv' )
uniforms = {
uvOffset: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'uvOffset' ),
uvScale: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'uvScale' ),
rotation: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'rotation' ),
scale: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'scale' ),
color: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'color' ),
map: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'map' ),
opacity: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'opacity' ),
modelViewMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'modelViewMatrix' ),
projectionMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'projectionMatrix' ),
fogType: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogType' ),
fogDensity: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogDensity' ),
fogNear: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogNear' ),
fogFar: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogFar' ),
fogColor: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogColor' ),
alphaTest: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'alphaTest' )
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = 8;
canvas.height = 8;
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.fillStyle = 'white';
context.fillRect( 0, 0, 8, 8 );
texture = new THREE.Texture( canvas );
texture.needsUpdate = true;
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
if ( sprites.length === 0 ) return;
// setup gl
if ( program === undefined ) {
gl.useProgram( program );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.position );
state.enableAttribute( attributes.uv );
state.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
state.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 0 );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.uv, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 8 );
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );
gl.uniformMatrix4fv( uniforms.projectionMatrix, false, camera.projectionMatrix.elements );
state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 );
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.map, 0 );
var oldFogType = 0;
var sceneFogType = 0;
var fog = scene.fog;
if ( fog ) {
gl.uniform3f( uniforms.fogColor, fog.color.r, fog.color.g, fog.color.b );
if ( fog instanceof THREE.Fog ) {
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogNear, fog.near );
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogFar, fog.far );
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 1 );
oldFogType = 1;
sceneFogType = 1;
} else if ( fog instanceof THREE.FogExp2 ) {
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogDensity, fog.density );
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 2 );
oldFogType = 2;
sceneFogType = 2;
} else {
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 0 );
oldFogType = 0;
sceneFogType = 0;
// update positions and sort
for ( var i = 0, l = sprites.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
sprite.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, sprite.matrixWorld );
sprite.z = - sprite.modelViewMatrix.elements[ 14 ];
sprites.sort( painterSortStable );
// render all sprites
var scale = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = sprites.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var material = sprite.material;
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.alphaTest, material.alphaTest );
gl.uniformMatrix4fv( uniforms.modelViewMatrix, false, sprite.modelViewMatrix.elements );
sprite.matrixWorld.decompose( spritePosition, spriteRotation, spriteScale );
scale[ 0 ] = spriteScale.x;
scale[ 1 ] = spriteScale.y;
var fogType = 0;
if ( scene.fog && material.fog ) {
fogType = sceneFogType;
if ( oldFogType !== fogType ) {
gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, fogType );
oldFogType = fogType;
if ( material.map !== null ) {
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvOffset, material.map.offset.x, material.map.offset.y );
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvScale, material.map.repeat.x, material.map.repeat.y );
} else {
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvOffset, 0, 0 );
gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvScale, 1, 1 );
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.opacity, material.opacity );
gl.uniform3f( uniforms.color, material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b );
gl.uniform1f( uniforms.rotation, material.rotation );
gl.uniform2fv( uniforms.scale, scale );
state.setBlending( material.blending, material.blendEquation, material.blendSrc, material.blendDst );
state.setDepthTest( material.depthTest );
state.setDepthWrite( material.depthWrite );
if ( material.map && material.map.image && material.map.image.width ) {
renderer.setTexture( material.map, 0 );
} else {
renderer.setTexture( texture, 0 );
gl.drawElements( gl.TRIANGLES, 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );
// restore gl
state.enable( gl.CULL_FACE );
function createProgram () {
var program = gl.createProgram();
var vertexShader = gl.createShader( gl.VERTEX_SHADER );
var fragmentShader = gl.createShader( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER );
gl.shaderSource( vertexShader, [
'precision ' + renderer.getPrecision() + ' float;',
'uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;',
'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;',
'uniform float rotation;',
'uniform vec2 scale;',
'uniform vec2 uvOffset;',
'uniform vec2 uvScale;',
'attribute vec2 position;',
'attribute vec2 uv;',
'varying vec2 vUV;',
'void main() {',
'vUV = uvOffset + uv * uvScale;',
'vec2 alignedPosition = position * scale;',
'vec2 rotatedPosition;',
'rotatedPosition.x = cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x - sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;',
'rotatedPosition.y = sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x + cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;',
'vec4 finalPosition;',
'finalPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );',
'finalPosition.xy += rotatedPosition;',
'finalPosition = projectionMatrix * finalPosition;',
'gl_Position = finalPosition;',
].join( '\n' ) );
gl.shaderSource( fragmentShader, [
'precision ' + renderer.getPrecision() + ' float;',
'uniform vec3 color;',
'uniform sampler2D map;',
'uniform float opacity;',
'uniform int fogType;',
'uniform vec3 fogColor;',
'uniform float fogDensity;',
'uniform float fogNear;',
'uniform float fogFar;',
'uniform float alphaTest;',
'varying vec2 vUV;',
'void main() {',
'vec4 texture = texture2D( map, vUV );',
'if ( texture.a < alphaTest ) discard;',
'gl_FragColor = vec4( color * texture.xyz, texture.a * opacity );',
'if ( fogType > 0 ) {',
'float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;',
'float fogFactor = 0.0;',
'if ( fogType == 1 ) {',
'fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, depth );',
'} else {',
'const float LOG2 = 1.442695;',
'fogFactor = exp2( - fogDensity * fogDensity * depth * depth * LOG2 );',
'fogFactor = 1.0 - clamp( fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0 );',
'gl_FragColor = mix( gl_FragColor, vec4( fogColor, gl_FragColor.w ), fogFactor );',
].join( '\n' ) );
gl.compileShader( vertexShader );
gl.compileShader( fragmentShader );
gl.attachShader( program, vertexShader );
gl.attachShader( program, fragmentShader );
gl.linkProgram( program );
return program;
function painterSortStable ( a, b ) {
if ( a.z !== b.z ) {
return b.z - a.z;
} else {
return b.id - a.id;
// File:src/extras/CurveUtils.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
THREE.CurveUtils = {
tangentQuadraticBezier: function ( t, p0, p1, p2 ) {
return 2 * ( 1 - t ) * ( p1 - p0 ) + 2 * t * ( p2 - p1 );
// Puay Bing, thanks for helping with this derivative!
tangentCubicBezier: function ( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {
return - 3 * p0 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) +
3 * p1 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) - 6 * t * p1 * ( 1 - t ) +
6 * t * p2 * ( 1 - t ) - 3 * t * t * p2 +
3 * t * t * p3;
tangentSpline: function ( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {
// To check if my formulas are correct
var h00 = 6 * t * t - 6 * t; // derived from 2t^3 − 3t^2 + 1
var h10 = 3 * t * t - 4 * t + 1; // t^3 − 2t^2 + t
var h01 = - 6 * t * t + 6 * t; // − 2t3 + 3t2
var h11 = 3 * t * t - 2 * t; // t3 − t2
return h00 + h10 + h01 + h11;
// Catmull-Rom
interpolate: function( p0, p1, p2, p3, t ) {
var v0 = ( p2 - p0 ) * 0.5;
var v1 = ( p3 - p1 ) * 0.5;
var t2 = t * t;
var t3 = t * t2;
return ( 2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1 ) * t3 + ( - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1 ) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;
// File:src/extras/GeometryUtils.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.GeometryUtils = {
merge: function ( geometry1, geometry2, materialIndexOffset ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .merge() has been moved to Geometry. Use geometry.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset ) instead.' );
var matrix;
if ( geometry2 instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
geometry2.matrixAutoUpdate && geometry2.updateMatrix();
matrix = geometry2.matrix;
geometry2 = geometry2.geometry;
geometry1.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset );
center: function ( geometry ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .center() has been moved to Geometry. Use geometry.center() instead.' );
return geometry.center();
// File:src/extras/ImageUtils.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author Daosheng Mu / https://github.com/DaoshengMu/
THREE.ImageUtils = {
crossOrigin: undefined,
loadTexture: function ( url, mapping, onLoad, onError ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture is being deprecated. Use THREE.TextureLoader() instead.' );
var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
var texture = loader.load( url, onLoad, undefined, onError );
if ( mapping ) texture.mapping = mapping;
return texture;
loadTextureCube: function ( urls, mapping, onLoad, onError ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube is being deprecated. Use THREE.CubeTextureLoader() instead.' );
var loader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader();
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
var texture = loader.load( urls, onLoad, undefined, onError );
if ( mapping ) texture.mapping = mapping;
return texture;
loadCompressedTexture: function () {
console.error( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTexture has been removed. Use THREE.DDSLoader instead.' )
loadCompressedTextureCube: function () {
console.error( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTextureCube has been removed. Use THREE.DDSLoader instead.' )
// File:src/extras/SceneUtils.js
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.SceneUtils = {
createMultiMaterialObject: function ( geometry, materials ) {
var group = new THREE.Group();
for ( var i = 0, l = materials.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
group.add( new THREE.Mesh( geometry, materials[ i ] ) );
return group;
detach: function ( child, parent, scene ) {
child.applyMatrix( parent.matrixWorld );
parent.remove( child );
scene.add( child );
attach: function ( child, scene, parent ) {
var matrixWorldInverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( parent.matrixWorld );
child.applyMatrix( matrixWorldInverse );
scene.remove( child );
parent.add( child );
// File:src/extras/ShapeUtils.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
THREE.ShapeUtils = {
// calculate area of the contour polygon
area: function ( contour ) {
var n = contour.length;
var a = 0.0;
for ( var p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q ++ ) {
a += contour[ p ].x * contour[ q ].y - contour[ q ].x * contour[ p ].y;
return a * 0.5;
triangulate: ( function () {
* This code is a quick port of code written in C++ which was submitted to
* flipcode.com by John W. Ratcliff // July 22, 2000
* See original code and more information here:
* http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Efficient_Polygon_Triangulation.shtml
* ported to actionscript by Zevan Rosser
* www.actionsnippet.com
* ported to javascript by Joshua Koo
* http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
function snip( contour, u, v, w, n, verts ) {
var p;
var ax, ay, bx, by;
var cx, cy, px, py;
ax = contour[ verts[ u ] ].x;
ay = contour[ verts[ u ] ].y;
bx = contour[ verts[ v ] ].x;
by = contour[ verts[ v ] ].y;
cx = contour[ verts[ w ] ].x;
cy = contour[ verts[ w ] ].y;
if ( Number.EPSILON > ( ( ( bx - ax ) * ( cy - ay ) ) - ( ( by - ay ) * ( cx - ax ) ) ) ) return false;
var aX, aY, bX, bY, cX, cY;
var apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy;
var cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp;
aX = cx - bx; aY = cy - by;
bX = ax - cx; bY = ay - cy;
cX = bx - ax; cY = by - ay;
for ( p = 0; p < n; p ++ ) {
px = contour[ verts[ p ] ].x;
py = contour[ verts[ p ] ].y;
if ( ( ( px === ax ) && ( py === ay ) ) ||
( ( px === bx ) && ( py === by ) ) ||
( ( px === cx ) && ( py === cy ) ) ) continue;
apx = px - ax; apy = py - ay;
bpx = px - bx; bpy = py - by;
cpx = px - cx; cpy = py - cy;
// see if p is inside triangle abc
aCROSSbp = aX * bpy - aY * bpx;
cCROSSap = cX * apy - cY * apx;
bCROSScp = bX * cpy - bY * cpx;
if ( ( aCROSSbp >= - Number.EPSILON ) && ( bCROSScp >= - Number.EPSILON ) && ( cCROSSap >= - Number.EPSILON ) ) return false;
return true;
// takes in an contour array and returns
return function ( contour, indices ) {
var n = contour.length;
if ( n < 3 ) return null;
var result = [],
verts = [],
vertIndices = [];
/* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in verts */
var u, v, w;
if ( THREE.ShapeUtils.area( contour ) > 0.0 ) {
for ( v = 0; v < n; v ++ ) verts[ v ] = v;
} else {
for ( v = 0; v < n; v ++ ) verts[ v ] = ( n - 1 ) - v;
var nv = n;
/* remove nv - 2 vertices, creating 1 triangle every time */
var count = 2 * nv; /* error detection */
for ( v = nv - 1; nv > 2; ) {
/* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */
if ( ( count -- ) <= 0 ) {
//** Triangulate: ERROR - probable bad polygon!
//throw ( "Warning, unable to triangulate polygon!" );
//return null;
// Sometimes warning is fine, especially polygons are triangulated in reverse.
console.warn( 'THREE.ShapeUtils: Unable to triangulate polygon! in triangulate()' );
if ( indices ) return vertIndices;
return result;
/* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, */
u = v; if ( nv <= u ) u = 0; /* previous */
v = u + 1; if ( nv <= v ) v = 0; /* new v */
w = v + 1; if ( nv <= w ) w = 0; /* next */
if ( snip( contour, u, v, w, nv, verts ) ) {
var a, b, c, s, t;
/* true names of the vertices */
a = verts[ u ];
b = verts[ v ];
c = verts[ w ];
/* output Triangle */
result.push( [ contour[ a ],
contour[ b ],
contour[ c ] ] );
vertIndices.push( [ verts[ u ], verts[ v ], verts[ w ] ] );
/* remove v from the remaining polygon */
for ( s = v, t = v + 1; t < nv; s ++, t ++ ) {
verts[ s ] = verts[ t ];
nv --;
/* reset error detection counter */
count = 2 * nv;
if ( indices ) return vertIndices;
return result;
} )(),
triangulateShape: function ( contour, holes ) {
function point_in_segment_2D_colin( inSegPt1, inSegPt2, inOtherPt ) {
// inOtherPt needs to be collinear to the inSegment
if ( inSegPt1.x !== inSegPt2.x ) {
if ( inSegPt1.x < inSegPt2.x ) {
return ( ( inSegPt1.x <= inOtherPt.x ) && ( inOtherPt.x <= inSegPt2.x ) );
} else {
return ( ( inSegPt2.x <= inOtherPt.x ) && ( inOtherPt.x <= inSegPt1.x ) );
} else {
if ( inSegPt1.y < inSegPt2.y ) {
return ( ( inSegPt1.y <= inOtherPt.y ) && ( inOtherPt.y <= inSegPt2.y ) );
} else {
return ( ( inSegPt2.y <= inOtherPt.y ) && ( inOtherPt.y <= inSegPt1.y ) );
function intersect_segments_2D( inSeg1Pt1, inSeg1Pt2, inSeg2Pt1, inSeg2Pt2, inExcludeAdjacentSegs ) {
var seg1dx = inSeg1Pt2.x - inSeg1Pt1.x, seg1dy = inSeg1Pt2.y - inSeg1Pt1.y;
var seg2dx = inSeg2Pt2.x - inSeg2Pt1.x, seg2dy = inSeg2Pt2.y - inSeg2Pt1.y;
var seg1seg2dx = inSeg1Pt1.x - inSeg2Pt1.x;
var seg1seg2dy = inSeg1Pt1.y - inSeg2Pt1.y;
var limit = seg1dy * seg2dx - seg1dx * seg2dy;
var perpSeg1 = seg1dy * seg1seg2dx - seg1dx * seg1seg2dy;
if ( Math.abs( limit ) > Number.EPSILON ) {
// not parallel
var perpSeg2;
if ( limit > 0 ) {
if ( ( perpSeg1 < 0 ) || ( perpSeg1 > limit ) ) return [];
perpSeg2 = seg2dy * seg1seg2dx - seg2dx * seg1seg2dy;
if ( ( perpSeg2 < 0 ) || ( perpSeg2 > limit ) ) return [];
} else {
if ( ( perpSeg1 > 0 ) || ( perpSeg1 < limit ) ) return [];
perpSeg2 = seg2dy * seg1seg2dx - seg2dx * seg1seg2dy;
if ( ( perpSeg2 > 0 ) || ( perpSeg2 < limit ) ) return [];
// i.e. to reduce rounding errors
// intersection at endpoint of segment#1?
if ( perpSeg2 === 0 ) {
if ( ( inExcludeAdjacentSegs ) &&
( ( perpSeg1 === 0 ) || ( perpSeg1 === limit ) ) ) return [];
return [ inSeg1Pt1 ];
if ( perpSeg2 === limit ) {
if ( ( inExcludeAdjacentSegs ) &&
( ( perpSeg1 === 0 ) || ( perpSeg1 === limit ) ) ) return [];
return [ inSeg1Pt2 ];
// intersection at endpoint of segment#2?
if ( perpSeg1 === 0 ) return [ inSeg2Pt1 ];
if ( perpSeg1 === limit ) return [ inSeg2Pt2 ];
// return real intersection point
var factorSeg1 = perpSeg2 / limit;
return [ { x: inSeg1Pt1.x + factorSeg1 * seg1dx,
y: inSeg1Pt1.y + factorSeg1 * seg1dy } ];
} else {
// parallel or collinear
if ( ( perpSeg1 !== 0 ) ||
( seg2dy * seg1seg2dx !== seg2dx * seg1seg2dy ) ) return [];
// they are collinear or degenerate
var seg1Pt = ( ( seg1dx === 0 ) && ( seg1dy === 0 ) ); // segment1 is just a point?
var seg2Pt = ( ( seg2dx === 0 ) && ( seg2dy === 0 ) ); // segment2 is just a point?
// both segments are points
if ( seg1Pt && seg2Pt ) {
if ( ( inSeg1Pt1.x !== inSeg2Pt1.x ) ||
( inSeg1Pt1.y !== inSeg2Pt1.y ) ) return []; // they are distinct points
return [ inSeg1Pt1 ]; // they are the same point
// segment#1 is a single point
if ( seg1Pt ) {
if ( ! point_in_segment_2D_colin( inSeg2Pt1, inSeg2Pt2, inSeg1Pt1 ) ) return []; // but not in segment#2
return [ inSeg1Pt1 ];
// segment#2 is a single point
if ( seg2Pt ) {
if ( ! point_in_segment_2D_colin( inSeg1Pt1, inSeg1Pt2, inSeg2Pt1 ) ) return []; // but not in segment#1
return [ inSeg2Pt1 ];
// they are collinear segments, which might overlap
var seg1min, seg1max, seg1minVal, seg1maxVal;
var seg2min, seg2max, seg2minVal, seg2maxVal;
if ( seg1dx !== 0 ) {
// the segments are NOT on a vertical line
if ( inSeg1Pt1.x < inSeg1Pt2.x ) {
seg1min = inSeg1Pt1; seg1minVal = inSeg1Pt1.x;
seg1max = inSeg1Pt2; seg1maxVal = inSeg1Pt2.x;
} else {
seg1min = inSeg1Pt2; seg1minVal = inSeg1Pt2.x;
seg1max = inSeg1Pt1; seg1maxVal = inSeg1Pt1.x;
if ( inSeg2Pt1.x < inSeg2Pt2.x ) {
seg2min = inSeg2Pt1; seg2minVal = inSeg2Pt1.x;
seg2max = inSeg2Pt2; seg2maxVal = inSeg2Pt2.x;
} else {
seg2min = inSeg2Pt2; seg2minVal = inSeg2Pt2.x;
seg2max = inSeg2Pt1; seg2maxVal = inSeg2Pt1.x;
} else {
// the segments are on a vertical line
if ( inSeg1Pt1.y < inSeg1Pt2.y ) {
seg1min = inSeg1Pt1; seg1minVal = inSeg1Pt1.y;
seg1max = inSeg1Pt2; seg1maxVal = inSeg1Pt2.y;
} else {
seg1min = inSeg1Pt2; seg1minVal = inSeg1Pt2.y;
seg1max = inSeg1Pt1; seg1maxVal = inSeg1Pt1.y;
if ( inSeg2Pt1.y < inSeg2Pt2.y ) {
seg2min = inSeg2Pt1; seg2minVal = inSeg2Pt1.y;
seg2max = inSeg2Pt2; seg2maxVal = inSeg2Pt2.y;
} else {
seg2min = inSeg2Pt2; seg2minVal = inSeg2Pt2.y;
seg2max = inSeg2Pt1; seg2maxVal = inSeg2Pt1.y;
if ( seg1minVal <= seg2minVal ) {
if ( seg1maxVal < seg2minVal ) return [];
if ( seg1maxVal === seg2minVal ) {
if ( inExcludeAdjacentSegs ) return [];
return [ seg2min ];
if ( seg1maxVal <= seg2maxVal ) return [ seg2min, seg1max ];
return [ seg2min, seg2max ];
} else {
if ( seg1minVal > seg2maxVal ) return [];
if ( seg1minVal === seg2maxVal ) {
if ( inExcludeAdjacentSegs ) return [];
return [ seg1min ];
if ( seg1maxVal <= seg2maxVal ) return [ seg1min, seg1max ];
return [ seg1min, seg2max ];
function isPointInsideAngle( inVertex, inLegFromPt, inLegToPt, inOtherPt ) {
// The order of legs is important
// translation of all points, so that Vertex is at (0,0)
var legFromPtX = inLegFromPt.x - inVertex.x, legFromPtY = inLegFromPt.y - inVertex.y;
var legToPtX = inLegToPt.x - inVertex.x, legToPtY = inLegToPt.y - inVertex.y;
var otherPtX = inOtherPt.x - inVertex.x, otherPtY = inOtherPt.y - inVertex.y;
// main angle >0: < 180 deg.; 0: 180 deg.; <0: > 180 deg.
var from2toAngle = legFromPtX * legToPtY - legFromPtY * legToPtX;
var from2otherAngle = legFromPtX * otherPtY - legFromPtY * otherPtX;
if ( Math.abs( from2toAngle ) > Number.EPSILON ) {
// angle != 180 deg.
var other2toAngle = otherPtX * legToPtY - otherPtY * legToPtX;
// console.log( "from2to: " + from2toAngle + ", from2other: " + from2otherAngle + ", other2to: " + other2toAngle );
if ( from2toAngle > 0 ) {
// main angle < 180 deg.
return ( ( from2otherAngle >= 0 ) && ( other2toAngle >= 0 ) );
} else {
// main angle > 180 deg.
return ( ( from2otherAngle >= 0 ) || ( other2toAngle >= 0 ) );
} else {
// angle == 180 deg.
