Welcome! ======== This is the home of Pygments. It is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. Highlights are: * a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported * special attention is paid to details that increase highlighting quality * support for new languages and formats are added easily; most languages use a simple regex-based lexing mechanism * a number of output formats is available, among them HTML, RTF, LaTeX and ANSI sequences * it is usable as a command-line tool and as a library * ... and it highlights even Brainf*ck! Read more in the FAQ list or the documentation, or download the latest release. Though Pygments has not yet won an award, we trust that you will notice it's a top quality product . .. _contribute: Contribute ---------- Like every open-source project, we are always looking for volunteers to help us with programming. Python knowledge is required, but don't fear: Python is a very clear and easy to learn language. Development takes place on `Bitbucket `_, where the Mercurial repository, tickets and pull requests can be viewed. Our primary communication instrument is the IRC channel **#pocoo** on the Freenode network. To join it, let your IRC client connect to ``irc.freenode.net`` and do ``/join #pocoo``. If you found a bug, just open a ticket in the Bitbucket tracker. Be sure to log in to be notified when the issue is fixed -- development is not fast-paced as the library is quite stable. You can also send an e-mail to the developers, see below. The authors ----------- Pygments is maintained by **Georg Brandl**, e-mail address *georg*\ *@*\ *python.org*. Many lexers and fixes have been contributed by **Armin Ronacher**, the rest of the `Pocoo `_ team and **Tim Hatch**. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: docs/index