require 'spec_helper' describe OM::XML::Term do describe "without a type" do subject { } its (:type) { should == :string } end describe "when type is specified" do subject {, :type=>:date)} its (:type) { should == :date } end describe "a big test" do before(:each) do @test_name_part =, {}).generate_xpath_queries! @test_volume =, :path=>"detail", :attributes=>{:type=>"volume"}, :default_content_path=>"number") @test_date =, :attributes=>{:type=> "date"}) @test_person =, :attributes=>{:type=> :none}) @test_affiliation = @test_role_code =, :attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) @test_type = end describe '#new' do it "should set path from mapper name if no path is provided" do @test_name_part.path.should == "namePart" end it "should populate the xpath values if no options are provided" do local_mapping = local_mapping.xpath_relative.should be_nil local_mapping.xpath.should be_nil local_mapping.xpath_constrained.should be_nil end end describe 'inner_xml' do it "should be a kind of Nokogiri::XML::Node" do pending @test_mapping.inner_xml.should be_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Node) end end describe '#from_node' do it "should create a mapper from a nokogiri node" do pending "probably should do this in the Builder" ng_builder = do |xml| xml.mapper(:name=>"person", :path=>"name") { xml.attribute(:name=>"type", :value=>"personal") xml.mapper(:name=>"first_name", :path=>"namePart") { xml.attribute(:name=>"type", :value=>"given") xml.attribute(:name=>"another_attribute", :value=>"myval") } } end # node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse( '<mapper name="first_name" path="namePart"><attribute name="type" value="given"/><attribute name="another_attribute" value="myval"/></mapper>' ).root node = ng_builder.doc.root mapper = OM::XML::Term.from_node(node) == :person mapper.path.should == "name" mapper.attributes.should == {:type=>"personal"} mapper.internal_xml.should == node child = mapper.children[:first_name] == :first_name child.path.should == "namePart" child.attributes.should == {:type=>"given", :another_attribute=>"myval"} child.internal_xml.should == node.xpath("./mapper").first end end describe ".label" do it "should default to the mapper name with underscores converted to spaces" end describe ".retrieve_term" do it "should crawl down into mapper children to find the desired term" do mock_role = mock("mapper", :children =>{:text=>"the target"}) mock_conference = mock("mapper", :children =>{:role=>mock_role}) @test_name_part.expects(:children).returns({:conference=>mock_conference}) @test_name_part.retrieve_term(:conference, :role, :text).should == "the target" end it "should return an empty hash if no term can be found" do @test_name_part.retrieve_term(:journal, :issue, :end_page).should == nil end end describe 'inner_xml' do it "should be a kind of Nokogiri::XML::Node" do pending @test_name_part.inner_xml.should be_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Node) end end describe "getters/setters" do it "should set the corresponding .settings value and return the current value" do # :index_as is a special case [:path, :required, :data_type, :variant_of, :path, :attributes, :default_content_path, :namespace_prefix].each do |method_name| @test_name_part.send(method_name.to_s+"=", "#{method_name.to_s}foo").should == "#{method_name.to_s}foo" @test_name_part.send(method_name).should == "#{method_name.to_s}foo" end end end describe "OM terminology should accept a symbol as a value to :index_as" do subject { class TestTerminology include OM::XML::Document set_terminology do |t| t.as_array :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.as_symbol :index_as => :not_searchable end end TestTerminology } it "should accept an array as an :index_as value" do subject.terminology.terms[:as_array].index_as.should be_a_kind_of(Array) subject.terminology.terms[:as_array].index_as.should == [:not_searchable] end it "should accept a plain symbol as a value to :index_as" do subject.terminology.terms[:as_symbol].index_as.should be_a_kind_of(Array) subject.terminology.terms[:as_symbol].index_as.should == [:not_searchable] end end it "should have a .terminology attribute accessor" do @test_volume.should respond_to :terminology @test_volume.should respond_to :terminology= end describe ".ancestors" do it "should return an array of Terms that are the ancestors of the current object, ordered from the top/root of the hierarchy" do @test_volume.set_parent(@test_name_part) @test_volume.ancestors.should == [@test_name_part] end end describe ".parent" do it "should retrieve the immediate parent of the given object from the ancestors array" do # @test_name_part.expects(:ancestors).returns(["ancestor1","ancestor2","ancestor3"]) @test_name_part.ancestors = ["ancestor1","ancestor2","ancestor3"] @test_name_part.parent.should == "ancestor3" end end describe ".children" do it "should return a hash of Terms that are the children of the current object, indexed by name" do @test_volume.add_child(@test_name_part) @test_volume.children[].should == @test_name_part end end describe ".retrieve_child" do it "should fetch the child identified by the given name" do @test_volume.add_child(@test_name_part) @test_volume.retrieve_child( == @test_volume.children[] end end describe ".set_parent" do it "should insert the mapper into the given parent" do @test_name_part.set_parent(@test_volume) @test_name_part.ancestors.should include(@test_volume) @test_volume.children[].should == @test_name_part end end describe ".add_child" do it "should insert the given mapper into the current mappers children" do @test_volume.add_child(@test_name_part) @test_volume.children[].should == @test_name_part @test_name_part.ancestors.should include(@test_volume) end end describe "generate_xpath_queries!" do it "should return the current object" do @test_name_part.generate_xpath_queries!.should == @test_name_part end it "should regenerate the xpath values" do @test_volume.xpath_relative.should be_nil @test_volume.xpath.should be_nil @test_volume.xpath_constrained.should be_nil @test_volume.generate_xpath_queries!.should == @test_volume @test_volume.xpath_relative.should == 'detail[@type="volume"]' @test_volume.xpath.should == '//detail[@type="volume"]' @test_volume.xpath_constrained.should == '//detail[@type="volume" and contains(number, "#{constraint_value}")]'.gsub('"', '\"') end it "should trigger update on any child objects" do mock_child = mock("child term") mock_child.expects(:generate_xpath_queries!).times(3) @test_name_part.expects(:children).returns({1=>mock_child, 2=>mock_child, 3=>mock_child}) @test_name_part.generate_xpath_queries! end end describe "#xml_builder_template" do it "should generate a template call for passing into the builder block (assumes 'xml' as the argument for the block)" do @test_date.xml_builder_template.should == 'xml.namePart( \'#{builder_new_value}\', \'type\'=>\'date\' )' @test_person.xml_builder_template.should == 'xml.namePart( \'#{builder_new_value}\' )' @test_affiliation.xml_builder_template.should == 'xml.affiliation( \'#{builder_new_value}\' )' end it "should accept extra options" do # Expected marcrelator_role_xml_builder_template. # Include both version to handle either ordering of the hash -- a band-aid hack to fix failing test. e1 = %q{xml.roleTerm( '#{builder_new_value}', 'type'=>'code', 'authority'=>'marcrelator' )} e2 = %q{xml.roleTerm( '#{builder_new_value}', 'authority'=>'marcrelator', 'type'=>'code' )} got = @test_role_code.xml_builder_template(:attributes=>{"authority"=>"marcrelator"}) [e1, e2].should include(got) end it "should work for namespaced nodes" do @ical_date =, :path=>"ical:date") @ical_date.xml_builder_template.should == "xml[\'ical\'].date( '\#{builder_new_value}' )" @ical_date =, :path=>"date", :namespace_prefix=>"ical") @ical_date.xml_builder_template.should == "xml[\'ical\'].date( '\#{builder_new_value}' )" end it "should work for nodes with default_content_path" do @test_volume.xml_builder_template.should == "xml.detail( \'type\'=>'volume' ) { xml.number( '\#{builder_new_value}' ) }" end it "should support terms that are attributes" do @type_attribute_term =, :path=>{:attribute=>:type}) @type_attribute_term.xml_builder_template.should == "xml.@type( '\#{builder_new_value}' )" end it "should support terms with namespaced attributes" do @french_title =, :path=>"title", :attributes=>{"xml:lang"=>"fre"}) @french_title.xml_builder_template.should == "xml.title( '\#{builder_new_value}', 'xml:lang'=>'fre' )" end it "should support terms that are namespaced attributes" do @xml_lang_attribute_term =, :path=>{:attribute=>"xml:lang"}) @xml_lang_attribute_term.xml_builder_template.should == "xml.@xml:lang( '\#{builder_new_value}' )" end it "should generate a template call for passing into the builder block (assumes 'xml' as the argument for the block) for terms that share a name with an existing method on the builder" do @test_type.xml_builder_template.should == 'xml.class_( \'#{builder_new_value}\' )' end end end end