/* Copyright (c) 2015, FIRST.ORG, INC. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the * following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* This JavaScript contains two main functions. Both take CVSS metric values and calculate CVSS scores for Base, * Temporal and Environmental metric groups, their associated severity ratings, and an overall Vector String. * * Use CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics if you wish to pass metric values as individual parameters. * Use CVSS.calculateCVSSFromVector if you wish to pass metric values as a single Vector String. * * Changelog * * 2015-08-04 Darius Wiles Added CVSS.generateXMLFromMetrics and CVSS.generateXMLFromVector functions to return * XML string representations of: a set of metric values; or a Vector String respectively. * Moved all constants and functions to an object named "CVSS" to * reduce the chance of conflicts in global variables when this file is combined with * other JavaScript code. This will break all existing code that uses this file until * the string "CVSS." is prepended to all references. The "Exploitability" metric has been * renamed "Exploit Code Maturity" in the specification, so the same change has been made * in the code in this file. * * 2015-04-24 Darius Wiles Environmental formula modified to eliminate undesirable behavior caused by subtle * differences in rounding between Temporal and Environmental formulas that often * caused the latter to be 0.1 lower than than the former when all Environmental * metrics are "Not defined". Also added a RoundUp1 function to simplify formulas. * * 2015-04-09 Darius Wiles Added calculateCVSSFromVector function, license information, cleaned up code and improved * comments. * * 2014-12-12 Darius Wiles Initial release for CVSS 3.0 Preview 2. */ // Constants used in the formula. They are not declared as "const" to avoid problems in older browsers. var CVSS = {}; CVSS.CVSSVersionIdentifier = "CVSS:3.0"; CVSS.exploitabilityCoefficient = 8.22; CVSS.scopeCoefficient = 1.08; // A regular expression to validate that a CVSS 3.0 vector string is well formed. It checks metrics and metric // values. It does not check that a metric is specified more than once and it does not check that all base // metrics are present. These checks need to be performed separately. CVSS.vectorStringRegex_30 = /^CVSS:3\.0\/((AV:[NALP]|AC:[LH]|PR:[UNLH]|UI:[NR]|S:[UC]|[CIA]:[NLH]|E:[XUPFH]|RL:[XOTWU]|RC:[XURC]|[CIA]R:[XLMH]|MAV:[XNALP]|MAC:[XLH]|MPR:[XUNLH]|MUI:[XNR]|MS:[XUC]|M[CIA]:[XNLH])\/)*(AV:[NALP]|AC:[LH]|PR:[UNLH]|UI:[NR]|S:[UC]|[CIA]:[NLH]|E:[XUPFH]|RL:[XOTWU]|RC:[XURC]|[CIA]R:[XLMH]|MAV:[XNALP]|MAC:[XLH]|MPR:[XUNLH]|MUI:[XNR]|MS:[XUC]|M[CIA]:[XNLH])$/; // Associative arrays mapping each metric value to the constant defined in the CVSS scoring formula in the CVSS v3.0 // specification. CVSS.Weight = { AV: { N: 0.85, A: 0.62, L: 0.55, P: 0.2}, AC: { H: 0.44, L: 0.77}, PR: { U: {N: 0.85, L: 0.62, H: 0.27}, // These values are used if Scope is Unchanged C: {N: 0.85, L: 0.68, H: 0.5}}, // These values are used if Scope is Changed UI: { N: 0.85, R: 0.62}, S: { U: 6.42, C: 7.52}, // Note: not defined as constants in specification CIA: { N: 0, L: 0.22, H: 0.56}, // C, I and A have the same weights E: { X: 1, U: 0.91, P: 0.94, F: 0.97, H: 1}, RL: { X: 1, O: 0.95, T: 0.96, W: 0.97, U: 1}, RC: { X: 1, U: 0.92, R: 0.96, C: 1}, CIAR: { X: 1, L: 0.5, M: 1, H: 1.5} // CR, IR and AR have the same weights }; // Severity rating bands, as defined in the CVSS v3.0 specification. CVSS.severityRatings = [ { name: "None", bottom: 0.0, top: 0.0}, { name: "Low", bottom: 0.1, top: 3.9}, { name: "Medium", bottom: 4.0, top: 6.9}, { name: "High", bottom: 7.0, top: 8.9}, { name: "Critical", bottom: 9.0, top: 10.0} ]; /* ** CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics ** * * Takes Base, Temporal and Environmental metric values as individual parameters. Their values are in the short format * defined in the CVSS v3.0 standard definition of the Vector String. For example, the AttackComplexity parameter * should be either "H" or "L". * * Returns Base, Temporal and Environmental scores, severity ratings, and an overall Vector String. All Base metrics * are required to generate this output. All Temporal and Environmental metric values are optional. Any that are not * passed default to "X" ("Not Defined"). * * The output is an object which always has a property named "success". * * If no errors are encountered, success is Boolean "true", and the following other properties are defined containing * scores, severities and a vector string: * baseMetricScore, baseSeverity, * temporalMetricScore, temporalSeverity, * environmentalMetricScore, environmentalSeverity, * vectorString * * If errors are encountered, success is Boolean "false", and the following other properties are defined: * errorType - a string indicating the error. Either: * "MissingBaseMetric", if at least one Base metric has not been defined; or * "UnknownMetricValue", if at least one metric value is invalid. * errorMetrics - an array of strings representing the metrics at fault. The strings are abbreviated versions of the * metrics, as defined in the CVSS v3.0 standard definition of the Vector String. */ CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics = function ( AttackVector, AttackComplexity, PrivilegesRequired, UserInteraction, Scope, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, ExploitCodeMaturity, RemediationLevel, ReportConfidence, ConfidentialityRequirement, IntegrityRequirement, AvailabilityRequirement, ModifiedAttackVector, ModifiedAttackComplexity, ModifiedPrivilegesRequired, ModifiedUserInteraction, ModifiedScope, ModifiedConfidentiality, ModifiedIntegrity, ModifiedAvailability) { // If input validation fails, this array is populated with strings indicating which metrics failed validation. var badMetrics = []; // ENSURE ALL BASE METRICS ARE DEFINED // // We need values for all Base Score metrics to calculate scores. // If any Base Score parameters are undefined, create an array of missing metrics and return it with an error. if (typeof AttackVector === "undefined" || AttackVector === "") { badMetrics.push("AV"); } if (typeof AttackComplexity === "undefined" || AttackComplexity === "") { badMetrics.push("AC"); } if (typeof PrivilegesRequired === "undefined" || PrivilegesRequired === "") { badMetrics.push("PR"); } if (typeof UserInteraction === "undefined" || UserInteraction === "") { badMetrics.push("UI"); } if (typeof Scope === "undefined" || Scope === "") { badMetrics.push("S"); } if (typeof Confidentiality === "undefined" || Confidentiality === "") { badMetrics.push("C"); } if (typeof Integrity === "undefined" || Integrity === "") { badMetrics.push("I"); } if (typeof Availability === "undefined" || Availability === "") { badMetrics.push("A"); } if (badMetrics.length > 0) { return { success: false, errorType: "MissingBaseMetric", errorMetrics: badMetrics }; } // STORE THE METRIC VALUES THAT WERE PASSED AS PARAMETERS // // Temporal and Environmental metrics are optional, so set them to "X" ("Not Defined") if no value was passed. var AV = AttackVector; var AC = AttackComplexity; var PR = PrivilegesRequired; var UI = UserInteraction; var S = Scope; var C = Confidentiality; var I = Integrity; var A = Availability; var E = ExploitCodeMaturity || "X"; var RL = RemediationLevel || "X"; var RC = ReportConfidence || "X"; var CR = ConfidentialityRequirement || "X"; var IR = IntegrityRequirement || "X"; var AR = AvailabilityRequirement || "X"; var MAV = ModifiedAttackVector || "X"; var MAC = ModifiedAttackComplexity || "X"; var MPR = ModifiedPrivilegesRequired || "X"; var MUI = ModifiedUserInteraction || "X"; var MS = ModifiedScope || "X"; var MC = ModifiedConfidentiality || "X"; var MI = ModifiedIntegrity || "X"; var MA = ModifiedAvailability || "X"; // CHECK VALIDITY OF METRIC VALUES // // Use the Weight object to ensure that, for every metric, the metric value passed is valid. // If any invalid values are found, create an array of their metrics and return it with an error. // // The Privileges Required (PR) weight depends on Scope, but when checking the validity of PR we must not assume // that the given value for Scope is valid. We therefore always look at the weights for Unchanged Scope when // performing this check. The same applies for validation of Modified Privileges Required (MPR). // // The Weights object does not contain "X" ("Not Defined") values for Environmental metrics because we replace them // with their Base metric equivalents later in the function. For example, an MAV of "X" will be replaced with the // value given for AV. We therefore need to explicitly allow a value of "X" for Environmental metrics. if (!CVSS.Weight.AV.hasOwnProperty(AV)) { badMetrics.push("AV"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.AC.hasOwnProperty(AC)) { badMetrics.push("AC"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.PR.U.hasOwnProperty(PR)) { badMetrics.push("PR"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.UI.hasOwnProperty(UI)) { badMetrics.push("UI"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.S.hasOwnProperty(S)) { badMetrics.push("S"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(C)) { badMetrics.push("C"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(I)) { badMetrics.push("I"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(A)) { badMetrics.push("A"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.E.hasOwnProperty(E)) { badMetrics.push("E"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.RL.hasOwnProperty(RL)) { badMetrics.push("RL"); } if (!CVSS.Weight.RC.hasOwnProperty(RC)) { badMetrics.push("RC"); } if (!(CR === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIAR.hasOwnProperty(CR))) { badMetrics.push("CR"); } if (!(IR === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIAR.hasOwnProperty(IR))) { badMetrics.push("IR"); } if (!(AR === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIAR.hasOwnProperty(AR))) { badMetrics.push("AR"); } if (!(MAV === "X" || CVSS.Weight.AV.hasOwnProperty(MAV))) { badMetrics.push("MAV"); } if (!(MAC === "X" || CVSS.Weight.AC.hasOwnProperty(MAC))) { badMetrics.push("MAC"); } if (!(MPR === "X" || CVSS.Weight.PR.U.hasOwnProperty(MPR))) { badMetrics.push("MPR"); } if (!(MUI === "X" || CVSS.Weight.UI.hasOwnProperty(MUI))) { badMetrics.push("MUI"); } if (!(MS === "X" || CVSS.Weight.S.hasOwnProperty(MS))) { badMetrics.push("MS"); } if (!(MC === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(MC))) { badMetrics.push("MC"); } if (!(MI === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(MI))) { badMetrics.push("MI"); } if (!(MA === "X" || CVSS.Weight.CIA.hasOwnProperty(MA))) { badMetrics.push("MA"); } if (badMetrics.length > 0) { return { success: false, errorType: "UnknownMetricValue", errorMetrics: badMetrics }; } // GATHER WEIGHTS FOR ALL METRICS var metricWeightAV = CVSS.Weight.AV [AV]; var metricWeightAC = CVSS.Weight.AC [AC]; var metricWeightPR = CVSS.Weight.PR [S][PR]; // PR depends on the value of Scope (S). var metricWeightUI = CVSS.Weight.UI [UI]; var metricWeightS = CVSS.Weight.S [S]; var metricWeightC = CVSS.Weight.CIA [C]; var metricWeightI = CVSS.Weight.CIA [I]; var metricWeightA = CVSS.Weight.CIA [A]; var metricWeightE = CVSS.Weight.E [E]; var metricWeightRL = CVSS.Weight.RL [RL]; var metricWeightRC = CVSS.Weight.RC [RC]; // For metrics that are modified versions of Base Score metrics, e.g. Modified Attack Vector, use the value of // the Base Score metric if the modified version value is "X" ("Not Defined"). var metricWeightCR = CVSS.Weight.CIAR [CR]; var metricWeightIR = CVSS.Weight.CIAR [IR]; var metricWeightAR = CVSS.Weight.CIAR [AR]; var metricWeightMAV = CVSS.Weight.AV [MAV !== "X" ? MAV : AV]; var metricWeightMAC = CVSS.Weight.AC [MAC !== "X" ? MAC : AC]; var metricWeightMPR = CVSS.Weight.PR [MS !== "X" ? MS : S] [MPR !== "X" ? MPR : PR]; // Depends on MS. var metricWeightMUI = CVSS.Weight.UI [MUI !== "X" ? MUI : UI]; var metricWeightMS = CVSS.Weight.S [MS !== "X" ? MS : S]; var metricWeightMC = CVSS.Weight.CIA [MC !== "X" ? MC : C]; var metricWeightMI = CVSS.Weight.CIA [MI !== "X" ? MI : I]; var metricWeightMA = CVSS.Weight.CIA [MA !== "X" ? MA : A]; // CALCULATE THE CVSS BASE SCORE var baseScore; var impactSubScore; var exploitabalitySubScore = CVSS.exploitabilityCoefficient * metricWeightAV * metricWeightAC * metricWeightPR * metricWeightUI; var impactSubScoreMultiplier = (1 - ((1 - metricWeightC) * (1 - metricWeightI) * (1 - metricWeightA))); if (S === 'U') { impactSubScore = metricWeightS * impactSubScoreMultiplier; } else { impactSubScore = metricWeightS * (impactSubScoreMultiplier - 0.029) - 3.25 * Math.pow(impactSubScoreMultiplier - 0.02, 15); } if (impactSubScore <= 0) { baseScore = 0; } else { if (S === 'U') { baseScore = CVSS.roundUp1(Math.min((exploitabalitySubScore + impactSubScore), 10)); } else { baseScore = CVSS.roundUp1(Math.min((exploitabalitySubScore + impactSubScore) * CVSS.scopeCoefficient, 10)); } } // CALCULATE THE CVSS TEMPORAL SCORE var temporalScore = CVSS.roundUp1(baseScore * metricWeightE * metricWeightRL * metricWeightRC); // CALCULATE THE CVSS ENVIRONMENTAL SCORE // // - envExploitabalitySubScore recalculates the Base Score Exploitability sub-score using any modified values from the // Environmental metrics group in place of the values specified in the Base Score, if any have been defined. // - envAdjustedImpactSubScore recalculates the Base Score Impact sub-score using any modified values from the // Environmental metrics group in place of the values specified in the Base Score, and any additional weightings // given in the Environmental metrics group. var envScore; var envModifiedImpactSubScore; var envModifiedExploitabalitySubScore = CVSS.exploitabilityCoefficient * metricWeightMAV * metricWeightMAC * metricWeightMPR * metricWeightMUI; var envImpactSubScoreMultiplier = Math.min (1 - ( (1 - metricWeightMC * metricWeightCR) * (1 - metricWeightMI * metricWeightIR) * (1 - metricWeightMA * metricWeightAR)), 0.915); if (MS === "U" || (MS === "X" && S === "U")) { envModifiedImpactSubScore = metricWeightMS * envImpactSubScoreMultiplier; envScore = CVSS.roundUp1(CVSS.roundUp1(Math.min(envModifiedImpactSubScore + envModifiedExploitabalitySubScore), 10) * metricWeightE * metricWeightRL * metricWeightRC); } else { envModifiedImpactSubScore = metricWeightMS * (envImpactSubScoreMultiplier - 0.029) - 3.25 * Math.pow(envImpactSubScoreMultiplier - 0.02, 15); envScore = CVSS.roundUp1(CVSS.roundUp1(Math.min(CVSS.scopeCoefficient * (envModifiedImpactSubScore + envModifiedExploitabalitySubScore), 10)) * metricWeightE * metricWeightRL * metricWeightRC); } if (envModifiedImpactSubScore <= 0) { envScore = 0; } // CONSTRUCT THE VECTOR STRING var vectorString = CVSS.CVSSVersionIdentifier + "/AV:" + AV + "/AC:" + AC + "/PR:" + PR + "/UI:" + UI + "/S:" + S + "/C:" + C + "/I:" + I + "/A:" + A; if (E !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/E:" + E;} if (RL !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/RL:" + RL;} if (RC !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/RC:" + RC;} if (CR !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/CR:" + CR;} if (IR !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/IR:" + IR;} if (AR !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/AR:" + AR;} if (MAV !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MAV:" + MAV;} if (MAC !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MAC:" + MAC;} if (MPR !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MPR:" + MPR;} if (MUI !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MUI:" + MUI;} if (MS !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MS:" + MS;} if (MC !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MC:" + MC;} if (MI !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MI:" + MI;} if (MA !== "X") {vectorString = vectorString + "/MA:" + MA;} // Return an object containing the scores for all three metric groups, and an overall vector string. return { success: true, baseMetricScore: baseScore.toFixed(1), baseSeverity: CVSS.severityRating( baseScore.toFixed(1) ), temporalMetricScore: temporalScore.toFixed(1), temporalSeverity: CVSS.severityRating( temporalScore.toFixed(1) ), environmentalMetricScore: envScore.toFixed(1), environmentalSeverity: CVSS.severityRating( envScore.toFixed(1) ), baseAttackVector: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAV"][AttackVector], baseAttackComplexity: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAC"][AttackComplexity], basePrivilegesRequired: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MPR"][PrivilegesRequired], baseUserInteraction: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MUI"][UserInteraction], baseScope: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MS"][Scope], baseConfidentiality: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Confidentiality], baseIntegrity: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Integrity], baseAvailability: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Availability], environmentalConfidentialityRequirement: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["CIAR"][ConfidentialityRequirement || "X"], environmentalIntegrityRequirement: CVSS.XML_MetricNames["CIAR"][IntegrityRequirement || "X"], vectorString: vectorString }; }; /* ** CVSS.calculateCVSSFromVector ** * * Takes Base, Temporal and Environmental metric values as a single string in the Vector String format defined * in the CVSS v3.0 standard definition of the Vector String. * * Returns Base, Temporal and Environmental scores, severity ratings, and an overall Vector String. All Base metrics * are required to generate this output. All Temporal and Environmental metric values are optional. Any that are not * passed default to "X" ("Not Defined"). * * See the comment for the CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics function for details on the function output. In addition to * the error conditions listed for that function, this function can also return: * "MalformedVectorString", if the Vector String passed is does not conform to the format in the standard; or * "MultipleDefinitionsOfMetric", if the Vector String is well formed but defines the same metric (or metrics), * more than once. */ CVSS.calculateCVSSFromVector = function ( vectorString ) { var metricValues = { AV: undefined, AC: undefined, PR: undefined, UI: undefined, S: undefined, C: undefined, I: undefined, A: undefined, E: undefined, RL: undefined, RC: undefined, CR: undefined, IR: undefined, AR: undefined, MAV: undefined, MAC: undefined, MPR: undefined, MUI: undefined, MS: undefined, MC: undefined, MI: undefined, MA: undefined }; // If input validation fails, this array is populated with strings indicating which metrics failed validation. var badMetrics = []; if (!CVSS.vectorStringRegex_30.test(vectorString)) { return { success: false, errorType: "MalformedVectorString" }; } var metricNameValue = vectorString.substring(CVSS.CVSSVersionIdentifier.length).split("/"); for (var i in metricNameValue) { if (metricNameValue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var singleMetric = metricNameValue[i].split(":"); if (typeof metricValues[singleMetric[0]] === "undefined") { metricValues[singleMetric[0]] = singleMetric[1]; } else { badMetrics.push(singleMetric[0]); } } } if (badMetrics.length > 0) { return { success: false, errorType: "MultipleDefinitionsOfMetric", errorMetrics: badMetrics }; } return CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics ( metricValues.AV, metricValues.AC, metricValues.PR, metricValues.UI, metricValues.S, metricValues.C, metricValues.I, metricValues.A, metricValues.E, metricValues.RL, metricValues.RC, metricValues.CR, metricValues.IR, metricValues.AR, metricValues.MAV, metricValues.MAC, metricValues.MPR, metricValues.MUI, metricValues.MS, metricValues.MC, metricValues.MI, metricValues.MA); }; /* ** CVSS.roundUp1 ** * * Rounds up the number passed as a parameter to 1 decimal place and returns the result. * * Standard JavaScript errors thrown when arithmetic operations are performed on non-numbers will be returned if the * given input is not a number. */ CVSS.roundUp1 = function (d) { return Math.ceil (d * 10) / 10; }; /* ** CVSS.severityRating ** * * Given a CVSS score, returns the name of the severity rating as defined in the CVSS standard. * The input needs to be a number between 0.0 to 10.0, to one decimal place of precision. * * The following error values may be returned instead of a severity rating name: * NaN (JavaScript "Not a Number") - if the input is not a number. * undefined - if the input is a number that is not within the range of any defined severity rating. */ CVSS.severityRating = function (score) { var severityRatingLength = CVSS.severityRatings.length; var validatedScore = Number(score); if (isNaN(validatedScore)) { return validatedScore; } for (var i = 0; i < severityRatingLength; i++) { if (score >= CVSS.severityRatings[i].bottom && score <= CVSS.severityRatings[i].top) { return CVSS.severityRatings[i].name; } } return undefined; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DATA AND FUNCTIONS FOR CREATING AN XML REPRESENTATION OF A CVSS SCORE // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A mapping between abbreviated metric values and the string used in the XML representation. // For example, a Remediation Level (RL) abbreviated metric value of "W" maps to "WORKAROUND". // For brevity, Base metric values their modified equivalents in the Environmental metric group. We can do this // because the latter is the same as the former, except it also includes a "NOT_DEFINED" value. CVSS.XML_MetricNames = { E: { X: "Not Defined", U: "Unproven", P: "Proof of Concept", F: "Functional", H: "High"}, RL: { X: "Not Defined", O: "Official Fix", T: "Temporary Fix", W: "Workaround", U: "Unavailable"}, RC: { X: "Not Defined", U: "Unknown", R: "Reasonable", C: "Confirmed"}, CIAR: { X: "Not Defined", L: "Low", M: "Medium", H: "High"}, // CR, IR and AR use the same metric names MAV: { N: "Network", A: "Adjacent Network", L: "Local", P: "Physical", X: "Not Defined" }, MAC: { H: "High", L: "Low", X: "Not Defined" }, MPR: { N: "None", L: "Low", H: "High", X: "Not Defined" }, MUI: { N: "None", R: "Required", X: "Not Defined" }, MS: { U: "Unchanged", C: "Changed", X: "Not Defined" }, MCIA: { N: "None", L: "Low", H: "High", X: "Not Defined" } // C, I and A use the same metric names }; /* ** CVSS.generateXMLFromMetrics ** * * Takes Base, Temporal and Environmental metric values as individual parameters. Their values are in the short format * defined in the CVSS v3.0 standard definition of the Vector String. For example, the AttackComplexity parameter * should be either "H" or "L". * * Returns a single string containing the metric values in XML form. All Base metrics are required to generate this * output. All Temporal and Environmental metric values are optional. Any that are not passed will be represented in * the XML as NOT_DEFINED. The function returns a string for simplicity. It is arguably better to return the XML as * a DOM object, but at the time of writing this leads to complexity due to older browsers using different JavaScript * interfaces