require 'mida_vocabulary/vocabulary' module Mida module SchemaOrg autoload :Thing, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/thing' autoload :PostalAddress, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/postaladdress' autoload :DeliveryEvent, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/deliveryevent' autoload :DeliveryMethod, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/deliverymethod' autoload :Product, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/product' autoload :Order, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/order' autoload :Organization, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/organization' autoload :Person, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/person' # The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service. class ParcelDelivery < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{}i include_vocabulary Mida::SchemaOrg::Thing # Destination address. has_many 'deliveryAddress' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::PostalAddress extract Mida::DataType::Text end # New entry added as the package passes through each leg of its journey (from shipment to final delivery). has_many 'deliveryStatus' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::DeliveryEvent extract Mida::DataType::Text end # The earliest date the package may arrive. has_many 'expectedArrivalFrom' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date end # The latest date the package may arrive. has_many 'expectedArrivalUntil' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date end # Method used for delivery or shipping. has_many 'hasDeliveryMethod' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::DeliveryMethod end # Item(s) being shipped. has_many 'itemShipped' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Product extract Mida::DataType::Text end # Shipper's address. has_many 'originAddress' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::PostalAddress extract Mida::DataType::Text end # The overall order the items in this delivery were included in. has_many 'partOfOrder' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Order extract Mida::DataType::Text end # The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller. Supercedes carrier. has_many 'provider' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Organization extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Person extract Mida::DataType::Text end # Shipper tracking number. has_many 'trackingNumber' # Tracking url for the parcel delivery. has_many 'trackingUrl' do extract Mida::DataType::URL end end end end