Given /^I am using the Skype Api testing fake$/ do # Silence constant re-assignment warning. original_verbosity = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil Rype::Api = Rype::FakeApi $VERBOSE = original_verbosity end Given /^there is a chat with id "([^\"]*)"$/ do |chat_id| # Let's assume it exists. end Given /^a client has registered a callback for notifications about "([^\"]*)"$/ do |scope| @callback = lambda do if @called @called else @called = true false end end Rype::Api.on_notification(scope, @callback) end When /^I send a chatmessage "([^\"]*)" to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |message_body, chat_id| end When /^Skype issues a notification "([^\"]*)"$/ do |notification| Rype::Api.notify(notification) end Then /^the Skype Api should receive the message$/ do |string| Rype::Api.recorded_messages.should include(string) end Then /^the callback should be called$/ do be_true end