// console.log( "from2to: 180 deg., from2other: " + from2otherAngle );
return ( from2otherAngle > 0 );
function removeHoles( contour, holes ) {
var shape = contour.concat(); // work on this shape
var hole;
function isCutLineInsideAngles( inShapeIdx, inHoleIdx ) {
// Check if hole point lies within angle around shape point
var lastShapeIdx = shape.length - 1;
var prevShapeIdx = inShapeIdx - 1;
if ( prevShapeIdx < 0 ) prevShapeIdx = lastShapeIdx;
var nextShapeIdx = inShapeIdx + 1;
if ( nextShapeIdx > lastShapeIdx ) nextShapeIdx = 0;
var insideAngle = isPointInsideAngle( shape[ inShapeIdx ], shape[ prevShapeIdx ], shape[ nextShapeIdx ], hole[ inHoleIdx ] );
if ( ! insideAngle ) {
// console.log( "Vertex (Shape): " + inShapeIdx + ", Point: " + hole[inHoleIdx].x + "/" + hole[inHoleIdx].y );
return false;
// Check if shape point lies within angle around hole point
var lastHoleIdx = hole.length - 1;
var prevHoleIdx = inHoleIdx - 1;
if ( prevHoleIdx < 0 ) prevHoleIdx = lastHoleIdx;
var nextHoleIdx = inHoleIdx + 1;
if ( nextHoleIdx > lastHoleIdx ) nextHoleIdx = 0;
insideAngle = isPointInsideAngle( hole[ inHoleIdx ], hole[ prevHoleIdx ], hole[ nextHoleIdx ], shape[ inShapeIdx ] );
if ( ! insideAngle ) {
// console.log( "Vertex (Hole): " + inHoleIdx + ", Point: " + shape[inShapeIdx].x + "/" + shape[inShapeIdx].y );
return false;
return true;
function intersectsShapeEdge( inShapePt, inHolePt ) {
// checks for intersections with shape edges
var sIdx, nextIdx, intersection;
for ( sIdx = 0; sIdx < shape.length; sIdx ++ ) {
nextIdx = sIdx + 1; nextIdx %= shape.length;
intersection = intersect_segments_2D( inShapePt, inHolePt, shape[ sIdx ], shape[ nextIdx ], true );
if ( intersection.length > 0 ) return true;
return false;
var indepHoles = [];
function intersectsHoleEdge( inShapePt, inHolePt ) {
// checks for intersections with hole edges
var ihIdx, chkHole,
hIdx, nextIdx, intersection;
for ( ihIdx = 0; ihIdx < indepHoles.length; ihIdx ++ ) {
chkHole = holes[ indepHoles[ ihIdx ]];
for ( hIdx = 0; hIdx < chkHole.length; hIdx ++ ) {
nextIdx = hIdx + 1; nextIdx %= chkHole.length;
intersection = intersect_segments_2D( inShapePt, inHolePt, chkHole[ hIdx ], chkHole[ nextIdx ], true );
if ( intersection.length > 0 ) return true;
return false;
var holeIndex, shapeIndex,
shapePt, holePt,
holeIdx, cutKey, failedCuts = [],
tmpShape1, tmpShape2,
tmpHole1, tmpHole2;
for ( var h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {
indepHoles.push( h );
var minShapeIndex = 0;
var counter = indepHoles.length * 2;
while ( indepHoles.length > 0 ) {
counter --;
if ( counter < 0 ) {
console.log( "Infinite Loop! Holes left:" + indepHoles.length + ", Probably Hole outside Shape!" );
// search for shape-vertex and hole-vertex,
// which can be connected without intersections
for ( shapeIndex = minShapeIndex; shapeIndex < shape.length; shapeIndex ++ ) {
shapePt = shape[ shapeIndex ];
holeIndex = - 1;
// search for hole which can be reached without intersections
for ( var h = 0; h < indepHoles.length; h ++ ) {
holeIdx = indepHoles[ h ];
// prevent multiple checks
cutKey = shapePt.x + ":" + shapePt.y + ":" + holeIdx;
if ( failedCuts[ cutKey ] !== undefined ) continue;
hole = holes[ holeIdx ];
for ( var h2 = 0; h2 < hole.length; h2 ++ ) {
holePt = hole[ h2 ];
if ( ! isCutLineInsideAngles( shapeIndex, h2 ) ) continue;
if ( intersectsShapeEdge( shapePt, holePt ) ) continue;
if ( intersectsHoleEdge( shapePt, holePt ) ) continue;
holeIndex = h2;
indepHoles.splice( h, 1 );
tmpShape1 = shape.slice( 0, shapeIndex + 1 );
tmpShape2 = shape.slice( shapeIndex );
tmpHole1 = hole.slice( holeIndex );
tmpHole2 = hole.slice( 0, holeIndex + 1 );
shape = tmpShape1.concat( tmpHole1 ).concat( tmpHole2 ).concat( tmpShape2 );
minShapeIndex = shapeIndex;
// Debug only, to show the selected cuts
// glob_CutLines.push( [ shapePt, holePt ] );
if ( holeIndex >= 0 ) break; // hole-vertex found
failedCuts[ cutKey ] = true; // remember failure
if ( holeIndex >= 0 ) break; // hole-vertex found
return shape; /* shape with no holes */
var i, il, f, face,
key, index,
allPointsMap = {};
// To maintain reference to old shape, one must match coordinates, or offset the indices from original arrays. It's probably easier to do the first.
var allpoints = contour.concat();
for ( var h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {
Array.prototype.push.apply( allpoints, holes[ h ] );
//console.log( "allpoints",allpoints, allpoints.length );
// prepare all points map
for ( i = 0, il = allpoints.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
key = allpoints[ i ].x + ":" + allpoints[ i ].y;
if ( allPointsMap[ key ] !== undefined ) {
console.warn( "THREE.Shape: Duplicate point", key );
allPointsMap[ key ] = i;
// remove holes by cutting paths to holes and adding them to the shape
var shapeWithoutHoles = removeHoles( contour, holes );
var triangles = THREE.ShapeUtils.triangulate( shapeWithoutHoles, false ); // True returns indices for points of spooled shape
//console.log( "triangles",triangles, triangles.length );
// check all face vertices against all points map
for ( i = 0, il = triangles.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
face = triangles[ i ];
for ( f = 0; f < 3; f ++ ) {
key = face[ f ].x + ":" + face[ f ].y;
index = allPointsMap[ key ];
if ( index !== undefined ) {
face[ f ] = index;
return triangles.concat();
isClockWise: function ( pts ) {
return THREE.ShapeUtils.area( pts ) < 0;
// Bezier Curves formulas obtained from
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve
// Quad Bezier Functions
b2: ( function () {
function b2p0( t, p ) {
var k = 1 - t;
return k * k * p;
function b2p1( t, p ) {
return 2 * ( 1 - t ) * t * p;
function b2p2( t, p ) {
return t * t * p;
return function ( t, p0, p1, p2 ) {
return b2p0( t, p0 ) + b2p1( t, p1 ) + b2p2( t, p2 );
} )(),
// Cubic Bezier Functions
b3: ( function () {
function b3p0( t, p ) {
var k = 1 - t;
return k * k * k * p;
function b3p1( t, p ) {
var k = 1 - t;
return 3 * k * k * t * p;
function b3p2( t, p ) {
var k = 1 - t;
return 3 * k * t * t * p;
function b3p3( t, p ) {
return t * t * t * p;
return function ( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {
return b3p0( t, p0 ) + b3p1( t, p1 ) + b3p2( t, p2 ) + b3p3( t, p3 );
} )()
// File:src/extras/audio/Audio.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Audio = function ( listener ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'Audio';
this.context = listener.context;
this.source = this.context.createBufferSource();
this.source.onended = this.onEnded.bind( this );
this.gain = this.context.createGain();
this.gain.connect( this.context.destination );
this.panner = this.context.createPanner();
this.panner.connect( this.gain );
this.autoplay = false;
this.startTime = 0;
this.playbackRate = 1;
this.isPlaying = false;
THREE.Audio.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.Audio.prototype.constructor = THREE.Audio;
THREE.Audio.prototype.load = function ( file ) {
var scope = this;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open( 'GET', file, true );
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = function ( e ) {
scope.context.decodeAudioData( this.response, function ( buffer ) {
scope.source.buffer = buffer;
if ( scope.autoplay ) scope.play();
} );
return this;
THREE.Audio.prototype.play = function () {
if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: Audio is already playing.' );
var source = this.context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = this.source.buffer;
source.loop = this.source.loop;
source.onended = this.source.onended;
source.start( 0, this.startTime );
source.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
this.isPlaying = true;
this.source = source;
THREE.Audio.prototype.pause = function () {
this.startTime = this.context.currentTime;
THREE.Audio.prototype.stop = function () {
this.startTime = 0;
THREE.Audio.prototype.connect = function () {
if ( this.filter !== undefined ) {
this.source.connect( this.filter );
this.filter.connect( this.panner );
} else {
this.source.connect( this.panner );
THREE.Audio.prototype.disconnect = function () {
if ( this.filter !== undefined ) {
this.source.disconnect( this.filter );
this.filter.disconnect( this.panner );
} else {
this.source.disconnect( this.panner );
THREE.Audio.prototype.setFilter = function ( value ) {
if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {
this.filter = value;
} else {
this.filter = value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getFilter = function () {
return this.filter;
THREE.Audio.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function ( value ) {
this.playbackRate = value;
if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {
this.source.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getPlaybackRate = function () {
return this.playbackRate;
THREE.Audio.prototype.onEnded = function() {
this.isPlaying = false;
THREE.Audio.prototype.setLoop = function ( value ) {
this.source.loop = value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getLoop = function () {
return this.source.loop;
THREE.Audio.prototype.setRefDistance = function ( value ) {
this.panner.refDistance = value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getRefDistance = function () {
return this.panner.refDistance;
THREE.Audio.prototype.setRolloffFactor = function ( value ) {
this.panner.rolloffFactor = value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getRolloffFactor = function () {
return this.panner.rolloffFactor;
THREE.Audio.prototype.setVolume = function ( value ) {
this.gain.gain.value = value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.getVolume = function () {
return this.gain.gain.value;
THREE.Audio.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = ( function () {
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
return function updateMatrixWorld( force ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );
position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
this.panner.setPosition( position.x, position.y, position.z );
} )();
// File:src/extras/audio/AudioListener.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.AudioListener = function () {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.type = 'AudioListener';
this.context = new ( window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext )();
THREE.AudioListener.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.AudioListener.prototype.constructor = THREE.AudioListener;
THREE.AudioListener.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = ( function () {
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
var scale = new THREE.Vector3();
var orientation = new THREE.Vector3();
return function updateMatrixWorld( force ) {
THREE.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );
var listener = this.context.listener;
var up = this.up;
this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, quaternion, scale );
orientation.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );
listener.setPosition( position.x, position.y, position.z );
listener.setOrientation( orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, up.x, up.y, up.z );
} )();
// File:src/extras/core/Curve.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* Extensible curve object
* Some common of Curve methods
* .getPoint(t), getTangent(t)
* .getPointAt(u), getTagentAt(u)
* .getPoints(), .getSpacedPoints()
* .getLength()
* .updateArcLengths()
* This following classes subclasses THREE.Curve:
* -- 2d classes --
* THREE.LineCurve
* THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve
* THREE.CubicBezierCurve
* THREE.SplineCurve
* THREE.ArcCurve
* THREE.EllipseCurve
* -- 3d classes --
* THREE.LineCurve3
* THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3
* THREE.CubicBezierCurve3
* THREE.SplineCurve3
* THREE.ClosedSplineCurve3
* A series of curves can be represented as a THREE.CurvePath
* Abstract Curve base class
THREE.Curve = function () {
THREE.Curve.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Curve,
// Virtual base class method to overwrite and implement in subclasses
// - t [0 .. 1]
getPoint: function ( t ) {
console.warn( "THREE.Curve: Warning, getPoint() not implemented!" );
return null;
// Get point at relative position in curve according to arc length
// - u [0 .. 1]
getPointAt: function ( u ) {
var t = this.getUtoTmapping( u );
return this.getPoint( t );
// Get sequence of points using getPoint( t )
getPoints: function ( divisions ) {
if ( ! divisions ) divisions = 5;
var d, pts = [];
for ( d = 0; d <= divisions; d ++ ) {
pts.push( this.getPoint( d / divisions ) );
return pts;
// Get sequence of points using getPointAt( u )
getSpacedPoints: function ( divisions ) {
if ( ! divisions ) divisions = 5;
var d, pts = [];
for ( d = 0; d <= divisions; d ++ ) {
pts.push( this.getPointAt( d / divisions ) );
return pts;
// Get total curve arc length
getLength: function () {
var lengths = this.getLengths();
return lengths[ lengths.length - 1 ];
// Get list of cumulative segment lengths
getLengths: function ( divisions ) {
if ( ! divisions ) divisions = ( this.__arcLengthDivisions ) ? ( this.__arcLengthDivisions ) : 200;
if ( this.cacheArcLengths
&& ( this.cacheArcLengths.length === divisions + 1 )
&& ! this.needsUpdate ) {
//console.log( "cached", this.cacheArcLengths );
return this.cacheArcLengths;
this.needsUpdate = false;
var cache = [];
var current, last = this.getPoint( 0 );
var p, sum = 0;
cache.push( 0 );
for ( p = 1; p <= divisions; p ++ ) {
current = this.getPoint ( p / divisions );
sum += current.distanceTo( last );
cache.push( sum );
last = current;
this.cacheArcLengths = cache;
return cache; // { sums: cache, sum:sum }; Sum is in the last element.
updateArcLengths: function() {
this.needsUpdate = true;
// Given u ( 0 .. 1 ), get a t to find p. This gives you points which are equidistant
getUtoTmapping: function ( u, distance ) {
var arcLengths = this.getLengths();
var i = 0, il = arcLengths.length;
var targetArcLength; // The targeted u distance value to get
if ( distance ) {
targetArcLength = distance;
} else {
targetArcLength = u * arcLengths[ il - 1 ];
//var time = Date.now();
// binary search for the index with largest value smaller than target u distance
var low = 0, high = il - 1, comparison;
while ( low <= high ) {
i = Math.floor( low + ( high - low ) / 2 ); // less likely to overflow, though probably not issue here, JS doesn't really have integers, all numbers are floats
comparison = arcLengths[ i ] - targetArcLength;
if ( comparison < 0 ) {
low = i + 1;
} else if ( comparison > 0 ) {
high = i - 1;
} else {
high = i;
i = high;
//console.log('b' , i, low, high, Date.now()- time);
if ( arcLengths[ i ] === targetArcLength ) {
var t = i / ( il - 1 );
return t;
// we could get finer grain at lengths, or use simple interpolation between two points
var lengthBefore = arcLengths[ i ];
var lengthAfter = arcLengths[ i + 1 ];
var segmentLength = lengthAfter - lengthBefore;
// determine where we are between the 'before' and 'after' points
var segmentFraction = ( targetArcLength - lengthBefore ) / segmentLength;
// add that fractional amount to t
var t = ( i + segmentFraction ) / ( il - 1 );
return t;
// Returns a unit vector tangent at t
// In case any sub curve does not implement its tangent derivation,
// 2 points a small delta apart will be used to find its gradient
// which seems to give a reasonable approximation
getTangent: function( t ) {
var delta = 0.0001;
var t1 = t - delta;
var t2 = t + delta;
// Capping in case of danger
if ( t1 < 0 ) t1 = 0;
if ( t2 > 1 ) t2 = 1;
var pt1 = this.getPoint( t1 );
var pt2 = this.getPoint( t2 );
var vec = pt2.clone().sub( pt1 );
return vec.normalize();
getTangentAt: function ( u ) {
var t = this.getUtoTmapping( u );
return this.getTangent( t );
THREE.Curve.Utils = THREE.CurveUtils; // backwards compatibility
// TODO: Transformation for Curves?
* 3D Curves
// A Factory method for creating new curve subclasses
THREE.Curve.create = function ( constructor, getPointFunc ) {
constructor.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
constructor.prototype.getPoint = getPointFunc;
return constructor;
// File:src/extras/core/CurvePath.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* Curved Path - a curve path is simply a array of connected
* curves, but retains the api of a curve
THREE.CurvePath = function () {
this.curves = [];
this.autoClose = false; // Automatically closes the path
THREE.CurvePath.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.CurvePath.prototype.constructor = THREE.CurvePath;
THREE.CurvePath.prototype.add = function ( curve ) {
this.curves.push( curve );
THREE.CurvePath.prototype.checkConnection = function() {
// If the ending of curve is not connected to the starting
// or the next curve, then, this is not a real path
THREE.CurvePath.prototype.closePath = function() {
// TODO Test
// and verify for vector3 (needs to implement equals)
// Add a line curve if start and end of lines are not connected
var startPoint = this.curves[ 0 ].getPoint( 0 );
var endPoint = this.curves[ this.curves.length - 1 ].getPoint( 1 );
if ( ! startPoint.equals( endPoint ) ) {
this.curves.push( new THREE.LineCurve( endPoint, startPoint ) );
// To get accurate point with reference to
// entire path distance at time t,
// following has to be done:
// 1. Length of each sub path have to be known
// 2. Locate and identify type of curve
// 3. Get t for the curve
// 4. Return curve.getPointAt(t')
THREE.CurvePath.prototype.getPoint = function( t ) {
var d = t * this.getLength();
var curveLengths = this.getCurveLengths();
var i = 0;
// To think about boundaries points.
while ( i < curveLengths.length ) {
if ( curveLengths[ i ] >= d ) {
var diff = curveLengths[ i ] - d;
var curve = this.curves[ i ];
var u = 1 - diff / curve.getLength();
return curve.getPointAt( u );
i ++;
return null;
// loop where sum != 0, sum > d , sum+1 0 ) {
laste = points[ points.length - 1 ];
cpx0 = laste.x;
cpy0 = laste.y;
} else {
laste = this.actions[ i - 1 ].args;
cpx0 = laste[ laste.length - 2 ];
cpy0 = laste[ laste.length - 1 ];
for ( var j = 1; j <= divisions; j ++ ) {
var t = j / divisions;
tx = b2( t, cpx0, cpx1, cpx );
ty = b2( t, cpy0, cpy1, cpy );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( tx, ty ) );
case 'bezierCurveTo':
cpx = args[ 4 ];
cpy = args[ 5 ];
cpx1 = args[ 0 ];
cpy1 = args[ 1 ];
cpx2 = args[ 2 ];
cpy2 = args[ 3 ];
if ( points.length > 0 ) {
laste = points[ points.length - 1 ];
cpx0 = laste.x;
cpy0 = laste.y;
} else {
laste = this.actions[ i - 1 ].args;
cpx0 = laste[ laste.length - 2 ];
cpy0 = laste[ laste.length - 1 ];
for ( var j = 1; j <= divisions; j ++ ) {
var t = j / divisions;
tx = b3( t, cpx0, cpx1, cpx2, cpx );
ty = b3( t, cpy0, cpy1, cpy2, cpy );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( tx, ty ) );
case 'splineThru':
laste = this.actions[ i - 1 ].args;
var last = new THREE.Vector2( laste[ laste.length - 2 ], laste[ laste.length - 1 ] );
var spts = [ last ];
var n = divisions * args[ 0 ].length;
spts = spts.concat( args[ 0 ] );
var spline = new THREE.SplineCurve( spts );
for ( var j = 1; j <= n; j ++ ) {
points.push( spline.getPointAt( j / n ) );
case 'arc':
var aX = args[ 0 ], aY = args[ 1 ],
aRadius = args[ 2 ],
aStartAngle = args[ 3 ], aEndAngle = args[ 4 ],
aClockwise = !! args[ 5 ];
var deltaAngle = aEndAngle - aStartAngle;
var angle;
var tdivisions = divisions * 2;
for ( var j = 1; j <= tdivisions; j ++ ) {
var t = j / tdivisions;
if ( ! aClockwise ) {
t = 1 - t;
angle = aStartAngle + t * deltaAngle;
tx = aX + aRadius * Math.cos( angle );
ty = aY + aRadius * Math.sin( angle );
//console.log('t', t, 'angle', angle, 'tx', tx, 'ty', ty);
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( tx, ty ) );
case 'ellipse':
var aX = args[ 0 ], aY = args[ 1 ],
xRadius = args[ 2 ],
yRadius = args[ 3 ],
aStartAngle = args[ 4 ], aEndAngle = args[ 5 ],
aClockwise = !! args[ 6 ],
aRotation = args[ 7 ];
var deltaAngle = aEndAngle - aStartAngle;
var angle;
var tdivisions = divisions * 2;
var cos, sin;
if ( aRotation !== 0 ) {
cos = Math.cos( aRotation );
sin = Math.sin( aRotation );
for ( var j = 1; j <= tdivisions; j ++ ) {
var t = j / tdivisions;
if ( ! aClockwise ) {
t = 1 - t;
angle = aStartAngle + t * deltaAngle;
tx = aX + xRadius * Math.cos( angle );
ty = aY + yRadius * Math.sin( angle );
if ( aRotation !== 0 ) {
var x = tx, y = ty;
// Rotate the point about the center of the ellipse.
tx = ( x - aX ) * cos - ( y - aY ) * sin + aX;
ty = ( x - aX ) * sin + ( y - aY ) * cos + aY;
//console.log('t', t, 'angle', angle, 'tx', tx, 'ty', ty);
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( tx, ty ) );
} // end switch
// Normalize to remove the closing point by default.
var lastPoint = points[ points.length - 1 ];
if ( Math.abs( lastPoint.x - points[ 0 ].x ) < Number.EPSILON &&
Math.abs( lastPoint.y - points[ 0 ].y ) < Number.EPSILON )
points.splice( points.length - 1, 1 );
if ( closedPath ) {
points.push( points[ 0 ] );
return points;
// Breaks path into shapes
// Assumptions (if parameter isCCW==true the opposite holds):
// - solid shapes are defined clockwise (CW)
// - holes are defined counterclockwise (CCW)
// If parameter noHoles==true:
// - all subPaths are regarded as solid shapes
// - definition order CW/CCW has no relevance
THREE.Path.prototype.toShapes = function( isCCW, noHoles ) {
function extractSubpaths( inActions ) {
var subPaths = [], lastPath = new THREE.Path();
for ( var i = 0, l = inActions.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var item = inActions[ i ];
var args = item.args;
var action = item.action;
if ( action === 'moveTo' ) {
if ( lastPath.actions.length !== 0 ) {
subPaths.push( lastPath );
lastPath = new THREE.Path();
lastPath[ action ].apply( lastPath, args );
if ( lastPath.actions.length !== 0 ) {
subPaths.push( lastPath );
// console.log(subPaths);
return subPaths;
function toShapesNoHoles( inSubpaths ) {
var shapes = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = inSubpaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var tmpPath = inSubpaths[ i ];
var tmpShape = new THREE.Shape();
tmpShape.actions = tmpPath.actions;
tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves;
shapes.push( tmpShape );
//console.log("shape", shapes);
return shapes;
function isPointInsidePolygon( inPt, inPolygon ) {
var polyLen = inPolygon.length;
// inPt on polygon contour => immediate success or
// toggling of inside/outside at every single! intersection point of an edge
// with the horizontal line through inPt, left of inPt
// not counting lowerY endpoints of edges and whole edges on that line
var inside = false;
for ( var p = polyLen - 1, q = 0; q < polyLen; p = q ++ ) {
var edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ p ];
var edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ q ];
var edgeDx = edgeHighPt.x - edgeLowPt.x;
var edgeDy = edgeHighPt.y - edgeLowPt.y;
if ( Math.abs( edgeDy ) > Number.EPSILON ) {
// not parallel
if ( edgeDy < 0 ) {
edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ q ]; edgeDx = - edgeDx;
edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ p ]; edgeDy = - edgeDy;
if ( ( inPt.y < edgeLowPt.y ) || ( inPt.y > edgeHighPt.y ) ) continue;
if ( inPt.y === edgeLowPt.y ) {
if ( inPt.x === edgeLowPt.x ) return true; // inPt is on contour ?
