dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'date' require 'time' require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' class Boolean; end class XmlContent; end module HappyMapper DEFAULT_NS = "happymapper" def self.included(base) base.instance_variable_set("@attributes", {}) base.instance_variable_set("@elements", {}) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def attribute(name, type, options={}) attribute = Attribute.new(name, type, options) @attributes[to_s] ||= [] @attributes[to_s] << attribute attr_accessor attribute.method_name.intern end def attributes @attributes[to_s] || [] end def element(name, type, options={}) element = Element.new(name, type, options) @elements[to_s] ||= [] @elements[to_s] << element attr_accessor element.method_name.intern end def elements @elements[to_s] || [] end def text_node(name, type, options={}) @text_node = TextNode.new(name, type, options) attr_accessor @text_node.method_name.intern end def has_xml_content attr_accessor :xml_content end def has_one(name, type, options={}) element name, type, {:single => true}.merge(options) end def has_many(name, type, options={}) element name, type, {:single => false}.merge(options) end # Specify a namespace if a node and all its children are all namespaced # elements. This is simpler than passing the :namespace option to each # defined element. def namespace(namespace = nil) @namespace = namespace if namespace @namespace end def tag(new_tag_name) @tag_name = new_tag_name.to_s unless new_tag_name.nil? || new_tag_name.to_s.empty? end def tag_name @tag_name ||= to_s.split('::')[-1].downcase end def parse(xml, options = {}) # locally scoped copy of namespace for this parse run namespace = @namespace if xml.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) node = xml else if xml.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) node = xml.root else xml = Nokogiri::XML(xml) node = xml.root end root = node.name == tag_name end # This is the entry point into the parsing pipeline, so the default # namespace prefix registered here will propagate down namespaces = options[:namespaces] namespaces ||= {} namespaces = namespaces.merge(xml.collect_namespaces) if xml.respond_to?(:collect_namespaces) namespaces = namespaces.merge(xml.namespaces) if namespaces.has_key?("xmlns") namespace ||= DEFAULT_NS namespaces[namespace] = namespaces.delete("xmlns") elsif namespaces.has_key?(DEFAULT_NS) namespace ||= DEFAULT_NS end nodes = options.fetch(:nodes) do xpath = (root ? '/' : './/') xpath = options[:xpath].to_s.sub(/([^\/])$/, '\1/') if options[:xpath] xpath += "#{namespace}:" if namespace #puts "parse: #{xpath}" nodes = [] # when finding nodes, do it in this order: # 1. specified tag # 2. name of element # 3. tag_name (derived from class name by default) [options[:tag], options[:name], tag_name].compact.each do |xpath_ext| nodes = node.xpath(xpath + xpath_ext.to_s, namespaces) break if nodes && !nodes.empty? end nodes end collection = nodes.collect do |n| obj = new attributes.each do |attr| obj.send("#{attr.method_name}=", attr.from_xml_node(n, namespace, namespaces)) end elements.each do |elem| obj.send("#{elem.method_name}=", elem.from_xml_node(n, namespace, namespaces)) end obj.send("#{@text_node.method_name}=", @text_node.from_xml_node(n, namespace, namespaces)) if @text_node if obj.respond_to?('xml_content=') n = n.children if n.respond_to?(:children) obj.xml_content = n.to_xml end obj end # per http://libxml.rubyforge.org/rdoc/classes/LibXML/XML/Document.html#M000354 nodes = nil if options[:single] || root collection.first else collection end end end end require File.join(dir, 'happymapper/item') require File.join(dir, 'happymapper/attribute') require File.join(dir, 'happymapper/element') require File.join(dir, 'happymapper/text_node')