# FTPD ftpd is a pure Ruby FTP server library. It supports implicit and explicit TLS, passive and active mode, and most of the commands specified in RFC 969. It an be used as part of a test fixture or embedded in a program. ## HELLO WORLD This is examples/hello_world.rb, a bare minimum FTP server. It allows any user/password, and serves files in a temporary directory. It binds to an ephemeral port on the local interface: require 'ftpd' require 'tmpdir' class Driver def initialize(temp_dir) @temp_dir = temp_dir end def authenticate(user, password) true end def file_system(user) Ftpd::DiskFileSystem.new(@temp_dir) end end Dir.mktmpdir do |temp_dir| driver = Driver.new(temp_dir) server = Ftpd::FtpServer.new(driver) server.start puts "Server listening on port #{server.bound_port}" gets end A more full-featured example that allows TLS and takes options is in examples/example.rb ## DRIVER Ftpd's dynamic behavior such as authentication and file retrieval is controlled by a driver that you supply. The Driver class in the "hello world" example above shows a rudimentary driver. Ftpd calls the authenticate method to decide who can log in. Once someone is logged on, it calls the file_system method to obtain a file system driver for that user. There is no base class for a driver. Any class with that signature will do. ## FILE SYSTEM The file system object that the driver supplies to Ftpd is Ftpds gateway to the logical file system. Ftpd doesn't know or care whether it's serving files from disk, memory, or any other means. The file system can be very minimal. If the file system is missing certain methods, the server simply disables the commands which need that method. For example, if there is no write method, then STOR is not supported and causes a "502 Command not implemented" response to the client. The canonical and commented example of an Ftpd file system is Ftpd::DiskFileSystem. ## DEBUGGING Ftpd can write debugging information (essentially a transcript of its conversation with a client) to a file. If you turn the debug flag on, the server will write debug information to stdout: server = Ftpd::FtpServer.new(driver) server.debug = true If you want to send the debug output to somewhere else, set debug_path: server.debug_path = '/tmp/ftp_session' Debug output can also be enabled by setting the environment variable FTPD_DEBUG to a non-zero value. This is a convenient way to get debug output without having to change any code. ## LIMITATIONS Ftpd is not yet RFC compliant. It does most of RFC969, and enough TLS to get by. {file:doc/rfc.md Here} is a list of RFCs, indicating how much of each Ftpd complies with. To bind the server to an external interface, the interface must be set to the public IP of that interface (e.g. ""), not to "". That's because the interface IP is used both for binding server ports, _and_ for advertising to the client which IP to connect to. Binding to will work fine, but when the client tries to connect to, it won't get to the server. ## RUBY COMPATABILITY The tests pass with these Rubies: * ruby-1.8.7-p371 * ruby-1.9.3-p392 * ruby-2.0.0-p0 ## DEVELOPMENT ### TESTS To run the cucumber (functional) tests: $ rake test:features To run the rspec (unit) tests: $ rake test:spec To run all tests: $ rake test or just: $ rake To run the stand-alone example: $ examples/example.rb The example prints its port, username and password to the console. You can connect to the stand-alone example with any FTP client. This is useful when testing how the server responds to a given FTP client. ## ORIGIN I created ftpd to support the test framework I wrote for Databill, LLC, which has given its kind permission to donate it to the community. ## WHOAMI Wayne Conrad ## CREDITS Thanks to Databill, LLC, which supported the creation of this library, and granted permission to donate it to the community. ## See also * {file:Changelog.md} * {file:doc/rfc-compliance.md RFC compliance} * {file:doc/references.md}