// continue; // no intersection or edgeLowPt => doesn't count !!!
} else {
var perpEdge = edgeDy * ( inPt.x - edgeLowPt.x ) - edgeDx * ( inPt.y - edgeLowPt.y );
if ( perpEdge === 0 ) return true; // inPt is on contour ?
if ( perpEdge < 0 ) continue;
inside = ! inside; // true intersection left of inPt
} else {
// parallel or collinear
if ( inPt.y !== edgeLowPt.y ) continue; // parallel
// edge lies on the same horizontal line as inPt
if ( ( ( edgeHighPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeLowPt.x ) ) ||
( ( edgeLowPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeHighPt.x ) ) ) return true; // inPt: Point on contour !
// continue;
return inside;
var isClockWise = THREE.ShapeUtils.isClockWise;
var subPaths = extractSubpaths( this.actions );
if ( subPaths.length === 0 ) return [];
if ( noHoles === true ) return toShapesNoHoles( subPaths );
var solid, tmpPath, tmpShape, shapes = [];
if ( subPaths.length === 1 ) {
tmpPath = subPaths[ 0 ];
tmpShape = new THREE.Shape();
tmpShape.actions = tmpPath.actions;
tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves;
shapes.push( tmpShape );
return shapes;
var holesFirst = ! isClockWise( subPaths[ 0 ].getPoints() );
holesFirst = isCCW ? ! holesFirst : holesFirst;
// console.log("Holes first", holesFirst);
var betterShapeHoles = [];
var newShapes = [];
var newShapeHoles = [];
var mainIdx = 0;
var tmpPoints;
newShapes[ mainIdx ] = undefined;
newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = subPaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
tmpPath = subPaths[ i ];
tmpPoints = tmpPath.getPoints();
solid = isClockWise( tmpPoints );
solid = isCCW ? ! solid : solid;
if ( solid ) {
if ( ( ! holesFirst ) && ( newShapes[ mainIdx ] ) ) mainIdx ++;
newShapes[ mainIdx ] = { s: new THREE.Shape(), p: tmpPoints };
newShapes[ mainIdx ].s.actions = tmpPath.actions;
newShapes[ mainIdx ].s.curves = tmpPath.curves;
if ( holesFirst ) mainIdx ++;
newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = [];
//console.log('cw', i);
} else {
newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ].push( { h: tmpPath, p: tmpPoints[ 0 ] } );
//console.log('ccw', i);
// only Holes? -> probably all Shapes with wrong orientation
if ( ! newShapes[ 0 ] ) return toShapesNoHoles( subPaths );
if ( newShapes.length > 1 ) {
var ambiguous = false;
var toChange = [];
for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) {
betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ] = [];
for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) {
var sho = newShapeHoles[ sIdx ];
for ( var hIdx = 0; hIdx < sho.length; hIdx ++ ) {
var ho = sho[ hIdx ];
var hole_unassigned = true;
for ( var s2Idx = 0; s2Idx < newShapes.length; s2Idx ++ ) {
if ( isPointInsidePolygon( ho.p, newShapes[ s2Idx ].p ) ) {
if ( sIdx !== s2Idx ) toChange.push( { froms: sIdx, tos: s2Idx, hole: hIdx } );
if ( hole_unassigned ) {
hole_unassigned = false;
betterShapeHoles[ s2Idx ].push( ho );
} else {
ambiguous = true;
if ( hole_unassigned ) {
betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ].push( ho );
// console.log("ambiguous: ", ambiguous);
if ( toChange.length > 0 ) {
// console.log("to change: ", toChange);
if ( ! ambiguous ) newShapeHoles = betterShapeHoles;
var tmpHoles;
for ( var i = 0, il = newShapes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
tmpShape = newShapes[ i ].s;
shapes.push( tmpShape );
tmpHoles = newShapeHoles[ i ];
for ( var j = 0, jl = tmpHoles.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
tmpShape.holes.push( tmpHoles[ j ].h );
//console.log("shape", shapes);
return shapes;
// File:src/extras/core/Shape.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
// STEP 1 Create a path.
// STEP 2 Turn path into shape.
// STEP 3 ExtrudeGeometry takes in Shape/Shapes
// STEP 3a - Extract points from each shape, turn to vertices
// STEP 3b - Triangulate each shape, add faces.
THREE.Shape = function () {
THREE.Path.apply( this, arguments );
this.holes = [];
THREE.Shape.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Path.prototype );
THREE.Shape.prototype.constructor = THREE.Shape;
// Convenience method to return ExtrudeGeometry
THREE.Shape.prototype.extrude = function ( options ) {
return new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( this, options );
// Convenience method to return ShapeGeometry
THREE.Shape.prototype.makeGeometry = function ( options ) {
return new THREE.ShapeGeometry( this, options );
// Get points of holes
THREE.Shape.prototype.getPointsHoles = function ( divisions ) {
var holesPts = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = this.holes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
holesPts[ i ] = this.holes[ i ].getPoints( divisions );
return holesPts;
// Get points of shape and holes (keypoints based on segments parameter)
THREE.Shape.prototype.extractAllPoints = function ( divisions ) {
return {
shape: this.getPoints( divisions ),
holes: this.getPointsHoles( divisions )
THREE.Shape.prototype.extractPoints = function ( divisions ) {
return this.extractAllPoints( divisions );
THREE.Shape.Utils = THREE.ShapeUtils; // backwards compatibility
// File:src/extras/curves/LineCurve.js
* Line
THREE.LineCurve = function ( v1, v2 ) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
THREE.LineCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.LineCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.LineCurve;
THREE.LineCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {
var point = this.v2.clone().sub( this.v1 );
point.multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.v1 );
return point;
// Line curve is linear, so we can overwrite default getPointAt
THREE.LineCurve.prototype.getPointAt = function ( u ) {
return this.getPoint( u );
THREE.LineCurve.prototype.getTangent = function( t ) {
var tangent = this.v2.clone().sub( this.v1 );
return tangent.normalize();
// File:src/extras/curves/QuadraticBezierCurve.js
* Quadratic Bezier curve
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve = function ( v0, v1, v2 ) {
this.v0 = v0;
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve;
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {
var b2 = THREE.ShapeUtils.b2;
return new THREE.Vector2(
b2( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x ),
b2( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y )
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.getTangent = function( t ) {
var tangentQuadraticBezier = THREE.CurveUtils.tangentQuadraticBezier;
return new THREE.Vector2(
tangentQuadraticBezier( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x ),
tangentQuadraticBezier( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y )
// File:src/extras/curves/CubicBezierCurve.js
* Cubic Bezier curve
THREE.CubicBezierCurve = function ( v0, v1, v2, v3 ) {
this.v0 = v0;
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.v3 = v3;
THREE.CubicBezierCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.CubicBezierCurve;
THREE.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {
var b3 = THREE.ShapeUtils.b3;
return new THREE.Vector2(
b3( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x, this.v3.x ),
b3( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y, this.v3.y )
THREE.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.getTangent = function( t ) {
var tangentCubicBezier = THREE.CurveUtils.tangentCubicBezier;
return new THREE.Vector2(
tangentCubicBezier( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x, this.v3.x ),
tangentCubicBezier( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y, this.v3.y )
// File:src/extras/curves/SplineCurve.js
* Spline curve
THREE.SplineCurve = function ( points /* array of Vector2 */ ) {
this.points = ( points == undefined ) ? [] : points;
THREE.SplineCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.SplineCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.SplineCurve;
THREE.SplineCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {
var points = this.points;
var point = ( points.length - 1 ) * t;
var intPoint = Math.floor( point );
var weight = point - intPoint;
var point0 = points[ intPoint === 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1 ];
var point1 = points[ intPoint ];
var point2 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 2 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 1 ];
var point3 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 3 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 2 ];
var interpolate = THREE.CurveUtils.interpolate;
return new THREE.Vector2(
interpolate( point0.x, point1.x, point2.x, point3.x, weight ),
interpolate( point0.y, point1.y, point2.y, point3.y, weight )
// File:src/extras/curves/EllipseCurve.js
* Ellipse curve
THREE.EllipseCurve = function ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation ) {
this.aX = aX;
this.aY = aY;
this.xRadius = xRadius;
this.yRadius = yRadius;
this.aStartAngle = aStartAngle;
this.aEndAngle = aEndAngle;
this.aClockwise = aClockwise;
this.aRotation = aRotation || 0;
THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.EllipseCurve;
THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {
var deltaAngle = this.aEndAngle - this.aStartAngle;
if ( deltaAngle < 0 ) deltaAngle += Math.PI * 2;
if ( deltaAngle > Math.PI * 2 ) deltaAngle -= Math.PI * 2;
var angle;
if ( this.aClockwise === true ) {
angle = this.aEndAngle + ( 1 - t ) * ( Math.PI * 2 - deltaAngle );
} else {
angle = this.aStartAngle + t * deltaAngle;
var x = this.aX + this.xRadius * Math.cos( angle );
var y = this.aY + this.yRadius * Math.sin( angle );
if ( this.aRotation !== 0 ) {
var cos = Math.cos( this.aRotation );
var sin = Math.sin( this.aRotation );
var tx = x, ty = y;
// Rotate the point about the center of the ellipse.
x = ( tx - this.aX ) * cos - ( ty - this.aY ) * sin + this.aX;
y = ( tx - this.aX ) * sin + ( ty - this.aY ) * cos + this.aY;
return new THREE.Vector2( x, y );
// File:src/extras/curves/ArcCurve.js
* Arc curve
THREE.ArcCurve = function ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) {
THREE.EllipseCurve.call( this, aX, aY, aRadius, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise );
THREE.ArcCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EllipseCurve.prototype );
THREE.ArcCurve.prototype.constructor = THREE.ArcCurve;
// File:src/extras/curves/LineCurve3.js
* Line3D
THREE.LineCurve3 = THREE.Curve.create(
function ( v1, v2 ) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
function ( t ) {
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
vector.subVectors( this.v2, this.v1 ); // diff
vector.multiplyScalar( t );
vector.add( this.v1 );
return vector;
// File:src/extras/curves/QuadraticBezierCurve3.js
* Quadratic Bezier 3D curve
THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3 = THREE.Curve.create(
function ( v0, v1, v2 ) {
this.v0 = v0;
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
function ( t ) {
var b2 = THREE.ShapeUtils.b2;
return new THREE.Vector3(
b2( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x ),
b2( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y ),
b2( t, this.v0.z, this.v1.z, this.v2.z )
// File:src/extras/curves/CubicBezierCurve3.js
* Cubic Bezier 3D curve
THREE.CubicBezierCurve3 = THREE.Curve.create(
function ( v0, v1, v2, v3 ) {
this.v0 = v0;
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.v3 = v3;
function ( t ) {
var b3 = THREE.ShapeUtils.b3;
return new THREE.Vector3(
b3( t, this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x, this.v3.x ),
b3( t, this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y, this.v3.y ),
b3( t, this.v0.z, this.v1.z, this.v2.z, this.v3.z )
// File:src/extras/curves/SplineCurve3.js
* Spline 3D curve
THREE.SplineCurve3 = THREE.Curve.create(
function ( points /* array of Vector3 */ ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.SplineCurve3 will be deprecated. Please use THREE.CatmullRomCurve3' );
this.points = ( points == undefined ) ? [] : points;
function ( t ) {
var points = this.points;
var point = ( points.length - 1 ) * t;
var intPoint = Math.floor( point );
var weight = point - intPoint;
var point0 = points[ intPoint == 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1 ];
var point1 = points[ intPoint ];
var point2 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 2 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 1 ];
var point3 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 3 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 2 ];
var interpolate = THREE.CurveUtils.interpolate;
return new THREE.Vector3(
interpolate( point0.x, point1.x, point2.x, point3.x, weight ),
interpolate( point0.y, point1.y, point2.y, point3.y, weight ),
interpolate( point0.z, point1.z, point2.z, point3.z, weight )
// File:src/extras/curves/CatmullRomCurve3.js
* @author zz85 https://github.com/zz85
* Centripetal CatmullRom Curve - which is useful for avoiding
* cusps and self-intersections in non-uniform catmull rom curves.
* http://www.cemyuksel.com/research/catmullrom_param/catmullrom.pdf
* curve.type accepts centripetal(default), chordal and catmullrom
* curve.tension is used for catmullrom which defaults to 0.5
THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 = ( function() {
tmp = new THREE.Vector3(),
px = new CubicPoly(),
py = new CubicPoly(),
pz = new CubicPoly();
Based on an optimized c++ solution in
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9489736/catmull-rom-curve-with-no-cusps-and-no-self-intersections/
- http://ideone.com/NoEbVM
This CubicPoly class could be used for reusing some variables and calculations,
but for three.js curve use, it could be possible inlined and flatten into a single function call
which can be placed in CurveUtils.
function CubicPoly() {
* Compute coefficients for a cubic polynomial
* p(s) = c0 + c1*s + c2*s^2 + c3*s^3
* such that
* p(0) = x0, p(1) = x1
* and
* p'(0) = t0, p'(1) = t1.
