Feature: Check file content Background: Given I use a fixture named "cli-app" Scenario: Existing file having content Given a file named "features/file_content.feature" with: """ Feature: File content Scenario: file content Given a file named "test.txt" with: \"\"\" Hello World \"\"\" Then the file named "test.txt" should contain: \"\"\" Hello World \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Existing file having content with special characters Given a file named "features/file_content.feature" with: """ Feature: File content Scenario: file content Given a file named "test.txt" with: \"\"\" UUUUU 1 scenario (1 undefined) 5 steps (5 undefined) \"\"\" Then the file named "test.txt" should contain: \"\"\" UUUUU 1 scenario (1 undefined) 5 steps (5 undefined) \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber --format progress` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Trailing white space is ignored Given a file named "features/file_content.feature" with: """ Feature: File content Scenario: file content Given a file named "test.txt" with: \"\"\" UUUUU \"\"\" Then the file named "test.txt" should contain: \"\"\" UUUUU \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Use non-ASCII UTF-8 characters Given a file named "features/file_content.feature" with: """ Feature: File content Scenario: file content Given a file named "test.txt" with: \"\"\" フィーチャ \"\"\" When I run `cat test.txt` Then the output should contain: \"\"\" フィーチャ \"\"\" And the file named "test.txt" should contain: \"\"\" フィーチャ \"\"\" """ When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass