module Unleash class Context ATTRS = [:app_name, :environment, :user_id, :session_id, :remote_address, :current_time].freeze attr_accessor(*[ATTRS, :properties].flatten) def initialize(params = {}) raise ArgumentError, "Unleash::Context must be initialized with a hash." unless params.is_a?(Hash) self.app_name = value_for("appName", params, Unleash&.configuration&.app_name) self.environment = value_for("environment", params, Unleash&.configuration&.environment || "default") self.user_id = value_for("userId", params)&.to_s self.session_id = value_for("sessionId", params) self.remote_address = value_for("remoteAddress", params) self.current_time = value_for("currentTime", params, properties = value_for("properties", params) = properties.is_a?(Hash) ? properties.transform_keys(&:to_sym) : {} end def to_s "" end def as_json { appName: to_safe_value(self.app_name), environment: to_safe_value(self.environment), userId: to_safe_value(self.user_id), sessionId: to_safe_value(self.session_id), remoteAddress: to_safe_value(self.remote_address), currentTime: to_safe_value(self.current_time), properties:{ |value| to_safe_value(value) } } end def to_json(*options) as_json(*options).to_json(*options) end def to_h{ |attr| [attr, self.send(attr)] }.to_h.merge(properties: @properties) end # returns the value found for the key in the context, or raises a KeyError exception if not found. def get_by_name(name) normalized_name = underscore(name).to_sym if ATTRS.include? normalized_name self.send(normalized_name) else, nil) || end end def include?(name) normalized_name = underscore(name) return self.instance_variable_defined? "@#{normalized_name}" if ATTRS.include? normalized_name.to_sym || end private # Method to fetch values from hash for two types of keys: string in camelCase and symbol in snake_case def value_for(key, params, default_value = nil) params.values_at(key, key.to_sym, underscore(key), underscore(key).to_sym).compact.first || default_value end def to_safe_value(value) return nil if value.nil? if value.is_a?(Time) value.utc.iso8601 else value.to_s end end # converts CamelCase to snake_case def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase end end end