CubicPoly.prototype.init = function( x0, x1, t0, t1 ) {
this.c0 = x0;
this.c1 = t0;
this.c2 = - 3 * x0 + 3 * x1 - 2 * t0 - t1;
this.c3 = 2 * x0 - 2 * x1 + t0 + t1;
CubicPoly.prototype.initNonuniformCatmullRom = function( x0, x1, x2, x3, dt0, dt1, dt2 ) {
// compute tangents when parameterized in [t1,t2]
var t1 = ( x1 - x0 ) / dt0 - ( x2 - x0 ) / ( dt0 + dt1 ) + ( x2 - x1 ) / dt1;
var t2 = ( x2 - x1 ) / dt1 - ( x3 - x1 ) / ( dt1 + dt2 ) + ( x3 - x2 ) / dt2;
// rescale tangents for parametrization in [0,1]
t1 *= dt1;
t2 *= dt1;
// initCubicPoly
this.init( x1, x2, t1, t2 );
// standard Catmull-Rom spline: interpolate between x1 and x2 with previous/following points x1/x4
CubicPoly.prototype.initCatmullRom = function( x0, x1, x2, x3, tension ) {
this.init( x1, x2, tension * ( x2 - x0 ), tension * ( x3 - x1 ) );
CubicPoly.prototype.calc = function( t ) {
var t2 = t * t;
var t3 = t2 * t;
return this.c0 + this.c1 * t + this.c2 * t2 + this.c3 * t3;
// Subclass Three.js curve
return THREE.Curve.create(
function ( p /* array of Vector3 */ ) {
this.points = p || [];
function ( t ) {
var points = this.points,
point, intPoint, weight, l;
l = points.length;
if ( l < 2 ) console.log( 'duh, you need at least 2 points' );
point = ( l - 1 ) * t;
intPoint = Math.floor( point );
weight = point - intPoint;
if ( weight === 0 && intPoint === l - 1 ) {
intPoint = l - 2;
weight = 1;
var p0, p1, p2, p3;
if ( intPoint === 0 ) {
// extrapolate first point
tmp.subVectors( points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] ).add( points[ 0 ] );
p0 = tmp;
} else {
p0 = points[ intPoint - 1 ];
p1 = points[ intPoint ];
p2 = points[ intPoint + 1 ];
if ( intPoint + 2 < l ) {
p3 = points[ intPoint + 2 ]
} else {
// extrapolate last point
tmp.subVectors( points[ l - 1 ], points[ l - 2 ] ).add( points[ l - 2 ] );
p3 = tmp;
if ( this.type === undefined || this.type === 'centripetal' || this.type === 'chordal' ) {
// init Centripetal / Chordal Catmull-Rom
var pow = this.type === 'chordal' ? 0.5 : 0.25;
var dt0 = Math.pow( p0.distanceToSquared( p1 ), pow );
var dt1 = Math.pow( p1.distanceToSquared( p2 ), pow );
var dt2 = Math.pow( p2.distanceToSquared( p3 ), pow );
// safety check for repeated points
if ( dt1 < 1e-4 ) dt1 = 1.0;
if ( dt0 < 1e-4 ) dt0 = dt1;
if ( dt2 < 1e-4 ) dt2 = dt1;
px.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, dt0, dt1, dt2 );
py.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, dt0, dt1, dt2 );
pz.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z, dt0, dt1, dt2 );
} else if ( this.type === 'catmullrom' ) {
var tension = this.tension !== undefined ? this.tension : 0.5;
px.initCatmullRom( p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, tension );
py.initCatmullRom( p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, tension );
pz.initCatmullRom( p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z, tension );
var v = new THREE.Vector3(
px.calc( weight ),
py.calc( weight ),
pz.calc( weight )
return v;
} )();
// File:src/extras/curves/ClosedSplineCurve3.js
* Closed Spline 3D curve
THREE.ClosedSplineCurve3 = THREE.Curve.create(
function ( points /* array of Vector3 */ ) {
this.points = ( points == undefined ) ? [] : points;
function ( t ) {
var points = this.points;
var point = ( points.length - 0 ) * t; // This needs to be from 0-length +1
var intPoint = Math.floor( point );
var weight = point - intPoint;
intPoint += intPoint > 0 ? 0 : ( Math.floor( Math.abs( intPoint ) / points.length ) + 1 ) * points.length;
var point0 = points[ ( intPoint - 1 ) % points.length ];
var point1 = points[ ( intPoint ) % points.length ];
var point2 = points[ ( intPoint + 1 ) % points.length ];
var point3 = points[ ( intPoint + 2 ) % points.length ];
var interpolate = THREE.CurveUtils.interpolate;
return new THREE.Vector3(
interpolate( point0.x, point1.x, point2.x, point3.x, weight ),
interpolate( point0.y, point1.y, point2.y, point3.y, weight ),
interpolate( point0.z, point1.z, point2.z, point3.z, weight )
// File:src/extras/geometries/BoxGeometry.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* based on http://papervision3d.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/as3/trunk/src/org/papervision3d/objects/primitives/Cube.as
THREE.BoxGeometry = function ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments ) {
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
this.type = 'BoxGeometry';
this.parameters = {
width: width,
height: height,
depth: depth,
widthSegments: widthSegments,
heightSegments: heightSegments,
depthSegments: depthSegments
this.widthSegments = widthSegments || 1;
this.heightSegments = heightSegments || 1;
this.depthSegments = depthSegments || 1;
var scope = this;
var width_half = width / 2;
var height_half = height / 2;
var depth_half = depth / 2;
buildPlane( 'z', 'y', - 1, - 1, depth, height, width_half, 0 ); // px
buildPlane( 'z', 'y', 1, - 1, depth, height, - width_half, 1 ); // nx
buildPlane( 'x', 'z', 1, 1, width, depth, height_half, 2 ); // py
buildPlane( 'x', 'z', 1, - 1, width, depth, - height_half, 3 ); // ny
buildPlane( 'x', 'y', 1, - 1, width, height, depth_half, 4 ); // pz
buildPlane( 'x', 'y', - 1, - 1, width, height, - depth_half, 5 ); // nz
function buildPlane( u, v, udir, vdir, width, height, depth, materialIndex ) {
var w, ix, iy,
gridX = scope.widthSegments,
gridY = scope.heightSegments,
width_half = width / 2,
height_half = height / 2,
offset = scope.vertices.length;
if ( ( u === 'x' && v === 'y' ) || ( u === 'y' && v === 'x' ) ) {
w = 'z';
} else if ( ( u === 'x' && v === 'z' ) || ( u === 'z' && v === 'x' ) ) {
w = 'y';
gridY = scope.depthSegments;
} else if ( ( u === 'z' && v === 'y' ) || ( u === 'y' && v === 'z' ) ) {
w = 'x';
gridX = scope.depthSegments;
var gridX1 = gridX + 1,
gridY1 = gridY + 1,
segment_width = width / gridX,
segment_height = height / gridY,
normal = new THREE.Vector3();
normal[ w ] = depth > 0 ? 1 : - 1;
for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY1; iy ++ ) {
for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX1; ix ++ ) {
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
vector[ u ] = ( ix * segment_width - width_half ) * udir;
vector[ v ] = ( iy * segment_height - height_half ) * vdir;
vector[ w ] = depth;
scope.vertices.push( vector );
for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY; iy ++ ) {
for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX; ix ++ ) {
var a = ix + gridX1 * iy;
var b = ix + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
var c = ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
var d = ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * iy;
var uva = new THREE.Vector2( ix / gridX, 1 - iy / gridY );
var uvb = new THREE.Vector2( ix / gridX, 1 - ( iy + 1 ) / gridY );
var uvc = new THREE.Vector2( ( ix + 1 ) / gridX, 1 - ( iy + 1 ) / gridY );
var uvd = new THREE.Vector2( ( ix + 1 ) / gridX, 1 - iy / gridY );
var face = new THREE.Face3( a + offset, b + offset, d + offset );
face.normal.copy( normal );
face.vertexNormals.push( normal.clone(), normal.clone(), normal.clone() );
face.materialIndex = materialIndex;
scope.faces.push( face );
scope.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uva, uvb, uvd ] );
face = new THREE.Face3( b + offset, c + offset, d + offset );
face.normal.copy( normal );
face.vertexNormals.push( normal.clone(), normal.clone(), normal.clone() );
face.materialIndex = materialIndex;
scope.faces.push( face );
scope.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uvb.clone(), uvc, uvd.clone() ] );
THREE.BoxGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype );
THREE.BoxGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.BoxGeometry;
THREE.BoxGeometry.prototype.clone = function () {
var parameters = this.parameters;
return new THREE.BoxGeometry(
THREE.CubeGeometry = THREE.BoxGeometry; // backwards compatibility
// File:src/extras/geometries/CircleGeometry.js
* @author hughes
THREE.CircleGeometry = function ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
this.type = 'CircleGeometry';
this.parameters = {
radius: radius,
segments: segments,
thetaStart: thetaStart,
thetaLength: thetaLength
this.fromBufferGeometry( new THREE.CircleBufferGeometry( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) );
THREE.CircleGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype );
THREE.CircleGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.CircleGeometry;
THREE.CircleGeometry.prototype.clone = function () {
var parameters = this.parameters;
return new THREE.CircleGeometry(
// File:src/extras/geometries/CircleBufferGeometry.js
* @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
THREE.CircleBufferGeometry = function ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {
THREE.BufferGeometry.call( this );
this.type = 'CircleBufferGeometry';
this.parameters = {
radius: radius,
segments: segments,
thetaStart: thetaStart,
thetaLength: thetaLength
radius = radius || 50;
segments = segments !== undefined ? Math.max( 3, segments ) : 8;
thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0;
thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : Math.PI * 2;
var vertices = segments + 2;
var positions = new Float32Array( vertices * 3 );
var normals = new Float32Array( vertices * 3 );
var uvs = new Float32Array( vertices * 2 );
// center data is already zero, but need to set a few extras
normals[ 2 ] = 1.0;
uvs[ 0 ] = 0.5;
uvs[ 1 ] = 0.5;
for ( var s = 0, i = 3, ii = 2 ; s <= segments; s ++, i += 3, ii += 2 ) {
var segment = thetaStart + s / segments * thetaLength;
positions[ i ] = radius * Math.cos( segment );
positions[ i + 1 ] = radius * Math.sin( segment );
normals[ i + 2 ] = 1; // normal z
uvs[ ii ] = ( positions[ i ] / radius + 1 ) / 2;
uvs[ ii + 1 ] = ( positions[ i + 1 ] / radius + 1 ) / 2;
var indices = [];
for ( var i = 1; i <= segments; i ++ ) {
indices.push( i, i + 1, 0 );
this.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint16Array( indices ), 1 ) );
this.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );
this.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
this.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
this.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere( new THREE.Vector3(), radius );
THREE.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );
THREE.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.CircleBufferGeometry;
THREE.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype.clone = function () {
var parameters = this.parameters;
return new THREE.CircleBufferGeometry(
// File:src/extras/geometries/CylinderGeometry.js
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.CylinderGeometry = function ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
this.type = 'CylinderGeometry';
this.parameters = {
radiusTop: radiusTop,
radiusBottom: radiusBottom,
height: height,
radialSegments: radialSegments,
heightSegments: heightSegments,
openEnded: openEnded,
thetaStart: thetaStart,
thetaLength: thetaLength
radiusTop = radiusTop !== undefined ? radiusTop : 20;
radiusBottom = radiusBottom !== undefined ? radiusBottom : 20;
height = height !== undefined ? height : 100;
radialSegments = radialSegments || 8;
heightSegments = heightSegments || 1;
openEnded = openEnded !== undefined ? openEnded : false;
thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0;
thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : 2 * Math.PI;
var heightHalf = height / 2;
var x, y, vertices = [], uvs = [];
for ( y = 0; y <= heightSegments; y ++ ) {
var verticesRow = [];
var uvsRow = [];
var v = y / heightSegments;
var radius = v * ( radiusBottom - radiusTop ) + radiusTop;
for ( x = 0; x <= radialSegments; x ++ ) {
var u = x / radialSegments;
var vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
vertex.x = radius * Math.sin( u * thetaLength + thetaStart );
vertex.y = - v * height + heightHalf;
vertex.z = radius * Math.cos( u * thetaLength + thetaStart );
this.vertices.push( vertex );
verticesRow.push( this.vertices.length - 1 );
uvsRow.push( new THREE.Vector2( u, 1 - v ) );
vertices.push( verticesRow );
uvs.push( uvsRow );
var tanTheta = ( radiusBottom - radiusTop ) / height;
var na, nb;
for ( x = 0; x < radialSegments; x ++ ) {
if ( radiusTop !== 0 ) {
na = this.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x ] ].clone();
nb = this.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] ].clone();
} else {
na = this.vertices[ vertices[ 1 ][ x ] ].clone();
nb = this.vertices[ vertices[ 1 ][ x + 1 ] ].clone();
na.setY( Math.sqrt( na.x * na.x + na.z * na.z ) * tanTheta ).normalize();
nb.setY( Math.sqrt( nb.x * nb.x + nb.z * nb.z ) * tanTheta ).normalize();
for ( y = 0; y < heightSegments; y ++ ) {
var v1 = vertices[ y ][ x ];
var v2 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x ];
var v3 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ];
var v4 = vertices[ y ][ x + 1 ];
var n1 = na.clone();
var n2 = na.clone();
var n3 = nb.clone();
var n4 = nb.clone();
var uv1 = uvs[ y ][ x ].clone();
var uv2 = uvs[ y + 1 ][ x ].clone();
var uv3 = uvs[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ].clone();
var uv4 = uvs[ y ][ x + 1 ].clone();
this.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( v1, v2, v4, [ n1, n2, n4 ] ) );
this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uv1, uv2, uv4 ] );
this.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( v2, v3, v4, [ n2.clone(), n3, n4.clone() ] ) );
this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uv2.clone(), uv3, uv4.clone() ] );
// top cap
if ( openEnded === false && radiusTop > 0 ) {
this.vertices.push( new THREE.Vector3( 0, heightHalf, 0 ) );
for ( x = 0; x < radialSegments; x ++ ) {
var v1 = vertices[ 0 ][ x ];
var v2 = vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ];
var v3 = this.vertices.length - 1;
var n1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
var n2 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
var n3 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
var uv1 = uvs[ 0 ][ x ].clone();
var uv2 = uvs[ 0 ][ x + 1 ].clone();
var uv3 = new THREE.Vector2( uv2.x, 0 );
this.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( v1, v2, v3, [ n1, n2, n3 ], undefined, 1 ) );
this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] );
// bottom cap
if ( openEnded === false && radiusBottom > 0 ) {
this.vertices.push( new THREE.Vector3( 0, - heightHalf, 0 ) );
for ( x = 0; x < radialSegments; x ++ ) {
var v1 = vertices[ heightSegments ][ x + 1 ];
var v2 = vertices[ heightSegments ][ x ];
var v3 = this.vertices.length - 1;
var n1 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 );
var n2 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 );
var n3 = new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 );
var uv1 = uvs[ heightSegments ][ x + 1 ].clone();
var uv2 = uvs[ heightSegments ][ x ].clone();
var uv3 = new THREE.Vector2( uv2.x, 1 );
this.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( v1, v2, v3, [ n1, n2, n3 ], undefined, 2 ) );
this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] );
THREE.CylinderGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype );
THREE.CylinderGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.CylinderGeometry;
THREE.CylinderGeometry.prototype.clone = function () {
var parameters = this.parameters;
return new THREE.CylinderGeometry(
// File:src/extras/geometries/EdgesGeometry.js
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.EdgesGeometry = function ( geometry, thresholdAngle ) {
THREE.BufferGeometry.call( this );
thresholdAngle = ( thresholdAngle !== undefined ) ? thresholdAngle : 1;
var thresholdDot = Math.cos( THREE.Math.degToRad( thresholdAngle ) );
var edge = [ 0, 0 ], hash = {};
function sortFunction( a, b ) {
return a - b;
var keys = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];
var geometry2;
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
geometry2 = new THREE.Geometry();
geometry2.fromBufferGeometry( geometry );
} else {
geometry2 = geometry.clone();
var vertices = geometry2.vertices;
var faces = geometry2.faces;
for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var face = faces[ i ];
for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {
edge[ 0 ] = face[ keys[ j ] ];
edge[ 1 ] = face[ keys[ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] ];
edge.sort( sortFunction );
var key = edge.toString();
if ( hash[ key ] === undefined ) {
hash[ key ] = { vert1: edge[ 0 ], vert2: edge[ 1 ], face1: i, face2: undefined };
} else {
hash[ key ].face2 = i;
var coords = [];
for ( var key in hash ) {
var h = hash[ key ];
if ( h.face2 === undefined || faces[ h.face1 ].normal.dot( faces[ h.face2 ].normal ) <= thresholdDot ) {
var vertex = vertices[ h.vert1 ];
coords.push( vertex.x );
coords.push( vertex.y );
coords.push( vertex.z );
vertex = vertices[ h.vert2 ];
coords.push( vertex.x );
coords.push( vertex.y );
coords.push( vertex.z );
this.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( coords ), 3 ) );
THREE.EdgesGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );
THREE.EdgesGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.EdgesGeometry;
// File:src/extras/geometries/ExtrudeGeometry.js
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* Creates extruded geometry from a path shape.
* parameters = {
* curveSegments: , // number of points on the curves
* steps: , // number of points for z-side extrusions / used for subdividing segments of extrude spline too
* amount: , // Depth to extrude the shape
* bevelEnabled: , // turn on bevel
* bevelThickness: , // how deep into the original shape bevel goes
* bevelSize: , // how far from shape outline is bevel
* bevelSegments: , // number of bevel layers
* extrudePath: // 3d spline path to extrude shape along. (creates Frames if .frames aren't defined)
* frames: // containing arrays of tangents, normals, binormals
* uvGenerator:
* Allows to compute the original undistorted radius from a distorted one.
* See also getApproximateInverseDistortion() for a faster but potentially
* less accurate method.
* @param {Number} radius Distorted radius from the lens center in tan-angle units.
* @return {Number} The undistorted radius in tan-angle units.
Distortion.prototype.distortInverse = function(radius) {
// Secant method.
var r0 = radius / 0.9;
var r1 = radius * 0.9;
var dr0 = radius - this.distort(r0);
while (Math.abs(r1 - r0) > 0.0001 /** 0.1mm */) {
var dr1 = radius - this.distort(r1);
var r2 = r1 - dr1 * ((r1 - r0) / (dr1 - dr0));
r0 = r1;
r1 = r2;
dr0 = dr1;
return r1;
* Distorts a radius by its distortion factor from the center of the lenses.
* @param {Number} radius Radius from the lens center in tan-angle units.
* @return {Number} The distorted radius in tan-angle units.
Distortion.prototype.distort = function(radius) {
return radius * this.distortionFactor_(radius);
* Returns the distortion factor of a point.
* @param {Number} radius Radius of the point from the lens center in tan-angle units.
* @return {Number} The distortion factor. Multiply by this factor to distort points.
Distortion.prototype.distortionFactor_ = function(radius) {
var result = 1.0;
var rFactor = 1.0;
var rSquared = radius * radius;
for (var i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++) {
var ki = this.coefficients[i];
rFactor *= rSquared;
result += ki * rFactor;
return result;
module.exports = Distortion;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* DPDB cache.
var DPDB_CACHE = {
"format": 1,
"last_updated": "2016-01-26T23:11:18Z",
"devices": [
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "asus/*/Nexus 7/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 7" }
"dpi": [ 320.8, 323.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "asus/*/ASUS_Z00AD/*" },
{ "ua": "ASUS_Z00AD" }
"dpi": [ 403.0, 404.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "HTC/*/HTC6435LVW/*" },
{ "ua": "HTC6435LVW" }
"dpi": [ 449.7, 443.3 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "HTC/*/HTC One XL/*" },
{ "ua": "HTC One XL" }
"dpi": [ 315.3, 314.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "htc/*/Nexus 9/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 9" }
"dpi": 289.0,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "HTC/*/HTC One M9/*" },
{ "ua": "HTC One M9" }
"dpi": [ 442.5, 443.3 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "HTC/*/HTC One_M8/*" },
{ "ua": "HTC One_M8" }
"dpi": [ 449.7, 447.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "HTC/*/HTC One/*" },
{ "ua": "HTC One" }
"dpi": 472.8,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Huawei/*/Nexus 6P/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 6P" }
"dpi": [ 515.1, 518.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/Nexus 5X/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 5X" }
"dpi": [ 422.0, 419.9 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LGMS345/*" },
{ "ua": "LGMS345" }
"dpi": [ 221.7, 219.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LG-D800/*" },
{ "ua": "LG-D800" }
"dpi": [ 422.0, 424.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LG-D850/*" },
{ "ua": "LG-D850" }
"dpi": [ 537.9, 541.9 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/VS985 4G/*" },
{ "ua": "VS985 4G" }
"dpi": [ 537.9, 535.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/Nexus 5/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 5 B" }
"dpi": [ 442.4, 444.8 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/Nexus 4/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 4" }
"dpi": [ 319.8, 318.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LG-P769/*" },
{ "ua": "LG-P769" }
"dpi": [ 240.6, 247.5 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LGMS323/*" },
{ "ua": "LGMS323" }
"dpi": [ 206.6, 204.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "LGE/*/LGLS996/*" },
{ "ua": "LGLS996" }
"dpi": [ 403.4, 401.5 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Micromax/*/4560MMX/*" },
{ "ua": "4560MMX" }
"dpi": [ 240.0, 219.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Micromax/*/A250/*" },
{ "ua": "Micromax A250" }
"dpi": [ 480.0, 446.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Micromax/*/Micromax AQ4501/*" },
{ "ua": "Micromax AQ4501" }
"dpi": 240.0,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/DROID RAZR/*" },
{ "ua": "DROID RAZR" }
"dpi": [ 368.1, 256.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT830C/*" },
{ "ua": "XT830C" }
"dpi": [ 254.0, 255.9 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1021/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1021" }
"dpi": [ 254.0, 256.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1023/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1023" }
"dpi": [ 254.0, 256.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1028/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1028" }
"dpi": [ 326.6, 327.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1034/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1034" }
"dpi": [ 326.6, 328.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1053/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1053" }
"dpi": [ 315.3, 316.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1562/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1562" }
"dpi": [ 403.4, 402.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/Nexus 6/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus 6 B" }
"dpi": [ 494.3, 489.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1063/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1063" }
"dpi": [ 295.0, 296.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1064/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1064" }
"dpi": [ 295.0, 295.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1092/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1092" }
"dpi": [ 422.0, 424.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "motorola/*/XT1095/*" },
{ "ua": "XT1095" }
"dpi": [ 422.0, 423.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "OnePlus/*/A0001/*" },
{ "ua": "A0001" }
"dpi": [ 403.4, 401.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "OnePlus/*/ONE E1005/*" },
{ "ua": "ONE E1005" }
"dpi": [ 442.4, 441.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "OnePlus/*/ONE A2005/*" },
{ "ua": "ONE A2005" }
"dpi": [ 391.9, 405.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "OPPO/*/X909/*" },
{ "ua": "X909" }
"dpi": [ 442.4, 444.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9082/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9082" }
"dpi": [ 184.7, 185.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G360P/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G360P" }
"dpi": [ 196.7, 205.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/Nexus S/*" },
{ "ua": "Nexus S" }
"dpi": [ 234.5, 229.8 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9300/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9300" }
"dpi": [ 304.8, 303.9 ],
"bw": 5,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-T230NU/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-T230NU" }
"dpi": 216.0,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SGH-T399/*" },
{ "ua": "SGH-T399" }
"dpi": [ 217.7, 231.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-N9005/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-N9005" }
"dpi": [ 386.4, 387.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SAMSUNG-SM-N900A/*" },
{ "ua": "SAMSUNG-SM-N900A" }
"dpi": [ 386.4, 387.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9500/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9500" }
"dpi": [ 442.5, 443.3 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9505/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9505" }
"dpi": 439.4,
"bw": 4,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G900F/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G900F" }
"dpi": [ 415.6, 431.6 ],
"bw": 5,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G900M/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G900M" }
"dpi": [ 415.6, 431.6 ],
"bw": 5,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G800F/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G800F" }
"dpi": 326.8,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G906S/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G906S" }
"dpi": [ 562.7, 572.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9300/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9300" }
"dpi": [ 306.7, 304.8 ],
"bw": 5,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-T535/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-T535" }
"dpi": [ 142.6, 136.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-N920C/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-N920C" }
"dpi": [ 515.1, 518.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9300I/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9300I" }
"dpi": [ 304.8, 305.8 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-I9195/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-I9195" }
"dpi": [ 249.4, 256.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SPH-L520/*" },
{ "ua": "SPH-L520" }
"dpi": [ 249.4, 255.9 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SAMSUNG-SGH-I717/*" },
{ "ua": "SAMSUNG-SGH-I717" }
"dpi": 285.8,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SPH-D710/*" },
{ "ua": "SPH-D710" }
"dpi": [ 217.7, 204.2 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/GT-N7100/*" },
{ "ua": "GT-N7100" }
"dpi": 265.1,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SCH-I605/*" },
{ "ua": "SCH-I605" }
"dpi": 265.1,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/Galaxy Nexus/*" },
{ "ua": "Galaxy Nexus" }
"dpi": [ 315.3, 314.2 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-N910H/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-N910H" }
"dpi": [ 515.1, 518.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-N910C/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-N910C" }
"dpi": [ 515.2, 520.2 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G130M/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G130M" }
"dpi": [ 165.9, 164.8 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G928I/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G928I" }
"dpi": [ 515.1, 518.4 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G920F/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G920F" }
"dpi": 580.6,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G920P/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G920P" }
"dpi": [ 522.5, 577.0 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G925F/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G925F" }
"dpi": 580.6,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "samsung/*/SM-G925V/*" },
{ "ua": "SM-G925V" }
"dpi": [ 522.5, 576.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Sony/*/C6903/*" },
{ "ua": "C6903" }
"dpi": [ 442.5, 443.3 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Sony/*/D6653/*" },
{ "ua": "D6653" }
"dpi": [ 428.6, 427.6 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Sony/*/E6653/*" },
{ "ua": "E6653" }
"dpi": [ 428.6, 425.7 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Sony/*/E6853/*" },
{ "ua": "E6853" }
"dpi": [ 403.4, 401.9 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "Sony/*/SGP321/*" },
{ "ua": "SGP321" }
"dpi": [ 224.7, 224.1 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "TCT/*/ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Fierce/*" },
{ "ua": "ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Fierce" }
"dpi": [ 240.0, 247.5 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "THL/*/thl 5000/*" },
{ "ua": "thl 5000" }
"dpi": [ 480.0, 443.3 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "android",
"rules": [
{ "mdmh": "ZTE/*/ZTE Blade L2/*" },
{ "ua": "ZTE Blade L2" }
"dpi": 240.0,
"bw": 3,
"ac": 500
"type": "ios",
"rules": [ { "res": [ 640, 960 ] } ],
"dpi": [ 325.1, 328.4 ],
"bw": 4,
"ac": 1000
"type": "ios",
"rules": [ { "res": [ 640, 1136 ] } ],
"dpi": [ 317.1, 320.2 ],
"bw": 3,
"ac": 1000
"type": "ios",
"rules": [ { "res": [ 750, 1334 ] } ],
"dpi": 326.4,
"bw": 4,
"ac": 1000
"type": "ios",
"rules": [ { "res": [ 1242, 2208 ] } ],
"dpi": [ 453.6, 458.4 ],
"bw": 4,
"ac": 1000
"type": "ios",
"rules": [ { "res": [ 1125, 2001 ] } ],
"dpi": [ 410.9, 415.4 ],
"bw": 4,
"ac": 1000
module.exports = DPDB_CACHE;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Offline cache of the DPDB, to be used until we load the online one (and
// as a fallback in case we can't load the online one).
var DPDB_CACHE = _dereq_('./dpdb-cache.js');
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
// Online DPDB URL.
var ONLINE_DPDB_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/cardboard-dpdb/dpdb.json';
* Calculates device parameters based on the DPDB (Device Parameter Database).
* Initially, uses the cached DPDB values.
* If fetchOnline == true, then this object tries to fetch the online version
* of the DPDB and updates the device info if a better match is found.
