# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'write_xlsx/workbook' # # write is gem to create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format, # and you can use the same interface as writeexcel gem. # write_xlsx is converted from Perl’s module github.com/jmcnamara/excel-writer-xlsx . # # == Description # The WriteXLSX supports the following features: # # Multiple worksheets # Strings and numbers # Unicode text # Rich string formats # Formulas (including array formats) # cell formatting # Embedded images # Charts # Autofilters # Data validation # Conditional formatting # Tables # Hyperlinks # Defined names # Grouping/Outlines # Cell comments # Panes # Page set-up and printing options # WriteXLSX uses the same interface as WriteExcel gem. # # == Synopsis # To write a string, a formatted string, a number and a formula to the # first worksheet in an Excel XMLX spreadsheet called ruby.xlsx: # # require 'write_xlsx' # # # Create a new Excel workbook # workbook = WriteXLSX.new('ruby.xlsx') # # # Add a worksheet # worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet # # # Add and define a format # format = workbook.add_format # Add a format # format.set_bold # format.set_color('red') # format.set_align('center') # # # Write a formatted and unformatted string, row and column notation. # col = row = 0 # worksheet.write(row, col, "Hi Excel!", format) # worksheet.write(1, col, "Hi Excel!") # # # Write a number and a formula using A1 notation # worksheet.write('A3', 1.2345) # worksheet.write('A4', '=SIN(PI()/4)') # # workbook.close # # == Description # # The WriteXLSX gem can be used to create an Excel file in the 2007+ XLSX # format. # # The XLSX format is the Office Open XML(OOXML) format used by Excel 2007 # and later. # # Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied # to cells. Text, numbers and formulas can be written to the cells. # # This module cannot, as yet, be used to write to an exsisting Excel XLSX file. # # == WriteXLSX and WriteExcel # # WriteXLSX uses the same interface as the WriteExcel gem which produces an # Excel file in binary XLS format. # # WriteXLSX supports all the features of WriteExcel and in some cases has more # functionally. # # == Other Methods # # see Writexlsx::Workbook, Writexlsx::Worksheet, Writexlsx::Chart etc. # class WriteXLSX < Writexlsx::Workbook if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' $KCODE = 'u' end end class WriteXLSXInsufficientArgumentError < StandardError end class WriteXLSXDimensionError < StandardError end class WriteXLSXOptionParameterError < StandardError end