description 'Adds links for section editing for headlines' Page.attributes do boolean :no_editsection end class EditSection < Filters::NestingFilter def find_sections_regexp(content, regexp) sections, offset = [], 0 while (offset = content.index(regexp, offset)) sections.last[1] = offset if sections.last # [Section start, section end, Position to insert edit link, section text] sections << [offset + $2.size, content.length, offset + $1.size, $3.strip] offset += $&.size end sections end # Creole/Mediawiki style headlines (e.g. == Headline ==) def find_sections_creole(content) find_sections_regexp(content, /((\A|\s*\n)=+(.*?))=*\s*$/) end # ATX/Markdown style headlines (e.g. ## Headline) def find_sections_atx(content) find_sections_regexp(content, /((\A|\s*\n)#+(.*))$/) end # Returns section array # [[Section start, section end, Position to insert edit link, section text], ...] def find_sections(mime, content) case mime.to_s when %r{^text/x-(creole|mediawiki)$} find_sections_creole(content) when %r{^text/x-markdown} find_sections_atx(content) else raise "Mime type #{mime} not supported by editsection filter" end end def filter(context, content) page = if context[:preview] || !page.head? || page.attributes['no_editsection'] subfilter(context, content) else sections = find_sections(, content) offset = 0 prefix = "EDIT#{object_id}X" sections.each_with_index do |h,i| link = " #{prefix}#{i} " content.insert(h[2] + offset, link) offset += link.size end content = subfilter(context, content) content.gsub!(/#{prefix}(\d+)/) do i = $1.to_i len = sections[i][1] - sections[i][0] path = build_path(page, :action => :edit, :pos => sections[i][0], :len => len, :comment => :section_edited.t(:section => sections[i][3])) %{#{escape_html :edit.t}} end content end end end Filters::Filter.register :editsection, EditSection