* Calls the onDeviceParamsUpdated callback when there is an update to the
* device information.
function Dpdb(fetchOnline, onDeviceParamsUpdated) {
// Start with the offline DPDB cache while we are loading the real one.
this.dpdb = DPDB_CACHE;
// Calculate device params based on the offline version of the DPDB.
// XHR to fetch online DPDB file, if requested.
if (fetchOnline) {
// Set the callback.
this.onDeviceParamsUpdated = onDeviceParamsUpdated;
console.log('Fetching DPDB...');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var obj = this;
xhr.open('GET', ONLINE_DPDB_URL, true);
xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {
obj.loading = false;
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299) {
// Success.
console.log('Successfully loaded online DPDB.');
obj.dpdb = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
} else {
// Error loading the DPDB.
console.error('Error loading online DPDB!');
// Returns the current device parameters.
Dpdb.prototype.getDeviceParams = function() {
return this.deviceParams;
// Recalculates this device's parameters based on the DPDB.
Dpdb.prototype.recalculateDeviceParams_ = function() {
console.log('Recalculating device params.');
var newDeviceParams = this.calcDeviceParams_();
console.log('New device parameters:');
if (newDeviceParams) {
this.deviceParams = newDeviceParams;
// Invoke callback, if it is set.
if (this.onDeviceParamsUpdated) {
} else {
console.warn('Failed to recalculate device parameters.');
// Returns a DeviceParams object that represents the best guess as to this
// device's parameters. Can return null if the device does not match any
// known devices.
Dpdb.prototype.calcDeviceParams_ = function() {
var db = this.dpdb; // shorthand
if (!db) {
console.error('DPDB not available.');
return null;
if (db.format != 1) {
console.error('DPDB has unexpected format version.');
return null;
if (!db.devices || !db.devices.length) {
console.error('DPDB does not have a devices section.');
return null;
// Get the actual user agent and screen dimensions in pixels.
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;
var width = Util.getScreenWidth();
var height = Util.getScreenHeight();
console.log('User agent: ' + userAgent);
console.log('Pixel width: ' + width);
console.log('Pixel height: ' + height);
if (!db.devices) {
console.error('DPDB has no devices section.');
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < db.devices.length; i++) {
var device = db.devices[i];
if (!device.rules) {
console.warn('Device[' + i + '] has no rules section.');
if (device.type != 'ios' && device.type != 'android') {
console.warn('Device[' + i + '] has invalid type.');
// See if this device is of the appropriate type.
if (Util.isIOS() != (device.type == 'ios')) continue;
// See if this device matches any of the rules:
var matched = false;
for (var j = 0; j < device.rules.length; j++) {
var rule = device.rules[j];
if (this.matchRule_(rule, userAgent, width, height)) {
console.log('Rule matched:');
matched = true;
if (!matched) continue;
// device.dpi might be an array of [ xdpi, ydpi] or just a scalar.
var xdpi = device.dpi[0] || device.dpi;
var ydpi = device.dpi[1] || device.dpi;
return new DeviceParams({ xdpi: xdpi, ydpi: ydpi, bevelMm: device.bw });
console.warn('No DPDB device match.');
return null;
Dpdb.prototype.matchRule_ = function(rule, ua, screenWidth, screenHeight) {
// We can only match 'ua' and 'res' rules, not other types like 'mdmh'
// (which are meant for native platforms).
if (!rule.ua && !rule.res) return false;
// If our user agent string doesn't contain the indicated user agent string,
// the match fails.
if (rule.ua && ua.indexOf(rule.ua) < 0) return false;
// If the rule specifies screen dimensions that don't correspond to ours,
// the match fails.
if (rule.res) {
if (!rule.res[0] || !rule.res[1]) return false;
var resX = rule.res[0];
var resY = rule.res[1];
// Compare min and max so as to make the order not matter, i.e., it should
// be true that 640x480 == 480x640.
if (Math.min(screenWidth, screenHeight) != Math.min(resX, resY) ||
(Math.max(screenWidth, screenHeight) != Math.max(resX, resY))) {
return false;
return true;
function DeviceParams(params) {
this.xdpi = params.xdpi;
this.ydpi = params.ydpi;
this.bevelMm = params.bevelMm;
module.exports = Dpdb;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function Emitter() {
this.callbacks = {};
Emitter.prototype.emit = function(eventName) {
var callbacks = this.callbacks[eventName];
if (!callbacks) {
//console.log('No valid callback specified.');
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
// Eliminate the first param (the callback).
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
callbacks[i].apply(this, args);
Emitter.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
if (eventName in this.callbacks) {
} else {
this.callbacks[eventName] = [callback];
module.exports = Emitter;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var WebVRManager = _dereq_('./webvr-manager.js');
window.WebVRConfig = window.WebVRConfig || {};
window.WebVRManager = WebVRManager;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Modes = {
// Not fullscreen, just tracking.
// Magic window immersive mode.
// Full screen split screen VR mode.
VR: 3,
module.exports = Modes;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
function RotateInstructions() {
var overlay = document.createElement('div');
var s = overlay.style;
s.position = 'fixed';
s.top = 0;
s.right = 0;
s.bottom = 0;
s.left = 0;
s.backgroundColor = 'gray';
s.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = this.icon;
var s = img.style;
s.marginLeft = '25%';
s.marginTop = '25%';
s.width = '50%';
var text = document.createElement('div');
var s = text.style;
s.textAlign = 'center';
s.fontSize = '16px';
s.lineHeight = '24px';
s.margin = '24px 25%';
s.width = '50%';
text.innerHTML = 'Place your phone into your Cardboard viewer.';
var snackbar = document.createElement('div');
var s = snackbar.style;
s.backgroundColor = '#CFD8DC';
s.position = 'fixed';
s.bottom = 0;
s.width = '100%';
s.height = '48px';
s.padding = '14px 24px';
s.boxSizing = 'border-box';
s.color = '#656A6B';
var snackbarText = document.createElement('div');
snackbarText.style.float = 'left';
snackbarText.innerHTML = 'No Cardboard viewer?';
var snackbarButton = document.createElement('a');
snackbarButton.href = 'https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/get-cardboard/';
snackbarButton.innerHTML = 'get one';
snackbarButton.target = '_blank';
var s = snackbarButton.style;
s.float = 'right';
s.fontWeight = 600;
s.textTransform = 'uppercase';
s.borderLeft = '1px solid gray';
s.paddingLeft = '24px';
s.textDecoration = 'none';
s.color = '#656A6B';
this.overlay = overlay;
this.text = text;
RotateInstructions.prototype.show = function() {
this.overlay.style.display = 'block';
var img = this.overlay.querySelector('img');
var s = img.style;
if (Util.isLandscapeMode()) {
s.width = '20%';
s.marginLeft = '40%';
s.marginTop = '3%';
} else {
s.width = '50%';
s.marginLeft = '25%';
s.marginTop = '25%';
RotateInstructions.prototype.hide = function() {
this.overlay.style.display = 'none';
RotateInstructions.prototype.showTemporarily = function(ms) {
this.timer = setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), ms);
RotateInstructions.prototype.disableShowTemporarily = function() {
RotateInstructions.prototype.loadIcon_ = function() {
// Encoded asset_src/rotate-instructions.svg
module.exports = RotateInstructions;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Util = {};
Util.base64 = function(mimeType, base64) {
return 'data:' + mimeType + ';base64,' + base64;
Util.isMobile = function() {
var check = false;
(function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4)))check = true})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera);
return check;
Util.isFirefox = function() {
return /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
Util.isIOS = function() {
return /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent);
Util.isIFrame = function() {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
Util.appendQueryParameter = function(url, key, value) {
// Determine delimiter based on if the URL already GET parameters in it.
var delimiter = (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&');
url += delimiter + key + '=' + value;
return url;
// From http://goo.gl/4WX3tg
Util.getQueryParameter = function(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
Util.isLandscapeMode = function() {
return (window.orientation == 90 || window.orientation == -90);
Util.getScreenWidth = function() {
return Math.max(window.screen.width, window.screen.height) *
Util.getScreenHeight = function() {
return Math.min(window.screen.width, window.screen.height) *
* Utility to convert the projection matrix to a vector accepted by the shader.
* @param {Object} opt_params A rectangle to scale this vector by.
Util.projectionMatrixToVector_ = function(matrix, opt_params) {
var params = opt_params || {};
var xScale = params.xScale || 1;
var yScale = params.yScale || 1;
var xTrans = params.xTrans || 0;
var yTrans = params.yTrans || 0;
var elements = matrix.elements;
var vec = new THREE.Vector4();
vec.set(elements[4*0 + 0] * xScale,
elements[4*1 + 1] * yScale,
elements[4*2 + 0] - 1 - xTrans,
elements[4*2 + 1] - 1 - yTrans).divideScalar(2);
return vec;
Util.leftProjectionVectorToRight_ = function(left) {
//projectionLeft + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) * vec4(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
var out = new THREE.Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
out.add(left); // out = left + (0, 0, 1, 0).
out.z *= -1; // Flip z.
return out;
module.exports = Util;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Emitter = _dereq_('./emitter.js');
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
var DEFAULT_VIEWER = 'CardboardV1';
* Creates a viewer selector with the options specified. Supports being shown
* and hidden. Generates events when viewer parameters change. Also supports
* saving the currently selected index in localStorage.
* @param {Object} options Option labels for all valid selections {name: index}.
function ViewerSelector(options) {
// Try to load the selected key from local storage. If none exists, use the
// default key.
try {
this.selectedKey = window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem(VIEWER_KEY)
} catch(error) {
console.error('Failed to load viewer profile: %s', error);
this.dialog = this.createDialog_(options);
this.options = options;
ViewerSelector.prototype = new Emitter();
ViewerSelector.prototype.show = function() {
// Ensure the currently selected item is checked.
var selected = this.dialog.querySelector('#' + this.selectedKey);
selected.checked = true;
// Show the UI.
this.dialog.style.display = 'block';
ViewerSelector.prototype.hide = function() {
this.dialog.style.display = 'none';
ViewerSelector.prototype.getSelectedKey_ = function() {
var input = this.dialog.querySelector('input[name=field]:checked');
if (input) {
return input.id;
return null;
ViewerSelector.prototype.onSave_ = function() {
this.selectedKey = this.getSelectedKey_();
if (!this.selectedKey || !this.options[this.selectedKey]) {
console.error('ViewerSelector.onSave_: this should never happen!');
this.emit('change', this.options[this.selectedKey]);
// Attempt to save the viewer profile, but fails in private mode.
try {
localStorage.setItem(VIEWER_KEY, this.selectedKey);
} catch(error) {
console.error('Failed to save viewer profile: %s', error);
* Creates the dialog.
ViewerSelector.prototype.createDialog_ = function(options) {
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.style.display = 'none';
// Create an overlay that dims the background, and which goes away when you
// tap it.
var overlay = document.createElement('div');
var s = overlay.style;
s.position = 'fixed';
s.left = 0;
s.top = 0;
s.width = '100%';
s.height = '100%';
s.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)';
overlay.addEventListener('click', this.hide.bind(this));
var width = 280;
var dialog = document.createElement('div');
var s = dialog.style;
s.boxSizing = 'border-box';
s.position = 'fixed';
s.top = '24px';
s.left = '50%';
s.marginLeft = (-width/2) + 'px';
s.width = width + 'px';
s.padding = '24px';
s.overflow = 'hidden';
s.background = '#fafafa';
s.fontFamily = "'Roboto', sans-serif";
s.boxShadow = '0px 5px 20px #666';
dialog.appendChild(this.createH1_('Select your viewer'));
for (var id in options) {
dialog.appendChild(this.createChoice_(id, options[id].label));
dialog.appendChild(this.createButton_('Save', this.onSave_.bind(this)));
return container;
ViewerSelector.prototype.createH1_ = function(name) {
var h1 = document.createElement('h1');
var s = h1.style;
s.color = 'black';
s.fontSize = '20px';
s.fontWeight = 'bold';
s.marginTop = 0;
s.marginBottom = '24px';
h1.innerHTML = name;
return h1;
ViewerSelector.prototype.createChoice_ = function(id, name) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.marginTop = '8px';
div.style.color = 'black';
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.style.fontSize = '30px';
input.setAttribute('id', id);
input.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
input.setAttribute('value', id);
input.setAttribute('name', 'field');
var label = document.createElement('label');
label.style.marginLeft = '4px';
label.setAttribute('for', id);
label.innerHTML = name;
return div;
ViewerSelector.prototype.createButton_ = function(label, onclick) {
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = label;
var s = button.style;
s.float = 'right';
s.textTransform = 'uppercase';
s.color = '#1094f7';
s.fontSize = '14px';
s.letterSpacing = 0;
s.border = 0;
s.background = 'none';
s.marginTop = '16px';
button.addEventListener('click', onclick);
return button;
module.exports = ViewerSelector;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
* Android and iOS compatible wakelock implementation.
* Refactored thanks to dkovalev@.
function AndroidWakeLock() {
var video = document.createElement('video');
video.addEventListener('ended', function() {
this.request = function() {
if (video.paused) {
// Base64 version of videos_src/no-sleep-120s.mp4.
this.release = function() {
video.src = '';
function iOSWakeLock() {
var timer = null;
this.request = function() {
if (!timer) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
window.location = window.location;
setTimeout(window.stop, 0);
}, 30000);
this.release = function() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
function getWakeLock() {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;
if (userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) {
return iOSWakeLock;
} else {
return AndroidWakeLock;
module.exports = getWakeLock();
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var ButtonManager = _dereq_('./button-manager.js');
var CardboardDistorter = _dereq_('./cardboard-distorter.js');
var DeviceInfo = _dereq_('./device-info.js');
var Dpdb = _dereq_('./dpdb.js');
var Emitter = _dereq_('./emitter.js');
var Modes = _dereq_('./modes.js');
var RotateInstructions = _dereq_('./rotate-instructions.js');
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
var ViewerSelector = _dereq_('./viewer-selector.js');
var Wakelock = _dereq_('./wakelock.js');
* Helper for getting in and out of VR mode.
* Here we assume VR mode == full screen mode.
* 1. Detects whether or not VR mode is possible by feature detecting for
* WebVR (or polyfill).
* 2. If WebVR is available, shows a button that lets you enter VR mode.
* 3. Provides Cardboard-style distortion if the webvr-polyfill is being used.
* 4. Provides best practices while in VR mode.
* - Full screen
* - Wake lock
* - Orientation lock (mobile only)
function WebVRManager(renderer, effect, params) {
this.params = params || {};
this.mode = Modes.UNKNOWN;
// Set option to hide the button.
this.hideButton = this.params.hideButton || false;
// Whether or not the FOV should be distorted or un-distorted. By default, it
// should be distorted, but in the case of vertex shader based distortion,
// ensure that we use undistorted parameters.
this.isUndistorted = !!this.params.isUndistorted;
// Save the THREE.js renderer and effect for later.
this.renderer = renderer;
this.effect = effect;
this.button = new ButtonManager();
this.rotateInstructions = new RotateInstructions();
this.viewerSelector = new ViewerSelector(DeviceInfo.Viewers);
// Load the DPDB.
var shouldFetch = !WebVRConfig.NO_DPDB_FETCH;
this.dpdb = new Dpdb(shouldFetch, this.onDeviceParamsUpdated_.bind(this));
// Create device info and set the correct default viewer.
this.deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(this.dpdb.getDeviceParams());
this.deviceInfo.viewer = DeviceInfo.Viewers[this.viewerSelector.selectedKey];
console.log('Using the %s viewer.', this.getViewer().label);
this.distorter = new CardboardDistorter(renderer);
this.isVRCompatible = false;
this.isFullscreenDisabled = !!Util.getQueryParameter('no_fullscreen');
this.startMode = Modes.NORMAL;
var startModeParam = parseInt(Util.getQueryParameter('start_mode'));
if (!isNaN(startModeParam)) {
this.startMode = startModeParam;
// Set the correct viewer profile, but only if this is Cardboard.
if (Util.isMobile()) {
// Listen for changes to the viewer.
this.viewerSelector.on('change', this.onViewerChanged_.bind(this));
if (this.hideButton) {
// Check if the browser is compatible with WebVR.
this.getDeviceByType_(HMDVRDevice).then(function(hmd) {
// Activate either VR or Immersive mode.
this.isVRCompatible = true;
} else if (hmd) {
this.isVRCompatible = true;
// Only enable distortion if we are dealing using the polyfill, we have a
// perfect device match, and it's not prevented via configuration.
if (hmd.deviceName.indexOf('webvr-polyfill') == 0 && this.deviceInfo.getDevice() &&
this.hmd = hmd;
// Set the right mode.
switch (this.startMode) {
case Modes.MAGIC_WINDOW:
case Modes.VR:
this.button.on('fs', this.onFSClick_.bind(this));
this.button.on('vr', this.onVRClick_.bind(this));
this.button.on('back', this.onBackClick_.bind(this));
this.button.on('settings', this.onSettingsClick_.bind(this));
// Save the input device for later sending timing data.
this.getDeviceByType_(PositionSensorVRDevice).then(function(input) {
this.input = input;
// Whenever we enter fullscreen, we are entering VR or immersive mode.
// Create the necessary elements for wake lock to work.
this.wakelock = new Wakelock();
// Save whether or not we want the touch panner to be enabled or disabled by
// default.
this.isTouchPannerEnabled = !WebVRConfig.TOUCH_PANNER_DISABLED;
WebVRManager.prototype = new Emitter();
// Expose these values externally.
WebVRManager.Modes = Modes;
* Promise returns true if there is at least one HMD device available.
WebVRManager.prototype.getDeviceByType_ = function(type) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
navigator.getVRDevices().then(function(devices) {
// Promise succeeds, but check if there are any devices actually.
for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
if (devices[i] instanceof type) {
}, function() {
// No devices are found.
WebVRManager.prototype.isVRMode = function() {
return this.mode == Modes.VR;
WebVRManager.prototype.getViewer = function() {
return this.deviceInfo.viewer;
WebVRManager.prototype.getDevice = function() {
return this.deviceInfo.device;
WebVRManager.prototype.getDeviceInfo = function() {
return this.deviceInfo;
WebVRManager.prototype.render = function(scene, camera, timestamp) {
this.camera = camera;
if (this.isVRMode()) {
this.effect.render(scene, camera);
} else {
// Scene may be an array of two scenes, one for each eye.
if (scene instanceof Array) {
this.renderer.render(scene[0], camera);
} else {
this.renderer.render(scene, camera);
WebVRManager.prototype.setMode_ = function(mode) {
var oldMode = this.mode;
if (mode == this.mode) {
console.error('Not changing modes, already in %s', mode);
console.log('Mode change: %s => %s', this.mode, mode);
this.mode = mode;
this.button.setMode(mode, this.isVRCompatible);
if (this.mode == Modes.VR && Util.isLandscapeMode() && Util.isMobile()) {
// In landscape mode, temporarily show the "put into Cardboard"
// interstitial. Otherwise, do the default thing.
} else {
// Also hide the viewer selector.
// Emit an event indicating the mode changed.
this.emit('modechange', mode, oldMode);
// Note: This is a nasty hack since we need to communicate to the polyfill
// that touch panning is disabled, and the only way to do this currently is
// via WebVRConfig.
// TODO: Maybe move touch panning to the boilerplate to eliminate the hack.
// If we are in VR mode, always disable touch panning.
if (this.isTouchPannerEnabled) {
if (this.mode == Modes.VR) {
} else {
if (this.mode == Modes.VR) {
// In VR mode, set the HMDVRDevice parameters.
* Main button was clicked.
WebVRManager.prototype.onFSClick_ = function() {
switch (this.mode) {
case Modes.NORMAL:
// TODO: Remove this hack when iOS has fullscreen mode.
// If this is an iframe on iOS, break out and open in no_fullscreen mode.
if (Util.isIOS() && Util.isIFrame()) {
var url = window.location.href;
url = Util.appendQueryParameter(url, 'no_fullscreen', 'true');
url = Util.appendQueryParameter(url, 'start_mode', Modes.MAGIC_WINDOW);
top.location.href = url;
case Modes.MAGIC_WINDOW:
if (this.isFullscreenDisabled) {
} else {
* The VR button was clicked.
WebVRManager.prototype.onVRClick_ = function() {
// TODO: Remove this hack when iOS has fullscreen mode.
// If this is an iframe on iOS, break out and open in no_fullscreen mode.
if (this.mode == Modes.NORMAL && Util.isIOS() && Util.isIFrame()) {
var url = window.location.href;
url = Util.appendQueryParameter(url, 'no_fullscreen', 'true');
url = Util.appendQueryParameter(url, 'start_mode', Modes.VR);
top.location.href = url;
* Back button was clicked.
WebVRManager.prototype.onBackClick_ = function() {
if (this.isFullscreenDisabled) {
} else {
WebVRManager.prototype.onSettingsClick_ = function() {
// Show the viewer selection dialog.
* Methods to go between modes.
WebVRManager.prototype.normalToMagicWindow_ = function() {
// TODO: Re-enable pointer lock after debugging.
WebVRManager.prototype.anyModeToVR_ = function() {
// Don't do orientation locking for consistency.
WebVRManager.prototype.vrToMagicWindow_ = function() {
// Android bug: when returning from VR, resize the effect.
WebVRManager.prototype.anyModeToNormal_ = function() {
// Android bug: when returning from VR, resize the effect.
WebVRManager.prototype.resizeIfNeeded_ = function(camera) {
// Only resize the canvas if it needs to be resized.
var size = this.renderer.getSize();
if (size.width != window.innerWidth || size.height != window.innerHeight) {
WebVRManager.prototype.resize_ = function() {
this.effect.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
if (this.camera) {
this.camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
WebVRManager.prototype.onOrientationChange_ = function(e) {
// Also hide the viewer selector.