to do this. Also for simplicity, all Temporal and Environmental metrics are include in the string, * even though those with a value of "Not Defined" do not need to be included. * * The output of this function is an object which always has a property named "success". * * If no errors are encountered, success is Boolean "true", and the "xmlString" property contains the XML string * representation. * * If errors are encountered, success is Boolean "false", and other properties are defined as per the * CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics function. Refer to the comment for that function for more details. */ CVSS.generateXMLFromMetrics = function ( AttackVector, AttackComplexity, PrivilegesRequired, UserInteraction, Scope, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, ExploitCodeMaturity, RemediationLevel, ReportConfidence, ConfidentialityRequirement, IntegrityRequirement, AvailabilityRequirement, ModifiedAttackVector, ModifiedAttackComplexity, ModifiedPrivilegesRequired, ModifiedUserInteraction, ModifiedScope, ModifiedConfidentiality, ModifiedIntegrity, ModifiedAvailability) { // A string containing the XML we wish to output, with placeholders for the CVSS metrics we will substitute for // their values, based on the inputs passed to this function. var xmlTemplate = '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' \n' + ' __AttackVector__\n' + ' __AttackComplexity__\n' + ' __PrivilegesRequired__\n' + ' __UserInteraction__\n' + ' __Scope__\n' + ' __Confidentiality__\n' + ' __Integrity__\n' + ' __Availability__\n' + ' __BaseScore__\n' + ' __BaseSeverityRating__\n' + ' \n' + '\n' + ' \n' + ' __ExploitCodeMaturity__\n' + ' __RemediationLevel__\n' + ' __ReportConfidence__\n' + ' __TemporalScore__\n' + ' __TemporalSeverityRating__\n' + ' \n' + '\n' + ' \n' + ' __ConfidentialityRequirement__\n' + ' __IntegrityRequirement__\n' + ' __AvailabilityRequirement__\n' + ' __ModifiedAttackVector__\n' + ' __ModifiedAttackComplexity__\n' + ' __ModifiedPrivilegesRequired__\n' + ' __ModifiedUserInteraction__\n' + ' __ModifiedScope__\n' + ' __ModifiedConfidentiality__\n' + ' __ModifiedIntegrity__\n' + ' __ModifiedAvailability__\n' + ' __EnvironmentalScore__\n' + ' __EnvironmentalSeverityRating__\n' + ' \n' + '\n' + '\n'; // Call CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics to validate all the parameters and generate scores and severity ratings. // If that function returns an error, immediately return it to the caller of this function. var result = CVSS.calculateCVSSFromMetrics ( AttackVector, AttackComplexity, PrivilegesRequired, UserInteraction, Scope, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, ExploitCodeMaturity, RemediationLevel, ReportConfidence, ConfidentialityRequirement, IntegrityRequirement, AvailabilityRequirement, ModifiedAttackVector, ModifiedAttackComplexity, ModifiedPrivilegesRequired, ModifiedUserInteraction, ModifiedScope, ModifiedConfidentiality, ModifiedIntegrity, ModifiedAvailability); if (result.success !== true) { return result; } var xmlOutput = xmlTemplate; xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__AttackVector__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAC"][AttackVector]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__AttackComplexity__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAC"][AttackComplexity]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__PrivilegesRequired__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MPR"][PrivilegesRequired]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__UserInteraction__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MUI"][UserInteraction]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__Scope__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MS"][Scope]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__Confidentiality__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Confidentiality]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__Integrity__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Integrity]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__Availability__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][Availability]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__BaseScore__", result.baseMetricScore); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__BaseSeverityRating__", result.baseSeverity); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ExploitCodeMaturity__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["E"][ExploitCodeMaturity || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__RemediationLevel__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["RL"][RemediationLevel || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ReportConfidence__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["RC"][ReportConfidence || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__TemporalScore__", result.temporalMetricScore); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__TemporalSeverityRating__", result.temporalSeverity); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ConfidentialityRequirement__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["CIAR"][ConfidentialityRequirement || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__IntegrityRequirement__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["CIAR"][IntegrityRequirement || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__AvailabilityRequirement__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["CIAR"][AvailabilityRequirement || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedAttackVector__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAV"][ModifiedAttackVector || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedAttackComplexity__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MAC"][ModifiedAttackComplexity || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedPrivilegesRequired__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MPR"][ModifiedPrivilegesRequired || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedUserInteraction__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MUI"][ModifiedUserInteraction || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedScope__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MS"][ModifiedScope || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedConfidentiality__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][ModifiedConfidentiality || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedIntegrity__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][ModifiedIntegrity || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__ModifiedAvailability__", CVSS.XML_MetricNames["MCIA"][ModifiedAvailability || "X"]); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__EnvironmentalScore__", result.environmentalMetricScore); xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace ("__EnvironmentalSeverityRating__", result.environmentalSeverity); return { success: true, xmlString: xmlOutput }; }; /* ** CVSS.generateXMLFromVector ** * * Takes Base, Temporal and Environmental metric values as a single string in the Vector String format defined * in the CVSS v3.0 standard definition of the Vector String. * * Returns an XML string representation of this input. See the comment for CVSS.generateXMLFromMetrics for more * detail on inputs, return values and errors. In addition to the error conditions listed for that function, this * function can also return: * "MalformedVectorString", if the Vector String passed is does not conform to the format in the standard; or * "MultipleDefinitionsOfMetric", if the Vector String is well formed but defines the same metric (or metrics), * more than once. */ CVSS.generateXMLFromVector = function ( vectorString ) { var metricValues = { AV: undefined, AC: undefined, PR: undefined, UI: undefined, S: undefined, C: undefined, I: undefined, A: undefined, E: undefined, RL: undefined, RC: undefined, CR: undefined, IR: undefined, AR: undefined, MAV: undefined, MAC: undefined, MPR: undefined, MUI: undefined, MS: undefined, MC: undefined, MI: undefined, MA: undefined }; // If input validation fails, this array is populated with strings indicating which metrics failed validation. var badMetrics = []; if (!CVSS.vectorStringRegex_30.test(vectorString)) { return { success: false, errorType: "MalformedVectorString" }; } var metricNameValue = vectorString.substring(CVSS.CVSSVersionIdentifier.length).split("/"); for (var i in metricNameValue) { if (metricNameValue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var singleMetric = metricNameValue[i].split(":"); if (typeof metricValues[singleMetric[0]] === "undefined") { metricValues[singleMetric[0]] = singleMetric[1]; } else { badMetrics.push(singleMetric[0]); } } } if (badMetrics.length > 0) { return { success: false, errorType: "MultipleDefinitionsOfMetric", errorMetrics: badMetrics }; } return CVSS.generateXMLFromMetrics ( metricValues.AV, metricValues.AC, metricValues.PR, metricValues.UI, metricValues.S, metricValues.C, metricValues.I, metricValues.A, metricValues.E, metricValues.RL, metricValues.RC, metricValues.CR, metricValues.IR, metricValues.AR, metricValues.MAV, metricValues.MAC, metricValues.MPR, metricValues.MUI, metricValues.MS, metricValues.MC, metricValues.MI, metricValues.MA); };