require 'active_support/core_ext/hash' require 'active_support/core_ext/array' require 'erb' require 'htmlentities' require 'kramdown' require 'kramdown/parser/kramdown_with_automatic_external_links' require 'govspeak/header_extractor' require 'govspeak/structured_header_extractor' require 'govspeak/html_validator' require 'govspeak/html_sanitizer' require 'govspeak/kramdown_overrides' require 'govspeak/blockquote_extra_quote_remover' require 'govspeak/post_processor' require 'govspeak/presenters/attachment_presenter' require 'govspeak/presenters/contact_presenter' require 'govspeak/presenters/h_card_presenter' module Govspeak class Document Parser = Kramdown::Parser::KramdownWithAutomaticExternalLinks PARSER_CLASS_NAME ="::").last @@extensions = [] attr_accessor :images attr_reader :attachments, :contacts, :links, :locale def self.to_html(source, options = {}) new(source, options).to_html end def initialize(source, options = {}) options = options.dup.deep_symbolize_keys @source = source ? source.dup : "" @images = options.delete(:images) || [] @attachments = Array.wrap(options.delete(:attachments)) @links = Array.wrap(options.delete(:links)) @contacts = Array.wrap(options.delete(:contacts)) @locale = options.fetch(:locale, "en") @options = {input: PARSER_CLASS_NAME}.merge(options) @options[:entity_output] = :symbolic i18n_load_paths end def i18n_load_paths Dir.glob('locales/*.yml') do |f| I18n.load_path << f end end private :i18n_load_paths def kramdown_doc @kramdown_doc ||=, @options) end private :kramdown_doc def to_html @html ||= Govspeak::PostProcessor.process(kramdown_doc.to_html) end def to_liquid to_html end def t(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last.dup : {} key = args.shift I18n.t(key, options.merge(locale: locale)) end def to_sanitized_html end def to_sanitized_html_without_images end def to_text<[^>]+>|\s)+/, " ").strip) end def valid?(validation_options = {}), validation_options).valid? end def headers Govspeak::HeaderExtractor.convert(kramdown_doc).first end def structured_headers end def preprocess(source) source = Govspeak::BlockquoteExtraQuoteRemover.remove(source) @@extensions.each do |title,regexp,block| source.gsub!(regexp) { instance_exec(*Regexp.last_match.captures, &block) } end source end def encode(text) end private :encode def self.extension(title, regexp = nil, &block) regexp ||= %r${::#{title}}(.*?){:/#{title}}$m @@extensions << [title, regexp, block] end def self.surrounded_by(open, close=nil) open = Regexp::escape(open) if close close = Regexp::escape(close) %r+(?:\r|\n|^)#{open}(.*?)#{close} *(\r|\n|$)?+m else %r+(?:\r|\n|^)#{open}(.*?)#{open}? *(\r|\n|$)+m end end def self.wrap_with_div(class_name, character, parser=Kramdown::Document) extension(class_name, surrounded_by(character)) { |body| content = parser ?"#{body.strip}\n").to_html : body.strip %{\n
\n} } end def insert_strong_inside_p(body, parser=Govspeak::Document)^