WebVRManager.prototype.updateRotateInstructions_ = function() {
// In portrait VR mode, tell the user to rotate to landscape.
if (this.mode == Modes.VR && !Util.isLandscapeMode() && Util.isMobile()) {
} else {
WebVRManager.prototype.onFullscreenChange_ = function(e) {
// If we leave full-screen, go back to normal mode.
if (document.webkitFullscreenElement === null ||
document.mozFullScreenElement === null) {
WebVRManager.prototype.requestPointerLock_ = function() {
var canvas = this.renderer.domElement;
canvas.requestPointerLock = canvas.requestPointerLock ||
canvas.mozRequestPointerLock ||
if (canvas.requestPointerLock) {
WebVRManager.prototype.releasePointerLock_ = function() {
document.exitPointerLock = document.exitPointerLock ||
document.mozExitPointerLock ||
if (document.exitPointerLock) {
WebVRManager.prototype.requestOrientationLock_ = function() {
if (screen.orientation && Util.isMobile()) {
WebVRManager.prototype.releaseOrientationLock_ = function() {
if (screen.orientation) {
WebVRManager.prototype.requestFullscreen_ = function() {
var canvas = document.body;
//var canvas = this.renderer.domElement;
if (canvas.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (canvas.mozRequestFullScreen) {
canvas.mozRequestFullScreen({vrDisplay: this.hmd});
} else if (canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen({vrDisplay: this.hmd});
} else if (canvas.msRequestFullscreen) {
canvas.msRequestFullscreen({vrDisplay: this.hmd});
WebVRManager.prototype.exitFullscreen_ = function() {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
WebVRManager.prototype.onViewerChanged_ = function(viewer) {
// Update the distortion appropriately.
// And update the HMDVRDevice parameters.
// Notify anyone interested in this event.
this.emit('viewerchange', viewer);
* Sets parameters on CardboardHMDVRDevice. These changes are ultimately handled
* by VREffect.
WebVRManager.prototype.setHMDVRDeviceParams_ = function(viewer) {
this.getDeviceByType_(HMDVRDevice).then(function(hmd) {
if (!hmd) {
// If we can set fields of view, do that now.
if (hmd.setFieldOfView) {
// Calculate the optimal field of view for each eye.
// Note: setInterpupillaryDistance is not part of the WebVR standard.
if (hmd.setInterpupillaryDistance) {
WebVRManager.prototype.onDeviceParamsUpdated_ = function(newParams) {
console.log('DPDB reported that device params were updated.');
module.exports = WebVRManager;
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof _dereq_=="function"&&_dereq_;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof _dereq_=="function"&&_dereq_;for(var o=0;o Util.MAX_TIMESTEP) {
console.warn('Invalid timestamps detected. Time step between successive ' +
'gyroscope sensor samples is very small or not monotonic');
this.previousTimestampS = timestampS;
this.accelerometer.set(-accGravity.x, -accGravity.y, -accGravity.z);
this.gyroscope.set(rotRate.alpha, rotRate.beta, rotRate.gamma);
// With iOS and Firefox Android, rotationRate is reported in degrees,
// so we first convert to radians.
if (this.isIOS || this.isFirefoxAndroid) {
this.gyroscope.multiplyScalar(Math.PI / 180);
this.filter.addAccelMeasurement(this.accelerometer, timestampS);
this.filter.addGyroMeasurement(this.gyroscope, timestampS);
this.previousTimestampS = timestampS;
FusionPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.onScreenOrientationChange_ =
function(screenOrientation) {
FusionPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.setScreenTransform_ = function() {
this.worldToScreenQ.set(0, 0, 0, 1);
switch (window.orientation) {
case 0:
case 90:
this.worldToScreenQ.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), -Math.PI/2);
case -90:
this.worldToScreenQ.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), Math.PI/2);
case 180:
// TODO.
module.exports = FusionPositionSensorVRDevice;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var WebVRPolyfill = _dereq_('./webvr-polyfill.js');
// Initialize a WebVRConfig just in case.
window.WebVRConfig = window.WebVRConfig || {};
new WebVRPolyfill();
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var PositionSensorVRDevice = _dereq_('./base.js').PositionSensorVRDevice;
var THREE = _dereq_('./three-math.js');
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
// How much to rotate per key stroke.
var KEY_SPEED = 0.15;
// How much to rotate for mouse events.
var MOUSE_SPEED_X = 0.5;
var MOUSE_SPEED_Y = 0.3;
* A virtual position sensor, implemented using keyboard and
* mouse APIs. This is designed as for desktops/laptops where no Device*
* events work.
function MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice() {
this.deviceId = 'webvr-polyfill:mouse-keyboard';
this.deviceName = 'VR Position Device (webvr-polyfill:mouse-keyboard)';
// Attach to mouse and keyboard events.
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp_.bind(this));
this.phi = 0;
this.theta = 0;
// Variables for keyboard-based rotation animation.
this.targetAngle = null;
// State variables for calculations.
this.euler = new THREE.Euler();
this.orientation = new THREE.Quaternion();
// Variables for mouse-based rotation.
this.rotateStart = new THREE.Vector2();
this.rotateEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
this.rotateDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype = new PositionSensorVRDevice();
* Returns {orientation: {x,y,z,w}, position: null}.
* Position is not supported for parity with other PositionSensors.
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.getState = function() {
this.euler.set(this.phi, this.theta, 0, 'YXZ');
return {
hasOrientation: true,
orientation: this.orientation,
hasPosition: false,
position: null
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(e) {
// Track WASD and arrow keys.
if (e.keyCode == 38) { // Up key.
this.animatePhi_(this.phi + KEY_SPEED);
} else if (e.keyCode == 39) { // Right key.
this.animateTheta_(this.theta - KEY_SPEED);
} else if (e.keyCode == 40) { // Down key.
this.animatePhi_(this.phi - KEY_SPEED);
} else if (e.keyCode == 37) { // Left key.
this.animateTheta_(this.theta + KEY_SPEED);
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.animateTheta_ = function(targetAngle) {
this.animateKeyTransitions_('theta', targetAngle);
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.animatePhi_ = function(targetAngle) {
// Prevent looking too far up or down.
targetAngle = Util.clamp(targetAngle, -Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2);
this.animateKeyTransitions_('phi', targetAngle);
* Start an animation to transition an angle from one value to another.
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.animateKeyTransitions_ = function(angleName, targetAngle) {
// If an animation is currently running, cancel it.
if (this.angleAnimation) {
var startAngle = this[angleName];
var startTime = new Date();
// Set up an interval timer to perform the animation.
this.angleAnimation = setInterval(function() {
// Once we're finished the animation, we're done.
var elapsed = new Date() - startTime;
if (elapsed >= KEY_ANIMATION_DURATION) {
this[angleName] = targetAngle;
// Linearly interpolate the angle some amount.
var percent = elapsed / KEY_ANIMATION_DURATION;
this[angleName] = startAngle + (targetAngle - startAngle) * percent;
}.bind(this), 1000/60);
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.onMouseDown_ = function(e) {
this.rotateStart.set(e.clientX, e.clientY);
this.isDragging = true;
// Very similar to https://gist.github.com/mrflix/8351020
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.onMouseMove_ = function(e) {
if (!this.isDragging && !this.isPointerLocked_()) {
// Support pointer lock API.
if (this.isPointerLocked_()) {
var movementX = e.movementX || e.mozMovementX || 0;
var movementY = e.movementY || e.mozMovementY || 0;
this.rotateEnd.set(this.rotateStart.x - movementX, this.rotateStart.y - movementY);
} else {
this.rotateEnd.set(e.clientX, e.clientY);
// Calculate how much we moved in mouse space.
this.rotateDelta.subVectors(this.rotateEnd, this.rotateStart);
// Keep track of the cumulative euler angles.
var element = document.body;
this.phi += 2 * Math.PI * this.rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight * MOUSE_SPEED_Y;
this.theta += 2 * Math.PI * this.rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * MOUSE_SPEED_X;
// Prevent looking too far up or down.
this.phi = Util.clamp(this.phi, -Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2);
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.onMouseUp_ = function(e) {
this.isDragging = false;
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.isPointerLocked_ = function() {
var el = document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement ||
return el !== undefined;
MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice.prototype.resetSensor = function() {
console.error('Not implemented yet.');
module.exports = MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var THREE = _dereq_('./three-math.js');
var DEBUG = false;
* Given an orientation and the gyroscope data, predicts the future orientation
* of the head. This makes rendering appear faster.
* Also see: http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/papers/LavYerKatAnt14.pdf
* @param {Number} predictionTimeS time from head movement to the appearance of
* the corresponding image.
function PosePredictor(predictionTimeS) {
this.predictionTimeS = predictionTimeS;
// The quaternion corresponding to the previous state.
this.previousQ = new THREE.Quaternion();
// Previous time a prediction occurred.
this.previousTimestampS = null;
// The delta quaternion that adjusts the current pose.
this.deltaQ = new THREE.Quaternion();
// The output quaternion.
this.outQ = new THREE.Quaternion();
PosePredictor.prototype.getPrediction = function(currentQ, gyro, timestampS) {
if (!this.previousTimestampS) {
this.previousTimestampS = timestampS;
return currentQ;
// Calculate axis and angle based on gyroscope rotation rate data.
var axis = new THREE.Vector3();
var angularSpeed = gyro.length();
// If we're rotating slowly, don't do prediction.
if (angularSpeed < THREE.Math.degToRad(20)) {
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('Moving slowly, at %s deg/s: no prediction',
return this.outQ;
// Get the predicted angle based on the time delta and latency.
var deltaT = timestampS - this.previousTimestampS;
var predictAngle = angularSpeed * this.predictionTimeS;
this.deltaQ.setFromAxisAngle(axis, predictAngle);
return this.outQ;
module.exports = PosePredictor;
function SensorSample(sample, timestampS) {
this.set(sample, timestampS);
SensorSample.prototype.set = function(sample, timestampS) {
this.sample = sample;
this.timestampS = timestampS;
SensorSample.prototype.copy = function(sensorSample) {
this.set(sensorSample.sample, sensorSample.timestampS);
module.exports = SensorSample;
* A subset of THREE.js, providing mostly quaternion and euler-related
* operations, manually lifted from
* https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/src/math, as of 9c30286b38df039fca389989ff06ea1c15d6bad1
// Only use if the real THREE is not provided.
var THREE = window.THREE || {};
// If some piece of THREE is missing, fill it in here.
if (!THREE.Quaternion || !THREE.Vector3 || !THREE.Vector2 || !THREE.Euler || !THREE.Math) {
console.log('No THREE.js found.');
/*** START Quaternion ***/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author bhouston / http://exocortex.com
THREE.Quaternion = function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this._x = x || 0;
this._y = y || 0;
this._z = z || 0;
this._w = ( w !== undefined ) ? w : 1;
THREE.Quaternion.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Quaternion,
_x: 0,_y: 0, _z: 0, _w: 0,
get x () {
return this._x;
set x ( value ) {
this._x = value;
get y () {
return this._y;
set y ( value ) {
this._y = value;
get z () {
return this._z;
set z ( value ) {
this._z = value;
get w () {
return this._w;
set w ( value ) {
this._w = value;
set: function ( x, y, z, w ) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
this._w = w;
return this;
copy: function ( quaternion ) {
this._x = quaternion.x;
this._y = quaternion.y;
this._z = quaternion.z;
this._w = quaternion.w;
return this;
setFromEuler: function ( euler, update ) {
if ( euler instanceof THREE.Euler === false ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.Quaternion: .setFromEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );
// http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/
// 20696-function-to-convert-between-dcm-euler-angles-quaternions-and-euler-vectors/
// content/SpinCalc.m
var c1 = Math.cos( euler._x / 2 );
var c2 = Math.cos( euler._y / 2 );
var c3 = Math.cos( euler._z / 2 );
var s1 = Math.sin( euler._x / 2 );
var s2 = Math.sin( euler._y / 2 );
var s3 = Math.sin( euler._z / 2 );
if ( euler.order === 'XYZ' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( euler.order === 'YXZ' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( euler.order === 'ZXY' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( euler.order === 'ZYX' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( euler.order === 'YZX' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
} else if ( euler.order === 'XZY' ) {
this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();
return this;
setFromAxisAngle: function ( axis, angle ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToQuaternion/index.htm
// assumes axis is normalized
var halfAngle = angle / 2, s = Math.sin( halfAngle );
this._x = axis.x * s;
this._y = axis.y * s;
this._z = axis.z * s;
this._w = Math.cos( halfAngle );
return this;
setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m ) {
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/index.htm
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
var te = m.elements,
m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ],
m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ],
m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ],
trace = m11 + m22 + m33,
if ( trace > 0 ) {
s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 );
this._w = 0.25 / s;
this._x = ( m32 - m23 ) * s;
this._y = ( m13 - m31 ) * s;
this._z = ( m21 - m12 ) * s;
} else if ( m11 > m22 && m11 > m33 ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m11 - m22 - m33 );
this._w = ( m32 - m23 ) / s;
this._x = 0.25 * s;
this._y = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
this._z = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;
} else if ( m22 > m33 ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m22 - m11 - m33 );
this._w = ( m13 - m31 ) / s;
this._x = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
this._y = 0.25 * s;
this._z = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;
} else {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m33 - m11 - m22 );
this._w = ( m21 - m12 ) / s;
this._x = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;
this._y = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;
this._z = 0.25 * s;
return this;
setFromUnitVectors: function () {
// http://lolengine.net/blog/2014/02/24/quaternion-from-two-vectors-final
// assumes direction vectors vFrom and vTo are normalized
var v1, r;
var EPS = 0.000001;
return function ( vFrom, vTo ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
r = vFrom.dot( vTo ) + 1;
if ( r < EPS ) {
r = 0;
if ( Math.abs( vFrom.x ) > Math.abs( vFrom.z ) ) {
v1.set( - vFrom.y, vFrom.x, 0 );
} else {
v1.set( 0, - vFrom.z, vFrom.y );
} else {
v1.crossVectors( vFrom, vTo );
this._x = v1.x;
this._y = v1.y;
this._z = v1.z;
this._w = r;
return this;
inverse: function () {
return this;
conjugate: function () {
this._x *= - 1;
this._y *= - 1;
this._z *= - 1;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this._x * v._x + this._y * v._y + this._z * v._z + this._w * v._w;
lengthSq: function () {
return this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w );
normalize: function () {
var l = this.length();
if ( l === 0 ) {
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this._z = 0;
this._w = 1;
} else {
l = 1 / l;
this._x = this._x * l;
this._y = this._y * l;
this._z = this._z * l;
this._w = this._w * l;
return this;
multiply: function ( q, p ) {
if ( p !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyQuaternions( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.multiplyQuaternions( q, p );
return this.multiplyQuaternions( this, q );
multiplyQuaternions: function ( a, b ) {
// from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/code/index.htm
var qax = a._x, qay = a._y, qaz = a._z, qaw = a._w;
var qbx = b._x, qby = b._y, qbz = b._z, qbw = b._w;
this._x = qax * qbw + qaw * qbx + qay * qbz - qaz * qby;
this._y = qay * qbw + qaw * qby + qaz * qbx - qax * qbz;
this._z = qaz * qbw + qaw * qbz + qax * qby - qay * qbx;
this._w = qaw * qbw - qax * qbx - qay * qby - qaz * qbz;
return this;
multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use is now vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion ) instead.' );
return vector.applyQuaternion( this );
slerp: function ( qb, t ) {
if ( t === 0 ) return this;
if ( t === 1 ) return this.copy( qb );
var x = this._x, y = this._y, z = this._z, w = this._w;
// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/slerp/
var cosHalfTheta = w * qb._w + x * qb._x + y * qb._y + z * qb._z;
if ( cosHalfTheta < 0 ) {
this._w = - qb._w;
this._x = - qb._x;
this._y = - qb._y;
this._z = - qb._z;
cosHalfTheta = - cosHalfTheta;
} else {
this.copy( qb );
if ( cosHalfTheta >= 1.0 ) {
this._w = w;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
return this;
var halfTheta = Math.acos( cosHalfTheta );
var sinHalfTheta = Math.sqrt( 1.0 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta );
if ( Math.abs( sinHalfTheta ) < 0.001 ) {
this._w = 0.5 * ( w + this._w );
this._x = 0.5 * ( x + this._x );
this._y = 0.5 * ( y + this._y );
this._z = 0.5 * ( z + this._z );
return this;
var ratioA = Math.sin( ( 1 - t ) * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta,
ratioB = Math.sin( t * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta;
this._w = ( w * ratioA + this._w * ratioB );
this._x = ( x * ratioA + this._x * ratioB );
this._y = ( y * ratioA + this._y * ratioB );
this._z = ( z * ratioA + this._z * ratioB );
return this;
equals: function ( quaternion ) {
return ( quaternion._x === this._x ) && ( quaternion._y === this._y ) && ( quaternion._z === this._z ) && ( quaternion._w === this._w );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this._x = array[ offset ];
this._y = array[ offset + 1 ];
this._z = array[ offset + 2 ];
this._w = array[ offset + 3 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this._x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this._y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this._z;
array[ offset + 3 ] = this._w;
return array;
onChange: function ( callback ) {
this.onChangeCallback = callback;
return this;
onChangeCallback: function () {},
clone: function () {
return new THREE.Quaternion( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._w );
THREE.Quaternion.slerp = function ( qa, qb, qm, t ) {
return qm.copy( qa ).slerp( qb, t );
/*** END Quaternion ***/
/*** START Vector2 ***/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
* @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
THREE.Vector2 = function ( x, y ) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
THREE.Vector2.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Vector2,
set: function ( x, y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
setX: function ( x ) {
this.x = x;
return this;
setY: function ( y ) {
this.y = y;
return this;
setComponent: function ( index, value ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: this.x = value; break;
case 1: this.y = value; break;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
getComponent: function ( index ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: return this.x;
case 1: return this.y;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
copy: function ( v ) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
return this;
add: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.addVectors( v, w );
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
return this;
addVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x + b.x;
this.y = a.y + b.y;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x += s;
this.y += s;
return this;
sub: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.subVectors( v, w );
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
return this;
subVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x - b.x;
this.y = a.y - b.y;
return this;
multiply: function ( v ) {
this.x *= v.x;
this.y *= v.y;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x *= s;
this.y *= s;
return this;
divide: function ( v ) {
this.x /= v.x;
this.y /= v.y;
return this;
divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {
if ( scalar !== 0 ) {
var invScalar = 1 / scalar;
this.x *= invScalar;
this.y *= invScalar;
} else {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
return this;
min: function ( v ) {
if ( this.x > v.x ) {
this.x = v.x;
if ( this.y > v.y ) {
this.y = v.y;
return this;
max: function ( v ) {
if ( this.x < v.x ) {
this.x = v.x;
if ( this.y < v.y ) {
this.y = v.y;
return this;
clamp: function ( min, max ) {
// This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly
if ( this.x < min.x ) {
this.x = min.x;
} else if ( this.x > max.x ) {
this.x = max.x;
if ( this.y < min.y ) {
this.y = min.y;
} else if ( this.y > max.y ) {
this.y = max.y;
return this;
clampScalar: ( function () {
var min, max;
return function ( minVal, maxVal ) {
if ( min === undefined ) {
min = new THREE.Vector2();
max = new THREE.Vector2();
min.set( minVal, minVal );
max.set( maxVal, maxVal );
return this.clamp( min, max );
} )(),
floor: function () {
this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
return this;
ceil: function () {
this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
return this;
round: function () {
this.x = Math.round( this.x );
this.y = Math.round( this.y );
return this;
roundToZero: function () {
this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
return this;
negate: function () {
this.x = - this.x;
this.y = - this.y;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;
lengthSq: function () {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y );
normalize: function () {
return this.divideScalar( this.length() );
distanceTo: function ( v ) {
return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );
distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {
var dx = this.x - v.x, dy = this.y - v.y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
setLength: function ( l ) {
var oldLength = this.length();
if ( oldLength !== 0 && l !== oldLength ) {
this.multiplyScalar( l / oldLength );
return this;
lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {
this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
return this;
equals: function ( v ) {
return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.x = array[ offset ];
this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
return array;
fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset;
this.x = attribute.array[ index ];
this.y = attribute.array[ index + 1 ];
return this;
clone: function () {
return new THREE.Vector2( this.x, this.y );
/*** END Vector2 ***/
/*** START Vector3 ***/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author *kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/
* @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
* @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
* @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
THREE.Vector3 = function ( x, y, z ) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
this.z = z || 0;
THREE.Vector3.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Vector3,
set: function ( x, y, z ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
return this;
setX: function ( x ) {
this.x = x;
return this;
setY: function ( y ) {
this.y = y;
return this;
setZ: function ( z ) {
this.z = z;
return this;
setComponent: function ( index, value ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: this.x = value; break;
case 1: this.y = value; break;
case 2: this.z = value; break;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
getComponent: function ( index ) {
switch ( index ) {
case 0: return this.x;
case 1: return this.y;
case 2: return this.z;
default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );
copy: function ( v ) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
this.z = v.z;
return this;
add: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.addVectors( v, w );
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
return this;
addScalar: function ( s ) {
this.x += s;
this.y += s;
this.z += s;
return this;
addVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x + b.x;
this.y = a.y + b.y;
this.z = a.z + b.z;
return this;
sub: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.subVectors( v, w );
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
this.z -= v.z;
return this;
subVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x - b.x;
this.y = a.y - b.y;
this.z = a.z - b.z;
return this;
multiply: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.multiplyVectors( v, w );
this.x *= v.x;
this.y *= v.y;
this.z *= v.z;
return this;
multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
this.z *= scalar;
return this;
multiplyVectors: function ( a, b ) {
this.x = a.x * b.x;
this.y = a.y * b.y;
this.z = a.z * b.z;
return this;
applyEuler: function () {
var quaternion;
return function ( euler ) {
if ( euler instanceof THREE.Euler === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .applyEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );
if ( quaternion === undefined ) quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromEuler( euler ) );
return this;
applyAxisAngle: function () {
var quaternion;
return function ( axis, angle ) {
if ( quaternion === undefined ) quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle ) );
