<% include_user_favorites_javascript %> <% run_when_dom_is_ready( 'bind_calendar_items();' ) %> <% run_when_dom_is_ready('$.localScroll({hash:true, duration:300});')%> <% if @event.underway? -%> <% run_when_dom_is_ready("$('#to_day_#{Time.now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d')}').trigger('click');") %> <% end -%>
<%= link_to "Download all", event_schedule_path(@event, :format => 'ics') %> / <%= link_to "Subscribe all", event_schedule_url(@event, :format => 'ics', :protocol => 'webcal') %> <% if logged_in? %> — <%= link_to "Download favorites", user_favorites_path(current_user, :format => 'ics') %> / <%= link_to "Subscribe to favorites", user_favorites_url(current_user, :format => 'ics', :protocol => 'webcal') %> <% end %>
<% cache @view_cache_key do %> <% if admin? && !@schedule.room_conflicts.empty? %>

( ! ) Room Conflicts Detected

<% end -%> <% if admin? && !@schedule.user_conflicts.empty? %>

( ! ) Speaker Conflicts Detected

<% for conflict in @schedule.user_conflicts %>
  • <%= conflict[:user].fullname %> is trying to speak at: <%= conflict[:item].title %> -and- <%= conflict[:conflicts_with].title %> <% if conflict[:room] %> in <%= conflict[:room].name %> <% end %>
  • <% end %>
    <% end -%>
    Color key: <% for track in @event.tracks_combined.sort_by(&:title) %> <%= link_to h(track.title), track_path(track) %> <% end %> Other
    Jump to day:
    <% if admin? && !@event.schedule_published? %>
    Schedule isn't public yet — only admins can see this!
    <% end -%> <% @schedule.days.each do |day| %> "> Return to top

    <%= day.date.strftime("%A, %B %e, %Y") %>

    <% day.sections.each do |section| %> <% colspan = day.lcm_colspan / section.slices.size rows = section.lcm_rowspan %> <% (0..rows-1).each do |row| %> <% row_content = '' %> <% section.slices.sort_by{|slice| slice.blocks.size}.reverse.each do |slice| %> <% block_height = (rows / slice.blocks.size) relevant_rows = (0..slice.blocks.size-1).map{ |n| n * block_height } %> <% if relevant_rows.include?(row) %> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%>
    <%= render(:partial => 'schedule_block', :locals => { :block => slice.blocks[row / block_height] }) %>
    <% end -%> <% end %>