") end extension('highlight-answer') { |body| %{\n\n
\n} } extension('stat-headline', %r${stat-headline}(.*?){/stat-headline}$m) { |body| %{\n\n\n} } # FIXME: these surrounded_by arguments look dodgy extension('external', surrounded_by("x[", ")x")) { |body|"[#{body.strip}){:rel='external'}").to_html } extension('informational', surrounded_by("^")) { |body| %{\n\n
\n} } extension('important', surrounded_by("@")) { |body| %{\n\n
\n} } extension('helpful', surrounded_by("%")) { |body| %{\n\n
\n} } extension('barchart', /{barchart(.*?)}/) do |captures, body| stacked = '.mc-stacked' if captures.include? 'stacked' compact = '.compact' if captures.include? 'compact' negative = '.mc-negative' if captures.include? 'negative' [ '{:', '.js-barchart-table', stacked, compact, negative, '.mc-auto-outdent', '}' ].join(' ') end extension('attached-image', /^!!([0-9]+)/) do |image_number| image = images[image_number.to_i - 1] if image caption = image.caption rescue nil render_image(image.url, image.alt_text, caption) else "" end end extension('attachment', /\[embed:attachments:(?!inline:|image:)\s*(.*?)\s*\]/) do |content_id, body| attachment = attachments.detect { |a| a[:content_id] == content_id } next "" unless attachment attachment = content = + '/templates/attachment.html.erb') end extension('attachment inline', /\[embed:attachments:inline:\s*(.*?)\s*\]/) do |content_id| attachment = attachments.detect { |a| a[:content_id] == content_id } next "" unless attachment attachment = span_id = ? %{ id="attachment_#{}"} : "" # new lines inside our title cause problems with govspeak rendering as this is expected to be on one line. title = (attachment.title || "").tr("\n", " ") link =, attachment.url) attributes = attachment.attachment_attributes.empty? ? "" : " (#{attachment.attachment_attributes})" %{#{link}#{attributes}} end extension('attachment image', /\[embed:attachments:image:\s*(.*?)\s*\]/) do |content_id| attachment = attachments.detect { |a| a[:content_id] == content_id } next "" unless attachment attachment = title = (attachment.title || "").tr("\n", " ") render_image(attachment.url, title, nil, end # As of version 1.12.0 of Kramdown the block elements (div & figcaption) # inside this html block will have it's < > converted into HTML Entities # when ever this code is used inside block level elements. # # To resolve this we have a post-processing task that will convert this # back into HTML (I know - it's ugly). The way we could resolve this # without ugliness would be to output only inline elements which rules # out div and figcaption # # This issue is not considered a bug by kramdown: def render_image(url, alt_text, caption = nil, id = nil) id_attr = id ? %{ id="attachment_#{id}"} : "" lines = [] lines << %{} lines << %Q{
} lines << %Q{
} if caption && !caption.strip.empty? lines << '' lines.join end wrap_with_div('summary', '$!') wrap_with_div('form-download', '$D') wrap_with_div('contact', '$C') wrap_with_div('place', '$P', Govspeak::Document) wrap_with_div('information', '$I', Govspeak::Document) wrap_with_div('additional-information', '$AI') wrap_with_div('example', '$E', Govspeak::Document) wrap_with_div('call-to-action', '$CTA', Govspeak::Document) extension('address', surrounded_by("$A")) { |body| %{\n

\n#{body.sub("\n", "").gsub("\n", "

\n} } extension("legislative list", /(?<=\A|\n\n|\r\n\r\n)^\$LegislativeList\s*$(.*?)\$EndLegislativeList/m) do |body| Govspeak::KramdownOverrides.with_kramdown_ordered_lists_disabled do do |doc| doc.gsub!('', '') doc.sub!('
    ', '
      ') end end end extension("numbered list", /^[ \t]*((s\d+\.\s.*(?:\n|$))+)/) do |body| steps ||= 0 body.gsub!(/s(\d+)\.\s(.*)(?:\n|$)/) do |b| "
    1. #{$2.strip).to_html}
    2. \n" end %{
      } end def self.devolved_options { 'scotland' => 'Scotland', 'england' => 'England', 'england-wales' => 'England and Wales', 'northern-ireland' => 'Northern Ireland', 'wales' => 'Wales', 'london' => 'London' } end devolved_options.each do |k,v| extension("devolved-#{k}",/:#{k}:(.*?):#{k}:/m) do |body| %{

      This section applies to #{v}

      \n} end end extension("Priority list", /(?<=\A|\n\n|\r\n\r\n)^\$PriorityList:(\d+)\s*$(.*?)(?:^\s*$|\Z)/m) do |number_to_show, body| number_to_show = number_to_show.to_i tagged = 0
    3. /) do |match| if tagged < number_to_show tagged += 1 '
    4. ' else match end end end extension('embed link', /\[embed:link:\s*(.*?)\s*\]/) do |content_id| link = links.detect { |l| l[:content_id] == content_id } next "" unless link if link[:url] "[#{link[:title]}](#{link[:url]})" else link[:title] end end def render_hcard_address(contact) HCardPresenter.from_contact(contact).render end private :render_hcard_address extension('Contact', /\[Contact:\s*(.*?)\s*\]/) do |content_id| contact = contacts.detect { |c| c[:content_id] == content_id } next "" unless contact contact = @renderer ||= + '/templates/contact.html.erb')) @renderer.result(binding) end end end