return this;
applyMatrix3: function ( m ) {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 3 ] * y + e[ 6 ] * z;
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 7 ] * z;
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;
return this;
applyMatrix4: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ];
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ];
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ];
return this;
applyProjection: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 projection matrix
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
var d = 1 / ( e[ 3 ] * x + e[ 7 ] * y + e[ 11 ] * z + e[ 15 ] ); // perspective divide
this.x = ( e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ] ) * d;
this.y = ( e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ] ) * d;
this.z = ( e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ] ) * d;
return this;
applyQuaternion: function ( q ) {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var z = this.z;
var qx = q.x;
var qy = q.y;
var qz = q.z;
var qw = q.w;
// calculate quat * vector
var ix = qw * x + qy * z - qz * y;
var iy = qw * y + qz * x - qx * z;
var iz = qw * z + qx * y - qy * x;
var iw = - qx * x - qy * y - qz * z;
// calculate result * inverse quat
this.x = ix * qw + iw * - qx + iy * - qz - iz * - qy;
this.y = iy * qw + iw * - qy + iz * - qx - ix * - qz;
this.z = iz * qw + iw * - qz + ix * - qy - iy * - qx;
return this;
project: function () {
var matrix;
return function ( camera ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ) );
return this.applyProjection( matrix );
unproject: function () {
var matrix;
return function ( camera ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorld, matrix.getInverse( camera.projectionMatrix ) );
return this.applyProjection( matrix );
transformDirection: function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
// vector interpreted as a direction
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var e = m.elements;
this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;
this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z;
this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z;
return this;
divide: function ( v ) {
this.x /= v.x;
this.y /= v.y;
this.z /= v.z;
return this;
divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {
if ( scalar !== 0 ) {
var invScalar = 1 / scalar;
this.x *= invScalar;
this.y *= invScalar;
this.z *= invScalar;
} else {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
return this;
min: function ( v ) {
if ( this.x > v.x ) {
this.x = v.x;
if ( this.y > v.y ) {
this.y = v.y;
if ( this.z > v.z ) {
this.z = v.z;
return this;
max: function ( v ) {
if ( this.x < v.x ) {
this.x = v.x;
if ( this.y < v.y ) {
this.y = v.y;
if ( this.z < v.z ) {
this.z = v.z;
return this;
clamp: function ( min, max ) {
// This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly
if ( this.x < min.x ) {
this.x = min.x;
} else if ( this.x > max.x ) {
this.x = max.x;
if ( this.y < min.y ) {
this.y = min.y;
} else if ( this.y > max.y ) {
this.y = max.y;
if ( this.z < min.z ) {
this.z = min.z;
} else if ( this.z > max.z ) {
this.z = max.z;
return this;
clampScalar: ( function () {
var min, max;
return function ( minVal, maxVal ) {
if ( min === undefined ) {
min = new THREE.Vector3();
max = new THREE.Vector3();
min.set( minVal, minVal, minVal );
max.set( maxVal, maxVal, maxVal );
return this.clamp( min, max );
} )(),
floor: function () {
this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = Math.floor( this.z );
return this;
ceil: function () {
this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
this.z = Math.ceil( this.z );
return this;
round: function () {
this.x = Math.round( this.x );
this.y = Math.round( this.y );
this.z = Math.round( this.z );
return this;
roundToZero: function () {
this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
this.z = ( this.z < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.z ) : Math.floor( this.z );
return this;
negate: function () {
this.x = - this.x;
this.y = - this.y;
this.z = - this.z;
return this;
dot: function ( v ) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z;
lengthSq: function () {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z;
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z );
lengthManhattan: function () {
return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y ) + Math.abs( this.z );
normalize: function () {
return this.divideScalar( this.length() );
setLength: function ( l ) {
var oldLength = this.length();
if ( oldLength !== 0 && l !== oldLength ) {
this.multiplyScalar( l / oldLength );
return this;
lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {
this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
this.z += ( v.z - this.z ) * alpha;
return this;
cross: function ( v, w ) {
if ( w !== undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .cross() now only accepts one argument. Use .crossVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
return this.crossVectors( v, w );
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
this.x = y * v.z - z * v.y;
this.y = z * v.x - x * v.z;
this.z = x * v.y - y * v.x;
return this;
crossVectors: function ( a, b ) {
var ax = a.x, ay = a.y, az = a.z;
var bx = b.x, by = b.y, bz = b.z;
this.x = ay * bz - az * by;
this.y = az * bx - ax * bz;
this.z = ax * by - ay * bx;
return this;
projectOnVector: function () {
var v1, dot;
return function ( vector ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
v1.copy( vector ).normalize();
dot = this.dot( v1 );
return this.copy( v1 ).multiplyScalar( dot );
projectOnPlane: function () {
var v1;
return function ( planeNormal ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
v1.copy( this ).projectOnVector( planeNormal );
return this.sub( v1 );
reflect: function () {
// reflect incident vector off plane orthogonal to normal
// normal is assumed to have unit length
var v1;
return function ( normal ) {
if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
return this.sub( v1.copy( normal ).multiplyScalar( 2 * this.dot( normal ) ) );
angleTo: function ( v ) {
var theta = this.dot( v ) / ( this.length() * v.length() );
// clamp, to handle numerical problems
return Math.acos( THREE.Math.clamp( theta, - 1, 1 ) );
distanceTo: function ( v ) {
return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );
distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {
var dx = this.x - v.x;
var dy = this.y - v.y;
var dz = this.z - v.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
setEulerFromRotationMatrix: function ( m, order ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromRotationMatrix() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromRotationMatrix() instead.' );
setEulerFromQuaternion: function ( q, order ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromQuaternion() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromQuaternion() instead.' );
getPositionFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getPositionFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixPosition().' );
return this.setFromMatrixPosition( m );
getScaleFromMatrix: function ( m ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getScaleFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixScale().' );
return this.setFromMatrixScale( m );
getColumnFromMatrix: function ( index, matrix ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getColumnFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixColumn().' );
return this.setFromMatrixColumn( index, matrix );
setFromMatrixPosition: function ( m ) {
this.x = m.elements[ 12 ];
this.y = m.elements[ 13 ];
this.z = m.elements[ 14 ];
return this;
setFromMatrixScale: function ( m ) {
var sx = this.set( m.elements[ 0 ], m.elements[ 1 ], m.elements[ 2 ] ).length();
var sy = this.set( m.elements[ 4 ], m.elements[ 5 ], m.elements[ 6 ] ).length();
var sz = this.set( m.elements[ 8 ], m.elements[ 9 ], m.elements[ 10 ] ).length();
this.x = sx;
this.y = sy;
this.z = sz;
return this;
setFromMatrixColumn: function ( index, matrix ) {
var offset = index * 4;
var me = matrix.elements;
this.x = me[ offset ];
this.y = me[ offset + 1 ];
this.z = me[ offset + 2 ];
return this;
equals: function ( v ) {
return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) && ( v.z === this.z ) );
fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.x = array[ offset ];
this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
this.z = array[ offset + 2 ];
return this;
toArray: function ( array, offset ) {
if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
array[ offset ] = this.x;
array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
array[ offset + 2 ] = this.z;
return array;
fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset;
this.x = attribute.array[ index ];
this.y = attribute.array[ index + 1 ];
this.z = attribute.array[ index + 2 ];
return this;
clone: function () {
return new THREE.Vector3( this.x, this.y, this.z );
/*** END Vector3 ***/
/*** START Euler ***/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author bhouston / http://exocortex.com
THREE.Euler = function ( x, y, z, order ) {
this._x = x || 0;
this._y = y || 0;
this._z = z || 0;
this._order = order || THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder;
THREE.Euler.RotationOrders = [ 'XYZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'ZYX' ];
THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder = 'XYZ';
THREE.Euler.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Euler,
_x: 0, _y: 0, _z: 0, _order: THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder,
get x () {
return this._x;
set x ( value ) {
this._x = value;
get y () {
return this._y;
set y ( value ) {
this._y = value;
get z () {
return this._z;
set z ( value ) {
this._z = value;
get order () {
return this._order;
set order ( value ) {
this._order = value;
set: function ( x, y, z, order ) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
this._order = order || this._order;
return this;
copy: function ( euler ) {
this._x = euler._x;
this._y = euler._y;
this._z = euler._z;
this._order = euler._order;
return this;
setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m, order, update ) {
var clamp = THREE.Math.clamp;
// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
var te = m.elements;
var m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ];
var m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ];
var m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ];
order = order || this._order;
if ( order === 'XYZ' ) {
this._y = Math.asin( clamp( m13, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m13 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m11 );
} else {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
this._z = 0;
} else if ( order === 'YXZ' ) {
this._x = Math.asin( - clamp( m23, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m23 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m22 );
} else {
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );
this._z = 0;
} else if ( order === 'ZXY' ) {
this._x = Math.asin( clamp( m32, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m32 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );
} else {
this._y = 0;
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );
} else if ( order === 'ZYX' ) {
this._y = Math.asin( - clamp( m31, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m31 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m33 );
this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );
} else {
this._x = 0;
this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );
} else if ( order === 'YZX' ) {
this._z = Math.asin( clamp( m21, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m21 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m22 );
this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );
} else {
this._x = 0;
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );
} else if ( order === 'XZY' ) {
this._z = Math.asin( - clamp( m12, - 1, 1 ) );
if ( Math.abs( m12 ) < 0.99999 ) {
this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m11 );
} else {
this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
this._y = 0;
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.Euler: .setFromRotationMatrix() given unsupported order: ' + order )
this._order = order;
if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();
return this;
setFromQuaternion: function () {
var matrix;
return function ( q, order, update ) {
if ( matrix === undefined ) matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
matrix.makeRotationFromQuaternion( q );
this.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix, order, update );
return this;
setFromVector3: function ( v, order ) {
return this.set( v.x, v.y, v.z, order || this._order );
reorder: function () {
// WARNING: this discards revolution information -bhouston
var q = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function ( newOrder ) {
q.setFromEuler( this );
this.setFromQuaternion( q, newOrder );
equals: function ( euler ) {
return ( euler._x === this._x ) && ( euler._y === this._y ) && ( euler._z === this._z ) && ( euler._order === this._order );
fromArray: function ( array ) {
this._x = array[ 0 ];
this._y = array[ 1 ];
this._z = array[ 2 ];
if ( array[ 3 ] !== undefined ) this._order = array[ 3 ];
return this;
toArray: function () {
return [ this._x, this._y, this._z, this._order ];
toVector3: function ( optionalResult ) {
if ( optionalResult ) {
return optionalResult.set( this._x, this._y, this._z );
} else {
return new THREE.Vector3( this._x, this._y, this._z );
onChange: function ( callback ) {
this.onChangeCallback = callback;
return this;
onChangeCallback: function () {},
clone: function () {
return new THREE.Euler( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._order );
/*** END Euler ***/
/*** START Math ***/
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.Math = {
generateUUID: function () {
// http://www.broofa.com/Tools/Math.uuid.htm
var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split( '' );
var uuid = new Array( 36 );
var rnd = 0, r;
return function () {
for ( var i = 0; i < 36; i ++ ) {
if ( i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23 ) {
uuid[ i ] = '-';
} else if ( i == 14 ) {
uuid[ i ] = '4';
} else {
if ( rnd <= 0x02 ) rnd = 0x2000000 + ( Math.random() * 0x1000000 ) | 0;
r = rnd & 0xf;
rnd = rnd >> 4;
uuid[ i ] = chars[ ( i == 19 ) ? ( r & 0x3 ) | 0x8 : r ];
return uuid.join( '' );
// Clamp value to range
clamp: function ( x, a, b ) {
return ( x < a ) ? a : ( ( x > b ) ? b : x );
// Clamp value to range to range
mapLinear: function ( x, a1, a2, b1, b2 ) {
return b1 + ( x - a1 ) * ( b2 - b1 ) / ( a2 - a1 );
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothstep
smoothstep: function ( x, min, max ) {
if ( x <= min ) return 0;
if ( x >= max ) return 1;
x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );
return x * x * ( 3 - 2 * x );
smootherstep: function ( x, min, max ) {
if ( x <= min ) return 0;
if ( x >= max ) return 1;
x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );
return x * x * x * ( x * ( x * 6 - 15 ) + 10 );
// Random float from <0, 1> with 16 bits of randomness
// (standard Math.random() creates repetitive patterns when applied over larger space)
random16: function () {
return ( 65280 * Math.random() + 255 * Math.random() ) / 65535;
// Random integer from interval
randInt: function ( low, high ) {
return Math.floor( this.randFloat( low, high ) );
// Random float from interval
randFloat: function ( low, high ) {
return low + Math.random() * ( high - low );
// Random float from <-range/2, range/2> interval
randFloatSpread: function ( range ) {
return range * ( 0.5 - Math.random() );
degToRad: function () {
var degreeToRadiansFactor = Math.PI / 180;
return function ( degrees ) {
return degrees * degreeToRadiansFactor;
radToDeg: function () {
var radianToDegreesFactor = 180 / Math.PI;
return function ( radians ) {
return radians * radianToDegreesFactor;
isPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {
return ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) === 0 && value !== 0;
nextPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {
value --;
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
value ++;
return value;
/*** END Math ***/
module.exports = THREE;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var THREE = _dereq_('./three-math.js');
var Util = _dereq_('./util.js');
var ROTATE_SPEED = 0.5;
* Provides a quaternion responsible for pre-panning the scene before further
* transformations due to device sensors.
function TouchPanner() {
window.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchStart_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd_.bind(this));
this.isTouching = false;
this.rotateStart = new THREE.Vector2();
this.rotateEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
this.rotateDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
this.theta = 0;
this.orientation = new THREE.Quaternion();
TouchPanner.prototype.getOrientation = function() {
this.orientation.setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(0, 0, this.theta));
return this.orientation;
TouchPanner.prototype.resetSensor = function() {
this.theta = 0;
TouchPanner.prototype.onTouchStart_ = function(e) {
// Only respond if there is exactly one touch.
if (e.touches.length != 1) {
this.rotateStart.set(e.touches[0].pageX, e.touches[0].pageY);
this.isTouching = true;
TouchPanner.prototype.onTouchMove_ = function(e) {
if (!this.isTouching) {
this.rotateEnd.set(e.touches[0].pageX, e.touches[0].pageY);
this.rotateDelta.subVectors(this.rotateEnd, this.rotateStart);
// On iOS, direction is inverted.
if (Util.isIOS()) {
this.rotateDelta.x *= -1;
var element = document.body;
this.theta += 2 * Math.PI * this.rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * ROTATE_SPEED;
TouchPanner.prototype.onTouchEnd_ = function(e) {
this.isTouching = false;
module.exports = TouchPanner;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Util = window.Util || {};
Util.MIN_TIMESTEP = 0.001;
Util.clamp = function(value, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(min, value), max);
Util.isIOS = function() {
return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
Util.isFirefoxAndroid = function() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') !== -1;
// Helper method to validate the time steps of sensor timestamps.
Util.isTimestampDeltaValid = function(timestampDeltaS) {
if (isNaN(timestampDeltaS)) {
return false;
if (timestampDeltaS <= Util.MIN_TIMESTEP) {
return false;
if (timestampDeltaS > Util.MAX_TIMESTEP) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = Util;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var CardboardHMDVRDevice = _dereq_('./cardboard-hmd-vr-device.js');
//var OrientationPositionSensorVRDevice = require('./orientation-position-sensor-vr-device.js');
var FusionPositionSensorVRDevice = _dereq_('./fusion-position-sensor-vr-device.js');
var MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice = _dereq_('./mouse-keyboard-position-sensor-vr-device.js');
// Uncomment to add positional tracking via webcam.
//var WebcamPositionSensorVRDevice = require('./webcam-position-sensor-vr-device.js');
var HMDVRDevice = _dereq_('./base.js').HMDVRDevice;
var PositionSensorVRDevice = _dereq_('./base.js').PositionSensorVRDevice;
function WebVRPolyfill() {
this.devices = [];
if (!this.isWebVRAvailable()) {
WebVRPolyfill.prototype.isWebVRAvailable = function() {
return ('getVRDevices' in navigator) || ('mozGetVRDevices' in navigator);
WebVRPolyfill.prototype.enablePolyfill = function() {
// Initialize our virtual VR devices.
if (this.isCardboardCompatible()) {
this.devices.push(new CardboardHMDVRDevice());
// Polyfill using the right position sensor.
if (this.isMobile()) {
//this.devices.push(new OrientationPositionSensorVRDevice());
this.devices.push(new FusionPositionSensorVRDevice());
} else {
this.devices.push(new MouseKeyboardPositionSensorVRDevice());
// Uncomment to add positional tracking via webcam.
//this.devices.push(new WebcamPositionSensorVRDevice());
// Provide navigator.getVRDevices.
navigator.getVRDevices = this.getVRDevices.bind(this);
// Provide the CardboardHMDVRDevice and PositionSensorVRDevice objects.
window.HMDVRDevice = HMDVRDevice;
window.PositionSensorVRDevice = PositionSensorVRDevice;
WebVRPolyfill.prototype.getVRDevices = function() {
var devices = this.devices;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
} catch (e) {
* Determine if a device is mobile.
WebVRPolyfill.prototype.isMobile = function() {
return /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
WebVRPolyfill.prototype.isCardboardCompatible = function() {
// For now, support all iOS and Android devices.
// Also enable the WebVRConfig.FORCE_VR flag for debugging.
return this.isMobile() || WebVRConfig.FORCE_ENABLE_VR;
module.exports = WebVRPolyfill;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Sits in an embedded iframe, receiving DeviceMotion messages from a containing
* iFrame. These messages are converted into synthetic DeviceMotion events.
* This is a workaround for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=150072.
function DeviceMotionReceiver() {
window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage_.bind(this), false);
DeviceMotionReceiver.prototype.onMessage_ = function(event) {
var message = event.data;
if (message.type !== 'DeviceMotion') {
console.warn('Got unknown message of type %s from %s', message.type, message.origin);
console.log('onMessage_', event);
// Synthesize a DeviceMotion event.
DeviceMotionReceiver.prototype.synthesizeDeviceMotionEvent_ = function(eventData) {
var type = 'devicemotion-iframe';
var canBubble = false;
var cancelable = false;
var dme = document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent');
dme.initDeviceMotionEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable,
module.exports = DeviceMotionReceiver;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function Emitter() {
Emitter.prototype.initEmitter = function() {
this.callbacks = {};
Emitter.prototype.emit = function(eventName) {
var callbacks = this.callbacks[eventName];
if (!callbacks) {
console.log('No valid callback specified.');
var args = [].slice.call(arguments)
// Eliminate the first param (the callback).
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
callbacks[i].apply(this, args);
Emitter.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
if (eventName in this.callbacks) {
var cbs = this.callbacks[eventName]
if (cbs.indexOf(callback) == -1) {
} else {
this.callbacks[eventName] = [callback];
Emitter.prototype.removeListener = function(eventName, callback) {
if (!(eventName in this.callbacks)) {
var cbs = this.callbacks[eventName];
var ind = cbs.indexOf(callback);
if (ind == -1) {
console.warn('No matching callback found');
cbs.splice(ind, 1);
module.exports = Emitter;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Eyes = {
LEFT: 0,
module.exports = Eyes;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Shows a 2D loading indicator while various pieces of EmbedVR load.
function LoadingIndicator() {
this.el = this.build_();
LoadingIndicator.prototype.build_ = function() {
var overlay = document.createElement('div');
var s = overlay.style;
s.position = 'fixed';
s.top = 0;
s.left = 0;
s.width = '100%';
s.height = '100%';
s.background = '#000';
return overlay;
LoadingIndicator.prototype.hide = function() {
this.el.style.display = 'none';
LoadingIndicator.prototype.show = function() {
this.el.style.display = 'block';
module.exports = LoadingIndicator;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Disable distortion provided by the boilerplate because we are doing
// vertex-based distortion.
WebVRConfig = window.WebVRConfig || {}
// Initialize the loading indicator as quickly as possible to give the user
// immediate feedback.
var LoadingIndicator = _dereq_('./loading-indicator');
var loadIndicator = new LoadingIndicator();
// Include relevant polyfills.
var ES6Promise = _dereq_('../node_modules/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.min');
// Polyfill ES6 promises for IE.
var PhotosphereRenderer = _dereq_('./photosphere-renderer');
var SceneLoader = _dereq_('./scene-loader');
var Stats = _dereq_('../node_modules/stats-js/build/stats.min');
var Util = _dereq_('./util');
// Include the DeviceMotionReceiver for the iOS cross domain iframe workaround.
// This is a workaround for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=150072.
var DeviceMotionReceiver = _dereq_('./device-motion-receiver');
var dmr = new DeviceMotionReceiver();
var PlayerCommandReceiver = _dereq_('./player-command-receiver');
var PlayerEventDispatcher = _dereq_('./player-event-dispatcher');
window.addEventListener('load', init);
var stats = new Stats();
var loader = new SceneLoader();
loader.on('error', onSceneError);
loader.on('load', onSceneLoad);
var renderer = new PhotosphereRenderer();
renderer.on('error', onRenderError);
var videoElement = null;
// TODO: Make this not global.
// Currently global in order to allow callbacks.
var loadedScene = null;
function init() {
if (!Util.isWebGLEnabled()) {
showError('WebGL not supported.');
// Load the scene.
if (Util.getQueryParameter('debug')) {
function loadImage(src, params) {
renderer.on('load', onRenderLoad);
renderer.setPhotosphere(src, params);
function onSceneLoad(scene) {
if (!scene || !scene.isComplete()) {
showError('Scene failed to load');
loadedScene = scene;
var params = {
isStereo: scene.isStereo,
renderer.setDefaultLookDirection(scene.yaw || 0);
if (scene.preview && scene.image) {
var onPreviewLoad = function() {
renderer.removeListener('load', onPreviewLoad);
renderer.setPhotosphere(scene.image, params);
renderer.removeListener('load', onRenderLoad);
renderer.on('load', onPreviewLoad);
renderer.setPhotosphere(scene.preview, params);
} else if (scene.video) {
if (Util.isIOS() || Util.isIE11()) {
// On iOS and IE 11, if an 'image' param is provided, load it instead of
// showing an error.
// TODO(smus): Once video textures are supported, remove this fallback.
if (scene.image) {
loadImage(scene.image, params);
} else {
showError('Video is not supported on this platform (iOS or IE11).');
} else {
if (scene.preview) {
renderer.removeListener('load', onRenderLoad);
renderer.on('load', onVideoPreviewLoad);
renderer.setPhotosphere(scene.preview, params);
// Load the video element.
videoElement = document.createElement('video');
videoElement.src = scene.video;
videoElement.loop = true;
if (Util.isMobile()) {
videoElement.muted = true;
function unmute() {
videoElement.muted = false;
window.removeEventListener('touchstart', unmute);
window.addEventListener('touchstart', unmute);
if (scene.startTime) {
videoElement.currentTime = scene.startTime;
videoElement.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
videoElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', onVideoPlay);
videoElement.addEventListener('error', onVideoError);
function onVideoLoad() {
if (!loadedScene.noAutoplay) {
videoElement.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', onVideoLoad);
videoElement.addEventListener('canplaythrough', onVideoLoad);
new PlayerCommandReceiver(videoElement, renderer);
new PlayerEventDispatcher(videoElement, dispatchEvent);
} else if (scene.image) {
// Otherwise, just render the photosphere.
loadImage(scene.image, params);
console.log('Loaded scene', scene);
function onVideoPreviewLoad() {
renderer.removeListener('load', onVideoPreviewLoad);
if (loadedScene.noAutoplay) {
function onVideoPlay() {
// Render the stereo video.
var params = {
isStereo: loadedScene.isStereo,
renderer.set360Video(videoElement, params);
if (!loadedScene.noAutoplay) {
// Hide loading indicator.
// Prevent onVideoPlay from firing multiple times.
videoElement.removeEventListener('timeupdate', onVideoPlay);
function onRenderLoad() {
// Hide loading indicator.
function onSceneError(message) {
showError('Loader: ' + message);
function onRenderError(message) {
showError('Render: ' + message);
function onVideoError(e) {
showError('Video load error');
function showError(message, opt_title) {
// Hide loading indicator.
var error = document.querySelector('#error');
error.querySelector('.message').innerHTML = message;
var title = (opt_title !== undefined ? opt_title : 'Error');
error.querySelector('.title').innerHTML = title;
function dispatchEvent(event, data) {
if (window.parent != window && loadedScene.id) {
type: 'VrViewEvent',
vrViewId: loadedScene.id,
event: event,
eventData: data
}, '*');
function hideError() {
var error = document.querySelector('#error');
function showStats() {
stats.setMode(0); // 0: fps, 1: ms
// Align bottom-left.
stats.domElement.style.position = 'absolute';
stats.domElement.style.left = '0px';
stats.domElement.style.bottom = '0px';
function loop(time) {
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Emitter = _dereq_('./emitter');
var Eyes = _dereq_('./eyes');
var THREE = _dereq_('../node_modules/three/three');
THREE.VRControls = _dereq_('../node_modules/three/examples/js/controls/VRControls');
THREE.VREffect = _dereq_('../node_modules/three/examples/js/effects/VREffect');
var Util = _dereq_('./util');
var VertexDistorter = _dereq_('./vertex-distorter');
function PhotosphereRenderer() {
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype = new Emitter();
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.init = function() {
var container = document.querySelector('body');
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(80, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 100);
var cameraDummy = new THREE.Object3D();
// Antialiasing temporarily disabled to improve performance.
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: false});
renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 0);
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// Round down fractional DPR values for better performance.
renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.max(1, Math.floor(window.devicePixelRatio)));
var controls = new THREE.VRControls(camera);
var effect = new THREE.VREffect(renderer);
effect.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
this.camera = camera;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.effect = effect;
this.controls = controls;
this.manager = new WebVRManager(renderer, effect, {isUndistorted: true});
// The vertex distorter.
this.distorter = new VertexDistorter(this.manager.getDeviceInfo());
this.manager.on('modechange', this.onModeChange_.bind(this));
this.manager.on('viewerchange', this.onViewerChange_.bind(this));
// Watch the resize event.
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize_.bind(this));
var that = this;
navigator.getVRDevices().then(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
if (device instanceof HMDVRDevice) {
that.hmd = device;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.render = function(timestamp) {
this.manager.render(this.scenes, this.camera, timestamp);
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.setDefaultLookDirection = function(phi) {
// Rotate the camera parent to take into account the scene's rotation.
this.camera.parent.rotation.y = phi;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.enterVRMode = function() {
* Sets the photosphere based on the image in the source. Supports stereo and
* mono photospheres.
* Emits 'load' and 'error' events.
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.setPhotosphere = function(src, opt_params) {
var params = opt_params || {};
this.isStereo = !!params.isStereo;
this.src = src;
// Load texture.
var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
loader.load(src, this.onTextureLoaded_.bind(this), null,
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.set360Video = function(videoElement, opt_params) {
var params = opt_params || {};
this.isStereo = !!params.isStereo;
// Load the video texture.
var videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture(videoElement);
videoTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
videoTexture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
videoTexture.format = THREE.RGBFormat;
videoTexture.generateMipmaps = false;
videoTexture.needsUpdate = true;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.initScenes_ = function() {
this.sceneLeft = this.createScene_();
this.sceneRight = this.createScene_();
this.scenes = [this.sceneLeft, this.sceneRight];
this.eyes = [Eyes.LEFT, Eyes.RIGHT];
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.onTextureLoaded_ = function(texture) {
var sphereLeft;
var sphereRight;
if (this.isStereo) {
sphereLeft = this.createPhotosphere_(texture, {offsetY: 0.5, scaleY: 0.5});
sphereRight = this.createPhotosphere_(texture, {offsetY: 0, scaleY: 0.5});
} else {
sphereLeft = this.createPhotosphere_(texture);
sphereRight = this.createPhotosphere_(texture);
this.sceneLeft.getObjectByName('photo').children = [sphereLeft];
this.sceneRight.getObjectByName('photo').children = [sphereRight];
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.onTextureError_ = function(error) {
this.emit('error', 'Unable to load texture from ' + this.src);
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.createPhotosphere_ = function(texture, opt_params) {
var p = opt_params || {};
p.scaleX = p.scaleX || 1;
p.scaleY = p.scaleY || 1;
p.offsetX = p.offsetX || 0;
p.offsetY = p.offsetY || 0;
p.phiStart = p.phiStart || 0;
p.phiLength = p.phiLength || Math.PI * 2;
p.thetaStart = p.thetaStart || 0;
p.thetaLength = p.thetaLength || Math.PI;
var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 48, 48,
p.phiStart, p.phiLength, p.thetaStart, p.thetaLength);
geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
var uvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[0];
for (var i = 0; i < uvs.length; i ++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j ++) {
uvs[i][j].x *= p.scaleX;
uvs[i][j].x += p.offsetX;
uvs[i][j].y *= p.scaleY;
uvs[i][j].y += p.offsetY;
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture });
var out = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
out.renderOrder = -1;
return out;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.createScene_ = function(opt_params) {
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Add a light.
scene.add(new THREE.PointLight(0xFFFFFF));
// Add a group for the photosphere.
var photoGroup = new THREE.Object3D();
photoGroup.name = 'photo';
return scene;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.updateMaterial_ = function(material_FOO) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.scenes.length; i++) {
var eye = this.eyes[i];
var material = this.distorter.getShaderMaterial(eye);
var scene = this.scenes[i];
var children = scene.getObjectByName('photo').children;
for (var j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
var child = children[j];
child.material = material;
child.material.needsUpdate = true;
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.updateRenderRect_ = function() {
if (this.hmd && this.hmd.setRenderRect) {
var deviceInfo = this.manager.getDeviceInfo();
var leftRect = deviceInfo.getUndistortedViewportLeftEye();
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
leftRect.x /= dpr;
leftRect.y /= dpr;
leftRect.width /= dpr;
leftRect.height /= dpr;
var rightRect = Util.clone(leftRect);
rightRect.x = (window.innerWidth - leftRect.x) - leftRect.width;
this.hmd.setRenderRect(leftRect, rightRect);
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.onModeChange_ = function(newMode, oldMode) {
console.log('onModeChange_', newMode);
var coefficients;
if (newMode == WebVRManager.Modes.VR) {
// Entering VR mode.
} else if (oldMode == WebVRManager.Modes.VR) {
// Leaving VR mode.
if (window.analytics) {
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.onViewerChange_ = function(newViewer) {
console.log('onViewerChange_', newViewer);
// Reset the photosphere with new coefficients.
PhotosphereRenderer.prototype.onResize_ = function() {
module.exports = PhotosphereRenderer;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Sits in an embedded iframe, receiving messages to control playback
* and volume.
function PlayerCommandReceiver(player, renderer) {
this.player = player;
this.renderer = renderer;
window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage_.bind(this), false);
PlayerCommandReceiver.prototype.onMessage_ = function(event) {
var message = event.data;
if (message.type !== 'PlayerCommand') {
if (message.command === 'volume') {
this.player.volume = message.value;
else if (message.command === 'play') {
else if (message.command === 'pause') {
else if (message.command === 'enterVRMode') {
else {
console.warn('Unknown player command "%s"', message.command);
module.exports = PlayerCommandReceiver;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Sends messages to parent frame for media element events.
function PlayerEventDispatcher(player, dispatch) {
this.player = player;
this.dispatch = dispatch;
function setupEvent(name) {
player.addEventListener(name, function() {
dispatch(name, {
currentTime: player.currentTime,
currentSrc: player.currentSrc,
duration: player.duration
}, false);
module.exports = PlayerEventDispatcher;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contains all information about a given scene, including the photosphere asset,
* background music.
function SceneInfo(opt_params) {
var params = opt_params || {};
this.id = params.id;
this.title = params.title;
this.image = params.image;
this.preview = params.preview;
this.isStereo = !!params.isStereo;
this.audio = params.audio;
this.video = params.video;
this.yaw = params.yaw || 0;
this.startTime = params.startTime || 0;
this.isYawOnly = params.isYawOnly;
this.noAutoplay = !!params.noAutoplay;
SceneInfo.prototype.isComplete = function() {
return !!this.image || !!this.video;
SceneInfo.prototype.toObject = function() {
return {
id: this.id || null,
title: this.title || null,
image: this.image,
preview: this.preview,
isStereo: this.isStereo,
audio: this.audio,
yaw: this.yaw || null,
startTime: this.startTime || null,
video: this.video || null,
noAutoplay: this.noAutoplay || null,
SceneInfo.prototype.isImageDataURI = function() {
return this.image.indexOf('data:') == 0;
module.exports = SceneInfo;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Emitter = _dereq_('./emitter');
var SceneInfo = _dereq_('./scene-info');
var Query = {
JSON_URL: 'url',
ID: 'id',
VIDEO_URL: 'video',
OBJECT_URL: 'object',
IMAGE_URL: 'image',
PREVIEW_URL: 'preview',
IS_STEREO: 'is_stereo',
AUDIO_URL: 'audio',
START_YAW: 'start_yaw',
START_TIME: 'start_time',
IS_YAW_ONLY: 'is_yaw_only',
NO_AUTOPLAY: 'no_autoplay',
function SceneLoader() {
SceneLoader.prototype = new Emitter();
* Loads a scene from a JSON file.
SceneLoader.prototype.loadFromJson_ = function(url, callback) {
// XHR to fetch the JSON.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url);
var that = this;
xhr.onload = function(e) {
try {
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(this.response);
} catch (e) {
that.emit('error', 'Invalid JSON at ' + url + '.');
var labelObjects = {};
var labels = jsonObj.labels || [];
// Go through the labels in the data and objectify them.
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
var label = new Label(labels[i]);
labelObjects[label.id] = label;
jsonObj.labels = labelObjects;
var scene = new SceneInfo(jsonObj);
that.emit('load', scene);
* Parse out GET parameters from the URL string and load the scene.
SceneLoader.prototype.loadFromGetParams_ = function() {
var params = {
id: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.ID),
image: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.IMAGE_URL),
video: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.VIDEO_URL),
object: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.OBJECT_URL),
preview: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.PREVIEW_URL),
isStereo: this.parseBoolean_(Util.getQueryParameter(Query.IS_STEREO)),
audio: Util.getQueryParameter(Query.AUDIO_URL),
isYawOnly: this.parseBoolean_(Util.getQueryParameter(Query.IS_YAW_ONLY)),
yaw: THREE.Math.degToRad(Util.getQueryParameter(Query.START_YAW)),
startTime: parseFloat(Util.getQueryParameter(Query.START_TIME)),
noAutoplay: this.parseBoolean_(Util.getQueryParameter(Query.NO_AUTOPLAY)),
var count = 0;
count += (params[Query.IMAGE_URL] ? 1 : 0);
count += (params[Query.VIDEO_URL] ? 1 : 0);
count += (params[Query.OBJECT_URL] ? 1 : 0);
// Validate this.
if (count == 0) {
this.emit('error', 'Either "image", "video", or "object" GET parameter is required.');
var scene = new SceneInfo(params);
this.emit('load', scene);
SceneLoader.prototype.parseBoolean_ = function(value) {
if (value == 'false') {
return false;
return !!value;
SceneLoader.prototype.loadScene = function(callback) {
// If there's a url param specified, try loading from JSON.
var url = Util.getQueryParameter('url');
var image = Util.getQueryParameter('image');
var video = Util.getQueryParameter('video');
var object = Util.getQueryParameter('object');
if (url) {
} else if (image || video || object) {
// Otherwise, try loading from URL parameters.
} else {
// If it fails, throw an exception.
this.emit('error', 'Unable to load scene. Required parameter missing.');
module.exports = SceneLoader;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Util = window.Util || {};
Util.isDataURI = function(src) {
return src && src.indexOf('data:') == 0;
Util.generateUUID = function() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
Util.isMobile = function() {
var check = false;
(function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4)))check = true})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera);
return check;
Util.isIOS = function() {
return /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent);
Util.cloneObject = function(obj) {
var out = {};
for (key in obj) {
out[key] = obj[key];
return out;
Util.hashCode = function(s) {
return s.split("").reduce(function(a,b){a=((a<<5)-a)+b.charCodeAt(0);return a&a},0);
Util.loadTrackSrc = function(context, src, callback, opt_progressCallback) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', src, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
// Decode asynchronously.
request.onload = function() {
context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
}, function(e) {
if (opt_progressCallback) {
request.onprogress = function(e) {
var percent = e.loaded / e.total;
Util.isPow2 = function(n) {
return (n & (n - 1)) == 0;
Util.capitalize = function(s) {
return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
Util.isIFrame = function() {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// From http://goo.gl/4WX3tg
Util.getQueryParameter = function(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
// From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11871077/proper-way-to-detect-webgl-support.
Util.isWebGLEnabled = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
try { gl = canvas.getContext("webgl"); }
catch (x) { gl = null; }
if (gl == null) {
try { gl = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); experimental = true; }
catch (x) { gl = null; }
return !!gl;
Util.clone = function(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
// From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10140604/fastest-hypotenuse-in-javascript
Util.hypot = Math.hypot || function(x, y) {
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
// From http://stackoverflow.com/a/17447718/693934
Util.isIE11 = function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/);
module.exports = Util;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
THREE = _dereq_('../node_modules/three/three');
var Eyes = _dereq_('./eyes');
var Util = _dereq_('./util');
var DEFAULT_FOV = 40;
var NO_DISTORTION = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
* Responsible for distortion correction by pre-distorting the vertex geometry
* so that a second shader pass is not needed. This is intended to greatly
* optimize the rendering process.
function VertexDistorter(deviceInfo) {
this.texture = null;
this.isEnabled = false;
this.deviceInfo = deviceInfo;
VertexDistorter.prototype.setEnabled = function(isEnabled) {
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
* Sets the texture that is used to render this photosphere.
VertexDistorter.prototype.setMap = function(texture) {
this.texture = texture;
VertexDistorter.prototype.getVertexShader_ = function() {
return [
'#ifdef GL_ES',
'precision highp float;',
'varying vec2 vUV;',
'void main() {',
// Pass through texture coordinates to the fragment shader.
'vUV = uv;',
// Here, we want to ensure that we are using an undistorted projection
// matrix. By setting isUndistorted: true in the WebVRManager, we
// guarantee this.
'vec4 pos = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);',
'gl_Position = Distort(pos);',
VertexDistorter.prototype.getNoopVertexShader_ = function() {
return [
'#ifdef GL_ES',
'precision highp float;',
'varying vec2 vUV;',
'void main() {',
'gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);',
'vUV = uv;',
VertexDistorter.prototype.getFragmentShader_ = function() {
return [
'#ifdef GL_ES',
'precision highp float;',
'varying vec2 vUV;',
'uniform sampler2D texture;',
'void main() {',
'gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vUV);',
VertexDistorter.prototype.getNoopDistortionInclude_ = function() {
return [
'vec4 Distort(vec4 point) {',
'return point;',
VertexDistorter.prototype.getDistortionInclude_ = function() {
return [
'uniform float uDistortionCoefficients[12];',
'uniform float uDistortionMaxFovSquared;',
'uniform vec2 uDistortionFovOffset;',
'uniform vec2 uDistortionFovScale;',
// Returns a scalar to distort a point; computed in reverse via the polynomial approximation:
// r' = 1 + Σ_i (uDistortionCoefficients[i] rSquared^(i+1)) i=[0..11]
// where rSquared is the squared radius of an undistorted point in tan-angle space.
// See {@link Distortion} for more information.
'float DistortionFactor(float rSquared) {',
'float ret = 0.0;',
'rSquared = min(uDistortionMaxFovSquared, rSquared);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[11]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[10]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[9]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[8]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[7]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[6]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[5]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[4]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[3]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[2]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[1]);',
'ret = rSquared * (ret + uDistortionCoefficients[0]);',
'return ret + 1.0;',
// Given a point in clip space, distort the point according to the coefficients stored in
// uDistortionCoefficients and the field of view (FOV) specified in uDistortionFovOffset and
// uDistortionFovScale.
// Returns the distorted point in clip space, with its Z untouched.
'vec4 Distort(vec4 point) {',
// Put point into normalized device coordinates (NDC), [(-1, -1, -1) to (1, 1, 1)].
'vec3 pointNdc = point.xyz / point.w;',
// Throw away the Z coordinate and map the point to the unit square, [(0, 0) to (1, 1)].
'vec2 pointUnitSquare = (pointNdc.xy + vec2(1.0)) / 2.0;',
// Map the point into FOV tan-angle space.
'vec2 pointTanAngle = pointUnitSquare * uDistortionFovScale - uDistortionFovOffset;',
'float radiusSquared = dot(pointTanAngle, pointTanAngle);',
'float distortionFactor = DistortionFactor(radiusSquared);',
//'float distortionFactor = 2.0;',
'vec2 distortedPointTanAngle = pointTanAngle * distortionFactor;',
// Reverse the mappings above to bring the distorted point back into NDC space.
'vec2 distortedPointUnitSquare = (distortedPointTanAngle + uDistortionFovOffset)',
'/ uDistortionFovScale;',
'vec3 distortedPointNdc = vec3(distortedPointUnitSquare * 2.0 - vec2(1.0), pointNdc.z);',
// Convert the point into clip space before returning in case any operations are done after.
'return vec4(distortedPointNdc, 1.0) * point.w;',
VertexDistorter.prototype.getDistortionMaxFovSquared_ = function() {
var fov = this.getFov_();
var maxFov = Util.hypot(
Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(Math.max(fov.leftDegrees, fov.rightDegrees))),
Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(Math.max(fov.downDegrees, fov.upDegrees))));
return maxFov * maxFov;
VertexDistorter.prototype.getDistortionCoefficients_ = function() {
var viewer = this.deviceInfo.viewer;
return this.isEnabled ? viewer.inverseCoefficients : NO_DISTORTION;
VertexDistorter.prototype.getDistortionFovOffset_ = function(eye) {
var fov = this.getFov_(eye);
var sideDegrees = Math.min(fov.leftDegrees, fov.rightDegrees);
var left = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(sideDegrees));
var left = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.leftDegrees));
var down = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.downDegrees));
return new THREE.Vector2(left, down);
VertexDistorter.prototype.getDistortionFovScale_ = function() {
var fov = this.getFov_();
var left = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.leftDegrees));
var right = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.rightDegrees));
var up = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.upDegrees));
var down = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(fov.downDegrees));
return new THREE.Vector2(left + right, up + down);
VertexDistorter.prototype.getUniforms_ = function(eye) {
return {
texture: {
type: 't',
value: this.texture
uDistortionCoefficients: {
type: 'fv1',
value: this.getDistortionCoefficients_()
uDistortionMaxFovSquared: {
type: 'f',
value: this.getDistortionMaxFovSquared_()
uDistortionFovOffset: {
type: 'v2',
value: this.getDistortionFovOffset_(eye)
uDistortionFovScale: {
type: 'v2',
value: this.getDistortionFovScale_()
VertexDistorter.prototype.getShaderMaterial = function(eye) {
var uniforms = this.getUniforms_(eye);
return new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: this.getVertexShader_(),
fragmentShader: this.getFragmentShader_()
VertexDistorter.prototype.getFov_ = function(opt_eye) {
var eye = opt_eye || Eyes.LEFT;
if (eye == Eyes.LEFT) {
return this.deviceInfo.getFieldOfViewLeftEye(true);
if (eye == Eyes.RIGHT) {
return this.deviceInfo.getFieldOfViewRightEye(true);
return null;
module.exports = VertexDistorter;